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Though there are differences across categories—especially between cutting

and forming dies—most dies consist of a similar set of components:

Die Block
The die block is comparable to a mold in that it has holes and indentations that
correspond to the desired shape of the component. The punch or press
depresses the piece into the die block to achieve the desired shape. In most
cases, this is the female portion of the die.

Die Holder
A die holder supports the die block, and the holder itself is supported by a
bolster plate. These pieces are attached to the upper or lower die shoe.

Guide Pin
Guide pins are essential to precisely align the upper and lower halves of a die.

Pressure Plates/Back-up Plates

Various pressure plates are installed in the die to distribute the extreme
pressure applied by the punch.
Physical Properties

Though there are differences across categories—especially between cutting

and forming dies—most dies consist of a similar set of components:

Punch Plate
The punch plate attaches the actual punching component to the ram, which
propels its movement.

The punch is the male portion of the die which actually descends onto the
workpiece to force a conformational change.

Stripper Plate
The stripper plate helps separate the workpiece from the punch after each
Solar Radiation Spectrum Dies [Cut-Off]

Simple Die

A simple die typically perforates holes in a part or blanks out the part using
punches in conjunction with mated lower die components (matrixes). Simple
dies also commonly produce basic forms as well as perform notching and
lancing operations. Simple dies require a press operator to load and unload
parts and part material before and after each press cycle.

Design parts with straight parallel edges and ―jig-

saw‖ ends -minimizes scrap and can be produced
on simplest cut-off die
Solar Radiation Spectrum Dies

Simple Die

A simple die, as its name suggests, only performs one cutting or forming action
per stroke. These specialized machines can be cost-effective for simple
designs, but they are far less efficient where multiple forming actions are

Design parts with straight parallel edges -reduces edge

scrap and requires simpler part-off die
Solar Radiation Spectrum Dies

Simple Die
Solar Radiation Spectrum Dies

Simple Die
Solar Radiation Spectrum Dies

Compound Die

A compound die blanks and perforates a part at the same time in the same
station. In most cases this operation perforates a hole or holes down, while
the part blanks up. This allows slugs from those holes to fall through the
die. This method leaves the part in the die, requiring some means of part

Compound dies commonly run as single-hit dies. They can run

continuously with a feeder, provided you can remove the part in a timely
manner. Open Back Inclinable (OBI) presses - in the inclined position along
with an air blow off - aid in part removal.

Advantages of a compound die include:

• Minimal space in the press
• All burrs in one direction
• Superior accuracy between holes and trim edges
• More economical to build than a progressive die

A disadvantage of a compound blank die is its limited space that tends to

leave die components thin and weak. This concentrates the load and shock
on punches and matrixes, resulting in tooling failures.
Solar Radiation Spectrum Dies
Progressive Die

Progressive dies provide an effective way to convert raw coil stock into a
finished product with minimal handling. As material feeds from station to station
in the die, it progressively works into a completed part.

Progressive dies usually run from right to left. The part material feeds one
progression for each press cycle. Early stations typically perforate holes that
serve as pilots to locate the stock strip in later stations.

There are many variations of progressive die designs. The design shown here
illustrates some common operations and terminology associated with
progressive dies.
Punch Plate

The punch plate is designed, dimensioned, and manufactured similarly to the die
block. There is one difference though, when considering the view location: The
die block is always viewed off its top surface, whereas the punch plate is usually
seen from below.

The punch plate, since it provides the support for all punch shanks, must be
adequately thick but not in excess of what is necessary, in order not to increase
the weight of a die. The correct thickness of this plate is in the range of 1.5D,
with D being the diameter or the largest dimension of the biggest punch the plate
should accommodate.

Backup Plates

backup plates are made of hardened steel, 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) thick for general
work, 1/2 in. (12.5 mm) thick for heavy-duty jobs.

The hardness should be in the vicinity of 40 to 50 HRc, as a harder plate will not
provide the proper support to the punches and/or dies and these may have a
tendency to bounce off, or resonate. This in itself will certainly destroy them
much sooner than planned. A2 steel is preferred to oil-hardened steels, which
tend to be warped by the heat treatment, which affects their flatness. Backup
plates contain only clearance openings for screws and precision-finished
openings for dowels. In slug-producing stations, however, they must have
openings for the slug disposal; in blank-producing stations, such openings are
used for parts’ disposal.

Punches are one of the most basic components of every die.

Their bodies and shapes can be:

• Surface Grind
• Electro Discharge Machined (EDM)
• Wire Cut (EDM)

The material these tooling elements are made from is of a great importance,
not only for its hardness and ductility, but for its behavior in production,
resistance to galling, resistance to changes in material structure due to heat,
frequency of sharpening, and the like.


Mounting of punches is evaluated in Fig. 4-3 with

respect to the two mounting techniques already
described: Either the shank is press-fit within the
block while the head is loosely contained in the
counterbore (Fig. 4-3a), or the head is press fit and
the shank is loose (Fig. 4-3b).

The second method of mounting is reserved for

special instances, whereas the first method is
commonly used for mounting of majority punches.

Locating Methods

Locating Methods for Punches and Dies Other than round

punches should be well aligned with their respective
bushings and either part of the assembly should not rotate
or otherwise deviate during the die function. This, along with
the correctness of the initial installation, is assured by
keying the punch or die’s head and placing a standard
keyway against its surface. Key flat portions are obtained by
grinding the punch head all the way toward the shank
diameter, as shown in Fig. 4-21. Some punches may have a
single key flat; others may have two. With headless
bushings, an undercut may be produced to serve the same

Another locating feature is a retaining notch in the shank of

a punch (Fig. 4-21d). A screw inserted through a side
opening in the punch plate will secure the punch against
rotational movement and against any vertical displacement.


In construction, pilots are similar to punches, with the only difference being in
their smooth, radiused end (Fig. 4-22). In the die, pilots provide for a guidance
of the strip by sliding into at least two pierced openings, located at the extreme
edges of the Sheetmetal strip, and positioning, or fine-adjusting the surrounding
material around their bodies.

Pilots are always longer than any punches, to assure their contact with the strip
prior to the occurrence of any cutting.

Their diameter may be −0.003 in. (−0.08 mm) smaller than the diameter of the
punch used for piercing pilot holes.

Mounting of pilots utilizes the same procedure as that described for mounting of
punches. Pilot punches should always be as sturdy as possible. After all, these
are first to engage the advancing sheet-metal strip and force it, where misfed,
to conform to the positioning requirements. Headed, larger diameter pilots are
therefore preferable.


Solar Radiation Spectrum

Stripper Designs

Stamping dies require some means of stripping the part from the end of the
punch at withdrawal. Common types of strippers for accomplishing this include
Fixed, Urethane and Spring. Stripping force varies based on part material type
and thickness as well as punch-to-matrix clearance. This force ranges from
nearly zero to as much as 25% of the force required to perforate the initial hole.
Most applications do not exceed 10% of the perforating force. Fixed Stripper

Fixed strippers go by many names:

• Box
• Bridge
• Channel
• Positive
• Solid
• Tunnel

A fixed stripper is a steel plate with a clearance slot that allows the part material
to pass under it. This plate mounts to the die retainer in a fixed position.
Clearance holes cut through the stripper plate let the punches extend through
Solar Radiation Spectrum

Stripper Principle

The main purpose of a stripper is to pull material from the ends of the punches.
This function occurs at the withdrawal phase of the perforating process.
Stripping force varies based on part material type and thickness as well as
punch-to-matrix clearance. This force can range from nearly zero to as much as
25% of the force required to perforate the initial hole. Most applications do not
exceed 10% of the perforating force.

Continuous pressure throughout the working portion of each press cycle

provides superior performance in tool reliability, part quality and press life

Over-entry or closing a die below its recommended shut height can have
catastrophic consequences.

Excessive stripper travel can:

1. Drive stripper screws into parallels or the press ram, potentially breaking
the screws or bending the stripper.
2. Compress die springs beyond design limits, causing premature failure.
3. Cause stripper interference with the radius blend on the punches, resulting
in broken punch points and heads.

Punch over-entry also causes excessive galling and wear on the punch points.
Solar Radiation Spectrum

Strippers Stripping of parts off the face of the tooling is a complex problem,
influenced by the thickness of material and its type, by the surface finish of the
strip, and by the surface condition of the tooling as well.

Stationery and Spring Strippers.

Strippers, as used in the die work, are either stationary (nonmoving) or spring-
loaded (moving). Stationary strippers are low in cost when compared to spring
strippers. Therefore, spring-backed stripping arrangements should be used with
thin, fragile punches, where the immediate stripping action may prevent their
breakage. Spring strippers are of advantage also where additional flattening or
material retaining function is needed or considered beneficial. Stationary
strippers are provided with a milled channel made to accommodate the strip
material. It retains the strip in a fixed location, preventing it from moving
anywhere, up, down, or sideways.

The stationary stripper (Fig. 4-30) is attached to the die block and it can be
using the same screws and dowel pins necessary for attaching the die block to
the die shoe. This way, a single set of dowel pins provides for the alignment
between all plates, and a single set of screw is used for their attachment.
Fixed Stripper Solar Radiation Spectrum Stripper
Fixed strippers go by many names:
• Box
• Bridge
• Channel
• Positive
• Solid
• Tunnel

A fixed stripper is a steel plate with a clearance slot that allows the part material to pass
under it. This plate mounts to the die retainer in a fixed position. Clearance holes cut
through the stripper plate let the punches extend through without interference. At
withdrawal the part material hits the stripper, preventing it from lifting as punches retract.
The part material strips from the end of the punch.

Fixed strippers have several drawbacks. They do not hold the stock strip flat and are
unable to absorb impact and snap-thru shock. The result is poor part flatness and
premature punch failure. We generally do not recommend fixed strippers for high-
volume or high precision jobs. A typical clearance under the stripper is 11⁄2 times the
material thickness - 1/16‖ to 1/8‖ is common clearance on the sides of the stock strip.
Clearance under a fixed stripper is commonly 11⁄2 times the part material. This allows
for variations in part material thickness and for stock strip deformation. This deformation
allowance under the punch point results in punch point chipping. That deformation can
also cause lateral movement of both part and punches, resulting in punch point
breakage and poor part quality. At snap-thru there is a sudden unloading of pressure on
the punches and part material. This generates shock, which can lead to punch head

Note the buckling of the part material throughout the press cycle, as seen in. This can
lead to dimensional and functional problems in the finished part.
Solar Radiation Spectrum Stripper
Urethane Stripper

Urethane strippers are inexpensive and simple to use. They slide over the end of a punch with a slight press fit,
which prevents the stripper from falling into the die during operation. Through use, urethane strippers fatigue and
become loose on the punches. You must continually monitor them to prevent them from falling into and damaging
the die. Some urethane strippers are molded with a head designed to fit a standard urethane retainer. This greatly
enhances urethane stripper life and reliability.

Urethane stripper performance - especially during the bottom and withdrawal steps of the punch cycle - prompts
special consideration before use.
1. Urethane does not compress. Under load urethane deforms. If the volume displacement necessary for this
deformation exceeds the available space in the tool, the urethane stripper likely creates space by moving or
breaking tooling components.
2. Because urethane does not provide a rigid flat surface, it cannot hold the stock strip or part flat.
3. Urethane strippers prevent air from venting in around the punch point or through the side vent hole of ejector
punches, which can cause slug-pulling problems.

Deformation and movement of the urethane strippers can move the stock strip or part laterally, creating punch-to-
matrix alignment problems. A urethane stripper strips the part off the ends of the punches as it returns to it’s original
shape. Due to the urethane’s pliable nature, the part material may distort during the perforating and stripping
process. Some urethane strippers have a steel washer attached to the end to minimize part distortion. Exercise
caution when using this type of urethane stripper on shaped punches or applications where large amounts of pre-
load are required. Catastrophic punch failure can occur if the punch face catches the steel face prior to hitting the
part material. The optimum urethane stripper should have a combination of two different grades of urethane: a high
hardness grade of urethane for the face and a medium hardness grade for the body. This helps maintain part
flatness without sacrificing durability and elasticity
Solar Radiation Spectrum Stripper

Spring Strippers

Spring Strippers offer superior performance.

Their main advantage is that as the die closes, they hold the stock strip or part
flat and in place during perforating. A spring stripper prevents the part material
from lifting or hanging up on the punches at withdrawal. Because the stripper
lifts away from the part material after each stroke, you can visually monitor die

A spring stripper hangs below the ends of the perforating punches. As one of
the first components to contact the part material, it holds the part in a fixed
position throughout the cycle of the press.

A spring stripper absorbs shock at snap-thru and eliminates shock at

withdrawal that would otherwise damage the tooling and possibly the press.
Solar Radiation Spectrum Stripper Design




A = Stripper plate thickness in mm

W= Width of strip in mm

t= Thickness of sheet metal in mm.

Solar Radiation Spectrum Stripper Design
Solar Radiation Spectrum DIES

Die Block

The die block is made of high-quality steel, hardened and precision ground to
exact size.

Die blocks, running in dies with a stationary stripper,

would not contain tapped holes for screws; in such a
situation the screws are inserted off the stripper’s top
surface, with counter-bores in the stripper plate, relief
holes through all the blocks, and a final tapped hole in
the bottom die shoe. With a spring stripper, which is not
attached to the die block at all, the screws for the
attachment of die block are driven in from the opposite
direction, which is the bottom surface of the lower die

In such a case, the die block contains tapped holes, with

relief openings through all the adjoining plates and a
counter-bore for the screw heads in the die shoe. When
dimensioning the die block for manufacturing purposes,
all the dimensions should go off one opening, which
should be the only one to be dimensioned off the block’s
edge. A common range of general tolerances is added
for illustration
Solar Radiation Spectrum DIE DESIGN


Die land Die land varies depending upon the no. of regrinding requirements (die
life expectancy). But in general die land given as 3 to 5 mm.
Solar Radiation Spectrum DIE DESIGN

Angular clearance – Generally 1/4° to 1° angular clearance is provided.

Increased die clearance weakens the die. Angular clearance may also be
selected from the following
Solar Radiation Spectrum DIE DESIGN

Die Clearance:

Clearance per side = C *T * √ (τmax/10)

C is constant = 0.005 for very accurate components
= 0.01 for normal component

T= Sheet thickness in mm.

τmax = Shear strength of sheet material in N/mm2

Clearance per side can also be selected from the table given below:
Solar Radiation Spectrum DIE PLATE DESIGN


Die block thickness and other die dimensions may also be selected from the following table.
Solar Radiation Spectrum DIE PLATE DESIGN


Solar Radiation Spectrum DIE PLATE DESIGN


Solar Radiation Spectrum FASTENERS


The subject fasteners is an important one because these components are

applied so frequently and employed in large quantities. Although small, they
perform the important functions. In the design of tools and dies, fasteners are
often the ―weakest link‖ in the tool and, if they are not selected and applied
correctly, they can become the cause of failure of the entire tool or die.

Die Fasteners

Fasteners, although small individually, form a substantial portion of the entire

tool when taken together.


Are applied to effect accurate relative positioning. This permits no movement

between parts.

➢ Screws are applied at two diagonal corners and dowels at the other two
corners. This is for small and medium size blocks and plates.

➢ For larger blocks, screws are applied at all four corners and dowels are

➢ When still larger forces are present, a fifth screw is applied to the center of
the block.

Flanged Punches

➢ When parts have a projection along the center as in flange forming punches,
two screws and two dowels are applied at opposite corners when punches are

➢ For longer punches, four screws are applied at the corners, dowels are

➢ Long punches may be fastened with six screws, applied each three to each
side. Dowels facilitate lateral location and are applied in the same manner as
for the punch B.

Spacing Fasteners

Proper spacing between holes an edges of parts is particularly important for

tool steel parts to be hardened. If too little space is allowed, there is a strong
possibility of the block cracking in the hardening process. But in the other hand,
it is often desirable to have screw holes as close to edges as possible, to keep
dowels far enough apart for accurate positioning.

➢ At A, screws have considerable space between them and outside edges.

Also dowels have adequate space between them and their nearest screw
holes. Unfortunately the dowels are too close together for effective positioning.

➢ Block B shows screws and dowels positioned properly. Space between

dowels has increased considerably. We need to know the safe minimum
distances D and C.

Spacing Guide

➢ At A is specified correct minimum spacing of holes ➢ When a hole in tool steel is located in greater distance
applied at corners. Note that holes may be positioned from one edge than in the previous example, it may be
closer to edges of machine steel parts than for parts to be positioned closer to the adjacent edge, as shown at B.
made of tool steel. This condition occurs frequently in the application of
screw holes in die blocks and in other tool steel parts.

Spacing Guide

➢ At A is specified correct minimum spacing of holes ➢ When a hole in tool steel is located in greater distance
applied at corners. Note that holes may be positioned from one edge than in the previous example, it may be
closer to edges of machine steel parts than for parts to be positioned closer to the adjacent edge, as shown at B.
made of tool steel. This condition occurs frequently in the application of
screw holes in die blocks and in other tool steel parts.

Holes For Screws

In specifying holes for socket screws, observe the ff. rules;

❖ Holes A which engage the screw bodies are specified 1/64 in. larger than
body diameter.

❖ Counter-bored holes B are specified 1/32 in. larger than the diameter of the
screw head.

❖ Counter-bored depth C is the same as the height of the head of the screw.

❖ Countersink diameter D is made the same as the head diameter of the flat
head screw.

3 Methods of Applying Socket Cap Screws:

Socket Cap Screws

Socket Cap Screws are the most frequently used fasteners for tools and dies
and they should be specified whenever it is possible to employ them.

A socket cap screws are provided with a head within which has been broached
❖ Counter-bore the hole for the screw as at A. The
a hexagonal socket for driving.
screw engages this counter-bored hole and its top
comes flush with the surface after assembly.
Nylock screws are socket provided screws with a projecting nylon pellet
inserted permanently in the body.
❖ The hole is not counter-bored to full depth, and the
head protrudes a certain amount as at B.

❖ The hole is simply drilled and the screw head is left

to protrude, as at C.

Socket Cap Screws

Socket Cap Screws are the most frequently used fasteners for tools and dies
and they should be specified whenever it is possible to employ them.

A socket cap screws are provided with a head within which has been broached
a hexagonal socket for driving.

Nylock screws are socket provided screws with a projecting nylon pellet
inserted permanently in the body.

3 Methods of Applying Socket Cap Screws:

❖ Counter-bore the hole for the screw as at A. The

screw engages this counter-bored hole and its top
comes flush with the surface after assembly.

❖ The hole is not counter-bored to full depth, and the

head protrudes a certain amount as at B.

❖ The hole is simply drilled and the screw head is left

to protrude, as at C.

Point Styles for Set Screws:

Where are we going?

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