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Grade: 6 Lesson Title: Day 11/29/23 Subtraction Day 8 45 Min

Overview of lesson (100-150 words). Write a clear and concise overview that indicates what the lesson is, the purpose,
how it is connected to the POS, what students will learn and how the lesson will conclude. See example in Instructional
video provided

Today we will be our 8 lesson in subtraction, mainly what I have been focusing on is ensuring that students understand
the process of and how we look at numbers, and how to understand the basic operation of subtraction. I also like to talk
to students and convey that we all think of numbers in different ways, and that no matter the number as long as we follow
the process correctly we will get to the correct answer. Today will be the second day that I will introduce the concept of
borrowing, or regrouping into our subtraction problems. In our number sense unit plan, each lesson scaffolds on the next
and that is the same in the subtraction unit section we will be continue from our lesson on subtraction from the day
before and we will utilize lesson examples, youtube and worksheets to help students increase their understanding of
subtraction today.
Alberta Program of Study: Goals and Objectives. Carefully select GLO and SLO that pertain to your lesson. Do not put in
10 SLO's just because you find a link. Choose selectively and think carefully about what is achievable for students to learn
by the end of the lesson [Maximum 1 GLO 2-3 SLO] ,

Organizing Idea: KNOWLEDGE

● Number: Quantity is measured with  Standard algorithms are reliable procedures for addition
numbers that entable counting, labelling, and subtraction.
comparing, and operating.

GUIDING QUESTION  Contexts for problems involving addition and subtraction

 How can the processes of addition and include money and metric measurement.
subtraction be applied to problem solving?
 Addition and subtraction of numbers in problem-solving
 Students solve problems using standard
contexts is facilitated by standard algorithms.
algorithms for addition and subtraction.
 Solve problems in various contexts using standard
algorithms for addition and subtraction.

Learning Objectives. Translate the SLO's into learning objectives. Using Stem, directing verb and what is to be learned
language. Use Blooms Taxonomy directing words for reference

Students will learn subtraction n into the 1’s, 10’s, 100’s, 1000’s, 10,000 Place-value addition examples will be utilizing 2
or 3 number digits
Students will learn subtraction into the ten thousand Place value.

Inquiry & Guiding Questions: Inquiry Questions are broader Question that guides a unit of study, while guiding questions
guide the lesson itself and are specific questions. Guiding questions aim to provoke thinking. Guiding questions are just
that - guiding. These types of questions facilitate dialogue. They can be used for guiding students’ inquiry and can be used
for formative assessment purpose too. A lesson should have several guiding questions.
** See Instructional video on Inquiry and guiding questions.
Inquiry Question:
How understanding the value of numbers in place-value becomes the foundation of numeracy, and through the
introduction of addition how important place value guides introductory addition.

Annotated Learning Resources List These must be relevant and age appropriate and from a reliable source. Draw on
Beth's Curriculum Lab Module about assessing resources If it is on online resource provide an active link. If it a book, cite
the book and author. Provide 2 -3 sentences (annotated) to indicate what the resource is and why you have chosen it.
How does it support your lesson and student learning?

*You may have more or less than three resources. It depends on your lesson.

Resource #1: PowerPoint

Resource # 2 : Worksheet
Resource #3: Youtube

Material and Equipment

List: Art supplies, manipulatives, smartboard, online white board etc…What you will use AND, therefore what you will
organize ahead of time prior to your lesson

Smartboard, Computers. Whiteboard, Markers

Lesson Procedures

Introduction (5 min.): Description of Hook/Attention Grabber; Expectations for Learning and Behavior; Transition
to Body. Indicate the timing for each section.
I always like to start each day with a talk with my students I want them to enjoy my class and have always tried to
develop a personal relationship with each of my students I want them understand that I really enjoy teaching them
Math and also care how they are feeling and doing so at the start of every class I like to start by asking students how
they are doing? How was there evening? What did they do that incorporated math?. I think this would be a good to get
students thinking about Math, in all aspect of their daily lives.

Body ( 40 min.): This is the largest part of your lesson. Write clearly and concisely. Image a substitute teacher picks up
this lesson; will they be able to carry it out based on your descriptions and instruction?

Writing must be descriptive and clearly organized. Specify activities and transitions lesson. Indicate timing of each
section. Identify teaching strategies, organization of class etc. How and when are you using formative assessment in
your lesson? Indicate differentiation and accommodation in the provided tables

Steps and Procedures: Lessons are divided into portions. in a 45 min Identify Teaching Strategies/Rational
lesson body there should be at least two activities and one transition. Example: Direct instructions, pair/share, jigsaw,
You may have 3 activities and 2 transitions. An activity can be reading whole group discussion etc. When will you use
- transition - partner dialogue (as an example). Each activity and these and why? You will list in your body, but you
transition are timed. will explain your choice here.

* Style of writing is descriptive and concise. You are not narrating, 1. Direct instruction will be used for the first
rather you are describing in detail, the activity, the learning, critical part and the last part of a lesson. Direct
information to carry out the lesson. instruction is effective for providing
students with information which is why
we used it for teaching the students.
Activity #1: [Direct Instruction and Interactive Instruction] 23 min 2. Interactive instruction is used when the
We will begin the lesson with a discussion of what we talked about students are working on the worksheet.
last class, which was subtraction. Last week we started our unit on This gives the students an opportunity to
subtraction without regrouping or borrowing, student learned how apply the knowledge they have learnt
to subtract without regrouping up to the 1000 th Place-Value. Today and helps us teachers to assess whether
students will learn to use regrouping or borrowing to subtract. The or not the students have learnt the
go over PowerPoint presentation ensures that we cover the outcomes properly.
following topics.

1. Place-Value
2. Number Talk
3. 1,2,3 Digit Subtraction
4. Subtracting with and without regrouping Assessments/Rational
5. Using manipulatives to aid learning.
6. Youtube – Video Math with Miss Schnieder Type/Name:Observation

Type/Name: Worksheet
Student will near the end of the PowerPoint presentation I will be Where Assessment Occurs: This will occur when
calling up students to the board to help reinforce what we are the students are working on the worksheet and
discussing during the day. after the lesson.

Formative: When the students are working on

Transition: Handout Worksheet. 2 min the worksheets the teacher will look at the
progress of the students’ work. If the teachers
Activity #2: [Direct Instruction and Interactive Instruction] 13 min see that they need some help it can be provided
Students will be given a Handout consisting of questions related to right away to help students learn. After the class
place value and addition that we will be working on for the is over the teacher will go over the worksheets to
remainder of class make sure the students have learnt the concepts
 Addition questions in various forms. properly or not.

Differentiation: Identify your approaches and how these support student learning

Differentation has not been utilized yet as the area that I have been focusing on has been at a grade 3 level, with according
to our WRAT testing is approximately where most of our students have been placed.

Consolidating and Closure: 2 mins *beyond 'clean up'

In this part of your planning you are providing time for ensuring that students learned and understood what was
intended in the lesson. If they haven't you will need to revisit your lesson plan or re-teach (if necessary). Here you
could provide an exit slip or walk through a guided whole group and/or small group discussion. This part of the lesson
can act also as a transition from lesson body into closure...cleanup and getting ready for the next class. Don't forget
to time this too and to indicate very clearly how you will facilitate consolidation and closure. Provide Clear steps and
indicate process. Often 5 mins is allotted for this section but that is not enough time. To consolidate, clean up and
get students ready for transition can take up to 10 depending on the lesson

Tidy up, and remind students of the lesson for today, thank students for their hard work and let them know that we will be
continuing with subtraction in tomorrow’s lesson.

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