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TRUONG D~I HQC KINH TE DQc I~p - T •••.do - H~nh phuc

S6: 2Yt3 /QD- DHKT Ha NQi, ngay 31 thang 2 nam 2018

v~vi~c ban h~mh d~ cU'o'ng hQc ph~n
Quan tr! nguAn nhan Il!c (03 tin chi)
Ma s8 BSA 2006


Can CLI'Quy€t dinh s6 290/QD-TTg ngay 06/3/2007 cua Thu tuo'ng Chfnh phu v€ vi~c
thanh l~p Tnrong D,;tihQc Kinh t€ thuQc D~i hQc Qu6c gia Ha NQi;
Can CLI'Quy€t dinh s6 3568/QD-DHQGHN, ngay 08/1 0/20] 4 cLlaGiam d6c D~i hQc Qu6c
gia Ha NQi v€ vi~c ban hanh QlIY dinh v€ T6 chLl'cva ho~t dQng cLlacac do'n vi thanh vien va
do'n vi tn,rc thuQc D~i hQc Q1I6c gia Ha NQi;
Can CLI'Quy~t dinh s6 1224/QD-DHKT, ngay 15/4/2015 cua Hi~u tnro'ng Tnro'ng D?i hQc
Kinh t~ v€ vi~c ban hanh Quy ch~ t6 chLI'Cva ho~t dQng clla Tnro'ng D~i hQc Kinh t~ - D~i hQc
Qu6c gia Ha NQi;
Can cLrcong van s6 775/f)T ngay ] 1/8/2006 CLIaGiam d6c D~i hQc Q1I6c gia Ha NQi ve
vi~c Huo-ng d~n xay d~rng d€ cu'O'ngmon hQc phu lWp vo-i phuung thLrc dao t~o theo tin chi;
Can CLI'cong van s6 2543/DHQGHN-DT ngay 26/7/2013 cua Giam d6c D?i hQc Qu6c gia
Ha NQi v€ vi~c xay d~rng d€ wung mon hQc;
Can CLrvao Chu'O'ngtfinh dao t~o d?i hQc clia Truo'ng D.?i hQc Kinh t~ - DHQGHN;
Can Cll'bien ban nghi~m thu de wung hQc phan Quan tfi ngu6n nhan h,rc (03 tIn chi);
Xet d€ nghi clia Vi~n truo'ng Vi~n Quan tf! kinh doanh va Truo-ng phOng Dao t?O,

Di~u 1. Ban hanh d€ wung hQc phan Quan trj ngu6n nhan h•.I'c (03 tin chI), ma
s6 BSA 2006, b~c dao t?O Cll' nhan, do TS, D6 Xuan TnrO'ng bien so~n (co a€ wung kem
theo ),
Di~u 2. Tnro'ng phong Dao t?O, Vi~n tnro-ng Vi~n Quan tfi kinh doanh, Chll nhi~m cac
Khoa chiu trach nhi~m thi hanh Quy~t ainh nay,

NO'i n"~Il:
- Nhu di~u2;
- Luu: VT, N2,
(Issued by Decision No .. l.34.9.(.GAt..-:-J1JitT.. dated /A.lX{lRA.X .)

1. Lecturer information
1.1 Name: Do Xuan Truong
Qualification Degree: PhD

Organization: Institute of Business Administration - University of Economics

and Business, VNU.
Tel: 0904 100909
Email: [email protected]
Research areas: Competency-based HRM, HRM in public sector, organizational
development, talent retention.
1.2 Name: Truong Minh Duc
Qualification Degree: PhD

Organization: Institute of Business Administration - University of Economics

and Business, VNU.
Tel: 0936516336
Email: [email protected]

Research areas: HRM in S&E, Compensation, recruitment, senior personnel

1.3 Name: Dang Thi Huong
Qualification Degree: PhD

Organization: Institute of Business Administration - University of Economics

and Business, VNU.
Tel: 091 3082325
Email: [email protected]
Research areas: HRM in S&E, training and development.
2. General information
• Name: Human resource management
• Code: BSA-2006
• Level: Undergraduate
• No. of credit: 03
• Prerequisite: Principles of Management
• Credit hours: 45
- Theory: 30 hours
- Practice/discussion: 15 hours
• Organization: School of Business Administration - UEB - VNU
3. Objectives
At the end of the course, students must be able to:
3.1. Knowledge
Level Level equivalent Knowledge obtained
achieved to Bloom' theory
Level 1 Level 1(remember) - Remember basic concepts of HRM
Level 2 Level 2 &3 - Understand the nature and issues related to
(understand) (understand and ecruitment,
apply) - Apply methods for performance appraisal.
Level 3 Level 4 & 5 - Analyse training and development needs
(Analyse) (analyse and - Analyse current status so as to select
evaluate) elevant training and development methods.
- Assess the relevance of a compensation
. 3.2 Skills
3.2.1 Professional skills
By practicing and discussing case studies, students can develop skills for
problem solving on HR planning, recruitment, developing training plan, negotiation
and conflict solving.
3.2.1 Complementary skills
Skills for communication, for group work.
3.2.1 Ethic qualities
Equal, objective and ensuring humanitarian in solving HR issues.

I 11 1 .lo

4. Summary

The course on human resource management provides knowledge on various

schools of thought in HRM, how it was started, new and modem approaches; recruitment
and selection of personnel in the competitive environment, personnel deployment by
multi-facet competencies, using personnel by their advantages, developing learning
organizations, internal training; taking care of material and spiritual benefits by
compensation mechanism. Students will also be equipped with various human skills such
as need identification, motivation, teamwork and negotiation which are crucial for success
in understanding and managing people.
5. Detailed contents
Chapter 1: An overview of human resource management
1.1. Definition and functions of human resource management
1.1.1. Definition
1.1.1. Functions of human resource management
1.2. Role of human resource management
1.2.1. Critical success factors of companies
1.2.2. Human resource management and competitive advantages
1.2.3. Human resource management and business environment
1.3. Contemporary trends in human resource management
1.3.1. Strategic linkages
1.3.2. Sustainable human resource management
1.3.3. Talent management
Chapter 2: Human resource planning
2.1. Role of Human resource planning
2.1.1. Definition and role of Human resource planning
2.1.2. Factors affecting Human resource planning
2.1.3. Procedure for Human resource planning
2.2. Human resource demand projection
2.2.1. Projecting short-term Human resource demand
2.2.2. Projecting long-term Human resource demand
2.3. Projecting Human resource supply
2.3.1. Projecting internal supply
2.3.2. Projecting external supply
2.4. Balancing demand-supply
2.4.1. Measures for HR shortage
2.4.2. Measures for HR surplus
Chapter 3: Job analysis and description
3.1. Definition and implication of Job analysis and description
4.1.1. Definition
I • 1 1

3.1.2. Implication of Job analysis and description

3.1.3. Contents of Job analysis and description
3.2. Methods for collecting information of Job analysis and description
3.2.1. Observation
3.2.2. Critical events
3.2.3. Job diary
3.2.4. In-depth interviews
3.2.5. Questionnaires
3.2.6. Experts
3.3. Procedures for Job analysis and description
3.3.1. Identify the list of jobs
3.3.2. Select data collection methods
3.3.3. Collect information
3.3.4. Apply and use information
Chapter 4: Recruitment
4.1. Role and principles of recruitment
4.1.1. Role of recruitment
4.1.2. Principles of recruitment
4.2. Recruitment
4.2.1. Recruitment sources
4.2.2. Recruitment process
4.3. Candidate selection
4.3.1 Selection process
4.3 .2. Interview
4.4. Staff orientation
4.4.1. The need for orienctation
4.4.2. Contents of orienctation
4.4.3. Procedure for orienctation
Chapter 5: Training and Development
5.1. Definition and objectives of training
5.1.1. Definition
5.1.2. Objectives of training and development
5.2. Methods for training and development
5.2. LOn the job methods job methods
5.3. Implement training and development in companies
5.3 .1. Strategic considerations of training and development
5.3.2. Procedure for training and development
5.4. Developing Learning Organization
5.4.1 Concept of learning and learning organization
5.4.2 Conditions for developing learning competencies
5.4.3 Model for learning competencies

I , j ..l

Chapter 6: Performance appraisal

6.1. Overview of performance appraisal
6.1.1. The importance of performance appraisal
6.1.2. Levels of performance appraisal
6.1.3. Contents of performance appraisal
6.1.4. Features of a sussessful performance appraisal system
6.2. Components of performance appraisal
6.2.1. Purpose of performance appraisal
6.2.2. Contents of performance appraisal
6.2.3. Responsibility of performance appraisal
6.2.4. Methods of performance appraisal
6.3. Pducedure for developing a perfo:r:mance appraisal system
6.3.1. Design the system
6.3.2. Participate in the development
6.3.3. Pilot and improve the system
6.3.4. Monitor and upgrade the performance appraisal system
Chapter 7: Compensation
7.1. Definition and classification of compensation
7.1.1. Definition
7.1.2. Classification
7.2. Factors affecting compensation
7.2.1. External factors
7.2.2. Internal factors
7.2.3. Job related factors
7.2.4. Employee related factors
7.3. Developing compensation system
7.3 .1. Three main compensation decisions
7.3.2. Job valuation
7.3.3. Procedure for developing compensation system
8.4. Financial incentives
7.4.1. Individual financial incdntives
7.4.2. Group financial incdntives
7.4.3. Organizational financial incdntives
7.5, Benefits
7.5 .1. Classification of benefits
7.5.2. Procedure for developing benefit system
7.5.3. Management of the benefit system

6. Learning materials
6.1. Compulsory materials

1. Dessler, G, 2013, Human resource management, 13th Edition, Pearson

• t J •

2. Fisher, C.D., L. F. Schoenfeldt and J.B. Shaw, 2013, Human resource

management, 6th Edition, Houghton Mifflin Company
3. Nguyen Van Diem and Nguyen Ngoc Quan (2012), Human resource
management, Texbook, National Economics University Publishing House
6.2. Referencing materials

4. Nguyen Huu Than (2015), Human resource management, Texbook, Statistics

Publishing House

5. Vu Thuy Duong & Hoang Van Hai, (co editors) (2005), Human resource
management, Texbook, Statistics Publishing House
6. Tran Kim Dung (2016), Human resource management, Texbook, Education
Publishing House

, iii

7. Teaching implementation
7.1. Overall schedule

(Number of hours)
Contents Total Note
In class
Theory Practice
1 Chapter 1 2 1 3
2 Chapter 1 2 1 3
3 Chapter 2 2 1 3
4 Chapter 2 2 1 3
5 Chapter 3 2 1 3
6 Chapter 3 2 1 3
7 Chapter 4 2 1 3
8 Chapter 4 2 1 3
9 Chapter 5 2 Mid-term exam
1 3
10 Chapter 5 2 1 3
11 Chapter 6 2 1 3
12 Chapter 6 2 1 3
13 Chapter 7 2 1 3
14 Chapter 7 2 1 3
15 Course Review 2 3
Total 30 15 45

7.2. Detailed schedule
Weak 1: Chapter 1: An overview of human resource management

Teaching methods Time, venue Main contents Preparation required knowledge and
1.1. Definition and functions of human resource
1.1.1. Definition
1.1.1. Functions of human resource
Theory 1.2. Role of human resource management
In class 1.2.1. Critical success factors of Read syllabus
(2 hours)
companies Students have an
Read material: 1 (p.2-
1.2.2. Human resource management and big picture of
10); 2 (p 2-17); 3 (p 26-
competitive advantages HRM
1.2.3. Human resource management and 21).
business environment

Class discussion
In class Current practices of HRM in Vietnam
(1 hour)
Consultation Response to students by email or telephone

Weak 2: Chapter 1: An overview of human resource management (cont.)

Teaching methods Time, venue Main contents Preparation required knowledge and
1.3. Contemporary trends in human resource
In class 1.3.1. Strategic linkages Be able to
(2 hours) 1.3.2. Sustainable human resource Read material: 1 (pIO-l3); understand trends
management In human
2 (p 21-32)
1.3.3. Talent management resource
Class discussion
In class management
Required competencies for HR managers
(1 hour)

Consultation Response to students by email or telephone

Weak 3: Chapter 2: Human resource planning
Teaching methods Time, venue Main contents Preparation
knowledge and
2.1. Role of Human resource planning •
2.1.1. Definition and role of Human
resource planning
2.1.2. Factors affecting Human resource
Read material: 1 (p Be aware of how
Theory 138-139); 2(p 95-
2.1.3. Procedure for Human resource compames
In class
(2 hours) planning 111) 3 (p 62-90); develop their HR
2.2. Human resource demand projection
2.2.1. Projecting short-term Human
resource demand
2.2.2. Projecting long-term Human
resource demand
Class discussion
In class Practice HR planning in companies
(1 hour)

Consultation Response to students by email or telephone

Weak 4: Chapter 2: Human resQl!rce planning (cont.)~._.~,__
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.,~>,~' -;"'1JlA,'-'
,'-~ t .,/'-:.",
Teachfh'gfmethods , ;"ti~~,venue ,"~;"'"t'r~~~!~eo'
PreparaJion knowledge and
2.3. Projecting Human resource supply
2.3.1. Projecting internal supply
Theory 2.3 .2. Projecting external supply
In class 2.4. Balancing demand-supply
(2 hours) Be able to
2.4.1. Measures for HR shortage Read material: 1 (p 140-
develop an HR
2.4.2. Measures for HR surplus 145)
Class discussion (1
In class Practice HR planning in companies (cont.)
Consultation Response to students by email or telephone

Weak 5: Chapter 3: Job analysis and description

Teaching methods Time, venue Main contents Preparation required knowledge and
3.1. Definition and implication of Job
analysis and description
4.1.1. Definition
3.1.2. Implication of Job analysis and
3.1.3. Contents of Job analysis and
Theory description
In class 3.2. Methods for collecting information of
(2 hours)
Job analysis and description Read material: 1 (p 102-
Be able to
3.2.1. Observation 116); 2 (p 136-159); 3 (p
3.2.2. Critical events develop job
3.2.3. Job diary description
3.2.4. In-depth interviews
3.2.5. Questionnaires
3.2.6. Experts
Class discussion (1
In class - Develop a job description

Consultation Response to students by email or telephone

Weak 6 : ~C~c=!n!~
•.)--=_Jtl~J!JtaJysis_and description (cont.)
"" --.~ . .

-~'.:''" ~""C';,".~~'~."
"',.';~"Regulred ...
Teaching meUlb'(I~' Main contents Pre~~&itioiIrequired 'kIlowila~~
3.3. Procedures for Job analysis and
In class 3.3.1. Identify the list of jobs
(2 hours) 3.3.2. Select data collection methods Read material: I (p 118- Be able to
3.3.3. Collect information
121); 2 (p 160-167) develop job
3.3.4. Apply and use information
Class discussion (1 Practice: specification
In class
hour) - Develop a job specification
Consultation Response to students by email or telephone

Weak 7: Chapt~r ~:R.e~ruitment
" .. ,:..:

.:r;~'!f~~$:;~'! .. ')':H"~;~erited
Main c'oIH~nts Pr.el>~tation required knowl~tlge and
4.1. Role and principles of recruitment Understand how
4.1.1. Role of recruitment
companies recruit
Theory 4.1.2. Principles of recruitment
In class 4.2. Recruitment people
(2 hours)
4.2.1. Recruitment sources Read material: 1 (p 146-
4.2.2. Recruitment process 161); 2 (p 232-270)

Class discussion (1
In class Develop an job ad
Consultation Response to students by email or telephone

Weak 8: Chapter 4: Recruitment (cont.)

Teaching methods Time, venue Main contents Preparation required knowledge and
4.3. Candidate selection
4.3.1 Selection process Read material 1 (p 174-
4.3.2. Interview Understand how
Theory 194); 2 (p 284-295); 3 (p
In class 4.4. Staff orientation companies select
(2 hours) 4.4.1. The need for orienctation 93-115).
4.4.2. Contents of orienctation candidates
4.4.3. Procedure for orienctation

Class discussion (l
In class Role play: selection interview

Consultation Response to students by email or telephone

Weak 9: Chapter 5: Training and Development

Teaching methods Time, venue Main contents Preparation required knowledge and
5.1. Definition and objectives of training
5.1.1. Definition Understand
Read material: 1 (p 242-
5.1.2. Objectives of training and procedure for
Theory 263); 2 (p 375-384); 3 (p
In class development
(2 hours) corporate training
5.2. Methods for training and development 153-163)
5.2. LOn the job methods and can develop a job methods training plan

Class discussion (1
In class Practice: Develop a training plan

Consultation Response to students by email or telephone

Weak 10: Chapter 5: Training and Development (cont.)

Teaching methods Time, venue Main contents Preparation required knowledge and
5.3. Implement training and development in
5.3 .1. Strategic considerations of
training and development
5.3.2. Procedure for training and Understand
Theory development
Read material: 1 (p 264- procedure for
In class 5.4. Developing Learning Organization
(2 hours)
273); 2 (p 385-410); corporate training
5.4.1 Concept of learning and
learning organization and can develop a
5.4.2 Conditions for developing training plan
learning competencies
5.4.3 Model for learning
Class discussion (1
In class Discussion: Training at TP Bank
Consultation Response to students by email or telephone

Weak 11: Chapter 6: Performance appraisal

Teaching methods Time, venue Main contents Preparation required knowledge and
6.1. Overview of performance appraisal
6.1.1. The importance of
performance appraisal
6.1.2. Levels of performance
6.1.3. Contents of performance
appraisal Understand the
6.1.4. Features of a sussessful procedure for
Theory Read material: 1 (p 282-
In class performance appraisal system
developing an
(2 hours) 6.2. Components of performance appraisal 301); 3 (p 134-150).
6.2.1. Purpose of performance performance
appraisal appraisal system
6.2.2. Contents of performance
6.2.3. Responsibility of
performance appraisal
6.2.4. Methods of performance
Class discussion (1 Discussion: Performance appraisal in
In class
hour) Vietnamese companies
Consultation Response to students by email or telephone

Weak 12 : ,fSliaP"jer:6.:.;Retf~r.p;tn.ceappraisal (cont.)
"(>.~, .

Main contents Preparation required

6.3. Pducedure for developing a performance

appraisal system
6.3.1. Design the system
Theory Understand the
In class 6.3.2. Participate in the development
(2 hours) 6.3.3. Pilot and improve the system Read material: 1 (p 302- procedure for
6.3.4. Monitor and upgrade the 310); 2 (p 421-464) developing an
performance appraisal system
Class discussion (1 appraisal system
In class Role play: Appraisal interview
Consultation Response to students by email or telephone


Weak 13: Chapter 7: Compensation

Teaching methods Time, venue Main contents Preparation required knowledge and
7.1. Definition and classification of
7.1.1. Definition
7.1.2. Classification
In class 7.2. Factors affecting compensation
(2 hours) Read material: 1 (p 350-
7.2.1. External factors Understand key
7.2.2. Internal factors 363); 2 (p 486-451); 3 (p . .
Issues In
7.2.3. Job related factors 188-216).
7.2.4. Employee related factors compensation

Class discussion (1 Case discussion: Compensation for top

In class
hour) management

Consultation Response to students by email or telephone

Weak 14: Chapter 7: Compensation (cont.)

Teaching Required
Time, venue Main contents Preparation required knowledge and
7.3. Developing compensation system
7.3 .1. Three main compensation decisions
7.3.2. Job valuation
7.3.3. Procedure for developing
compensation system
7.4. Financial incentives
Theory 7.4 .1. Individual financial incdntives
In class 7.4.2. Group financial incdntives
(2 hours)
7.4.3. Organizational financial incdntives Read material: 1 (p 364- Be able to develop
7.5. Benefits 382); 2 (p 535-558); 3 pay schemes for
7.5.1. Classification of benefits
(p 219-223). various employee
7.5.2. Procedure for developing benefit
system groups
7.5.3. Management of the benefit system

Practice: Propose pay schemes for various employee
discussion (l In class

Consultation Response to students by email or telephone

Main contents P~etr~ration required knowledge and
(lecturer summaries
Systematically summaries the course
contents for 2 hours In class
- Answer students' questions Prepare questions prior to
and Q&A for 1
the class

Consultation Response to students by email or telephone

I , t '

8. Policies and requirements

Proactiveness of students is required that help to demonstrate their personal
ability. This course is implied with "teach less-learn more".
Students need to read assigned sections before gomg to class.
Students come to class to listen to lecturer with emphasis on key points and
concepts, important and difficult issues.
Participate in the discussions and class activities.
9. Learning evaluation
9.l.Purpose and evaluation criteria

Participation Daily roll taking Assess learning attitude 10%

Assess group working ability
4-5 students each
Group work Assess the ability to collect and 15%
group for one topic
response to answer questions
Assess the extent students
Written test about
Mid-term exam achieved the objective by the 15%
the course issues
1, 2 and 3 knowledge levels
Assess the extent students
Final exam Written exam achieved the objective by the 60%
1, 2 and 3 knowledge levels
Total 100%
9.2. Guideline for using the evaluation criteria
9.2.1. Attendance and Participation
Two criteria: Number of classes attended and participation in class
- Attend 100% of the sections and participate: 10 points
- Attend 100% of the sections and not participate: 9.5 points
- Attend 90% of the sections and participate: 9 points
- Attend 80% of the sections and participate: 8.5 points
- Attend 80% of the sections and not participate: 8 points

! , , •

- Attend 80% of the sections and participate: 7.5 points

- Attend 70% of the sections and not participate: 7 points
- Attend 70% of the sections and not participate: 6 points
- Attend less than 70% of the sections: 0 points
9.2.2. Group work (assessment a/the levels 1,2,3)
Assessment criteria:
Criteria 1: Contents match topic and logic (70%)
Criteria 2: Group members can answer lecturer's questions and other students'
questions (20%)
Criteria 3: Show professionalism when presenting (10%)
Slides are sent to lecturer before the date of presentation.
9.2.3. Mid-term exam: (by the 1,2 and 3 knowledge levels). Students take written
exam in class. Assessment criteria:
- Content:
+ Criteria 1: Understand and explain key concepts
+ Criteria 2: Apply theories to solve practical problems
+ Criteria 3: Analyse and evaluate issues
- Format: Written test
9.2.4. Final exam (by the 1, 2 and 3 levels): Criteria similar to 9.2.3 with the
following layout:
Grade Criteria
9-10 - Meeting 3 criteria
- Answer correct and complete
7-8 - Meeting criterion 1
- Criterion 2: Answer has some minor flaws
- Criterion 3: Answer has some minor flaws
5-6 - Meeting criteria 1 & 2
Below 5 - Not meeting either of the criteria.
9.3 Test schedule

- Timing of the final exam IS announced by the Department of training


t 1 , •

- Timing of the mid-term exam is noted at 7.1 of this document. Any change
will be announced to students one week in advance.

Person prepared Head of discipline Director of SBA

Do Xuan Truong
PGS. TS. J1ifll1In ~ f/!;

t" 1 '

1. Code:
2. Name: Human resource management
3. Level: Undergraduate
4. Language: Vietnamese
5. Number of credits: 03
6. Lecturer: Do Xuan Truong, Truong Minh Duc, Dang Thi Huong
7. Objective

• Knowledge:
Level Level equivalent Knowledge obtained
achieved to Bloom' theory
Level I Levell remember) - Remember basic concepts of HRM
Level 2 Level 2 &3 - Understand the nature and issues related to
(understand) (understand and ecruitment,
apply) - Apply methods for performance appraisal.
Level 3 Level 4 & 5 - Analyse training and development needs
(Analyse) (analyse and - Analyse current status so as to select
evaluate) elevant training and development methods.
- Assess the relevance of a compensation
3.2. Professional skills and attitudes: Various skills for solving human problems
such as human resource planning, selection interview, planning for training
activities, negitiation for labour conflict; communication and group working;
fair, objective and humanity in dealing with people issues.
8. Course summary:
The course on human resource management provides knowledge on various schools of
thought in HRM, how it was started, new and modem approaches; recruitment and
selection of personnel in the competitive environment, personnel deployment by multi-
facet competencies, using personnel by their advantages, developing learning
organizations, internal training; taking care of material and spiritual benefits by

compensationmechanism. Studentswill also be equippedwith various human skills such
as need identification,motivation,teamwork and negotiationwhich are crucial for success
in understandingand managing people.9. S6 gia len l&p/tu~n: 3h1 weak
10. Phuong phap giimg d~y: Lecture, group discussion, practice
11. Evaluation:
11. 1. Purpose and evaluation criteria

Participation Daily roll taking Assess learning attitude 10%

Assess group working ability
4-5 students each
Group work Assess the ability to collect and 15%
group for one topic
response to answer questions
Assess the extent students
Written test about
Mid-term exam achieved the objective by the 15%
the course issues
1, 2 and 3 knowledge levels
Assess the extent students
Final exam Written exam achieved the objective by the 60%
1, 2 and 3 knowledge levels
Total 100%
11.2. Guideline for using the evaluation criteria
11.2.1. Attendance and Participation
Two criteria: Number of classes attended and participation in class
- Attend 100% of the sections and participate: 10 points
- Attend 100% of the sections and not participate: 9.5 points
- Attend 90% of the sections and participate: 9 points
- Attend 80% of the sections and participate: 8.5 points
- Attend 80% of the sections and not participate: 8 points
- Attend 80% of the sections and participate: 7.5 points
- Attend 70% of the sections and not participate: 7 points
- Attend 70% of the sections and not participate: 6 points

- Attend less than 70% of the sections: 0 points
11.2.2. Group work (assessment of the levels 1,2,3)
Assessment criteria:
Criteria 1: Contents match topic and logic (70%)
Criteria 2: Group members can answer lecturer's questions and other students'
questions (20%)
Criteria 3: Show professionalism when presenting (10%)
Slides are sent to lecturer before the date of presentation.
11.2.3. Mid-term exam: (by the 1, 2 and 3 knowledge levels). Students take
written exam in class. Assessment criteria:
- Contents:
+ Criteria 1: Understand and explain key concepts
+ Criteria 2: Apply theories to solve practical problems
+ Criteria 3: Analyse and evaluate issues
- Format: Written test

11.2.4. Final exam (achieved levels 1, 2 and 3). Criteria similar to 11.2.3 and as

Grade Criteria
9-10 - Meeting 3 criteria
- Answer correct and complete
7-8 - Meeting criterion 1
- Criterion 2: Answer has some minor flaws
- Criterion 3: Answer has some minor flaws
5-6 - Meeting criteria 1 & 2
Below - Not meeting either of the criteria.
11.3 Timing for exams:

- Timing of the final exam IS announced by the Department of training


- Timing of the mid-term exam is noted at 7.1 of this document. Any change
will be announced to students one week in advance.

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12. Required materials:

1. Dessler, G, 2013, Human resource management, Pearson

2. Nguyen Van Diem & Nguyen Ngoc Quan (2012), Human resource
management, Texbook, National Economics University Publishing House
3. Tran Kim Dung (2016), Human resource management, Texbook, Education
Publishing House
13. Prerequisite: None

14. Contact: Discipline of Human resource management, Institute of Business

Administration, UEB, VNUl44 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi.


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