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Teacher’s name: Staicu Denisa-Mihaela

School: Școala Gimnazială Nicolae Titulescu
Date: 11.12.2023
Grade: V C
Textbook: Limba modernă Engleză. Editura ArtKlett
Unit: 4
Type of the lesson: Teaching lesson
Grammar: These is/ These are; preposition of place
Communication: talk about imaginary situations
Time: 50'

Aims of the lesson:

⦁ to develop Ss listening, reading, writing and speaking skills

⦁ to introduce the new grammar structure
⦁ to develop Ss’ ability to identify unreal and imaginary situations
⦁ to develop Ss’ knowledge about the usage of the second types of conditionals

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be better able to:
⦁ use correctly the second conditional
⦁ recognise the second conditional form

Skills: Listening, reading, speaking and writing

Techniques: Explanation, conversation, exposing , dialogue, exercising

Anticipated problems:
- some pupils might feel nervous and reluctant to participate in the activity, thus they may need
- some students might need further help and extra indications in solving the tasks and they may also
need some of these indications to be given in Romanian.


1. Warm-up
• To organise the class
• To create a pleasant atmosphere
Teacher’s activity:
Teacher greets the class and checks if anyone is absent.
Students’ activity:
Pupils greet the teacher.
Strategies: Conversation
Materials: -
Interaction: T- Ss; Ss - T
Skills: Speaking
Time: 2’
2. Checking the homework
- to check whether the pupils have accomplished their task
Teacher’s activity:
The teacher asks the students what they had for homework. T. selects two children to read the
homework, making corrections when necessary.
Students’ activity:
The selected students read their homework
Strategies: Conversation
Materials: Textbooks
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss – T
Skills: Speaking
Time: 3’

3. Lead-in
• To spark Ss’ interest in the subject
• To practise speaking skills
Teacher’s activity:
T explains to Ss that they will play a roleplay where they visit a zoo park and have to describe what
animals are there.
Students’ activity:
Ss listen T’s instructions and volunteer to roleplay
Strategies: explanation, dialogue, conversation, exposing
Materials: -
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T
Skills: Speaking
Time: 10’

4. Presentation
- to introduce the new grammar structure;
- to develop Ss’ ability to identify unreal and imaginary situations;
- to develop Ss’ knowledge about the usage of the second type of conditionals.

Teacher’s activity:
T presents Ss a ppt where there are different examples of there is/ there are. T asks the Ss to take notes
in their notebooks.

Students’ activity:
Ss listen to the teachers’ instructions and take notes in their notebooks.
Strategies: Communication, explanation, observation
Materials: board
Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T
Skills: Listening, speaking
Time: 10’
5. Practice
- to provide opportunity to use recently learnt material;
- to develop Ss’ ability to work in pairs.
Teacher’s activity:
T. tells the Ss that they are going to work in pairs to complete a worksheet with these is and there are. T.
goes through the answers with the whole class.
Students’ Activity
Ss listen to the T.’s explanations and work in pairs to fill in the gaps.
Strategies: Exercising, Observation
Materials: Worksheet (Annex 1)
Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T; S-S, Pair work
Skills: Reading, Writing
Time: 10’
6. Production
• - to provide guidance in practising the previously acquired grammar structures;
• - to identify weak areas and provide opportunities for consolidation.

Teacher’s activity:
T presents a game to Ss where they have to choose the correct Some/Any answer before the time is up.
Their goal is to make as many points as possible. After one student comes to the board, he picks another
Then T shows some images where they have to point to the object indicated by the preposition of place.
Eg. Point to the butterfly above the house.
As in the previous activity, students have to come to the board, point to the object and then choose
another student.
Students’ activity:
Ss listen to the teachers’ instructions, then volunteer to come to the board. After one S. choose an
answer, he picks another classmate.
Strategies: Communication, exercising, observation
Materials: Video projector, laptop, board, ppt, wordwall
Interaction: T-S; S-T; T-Ss, S-Ss
Skills: Listening, speaking
Time: 20’
7. Feedback and Homework
• To get feedback from the pupils
• To assign homework
Teacher’s activity:
T. assigns as homework exercis 1, page 57. Then asks Ss how they felt during the lesson.
Students’ activity:
Ss listen to the teacher and answer their question.
Strategies: Communication
Materials: -
Interaction: T-Ss
Skills: Speaking
Time: 5’
Annex 1

1. Choose the correct form:

a. There is/ there are flowers on the table.

b. There is / there are a big house near the school.
c. There is/ there are three students in the classroom
d. There is / there are many dogs in the yard
e. There is / there are Mum at the door
f. There is / there are a goat at the farm.
g. There is/ there are a library across the street.
h. There is / there are books on the desk.
i. There is / there are a man in the centre of the road.
j. There is / there are pencils under the chair.

2. Translate into English:

a. Sunt cărţi ȋn ghiozdan.

b. Este o găină ȋn curte
c. Sunt multe jucării ȋn cutie.
d. Sunt elevi ȋn şcoală.
e. Este un măr pe masă.
f. Este o scrisoare la uşă.

3. Complete with there is or there are:

a. ..................................a man on the street.

b. ................................cakes on the plate.
c. .................................apples in the tree.
d. ..................................a school on the corner of the street.
e. ..................................a sofa in the living- room.
f. on the wall

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