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Embedded Systems

Assignment 3
S Raguraam RVCE22BME036

IDE- Types and Uses

IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment. It is a multipurpose
application that functions as a code editor, debugger and compiler. It also contains
additional features such as intelligent automation of repetitive tasks, code
completion, real time code checking, Text highlighting etc., with a single cohesive
Graphical User Interface (GUI) for ease of use.

The type of preferred IDE depends on the programming language used, cloud or
local hardware utilization etc. A good IDE helps in speeding up the process of
development of software by providing all the necessary tools in a package that is
easy to use with many helpful technical and productivity features.

The Arduino Project

The Arduino project is an open source Hardware and Software platform that is
used to build electronics projects, Embedded Systems and IOT Devices. It consists
of an ecosystem of Microcontroller boards with the necessary circuitry for memory,
input, output and power supply. Arduino boards can be programmed using Arduino
IDE which uses a simplified version of C++.
The different types of Arduino boards available are:

1. Arduino Uno (R3) is a beginner friendly

Arduino board. It is based on the ATMega328P
16MHz microcontroller. It contains 14 digital
I/O pins including 6 Pulse Width Modulation
Pins (PWM) that enable it to interface with
digital control modules and sensors. It also has
6 analog inputs that read the pin voltage, a USB
Type A port to connect to a computer, power
jack, and an In-Circuit Serial Programming
Header (ICSP) which allows it to be flexibly
programmed while installed in a system.

2. Arduino Nano is a smaller board based on the

ATMega328 Microcontroller. Its small size makes it
easy to use on bread boards and in compound
embedded systems. It contains 22 Digital I/O pins
including 6 PWM pins, and 8 Analog Input pins,
32Kbytes of onboard flash memory and an ICSP
Header. It can be powered and communicate with a
computer through a mini USB port.

3. Arduino Micro is a smaller version of

the Leonardo board based on the
ATMega32U4 Microcontroller
with 20 I/O pins including 7 PWM
and 12 analog pins, ICSP header and
in-built USB which allows it to easily
connect to a computer.

4. Arduino Due is the first Arduino board. It is

based on the ARM Cortex-M3 84MHz processor
which is very popular in Control Engineering
applications. It is a 3.3V board unlike most other
Arduinos and contains 54 digital I/O pins and 12
Analog input pins. It has 2 inbuilt Digital to
Analog Converters (DAC) that provide analog
output. It uses UART for communication and can
be programmed with the Arduino IDE.
5. LilyPad Arduino Board is a discontinued
wearable board that was designed to be
used in e-textile technology with the ability
to connect to conductive threads and was
also washable.

6. Arduino Mega (R3) Board is a larger version of the

Arduino Uno improved overall capability for use in
projects that demand higher specifications. It is
based on the ATMega2560 16MHz Microcontroller
with 54 Digital I/O pins including 15 PWM, 16
Analog input pins, 256 Kbytes of Flash memory, 8
Kbytes of SRAM and a USB 2.0 Type B Port to
connect to a computer.

7. Arduino Leonardo Board was the first

development Arduino board. Many of the
common features seen on arduinos today
were developed with the help of this board
including libraries and serial communication

Arduino Boards are popular choices to build embedded systems projects due to
their computing power, low cost, ease of use and ease of programming. Arduinos
make for excellent beginner boards as well as great choices for projects and
development. There exists a vast ecosystem of sensors, receivers, transmitters,
motor controllers, and servo motors etc. that can be connected to the Arduino for
use in embedded systems in accordance with the application.
The Arduino Uno

The Arduino Uno is the most robust board for beginners in electronics. It is the
most used and documented board of the Arduino family with a large number of
available modules for sensors, connectivity, communication and other parts.

Based on the ATMega328P Microcontroller, the Arduino Uno has 14 digital I/O pins
including 6 Pulse Width Modulation Pins (PWM) that enable it to interface with
digital control modules and sensors. It also has 6 analog inputs that read the pin
voltage, a USB Type A port to connect to a computer, power jack, and an In-Circuit
Serial Programming Header (ICSP) which allows it to be flexibly programmed while
installed in a system. It can be programmed using the Arduino IDE with a custom
version of C++ which enables Real Time Control Programming. The Arduino
processor uses the Harvard Architecture which uses separate memory for program
code and program data.
Advantages of Arduino over 8051 Microcontroller
 8051 is an 8-bit microcontroller with only 128 bytes of RAM and no EEPROM;
it can control the operation of machines using a fixed program that does not
change over time. It requires connection with an external board to function
and its use is limited to embedded systems and control applications.
 Arduino is not just a microcontroller. It is a complete system that includes
the microcontroller and board with all the necessary features including a
pre-programmed boot loader as well as an IDE for easy development. It has
2Kbytes of SRAM and 32Kbytes of Flash memory. Its applications include
automation, embedded systems, Internet of things (IOT) and more.

The Arduino IDE

The Arduino IDE uses a language based on C++ and contains a text editor, message
terminal, serial monitor and plotter to get output, compiler and the necessary
connection protocols to connect with the board.

Installation and Initial Setup

 Arduino IDE can be installed form the official website using the simple
installation wizard that comes with the software.
 Upon Installing Arduino IDE, the user must connect the Arduino to the
computer through a USB cable, then configure the USB Port connected to
the Arduino in the Boards manager by installing the supporting packages for
the board.
Writing and Uploading a Sketch to Arduino Board

 The user needs to install the required libraries for the application including
interface libraries for any external modules connected to the Arduinobefor
writing the sketch.
 After writing the sketch, the user can save and click ‘Verify’. The sketch is
automatically verified by the IDE and the result is shown in the terminal.
 Upon successful verification, the user can click ‘Upload’ which compiles and
uploads the sketch to the Arduino. Upon Completion of the upload, the IDE
automatically triggers a reset on the Arduino board and it begins to execute
the new sketch.

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