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Information Systems Management


Submitted By
Name: Satvik Bajpai
Enrolment No.: 02515601721
Semester: V
Batch: 2021-2024

Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta Institute of Technology &

(Affiliated to GGSIPU)
FC-26, Shastri Park, New Delhi-110053


The successful completion of the project would be incomplete without the mention of the people
who made it possible.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank and express a deep sense of gratitude to my Project
Guide, Mr. NIkhil Kumar, School of Business Studies (BBA), Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta
Institute of Technology & Management (Formerly NIEC, Delhi), Affiliated to GGSIP
University, New Delhi, who in spite of his busy schedule has co-operated with me continuously
and has provided valuable guidance at all stages of the study, that has been certainly
indispensable for my project work. I am also thankful to for his support.

I owe my wholehearted thanks and appreciation to Mr. Amit Yadav, DI, School of Business
studies (BBA) for his continuous encouragement and cooperation during the course of my study.

I express my sincere thanks to the Prof (Dr.) Divya Gangwar, Course Director, School of
Business Studies (BBA) for being a constant source of knowledge, motivation and guidance. I
would also like to convey my warm regards to my family members and friends for their kind
support and helping hand.

Student Name:Satvik Bajpai


BBA V Sem Batch 2021-2024

Serial Name of Program Signature Remarks
1 Introduction to relational database
management system.

2 Introduction to structure query


3 To illustrate data definition language

commands in RDBMS.

4 To illustrate data manipulation

language command in RDBMS
5 To illustrate create table command in

6 To illustrate insert values command in


7 To illustrate select table command in


8 To illustrate update table command in


9 To illustrate alter command in sql.

10 To illustrate delete command in sql.

11 To illustrate drop table command in


12 To illustrate difference between delete

& drop table command in sql.

13 To illustrate rename command in sql.

14 To illustrate integrity constraint in sql.

15 To illustrate relational model in DBMS

16 To illustrate Aggregate Functions in


17 Introduction to Entity Relationship

Model in Database Management
18 Database design using Entity
Relationship Model.

19 Draw an ER diagram for Banking


20 Draw an ER diagram for Library

Management system.

Structure Query

SQL Introduction
SQL stands for “Structured Query Language” and can be pronounced as “SQL” or “sequel –
(Structured English Query Language)”.

It is a query language used for accessing and modifying information in the database. IBM first
developed SQL in 1970s. Also it is an ANSI/ISO standard. It has become a Standard Universal
Language used by most of the relational database management systems (RDBMS). Some of the
RDBMS systems are: Oracle, Microsoft SQL server, Sybase etc. Most of these have provided
their own implementation thus enhancing its feature and making it a powerful tool.

Few of the sql commands used in sql programming are SELECT Statement, UPDATE
Statement, INSERT INTO Statement, DELETE Statement, WHERE Clause, ORDER BY

In a simple manner, SQL is a non-procedural, English-like language that processes data in

groups of records rather than one record at a time. Few functions of SQL are:

 store data
 modify data
 retrieve data
 modify data
 delete data
 create tables and other database objects
 delete data

Types of SQL statements

There are three basic types of SQL statements:

 Data definition language (DDL) statements
 Data manipulation language (DML) statements
 Data Control Language (DCL) statements.


1. CHAR : This data type is used to store character strings values of fixed length. The size in
brackets determines the number of characters the cell can hold. The maximum number of
characters (i.e. the size) this data type can hold is 255 characters. Syntax is CHAR(SIZE)
Example is CHAR (20)

2. VARCHAR : This data type is used to store variable length alphanumeric data. The
maximum this data type can hold is 4000 characters. One difference between this data type and
the CHAR data type is ORACLE compares VARCHAR values using non-padded comparison
semantics i.e. the inserted values will not be padded with spaces. Syntax is VARCHAR(SIZE)
Example is VARCHAR (20) OR VARCHAR2 (20)

3. NUMBER : The NUMBER data type is used to store numbers (fixed or floating point).

Syntax is NUMBER (P, S) Example is NUMBER (10, 2)

4. DATE : This data type is used to represent data and time. The standard format id DD-MM-
YY as in 13-JUL-85. To enter dates other than the standard format, use the appropriate functions.
Date Time stores date in the 24-hour format. By default, the time in a date field is 12:00:00 am,
if no time portion is specified. The default date for a date field is the first day of the current
Syntax is DATE

Create a Table

To create a new table within a database, we use the SQL CREATE TABLE statement


CREATE TABLE <table name>

<table element>,

<table element>,



Create table student

Student_id char (10),

Student_Fname varchar (10),

Student_Lname varchar(10),

Student_address varchar(15),

Student_dob datetime

Insert values into Table

INSERT INTO `table_name` is the command to add new row into a table .


Insert into <table_name> values (‘<value>’, <value> , ……….);


Insert into student values (‘001’, ‘sanjeev’, ‘gupta’, ‘delhi’, ’04-12-2010’);

Retrieving Data from Table

1. A Select statement is a SQL statement that begins with the word "select."
2. Select statements are used to retrieve data from SQL tables.
3. An asterisk after the word "select" means retrieve all fields (columns).
4. The name of the table from which you are retrieving data is specified in the From clause.


Select * from <table name>

Retrieve some specific data.

Select <table element > from <table name> where <condition>


Select * from teacher where teacher_id=’002’


The update command is used to change or modify data values in a table. The verb UPDATE in
SQL is used to either all the rows from a table or a selected set of rows from a table.

UPDATING ALL ROWS:- The update statement updates columns in the existing table’s rows
with new values .The SET clause indicates which column data should be modifying and the new
values that they should hold. The WHERE CLAUSE specifies which rows should be updated.
Otherwise all table rows are updated.


Update student set student_address = ‘rohini’ where student_id=101;

Alter Table

The SQL ALTER TABLE command is used to add, delete or modify columns in an existing


Alter table <table name>

Add <table element>


Alter table customer

Add cust_id varchar (20)

Delete Record (Rows) from Table:

The SQL DELETE Query is used to delete the existing records from a table.

You can use the WHERE clause with a DELETE query to delete the selected rows, otherwise
all the records would be deleted.


The basic syntax of the DELETE query with the WHERE clause is as follows −

DELETE FROM table_name

WHERE [condition];

Example : Delete from student where student_id=101 ;

Drop table


Drop table <table name>


Drop table student;

The DROP TABLE statement removes a table and its data permanently from the database.

RENAMING TABLES: - Oracle allows renaming of tables. The rename operation is done
atomically, which means that no other thread can access any of the tables while the rename
process is running.

Syntax: - RENAME <Table name> to <New Tablename>

Example:- SQL> rename student to candidates;

SQL Constraints

Constraints are used to limit the type of data that can go into a table.

Constraints can be specified when a table is created (with the CREATE TABLE statement) or
after the table is created (with the ALTER TABLE statement).

We will focus on the following constraints:


SQL NOT NULL Constraint

The NOT NULL constraint enforces a column to NOT accept NULL values.

The NOT NULL constraint enforces a field to always contain a value. This means that you
cannot insert a new record, or update a record without adding a value to this field.

SQL UNIQUE Constraint

The UNIQUE constraint uniquely identifies each record in a database table.

The UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints both provide a guarantee for uniqueness for a
column or set of columns.

A PRIMARY KEY constraint automatically has a UNIQUE constraint defined on it.


The PRIMARY KEY constraint uniquely identifies each record in a database table.

Primary keys must contain unique values.

A primary key column cannot contain NULL values.

Each table should have a primary key, and each table can have only ONE primary key.

To illustrate relational model in DBMS

The relational model represents the database as a collection of relations. A relation is nothing but
a table of values. Every row in the table represents a collection of related data values. These rows
in the table denote a real-world entity or relationship.

The table name and column names are helpful to interpret the meaning of values in each row.
The data are represented as a set of relations.

Some popular Relational Database management systems are:

 DB2 and Informix Dynamic Server - IBM

 Oracle and RDB – Oracle
 SQL Server and Access – Microsoft

Aggregate functions in SQL

SQL is excellent at aggregating data the way we might in a pivot table in Excel. We will use
aggregate functions all the time, so it's important to get comfortable with them. The functions
themselves are the same ones you will find in Excel or any other analytics program. We'll cover
them individually in the next few lessons. Here's a quick preview:

 COUNT counts how many rows are in a particular column.

 SUM adds together all the values in a particular column.
 MIN and MAX return the lowest and highest values in a particular column, respectively.
 AVG calculates the average of a group of selected values.

Database Design using Entity Relationship Model

Relational Model Concepts

1. Attribute: Each column in a Table. Attributes are the properties which define a relation.
e.g., Student_Rollno, NAME,etc.
2. Tables – In the Relational model the, relations are saved in the table format. It is stored
along with its entities. A table has two properties rows and columns. Rows represent
records and columns represent attributes.
3. Tuple – It is nothing but a single row of a table, which contains a single record.
4. Relation Schema: A relation schema represents the name of the relation with its
5. Degree: The total number of attributes which in the relation is called the degree of the
6. Cardinality: Total number of rows present in the Table.
7. Column: The column represents the set of values for a specific attribute.
8. Relation instance – Relation instance is a finite set of tuples in the RDBMS system.
Relation instances never have duplicate tuples.
9. Relation key - Every row has one, two or multiple attributes, which is called relation
10. Attribute domain – Every attribute has some pre-defined value and scope which is
known as attribute domain

Operations in Relational Model

Four basic update operations performed on relational database model are

Insert, update, delete and select.

 Insert is used to insert data into the relation

 Delete is used to delete tuples from the table.
 Modify allows you to change the values of some attributes in existing tuples.
 Select allows you to choose a specific range of data.

What is ER Modeling?

Entity Relationship Modeling (ER Modeling) is a graphical approach to database design. It

uses Entity/Relationship to represent real world objects.



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