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Assignment 1: Moneyball Summary

The Moneyball movie is an interesting movie inspired based on true events where the
Oakland A’s general manager built a successful team with undervalued players as he was provided
with a low budget. It has shown the significance of using technologies to boost performance or
enhance potential outcomes. Most importantly, Moneyball became the eye-opener on how Big Data
can be used in sports for business gains. Sports analytics are applied by using data to look at and
enhance sports team performances, recruit players as well as improve its businesses. In the movie,
player analysis through year-to-year projections allows people to manage and not misjudge their
players. People often view players usually based on their age, appearance and personality. With a
tight budget, Billy will not be able to afford expensive players to replace star players like Giambi but
he can recreate Giambi. We can see that sports analytics in the story considers players that has flaws
such as the way they throw ball into a chance for them to bring wins to the team. It can also be seen
that Peter Brandt, Economics graduate from Yale, plays an important role in the film too. He was the
one who informed Billy to buy wins instead of players. Furthermore, he was knowledgeable in
computer programming when he had written codes to build a prediction model to help Oakland
Athletics select players based on their on-based percentage statistics. Predictive analytics is used to
identify statistics of the number of runs a players would score after performing analysis on the data
of 20,000 notable baseball players. Peter had come up with projections that the Oakland A’s has to
win 99 games and score 814 runs. Looking at the prescriptive analytics applied in Moneyball, coming
up with a decision is the most difficult process. The reason being that there are scouts and team
coaches from both inside and outside the team criticising Billy. It was due to the Oakland A’s general
manager decision to look for 3 low-cost baseball players with high on-base percentages (OBP) after
identifying the predictive statistics. The theory behind the solution that Billy decided on was that
even though the players are able to hit fewer home runs, they would be more valuable with higher
OBP. Besides that, Billy also urged players to concentrate on walks, which made pitchers throw
strikes in order to get an out. The outcome of Billy’s decision making advised by Peter was Oakland
A’s record of 20 consecutive wins in a row. The key takeaway from this film is that analytics produces
a more rational approach develop fact-based solutions that support future decisions by using past

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