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Aviation Investigation Final Report

Location: Elba, New York Accident Number: ERA22FA207

Date & Time: April 26, 2022, 13:00 Local Registration: N507TJ


Aircraft: Aircraft Damage: Substantial

Defining Event: Abrupt maneuver Injuries: 2 Fatal

Flight Conducted Under: Part 91: General aviation - Instructional


The flight instructor was providing recurrent training to the operator’s pilots. During the first
training flight of the day, a pilot who received instruction from the flight instructor described
that the instructor told him to perform a vortex ring state (VRS) recovery maneuver, which the
pilot accomplished, but shortly afterwards, the instructor requested that the pilot perform the
maneuver again. During the second entry into VRS, the helicopter developed a very high
descent rate, and the pilot was surprised when the flight instructor pilot did not intervene as
the helicopter got deeper into the state. The pilot, feeling uncomfortable at that point, exited
the very high descent rate on his own rather than waiting for further guidance from the
instructor. The remainder of the first flight was uneventful.
The second training flight of the day was the accident flight. A review of the recovered
parametric data for this flight showed that the helicopter had been performing training
maneuvers, and that shortly before the accident the helicopter was operating within the VRS
envelope with a vertical descent rate between -800 to -1,300 feet per minute (fpm). This was
consistent with the instructor directing the accident pilot to enter VRS for training purposes.
Shortly thereafter, multiple abrupt control inputs were recorded, which including a forward
cyclic input, followed by a nearly full-aft cyclic input within 1 second, as well as a concurrent
full-down collective input with an increasing left pedal input. Based on contact signatures
found on the helicopter’s main rotor blades and tailboom after the accident, it is likely that
these abrupt control inputs resulted in the main rotor blades contacting the tail boom and the
subsequent in-flight breakup of the helicopter. The parametric data and physical evidence
observed during a postaccident examination of the wreckage revealed no evidence of any
mechanical malfunctions or failures of the helicopter that would have precluded recovery from
VRS. Based on this information, the reasons why the pilot(s) might have applied these abrupt

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control inputs could not be determined. Given the contextual commentary from the pilot of the
previous training flight, it is likely the flight instructor did not provide adequate information to
the accident pilot on how he would receive training for VRS, to include how they would identify,
enter, and exit VRS.

Probable Cause and Findings

The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident to be:

The pilots’ inappropriate flight control inputs while in vortex ring state, which resulted in main
rotor blade contact with the tail boom and a subsequent in-flight breakup. Also causal was the
flight instructor’s inadequate monitoring of the flight.

Personnel issues Aircraft control - Pilot
Aircraft Main rotor blade system - Capability exceeded
Personnel issues Task monitoring/vigilance - Instructor/check pilot
Personnel issues Delayed action - Instructor/check pilot

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Factual Information

History of Flight
Maneuvering Settling with power/vortex ring state
Maneuvering Inflight upset
Maneuvering Abrupt maneuver (Defining event)
Maneuvering Part(s) separation from AC

On April 26, 2022, at 1300 eastern daylight time, a Bell Helicopter Textron Canada, 429,
N507TJ, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Elba, New York.
The flight instructor and pilot receiving instruction were fatally injured. The helicopter was
operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 instructional flight.
A representative of the operator stated that the instructional flight was recurrent training being
conducted by the helicopter manufacturer’s flight instructor with multiple training flights
planned throughout the day; the accident flight was the second flight of the day. The first pilot
who received training from the flight instructor on the morning of the accident flight stated that
during their flight they entered vortex ring state (VRS) with a very high descent rate, which was
confirmed by the flight data recovered from the accident helicopter. While in VRS, the pilot
stated that he didn’t know why they were going so deep into VRS and that the instructor was
just sitting there, “hands on his lap.” So, the pilot, feeling uncomfortable at that point, had to
exit this very high descent rate on his own rather than waiting for further guidance from the
instructor pilot.
The helicopter was equipped with an Electronic Data Recorder (EDR) within its Display Unit
(DU), also known as the Pilot Flight Display and Multi-Function Display, that recorded flight,
navigation, engine, and usage parameters every half second. It was also equipped with a
SKYTRAC transceiver that facilitated real-time fleet awareness, group communications, and
systems performance trending and analysis. The accident flight was also recorded by
automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B).
ADS-B data, combined with the DU and SKYTRAC data sources, revealed that the accident pilot
and the flight instructor departed Genesee County Airport (GVQ) Batavia, New York at 1111,
and performed multiple maneuvers in the immediate vicinity of the airport before departing to
the east. About 20 minutes later, the helicopter returned to the airport and performed
additional maneuvers in the airport traffic pattern for about 30 minutes before again departing
the traffic pattern. From about 1223 to 12:55, the pilot and instructor practiced single-engine
training and dual-engine failure training with autorotations. These training maneuvers were
completed about 4 minutes and 30 seconds before the accident occurred.

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About 12:56, the helicopter was flying over the airport and turned north. About 12:58, the
helicopter was approximately 2 nm north-northeast of the airport and began a clockwise
circular pattern. From 12:59:26 to 12:59:44 (18 seconds), the helicopter was operating in an
envelope conducive to VRS. At 12:59:47 there were multiple abrupt control inputs; the cyclic
was nearly full forward and to the left with right antitorque pedal input applied. The collective
lever position was in the full down position; the airspeed was decreasing from 26 knots to 9
knots with the helicopter’s vertical descent rate increasing from -800 to -1,300 fpm.
Several eyewitnesses observed and heard the helicopter flying overhead before the accident
and throughout the accident sequence. One stated that he observed the helicopter “almost
stationary” after it flew over, and then as it started to fly away, he heard a loud “bang”, and the
helicopter began to descend out of control. An additional witness stated that the helicopter
was hovering before it “fell apart” with the fuselage falling separately, and another witness
stated she did not see the helicopter but heard what sounded like an engine making a
“whooshing” sound, and then “three loud and rapid cracks” in succession. She further stated
that she heard the helicopter impact the ground and heard the rotor blades striking the ground
The accident helicopter was maintained by the operator under the manufacturer’s
recommended inspection program. The last entry in the helicopter’s airframe maintenance
logbook was dated April 24, 2022, and reflected airframe and engine total times of 1,039.6
Each engine contained an electronic engine control (EEC) and a data collection unit (DCU).
Attempts were made to recover stored data within these units, but no data could be recovered
from the No. 1 engine EEC and DCU due to impact damage. However, data were recovered
from the No. 2 engine EEC and DCU. The recovered data showed that there were no faults or
exceedances recorded during the flight.
The helicopter fuselage, containing the cockpit, engine, transmission, and rotor head assembly,
struck electrical distribution wires as it impacted the terrain at an elevation of about 1,220 ft
msl and was oriented on a heading of about 190°. The helicopter came to rest on its left side;
the fuselage impacted the ground and crushed inwards and fractured into two large sections,
leaving no occupiable space in the cockpit. A small post-impact fire developed in the engine
compartment but was quickly extinguished by first responders. The wreckage path was about
2,500 ft-long and oriented in a direction of 250° magnetic from the first wreckage pieces
towards the main fuselage resting place.
The tail boom had fractured and separated into two sections with angled fracture lines
consistent with main rotor blade contact. The forward tail boom section remained attached to
the upper section of the fuselage about 8 ft aft of the engine exhaust. The aft tail boom,

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containing the tail rotor, partial drive shaft, vertical fin, and horizontal stabilizer remained
largely intact and was discovered about 390 ft on a heading of about 075° from the main
A 16-inch section of the tail rotor drive shaft cover and a partial carbon fiber tail rotor shaft
was discovered 1,620 ft and a 072° heading from the main wreckage; it exhibited an angled
slice line consistent with main rotor blade contact.
The tail rotor remained installed on the tail rotor gearbox, which itself remained installed on the
separated empennage. The four tail rotor blades did not exhibit significant damage. The tail
rotor input control was manually actuated and a corresponding change of pitch for all four tail
rotor blades was observed. The tail rotor pitch control tube had fractured forward of the tail
rotor gearbox and exhibited multiple fractures through its normal routing through the tail
boom. The tail rotor servo actuator and stability and control augmentation system (SCAS)
actuator remained installed and connected to the tail rotor pitch control tube. The forward tail
rotor drive shaft remained connected to the main gearbox but had fractured about midway to
the fan blower shaft. The fan blower remained installed on the airframe. The forward
segmented drive shaft remained attached to the fan blower shaft and was continuous through
the forward snubber but had fractured near its connection to the aft segmented drive shaft and
the hanger bearing; the hanger bearing was not present. The aft segmented drive shaft had
fractured near its forward end and at the tail gearbox input flange. A portion of the aft snubber
remained attached to its snubber mount. The tail rotor gearbox remained installed on the
empennage. The tail rotor was manually rotated through several 360° rotation of the tail rotor
gearbox input flange and resulted in a corresponding rotation of the tail rotor. The rotation was
smooth and there were no abnormal sounds or evidence of binding or other restrictions.
Examination of the flight control system consisting of the cyclic and collective push-pull tubes
were traced through cuts made to facilitate recovery and overload separation damage to each
of their respective servo actuators, cockpit controls, and their respective hydraulic system. The
collective push-pull tube was continuous through the forward bellcrank up to the collective
servo actuator. Control continuity was established between the collective servo actuator and
the collective lever. The lateral cyclic push-pull tube was continuous to the forward bellcrank,
to which the forward [of the two] roll SCAS actuators was attached. All the damage had
features that were consistent with overload due to impact and aerodynamic forces. There was
no anomalous preimpact damage or irregularity to the flight control system. Control continuity
was confirmed for both collective, cyclic, and tail rotor directional control.
Examination of the hydraulic system consisting of two separate and independent pressurized
hydraulic systems were used to assist cyclic, collective, and antitorque flight controls. All
damage was consistent with impact; there was no preimpact anomalous damage or other
irregularity noted in the hydraulic modules, actuator pumps, or associated systems.
Examination of all four main rotor blades, identified as ‘orange’, ‘blue’, green’, and ‘red', revealed
they were separated from the main rotor head and discovered within the debris field northeast

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of the main wreckage. The span of all four blades were recovered. The tip ends of all four
blades exhibited impact marks. The ‘red’ main rotor blade afterbody was generally whole and
its leading edge did not exhibit significant fractures. On the lower surface of the ‘blue’ main
rotor blade, an impact gouge was present, its location (about 89 inches from the inboard blade
bolt) and size was consistent with the antenna mounted immediately aft of the engine exhaust
The upper rod end of the ‘blue’, ‘orange’, ‘red’, and ‘green’ main rotor blade pitch change links
(PCL) remained attached to its pitch horn but had fractured at their threaded connection to
their respective PCL. The fracture on all four PCL upper rod end threads exhibited signatures
consistent with overload and was deformed in the inboard direction. The lower rod ends of all
four PCLs remained attached to the rotating swashplate but had fractured features consistent
with overload. Three PCL bodies, ‘orange’, ‘blue’, and ‘red’, were recovered. The ‘orange’ PCL
exhibited slight deformation of the link body. The ‘blue’ PCL exhibited no significant
deformation. The swashplate assembly remained installed on the main rotor mast. The two
rotating scissor link assemblies remained installed and attached between the rotating
swashplate and the main rotor mast. All 4 rotor blades and their subcomponents were
damaged by impact forces both during the initial flight breakup and through impact with the
The main rotor drive system gear box remained partially attached to the airframe, with both left
and right longitudinal pitch restraints separated from their respective stops. Both input
driveshafts could be manually rotated counterclockwise in the freewheeling direction but could
not be manually rotated in the clockwise direction, likely due to impact damage.
Both engines were located within the main wreckage. The No. 1 engine’s first stage
compressor blade contained one individual blade that was bent in the direction of normal
rotation and the leading edge contained several indentations and marks. The other blades
appeared intact and free of impact or thermal damage. The power turbine blades visible
through the engine exhaust did not exhibit anomalous damage or deformation, and all blades
were present.
The No. 2 engine’s first stage compressor blades exhibited impact damage and gouges on
their leading edges. Scrapes were present on the inner housing of the first stage compressor
blades in line with the blade tip path. The power turbine blades visible through the engine
exhaust did not exhibit anomalous damage or deformation, and all blades were present.
Postaccident examination of both engines and their respective components revealed no
evidence of any preimpact mechanical malfunctions or failures that would have precluded
their normal operation.
The engine switches in the cockpit located in the center below the glareshield exhibited minor
deformation. The No. 1 engine switch was undamaged and functioned smoothly. It was
discovered in the “OFF” position. The No. 2 engine switch was slightly bent and was

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discovered in the “ON” position. No pre impact anomalies were observed with the avionics or
the electrical system.
A vehicle performance study was conducted using parametric data for the accident flight as
well as the flight immediately preceding the accident flight. A VRS envelope for the Bell 429
was calculated based on the conditions of the day and the helicopter’s estimated gross
weight. The performance study determined that the helicopter had penetrated the VRS
envelope on both the morning flight and the accident flight.
According to airframe manufacturer’s analysis of the flight data, before entering an
autorotation, the helicopter was flying a north-west heading and entered a right turn to stabilize
in an eastern heading of about 100° The helicopter entered a VRS condition as evidenced by an
increased sink rate and low airspeed. At 12:59:44, a longitudinal rapid forward cyclic input
from 32% (aft) to 70% (fwd) was recorded and the helicopter started pitching nose down from
4.6 degrees up to -17.05 degrees nose down. This was followed a second later at 12:59:45 by
a rapid aft longitudinal cyclic input to 5.75% (0% being the aft longitudinal stop, 50% being a
centered cyclic and 100% being the forward longitudinal stop). The rapid cyclic input recorded
would not have allowed sufficient time for the airframe attitude to adjust to the main rotor
inputs from the cyclic because of the rapid aft cyclic movement (-65% in 1 second).
A Vuichard exit method for VRS requires opposite side pedal to the lateral cyclic position. From
the data analysis, the cyclic position was mostly aft and right while the pedal position was also
to the right side before the rapid aft cyclic input. The collective position was 24.83% at the first
forward cyclic input and down to 0.62% while the cyclic was quickly moved to a close to full aft
The airframe manufacturer also conducted a blade arc study. They placed the tail rotor drive
shaft cover that was recovered from the accident helicopter on an exemplar helicopter. The
resulting installation and measurements showed that the main rotor blades could contact the
cover at the same position as observed on the accident wreckage, and that a further result
would be main rotor blade contact with an antenna and the tail rotor drive shaft.
The Office of the Medical Examiner, Monroe County, New York, performed autopsies of the
instructor pilot and company pilot. Both pilots’ causes of death were multiple blunt force injury
and their manners of death were accidental.
Vortex Ring State

According to the FAA's Helicopter Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-21B), a vortex ring state
"describes an aerodynamic condition in which a helicopter may be in a vertical descent with 20

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percent up to maximum power applied, and little or no climb performance." The handbook also
states the following:

A fully developed vortex ring state is characterized by an unstable condition in which a helicopter
experiences uncommanded pitch and roll oscillations, has little or no collective authority, and
achieves a descent rate that may approach 6,000 feet per minute (fpm) if allowed to develop….

Situations that are conducive to a VRS condition are attempting to hover out of ground effect
(OGE) without maintaining precise altitude control, and approaches, especially steep
approaches, with a tailwind component.

According to the airframe manufacturer’s training manual, when recovering from a VRS
condition, the pilot tends first to try to stop the descent by increasing collective pitch. The
traditional recovery is accomplished by increasing airspeed, and/or partially lowering collective
to exit the vortex. Another method to recover from VRS, known as the Vuichard recovery
technique, results in the quickest exit from VRS and requires the increase in collective to a
climb power setting and the application of left pedal to maintain heading; simultaneously
applying right cyclic to 20-degrees angle of bank - then back to wings level, to generate lateral
movement. As soon as the advancing rotor blade reaches the upward flow of the vortex, the
recovery is completed. This will be indicated by the VSI less than 300 fpm, and then apply
cyclic and collective as necessary to return to the directed altitude and airspeed.
Vortex Ring State Training

According to the FAA's Helicopter Instructor's Handbook (FAA-H-8083-4), vortex ring state (also
known as settling with power) can safely be introduced and practiced at altitudes allowing
distance to recover. The handbook also states the following:

Ensure the student understands that settling with power can occur as a result of attempting to
descend at an excessively low airspeed in a downwind condition, or by attempting to hover OGE
at a weight and density altitude greater than the helicopter's performance allows….

Recovery is accomplished by…if altitude allows, reducing collective and lowering the nose to
increase forward speed. This moves a helicopter out of its downwash and into translational
lift. When the helicopter is clear of the disturbed air, or downwash, confirm a forward speed
indication and initiate a climb to regain the lost altitude.

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Flight instructor Information
Certificate: Airline transport; Commercial; Age: 60,Male
Flight instructor
Airplane Rating(s): Single-engine land; Multi-engine Seat Occupied: Left
Other Aircraft Rating(s): Helicopter; Unmanned (sUAS) Restraint Used: 5-point
Instrument Rating(s): Airplane; Helicopter Second Pilot Present: Yes
Instructor Rating(s): Helicopter; Instrument helicopter Toxicology Performed: Yes
Medical Certification: Class 1 With waivers/limitations Last FAA Medical Exam: March 18, 2022
Occupational Pilot: Yes Last Flight Review or Equivalent:
Flight Time: (Estimated) 2850 hours (Total, all aircraft), 500 hours (Total, this make and model)

Pilot Information
Certificate: Airline transport; Commercial; Age: 60,Male
Flight instructor
Airplane Rating(s): Single-engine land; Multi-engine Seat Occupied: Right
Other Aircraft Rating(s): Helicopter Restraint Used: 5-point
Instrument Rating(s): Helicopter Second Pilot Present: Yes
Instructor Rating(s): Airplane multi-engine; Airplane Toxicology Performed:
single-engine; Helicopter;
Instrument airplane; Instrument
Medical Certification: Class 2 With waivers/limitations Last FAA Medical Exam: August 25, 2021
Occupational Pilot: Yes Last Flight Review or Equivalent:
Flight Time: 6030 hours (Total, all aircraft), 580 hours (Total, this make and model)

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Aircraft and Owner/Operator Information
Aircraft Make: BELL HELICOPTER TEXTRON Registration: N507TJ
Model/Series: 429 NO SERIES Aircraft Category: Helicopter
Year of Manufacture: 2017 Amateur Built:
Airworthiness Certificate: Normal Serial Number: 57332
Landing Gear Type: Skid Seats:
Date/Type of Last April 24, 2022 Continuous Certified Max Gross Wt.: 7000 lbs
Inspection: airworthiness
Time Since Last Inspection: Engines: 2 Turbo shaft
Airframe Total Time: 1039 Hrs at time of accident Engine Manufacturer: Pratt & Whitney
ELT: Installed, activated, did not aid Engine Model/Series: PW207
in locating accident
Registered Owner: MERCY FLIGHT INC Rated Power:
Operator: MERCY FLIGHT INC Operating Certificate(s) On-demand air taxi (135)

Meteorological Information and Flight Plan

Conditions at Accident Site: Visual (VMC) Condition of Light: Day
Observation Facility, Elevation: ROC,540 ft msl Distance from Accident Site: 21 Nautical Miles
Observation Time: 12:54 Local Direction from Accident Site: 81°
Lowest Cloud Condition: Visibility 10 miles
Lowest Ceiling: Broken / 3400 ft AGL Visibility (RVR):
Wind Speed/Gusts: 10 knots / Turbulence Type /
Wind Direction: 290° Turbulence Severity /
Altimeter Setting: 30.07 inches Hg Temperature/Dew Point: 12°C / 4°C
Precipitation and Obscuration: No Obscuration; No Precipitation
Departure Point: Batavia, NY (CVQ) Type of Flight Plan Filed: None
Destination: Batavia, NY (CVQ) Type of Clearance: None
Departure Time: 11:10 Local Type of Airspace: Class G

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Airport Information
Airport: Genesee County Airport GVQ Runway Surface Type:
Airport Elevation: 910 ft msl Runway Surface Condition:
Runway Used: IFR Approach: None
Runway Length/Width: VFR Approach/Landing: None

Wreckage and Impact Information

Crew Injuries: 2 Fatal Aircraft Damage: Substantial
Passenger Aircraft Fire: On-ground
Ground Injuries: N/A Aircraft Explosion: None
Total Injuries: 2 Fatal Latitude, 43.063838,-78.139356

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Administrative Information
Investigator In Charge (IIC): Mccarter, Lawrence
Additional Participating Matthew Rigsby; FAA AVP; Haslet, TX
Persons: Beverly Harvey; Transportation Safety Board of Canada; Gatineau, OF
Dennis Crandall; Mercy Flight Inc.; Buffalo, NY
Benoit Albert; Bell Helicopters ; OF
Merryn Spielman; Pratt and Whitney Canada; OF
Original Publish Date: December 8, 2023
Investigation Class: Class 3
Investigation Docket:

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is an independent federal agency charged by Congress with
investigating every civil aviation accident in the United States and significant events in other modes of transportation—
railroad, transit, highway, marine, pipeline, and commercial space. We determine the probable causes of the accidents
and events we investigate, and issue safety recommendations aimed at preventing future occurrences. In addition, we
conduct transportation safety research studies and offer information and other assistance to family members and
survivors for each accident or event we investigate. We also serve as the appellate authority for enforcement actions
involving aviation and mariner certificates issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and US Coast Guard, and
we adjudicate appeals of civil penalty actions taken by the FAA.

The NTSB does not assign fault or blame for an accident or incident; rather, as specified by NTSB regulation,
“accident/incident investigations are fact-finding proceedings with no formal issues and no adverse parties … and are
not conducted for the purpose of determining the rights or liabilities of any person” (Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations
section 831.4). Assignment of fault or legal liability is not relevant to the NTSB’s statutory mission to improve
transportation safety by investigating accidents and incidents and issuing safety recommendations. In addition,
statutory language prohibits the admission into evidence or use of any part of an NTSB report related to an accident in a
civil action for damages resulting from a matter mentioned in the report (Title 49 United States Code section 1154(b)). A
factual report that may be admissible under 49 United States Code section 1154(b) is available here.

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