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Financial Accounting Canadian 2nd Edition Waybright Test Bank

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Financial Accounting Canadian 2nd Edition Waybright Test Bank

Financial Accounting, 2nd Cdn. Ed. (Waybright)

Chapter 2 Analyzing and Recording Business Transactions

2.1 Define accounts and understand how they are used in accounting

1) A listing of all accounts in numerical order is called a chart of accounts.

Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
LO: 2-1 Define accounts and understand how they are used in accounting
Skill: Recall
Blooms: Knowledge

2) Account titles such as marketing expense and depreciation expense would be numbered starting with a
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 1
LO: 2-1 Define accounts and understand how they are used in accounting
Skill: Recall
Blooms: Knowledge

3) An account numbered 321 would be considered a shareholders' equity account as it begins with a 3.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
LO: 2-1 Define accounts and understand how they are used in accounting
Skill: Recall
Blooms: Knowledge

4) Items of value that a company owns are called shareholders' equity.

Answer: FALSE
Diff: 1
LO: 2-1 Define accounts and understand how they are used in accounting
Skill: Recall
Blooms: Knowledge

5) The shareholders' equity section would include the accounts such as retained earnings and revenues.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
LO: 2-1 Define accounts and understand how they are used in accounting
Skill: Recall
Blooms: Knowledge

© 2016 Pearson Canada Inc.

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6) Which is part of shareholders' equity?
A) Cash
B) Notes payable
C) Dividends
D) Assets
E) Liabilities
Answer: C
Diff: 1
LO: 2-1 Define accounts and understand how they are used in accounting
Skill: Recall
Blooms: Knowledge

7) Dividends are paid with cash to shareholders. Dividends are in what category of the chart of accounts?
A) Revenue
B) Assets
C) Shareholders' equity
D) Liabilities
E) Revenue
Answer: C
Diff: 2
LO: 2-1 Define accounts and understand how they are used in accounting
Skill: Recall
Blooms: Knowledge

8) Dividends, revenues, and expenses all:

A) start with the same chart of accounts number.
B) start with different chart of accounts numbers.
C) appear in the chart of accounts under assets.
D) appear in the chart of accounts under liabilities.
E) do not appear in the chart of accounts.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
LO: 2-1 Define accounts and understand how they are used in accounting
Skill: Recall
Blooms: Knowledge

9) Which of the following would start with a 1 in the chart of accounts?

A) Land and buildings
B) Depreciation expense and marketing expense
C) Merchandise sales and rent revenue
D) Common shares and cash
E) Accounts payable and notes payable
Answer: A
Diff: 1
LO: 2-1 Define accounts and understand how they are used in accounting
Skill: Recall
Blooms: Knowledge

© 2016 Pearson Canada Inc.
10) Which of the following would start with a 2 in the chart of accounts?
A) Income taxes to be paid and wages to be paid
B) Common shares and preferred shares
C) Cash and accounts receivable
D) Sales and fees revenue
E) Marketing expense and rent expense
Answer: A
Diff: 1
LO: 2-1 Define accounts and understand how they are used in accounting
Skill: Recall
Blooms: Knowledge

11) A chart of accounts includes:

A) balances of accounts.
B) names of customers
C) assets and liabilities.
D) accounts with unusual balances.
E) account activity.
F) vendor account balances.
Answer: C
Diff: 1
LO: 2-1 Define accounts and understand how they are used in accounting
Skill: Recall
Blooms: Knowledge

12) Which of the following is an expense account?

A) Prepaid insurance
B) Advertising
C) Accounts payable
D) Cash
E) Notes payable
Answer: B
Diff: 1
LO: 2-1 Define accounts and understand how they are used in accounting
Skill: Recall
Blooms: Knowledge

13) Which of the following is a revenue account?

A) Professional fees
B) Accounts payable
C) Accounts receivable
D) Wages
E) Cash
Answer: A
Diff: 1
LO: 2-1 Define accounts and understand how they are used in accounting
Skill: Recall
Blooms: Knowledge

© 2016 Pearson Canada Inc.
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
A. Note that in Appendix the word translated Archpriest is in the
original Archiereus, and signifies the Bishop. There is however
another word which can only be translated into English by the term
Archpriest, namely Protoiereus, but this is a title borne by many
priests who are not of episcopal rank.
B. And note that in the Psalms the Orthodox Church follows the
Septuagint and not the Hebrew enumeration.
Page xi, line 17 of Notes, omit Archpriest. A Bishop, as
being calculated to give a wrong
impression. See Additional Note A,
page xxxix.
” 51, ” 3 of foot-note, for of read in.
” 61, ” 8, and page 62, line 27, for Gallilee read
” 64, ” 3, for help-meet read helpmeet.
” 103, ” 16, for who read whom.
” 142, lines 10 and 11, and page 158, lines 13 and 14, for
we ask of thee, O Christ, read let us
ask of Christ.
” 158, line 4, after for insert the repose of.
” 160, ” 18, descendants’, omit the apostrophe.

There are, in addition, a few obvious errors in the punctuation.

Transcriber’s Note: The errata have been corrected, including any obvious errors in the
punctuation that were found.

At the Synodal Press.

To the glory of the holy, consubstantial, life-creating, and undivided

Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; by the command of
our Most Pious, Autocratic Great Lord, THE EMPEROR
ALEXANDER ALEXANDROVITCH of all Russia; before his Consort,
before His Heir, the Right-believing Lord, the Cesarevitch and Grand
Duke, NICOLAUS ALEXANDROVITCH; before the Right-believing
Lords, the Grand Dukes, GEORGE and MICHAEL
ALEXANDROVITCH; before the Right-believing Lord, the Grand
Duke, VLADIMIR ALEXANDROVITCH, and before His Consort, the
Lady, the Grand Duchess MARIA PAVLOVNA; before the Right-
believing Lords, the Grand Dukes, CYRIL, BORIS, and ANDREW
VLADIMIROVITCH; before the Right-believing Lords, the Grand
the Right-believing Lord, the Grand Duke, CONSTANTINE
NICOLAEVITCH, and before His Consort, the Right-believing Lady,
the Grand Duchess, ALEXANDRA JOSEPHOVNA; before the Right-
believing Lords, the Grand Dukes, NICOLAUS, CONSTANTINE, and
DEMETRIUS CONSTANTINOVITCH; before the Right-believing
Lord, the Grand Duke, NICOLAUS NICOLAEVITCH, and before His
Consort, the Right-believing Lady, the Grand Duchess, ALEXANDRA
PETROVNA; before the Right-believing Lords, the Grand Dukes,
NICOLAUS and PETER NICOLAEVITCH; before the Right-believing
Lord, the Grand Duke, MICHAEL NICOLAEVITCH, and before His
Consort, the Right-believing Lady, the Grand Duchess, OLGA
THEODOROVNA; before the Right-believing Lords, the Grand
and ALEXIS MICHAELOVITCH; and before the Right-believing
Ladies, the Grand Duchess, XENIA ALEXANDROVNA, the Grand
Duchess, MARIA ALEXANDROVNA, and before Her Consort, the
Queen of the Hellenes, OLGA CONSTANTINOVNA, and before Her
Consort, the Grand Duchess, VERA CONSTANTINOVNA, the Grand
Duchess, ANASTASIA MICHAELOVNA, and before Her Consort, the
Queen of Würtenburg, OLGA NICOLAEVNA, and before Her
Consort, the Grand Duchess KATHERINE MICHAELOVNA, and the
Grand Duchess HELEN VLADIMIROVNA; and with the Blessing of
the Most Holy Governing SYNOD, this book TREBNIK, hath been
printed in the royal city of Moscow at the Synodal Press in the year
of the creation of the world viicccxc, and of the birth of God the Word
according to the flesh mdccclxxxii, the xth of the indict, the month of
Chap. Page.
I. Prayers on the first day after a child is born to a
woman 1
II. Prayer at the signing of a child when it receiveth a
name on the eighth day after its birth 4
III. Prayers for a parturient woman after forty days 6
IV. Prayer for a woman when she hath aborted a child 11
V. Prayers at the making of a catechumen 13
VI. The order of holy baptism 24
And a prayer for holy baptism, that is, how briefly to
baptize a child because of fear of death 41
Concerning how it behoveth a spiritual person to
behave himself 44
VII. The order concerning confession 46
VIII. Prayer on the releasing from prohibition 51
IX. The order that is used at betrothals 53
X. The order of the coronation 58
XI. Prayer at the taking off of the crowns on the eighth
day 72
XII. The order for a second marriage 73
XIII. The order of the sanctification of the holy oil 83
XIV. The office when in extreme urgency occasion ariseth
to give communion to a sick person 123
XV. Prayerful canon to our Lord Jesus Christ and to the
most holy God-bearing Mother of the Lord at the
parting of the soul from the body of every right-
believer 128
And the prayer at the departure of a soul 136
XVI. The mortuary order over lay bodies 138
XVII. The ordinance that is observed concerning the
carrying forth of them that fall asleep in holy
Pascha, and in all the bright week 164
XVIII. The mortuary order over a departed priest 169
XIX. The office of the burial of a babe 208
XX. The order of the lesser sanctification of water 225
XXI. The order of the sanctification of water on the holy
Theophany 240
XXIV. Prayer at the blessing of flesh-meat 255
XXV. Prayer at the blessing of cheese and eggs 256
XXVI. Prayer at the partaking of grapes on the vith day of
august 256
XXVII. Prayer for them that gather first-fruits 257
XXVIII. Prayer at the laying of the foundation of a house 258
XXIX. Prayer when one entereth into a new house 258
XXXIII. Prayer for one that purposeth to go on a journey 259
Chapter I.

Let us pray to the Lord.

Master, Lord Almighty, who healest every sickness, and every
weakness; do thou thyself heal this thine handmaid, name, who to-
day hath borne a child, and raise her from the bed upon which she
lieth; for, according to the words of thy prophet David, we were
conceived in transgressions, and are all defiled before thee. Protect
her, and this child which she hath borne: shelter her under the
covering of thy wings from this day even unto her last end, through
the prayers of the most holy God-bearing one, and of all the Saints;
for blessed art thou to ages of ages. Amen.
Let us pray to the Lord.
Master, Lord our God, who wast born of our most holy Lady, the
God-bearing and ever-virgin Mary, and as a babe wast laid in a
manger, and as a child wast carried in arms; do thou thyself have
mercy upon this thine handmaid, who to-day hath borne this child,
and be gracious unto her voluntary and involuntary offences, and
protect her from every diabolical cruelty; and preserve the child
which she hath borne from every bane, from every harm, from every
hostile rage, from evil spirits of the day and night; and preserve her
under thy mighty hand; and grant unto her a speedy recovery, and
cleansing from defilement, and healing of suffering; and vouchsafe to
her health, and strength of soul and body; and surround her with
bright and shining angels; and preserve her from every approach of
invisible spirits; yea, O Lord, from sickness and infirmity, from
jealousy and envy, and from the glance of eyes; and have mercy
upon her, and upon the child, according to the greatness of thy
mercy; and cleanse her from bodily defilement, and from diverse
inward travail befalling her; and, by thy quick mercy, lead her to
recovery in her bodily affliction. And vouchsafe unto the child which
she hath borne to worship the earthly temple which thou hast
prepared for the glorification of thy holy name. For to thee is due all
glory, honour, and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the
Holy Ghost, now and ever, and to ages of ages. Amen.
Let us pray to the Lord.
O Lord our God, who wast pleased to come down from heaven and
to be born of the holy God-bearing and ever-virgin Mary for the
salvation of us sinners, who knowest the feebleness of human
nature; be gracious, according to the greatness of thy compassions,
unto thine handmaid, name, who to-day hath borne a child. For thou
hast said, O Lord, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth,
and subdue it. Therefore we, thy servants, beseech thee, and,
trusting in thy forbearing love to man, with fear invoke the holy name
of thy kingdom, Look down from heaven and behold the feebleness
of us condemned ones, and be gracious unto thine handmaid, name,
and to all the house in which the child hath been born, and to all who
are connected with her; and to all that here assemble be thou
gracious, as the good and man-loving God. For thou alone hast
power to forgive sins, through the prayers of the most holy God-
bearing one, and of all thy Saints. Amen.
Chapter II.

Be it known that on the eighth day after birth the babe is brought
by the nurse to the temple, and she standeth before the doors of the
And the priest maketh,
Blessed be our God... Trisagion. O most holy Trinity... And after
Our Father... For thine is the kingdom...
Then the troparion of the day, or of the holy habitation. And the
priest signeth its forehead, mouth, and breast, and saith the prayer.
Let us pray to the Lord.
O Lord our God, to thee we pray, and on thee we call, Let the light of
thy countenance be signed on this thy servant (or, on this thine
handmaid), name, and be he signed with the cross of thine only-
begotten Son in his heart and understanding, that he may flee the
vanity of the world and every evil device of the enemy, and may keep
thy commandments; and grant, O Lord, that thy holy name may
remain upon him unrenounced, when at the fitting time he shall be
conjoined with thy holy church, and be perfected with the terrible
mysteries of thy Christ, that, living according to thy commandments
and preserving the seal unbroken, he may attain unto the
blessedness of thine elect in thy kingdom, through the grace and
love to man of thine only-begotten Son, with whom thou art blessed,
together with thy most holy, and good, and life-creating Spirit, now
and ever, and to ages of ages. Amen.
Then, taking the child in his hands, he standeth before the doors
of the temple, or before the image of the most holy God-bearing one,
and maketh the sign of the cross, saying,
Hail, grace-accorded God-bearing Virgin! for out of thee the sun of
righteousness, Christ our God, hath shined, enlightening them that
are in darkness. And thou, O righteous elder, be thou glad, receiving
in thine arms the deliverer of our souls, even him that granteth
resurrection unto us.
And the dismissal is made.
It is necessary to know that, if the newly born babe, being
exceedingly weak, do not suck, but appear likely to die, it behoveth
not to wait six or eight days, and then to baptize it, as some wickedly
say; but at the very hour of its birth to wash it only, and immediately
to baptize it, that it die not unilluminated. Since they that are five
months pregnant are, by the laws and canons, responsible for
murder, if it happen that by any shock they abort the babe, so much
the more is it necessary to avoid the condemnation of them that are
brought forth, that they die not unilluminated.
Chapter III.

On the fortieth day the child is again brought to the temple to be

churched, that is, to make a beginning of attending church. It is
brought by the mother, who hath already been cleansed and
washed, accompanied by the intended sponsor at the baptism.
And the priest maketh,
Blessed be our God.... Trisagion. O most holy Trinity ... and Our
Father.... For thine is the kingdom....
Then the troparion of the day, or of the commemorated saint.
Glory. Both now.
Through the prayers, O Lord, of all the Saints, and of the God-
bearing one, grant us thy peace, and have mercy upon us, as the
alone compassionate one.
And she, holding the child, boweth her head, and the priest
maketh the sign of the cross over him, and, touching his head, saith
the prayer.
Let us pray to the Lord.
O Lord God Almighty, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who by thy
word hast made every rational and irrational creature, and hast led
all things into being from non-existence; to thee we pray, and on thee
we call, Cleanse this thine handmaid, name, whom thou hast saved
by thy will, and who cometh into thy holy church, from every sin and
from every defilement, that she may be counted worthy to partake
uncondemnedly of thy holy mysteries.
Be it known that if the babe be not among the living, the prayer is
read thus far.
Then, with a loud voice,
For thou art a good and man-loving God....
But if it be alive, read also this to the end.
Bless also the child which hath been born of her; increase it,
sanctify it, give it understanding, and a prudent and virtuous mind;
for thou hast brought it into being, and hast shewn unto it perceptible
light; that at the time which thou hast appointed it may be counted
worthy of spiritual light, and may be numbered together with thy holy
flock, through thine only-begotten Son, with whom thou art blessed,
together with thy most holy, and good, and life-creating Spirit, now
and ever, and to ages of ages. Amen.
Peace to all.
Bow your heads to the Lord.
Prayer for the mother of the child.
O Lord our God, who didst come for the salvation of the human race;
come also unto thine handmaid, name, and, through thine
honourable presbytery, count her worthy of an entrance into the
temple of thy glory: wash her from bodily defilement and from
spiritual stain in the completion of the forty days, and make her
worthy of the communion of thy precious body and blood.
For hallowed and glorified is thy most honourable and majestic
name, with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, now and ever, and to
ages of ages. Amen.
Prayer ii., for the child, which, signing it, the priest prayeth.
Let us pray to the Lord.
O Lord our God, who on the fortieth day wast brought as a child into
the temple of the law by Mary, thine unmarried and holy Mother, and
wast carried in the arms of righteous Symeon; do thou thyself, O
omnipotent Master, bless this presented babe, that it may appear
before thee, the Creator of all things; and do thou increase it in every
work that is good and acceptable unto thee, removing far from it
every opposing might by the sign of the likeness of thy cross; for
thou art he that guardeth babes, O Lord; that, being counted worthy
of holy baptism, it may attain unto the part of the elect of thy
kingdom, being protected with us by the grace of the holy, and
consubstantial, and undivided Trinity. For to thee is due all glory,
thanksgiving, and worship, with thine unbeginning Father, and thy
most holy, and good, and life-creating Spirit, now and ever, and to
ages of ages. Amen.
Peace to all.
Bow your heads to the Lord.
O God, Father Almighty, who by the loud-voiced prophet Esaias,
hast fore-announced unto us the incarnation from a Virgin of thine
only-begotten Son and our God, who, in the latter days, by thy good
pleasure and by the co-operation of the Holy Ghost, hath willed,
through immeasurable loving-kindness, to become a child of her for
the salvation of us men; and, according to the custom of thy holy law,
after the fulfilment of the days of purification, submitted to be brought
into the sanctuary, being himself a true lawgiver, and willed to be
carried in the arms of righteous Symeon; of which mystery we have
a prototype declared in the aforementioned prophet by the taking of
coals with tongs from the altar, and of which we faithful also have an
imitation in grace; do thou now, who art he that guardeth babes,
thyself, O Lord, bless this child, together with its parents and
sponsors, and count it worthy, at the fitting time, to be born again of
water and of the spirit: number it with thy holy flock of rational sheep,
who are called by the name of thy Christ. For thou art he who livest
on high, and who regardest the lowly, and to thee we ascribe glory,
to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, now and ever,
and to ages of ages. Amen.
(And if the babe be baptized, the priest performeth the act of
reception into the church; but if not, he doeth this after the baptism.
And, after the prayer, he here maketh the dismissal.) Then, taking
the child, the priest traceth the cross with it before the gates of the
temple, saying,
The servant of God, name, or the handmaid of God, name, is
received into the church, in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Then he bringeth it into the temple, saying,
He entereth into thy house, he worshippeth towards thy holy
And he bringeth it into the midst of the temple, saying,
The servant of God, name, is received into the church....
Then he saith,
In the midst of the church he singeth praise unto thee.
Then he bringeth it before the doors of the altar, saying,
The servant of God, name, is received into the church....
And he bringeth it into the holy altar, if it be of the male sex; but, if
of the female, only as far as the royal gates, saying,
Now dismiss thy servant, O Master....
And after these things he layeth it before the doors of the altar,
and there the sponsor, bowing thrice, taketh it up, and departeth.
And the priest, as is customary, maketh the dismissal.
Chapter IV.

The priest maketh, Blessed be our God.... Trisagion. O most holy

Trinity.... Our Father.... For thine is the kingdom....
And the troparion of the day. Then,
Let us pray to the Lord.
Master, Lord our God, who wast born of the holy God-bearing and
ever-virgin Mary, and as a babe wast laid in a manger; do thou
thyself, according to thy great mercy, have mercy upon this thine
handmaid, who to-day is in sins, having fallen even unto voluntary or
involuntary murder, and hath aborted that conceived in her; and be
gracious unto her willing and unwilling iniquities, and preserve her
from every diabolical wile, and cleanse her defilement, heal her
suffering, and grant unto her, O lover of mankind, health and
strength of body and soul; and guard her by a shining angel from
every assault of invisible demons, yea, O Lord, from sickness and
weakness; and cleanse her from bodily defilement, and from diverse
inward travail befalling her; and, by thine abundant mercy, rouse her
in her humbled body, and raise her from the bed whereon she lieth.
For we were conceived in sins and in transgressions, and are all
defiled before thee, O Lord; and with fear we cry and say, Look down
from heaven and see the helplessness of us accursed, and be
gracious unto this thine handmaid, name, who is in sins, having
fallen even unto voluntary or involuntary murder, and hath aborted
that conceived in her; and, according to thy great mercy, as the good
and man-loving God, have mercy upon her and be gracious unto her
in all things that have surrounded her and have come in contact with
her; for thou alone hast power to forgive sins and transgressions,
through the prayers of thy most pure Mother, and all the Saints.
For to thee is due all glory, honour, and worship, with the Father,
and the Holy Ghost, now and ever, and to ages of ages. Amen.
And the dismissal is made.
Chapter V.

The priest looseth the girdle of him that cometh to be illuminated,

and divesteth him of his robes and his shoes, and placeth him
looking towards the east, clad in one garment only, without girdle or
head-dress, and barefooted, and with his hands down; and breatheth
thrice in his face, and signeth him thrice upon the forehead and the
breast, and layeth his hand upon his head, saying,
Let us pray to the Lord.
In thy name, O Lord, God of truth, and in the name of thine only-
begotten Son, and of thy Holy Ghost, I lay mine hand upon thy
servant, name, who hath been counted worthy to betake himself to
thy holy name, and to be protected under the shadow of thy wings.
Remove far from him that old error, and fill him with faith that is in
thee, and with hope and charity, that he may understand that thou
alone art the true God, and thine only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus
Christ, and thy Holy Ghost. Grant him to walk in all thy
commandments, and to observe those things which are acceptable
unto thee; for, if a man do these, he shall find life in them. Inscribe
him in thy book of life, and unite him to the flock of thine inheritance.
May thy holy name be glorified in him, and that of thy beloved Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ, and that of thy life-creating Spirit. Let thine
eyes ever regard him in mercy, and thine ears be ever attentive unto
the voice of his prayer. Let him rejoice in the works of his hands, and
in all his generation, that he may give thanks unto thee, worshipping
and glorifying thy great and most high name, and may ever praise
thee all the days of his life,
For all the powers of heaven praise thee, and thine is the glory, of
the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, now and ever, and
to ages of ages. Amen.
First exorcism.
Let us pray to the Lord.
Choir. Lord, have mercy.
The Lord forbiddeth thee, O devil, he that came into the world and
made his dwelling among men, that he might cast down thy tyranny,
and deliver men; he that upon the tree triumphed over the opposing
powers, when the sun was darkened, and the earth was shaken, and
the tombs were opened, and the bodies of the saints arose; he that
by death destroyed death, and overcame him that held the might of
death, that is, even thee, O devil. I forbid thee by God, who showeth
forth the tree of life, and rangeth the cherubim, and the flaming
sword that turneth about to guard this. Be thou forbidden! for I forbid
thee by him that walketh upon the waves of the sea as upon dry
land, who forbiddeth the storm of winds, whose glance drieth up the
depths, and whose threatenings melt the mountains; for it is he
himself that now forbiddeth thee through us. Be thou afraid, and
depart, and absent thyself from this creature, and come thou not
back, neither hide thyself in him, nor encounter him, nor influence
him, either in the night, or in the day, or in the morning, or at noon;
but get thee away to thine own tartarus, until the appointed great day
of judgment. Fear God, who sitteth upon the cherubim, and looketh
upon the depths, before whom tremble angels, archangels, thrones,
dominations, principalities, virtues, powers, the many-eyed
cherubim, and the six-winged seraphim; whom heaven and earth
fear, the sea, and all that in them is. Get thee away and depart from
the sealed newly-elected soldier of Christ our God; for I forbid thee
by him that rideth upon the wings of the winds, that maketh his
angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire; get thee away and
depart from this creature with all thy might and angels.
For glorified is the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Ghost, now and ever, and to ages of ages. Amen.
Second exorcism.
Let us pray to the Lord.
God, the holy, the terrible, and the glorious, who concerning all his
works and strength is incomprehensible and unsearchable, who
himself hath ordained for thee, O devil, the retribution of eternal
torment, through us, his unworthy servants, biddeth thee, and all thy
co-operating might to depart from him that is newly sealed in the
name of our Lord Jesus Christ, our true God. I forbid thee therefore,
O most evil, and impure, and foul, and abominable, and alien spirit,
by the might of Jesus Christ, who hath all power in heaven and upon
earth, who spake unto the deaf and dumb demon, Get thee out of
the man, and enter no more into him. Depart, know the vainness of
thy might, which had not power even over swine. Remember him
who bade thee, at thy request, enter into the herd of swine. Fear
God, at whose command the earth was stablished upon the waters;
who hath founded the heaven, and fixed the mountains with a line,
and the valleys with a measure; who hath placed the sand as a
bound for the sea, and made a safe path in the raging water; who
toucheth the mountains and they smoke; who investeth himself with
light as with a garment; who hath stretched out the heaven as a
curtain; who covereth his upper-chambers with waters; who hath
founded the earth on firm foundations, so that it shall not be moved
for ever; who calleth up the water of the sea, and poureth it upon the
face of the earth. Get thee hence and depart from him who is being
prepared for holy illumination. I forbid thee by the saving passion of
our Lord Jesus Christ, and by his precious body and blood, and by
his terrible advent; for he shall come, and shall not tarry, to judge all
the earth, and shall punish thee and thy co-operating might in the
gehenna of fire, consigning thee to outer darkness, where the worm
dieth not and the fire is not quenched. For of Christ our God is the
might, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, now and ever, and to
ages of ages. Amen.
Third exorcism.
Let us pray to the Lord.
O Lord of Sabaoth, the God of Israel, who healest every sickness
and every wound; look down upon thy servant, search out and try
him, and drive away from him every operation of the devil. Forbid the
unclean spirits, and expel them, and cleanse the work of thy hand,
and, using thy swift efficacy, beat down satan shortly under his feet;
and give him victory over him, and over his unclean spirits; that,
obtaining mercy from thee, he may be counted worthy of thine
immortal and heavenly mysteries, and may ascribe glory unto thee,
to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, now and ever,
and to ages of ages. Amen.
Fourth prayer.
Let us pray to the Lord.
Thou that art, Master, Lord, who madest man after thine image and
likeness, and gavest him the power of eternal life, and when he had
fallen through sin didst not disdain him, but didst provide, through the
incarnation of thy Christ, for the salvation of the world; do thou
thyself also, delivering this thy creature from the yoke of the enemy,
receive him into thy heavenly kingdom: open his mental eyes, that
the light of thy gospel may dawn upon him: join to his life a shining
angel, who may deliver him from every adverse snare, from evil
encounters, from the noon-day demon, and from wicked illusions.
And the priest breatheth on his mouth, on his forehead, and on his
breast, saying,
Drive from him every evil and unclean spirit, hiding and lurking in
his heart.
And he saith this thrice.
The spirit of error, the spirit of evil, the spirit of idolatry and of all
covetousness, the spirit of lying and of all uncleanness, that worketh
according to the instruction of the devil. And make him a rational
sheep of the holy flock of thy Christ, an honourable member of thy
church, a son and inheritor of thy kingdom; that, living according to
thy commandments, and keeping the seal unbroken, and preserving
the garment undefiled, he may attain unto the blessedness of the
saints in thy kingdom.
With a loud voice.
Through the grace, and compassions, and love to man of thine
only-begotten Son, with whom thou art blessed, together with thy
most holy, and good, and life-creating Spirit, now and ever, and to
ages of ages. Amen.
And he that is to be baptized, being unvested and barefooted, the
priest turneth him looking towards the west, with his hands uplifted,
and saith,
Dost thou renounce satan, and all his works, and all his angels,
and all his service, and all his pomp?
And the catechumen answereth, or his sponsor, if he that is to be
baptized be a barbarian, or a child, and saith, I renounce.
Again the priest saith a second time,
Dost thou renounce satan, and all his works, and all his angels,
and all his service, and all his pomp?
And he answereth, I renounce.
Again the priest saith a third time.
Dost thou renounce satan, and all his works, and all his angels,
and all his service, and all his pomp?
And he answereth, I renounce.
Again the priest interrogateth him that is to be baptized.
Hast thou renounced satan?
And the catechumen answereth, or his sponsor, I have renounced.
Again the priest interrogateth,
Hast thou renounced satan?
And he answereth, I have renounced.
Again the priest interrogateth a third time,
Hast thou renounced satan?
And he answereth, I have renounced.
Then the priest saith,
Blow upon him, and spit upon him.
And this being done, the priest turneth him looking towards the
east, with his hands down; and the priest saith to him,
Dost thou join Christ?
And the catechumen answereth, or his sponsor, saying, I join.
Again the priest saith a second time,
Dost thou join Christ?
He answereth a second time, I join.
Again the priest saith a third time,
Dost thou join Christ?
He answereth a third time, I join.
Then again the priest saith to him,
Hast thou joined Christ?
And he answereth, I have joined.
And again he saith, Dost thou believe in him?
And he saith, I believe in him, as King and God.
And he saith,
I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and
earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus
Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, who was begotten of the
Father before all ages. Light of Light, very God of very God,
begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father, by whom all
things were made. Who for us men, and for our salvation, came
down from the heavens, and was incarnate of the Holy Ghost and
the Virgin Mary, and was made man; And was crucified also for us
under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried, and rose again
the third day, according to the scriptures; And ascended into the
heavens, and sitteth at the right hand of the Father; And shall come
again with glory to judge both the quick and the dead, of whose
kingdom there shall be no end. And in the Holy Ghost, the Lord, the
giver of life, who proceedeth from the Father, who with the Father
and the Son is together worshipped and glorified, who spake by the
prophets. In one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church. I acknowledge
one baptism for the remission of sins. I look for the resurrection of
the dead; And the life in the ages to come. Amen.
And when he hath finished the holy symbol, he also again saith to
Hast thou joined Christ?
And he answereth, I have joined.
And again he saith, Dost thou believe in him?
And he saith, I believe in him as King and God. And he saith, I
believe in one God ... all to the end.
And when he hath finished the holy symbol a second time, again
he saith to him a third time,
Hast thou joined Christ?
And he answereth, I have joined.
And again he saith, Dost thou believe in him?
And he saith, I believe in him, as King and God. And he saith, I
believe in one God ... all to the end.
And when he hath finished the holy symbol a third time, the priest
again interrogateth him, saying,
Hast thou joined Christ?
And he answereth, I have joined.
Again the priest interrogateth a second time,
Hast thou joined Christ?
And he answereth a second time, I have joined.
Again the priest interrogateth a third time,
Hast thou joined Christ?
And he answereth a third time, I have joined.
And the priest saith, Bow thyself also unto him.
And he boweth himself, saying,
I bow myself to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost,
to the consubstantial and undivided Trinity.
Then the priest saith,
Blessed be God, who desireth that all men should be saved, and
come to a knowledge of the truth, now and ever, and to ages of
ages. Amen.
Then he saith this prayer.
Let us pray to the Lord.
Master, Lord our God, call thy servant, name, to thy holy illumination,
and count him worthy of this great grace of thy holy baptism: put off
from him the old man, and renew him unto everlasting life, and fill
him with the power of thy Holy Ghost, in the unity of thy Christ, that
he may be no longer a child of the body, but a child of thy kingdom;
through the goodwill and grace of thine only-begotten Son, with
whom thou art blessed, together with thy most holy, and good, and
life-creating Spirit, now and ever, and to ages of ages. Amen.

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