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Name: /20 Name: /20

1. Complete the sentences with some, any, no, every and their compounds. 1. Complete the sentences with some, any, no, every and their compounds.
a) Do you have ________________ in your coat pocket? – Let's see. a) Do you have ________________ in your coat pocket? – Let's see.
b) Aimee didn't tell her secret to ________________. b) Aimee didn't tell her secret to ________________.
c) Judy was hungry. She wanted to go ________________ to have a c) Judy was hungry. She wanted to go ________________ to have a
burger. burger.
d) We stayed in London for a whole week and visited d) We stayed in London for a whole week and visited
________________ in this marvellous city. ________________ in this marvellous city.
e) There was ________________ on the bus, it was empty. e) There was ________________ on the bus, it was empty.
f) His injury looked bad but fortunately ________________ was f) His injury looked bad but fortunately ________________ was
broken. broken.
g) I can’t find my glasses _______________ in my room. g) I can’t find my glasses _______________ in my room.
h) Can I have _____________ help with this exercise? h) Can I have _____________ help with this exercise?
i) I can’t drink this coffee. There isn’t ______________ sugar in it. i) I can’t drink this coffee. There isn’t ______________ sugar in it.
j) I’m bored. Let’s do _________________. j) I’m bored. Let’s do _________________.

2. Circle the correct words. 2. Circle the correct words.

a) Can I stay with you? I’ve got nowhere/anywhere to go. a) Can I stay with you? I’ve got nowhere/anywhere to go.
b) I’m hungry and there is nothing/everything to eat. b) I’m hungry and there is nothing/everything to eat.
c) Is there any/some milk in the fridge? c) Is there any/some milk in the fridge?
d) Would you like anything/something to drink? d) Would you like anything/something to drink?
e) I heard anything/something. Maybe there is someone/nobody at e) I heard anything/something. Maybe there is someone/nobody at
the door. the door.
f) Jack hasn’t got something/anything on the walls in his room. f) Jack hasn’t got something/anything on the walls in his room.
g) Nobody/Everybody loves jeans! You’re the only person who g) Nobody/Everybody loves jeans! You’re the only person who
doesn’t. doesn’t.
h) Can I have anything/something to eat, please? h) Can I have anything/something to eat, please?
i) Are there any/anything scarves in this shop? i) Are there any/anything scarves in this shop?

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