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The Pistol Offense The two most popular schemes in both high school and college football are

the inside and outside zone sets with the play action that follows them. Combined with an element of misdirection and you have an offense that potentially has No Limits. This is exactly the type of offense Chris Ault has implemented with the Nevada Wolf Pack when he transformed the I formation into his own creation. Chris Ault was in a major need of an established rushing game to compliment his pass happy Wolf Pack. He was never one to settle with Traditional and didnt want to use the same zones and gaps schemes that most other teams implemented in their offenses. He wanted to be more innovative, thus the Pistol was born. Lets just say that his little invention netted the Wolf Pack over 200+ rushing yards and the 3rd ranked rushing offense for 2008 and 2009. The Concept The Pistol Offense is a variant of the traditional I formation, except the FB is not used. The offense focuses on spreading the defense using 113 personnel. The QB lines up 4 yards behind the center and the HB is 3 yards directly behind the QB. His positioning is the key for this offense. He is hidden behind the QB making it harder for defenses to key in on him. Also, due to his positioning, he only has to take 1 lateral step before running downhill, allowing him to hit gaps faster and at greater speed, which throws off any defensive line. The QBs position allows him to read the defenses easier than the Spread, and have the added protection that his depth provides. The ball is snapped to the QB faster, which changes the timing of formations or multiple TEs combined with a fullback for added pass protection. Also, handoffs occur 3 yards shorter than SG sets, providing faster timing for a more effective run game. Like with most Spread based offenses, the Dual Threat QB is dynamite in this offense, using his legs in options and keepers, and his arm off of PA Boots. The Run Game The Pistol was designed with the rush in mind. Every scheme involved is very simple, but through motions and multiple looks, the rushing game is effective. Chris Klenakis, Offensive Coordinator for the Wolf Pack, believes in using motion, pre-snap, to throw off defenses, but keeps everything simple post-snap for his players. This allows the rushing to very effective. Klenakis emphasizes three main schemes in his attack: the inside zone, the outside zone, and the horn play. Concepts Slice (the Inside Zone) The Slice is the bread and butter of the Pistol, being ran often due to its quick hitting nature. The Slice is like most other inside zones, but Klenakis focuses on 2 double teams at the point of attack allowing the HB with many different options of which gap to hit. The TE is responsible for shifting off

the LOS to check down the backer, or coming across of the formation to seal the backside DE. Often times, you will see pre-snap motion to disguise the run and provide extra protection for the HB. This will be the play that you will use very often in your offense, and will be the running play called 90% of the time when youre coming to the line to read the defense. The choice point of attack is the B gap, but you are not limited to any gap. You have to read the DE and the flow of the LBs. If the DE is blocked outside, and the backers are holding ground, the cut up the B gap. Watch your double teams, if the center comes off and checks up the MLB, then cut up the A gap behind him. If the DE is blocked inside, take the ball outside and hit the C gap. If the backers crash in, do not be afraid to look to the backside B and A gaps, youll be surprised by the room that the line creates. View the play diagrams: View the play in action: Stretch (the Outside Zone) Many teams will start sending a variety of inside heat to slow down the Slice. In order to escape the congestion, Klenakis will run the Stretch. The Stretch is generally run off the TE, and Klenakis will often use motion to gain an extra blocker on the edge. When motion isnt used, the run is typically called from a Trips formation with the TE play side. Not only do you create matchup problems in the passing game, but if the defense overplays the Trips, they provide you with a distinct numbers advantage. Now the play is designed to run off tackle, with the DE blocked inside and usually hindering backers to flow to the carrier. However, if the DE is blocked outside, and the backers are flowing outside, feel free to cut it up the B or A gap and take it up the middle. Always remember to only get enough room you need to turn the corner and head up field to pick up yards. Lay off the turbo until you make the turn. View the play diagrams: View the play in action: Horn (Misdirection) The element of misdirection is achieved through the Horn. The Horn is much like your Counter or Power O of tradition offenses. The QB reverses pivots and the HB takes 2 steps inside then runs across the QB. The Horn is always used to the TE side in the Wolf Packs spread sets. The TE is responsible to gap the backer and seal the C-Gap. The front side tackle pulls out and acts as the lead blocker. The backside tackle is responsible for cutting off any backside pursuit. The play comes in many different sets and size from the Strong Power, Counter, or even reverse slams. You would treat this much like the Stretch. Your goal is to play off tackle, but again is the B or a gaps opens up, do not be afraid to cut back. Your main concern is the DBs playing the outside. The

Backers are generally behind the pulling tackle and are of little concern. If the DB cuts loose, turn the ball up field and get as much as you can. If he is held, then stay on the perimeter and take off down the sidelines. View the play diagrams: View the play in action: The Option The Pistol thrives with a dual-threat QB at the helm. His depth really makes him the biggest threat on the field, as he can take off and scramble from any point, or become the leading rusher with designed sets for him. Lets take a look at these sets. The Read-Option Typically the BnB of the Spread Offense, the read-option again comes into play with the Pistol. At the snap, the offensive line cuts away from the play side sealing any backside pressure and creating a hole for the HB, but the PS DE is left unblocked and becomes the main threat at shutting down the option. The QB takes the snap and reads the DE, if the DE is undisciplined and rushes to stop the HB, the QB fakes the handoff and takes off the play side with plenty of grass ahead of him. If the DE stays home, the QB hands off to the HB and lets him shoot for the gap. In previous years, the Read-Option out of the Pistol has been considered broken. The hand-offs were god awful, never were fast enough, and the DE would react perfectly every time. Thankfully, this year EA has heard our prayers and the RO was fixed*. The play runs exactly the same as in real life. The offensive line seals the backside, and you must read the opposing DE. If he comes after the HB, then keep it and find daylight, if he stays put hand off the HB. Get used to the feel of this play, because it is a big part in our offense. View the play diagrams: View the play in Action:

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