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Product Description: Recommended Applications:

DWC HDPE PIPE is Double wall Corugated High Density DWC HDPE PIPE is recommended for apply in:
Poly ethylene Pipe produced by Extrusion Corugation
Sewerage Project
process with following features: Effuents disposal & industrial drainage
Long Lasting. City &urban clusters
Ease installation
Urban sewerage rehabilitation
Excellent Strength,

Typical Properties:
Test Method
Material Characteristics for PE Material in Granules Form
BaseDensity IS: 7328 20.930 g/cc
Melt Flow Rate (MFR) IS: 2530 s 1.60 g/ 10min
Oxidation Induction Test (OIT) IS 16098-2 220 minutes
Material Characteristics for PE MaterialinPipe Fom
Resistance to Internal Pressure 165 hrs 8) Sec 1 No failures during test Period

Resistance to Internal Pressure 1000 hrsIS 12235 (Part No failures during test Period

Dimension Of Pipes
Outside Diameter APEL 91.0-92.50 mm

Inside Diameter | IS: 16098-2 75.00

|Wall Thickness (e) min IS: 16098-2 .00mm
Wall Thickness (es) min IS: 16098-2 0.85mm
Length of pipe IS: 16098-2 6 t0.10 mtrs
Socket ID APEL The minimum mean inside diameter of socket, d min

shall be equal to dem Max

Socket Length | IS: 16098-2 50 mm

Physical Characteristics Of Pipess

Visual Appearance finish IS: 16098-2
Outer layer uniformly Corugated, Inner layer shall be
smooth and plain & both layer shall be free from any
visual defects and irregularities
Colour Ofthe Pipe IS:16098-2 Outer -Black, Inner- Black
Resistance to Heating Oven Test |IS:16098-2 The pipe shallshow no delamination,crack or bubbles.
Mechanical Characteristics of Pipes
Ring Stifness IS: 16098-2 2 SN 8 KNm
Impact Resistance S: 16098-2 TIRs 10 %
There shall be no cracking, wall delamination, ruptures
found in any part of pipe. Permanent buckling in any
IS: 16098-2
Ring Flexibility W induding depressions and
craters shall P
craters shall not occur in any direction.
Creep ratio IS16098-1 4 at 2yearextrapolation
Performance Requirements
Tightness of elastomeric IS 12235 (Part 8/ | No Leakage
Sec 2 and Sec 3)
ring seal joint
Resistance to combined temperature
IS: 16098-2 Confirms
Loyciling and extermalloa0ing applcable only the pipe sizes from ID 75 to 300mm
Factory Test Report [Acceptance Test)
Report No&Date: SPL/QA-02A/159/19-20 Date-15.02.2020
Specification IS16098 (Part-2):2013
Description OfSample |Alcorr DWCPE Pipe 75mm IDClass SN 8
Date of Sample Receipt 25.11.2019
Date of Testing |26.11.2019
rest Results Accepted
Obtained Value
Clause No. Acceptance Tests Units Specified Value Remarks
Sr. No AVG
A Material Characteristics

5.1 Base Density B/cC 0.930 0.954 Accepted

11) able 1
Melt FlowRate(MFR) 8/10 min s 1.60 1.05 Accepted
A1 Physical Characterstics Of Pipes
Outer layer uniformly
Corrugated, Inner layer
shall be smooth and plain,
7.1 Visual Appearance, Finish shall be free Found Satisfactory Accepted
both layervisual defects
|from any
and irregularities
7.1.1 Colour of Pipe Black/Black Black/ Black Accepted
|Outer/Inner layer
B Dimensions Of Pipe_
6.3 Mean Outside Diameter,
Table 5 dem) 91.0-92.50 91.90
MM Accepted
APEL |Mean Inside Diameter,
specitied (min) 71.00 76.20
ii 6.3.2 Effectivelength ofPipe L Mtr 6.OM +0.10 6.03 LAccepted
Wall thickness
ii) Table 5 (Min) MM 1.00 1.40 Accepted
es (Min) 0.85 |1.00
Socket Dimensions
Inside Diameter (Min) minimum mean inside The
diameter of socket, di min shall Conforms
Table 5, to dem Max
MM eeyual Accepted Length (Min)_ 27.00 50.00
Socket Thickness (Min) 2.00 2.80
CPhysical& Mechanical Characterstics of Pipes
8.1.1& n g Stilfness KN/m* 8.00 10.94 Accepted
Table 10
8.1.2 & No crack in any part o No crack or
ng Flexibility break| Accepted
Table 10 the wall structure lobserved
Impact Resistance
TIR s 10.00

able 10 Round the clock)_
iv) 2& Resistance to Heating Oven The pipe shall show no
Table 6 Test delamination, cracks,orFound Satisfactory
bubbles Accepted

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