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Development and validation of QRISK3 risk prediction

algorithms to estimate future risk of cardiovascular
disease: prospective cohort study

Julia Hippisley-Cox professor of clinical epidemiology and general practice , Carol Coupland professor
of medical statistics in primary care , Peter Brindle evaluation and implementation theme lead,

Division of Primary Care, University Park, Nottingham NG2 7RD, UK; 2Bristol Primary Clinical Commissioning Group and The National Institute for

Health Research Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care West (NIHR CLAHRC West) at University Hospitals Bristol
NHS Foundation Trust, UK, UK

Abstract for individual subgroups by age group, ethnicity, and baseline disease
Objectives To develop and validate updated QRISK3 prediction status.
algorithms to estimate the 10 year risk of cardiovascular disease in Main outcome measures Incident cardiovascular disease recorded on
women and men accounting for potential new risk factors. any of the following three linked data sources: general practice, mortality,
Design Prospective open cohort study. or hospital admission records.

Setting General practices in England providing data for the QResearch Results 363 565 incident cases of cardiovascular disease were identified
database. in the derivation cohort during follow-up arising from 50.8 million person
years of observation. All new risk factors considered met the model
Participants 1309 QResearch general practices in England: 981
inclusion criteria except for HIV/AIDS, which was not statistically
practices were used to develop the scores and a separate set of 328
significant. The models had good calibration and high levels of explained
practices were used to validate the scores. 7.89 million patients aged
variation and discrimination. In women, the algorithm explained 59.6%
25-84 years were in the derivation cohort and 2.67 million patients in 2
of the variation in time to diagnosis of cardiovascular disease (R , with
the validation cohort. Patients were free of cardiovascular disease and
higher values indicating more variation), and the D statistic was 2.48
not prescribed statins at baseline.
and Harrell’s C statistic was 0.88 (both measures of discrimination, with
Methods Cox proportional hazards models in the derivation cohort to higher values indicating better discrimination). The corresponding values
derive separate risk equations in men and women for evaluation at 10 for men were 54.8%, 2.26, and 0.86. Overall performance of the updated
years. Risk factors considered included those already in QRISK2 (age, QRISK3 algorithms was similar to the QRISK2 algorithms.
ethnicity, deprivation, systolic blood pressure, body mass index, total
Conclusion Updated QRISK3 risk prediction models were developed
cholesterol: high density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio, smoking, family
and validated. The inclusion of additional clinical variables in QRISK3
history of coronary heart disease in a first degree relative aged less than
(chronic kidney disease, a measure of systolic blood pressure variability
60 years, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, treated hypertension,
(standard deviation of repeated measures), migraine, corticosteroids,
rheumatoid arthritis, atrial fibrillation, chronic kidney disease (stage 4 or
SLE, atypical antipsychotics, severe mental illness, and erectile
5)) and new risk factors (chronic kidney disease (stage 3, 4, or 5), a
dysfunction) can help enable doctors to identify those at most risk of
measure of systolic blood pressure variability (standard deviation of
heart disease and stroke.
repeated measures), migraine, corticosteroids, systemic lupus
erythematosus (SLE), atypical antipsychotics, severe mental illness,
and HIV/AIDs). We also considered erectile dysfunction diagnosis or
treatment in men. Measures of calibration and discrimination were The first QRISK model to estimate 10 year risk of cardiovascular
determined in the validation cohort for men and women separately and disease was published in 2007.1 It was followed by an updated

Correspondence to: J Hippisley-Cox [email protected]

Data supplements on (see
Appendix: Supplementary materials
Appendix: Supplementary figures

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model (QRISK2) in 2008, which included ethnic origin and following: 25th birthday, date of registration with the practice
additional risk factors (type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, plus one year, date on which the practice computer system was
atrial fibrillation, and chronic renal disease). Since then, installed plus one year, or the study start date (1 January 1998).
QRISK2 has been updated annually and recalibrated to the latest Patients were censored at the earliest date of the diagnosis of

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.j2099 on 23 May 2017. Downloaded from on 24 October 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
version of the QResearch database2; the age range across which cardiovascular disease, death, deregistration with the practice,
it applies has also been extended from 35-74 years to 25-84 last upload of computerised data, or study end date (31
years, type 1 diabetes has been included as a separate variable, December 2015).
smoking is assessed at five levels instead of two, and the
Townsend score has been updated using the most recent values Outcomes
from the 2011 census. This helps to ensure that the algorithms
Our outcome was cardiovascular disease, which was defined as
reflect the changes in population characteristics (such as changes
a composite outcome of coronary heart disease, ischaemic
in prevalence of smoking, body mass index, or declining
stroke, or transient ischaemic attack. The QResearch database
incidence of cardiovascular disease) and improvements in data
is linked at individual patient level to hospital admissions data
quality (such as improved recording of risk factors and data
(Hospital Episode Statistics), and mortality records obtained
linkage to Hospital Episode Statistics,3 which has increased
from the Office for National Statistics. The records are linked
ascertainment of cardiovascular events4). The QRISK algorithms
using a pseudonymised NHS number specific to the QResearch
have been validated by ourselves and others in independent
database. The recording of NHS numbers is valid and complete
groups of patients using UK primary care databases such as
for 99.8% of patients with data on QResearch, 99.9% for ONS
QResearch,4 Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD),4 The
mortality records, and 98% for hospital admissions records.3 27
Health Improvement Network (THIN),5-9 and clinical cohorts10-12
We classified patients as having cardiovascular disease if there
as well as in international populations.13 14 Their use has been
was a record of the relevant clinical code in either their general
evaluated in observational studies,15 cost effectiveness
practice record, their linked hospital record, or their linked
evaluations,16 and clinical trials.17 18
mortality record. We used Read codes to identify cardiovascular
QRISK2 is now used across England’s health service (NHS disease cases from the general practice record. The Read codes
England) and recommended in the NHS Quality and Outcomes are listed in table 1⇓ of the web appendix. We used ICD-10
Framework,19 guidance from the National Institute of Health (international classification of diseases, 10th revision) clinical
and Care Excellence,20 and NHS Health Check.21 QRISK2 is codes to identify cases from hospital and mortality records
also used in occupational health settings and internationally, except for the three years between 1 January 1998 and 31
with over two million hits on the QRISK website (www.qrisk. December 2000, when ICD-9 was in use for mortality records.
org). A new NICE guideline on lipid modification and The ICD-10 codes used were G45 (transient ischaemic attack
cardiovascular risk assessment was published in 2014.20 This and related syndromes), I20 (angina pectoris), I21 (acute
guideline highlighted a number of conditions associated with myocardial infarction), I22 (subsequent myocardial infarction),
increased cardiovascular risk that may not be fully captured by I23 (complications after myocardial infarction), I24 (other acute
QRISK2, including HIV/AIDS, stage 3 kidney disease, systemic ischaemic heart disease), I25 (chronic ischaemic heart disease),
lupus erythematosus (SLE), severe mental illness, and use of I63 (cerebral infarction), and I64 (stroke not specified as
atypical antipsychotics or corticosteroids.20 These conditions haemorrhage or infarction). The corresponding ICD-9 codes
are not specifically identified within QRISK2, which may result used were 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 434, and 436. General
in underestimation of risk in the relevant patient groups. In practice and linked mortality and Hospital Episode Statistics
addition, recently published research has highlighted increased data were available until 31 December 2015. We used the
cardiovascular risk and potential prognostic importance for earliest recorded date of cardiovascular disease on any of the
erectile dysfunction,22-24 migraine,25 and blood pressure three data sources as the outcome date.
variability.26 We therefore derived and validated a new version
of the algorithms, QRISK3, to determine whether these factors Predictor variables
should be incorporated into the algorithms to improve estimation
of cardiovascular risk for these patients. We examined the predictor variables in box 1 based on
established risk factors already included in the current version
of QRISK2 and new candidate variables highlighted in the
Methods literature or National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
Study design and data source guidelines.
Using the QResearch database (version 41) we undertook a From the general practice record we extracted data for
cohort study in a large population of primary care patients. We demographic factors, clinical diagnoses, and clinical values.
included all practices in England that had been using the EMIS For clinical values (systolic blood pressure and body mass index)
computer system for at least one year and randomly allocated and smoking status we obtained the most recent values recorded
three quarters of practices to the derivation dataset and the before the baseline date. We selected the closest value to cohort
remainder to a validation dataset. We identified an open cohort entry for total cholesterol: high density lipoprotein cholesterol
of patients aged 25-84 years registered with the practices ratio, restricting values after the baseline date to those before
between 1 January 1998 and 31 December 2015. Patients were the patient had a diagnosis of cardiovascular disease or was
excluded if they had no postcode related Townsend score (since censored, and before any statin prescriptions. To assess
these usually result from patients moving to newly built houses variability in systolic blood pressure, we identified all systolic
with new postcodes not being yet linked to deprivation data or blood pressure values recorded in the five years before study
from patients being homeless or not having a permanent entry and calculated the standard deviation where there were
residence), had pre-existing cardiovascular disease (on general two or more recorded values. Use of drugs at baseline was
practice records or linked hospital records), or were using defined as at least two prescriptions, with the most recent one
prescribed statins at cohort entry. We determined an entry date no more than 28 days before the date of entry to the cohort. All
to the cohort for each patient, which was the latest of the other predictor variables were based on the latest information
recorded in the general practice record before entry to the cohort.
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Box 1: Variables used in QRISK algorithms

Existing variables from QRISK2-2017

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Age at study entry (baseline)
Ethnic origin (nine categories)
Deprivation (as measured by the Townsend score, where higher values indicate higher levels of material deprivation)
Systolic blood pressure
Body mass index
Total cholesterol: high density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio
Smoking status (non-smoker, former smoker, light smoker (1-9/day), moderate smoker (10-19/day), or heavy smoker (≥20/day))
Family history of coronary heart disease in a first degree relative aged less than 60 years
Diabetes (type 1, type 2, or no diabetes)
Treated hypertension (diagnosis of hypertension and treatment with at least one antihypertensive drug)
Rheumatoid arthritis (diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, Felty’s syndrome, Caplan’s syndrome, adult onset Still’s disease, or inflammatory
polyarthropathy not otherwise specified)
Atrial fibrillation (including atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation)
Chronic kidney disease (stage 4 or 5) and major chronic renal disease (including nephrotic syndrome, chronic glomerulonephritis, chronic
pyelonephritis, renal dialysis, and renal transplant)

New or amended risk factors considered

Expanded definition of chronic kidney disease (to include general practitioner recorded diagnosis of chronic kidney disease stage 3 in addition
to stages 4 and 5 as well as major chronic renal disease)
Measure of systolic blood pressure variability (standard deviation of repeated measures)
Diagnosis of migraine (including classic migraine, atypical migraine, abdominal migraine, cluster headaches, basilar migraine, hemiplegic
migraine, and migraine with or without aura)
Corticosteroid use (British National Formulary (BNF) chapter 6.3.2 including oral or parenteral prednisolone, betamethasone, cortisone,
depo-medrone, dexamethasone, deflazacort, efcortesol, hydrocortisone, methylprednisolone, or triamcinolone)
Systemic lupus erythematosus (including diagnosis of SLE, disseminated lupus erythematosus, or Libman-Sacks disease)
Second generation “atypical” antipsychotic use (including amisulpride, aripiprazole, clozapine, lurasidone, olanzapine, paliperidone, quetiapine,
risperidone, sertindole, or zotepine)
Diagnosis of severe mental illness (including psychosis, schizophrenia, or bipolar affective disease)
Diagnosis of HIV or AIDS
Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction or treatment for erectile dysfunction (BNF chapter 7.4.5 including alprostadil, phosphodiesterase type 5
inhibitors, papaverine, or phentolamine)

Derivation and validation of the models but not the standard deviation of serial systolic blood pressure
We developed and validated the risk prediction algorithms using values. Model C is the same as model B except that it includes
established methods1-28 and performed an initial analysis based the standard deviation of serial systolic blood pressure values.
on patients with complete variables. For our main analysis, we We examined interactions between new predictor variables and
used multiple imputation with chained equations to replace age at study entry and included significant interactions in models
missing values for body mass index, systolic blood pressure, B and C along with interactions already included in QRISK2.
standard deviation of systolic blood pressure, serum cholesterol, From the final models we used the regression coefficients for
high density lipoprotein cholesterol, and smoking status and each variable as weights, which we combined with the baseline
used these values in our main analyses.29-32 We log transformed survivor function evaluated up to 15 years to derive risk
values for continuous variables that were not normally equations over a period of 15 years of follow-up.36 This enabled
distributed for inclusion in the imputation model so that the us to derive risk estimates for each year of follow-up, with a
imputed values would better match the distribution of observed specific focus on 10 year risk estimates. We estimated the
values. Five imputations were carried out as this has a relatively baseline survivor function based on zero values of centred
high efficiency33 and was a pragmatic approach accounting for continuous variables, with all binary predictor values set to zero.
the size of the datasets and capacity of the available servers and
software. In the imputation model we included all predictor Validation of the models
variables, along with age interaction terms, the Nelson-Aalen In the validation cohort we used multiple imputation to replace
estimator of the baseline cumulative hazard, and the outcome missing values for body mass index, systolic blood pressure,
indicator. standard deviation of systolic blood pressure, serum cholesterol,
Cox’s proportional hazards models were used to estimate the high density lipoprotein cholesterol, and smoking status. We
coefficients for each risk factor in women and men separately. carried out five imputations. The risk equations for women and
We used Rubin’s rules to combine the results across the imputed men obtained from the derivation cohort for models A, B, and
datasets.34 Fractional polynomials35 were used to model C were applied to the validation cohort and measures of
non-linear risk relations with continuous variables using data discrimination calculated. As in previous studies,4 we calculated
from patients with recorded values to derive the fractional R2 values (explained variation where higher values indicate a
polynomial terms. We fitted full models initially. For greater proportion of variation in time to cardiovascular disease
consistency, we included variables from existing QRISK2 diagnosis is explained by the model 37), D statistic38 (a measure
models and then retained additional variables if they had an of discrimination where higher values indicate better
adjusted hazard ratio of less than 0.90 or greater than 1.10 (for discrimination), and Harrell’s C statistic at 10 years and
binary variables) and were statistically significant at the 0.01 combined these across datasets using Rubin’s rules. Harrell’s
level. We developed three main models. Model A contains the C statistic39 is a measure of discrimination that is similar to the
same variables as the latest version of QRISK2-2017. Model B area under a receiver operating characteristic curve but takes
includes the additional variables that met our inclusion criteria account of the censored nature of the data.
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We assessed calibration (comparing the mean predicted risks prescribed statins at baseline. In total, 2 671 298 patients were
at 10 years with the observed risk by 10th of predicted risk). included in the validation analysis.
The observed risks were obtained using the Kaplan-Meier
estimates evaluated at 10 years. We also evaluated performance Baseline characteristics

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.j2099 on 23 May 2017. Downloaded from on 24 October 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
in each age group (<40, 40-59, ≥60 years), ethnic origin
Table 1⇓ shows the baseline characteristics of men and women
subgroup, and each comorbidity and treatment subgroup.
in the derivation and validation cohorts. In the derivation cohort,
Performance was also evaluated by calculating Harrell’s C
self assigned ethnic origin was recorded for 64.9% of women
statistics in individual general practices and combining the
and 59.7% of men, smoking status for 85.0% and 77.7%,
results using meta-analytical techniques for comparison with a
respectively, systolic blood pressure for 82.8% and 68.3%,
previous study of QRISK2.9
respectively, body mass index for 72.8% and 64.0%,
respectively, and total cholesterol: high density lipoprotein
Reclassification statistics cholesterol ratio for 39.8% and 37.9%, respectively. Complete
In line with current NICE guidelines,20 we classified patients as information for smoking status, systolic blood pressure, body
being at high risk of cardiovascular disease if their 10 year risk mass index, and total cholesterol: high density lipoprotein
was 10% or greater. We compared predicted risks for our final cholesterol ratio was provided for 28.5% of women and 24.6%
models (QRISK3) with the latest version of QRISK2-2017 to of men. At least two systolic blood pressures were recorded for
determine the percentage of patients who would be reclassified 77.7% of women and 64.0% of men from which the standard
at this threshold according to each model. Among the deviations were calculated. These values were similar to
reclassified patients we also calculated the observed risks of corresponding values for both sexes in the validation cohort
cardiovascular disease at 10 years using the Kaplan-Meier (table 1⇓).
method. Table 1⇓ also shows comorbidities at study entry. For the new
To maximise the power and generalisability of the results we variables of interest, severe mental illness was recorded for
used all the relevant patients on the database. STATA (version 6.8% of women and 4.3% of men, migraine for 6.4% and 2.7%,
14) was used for all analyses. The study adhered to the TRIPOD respectively, chronic kidney disease (stage 3, 4, or 5) for 0.5%
(Transparent Reporting of a multivariable prediction model for and 0.3%, respectively; prescribed atypical antipsychotics for
Individual Prognosis Or Diagnosis) statement for reporting.40 0.5% of women and men, and prescribed corticosteroids for
2.4% and 1.5%, respectively, and 2.3% of men had a diagnosis
Patient involvement of or treatment for erectile dysfunction. SLE was recorded for
0.1% of women and less than 0.1% of men and HIV/AIDS for
Over the past 10 years since the original publication of QRISK1
0.1% of women and 0.2% of men. The mean of the most recent
there has been extensive discussion about methods for
systolic blood pressure values was 123.2 mm Hg in women and
assessment of cardiovascular risk. This has included a series of
129.2 mm Hg in men and the mean of the standard deviations
public stakeholder consultations in relation to updates of NICE
of repeated systolic blood pressure values was 9.3 in women
guidance on lipid modification,20 the NHS Quality and Outcomes
and 9.9 in men.
Framework, and NHS Health Check.21 We therefore decided to
focus on issues highlighted in NICE guidance and the literature
rather than to consult patient or professional groups. We decided Incidence rates of cardiovascular disease
it would be more transparent and effective to discuss the addition Table 2⇓ shows the numbers of patients with a new diagnosis
of new variables once the paper was published and the relative of cardiovascular disease during follow-up by age group (five
contribution of individual risk factors had been quantified. Given year intervals) in women and men in the derivation cohort based
the widespread implementation of QRISK2 across the NHS and on the linked general practice, hospital, and Office for National
its inclusion in guidelines, this would give time for feedback Statistics morality records. In the derivation cohort, we identified
from a range of stakeholders (including patient groups and 363 565 incident cases of cardiovascular disease arising from
charities) as to which changes would be most beneficial and 50.8 million person years of observation. The incidence of
how improvements might be implemented. cardiovascular disease increased steeply by age group and values
were higher in men than women for all age groups. Table 2⇓ in
Results the web appendix shows a similar breakdown by nine ethnic
groups. For example, 4758 events occurred in Indian women
Study population and men arising from 8 819 177 person years of observation
Overall, 1309 practices contributing to the QResearch database and 417 events in Chinese women and men arising from 210
in England met our inclusion criteria. Of these, 981 were 267 person years of observation.
randomly assigned to the derivation dataset and the remainder Table 3⇓ in the web appendix shows the source of the data that
(n=328) to a validation cohort. For the derivation cohort we first identified the incident event by type of event in the
identified 8 602 833 patients aged 25-84 years. We excluded derivation cohort. It also shows the number and percentage of
31 433 (0.4%) with no recorded Townsend score, 344 669 cases that were identified only using general practice data with
(4.0%) with a diagnosis of cardiovascular disease at baseline no subsequent evidence of cardiovascular disease on hospital
recorded on the general practice or Hospital Episode Statistics or mortality records. Of the 363 565 incident events, 78 327
record, and 336 928 (3.9%) prescribed statins at baseline. (21.5%) were myocardial infarction, 152 141 (41.8%) were
Overall, 7 889 803 patients were included in the derivation angina, 49 504 (13.6%) were transient ischaemic attack, and 83
analysis. 593 (23.0%) were ischaemic strokes. Overall, 92 936 (25.6%
For the validation cohort we identified 2 918 082 patients aged of all 363 565 events) were only recorded on the general practice
25-84 years. We excluded 13 862 (0.5%) with no recorded record, with the most common condition being transient
Townsend score, 118 057 (4.0%) with a diagnosis of ischaemic attack (27 227 events).
cardiovascular disease recorded on the general practice or The median follow-up in the derivation cohort was 4.4 years
Hospital Episode Statistics record, and 114 865 (3.9%) (interquartile range 1.6-10.8) and 2 141 841 patients had 10

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years or more of follow-up and 1 090 704 had 15 years or more to those obtained in the main models using multiply imputed
of follow-up. Of the 7 889 803 patients in the derivation cohort, data.
696 387 (8.8%) started using statins after entry to the cohort
and before having a new diagnosis of cardiovascular disease or Validation

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.j2099 on 23 May 2017. Downloaded from on 24 October 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
being censored. Of the 50 764 868 person years of follow-up,
46 940 777 person years were free from statin use (92.5%).
Table 5⇓ shows the performance of each algorithm in the
In the validation cohort, the median follow up was 4.4 years
validation cohort for women and men for each of models A, B,
(interquartile range 1.6-10.8) and 728 704 patients had 10 years
and C. For model B in women, the algorithm explained 59.5%
or more of follow-up and 380 387 had 15 years or more of
of the variation in time to diagnosis of cardiovascular disease
(R2), the D statistic was 2.48, and the Harrell’s C statistic was
0.88. The corresponding values for men were 54.8%, 2.26, and
Predictor variables 0.86. Measures of performance were similar for all three models.
Table 3⇓ shows the adjusted hazard ratios for women in the Table 6⇓ in the web appendix shows the validation statistics for
derivation cohort and table 4⇓ shows the corresponding values model B in various subgroups, including three age groups, ethnic
for men. Of the new risk factors, all met our model inclusion groups, and in those with specific comorbidities. The highest
criteria except for HIV/AIDS, which was associated with a 25% performance values by ethnic origin were in Chinese women
increased risk in women and 17% increased risk in men, but (R2=64.7%; D=2.77; Harrell’s C=0.91) and the lowest values
these were not statistically significant at the 0.01 level. Model were in Caribbean women (R2=51.6%; D=2.11; Harrell’s
A is the latest version of QRISK2 (2017). Model B includes the C=0.85). Performance values were highest in the youngest age
additional variables that met our inclusion criteria. Model C is group (25-39 years) and lowest in the oldest age group (60-84
the same as model B except that it includes the standard years).
deviation of serial systolic blood pressure values.
For the subgroup of women with type 1 diabetes the R2 was
The supplementary figure shows graphs of the adjusted hazard 47.3%, D statistic was 1.94, and Harrell’s C statistic was 0.82.
ratios for model B for the fractional polynomial terms for age The corresponding values for men with type 1 diabetes were
and body mass index as well as the interaction terms between 45.6%, 1.87, and 0.80. For the subgroup of women with type 2
age and relevant predictor variables, as listed in the footnotes diabetes the R2 was 25.2%, D statistic was 1.19, and Harrell’s
of tables 3 and 4⇓. For the new variables of interest in model C statistic was 0.70. The corresponding values for men with
B, migraine was associated with a 36% increased risk of type 2 diabetes were 22.9%, 1.12, and 0.70.
cardiovascular disease for women and a 29% increased risk for
men, corticosteroids were associated with an 82% increased Figure 1⇓ shows the funnel plots of Harrell’s C statistic for
risk for women and 58% increased risk for men, SLE was model B across the 328 practices in the validation cohort. The
associated with a 115% increased risk for women and a 55% funnel plots show Harrell’s C statistic for each general practice
increased risk for men, atypical antipsychotics were associated versus the number of cardiovascular events in each practice in
with a 29% increased risk for women and a 15% increased risk women and men separately. Practices with fewer cardiovascular
for men, severe mental illness was associated with a 14% events had wider variation in the C statistic than practices with
increased risk for women and a 13% increased risk for men. more events. The summary (average) C statistic for women was
Erectile dysfunction was associated with a 25% increased risk. 0.874 (95% confidence interval 0.869 to 0.880) from a random
Where there were age interactions these values relate to risks effects meta-analysis. The I2 value (ie, the percentage of total
evaluated at the mean ages. The full list of age interactions is variation in C statistics owing to between practice heterogeneity)
shown in the footnotes for tables 3 and 4⇓. For the new was 93.3%. The approximate 95% prediction interval for the
variables, there were statistically significant interactions between true C statistic in women in a new practice was 0.79 to 0.96.
age and migraine as well as age and corticosteroid use in both The summary C statistic for men was 0.851 (95% confidence
sexes. In women, there was also a statistically significant interval, 0.847 to 0.855) from a random effects meta-analysis.
interaction between age and SLE. In men, there was also a The I2 value was 84.2%. The approximate 95% prediction
statistically significant interaction between age and erectile interval for the true C statistic in men in a new practice was
dysfunction. For each of these interactions, hazard ratios for the 0.79 to 0.91.
predictors were higher at younger ages compared with older
ages, except for erectile dysfunction in men, where hazard ratios Calibration
were highest for men aged around age 45 and then declined In women, the mean 10 year predicted risk was 4.7% for models
gradually with increasing age. A, B, and C. The observed 10 year risk was 5.8% (95%
For model C, the standard deviation of systolic blood pressure confidence interval 5.8% to 5.9%). In men, the mean 10 year
values was included in the model in addition to the single most predicted risk was 6.4% for models A, B, and C. The observed
recent systolic blood pressure value. Overall a 10 unit increase 10 year risk was 7.5% (7.5% to 7.6%). Figure 2⇓ shows the
in the standard deviation of systolic blood pressure was mean predicted risks and observed risks at 10 years by 10th of
associated with an 8% increased risk of cardiovascular disease predicted risk, applying each algorithm to all women and men
in women (table 3⇓) and an 11% increased risk in men (table in the validation cohort and to separate age groups (25-39, 40-59,
4⇓). and 60-84 years). There was close correspondence between the
mean predicted risks and the observed risks within each model
Tables 4 and 5⇓ in the web appendix show the results of
10th overall and in each age group in women and men indicating
complete case analyses for models B and C for women and men,
that the algorithms were well calibrated. The exception was in
respectively (ie, the results based on patients with complete
those aged 25-39 where mean predicted risks were slightly
data). The hazard ratios associated with total cholesterol: high
higher than observed risks.
density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio, systolic blood pressure,
and standard deviation of systolic blood pressure were similar

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Reclassification affect the take-up of the new models as they are designed to be
Overall, there were 2 671 298 patients in the validation cohort. calculated automatically from the electronic patient record.
Of these, 458 263 (17.2%) had a 10 year risk score of 10% or
Comparisons with the literature

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.j2099 on 23 May 2017. Downloaded from on 24 October 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
greater using model A; 458 869 (17.2%) using model B, and
458 868 (17.2%) using model C. The hazard ratios of the new risk variables included in our final
Using model A, the number of patients with a 10 year risk score models are similar in both magnitude and direction to those
of 15% or more was 308 130 (11.5%) and with a risk of 20% reported in other studies.25
of more was 214 451 (8.0%). The corresponding numbers for
models B and C were similar. Migraine
Of 458 263 patients with a 10 year predicted risk score of 10% Sufficient pathophysiological and epidemiological evidence
or more using model A, 10 948 (2.4%) would be reclassified have now accumulated for some experts to propose that migraine
as low risk (predicted risk <10% over 10 years) using model B. should be included as a marker for future cardiovascular
The 10 year observed risk among these reclassified patients was disease.41 Our results support this since we found that migraine
10.3% (95% confidence interval 9.6% to 11.1%), just above the was associated with a 36% increased risk of cardiovascular
10% threshold. Conversely, of the 2 213 035 classified as low disease for women and 29% for men (model B). This is
risk (predicted risk <10% over 10 years) using model A, 11 554 consistent with the increased risk of 42% in 27 840 women aged
(0.5%) would be reclassified as high risk using model B. The 45 and over in the Women’s Health Study42 and the increased
10 year observed risk among these reclassified patients was risk of 50% reported in a recent study of 115 541 women aged
12.2% (11.4% to 13.1%), above the 10% threshold. 25-42 recruited to the Nurses’ Health Study II.25 In our study,
Of the 458 869 patients with a 10 year predicted risk score of migraine was recorded in 6.4% of women and 2.7% of men.
10% or more using model B, 9102 (2.0%) would be reclassified This is less than the 16% reported in the Nurse’s Health Study
as low risk using model C. The 10 year observed risk among II25 and the 18.4% in the Women’s Health Study42 and might
these reclassified patients was 9.6% (95% confidence interval reflect differences in cohort selection, clinical setting, consulting
8.9% to 10.5%), marginally below the 10% threshold. patterns, diagnostic criteria, or recording of diagnoses. For
Conversely, of the 2 213 429 with a 10 year predicted risk score example, our study is based on routinely collected health records
of less than 10% using model B, 9101 (2.4%) would be and uses diagnoses recorded by clinicians before entry to the
reclassified as high risk using model C. The 10 year observed cohort. In contrast, the Nurses’ Health Study II used self report
risk among these reclassified patients was 10.7% (9.9% to questionnaires at three time points over a six year period. Our
11.6%), marginally above the 10% threshold. study, which also includes men, is much larger than previous
studies.25 42 While our study may be more representative of the
Clinical examples general population than patients recruited to a trial, it is also
susceptible to ascertainment bias. This would be the case if not
Table 6⇓ shows clinical examples where use of model A, B, or all patients with migraine visited their general practitioner and
C would result in a reclassification above or below the 10% not all of those diagnoses are recorded. Conversely, the Nurses’
threshold. Figures 3⇓ and 4⇓ show screenshots of the updated Health Study II and the Women’s Health Study may be subject
web calculator with a clinical example which can be found at to recall bias owing to the use of self reported questionnaires inquiring about historical diagnoses. Also, our definition of
migraine included a range of subtypes so it is not possible to
Discussion say which of these are associated with the additional risk of
being categorised as having migraine. For example, the bulk of
We have developed and validated updated algorithms (QRISK3)
the risk could be coming from those with migraine with aura
to predict 10 year risk of cardiovascular disease in women and
rather than other subtypes.43 While the magnitude of the
men aged 25-84 years. The algorithms incorporate established
increased risk associated with migraine is relatively small at the
predictor variables from QRISK2 as well as new variables
individual level, it is important at the population level since
associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. These
migraine is so prevalent.41 Hence there is good justification for
include an expanded definition of chronic kidney disease to
including clinician recorded diagnosed migraine in our new
include chronic kidney disease stage 3, migraine, corticosteroid
use, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), atypical antipsychotic
use, severe mental illness, erectile dysfunction, and a measure
of blood pressure variability (standard deviation of repeated
Corticosteroids and antipsychotics
values). We have produced three main final models: model A, The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidance
which includes the same variables and coefficients as the current states that cardiovascular disease risk scores will underestimate
version of QRISK2-2017; model B, which includes the new cardiovascular risk among people who are taking medicines
variables and the latest systolic blood pressure value and is for that cause dyslipidaemia such as antipsychotic drugs or
use where only the current reading is available; and our preferred corticosteroids.20 In line with other studies,44 we found evidence
model C, which additionally includes a measure of blood to support the increased risk with corticosteroids despite
pressure variability that may be more suitable for integration simultaneous adjustment of lipid levels. Current corticosteroids
into general practice computer systems where longitudinal (defined as ≥2 prescriptions, with the most recent one within
repeated values are likely to be available. Although in population the 28 days before study entry) were prescribed for 2.4% of
terms the overall performance of all three models is similar, for women and 1.5% of men and were associated with an 82%
those who have one or more of the conditions included in the increased cardiovascular risk in women and 58% increased risk
newer models, having the additional risk taken into account in men. This is similar to the increased risks with corticosteroids
could result in the difference between taking or not taking risk found in other studies.45 46 However, our definition was relatively
reducing treatment. The increased complexity is unlikely to simple (and could be used in clinical practice) but did not
account for duration of use and dose and so allows for

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substantial heterogeneity in the indications for steroid use, and Type 1 diabetes
the effect may not apply equally to those with different levels Although the NICE guidance on lipid modification20
of exposure. Similarly, atypical antipsychotic drugs were recommends the use of QRISK2 in patients with type 2 diabetes,
prescribed to 0.5% of men and women and were associated with

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it states “do not use a risk assessment tool to assess CVD
a 29% increased cardiovascular risk in women and 15% [cardiovascular disease] risk in patients with type 1 diabetes.”
increased risk in men. Both corticosteroids and atypical Instead it recommends that “statin treatment is offered to all
antipsychotics therefore seem to be clinically important variables patients with type 1 diabetes who are older than 40 years or
to include in QRISK, taking account of the magnitude of the have had diabetes for more than 10 years or have established
risk and the potential numbers of patients affected. nephropathy or have other CVD risk factors.” The current model
for QRISK2 and the models presented in this paper allow
Severe mental illness calculation of cardiovascular risk for patients with type 1
The NICE guidance highlights the increased cardiovascular risk diabetes. The performance among patients with type 1 diabetes
associated with severe mental illness,20 although this is contrary is good (see table 6⇓ in the web appendix). We can see no reason
to a recent systematic review and meta-analysis, which failed why patients with type 1 diabetes should not have similar
to find sufficient evidence to support this conclusion.47 Our discussions to other patients regarding the risks and benefits of
study found that 6.8% of women and 4.3% of men had a interventions. Use of the calculator in patients with type 1
diagnosis of severe mental illness affects and it was associated diabetes is intended to allow better information to be shared
with a 14% increased risk of cardiovascular disease for women with such patients on their cardiovascular risk profile. It may
and a 13% increased risk for men (model B). This is independent identify patients with a risk under 10% who may not want to
of the risk associated with atypical antipsychotics and hence take statins as well as facilitate a discussion on a range of
both factors have been included separately as they will have a interventions to reduce risk, including weight loss, blood
compound effect on cardiovascular risk. Clinicians will now be pressure control, and smoking cessation. The performance of
able to provide better information to these patients both about the models in patients with type 2 diabetes was lower than for
interventions to reduce cardiovascular risk and about the patients with type 1 diabetes (for example in men with type 2
potential effects of atypical antipsychotics. diabetes Harrell’s C=0.70, R2=22.9% compared with Harrell’s
C=0.80, R2=45.6% in men with type 1 diabetes).
The NICE guidance on lipid modification20 highlights the
Blood pressure variability
increased cardiovascular risk associated with SLE. The excess Recent studies have suggested that higher blood pressure
risk is thought to be driven largely by inflammation and an variability is associated with increased risks of stroke26 and other
active immunological response.48 cardiovascular events.50 This may be independent of mean blood
Reduction in risk in patients with SLE may need both pressure values,50 although the increased risk of cardiovascular
modification of SLE specific factors such as disease activity events associated with blood pressure variability in the recent
and drug therapy as well as modification of traditional meta-analysis by Stevens et al was based on one study of 8811
cardiovascular disease risk factors, although the role of patients aged more than 55 years with type 2 diabetes.51 In our
anti-inflammatory treatments is not yet clear.48 We found that study, both the most recent value at baseline and the standard
a diagnosis of SLE is associated with a 115% increased risk for deviation of systolic blood pressure were independently
women and a 55% increased risk for men. While SLE is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease,
relatively uncommon (affecting 0.1% of women and rarely although the addition of the standard deviation to the model did
affecting men), the magnitude of the increased risk is high not improve discrimination or calibration. It may be difficult to
(substantially higher than rheumatoid arthritis for example) implement the model with blood pressure variability in a setting
particularly at younger ages (hazard ratios were >2 for ages ≤45 where there is no historical information on blood pressure
years). This makes it an important risk factor for these patients available, such as with a web calculator. While the performance
and is consistent with other studies examining cardiovascular and reclassification statistics suggest that its inclusion will not
outcomes in patients with these conditions.48 make a major difference at a population level, there may be
some benefit from taking this factor into account for those
patients with highly variable blood pressure.
Chronic kidney disease
The NICE guidance20 states “do not use a risk assessment tool Erectile dysfunction
in people with an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)
of less than 60/mL/1.73 m2 and/or albuminuria. These people The true prevalence of erectile dysfunction is difficult to
are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease . . . Atorvastatin determine, and estimates range from 1% to 100% depending on
should be offered to people with CKD [chronic kidney disease].” the age of the population and how the diagnosis was made.24
Our expanded definition of chronic kidney disease now includes Our study indicated that erectile dysfunction affected 2.3% of
chronic kidney disease stage 3 (eGFR 30-59/mL/1.73 m2) in men, but this is likely to be an underestimate as it includes only
addition to stages 4 and 5, in line with other published studies.49 men who present to their doctor with the condition and have
This means QRISK3 can be used in such patients and will the diagnosis or treatment recorded on their electronic record.
provide them with better information to inform their choice We showed that erectile dysfunction is likely to be an
about use of statins and potentially other non-drug interventions independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease and was
to reduce their cardiovascular risk and to “encourage the person associated with a 25% increased risk of cardiovascular disease
to participate in reducing their risk” in line with the (at the mean age), which is compatible with the findings of a
recommendations for other patients. meta-analysis that examined the association between erectile
dysfunction and cardiovascular disease risk in 13 studies.23
While the overall relative risk estimate from these studies was
1.44, the 95% confidence interval was broad (1.27 to 1.63) and

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there was substantial heterogeneity across the studies. The Strengths and limitations of this study
association was reduced to 1.34 (1.17 to 1.54) when only high The methods used to derive and validate these models are
quality studies were included. Our definition and others only broadly the same as for a range of other clinical risk prediction
provide a summary effect and it should be recognised that the

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tools derived from the QResearch database.28-57 The strengths
causes of erectile dysfunction are usually a combination of the and limitations of the approach have already been discussed in
physiological and psychological and that men with vascular detail.8-60 In summary, key strengths include size, duration of
causes are likely to be at higher risk of cardiovascular disease follow up, representativeness, and lack of selection, recall, and
than those for whom the cause is largely psychological. respondent bias. UK general practices have good levels of
accuracy and completeness in recording clinical diagnoses and
HIV/AIDS prescribed drugs.61 We think our study has good face validity
Data from large cohorts have reported that people infected with since it has been conducted in the setting where most patients
HIV have approximately 50% greater risk of acute myocardial in the UK are assessed, treated, and followed up. Limitations
infarction and stroke compared with those without HIV,52 which of our study include the lack of formal adjudication of diagnoses,
may be related to antiretroviral treatment.53 While we found a information bias, and potential for bias owing to missing data.
tendency towards an increased risk of cardiovascular disease Our database has linked hospital and mortality records for nearly
among people with HIV/AIDS this did not reach statistical all patients and is therefore likely to have picked up the majority
significance at the 0.01 level so was not included in the final of cardiovascular events thereby minimising ascertainment bias.
models. These results may reflect the relatively small numbers We excluded patients using statins at baseline as in previous
with HIV/AIDS recorded on the general practice clinical system. versions of QRISK and QRISK2. Over the past decade a change
Also, people with HIV/AIDS tend to be younger and so have in guidelines will have led to a higher proportion of at risk
low absolute event rates and shorter periods of follow-up with patients being prescribed statins in the absence of established
an individual general practice, which may tend to underestimate cardiovascular disease. Removing patients at high risk will tend
the long term association. People with HIV/AIDS may receive to lower overall event rates. We excluded patients without a
healthcare (and prescriptions for antiretroviral treatment) from valid deprivation score since this group may represent a more
specialist clinics rather than general practices, which may transient population, where follow-up could be unreliable or
explain why there are few prescriptions recorded for unrepresentative. Their deprivation scores are unlikely to be
antiretroviral treatment on the QResearch database. Over time missing at random so we did not think it would be appropriate
the recording of HIV/AIDS and prescribing of antiretroviral to impute them. Given the number tested for inclusion, there
treatment may increase and so it is important to reassess the may be some over fitting of interaction terms. We have
suitability of HIV/AIDS for inclusion in QRISK3 periodically continued to use the well recognised total cholesterol: high
to ensure that affected people have accurate cardiovascular risk density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio as a predictor rather than
assessments. low density lipoprotein cholesterol values alone as the ratio
resulted in improved prediction during earlier versions of QRISK
Comparison with the original version of and QRISK2 and is measured directly, whereas low density
QRISK2, 2008 lipoprotein cholesterol is calculated.
Our new models are well calibrated when applied to a separate The present validation has been done on a separate set of
validation cohort and have high levels of discrimination. We practices and individuals to those that were used to develop the
found an improvement in performance from all three models score, although the practices all use the same general practice
over the original version of QRISK2 from 2008,28 although some clinical computer system (EMIS, used by 55% of UK general
of this improvement is likely to be owing to the wider age range practices). An independent validation study would be a more
(25-84 compared with 35-74 years). Since 2008, improvements stringent test and should be done, but when such independent
have been made to the underlying QResearch database used to studies have examined QRISK2 and other risk algorithms,6-60
derive the QRISK algorithm, which may have resulted in they have shown comparable performance compared with the
improvements to the performance of the algorithm over and validation in the QResearch database.28-58 We have published
above extending the age range from 35-74 to 25-84 years and the source code to enable accurate implementation of QRISK3
the inclusion of additional variables. Ascertainment of on the QRISK website ( with earlier versions
cardiovascular events has improved with the linkage of the of the score from previous annual updates. The rationale for
QResearch database to both Office for National Statistics this is to ensure that those interested in reviewing or using the
mortality and Hospital Episode Statistics since 1998. The open source will then be able to find the current version as the
number of practices contributing to the database has more than score continues to be updated.
doubled, from 531 in 2008 to over 1300. The size of the
derivation cohort has increased fivefold, with 363 565 Conclusion
cardiovascular events arising from 50.8 million person years of We have developed updated algorithms (QRISK3) to quantify
observation compared with 96 709 events arising from 10.9 absolute risks of cardiovascular disease in people aged 25-84
million person years in 2008. The recording of self assigned years, which include established risk factors and new risk
ethnic origin has increased; 25% in 2008 compared with 62% factors: expanded definition of chronic kidney disease (stage 3,
in the current derivation cohort. As a result of these factors, 4, or 5), migraine, corticosteroid use, SLE, atypical antipsychotic
there are many more events within each ethnic group—for use, severe mental illness, erectile dysfunction, and a measure
example, there has been a 10-fold increase in the number of of blood pressure variability (standard deviation of repeated
cardiovascular events for non-white ethnic groups compared measures). The updated risk algorithms provide valid measures
with 2008. This is reflected in the more accurate hazard ratios of absolute risk in the general population of patients, as shown
with tighter confidence intervals and improved performance by the performance in a separate validation cohort.

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What is already known on this topic

Methods to identify patients at increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) are needed to identify those for whom interventions or

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.j2099 on 23 May 2017. Downloaded from on 24 October 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
more frequent assessment may be required
QRISK2 algorithms are widely used to estimate the 10 year risks of CVD in people aged 25-84 taking account of information recorded
in primary care electronic records and that the patient can also provide

What this study adds

Updated algorithms (QRISK3) quantify the absolute risks of CVD in people aged 25-84, which include established and new risk factors
New factors are an expanded definition of chronic kidney disease (stage 3, 4, or 5), migraine, corticosteroid use, systemic lupus
erythematosus, atypical antipsychotic use, severe mental illness, erectile dysfunction, and a measure of blood pressure variability
(standard deviation of repeated measures)
The updated risk algorithms provide valid measures of absolute risk in the general population of patients as shown by the performance
in a separate validation cohort

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Table 1| Baseline characteristics of patients aged 25-84 years without cardiovascular disease and not using statins at study entry. Values
are numbers (percentages) of patients unless stated otherwise

Characteristics Derivation cohort Validation cohort

Women n=4 019 956 Men n=3 869 847 Women n=1 360 457 Men n=1 310 841
Mean (SD) age (years) 43.3 (15.3) 42.6 (14.0) 43.3 (15.3) 42.6 (13.8)
Mean (SD) Townsend score 0.4 (3.2) 0.5 (3.3) 0.4 (3.3) 0.5 (3.3)
Body mass index recorded 2 926 402 (72.8) 2 476 175 (64.0) 996 752 (73.3) 852 521 (65.0)
Total cholesterol: HDL cholesterol ratio recorded 1 598 558 (39.8) 1 467 747 (37.9) 543 262 (39.9) 501 605 (38.3)
Systolic blood pressure recorded 3 327 445 (82.8) 2 644 682 (68.3) 1 146 039 (84.2) 922 967 (70.4)
≥2 systolic blood pressure readings recorded before baseline 3 123 821 (77.7) 2 338 902 (64.0) 1 072 667 (78.8) 813 373 (62.0)
Complete data recorded for body mass index, total cholesterol: 1 145 256 (28.5) 952 618 (24.6) 389 774 (28.7) 330 073 (25.2)
HDL cholesterol, systolic blood pressure, and smoking status
Mean (SD) body mass index 25.4 (5.1) 25.9 (4.2) 25.4 (5.1) 25.9 (4.2)
Mean (SD) total cholesterol: HDL cholesterol ratio 3.7 (1.2) 4.4 (1.4) 3.6 (1.2) 4.4 (1.3)
Mean (SD) systolic blood pressure (mm Hg) 123.2 (18.2) 129.2 (16.3) 123.1 (18.1) 128.8 (16.2)
Mean (SD) systolic blood pressure variability* 9.3 (6.2) 9.9 (6.8) 9.3 (6.1) 9.9 (6.8)
Ethnic origin:
Recorded 2 607 872 (64.9) 2 310 983 (59.7) 849 697 (62.5) 751 370 (57.3)
White or not recorded 3 564 651 (88.7) 3 435 408 (88.8) 1 218 391 (89.6) 1 171 281 (89.4)
Indian 77 683 (1.9) 81 805 (2.1) 23 146 (1.7) 26 479 (2.0)
Pakistani 39 541 (1.0) 46 948 (1.2) 10 919 (0.8) 14 787 (1.1)
Bangladeshi 31 930 (0.8) 42 111 (1.1) 8738 (0.6) 11 914 (0.9)
Other Asian 53 559 (1.3) 45 753 (1.2) 17 078 (1.3) 15 966 (1.2)
Black Caribbean 37 781 (0.9) 30 610 (0.8) 13 142 (1.0) 10 642 (0.8)
Black African 77 813 (1.9) 71 245 (1.8) 27 678 (2.0) 25 251 (1.9)
Chinese 33 767 (0.8) 23 730 (0.6) 8992 (0.7) 6098 (0.5)
Other 103 231 (2.6) 92 237 (2.4) 32 373 (2.4) 28 423 (2.2)
Smoking status:
Smoking status recorded 3 418 296 (85.0) 3 005 756 (77.7) 1 168 932 (85.9) 1 035 425 (79.0)
Non-smoker 2 051 803 (51.0) 1 463 941 (37.8) 706 671 (51.9) 512 252 (39.1)
Former smoker 589 521 (14.7) 594 265 (15.4) 194 545 (14.3) 196 459 (15.0)
Light smoker 434 954 (10.8) 507 523 (13.1) 154 565 (11.4) 177 693 (13.6)
Moderate smoker 226 128 (5.6) 251 170 (6.5) 74 933 (5.5) 84 914 (6.5)
Heavy smoker 115 890 (2.9) 188 857 (4.9) 38 218 (2.8) 64 107 (4.9)
Medical characteristics:
Family history of coronary heart disease in first degree relative 481 628 (12.0) 357 987 (9.3) 164 023 (12.1) 123 039 (9.4)
<60 years
Type 1 diabetes 10 060 (0.3) 11 617 (0.3) 3351 (0.2) 3932 (0.3)
Type 2 diabetes 48 022 (1.2) 58 395 (1.5) 15 872 (1.2) 19 318 (1.5)
Treated hypertension 223 494 (5.6) 164 255 (4.2) 77 694 (5.7) 56 920 (4.3)
Rheumatoid arthritis 45 700 (1.1) 20 997 (0.5) 15 139 (1.1) 7055 (0.5)
Atrial fibrillation 15 177 (0.4) 20 098 (0.5) 5229 (0.4) 6874 (0.5)
Chronic kidney disease (stage 4 or 5) 7518 (0.2) 6345 (0.2) 2583 (0.2) 2165 (0.2)
Chronic kidney disease (stage 3, 4, or 5) 19 396 (0.5) 12 254 (0.3) 6949 (0.5) 4232 (0.3)
Migraine 257 825 (6.4) 103 995 (2.7) 89 504 (6.6) 36 141 (2.8)
Corticosteroid use 96 955 (2.4) 56 533 (1.5) 31 775 (2.3) 18 634 (1.4)
HIV/AIDS 4332 (0.1) 7732 (0.2) 1595 (0.1) 2945 (0.2)
Systemic lupus erythematosus 4010 (0.1) 365 (0.0) 1349 (0.1) 134 (0.0)
Atypical antipsychotic use 19 140 (0.5) 20 123 (0.5) 6268 (0.5) 6597 (0.5)

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Table 1 (continued)

Characteristics Derivation cohort Validation cohort

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Women n=4 019 956 Men n=3 869 847 Women n=1 360 457 Men n=1 310 841
Severe mental illness 274 069 (6.8) 167 115 (4.3) 94 724 (7.0) 57 830 (4.4)
Erectile dysfunction diagnosis or treatment NA 90 753 (2.3) NA 31 136 (2.4)
Erectile dysfunction diagnosis NA 80 753 (2.1) NA 27 727 (2.1)
Erectile dysfunction treatment NA 28 763 (0.7) NA 9877 (0.8)

HDL=high density lipoprotein; NA=not applicable.

Complete data for total cholesterol: HDL cholesterol ratio, body mass index, smoking, and systolic blood pressure.
*Based on standard deviation of ≥2 systolic blood pressure values.

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Table 2| Incidence rates of cardiovascular disease per 1000 person years in derivation cohort

Age group Women Men


BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.j2099 on 23 May 2017. Downloaded from on 24 October 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Incident cases Person years Rate per 1000 person years (95% Incident cases Person years Rate per 1000 person years (95%
25-29 832 3 455 662 2.4 (2.2 to 2.6) 1351 3 379 716 4 (3.8 to 4.2)
30-34 1878 3 802 577 4.9 (4.7 to 5.2) 3823 3 880 890 9.9 (9.5 to 10.2)
35-39 3636 3 551 460 10.2 (9.9 to 10.6) 7963 3 748 285 21.2 (20.8 to 21.7)
40-44 5651 2 971 995 19 (18.5 to 19.5) 12 750 3 192 048 39.9 (39.3 to 40.6)
45-49 8272 2 581 104 32 (31.4 to 32.7) 17 763 2 672 642 66.5 (65.5 to 67.4)
50-54 12 022 2 490 263 48.3 (47.4 to 49.1) 24 040 2 437 106 98.6 (97.4 to 99.9)
55-59 14 524 1 944 140 74.7 (73.5 to 75.9) 25 464 1 796 342 141.8 (140.0 to 143.5)
60-64 18 471 1 625 795 113.6 (112.0 to 115.3) 27 021 1 372 104 196.9 (194.6 to 199.3)
65-69 22 510 1 314 303 171.3 (169.0 to 173.5) 26 903 1 013 291 265.5 (262.3 to 268.7)
70-74 25 462 1 015 263 250.8 (247.7 to 253.9) 24 549 691 866 354.8 (350.4 to 359.3)
75-79 26 883 765 681 351.1 (346.9 to 355.3) 19 820 438 861 451.6 (445.4 to 458.0)
80-84 20 408 424 994 480.2 (473.7 to 486.8) 11 569 198 481 582.9 (572.4 to 593.6)
Total 160 549 25 943 236 61.9 (61.6 to 62.2) 203 016 24 821 632 81.8 (81.4 to 82.1)

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Table 3| Adjusted hazard ratios (95% confidence interval) for cardiovascular disease in women in the derivation cohort

Predictor variables Model A* Model B† Model C‡

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.j2099 on 23 May 2017. Downloaded from on 24 October 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Townsend score (per 5 unit increase)§ 1.48 (1.46 to 1.51) 1.47 (1.45 to 1.50) 1.47 (1.45 to 1.50)
Ethnic origin:
White or not recorded 1.00 1.00 1.00
Indian 1.32 (1.26 to 1.38) 1.32 (1.26 to 1.39) 1.32 (1.26 to 1.39)
Pakistani 1.76 (1.66 to 1.87) 1.76 (1.66 to 1.87) 1.76 (1.66 to 1.86)
Bangladeshi 1.33 (1.23 to 1.44) 1.35 (1.25 to 1.46) 1.34 (1.24 to 1.45)
Other Asian 1.07 (0.985 to 1.16) 1.08 (0.995 to 1.17) 1.08 (0.992 to 1.17)
Black Caribbean 0.836 (0.791 to 0.884) 0.844 (0.798 to 0.892) 0.843 (0.797 to 0.891)
Black African 0.660 (0.605 to 0.721) 0.677 (0.620 to 0.740) 0.675 (0.618 to 0.737)
Chinese 0.710 (0.612 to 0.823) 0.726 (0.625 to 0.842) 0.722 (0.622 to 0.837)
Other 0.836 (0.786 to 0.890) 0.843 (0.792 to 0.897) 0.843 (0.791 to 0.897)
Smoking status§:
Non-smoker 1.00 1.00 1.00
Former smoker 1.16 (1.12 to 1.19) 1.14 (1.11 to 1.18) 1.14 (1.11 to 1.18)
Light smoker 1.79 (1.73 to 1.85) 1.76 (1.70 to 1.82) 1.75 (1.70 to 1.81)
Moderate smoker 1.98 (1.91 to 2.05) 1.95 (1.88 to 2.02) 1.95 (1.88 to 2.02)
Heavy smoker 2.39 (2.30 to 2.49) 2.34 (2.25 to 2.44) 2.34 (2.25 to 2.43)
Medical characteristics:
Family history of coronary heart disease in 1.59 (1.56 to 1.63) 1.58 (1.54 to 1.61) 1.58 (1.54 to 1.61)
first degree relative <60 years§
Type 1 diabetes§ 5.66 (5.11 to 6.26) 5.66 (5.12 to 6.26) 5.62 (5.08 to 6.22)
Type 2 diabetes§ 2.95 (2.76 to 3.15) 2.92 (2.73 to 3.13) 2.91 (2.72 to 3.11)
Treated hypertension§ 1.75 (1.68 to 1.82) 1.71 (1.64 to 1.78) 1.66 (1.60 to 1.73)
Rheumatoid arthritis 1.32 (1.28 to 1.36) 1.24 (1.21 to 1.28) 1.24 (1.20 to 1.27)
Atrial fibrillation§ 5.09 (4.35 to 5.95) 4.94 (4.23 to 5.78) 4.92 (4.20 to 5.75)
Chronic kidney disease (stage 4 or 5)§ 2.31 (2.02 to 2.65) NA NA
Chronic kidney disease (stage 3, 4, or 5)§ NA 1.94 (1.72 to 2.19) 1.92 (1.70 to 2.17)
Migraine§ NA 1.36 (1.31 to 1.41) 1.35 (1.30 to 1.40)
Corticosteroid use§ NA 1.82 (1.74 to 1.90) 1.81 (1.74 to 1.89)
Systemic lupus erythematosus§ NA 2.15 (1.79 to 2.57) 2.14 (1.78 to 2.56)
Atypical antipsychotic use NA 1.29 (1.21 to 1.38) 1.29 (1.21 to 1.37)
Severe mental illness NA 1.14 (1.11 to 1.16) 1.13 (1.11 to 1.16)
Total cholesterol: HDL cholesterol ratio (per 1.17 (1.16 to 1.17) 1.17 (1.16 to 1.17) 1.17 (1.16 to 1.17)
unit increase)
Systolic blood pressure (per 20 unit increase) 1.14 (1.14 to 1.15) 1.15 (1.14 to 1.15) 1.14 (1.13 to 1.15)
Standard deviation of blood pressure (per 10 NA NA 1.08 (1.07 to 1.09)
unit increase)

NA=not applicable; HDL=high density lipoprotein.

−2 −2 −2
*Includes chronic kidney disease (stage 4 or 5) fractional polynomial terms for age (age and age ) and body mass index (BMI and BMI ln(BMI)), and interactions
with age for body mass index, systolic blood pressure, Townsend score, family history of coronary heart disease, treated hypertension, atrial fibrillation, type 1
diabetes, type 2 diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and smoking status.
†Same as model A with chronic kidney disease (stage 3, 4, or 5), extra variables listed in table, and additional age interactions for: migraine, corticosteroid use,
and systemic lupus erythematosus.
‡Same as model B but with standard deviation of systolic blood pressure.
§Interaction with age; hazard ratios evaluated at mean age.

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Table 4| Adjusted hazard ratios (95% confidence interval) for cardiovascular disease in men in the derivation cohort

Predictor variables Model A* Model B† Model C‡

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.j2099 on 23 May 2017. Downloaded from on 24 October 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Townsend score (per 5 unit increase)§ 1.19 (1.17 to 1.20) 1.18 (1.17 to 1.20) 1.18 (1.17 to 1.20)
Ethnic origin:
White or not recorded 1.00 1.00 1.00
Indian 1.31 (1.26 to 1.36) 1.32 (1.27 to 1.37) 1.32 (1.27 to 1.37)
Pakistani 1.62 (1.54 to 1.69) 1.61 (1.53 to 1.68) 1.61 (1.53 to 1.68)
Bangladeshi 1.70 (1.61 to 1.79) 1.70 (1.62 to 1.80) 1.70 (1.61 to 1.79)
Other Asian 1.03 (0.968 to 1.10) 1.04 (0.970 to 1.11) 1.04 (0.970 to 1.11)
Black Caribbean 0.700 (0.663 to 0.738) 0.700 (0.663 to 0.739) 0.699 (0.662 to 0.738)
Black African 0.671 (0.623 to 0.722) 0.672 (0.625 to 0.724) 0.670 (0.623 to 0.721)
Chinese 0.652 (0.574 to 0.740) 0.66 (0.581 to 0.749) 0.660 (0.582 to 0.749)
Other 0.770 (0.729 to 0.814) 0.77 (0.729 to 0.813) 0.769 (0.728 to 0.812)
Smoking status§:
Non-smoker 1.00 1.00 1.00
Former smoker 1.22 (1.19 to 1.25) 1.21 (1.18 to 1.24) 1.21 (1.18 to 1.24)
Light smoker 1.75 (1.71 to 1.79) 1.74 (1.70 to 1.78) 1.74 (1.70 to 1.78)
Moderate smoker 1.91 (1.86 to 1.96) 1.90 (1.85 to 1.95) 1.89 (1.84 to 1.94)
Heavy smoker 2.22 (2.16 to 2.29) 2.21 (2.14 to 2.28) 2.20 (2.14 to 2.27)
Medical characteristics:
Family history of coronary heart disease in 1.73 (1.7 to 1.76) 1.72 (1.69 to 1.75) 1.72 (1.69 to 1.75)
first degree relative <60 years§
Type 1 diabetes§ 3.59 (3.31 to 3.90) 3.47 (3.20 to 3.77) 3.44 (3.17 to 3.73)
Type 2 diabetes§ 2.42 (2.29 to 2.57) 2.37 (2.24 to 2.51) 2.36 (2.23 to 2.50)
Treated hypertension§ 1.76 (1.69 to 1.83) 1.73 (1.67 to 1.80) 1.68 (1.61 to 1.74)
Rheumatoid arthritis 1.30 (1.25 to 1.35) 1.24 (1.19 to 1.28) 1.23 (1.19 to 1.28)
Atrial fibrillation§ 2.46 (2.18 to 2.78) 2.44 (2.16 to 2.76) 2.42 (2.14 to 2.73)
Chronic kidney disease (stage 4 or 5)§ 2.39 (2.13 to 2.68) NA NA
Chronic kidney disease (stage 3, 4, or 5)§ NA 2.09 (1.87 to 2.34) 2.05 (1.83 to 2.29)
Migraine§ NA 1.29 (1.24 to 1.35) 1.29 (1.24 to 1.34)
Corticosteroid use§ NA 1.58 (1.51 to 1.66) 1.58 (1.5 to 1.66)
Systemic lupus erythematosus NA 1.55 (1.15 to 2.10) 1.55 (1.15 to 2.10)
Atypical antipsychotic use NA 1.15 (1.07 to 1.23) 1.14 (1.06 to 1.22)
Severe mental illness NA 1.13 (1.11 to 1.16) 1.13 (1.10 to 1.15)
Erectile dysfunction or treatment§ NA 1.25 (1.18 to 1.33) 1.25 (1.18 to 1.33)
Total cholesterol: HDL cholesterol ratio (per 1.19 (1.18 to 1.19) 1.19 (1.18 to 1.19) 1.19 (1.18 to 1.19)
unit increase)
Systolic blood pressure (per 20 unit increase) 1.14 (1.13 to 1.15) 1.14 (1.14 to 1.15) 1.14 (1.13 to 1.14)
Standard deviation of blood pressure (per 10 NA NA 1.11 (1.09 to 1.12)
unit increase)

NA=not applicable; HDL=high density lipoprotein.

-1 3 −2 −2
Includes chronic kidney disease (stage 4 or 5) fractional polynomial terms for age (age and age ) and body mass index (BMI and BMI ln(BMI)), and interactions
with age for body mass index, systolic blood pressure, Townsend score, family history of coronary heart disease, treated hypertension, atrial fibrillation, type 1
diabetes, type 2 diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and smoking status.
†Same as model A with chronic kidney disease (stage 3, 4, or 5), extra variables listed in table, and additional age interactions for: migraine, corticosteroid use,
and erectile dysfunction.
‡Same as model B but with standard deviation of systolic blood pressure.
§Interaction with age; hazard ratios evaluated at mean age.

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Table 5| Mean (95% confidence interval) performance of models A, B, and C in the validation cohort in women and men aged 25-84 years

Statistic Model A Model B Model C

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.j2099 on 23 May 2017. Downloaded from on 24 October 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Women Men Women Men Women Men
D statistic* 2.48 (2.46 to 2.50) 2.25 (2.24 to 2.27) 2.48 (2.46 to 2.50) 2.26 (2.24 to 2.27) 2.49 (2.47 to 2.51) 2.26 (2.25 to 2.28)
Harrell's C* 0.879 (0.878 to 0.858 (0.856 to 0.880 (0.878 to 0.858 (0.857 to 0.880 (0.879 to 0.858 (0.857 to
0.880) 0.859) 0.881) 0.859) 0.882) 0.860)
R2 (%)† 59.6 (59.2 to 60.0) 54.8 (54.4 to 55.1) 59.5 (59.2 to 59.9) 54.8 (54.5 to 55.2) 59.6 (59.3 to 60.0) 55.0 (54.6 to 55.3)

*A measure of discrimination. Higher values indicate better discrimination.

†Measures explained variation in time to diagnosis. Higher values indicate more variation is explained.

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Table 6| Clinical examples update with new models

Characteristics Examples

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1 2 3 4 5 6
Sex Male Male Male Female Female Male
Age (years) 44 45 48 55 61 48
Body mass index 27.2 22.4 29.7 24.9 33.7 30
Total cholesterol: HDL cholesterol ratio 6.1 6.3 5 3.2 4.8 4.2
Systolic blood pressure 130 115 124 130 155 140
Ethnic origin White White White White Black African White
Smoking status Heavy smoker Non-smoker Light smoker Moderate smoker Former smoker Non-smoker
Family history of coronary heart disease No No No Yes No No
Type 1 diabetes No No No No No No
Type 2 diabetes No Yes No No No No
Treated hypertension No No No No No Yes
Rheumatoid arthritis No No No No No No
Atrial fibrillation No No No No No No
Chronic kidney disease (stage 3, 4, or 5) No No No No No No
Migraine Yes No Yes No No Yes
Corticosteroid use No No Yes No No No
Systemic lupus erythematosus No No No No No No
Atypical antipsychotic use No No No No Yes No
Severe mental illness No No No No Yes No
Erectile dysfunction or treatment No Yes No NA NA No
Standard deviation of systolic blood pressure 6 40 3.1 22 33 No
Model A 10 year predicted risk 9.2 8.3 6.4 11 9.4 9.2
Model B 10 year predicted risk 11 9.9 11 10 13 11
Model C 10 year predicted risk 11 13 11 11 15 9.5

NA=not applicable HDL=high density lipoprotein.

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Fig 1 Funnel plots of discrimination performance (Harrell’s C statistic) across 328 general practices

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Fig 2 Predicted and observed 10 year cardiovascular disease risk by 10th of predicted risk

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Fig 3 10 year risk of 22.5% based on model C for a white man, aged 44, heavy smoker, total cholesterol: high density
lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol ratio of 2, systolic blood pressure of 132 mm Hg, standard deviation of systolic blood pressure
of 10 mm Hg, body mass index of 31.22, atrial fibrillation, erectile dysfunction, migraine, and steroid use

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Fig 4 10 year risk ratio of 7.5% based on model C for white man, aged 44, heavy smoker, total cholesterol: high density
lipoprotein cholesterol ratio of 2, systolic blood pressure of 132 mm Hg, standard deviation of systolic blood pressure of 0,
body mass index of 31.22, migraine, steroid use, no atrial fibrillation, and no erectile dysfunction

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