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The Role of the Interface and Interface Management in the
Optimization of BIM Multi-Model Applications: A Review
Nawal Abdunasseer Hmidah 1, *, Nuzul Azam Haron 1 , Aidi Hizami Alias 1 , Teik Hua Law 1 ,
Abubaker Basheer Abdalwhab Altohami 1 and Raja Ahmad Azmeer Raja Ahmad Effendi 2

1 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University Putra Malaysia (UPM),

Serdang 43400, Malaysia; [email protected] (N.A.H.); [email protected] (A.H.A.);
[email protected] (T.H.L.); [email protected] (A.B.A.A.)
2 Department of Industrial Design, Faculty of Design & Architecture, University Putra Malaysia (UPM),
Serdang 43400, Malaysia; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected] or [email protected]

Abstract: This review targets the BIM interface, the BIM multi-model approach, and the role of
employing algorithms in BIM optimization to introduce the need for automation in the BIM technique,
instead of complicating manual procedures in order to reduce possible errors. The challenge with
adopting BIM lies in the limiting ability of computer-aided design (CAD) to generate a read-able
and straightforward Revit by BIM, requiring the homogeneous data format to be generalized better
and maintain a super data mod. Furthermore, the communication and management inter-face (CMI)
faces some shortcomings due to limitations in its ability to recognize the role of the interface during
the project construction phase. This review demonstrates several proposals to simplify the interface,
in order to facilitate better communication amongst participants. The industry foundation class (IFC)

 model requires a new technique to unlock the potential future of intelligent buildings using the
Citation: Hmidah, N.A.; Haron, N.A.;
BIM multi-model approach integrated with the Internet of Things (IoT). Trials conducted to enhance
Alias, A.H.; Law, T.H.; Altohami, the BIM model lack advanced methods for optimizing cost, energy consumption, labor, material
A.B.A.; Effendi, R.A.A.R.A. The Role movement, and the size of layout of the project, by utilizing heuristic, metaheuristic, and k-mean
of the Interface and Interface algorithms. The enhancement of BIM could involve algorithms to achieve better productivity, safety,
Management in the Optimization of cost, time, and construction frameworks. The review shows that some gaps and limitations still exist,
BIM Multi-Model Applications: A especially considering the potential link between BIM and building management system (BMS) and
Review. Sustainability 2022, 14, 1869. the level of influence of the BIM-IoT prototype. Future work should find the best approach to solve
facility management within the dynamic model, which is still under investigation.
Academic Editor:
Antonio Garcia-Martinez Keywords: BIM; management interface; BIM multi-model; BIM-BMS system; optimization

Received: 9 September 2021

Accepted: 21 November 2021
Published: 7 February 2022
1. Introduction
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
BIM is a project-improving tool that globally provides a revolutionary platform for
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
design, construction, maintenance, operation, and improvement in various fields for the
published maps and institutional affil-
rehabilitation, retrofit, and redevelopment of existing assets in the built environment.
Another helpful definition considers BIM as a methodology that combines several processes
and tools to improve projects and overall construction outcomes [1].
BIM is a paradigm that shifts the inefficient 2D drawing and processes and practices
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
of documentation towards much more precise model-centric processes and practices. Re-
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. searchers consider BIM as an integrated information system that effectively assimilates
This article is an open access article the organizational functions and processes of project delivery. BIM is an inclusive term
distributed under the terms and that can be defined in diverse ways; however, the most typical definition states that BIM is
conditions of the Creative Commons software used to create value and promote collaboration in the entire lifecycle of an asset,
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// using underpinning theories by collating and exchanging 3D models [2]. BIM has reached an exciting stage, as many built environment stakeholders are cur-
4.0/). rently using or considering using it. As reported in 2017, 86% of UK respondents expect to

Sustainability 2022, 14, 1869.

Sustainability 2022, 14, 1869 2 of 29

adopt BIM for their projects [3]. BIM adoption level varies from one country to another,
depending on the size and complexity of the projects.
At its inception, building information modelling (BIM) was associated with using
3D modeling with the availability of various software tools and techniques. Traditionally,
although 3D construction models had been integrated for additional measurements of
time and cost, they were found inadequate in terms of including all the project-specific
details necessary for a building project. On the other hand, BIM is equipped with enough
technicalities to create virtual 3D models by integrating relevant information, and simul-
taneously granting project participants a better understanding of the project phases [4].
Concerning expanding models, Ivson et al. [5] developed several models that were utilized
to represent models and several corresponding sub-models to serve different operations
Accordingly, the philosophy of the multi-model approach has emerged to collate data
from various sources with different formats into a single exchangeable resource [6], which
can be characterized as object-oriented [7].
The objective of BIM is to create accurate, reliable, complementary, and replaceable
information for the construction of buildings [8]. These objectives can only be attained
by implementing interoperability and parametric (adjusting variables) behavior. East-
man et al. [9] defined BIM as a technology equipped with a set of processes that aim at
producing, communicating, and analyzing building models. BIM is widely considered a sig-
nificant factor in the construction industry. BIM describes an integrated model-based view
of a facility’s lifecycle, including design, planning, and construction, as well as operation
and maintenance (O&M) [10].
Recently, BIM has been adopted in various types of projects, and in projects that
require dynamic data exchange amongst multiple actors with information aggregation,
such as designing a project, running software, handling data, revising all or parts of the
project [11], and improving the efficiency of construction [12].
Briefly, the BIM model is described as a mixture of graphical and non-graphic data
that can communicate throughout specific data-exchange formats.
Recently, it has been observed that BIM applications are expanding to many fields,
owing to the introduction of 3D geometric models and 3D coordination [13]. These appli-
cations go beyond architecture and engineering, to cover and initiate a strong motive for
homeowners, facility managers, contractors, and fabricators [14]. The project focuses on
BIM adoption, provided by utilizing automation in the modeling process. This modeling
improves communication and accuracy among various parties throughout, exchanging
views and reducing the errors in the coordination of building activities [15]. BIM ap-
plications plan, design, build, construct, operate, and reduce energy consumption [16].
These developments were not applicable to certain countries; they are, instead, applied
to all countries, sharing the same principles of integration of BIM and building energy
management (BEM) in a single tool [17].
The fundamental contributions of BIM are in energy-related matters, simulations, and
information, which can be described as involving the automation of energy to better present
output in order to enhance storage and organizational capabilities concerning new-building
data. The other contribution of BIM concerns the facilitation of output presentations in
energy management systems [18]. Similarly, [19] studied a conceptual framework for a BIM-
based energy management support system (BIM-EMSS) by developing a real-time energy
simulation using eQuest. Based on the determination of [18], visualizing the geometric
data in BIM could allow the user to monitor the real-time energy performance of different
zones in a building.
Other benefits of BIM applications include storing, monitoring, and organizing energy-
related information in real-time energy systems. The system can generate information
related to home energy consumption and how to relate activities to environmental tem-
perature and the degree of occupancy. The adoption of BIM models in real-time energy
monitoring systems was explained by Alahmad et al. [20], who proposed a combined
Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 3

Sustainability 2022, 14, 1869 3 of 29

temperature and the degree of occupancy. The adoption of BIM models in real‐time en
ergy monitoring systems was explained by Alahmad et al. [20], who proposed a combined
system that usessystem
a hardware
that usescomponent
a hardware system and asystem
component software
and system.
a softwareWoo et al.Woo
system. [21] et al. [21
reported other BIM applications
reported other BIMin aapplications
building equipped with equipped
in a building sensors that provide
with sensorsreal-time
that provide real
data to BIM models
time using
data toaBIM
modelsschema to facilitate
using a standard processing
schema theprocessing
to facilitate data related
the to
data related
sensors and actuators. The
to sensors andother important
actuators. application
The other importantofapplication
BIM is performed by linkingby linking
of BIM is performed
existing libraries, wherelibraries,
existing a great where
amount of information
a great about the thermal
amount of information conductivity
about the thermal conductivity
properties is available. Theis life
available. The life cycleofassessment
cycle assessment a buildingofcan
a building can be better
be estimated estimated
by better by
integrating CAD and BIM. This link provides information about
integrating CAD and BIM. This link provides information about optimizing the building optimizing the building
envelope or sizing the
envelope or sizing the HVAC system [22]. HVAC system [22].

2. BIMManagement
2. BIM and Interface and Interface Flowchart
Management Flowchart
The flow of topics inflow
thisof topics is
review inoutlined
this review
in is outlined
Figure in Figure
1. The 1. The
purpose of purpose of this flowchar
this flowchart
is to guide readers for easy access to the topics that are included
is to guide readers for easy access to the topics that are included in this review, and in this review,
to and to
present the contents in a
present the contents in a structured fashion.structured fashion.

Figure 1. Contents flowchart.

Figure 1. Contents flowchart.
3. The Interface
3. of
3.1. The Definition The Interface
3.1. The Definition of Interface
The definition of the interface has been developing since 1967, when Wren [23] denoted
that the interface is the definition
contact pointoforthe
of pointshas been developing
(surface) sinceindependent
between two 1967, when Wren
sys- [23] de
tems to achieve a better, more extensive and unified system. However, as time progresses,two inde
noted that the interface is the contact point or set of points (surface) between
other researcherspendent systems to achieve a better, more extensive and unified system. However, as time
have been proposing numerous definitions of the interface.
progresses, other researchers have been proposing numerous definitions of the interface
Lin [24] expanded the role of the interface to include cases related to different opinions,
Lin [24] expanded the role of the interface to include cases related to different opin
such as schedule, cost, technical areas, and the space between systems. Interface manage-
ions, such as schedule, cost, technical areas, and the space between systems. Interface
ment (IM) is another element of interface to address the challenges of managing complex
capital projects to face the rising complexity due to globalization and the geographical
distribution of various cultures [25]. Shen et al. [26] have provided another depth of the
interface by correlating the interrelation and interaction among different organizations and
stakeholders. Profoundly, the interface helps organizations to eliminate the loss of informa-
tion and leverage the data in BIM models to improve communication and collaboration
Sustainability 2022, 14, 1869 4 of 29

between architects, engineers, contractors, and facility managers. Recently, a definition of

the interface has been adopted in a broader scope to include all common boundaries and
non-physical interaction between systems, organizations, stakeholders, project phases and
scopes, and construction elements [27]. The interface is a virtual entity whose aim is to help
the organization by eliminating information loss. In addition, it improves communication
and collaboration between various stakeholders, such as architects, engineers, contractors,
and facility managers. Hence, data are supposed to seamlessly transfer through the in-
terface domain between designs, construction, operations, and maintenance [28]. Table 1
details the features of the various interface types.

Table 1. Characteristics of the interface types.

Reference Interface Type Details

Physical connections between two or more elements of the
building or components.
Contractual Work packages associated with specialist contractors.
Organizational Lifecycle relationship between parties involved in the project.
Intrinsic Physical links among the various components.
Theknowledge areas that are necessary to engineer develop
[30] studies, analyses, designs, sufficient to utilize the concept.
Strategies among contractors, subcontractors, vendors and
any external provider.
Functional All sub-functions activities and components.
Physical Interfaces between physical sub-systems.
Between top and low organizational segments regarding
project objectives.

3.2. Utilizing Interface

Recording information belonging to managing complaints and responses using emails
is not good for solving interface problems. Recently, researchers have developed two
critical BIM and interface management (MI) approaches for managing more complex
projects [32]. Originally, IM was used as an information-intensive task to provide helpful
information to participants [33]. Meanwhile, IM is currently recognized as the most critical
organizational strategy in construction management [34]. One of the reasons that made
IM an emerging construction strategy was the ability to resolve and enhance construction
management by tracking, managing, and eliminating unnecessary mistakes [28]. Hence,
project members can locate current interfaces to work out any existing interface issues.
It is noted in current construction that without IM implementation, the project could
experience design errors, a component malfunction, device performance failures, organized
difficulties, and construction disputes [35]. Sacks et al. [14] have emphasized that the BIM
models provide a natural interface equipped with sensors and remote FM operations to
support monitoring and control practices. Applying BIM in construction management
helps project stakeholders monitoring, handling, and tracking all issues relevant to 3D
modeling. However, the present BIM-based information systems are still using IM because
of the lack of reliable IM communication and management of interfaces (CMI) in the BIM
environment [36]. Regarding the history of the construction, the maps of the 3D interface
provide information that belongs to the past, present, and future interactions, highlighting
an overview of real-time project history.
In construction, interfaces, without distinctive categorization, are either internal (em-
phasis on contractual relationships) or external (contracts or scopes of work). Based on
this characterization, internal interfaces are easier to handle, because they deal with only
one team rather than two or more teams, as in the external interfaces. However, when the
number of contractors is large, managing interfaces becomes very difficult, and, as such,
Sustainability 2022, 14, 1869 5 of 29

it is important to conduct certain classifications between contractors and subcontractors

based on the given responsibility [37].

3.3. Interface Management (IM)

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, interface management (IM) was introduced to
ensure matching the specification of the interface system, data, and missing equipment [38].
Later, IM was used to identify organizational, managerial, and technological interfaces
throughout establishing interrelationships [38]. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, IM
was not wholly integrated into engineering and construction procedures, because of lacking
technical infrastructure. In achieving such a goal, several organizations have established IM
groups inside their management practices, playing an essential role in training employees
to better understand the role of interface manager and interface coordinator.
Interfaces emerged in splitting a project into many sub-projects carried out by several
soft or hard, external or internal entities [39]. The soft interface can exchange design
criteria, clearance requirements, or utility requirements between the engineering and
delivery team and an external party. On the other side, complex interfaces that deal with
physical connections between two or more components or systems are examples of hard
interfaces. These interfaces include structural steel connectors, pipe terminations, and
cable connectors. The interface management process aims to enter into agreements with
other stakeholders about roles and duties, time to provide interface information, and
early identification of primary interfaces [40]. Having a defined method for exchanging
information enables detailed monitoring of performance in meeting requirements, with any
inadequacies identified and remedied quickly. Furthermore, interfaces are classified into
several groups to fulfill specific goals, such as organizational split interface [29] or resource
interface [41].
Figure 2 contains the four main components of the IM system, including the interface
of stakeholders, interface points (IPs), interface agreements (IAs), and interface agreement
deliverables (IADs). Meanwhile, the interface action item (IAI) consists of tasks and
activities aiming to facilitate the agreement of the four IA components between stakeholders.
Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 31
The task and activities are deliverable by IAI to perform an interface agreement (IA), which
combines all activities, such as scheduling, drawings, quotations, and evaluation.

Figure 2. Components interface management [27].

Figure 2. Components interface management [27].
3.4. Communication and Management Interface (CMI)
3.4. Communication and Management Interface (CMI)
The format limitation of the standard BIM file-based model could be used to share
The format limitation of the standard BIM file‐based model could be used to share
the most recent building
the most recentprogress [41]. CMI
building progress waswas
[41]. CMI integrated
into BIM
BIM totofacilitate
facilitate dis-
cussing, sharing,
ing, sharing, and responding to issues related to the BIM elemental interface duringthe
and responding to issues related to the BIM elemental interface during the
construction phase [28]. CMI enables project engineers and managers to access previous
records regarding BIM models for a given project. In the future, it will manage the re‐
sponse to interface problems, as illustrated in Figure 3. The literature focuses on CMI in‐
tegration; however, it lacks a suitable platform for BIM‐based CMI [42].
Figure 2. Components interface management [27].

Sustainability 2022, 14, 1869 3.4. Communication and Management Interface (CMI) 6 of 29
The format limitation of the standard BIM file‐based model could be used to share
the most recent building progress [41]. CMI was integrated into BIM to facilitate discuss‐
ing, sharing, and responding to issues related to the BIM elemental interface during the
construction phase [28]. CMI enables project engineers and managers to access previous
construction phase [28]. CMI enables project engineers and managers to access previous
records regarding BIM models for a given project. In the future, it will manage the response
records regarding BIM models for a given project. In the future, it will manage the re‐
to interface
sponse problems,
to interface as illustrated
problems, in in
as illustrated Figure
literature focuses onCMI
focuses on CMIin‐integration;
however, it lacks a suitable platform for BIM-based CMI [42].
tegration; however, it lacks a suitable platform for BIM‐based CMI [42].

Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 31

Figure 3. Application of integrated CMI in BIM for construction interface management [28].
Figure 3. Application of integrated CMI in BIM for construction interface management [28].
Interface Management
Interface SystemSystem
Management (IMS) (IMS)
In 2014, IMS was defined, within the guidelines of interface and IM, as a combination
In 2014, IMS was defined, within the guidelines of interface and IM, as a combination
of managerial and relational communication that can be delivered among two or more
of managerial and relational communication that can be delivered among two or more
interface stakeholders. [43]. It was mentioned earlier that IPs, IAs, and IADs are the ele‐
interface stakeholders. [43]. It was mentioned earlier that IPs, IAs, and IADs are the
ments of IMS. IMS was studied in terms of a six‐step framework execution, as shown in
theelements of IMS.Figure
self‐explanatory IMS was4. studied in terms of a six-step framework execution, as shown in
the self-explanatory Figure 4.

Figure 4. Mechanism of IMS framework from searching to the end of the contract.
Figure 4. Mechanism of IMS framework from searching to the end of the contract.

Recently, there has been increasing concern about IM practices among contractors.
Based on the IM definition, a new framework could be used to define the interface man‐
agement system (IMS). IMS includes many IPs, with each IP including multiple IAs, and
Sustainability 2022, 14, 1869 7 of 29

Recently, there has been increasing concern about IM practices among contractors.
Based on the IM definition, a new framework could be used to define the interface man-
agement system (IMS). IMS includes many IPs, with each IP including multiple IAs, and
each IA may include various IADs [27]. There are several types of interface management,
as explained in Table 2.

Table 2. Characteristics of the IM interfaces [25].

Category Definition/Purpose
Managing relational communications between more than
Interface Management (IM)
one stakeholders.
It is a part of formal interface management agreement of
Interface Stakeholder
the project.
It is the soft (hard) contact point between two
Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEWInterface/Interface Point (IP) 8 of 31
interdependent interface stakeholders.
The formal communication documents between two
Interface Agreement (IA) interface stakeholders concerning desription, actions
IAI regulates tasks andinvolved, and
activities todates.
perform the defined
Interface Action Items (IAI)
IAIagreement in each
regulates tasks and interface agreement.
activities to perform the defined
Interface Action Items (IAI)
To identify and capture ininterface
each interface agreement.
information prior to
Interface Control Document
To identify andICDs areinterface
capture useful information
for separate
prior to
Interface (ICD)
Control Document
approvement. ICDs are useful for separateinterface.
Drawing (ICD) organizations with a common particular
with a common particular interface.
Based on the above discussion, interface stakeholders are involved in many deliver‐
able information
Based on the orabove
tasks to handle the
discussion, interface
interface efficiently.areIninvolved
stakeholders each interface
in manypoint, there
are numerous or
information interface
tasks toagreements.
handle the These agreements
interface efficiently.can
Inbe delivered
each topoint,
interface other parties.
there are
Each interface
numerous stakeholder
interface can dealThese
agreements. with agreements
several interface
can be points and agreements,
delivered as illus‐
to other parties. Each
trated stakeholder
in Figure 5. can deal with several interface points and agreements, as illustrated
in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Hierarchy of Interface Management Elements [25].

Figure 5. Hierarchy of Interface Management Elements [25].
3.6. Application Program Interface (API)
3.6. Application Programin
API was defined Interface
1968 as(API)
a collection of code routines to provide external users with
dataAPIandwas defined
data in 1968 that
functionality as awas
used inofprogramming
code routines libraries
to provide external
[44]. API wasusers
useddata and data functionality
interchangeably that was
with frameworks, used inand
libraries, programming librariesNevertheless,
operating systems. [44]. API wasthe
also usedcolloquial definition
interchangeably withof API refers most
frameworks, typically
libraries, to aoperating
and synonymsystems.
for web API [45]. Ac-
less, to Programmable
the current colloquial Web-based
definition ofAPI
APIdirectory, the number
refers most of available
typically APIs continues
to a synonym for web
to expand,
API particularly
[45]. According those classifiedWeb‐based
to Programmable as data, financial, or analytics
API directory, the [5]. Numerous
number accessi-
of available
APIs continues to expand, particularly those classified as data, financial, or analytics [5].
Numerous accessible APIs enable access to massive data volumes. APIs are versatile tech‐
nical solutions that may be utilized in various applications. The first application is the
Google Maps Platform, which has a Places API that provides access to over 150 million
Sustainability 2022, 14, 1869 8 of 29

ble APIs enable access to massive data volumes. APIs are versatile technical solutions that
may be utilized in various applications. The first application is the Google Maps Platform,
which has a Places API that provides access to over 150 million locations worldwide. Firms
use APIs to refer to products, add more data to databases, or create specific APIs [46]. The
second application is to perform functions related to procedural languages, such as C, to
act as a function call, by involving information about all the functions and routines that it
APIs are a collection of methods that enable programs to access data and communicate
with external software components, operating systems, or microservices. APIs are a
critical component of many modern software architectures, because they provide high-level
abstractions that simplify programming processes, create distributed and modular software
systems, and allow code reuse [47]. Hence, APIs make necessary accessible functionalities
for developers to enable IoT cloud infrastructures [48]. APIs are digital apps that can help
Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 3
in communicating with back-end services [45].
AP can be expanded to describe all calls, subroutines, or software, to enable application
programs in services such as application, operating system, network, or another lower-level
software program lower‐level software
[49]. APIs program
facilitate [49]. APIsfor
information facilitate information
developers to workforwith
developers to work wit
capabilities or data to leverage and govern IoT cloud infrastructures. APIs allow partnersAPIs allow
essential capabilities or data to leverage and govern IoT cloud infrastructures.
or the public topartners
the public to activate participants and generate new revenue streams [50].
and generate new revenue streams [50].
Additionally, APIs help establish an interface that connects functions in one uniqu
Additionally, APIs help establish an interface that connects functions in one unique
system, cutting down transaction costs, and improving efficiency [51]. Another feature o
system, cutting down transaction costs, and improving efficiency [51]. Another feature
API is providing third‐party developers with access to private data owned by Googl
of API is providing third-party developers with access to private data owned by Google,
Facebook, Twitter, and many other large firms [52].
Facebook, Twitter, and many other large firms [52].
APIs, then, constitute the interfaces of the various building blocks that a develope
APIs, then, constitute the interfaces of the various building blocks that a developer
needs to create an application [53]. An API currently summarizes a set of programmin
needs to create an application [53]. An API currently summarizes a set of programming
codes to transfer data between one software product and another. APIs are composed o
codes to transfer twodata between one
fundamental softwaretechnical
components: product specifications
and another. describing
APIs are composed of choice
data exchange
two fundamental components: technical specifications describing data exchange choices
between solutions in the form of a request for processing, and data delivery protocols an
between solutions in the interface
a program form of abased
on for
the processing,
specificationsand data
they deliveryToday,
represent. protocols
come in thre
a program interface based on the
types—standard, specifications
widespread, and they represent.
versatile. FigureToday, APIs
6 explains come
the mainintypes
threeof API an
types—standard, widespread, and
the corresponding versatile. Figure 6 explains the main types of API and
the corresponding policies.

Figure 6. API types and functions [51].

Figure 6. API types and functions [51].
4. Industry Foundation Class (IFC)
Sheng Jun4.etIndustry Foundation
al. [54] proposed Classmethods
several (IFC) to transfer various software programs
and data formats using
Sheng Jun et al. [54] proposed severalapproaches
IFC or DWG. There are many methods to to co-ordinate
transfer variousIFC, IDM, program
Open BIM Collaboration Format
and data formats (BCF),
using IFCOpen BIMThere
or DWG. Collaboration
are manyFormat (BCF),
approaches and Model IFC, IDM
to co‐ordinate
View Definition (MVD).
Open BIMFor instance, theFormat
Collaboration formats(BCF),
of BIMOpen
can open
BIMcommunication between(BCF), an
Collaboration Format
Model View Definition (MVD). For instance, the formats of BIM can open communicatio
between two users based on the IFC standard data model. IFC is equipped with a hig
degree of interoperability that can facilitate the opening data standard known as build
ingSMART (ISO 16739), depicting the whole building geometry. In addition, IFC provide
Sustainability 2022, 14, 1869 9 of 29

two users based on the IFC standard data model. IFC is equipped with a high degree of
interoperability that can facilitate the opening data standard known as buildingSMART
(ISO 16739), depicting the whole building geometry. In addition, IFC provides digital
building models to help architects sharing the BIM environment. The Information Delivery
Manual (IDM) is a systematic tool for identifying and specifying information flow during a
facility’s lifecycle. Furthermore, IFC has been developed by buildingSMART and registered
under ISO 29481-1:2010 and ISO 29481-2:2010. Concerning IFC schema needed to satisfy
one or many ERs, MVD defines a subset published by the software tool ifcDoc developed
by BuildingSMART [55]. Furthermore, Zhang [55] considers BCF is an important tool to
exchange information in terms of queries, ideas, or demands between different software
products, resulting in a technological solution for communication among stakeholders.
In addition to addressing the IFC data model, BCF addresses the position as defined
in snapshots or camera perspectives. It is well-known that transforming data into another
using software applications with heterogeneous models can be conducted with a single
multimodal [7]. Hence, the common practice of BIM models is to exchange information
about building structures throughout their life cycle, which is a standard industry practice.
The IFC standard in BIM applications acts as a medium for data exchange across domains
and stages [56]. The domain of exchanging data for BIM modeling resembles the IFC
scheme subset [57]. The benefit of IFC-mapped data exchange is to help the software
vendors developing practical import/export features to allow project participants to share
and exchange BIM model information. During the different stages of projects, BIM plays an
important role in exchanging data and information with specific formats amongst architects,
engineers, clients, and contractors to serve throughout the project lifecycle [58].
In construction, stakeholders rely on each other to acquire details. The most critical
issue here is to automatically interpret and process the information mapping into data for
BIM applications with cross-domain and inter-stage coordination [56]. This process leads to
an automated system that needs reliable interoperability for marketing and technological
levels [59]. The interoperability process requires exchange information for all contributors
to understand the need and provide this information for usage. The goal of interoperability
is to provide a better communication system that can be placed at various levels and
contribute to achieving the result. Interoperability creates the significant digitalization of
the whole process towards full automation and efficient management of these processes [8].
The preparation to establish a construction is a multi-facet issue that started before the
initiation of the construction and continued for the whole lifecycle.
One of the most important matters is the scope of each construction, which consumes
time with the collaborators throughout the project phases. In this case, there is software to
be developed by architects, structural engineers, and designers to store and analyze data.
This is called heterogeneous information, since the data are stored, shared, and preserved
in different realms to ensure consistency [60].
The construction industry domains involve distinctive advanced data exchange for
BIM models, using specialized fields of architecture and construction such as neutral for-
mats found in the industry corporation categories. The IFC schema for diverse disciplines
should define the type of BIM standards [61]. IFC, an exchangeable neutral format, is
often used in design, engineering, manufacturing, and facility management [62]. The data
exchange amongst various software across BIM models and the relevant incremental or
“as-built” collection archiving is the main scope of the IFC applications [61].

5. Developing Framework
The framework is defined in different ways, and for various purposes. In the early
1980s, Model-View-Controller (MVC) was the first object-oriented framework [63]. Since
then, several papers have been published to show the broad and spread nature of using the
term ‘framework’. The most reliable definition for the framework is that the one connected
to software engineering, which refers to designing and implementing large object-oriented
software [4].
Sustainability 2022, 14, 1869 10 of 29

However, in a different approach, the framework known as conceptual structure

is heavily used to solve or address complex issues containing tools, materials, or com-
ponents [64]. The framework could be defined as an object-oriented form that can be
embodied classes and yielding a solution to a family of problems [65].
Technically, the framework represents a reusable design for a system wholly or par-
tially by setting the abstract classes and their interaction [66]. Another standard definition
for the framework depends on formulating a skeleton of a customized application to
be suitable to an application developer [67]. Despite the several definitions due to the
framework’s purpose and nature, the general definition of the framework could include
structure, aims, and interrelated parameters within a particular phenomenon. Hence, the
framework is a comprehensive architecture that outlines the decomposition of a program
into a collection of interacting elements [68].

5.1. Framework Applications

Based on multiple definitions of the framework, it can be helpful for various purposes.
Framework, as an application, has become a set of elements for designing or developing a
reusable code. The technical difference between a framework and an API is that an API is
only a part of a framework. The development framework is being employed to present
data integration climate, as corporations seek to decrease cost by outsourcing project-based
solutions to temporary staff and third-party firms. Wu and Simmons [69] have confirmed
that project planning is vital in the current software development process. Hence, it is
necessary to aid in the comprehension and application of the answer [70].
There are two types of frameworks: theoretical and conceptual. This study distin-
guishes between these two types of the framework, since those two types provide direction
and stimulus to study and extend knowledge. According to Grant and Osanloo [71], a
theoretical framework is the ‘blueprint’ or guide for research or providing a specific theory
or set of theories concerning a particular area of human effort that may be used to ana-
lyze occurrences. By using the theoretical framework, research endeavors will get several
benefits. Researchers show how they define the study philosophically, epistemologically,
methodologically, and analytically with the addition of the structure [71]. The theoretical
framework serves as a guide, and should be consistent with all aspects of the research
process, including the formulation of the problem, the review of the literature, the method-
ology, the presentation, and discussion of the findings, as well as the conclusions derived
from them [72].

5.2. Framework for Energy Management

The energy sectors in the construction are a comprehensive and essential part of the
construction, which is denoted by the Building Energy Management System (BEMS). Hence,
it is expected that integrating BEMS in BIM creates an effective energy data monitoring
framework using the human–machine interface (HMI) [73]. Researchers investigated
the related technology trends and derived BIM-based HMI framework requirements by
identifying the role of each component of the framework. Furthermore, an interface
is designed between BIM and BEMS with consideration of HMI, and a well-prepared
According to Siao et al. [74], IM has been recognized as the most critical organizational
strategy in construction management, because IM is fundamentally reported as a routine
process operation guided by specific control of communications [75]. The need for IM
and IMS has become more apparent as the construction becomes more complex, with a
considerable increase of participants [41]. The gap inherited from several academic studies
was the lack of systematic approaches for managing interfaces during construction and
assembly phases [76]. In 2009, Lin [24] had identified four primary interface problems,
including insufficient platforms for construction project management, improper managing
interface conflicts, problems of managing time, space, and efficiency during the construction
phase, lack of an effective mechanism for tracking and managing interfaces, absence of
Sustainability 2022, 14, 1869 11 of 29

complete official record amongst participants, and difficulty of tracking interface events
and obtaining interface information from other participants [33].
The role of IM in tracking all participants’ involvement could lead to improving oper-
ational management, minimizing detrimental change, and enhancing beneficial change.
Morris [38] identified two interfaces—static and dynamic. Furthermore, other interfaces,
Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 31
such as personal, organizational, and system interfaces were identified by [39]. More
closely, Pavitt and Gibb [29] proposed three main interface types: physical, contractual,
and organizational. The significant number of interfaces could create difficulties in applica-
Hence, tophase. In this
simplify thisphase, interface
issue, the searchproblems can be should
for an interface categorized as construc‐
be aligned with the
tion, processing, space‐related, communication, and variability problems
construction phase. In this phase, interface problems can be categorized as construction, interfaces [33].
processing, space-related, communication, and variability problems interfaces [33]. and
The development of 2D to 3D patterns improves the shape, size of a component,
spatial The
development between
of 2Dthe to components. BIM, as athe
3D patterns improves digital
shape,tool, can
size of continue
a component, updat‐ and
and sharing projectbetween
relationships design information
the components.[77]. However, the 3Dtool,
BIM, as a digital pattern requires precise
can continue updating
geometry to support
and sharing projectthe design,
design procurement,
information [77].fabrication,
However, and the construction activitiesprecise
3D pattern requires [9].
Accordingly, BIM‐based visualization could express information more
geometry to support the design, procurement, fabrication, and construction activities intuitively by re‐[9].
alizing real‐time construction [78]. In addition, 3D also provides
Accordingly, BIM-based visualization could express information more intuitively by participants mindful ofre-
alizing and adequacy
real-time [79]. BIM[78].
construction andIn CAD share 3D
addition, similar
also views concerning
provides the construc‐
participants mindful of
tion interface
accuracy andmanagement
adequacy [79]. andBIM develop
and CAD ConBIMIM system,
share similar viewsa concerning
mixture of the construction,
BIM, and IMmanagement
interface [33]. and develop ConBIMIM system, a mixture of construction, BIM,
andBIMIM is a comprehensive system which enables participants to track project updates
and to BIMproideis adata and information
comprehensive systemabout models
which whose
enables aim is to to
participants manage the effects
track project of
theand to proide
databases ondata and information
a specific about models
model, capturing whosefrom
information aim ais particular
to managemodel, the effects
and of
the databases
preserving adding on industry‐specific
a specific model, applications
capturing information
[80]. IMS, fromon thea particular
other hand, model,
is theand
source adding industry-specific
for providing applications [80].
a simple and straightforward IMS, on the other
representation hand, interfaces;
of various is the source
for providing
clarifying a simple
the events and
of the straightforward
current representation
interfaces; extending of various interfaces;
the relationships clarifying
among interface
the events of the current interfaces; extending the relationships among
events, and helpings BIM users to track and identify interface events using different colors interface events,
and helpings BIM
[33], as shown in Figure 7.users to track and identify interface events using different colors [33], as
shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7. The mechanism of interface management system [33].

Figure 7. The mechanism of interface management system [33].
The ConBIM-IM system was proposed to design by constructing IM and IMS. Mean-
The the 3D-CAD interface
ConBIM‐IM represents
system was proposed objects and attributes
to design of interface
by constructing IM andevents—the BIM
IMS. Mean‐
while, the 3D‐CAD interface represents objects and attributes of interface events—the BIM
stores digital interface information to facilitate easy updates and interface transferring. As
a result, the 3D interface information can be identified, tracked, managed, and further
solved problems. The ConBIM‐IM enables participating engineers to share and save all
Sustainability 2022, 14, 1869 12 of 29

stores digital interface information to facilitate easy updates and interface transferring. As a
result, the 3D interface information can be identified, tracked, managed, and further solved
problems. The ConBIM-IM enables participating engineers to share and save all documents
in 3D formats, and be available upon future request. Figure 8 details the 3D interface
Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 maps
of 31
framework equipped with the eight components of ID, topic, date, description, owner,
people, attachments, and history.

Figure 8. The concept and framework of the 3D-based interface maps approach [33].
Figure 8. The concept and framework of the 3D‐based interface maps approach [33].
5.3. A Typical Framework
5.3. A Typical Framework
Figure 9 shows the BIM-based interfaces framework communication and management
Figure with
integrated 9 shows the BIM‐based
the Interface Breakdowninterfaces framework
Structure (IBS) andcommunication
MBS. The process andthenmanage‐
ment integrated with the Interface Breakdown Structure (IBS)
an IBS and a Model Breakdown Structure (MBS) before integrating them in BIM. IBS and MBS. The process then
creates an IBS and a Model Breakdown Structure (MBS) before integrating
break IM into elements of related interfaces. Meanwhile, IBS is a hierarchical representation them in BIM.
IBS can break IM
of interfaces, into elements
starting at higheroflevels,
related andinterfaces.
increasing Meanwhile, IBS is a hierarchical
to more acceptable rep‐
level interfaces.
Furthermore, of interfaces, startingmanagement
MBS in interface at higher levels, and increasing to more
is a deliverable-oriented acceptable
breakdown of alevel
model into Furthermore,
more minorMBS in interface
elements management
for interface a deliverable‐oriented break‐
MBS is a crucial interface
down of a BIM
integrated withmodel
elements intoofmore
BIM minor
models. elements for interface
The CMI-related management.
information storedMBS is a cru‐of
in elements
the interface
BIM model integrated
includes both with CMI-related
elements ofproblems
BIM models. The CMI‐related
and solutions [81]. The CMIinformation
stored in elements
information should ofinclude
the BIMthe model includes
interface both CMI‐related
description, responding, problems and
or related solutions
suchThe CMI essential
as documents, information
reports, drawings, should include the interface
and photographs. CMI then description, responding,
enables communication
related attachments
activates responses such as documents,
associated reports,
with projects, drawings,
activities, and photographs.
people, CMI then
and organizations. Iden-
tifying communication
enables the connection between the information
and activates responsesofassociated
CMI and the withcorresponding interfaces
projects, activities, peo‐is
ple, and to the project’s management.
organizations. Identifying the connection between the information of CMI and
the correspondingtointerfaces
In addition these developments,
is crucial to theproject engineers
project’s can acquire CMI-related issues
before sharing them
In addition to thesewith correspondingproject
developments, BIM model elements.
engineers The 3DCMI‐related
can acquire BIM model issues
as thesharing
before DBCMIthem system with can be illustratedBIM
corresponding at different CMI access
model elements. Thelevels depending
3D BIM on user
model known
asroles. As the information
the DBCMI system can is beupdated in the
illustrated DBCMI system,
at different the server
CMI access levelsautomatically
depending on informs
corresponding participants by sending e-mails to the project participants.
roles. As the information is updated in the DBCMI system, the server automatically in‐ CMI is equipped
with an
forms initial stage participants
corresponding through which by all responsible
sending e‐mailsparticipants
to the project or participants.
project managers CMI are is
identified. The second stage allows the project participants to edit
equipped with an initial stage through which all responsible participants or project man‐ the information sent and
agers theidentified.
appropriateThe BIM model.stage
second In the final stage,
allows the engineers
the project can submit
participants to editthetheinterface
issues associated
mation sent and selectwith the the appropriate
BIM model elements
BIM model. to the
the finalsystem
stage, for
the approval.
engineers Aftercan
submit the interface issues associated with the BIM model elements to the DBCMI system
for approval. After the approval stage, the corresponding participants respond to prob‐
lems via the selected interface in the DBCMI system. The system can track all these activ‐
ities to show the status and the results for each interface problem [81].
Sustainability 2022, 14, 1869 13 of 29

Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 31

the approval stage, the corresponding participants respond to problems via the selected
interface in the DBCMI system. The system can track all these activities to show the status
and the results for each interface problem [81].

Figure 9. The framework of database- and BIM-based interfaces communication and management [28].
Figure 9. The framework of database‐ and BIM‐based interfaces communication and management [28].
There is another approach to generate a dynamic energy simulation model for a single
existing building by There is another
collecting approach
existing to to
data generate
prepare a dynamic
energy energy simulation
retrofits modelcost
at the lowest for a sin‐
gle existing building by collecting existing data to prepare
possible. The proposal includes establishing a polygon model by employing photogram- energy retrofits at the lowest
cost possible. The proposal includes establishing a polygon
metrically generated point clouds with the Tool for Energy Analysis and Simulation for model by employing photo‐
grammetrically generated point clouds with the Tool for Energy Analysis and Simulation
Efficient Retrofit (TEASER) and AixLib. A single-family house was taken as a case study to
for Efficient Retrofit (TEASER) and AixLib. A single‐family house was taken as a case
achieve the purpose. The model reproduces the internal air temperatures during syntheti-
study to achieve the purpose. The model reproduces the internal air temperatures during
cal heating upsynthetical
and cooling down,
heating upwith building
and cooling heatwith
down, transfer coefficients
building (HTC)
heat transfer agreeing(HTC)
within a 12% range. The model requires accurate window characterizations
agreeing within a 12% range. The model requires accurate window characterizations and justifies and
the use of a very simplified
justifies the use ofinterior
a very geometry. However,
simplified interior uncertainties
geometry. However,arose regarding
uncertainties arose re‐
comparing different
comparing showing differences
different typologies in pre-retrofit
showing heat
differences demand ofheat
in pre‐retrofit aboutdemand
±20% to the average
of about[82].
±20% to the average [82].
In modern environments,
In modern environments, high‐rise buildings
high-rise buildings have becomehave become
indicativeindicative of a diverse
of a diverse
building environment
building environment that requiresthat requires
special special treatment
treatment by monitoring
by monitoring activitiesactivities
such assuch
fireas fire
hazards. BIM limits fire accidents by creating, developing, and
hazards. BIM limits fire accidents by creating, developing, and implementing an integrated implementing an inte‐
fire disaster prevention system. The disaster response system is composed of a complete of a
grated fire disaster prevention system. The disaster response system is composed
plan, includingcomplete
preventionplan, including prevention and evacuation. However, this alarming disaster sys‐
and evacuation. However, this alarming disaster system is prone
tem is prone to human errors, wrong location, poor communication, and incompleteness.
to human errors, wrong location, poor communication, and incompleteness. However, the
However, the role of BIM is to minimize possible human errors. The system could be bet‐
role of BIM is to
in case ofhuman errors.
providing The system could
3D visualization be better
to support performedplanning,
the assessment, in
case of providing 3D visualization to support
and detection of fire safety [83]. the assessment, planning, and detection of
fire safety [83].
Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 31

Sustainability 2022, 14, 1869 14 of 29

6. Review Previous Methodologies

6.1. Integrating CMI
6. Review Previous Methodologies
6.1. et al. [28] conducted
CMI a pilot study to investigate the connection between CMI and
MI by interviewing project managers and expert engineers. The study concluded that
Lin et al. [28] conducted a pilot study to investigate the connection between CMI and
there was no suitable platform supporting IM, incomplete records for communication and
MI by interviewing project managers and expert engineers. The study concluded that
supporting documents, and no clear distinction for how these problems were developed.
there was no suitable platform supporting IM, incomplete records for communication and
Hence, CMI must be fully incorporated in construction processes and activities to satisfy
supporting documents, and no clear distinction for how these problems were developed.
these problems, recording all communications at each interface, and linking CMI to BIM
Hence, CMI must be fully incorporated in construction processes and activities to satisfy
models. Lin et al. [28] proposed a concept in which IM was prepared for a general con‐
these problems, recording all communications at each interface, and linking CMI to BIM
tractor (GC), as shown in Figure 10.
models. Lin et al. [28] proposed a concept in which IM was prepared for a general contractor
(GC), as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Investigation of CMI and BIM model [28].

Figure 10. Investigation of CMI and BIM model [28].
6.2. Integrating IM
IM integrating
6.2. Integrating IM into BIM can be considered a robust approach to improving project
monitoring and control to enable real-time decision-making. Most constructions are cur-
IM integrating into BIM can be considered a robust approach to improving project
rently using IM and BIM separately, and, hence, combing IM and BIM is very useful for
monitoring and control to enable real‐time decision‐making. Most constructions are cur‐
management, especially for deterministic product management perspective and to a better
rently using IM and BIM separately, and, hence, combing IM and BIM is very useful for
understanding of managing the complexities, uncertainties, and risk in organizational
management, especially for deterministic product management perspective and to a bet‐
structure, coordination, collaboration, and communication [32].
ter understanding of managing the complexities, uncertainties, and risk in organizational
The complex construction projects require creating a BIM model before establishing
structure, coordination, collaboration, and communication [32].
its IM system using a conceptual BIM model that can be generated and detailed during
the complex construction
lifecycle. On theprojects
an IMcreating
system astarts
BIM in model before phase
the design establishing
as part of
its IM
thesystem using
project’s a conceptual
dynamic systemsBIM modelthat
packages thatinclude
can be generated
changing or and detailedelements
evolving during or
the removing
project lifecycle. On the
items from thecontrary,
system. Inanthe
system startsdesign
in thephases,
design many
phase new
as part of
the may
project’s dynamic systems packages that include changing or evolving elements
suffer from repeating, cancellation, or modifying. In all such cases, editing the project or
removing items
essentials hasfrom the system.
become In thestep
a necessary construction design
to follow-up the phases,
executionmany new
of the elements
project. These
suffer from repeating, cancellation, or modifying. In all such cases,
may require updating the project participants as IPs change on the IM editing the project
duringhas thebecome
project alifecycle.
execution of the project.
a particular phase toThese
changes may require
the number updating the
of participants project Then,
increases. participants as IPs decreases
the number change ontowards
the IM system
the end of
the the project
project. lifecycle.
This behavior As means
the project
that moves from aand
IM expands particular
with to another,
the changethe in the
number of participants
number of project participants affecting the number of interface points duringthe
increases. Then, the number decreases towards the end of thepro‐
This behavior
[32]. means that IM expands and shrinks, with the change in the number of
Sustainability 2022, 14, 1869 15 of 29

The IM system consists of interface points (IPs), interface agreements (IAs), and
interface agreement deliverables (IADs), as shown in Figure 11. In addition, IPs may
Sustainability 2021, 13, manyREVIEW
x FOR PEER IAs, with each IA possibly including many IADs, which means that a typical 1
project may include tens of thousands of IADs which need accurate management to design
phases of complex projects that work towards reducing cost and improving [25].
Since 2013, researchers
project have affecting
participants been steadily developing
the number an effective
of interface pointsweb-based
during theIM
project life
system platform, such as Lin [84], who instrumented a connection amongst project partici-
pants for managing interface problems during the construction phase. Within four years,
The IM system consists of interface points (IPs), interface agreements (IAs), an
Ju et al. [85] had successfully developed an integrated interface model through which the
terface agreement deliverables (IADs), as shown in Figure 11. In addition, IPs may co
traditional methods have been changed to a more standardized and structured aiming
many IAs, with each IA possibly including many IADs, which means that a typical p
at improving an IM system. During the period from 2013 until very recently, the heavy
may include tens of thousands of IADs which need accurate management to d
research on IM was not successful in eliminating the gaps about visualizing the IM system
phases of complex projects that work towards reducing cost and improving [25].
in the design phase [86].

Figure 11. The mechanism of connection IM and BIM [27].

Figure 11. The mechanism of connection IM and BIM [27].
6.3. Document Management System
Complete knowledgeSince 2013, researchers
about have been
the building steadily
material anddeveloping
corresponding an effective
repair web‐based
and IM
tem platform,
condition information such asinLin
is provided the[84], who instrumented
‘SharePoint’ a connection
electronic document amongst project pa
system (EDMS). pants
mostmanaging interface
crucial benefit of problems
EDMS is thatduring the construction
storing information can phase. Within four y
be done
without a formalJu etstructure.
al. [85] had Thesuccessfully
information developed
integrated and interface
can be model
at whic
traditional methods have been changed to a more
any time to be used as needed. Recently, the EDMS information has been stored withstandardized and structured aim
improving an IM system. During the period from 2013
some structure to the documents to transfer information quickly. The requirement of the until very recently, the heav
information could on IMawas
become not successful
computable BIM datain eliminating
parameter and the gaps aboutreviewing
to enable visualizingthethe IM sy
in the
existing template design phase
documents [87]. [86].
Regarding the Asset Lifecycle Information Management (ALIM), BIM could benefit
from the open6.3. Document
standards thatManagement
enable future System
builders and developers to record information
on the entire lifecycle.
Complete knowledge aboutthe
ALIM arises because of theavailability of information
building material as an essential
and corresponding repair and
part of structural digital twins. This type of system provides detailed
dition information is provided in the ‘SharePoint’ electronic document insights into perfor-
mance and processes
tem (EDMS).throughThesimulation.
most crucial This information
benefit of EDMS canisbe combined
that storing and reused can be
quickly if specified, designed, realized, managed, maintained, or dismantled
without a formal structure. The information becomes available and can be obtained a according
to open standards.
time toLinking
be usedand connecting
as needed. data are
Recently, the innovative concepts,has
EDMS information since
stored with
requires bringing together diverse sources from different domains with their
structure to the documents to transfer information quickly. The requirement of the standards;
knowledge of mation
various could
becomeis essential. Therefore,
a computable BIMALIM provides extensive
data parameter expertise
and to enable reviewing th
on both data integration and data modelling
isting template documents [87]. based on linked data and (inter)national open
standards [88]. Regarding the Asset Lifecycle Information Management (ALIM), BIM could b
7. BIM-Basedfrom the open standards that enable future builders and developers to record inform
on the entire lifecycle. ALIM arises because of the availability of information as an e
The algorithm describes optimization problems with different variables confined
tial part of structural digital twins. This type of system provides detailed insights
by existing conditions and constraints [89]. Solving complex optimization problems in
performance and processes through simulation. This information can be combined
engineering, economy, and science requires utilizing metaheuristic algorithms to find
reused quickly if specified, designed, realized, managed, maintained, or dismantle
solutions within a reasonable amount of time. Optimization problems are nonlinear,
cording to open standards. Linking and connecting data are innovative concepts,
multimodal, and generally subjected to a set of complicated constraints. One of these
ALIM requires bringing together diverse sources from different domains with their s
constraints is the existence of different and conflicting objectives of a single problem which
ards; knowledge of various standards is essential. Therefore, ALIM provides exte
make finding an optimal result difficult [90]. BIM has been considered a comprehensive
expertise on both data integration and data modelling based on linked data and (inte
model for optimizing different construction processes in all stages before and after the
tional open standards [88].
project [91]. BIM could provide a suitable framework that supports the decision-making
process by utilizing all necessary information at the right time.
7. BIM‐Based Algorithm
The algorithm describes optimization problems with different variables confin
existing conditions and constraints [89]. Solving complex optimization problems in
neering, economy, and science requires utilizing metaheuristic algorithms to find
tions within a reasonable amount of time. Optimization problems are nonlinear, m
Sustainability 2022, 14, 1869 16 of 29

Algorithm optimization has been heavily utilized as a decision-making process in con-

struction in the planning of site layout, because such an optimization results in enhancing
productivity by facilitating the movement of labor and materials. In addition to saving
time and cost, BIM can assist in planning the construction site layout [92]. Implementing
this process is not easy, because it relies on many interlocked factors that influence the site
layout problem [93]. Hence, it is imperative to create a suitable algorithm to achieve the
highest possible case [94]. It has been reported that the optimization process is a complex
method, due to the limited number of feasible configurations that lead to obtaining exact
methods [95].
The solution seemingly relies on metaheuristic algorithms defined by [96] as a frame-
work of a highly independent algorithm that provides guidelines and strategies for utilizing
the optimization process. These algorithms show high compatibility with many engineer-
ing optimization problems [97]. Metaheuristic appears in different forms and for various
tasks. The main classification of metaheuristic algorithms is either trajectory-based or
population-based algorithms. Away from the complications of these algorithms, it can
be said that the global utilization of the search algorithms shares the same or very close
purposes [98].

7.1. Algorithm Roles in BIM

In recent years, studies have been trying to implement metaheuristic algorithms in
BIM-site layouts. As examples, genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimization
(PSO) were among metaheuristic algorithms. The applications targeted the period during
planning to support the decision-making process for construction projects [95]. Achieving
this algorithm application implies that the site layout is considered in two fashions: a static
and a dynamic model. The static model facilitates the initial plans until the end of the
entire construction phases [99]. On the other side, dynamic layout models identify the
required duration of each facility [100]. The input data and corresponding constraints that
characterize the optimal layout problem were discussed by [92]. The optimization process
can be mainly achieved by considering the dynamic models, which supposedly contain
any possible change throughout the construction phases. In the optimization process, the
mathematical procedure may consider integrating generic algorithms to better facilitate the
use of a radio frequency identification (RFID) system that depicts tracking object location
in the real-time procedure [101]. For the materials, [102] employed a generic algorithm
for dynamic plan optimization while using a metaheuristic algorithm to optimize both
the material and personal movements. Furthermore, the A* algorithm is used to find the
shortest distance between multiple points. Use of the A* algorithm is to counterpart some
obstacles in the construction site [103].
Another benefit of using optimization is reducing the time required of travel frequen-
cies at various construction phases [104]. The other application targets other applications
in construction projects using integrating BIM product models with several algorithms to
achieve optimization, which should be conducted in the auto-generated schedule [105]. As
shown later, the BIM simulation system uses a 4D model and generic algorithms to obtain
an optimal construction schedule [106]. Furthermore, BIM was utilized to develop and gen-
erate construction schedules [107]. These approaches require efficient algorithms to achieve
a very high computational speed for optimization using hardware with field-programmable
gate arrays [108]. The optimization for maintaining the life cycle cost throughout saving
energy was studied by [109].
Sustainability was also studied by integrating the BIM model and the famous multi-
objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) [110]. BIM is used to reduce the com-
putational time in building fire emergency response operations using the metaheuristic
algorithms [108].
Sustainability 2022, 14, 1869 17 of 29

7.2. K-Means Algorithm

The tools assessment of the BIM performance focuses on qualitative aspects, such as the
success of BIM project progress or the capability of the construction company to complete a
project [111]. However, the most challenging part of this type of qualitative assessment is
outlining the qualitative BIM performance assessment tools for the operational strategy.
Kim et al. [112] have solved this matter by proposing a method based on the k-means
clustering algorithm. The solution implies that the BIM performance assessment system
enables both the evaluation of the current BIM execution ability and the corresponding
prediction of the cost-effectiveness before and after implementation of BIM projects through
a comparison with other projects. The method is based on the expectation of a k-means
clustering algorithm by analyzing the return-on-investment (RoI) approach.
Previous attempts to solve the same problem relied on various approaches such as
implementing BIM initiatives [113], analyzing the BIM substantial benefits and character-
istics in estimating the cost-effectiveness [114], analyzing the 13 risk factors (technology,
human, management finance, and others) required to consider a swift counterstrategy that
results in the success of BIM project or developing six performance indicators of the quality
control, schedule conformance, total cost, unit particulars, cost per unit, and safety [115].
Searching for similar project groups can be facilitated using the k-means algorithm,
since this algorithm is very efficient in clustering analysis, which quickly results in stable
results [112]. A procedure runs the processes associated with the k-means algorithm. The
procedure is comprehensive, as it is characterized by input information, metrics to weigh
and calculate similarities, and searching for similar projects. The data used for these clusters
can be determined by the similarity ratio between the case and target projects, as depicted
in Table 3. The metrics are used in evaluating project information and assessing BIM tool,
BIM application phase, performance capability, costs, and usage frequency [112].

Table 3. Metrics for analyzing the BIM environment [111].

Metrics Description
Project information Project name, type, cost, country, region, etc.
Goal of BIM introduction Producticvity improvement and schduling reduction in cost.
Revit architecture, Bentley architecture, ArchiCAD, Navisworks, Vico
BIM tool
control, etc.
BIM application phase Design phase-conceptual, construction phase, etc.
Performance capability
Organization, technology, management

7.3. Heuristic Optimisation

A heuristic (a self-discovery) algorithm is a shortcut that allows people to solve prob-
lems and make judgments quickly and efficiently, and to find a near-optimal solution. This
application means that heuristic algorithms shorten the time to decide, while allowing
people to function without constantly stopping to think about their next course of action.
This result was subjected to a trade-off balance between several factors, including opti-
mization, accuracy, preciseness, completeness, and solution speed. Heuristic methods were
typically employed when the classical solution failed to achieve an exact solution. For
large datasets, users must define the objectives to optimize an algorithm using heuristic
methods [116]. Despite the potential challenges that visual programming languages (VPLs)
pose, they are still offering several benefits. These benefits range from easily creating
designing industrial programs with minimal computer science training, to easily accessing
APIs platform. Besides, the design is characterized by simple geometry, flexibility, and easy
integration that support the automated analysis of non-parametric features [117]. Figure 12
shows the general process for computational algorithm development, which includes vari-
ous computational procedures, such as Boolean, vectors, and, most importantly, heuristic
Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 19 of 31

Sustainability 2022, 14, 1869 18 of 29

(VPLs) pose, they are still offering several benefits. These benefits range from easily cre‐
ating designing industrial programs with minimal computer science training, to easily
accessing APIs platform. Besides, the design is characterized by simple geometry, flexibil‐
optimization methods [118]. However, BIM computational processes require many more
ity, and easy integration that support the automated analysis of non‐parametric features
processes and analyses; hence Seghier et al. [119] proposed different quantitative and
[117]. Figure 12 shows the general process for computational algorithm development,
qualitative processes which can be computed using algorithms. This type of data analysis
which includes various computational procedures, such as Boolean, vectors, and, most
forms a specific data management platform that can handle algorithms.
importantly, heuristic optimization methods [118]. However, BIM computational pro‐
The application of the VLP-algorithm for building design is conventionally practiced
cesses require many more processes and analyses; hence Seghier et al. [119] proposed dif‐
according to the workflow presented in Figure 13. Hence, the design can be checked
ferent quantitative and qualitative processes which can be computed using algorithms.
manually by engaging NLP with the auto computational performance. The workflow
This type the
outlines of data analysis
initial steps offorms a specific
the BIM model,data management
the logical platform
statement inputsthat
fromcan handle
analysis, and the automated compliance checking module.

Figure 12. General process for the development of VPL-based computational algorithms for geometric
Figure 12. General process for the development of VPL‐based computational algorithms for geo‐
optimization in BIM [112].
metric optimization in BIM [112].

The application of the VLP‐algorithm for building design is conventionally practiced

according to the workflow presented in Figure 13. Hence, the design can be checked man‐
ually by engaging NLP with the auto computational performance. The workflow outlines
the initial steps of the BIM model, the logical statement inputs from NLP‐based analysis,
and the automated compliance checking module.
Sustainability 2022,
Sustainability 2021, 14,
13, 1869
19 of 29

Figure 13. The 13. The compliance
compliance of the automated
of the automated and logicaland logical
building building
codes usingcodes
[112]. NLP [112].
8. Summary of Previous Empirical Research
8. Summary of Previous Empirical Research
Based on the paper title, the role of the interface and interface management, the concept
Based on the paper title, the role of the interface and interface management, the con‐
of the multi-model and the relevant applications, and the role of algorithm optimization
cept of the multi‐model and the relevant applications, and the role of algorithm optimiza‐
are highlighted in Table 4. The table shows five elements: objective, methodology, gap(s)
tion are highlighted
presented, in Table 4. of
and the contribution The table
each shows
article. One five
of elements: objective,
the most proper methodology,
methodologies to
gap(s) presented,
reduce BIM complexityand the contribution
is the automation, of each article. One [120]
as Mukkavaara of thereported,
most proper whomethodol‐
ogies to reduce
BIM-based BIM complexity
automation in the design is the automation,
process. The reason as Mukkavaara
for automation [120]
is toreported,
manage who well
proposed BIM‐based automation in the design process. The reason
in every single application of BIM. This issue was discussed from a different point of view for automation is to
manage well in every single application of BIM. This issue was discussed
by integrating interface management building with BIM, as comprehensively discussed by from a different
Eray [32], by integrating
aiming interface
at developing management
a framework thatbuilding withasBIM,
can be used a goodas comprehen‐
sively discussed by Eray et al. [32], aiming at developing
for communication amongst participants over interface-related problems in the a framework that can be used
a good coordinator for communication amongst participants over interface‐related
definition and design phases. The reason for this interface integrating is the ever-increasing prob‐
lems in the of
complexity project definition
constructing and design
projects, such as phases.
powerThe reason
plants and for this
rapid interface
transit integrating
systems. Mean-
is the ever‐increasing complexity of constructing projects, such
while, the concept of BIM interface was further discussed by Lin et al. [28] due as power plants andto rapid
transit systems.
integrating of BIMMeanwhile, the conceptaiming
and web technology, of BIM at interface
allowing was
user todiscussed
communicate by Lin andet
al. [28] due
explore to the integrating
the various links of BIM. of BIM and web technology, aiming at allowing the user to
The main and explore
purpose the various
of creating a BIMlinks of BIM.
interface is to allow general contractors to enhance
their The
CMImainwork purpose
BIM interface is toThe
phase. allow
interfacecontractors to en‐
was introduced
by Kang [73] under a different form of human–machine interface (HMI) to monitor was
hance their CMI work efficiency during the construction phase. The BIM interface the
energy by Kangsystem
management [73] under a different
regarding energy form of human–machine
consumption. The results of interface
introducing(HMI) suchto
as the were
a measure energy management
positive system
for both the effectregarding energy Tang
and the benefits. consumption. The results
et al. [58] have proposed of
introducing such as a measure were positive for both the effect and the benefits. Tang et
Sustainability 2022, 14, 1869 20 of 29

a methodology that targeted smart buildings using a building automation system (BAS).
BAS can fill the gap caused by the difficulty of performing the exchange of information
amongst BIM stages. This development depends on introducing the network system in
IFC by mobilizing the interface. The implementation of BIM faces some barriers in ACE,
as reported by Leśniak et al. [121]. They proposed a technique known as the Ishikawa
procedure, in which education, including training and studying BIM technology, could
result in a better understanding of MIM implementation. The computational BIM is a vast
field utilized to automate BIM by optimization to achieve higher efficiency in critical fields,
such as better building materials, opening sizes, and glazing types (Lim et al. [122]). The
optimization was carried out to serve to integrate Revit tools, dynamo visual programming
tools, and multi-objective. As a result, Lim et al. [122] have contributed a series of tools
integration using MATLAB to facilitate the possibility of automating and speeding up the
process of retrofitting constructions.
The idea of exploring the multimodel approach in BIM was enhanced by Pruvost et al. [6]
in projecting uncertainties in designing space by collaborating with the building design
workflow. As a result, they integrated several disciplines to share information from different
data models and formats, to eventually be used as input in building energy analysis (BEA),
including geometry, energy infrastructure, weather, and building usage. Another research
study accompanied the progress made by Pruvost et al. [6]. This was in the same field
conducted by Fuchs and Scherer [7], who approached BIM multi-model throughout nD-
modelling, based on the available original data.
BIM is involved in structural sustainability, as part of the effort to treat the environment
better, as reported by Oti et al. [123], who have utilized API in the extended demonstration
of the conceptual design option of BIM. This demonstration was conducted by modeling
and creating algorithms able to enhance nD building performance. The gap that prompted
using nD building was to exploit expanding BIM scope. Another trial to enhance the
performance of the multi-model was experienced by Cheng and Cheng [124], in which
a genetic algorithm (GA) was employed for better natural selection. The enhancement
was carried out by employing Markov chain theory to determine the criteria of adaptive
termination with minimal cost. The complexity of MIM applications can be reduced using
several techniques.
In 2019, Deng et al. [81] introduced a new parameter in BIM applications as they
considered the safety measures a part of the BIM emergency management plan through
the Revit platform. In this attempt, Navisworks software was employed. By employing an
emergency plan, BIM has become involved in a more detailed approach in construction
management. In addition to the work of Pruvost et al. [6] and Lim et al. (2019) in integrating
BIM with various techniques as discussed earlier, Li et al. [125] prosed another way to
integrate web services with BIM to improve the early design processes called Dynamo BIM,
while [126] investigated some approaches to integrate BIM, IoT, and FM for renovating
existing buildings. All integration trials mentioned above were validated and then assessed
in estimating energy consumption.
The simulation technique is widespread in many fields. In BIM, Siegele et al. [127] used
a new MATLAB simulator to study the construction’s dynamic feature by programming the
object-oriented language of MATLAB. The results have shown that the indoor quality has
improved. The last article was chosen to present the optimization needed to upgrade the
efficiency of BIM applications in specific fields, such as optimizing the energy consumption
and the space occupied by the project.
In this sense, Amiri et al. [94] have suggested a metaheuristic algorithm to support the
decision-making process: Uses in planning construction site layout. It has been shown that
metaheuristic optimization algorithms have been recognized as very famous hybridizing
algorithms that can work very well with the k-means approach.
Sustainability 2022, 14, 1869 21 of 29

Table 4. Summary of the most relevant articles.

# Author/Title Objective Methodology Gap(s) Contribution

To investigate the Providing the foundation for
Mukkavaara [120]. The complexity of the
structures that can be Exploring different mapping between multiple
Structures for design process s not
applied to support methods for automation sets of data to resolve the
1 supporting BIM-based managed well in each
automation within a workflows using three coupling of information at
automation in the single BIM
BIM-based design studies. each activity in an automated
design process application.
process. BIM-based workflow.
To develop a framework
The complex projects
for integrating IM and By explaining the relation Integrating IM and BIM
such rapid transit
Eray et al. [32]. BIM systems to create between IM and BIM systems improves better
systems, power
An overview on better coordination and systems, a framework was execution process by
plants, refineries and
integrating interface communication between developed to connect improving the project control,
2 port facilities were
management and project participants over interface points within a communications and
facing difficulties in
building information interface related 3-D model followed by alignment along with reduced
managing execution
management systems problems in the project validating the functionality requests for information,
due to geographical
definition and design of proposed framework. change requests, and rework.
specialized location.
Use IDM and MVD Facilitate information
methodologies to define an exchange for BIM-assisted
It is rarely seen to
IFC subset schema so that BAS design and operation
Tang et al. [58]. To link smart buildings to design BAS or
BAS information using one BAS open
BIM assisted Building different building exchange BAS
conforming to the BACnet communication protocol
3 Automation System systems together with the information in
protocol can be represented named Building Automation
information exchange Building Automation different project
in IFC data model for and Control Networks
using BACnet and IFC System (BAS). stages using BIM
information exchange (BACnet) and open BIM
throughout various project standard Industry
stages with BIM tools. Foundation Class (IFC).
Lin et al. [28].
To integrate BIM and web The absence of Developing a
Construction Using a case (pilot) study in
technology to construct suitable and database-supported and
database-supported a building project by
projects allows users to necessary systems or BIM-based CMI (DBCMI)
and BIM-based proposing database
4 communicate interface platforms to tackle system for general contractors
interface communication and
issues and obtain the communication to enhance their CMI work
communication and management interface
responses for them and interface efficiency during the
management: a pilot (dBCMI) system.
effectively. management. construction phase.
To introduce Building Introducing BIM-based The absence of
Kang [73]. Information Modeling HMI framework after effective
BIM-based (BIM)-based deriving the considerations heterogeneous link A positive effect (3.9/5.0) on
human–machine Human–Machine and requirements necessary between BIM and the connectivity of BIM-based
interface (HMI) Interface (HMI) for linking the energy energy management HMI with benefits (4.3/5.0)
framework for energy framework for intuitive control point and BIM system to provides for real-time data monitoring.
management space-based energy through a questionnaire space-based real-time
management. designed by practitioners. energy monitoring.
Limited information
Leśniak et al. [121].
To analyze the cause and about the influence of
Barriers to BIM
effect of identified the poor BIM Introducing factors that are
Implementation in Employing a tool that helps
barriers (failure) to implementation in needed to better implement
Architecture, to recognize the actual or
6 implementing BIM Poland and about the BIM, such as education,
Construction, and potential causes of failure
technology in the awareness of training, and studying BIM
Engineering known as Ishikawa.
construction process in reducing the technology
Projects—The Polish
Poland. obstacles of BIM
Integrating Revit tool,
The need of better
dynamo visual The integration (Revit), VPL
To automate the and efficient decision
Lim et al. [122]. programming tool, and (Dynamo), and MOO
computational building to optimize the
Computational BIM multi-objective (NSGA-II in MATLAB)
information modelling building efficiency,
7 for Green Retrofitting optimization algorithm to facilitates the possibility of
(BIM) in decision-making such as the choices of
of The Existing optimize overall thermal automating and speeding up
for green retrofitting of building materials,
Building Envelope transfer value (OTTV) and the process of green
the existing building. opening sizes, and
construction investment retrofitting performance.
glazing types.
Sustainability 2022, 14, 1869 22 of 29

Table 4. Cont.

# Author/Title Objective Methodology Gap(s) Contribution

Integrating several
disciplines to share Computational
To support analysis of
Pruvost et al. [6]. information from different methods lack rapid The multimodal method is
uncertainty by presenting
Multimodel-based data models and formats to and more mature extended for a broad
an innovative modeling
8 exploration of the eventually be used as input methods for exploration of building
approach that
building design space in building energy analysis designing options to design options and their
collaborates building
and its uncertainty (BEA) including geometry, find the best inherent uncertainty.
design workflow.
energy infrastructure, alternative.
weather, building usage.
The approach was achieved
To utilize API in BIM
by mapping API for The utilization process has
extension and
Oti et al. [123]. structural sustainability APIs are not yet fully expanded the BIM scope by
demonstrates its
Structural appraisal followed by exploited in modelling and creating
9 application to embed
sustainability developing assessment expanding the BIM algorithms applicable to
sustainability issues in
appraisal in BIM model and integrating this scope. enhance nD building
the structural conceptual
model using conceptual performance.
design options in BIM.
building design iterations.
Fuchs & Scherer [7]. To introduce multimodels The loose cross-model The current Offering multimodel
Multimodels—Instant approach to offer wider coupling of data elements is interoperability lacks approach to the single
nD-modeling using value of information in neutrally stored in external generality and self-contained information
original data terms of quality and time. ID-based link models. satisfaction. space.
To employ the genetic
algorithm (GA) to inspire It developed a new schema
the process of natural The use of the Markov The studies on the theory that characterizes the
Cheng & Cheng [124].
selection using crossover chain theory to design an availability of current model to improve the
11 and mutation iteratively adaptive termination candidate qualified evolutionary process by
Multi-model Inference
to update a collection of criterion that vastly reduces models are very rare demonstrating the GA
with Natural Selection
potential solutions the computational cost. in literature. empirical power based on
(models) until two real data examples.
Deng et al. [81].
Using the simulator
Research on safety To create a construction
Navisworks software to
management hazard source safety Existing hidden
rescue the emergency of Introducing the security
application of management module accidental dangers in
12 construction safety management module to guide
dangerous sources in through secondary construction without
accidents by formulating developers to avoid accidents.
engineering development of the Revit proper solution.
corresponding emergency
construction based on platform.
management plan
BIM technology
Li et al. [125].
Integration of
Developing service
Building Information To integrate Dynamo BIM The integration of Dynamo
Results from the integrated tools relates BIM and
Modeling and Web and Amap web service BIM and web service APIs is
tool are analyzed and location to facilitate
13 Service Application APIs for the evaluations helpful for site assessments in
validated with survey the process of
Programming of diverse uses of the early design stage or even
results estimating energy
Interface for assessing transportations. earlier.
building surroundings
in early design stages
Siegele et al. [127].
The new model is tailored for
A new MATLAB The development of this Research work using
To develop carnotUIBK hardware in the loop
Simulink Toolbox for tool is carried out using simulator MATLAB
for dynamic building applications development
14 Dynamic Building programming the is very rare in BIM
simulations using and indoor air quality
Simulation with BIM object-oriented language of dynamic and loop
MATLAB technique. simulations in terms of
and Hardware in the MATLAB. compatibility.
multi-zone modelling.
Loop compatibility
Amiri et al. [95].
applications of To introduce BIM-based Optimization has
Metaheuristic optimization BIM has been equipped with
metaheuristic applications of been treated
algorithms was employed the optimized
algorithms to support metaheuristic inefficiently in most
15 by hybridizing several decision-making process by
the decision-making optimization algorithms off the previous work
algorithms such as k-means aggregating the necessary
process: Uses in the to support the especially in site
approach. information at the right time.
planning decision-making process. layout planning.
of construction
site layout
Sustainability 2022, 14, 1869 23 of 29

9. Contribution
Adopting algorithms in interface and IM in BIM multi-model applications for optimiza-
tion has been considered the most significant contributor to achieving high performance in
construction. This novel contribution was based on introducing suitable methodologies to
accomplish new or upcoming research tasks. The process cannot be accomplished without
specifying API in various software components that may interact, such as accessing the
database, hard drive, disc drive, video card, etc. The interface is established to create
programming codes equipped with programming language routines, data structures, and
classes and variables. This review explains the integration of IBS and MBS in BIM and
interfaces management. The other contribution of this study is to develop an API to enable
BIM viewers to simplify BIM-based interface management.
One of the significant advanced steps to extend BIM use was developing a BIM-IoT
system that allows one to directly use the BIM models for building context and 3D views.
Alternatively, considering the BIM Model management in a native environment, VPL
scripts have been developed to support the integration of BIM and IoT, which requires
employing sensors.
VPL can also help introduce an accessible mode that enables BIM/IoT interfacing,
in which BIM models could be transferred from static to dynamic, with the ability to
self-update essential information. BIM/IoT opens a new trend of communication called
machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, which extends to using external databases
between the real and virtual worlds.
The review also presented an approach for a workflow engine to be integrated into the
BIM multi-model collaboration platform. This type of implementation is considered the
most critical step towards increasing the degree of automation. Another field, in addition
to automation, was to create a multi-model BIM collaboration platform based on ontologies
and BCF. The review has shown that the workflow of specific data can be obtained from
the multi-model IDM/MVD methodology to achieve process and user model and their
linkage information.
The review has introduced factors needed to implement better BIM, such as education,
training, and studying BIM technology. In addition, BIM has expanded in scope as the
algorithms were introduced to enhance nD building performance. Utilizing algorithms
in BIM processes improved the process by demonstrating the GA empirical power based
on two real data examples. Furthermore, integrating Dynamo BIM and web service APIs
could improve site assessments in the early design stage, or even earlier.

10. Conclusions and Future Work

The review has shown clearly that there is still a long way to reach the objective of high
performance of BIM. The interoperability issues were identified and reviewed; however,
they need to be addressed in future versions of BIM tools schemas. The fundamental
problem of these issues is slowing down the BIM automation and in areas that still employ
manual interaction. The currently available tools likely can read, with minimum error, the
BIM files. Most issues occur either when the BIM files are generated by CAD tools such
as Revit or, more importantly, during reading the BIM files by energy simulation tools—a
field that needs more focus and understanding in future research areas. The homogeneous
data format can be easily used in the multi-model strategies instead of the generic data
access to the elementary models, which requires creating a virtual structure throughout
generalizing and idealizing the representation of popular data format concepts. Under this
generalization, BIM applications can be extended without being conceptually changed, or
maintaining a super data model.
The review has identified the possibility of utilizing the BACnet protocol for BAC
information exchange that considers the IFC data model. Hence, the new technique can
unlock the potential future of smart buildings using BIM and a BIM multi-model approach,
which can be achieved by integrating tools and with BIM through IoT.
Sustainability 2022, 14, 1869 24 of 29

Despite the advancement of BIM in construction, the need for optimization BIM
processes still represents the core of current and future developments. Recently, researchers
have been working on adopting metaheuristic algorithms to support making decisions in
construction by considering BIM-based applications. These applications include site layout
to identify the size, energy consumption, and possible constraints concerning optimum
cost outcomes. The algorithm’s involvement has successfully enhanced productivity and
safety in the construction process, saving cost and time by creating an intelligent system
to control moving labor and materials. The optimization has shown clear evidence of the
effectiveness of aggregating the necessary information at the right time.
The review presents limitations, especially in considering the potential link of BIM and
Building Management System (BMS), and the level of influencing the BIM-IoT prototype.
It was also revealed that the solution proposed by BIM skills to solve FM management in
the dynamic model is still an unusual scenario because of the limited contribution of the
BIM model in associating BMS environment.
The applications of interface management have been reviewed academically and
practically in the literature, suggesting numerous BIM-based system developments in
which CMI work is based on the filing system. This filing system has shortcomings which,
alternatively, are replaced by proposing a DBCMI system, due to its capability to overcome
the limitations in the other filing system. Employing a DBCMI system relies on establishing
more effective visualization and sharing for BIM-based interface management during the
project construction phase. It effectively helps integrate discourse in the BIM model and
to improve the communication of information. Furthermore, designing API modules
to be used in the DBCMI system simplifies using interface and operations that increase
the willingness of participants to use the system. Despite the advancement of BIM in
construction, the need to optimize BIM processes still represents the core of current and
future developments.
The review presented the need for optimization by extending the contribution of the
various algorithms in this process. Recently, researchers have been working on adopting
metaheuristic algorithms to support deciding on construction by considering BIM-based
applications. These applications include site layout to identify the size, energy consumption,
and possible constraints concerning optimum cost outcomes. The algorithm’s involvement
has successfully shown an enhancement in productivity and safety in the construction
process, which saves cost, time, and the framework of moving labor and materials. The
optimization has shown clear evidence of the effectiveness of aggregating the necessary
information at the right time. It was also revealed that the solution proposed by BIM skills
to solve FM management in the dynamic model is still an unusual scenario because of the
limitation of the BIM model contribution that is associated with the BMS environment.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, N.A.H. (Nawal Abdunasseer Hmidah) and A.B.A.A.;
methodology, N.A.H. (Nuzul Azam Haron); writing—original draft preparation, N.A.H. (Nawal
Abdunasseer Hmidah), writing—review and editing, N.A.H. (Nuzul Azam Haron) supervision
and reviewed the article, N.A.H. (Nuzul Azam Haron) advice and support, A.H.A. and T.H.L. and
R.A.A.R.A.E. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding. This work was supported and partial funding
by research management center, University Putra Malaysia.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty
of Engineering, University Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Malaysia, for supporting This review paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Sustainability 2022, 14, 1869 25 of 29

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