Tool Design For Pressure Dies Casting of Housing Component.: Ii. Design Flow Chart

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International Journal on Theoretical and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering (IJTARME)


Tool design for pressure dies casting of Housing Component.

Bodhayana M R1, N Ramesha2

Student dept of pg studies1, dept of pg studies2
Email: [email protected], [email protected].

Abstract-Die casting is a manufacturing process in which material and design. Solid works 2013 software is used
non ferrous metal in its molten state is forced into the dies for die tool designing.
under pressure to form the desired shape and size. A die is
a steel box with consists of core and cavity which when butt
together to form the impression. This impression forms the Flow chart shown below explains in detail about the
shape of the required component. The paper details the design procedure carried out in designing the dies.
design of the die for housing component. In addition to the Component feasibility is carried to know whether the
design of core and cavity a brief discussion about the die part can be manufactured using die casting process.
material is also presented. Die design is done using a Make of machine is important as it gives the detail about
parasolid platform software. HOT DIE STEEL H13 (HDS the offset of plunger inlet from the center axis of the
H13) grade is the die material. Reasons for selection of the machine. Feed system is roughly imagined before core
die material and its justification are detailed. Casting cavity extraction. Later a thorough study is made to
material is Aluminium A380 alloy. Die designing is an
decide the actual feed system. Chart 2.1 [1]
important part in die casting. It is this die design which
decided the actual shape and appearance of the
component. Process flow chart explains step by step 2D/3D drawing from customer
procedure for die designing. A brief explanation about the
heat treatment carried and the reasons for carrying out the
heat treatment are mentioned in the paper. Amount of heat  Component feasibility
treatment carried out with numerical values are stated and
the reason for which heat treatment is carried up to those
levels are also justified in this paper. Detailed gate design,
core and cavity insert design are explained with suitable Design considerations
figures. Overflows are explained in connection with the 1. Machine tonnage.
insert. 2. Machine availability
Index terms- aluminium A380, die casting, die design, HDS 3. Make of machine
Die design is one of the important processes in die  Draft angle
casting. Before designing the tool a designer must have  Feed system (rough)
the knowledge of the machine for which he is designing  Parting line
the tool. Platen size, day light and shut height, location  Shrinkage
of holes in the platen and tonnage of the machine has to
be known. Designing of core and cavity includes
designing of length and thickness of the core and cavity
inserts. Die movement mechanism. Ejectors and ejection
Core cavity extraction
system mechanism. Selection of die material also plays
an important role in die casting. Here hot die steel
(HDS) H13 grade is used as die material for parts which Design of
come in contact with molten metal. Parts which are
 Feed system
under the influence of friction are made of EN 353.
 Gate
Design of die casting die is done using solid works
2013. Process flow chart explains step by step procedure  Runner
followed in designing of the die. Molten metal is forced  Overflows
inside the dies with high pressure and temperature  Air vents/ chill vents.
(660°c) so the inserts must withstand such tremendous
pressure and temperature, design must be made such that
these pressure and temperature are resisted by the die Mould base design

ISSN (Print): 2319-3182, Volume -3, Issue-2, 2014
International Journal on Theoretical and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering (IJTARME)



Fig 3.1
Figure 3.1 shows the component 3D model. The Fig 4.1 Cavity assembly.
component consists of intricate shapes. The die requires
3 side cores for manufacturing of the component.
Component material is aluminium A380. The shrinkage
factor of A380 is 0.6% with density if 2.71gm/cm3. The
liquidious temperature and Solidious temperature is 500
and 595°c respectively. Fill temperature for A380must
be maintained to 660°c, above this temperature the
molten metal gets oxidized and below 650°c proper
filling does not take place. Die is made up of Hot die
steel (HDS) H13 grade. HDS material is preferred as it
offers good heat checking resistance, toughness at high
temperatures, and wear resistance at high temperature.
[2]. Nitrating to around 1.5mm is done to improve the
tool life. Nitrating creates a lamination on the inserts
which protect the inserts and increases its life.
Tool is the assembly of core and cavity inserts along Fig 4.2 core assembly.
with ejector assembly, spreader, sprue, and mould base. 4.1 Core and Cavity design.
All the parts which come in contact with the molten
metal is made up of tool steel, Hot die steel with Core is the male part of the die and forms internal shape
hardness of 46-48HRC. And parts which experience of the component. Cavity is the female part of the die
friction are made up of EN343 case hardened to nearly and forms the external shape of the component. Core
2mm. The mould base is made of mild steel. Thickness and cavity are the parts of the die which provide internal
of the mould base plates (bolster plates, core and cavity and external shape of the component respectively thus
back plate) depends on the thickness of the inserts and forming one of the most important part in tool assembly.
pressure applied by the machine on the tool. The tool Core and cavity are designed after adding material
has to be designed such that the overall height of the tool shrinkage value to the component geometry. Shrinkage
when opened during the ejection stroke does not exceed value for aluminium A380 is 0.6%. Usually the casted
the maximum day light of the machine and also should component sticks towards the core side hence the core
not be within the minimum shut height. must be designed such that it also facilitates easy
ejection of the component. Both core and cavity must
Another important issue in die casting is proving of draft not obstruct the ejection of component. Maximum wear
angle. Draft angle is the angle provided from the parting is obtained at an angle of 72°[3]When the component
line for easy ejection of the component. Draft angle of has complex geometry and shape and when castings
5° is provided in this design. cannot be produced just by using a single core and
cavity side cores (split cores) are incorporated. In this
paper the casting is made up of 3 side cores. The side
core actuation is provided by finger cam. Core, cavity
and side cores are manufactured using Hot die steel
(HDS) H13grade.

ISSN (Print): 2319-3182, Volume -3, Issue-2, 2014
International Journal on Theoretical and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering (IJTARME)

Fig 4.2.1 Runner design.

The arrows in fig 4.2.1 show the direction of flow.
Gate is the passage provided for molten metal to pass
from runner to impression. Gate area must be optimum
Fig 4.1.1 cavity insert. it must break automatically or by application of small
amount of force hence separating the component from
runner and sprue. On the other hand gate must also be
designed such that it allows molten metal inside the
impression and get sealed off before the component
starts freezing. Gate must also withstand the back
pressure generated by the molten metal inside the
impression during solidification. Fig 4.2.2 shows gate
design. Gate thickness must be less than the wall
thickness of the component [4].
4.3 Design of overflow and air vents.
Overflow’s also know as cold wells are used to pull the
front end of the molten metal which sometimes will
have low temperature due to the path traveled.
Overflows are also used to reduce the weld line defects
by placing these overflows at the point where two flow
fronts meet. Air vent is the ration of the air volume to
Fig 4.1.2 core insert. the air velocity and filling time [5]. Air vents are paths
provided for air present inside the die to escape. Venting
capability is directly proportional to the width and
inversely proportional to the length of vent [5]. Usually
air vents are made by removing very small amount of
material on core and cavity (0.01 to 0.07mm) where ever
necessary thus reducing the chances of porosity and
eliminating blow holes and weak portions of the casting.
The air inside the die cavity is compressed and high
pressure can be created if there is not a sufficient
venting area or of the die vents are sealed off before the
die cavity is completely filled up. Porosity level of the
casting decreases with increase in vent area for
atmospheric pressure [5].

Fig 4.1.3 top side core

4.2Runner and gate design.
Runner is the path provided for molten metal to flow
into the die from the sprue and spreader. Usually runner
area must be big enough to provide required amount of
molten metal and at the same time maintain pressure
during the material filling process. In this design a
modified trapezoidal runner is used which widens and
narrows near the gate fig 4.2.1 shows the detail

Fig 4.3.1
ISSN (Print): 2319-3182, Volume -3, Issue-2, 2014
International Journal on Theoretical and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering (IJTARME)

Fig 4.3.1 shows overflow designed for the die. the gate  Draft angle must be provided for easy ejection.
size for the over flow must be smaller than the wall
thickness of the component.  Placement of overflows and air vents plays an
important role. Overflows must be provided at
4.4 Ejector assembly places where two or more melt fronts meet.
Once the component is solidified it has to be ejected  Air vents must be placed in suitable places
from the die. In this design ejector pins are used for depending on how the molten metal moves inside
ejection purpose. Mechanism used for ejection of the die. Thickness of air vents must be minimum.
component from the die is known as ejector mechanism.
There are many mechanism’s with which component is  Gate thickness must be less than wall thickness of
ejected from the die some of the mechanism are rack the component.
and pinion, hydraulic mechanism, toggle mechanism,  Thickness of the insert must be such that it
manual removal etc... For ejection of housing withstands the pressure applied on it.
component is done by using toggle mechanism. Ejector
assembly consists of ejector pins made up of HDS heat REFERENCES
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ISSN (Print): 2319-3182, Volume -3, Issue-2, 2014

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