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Name: _______________________________ Date: _______________ Due: ____________

Big Fish Analysis Journal

About the Author: Before Wallace's most famous book Big Fish: A
Novel of Mythic Proportions was accepted for publication, he
wrote five novels, which were rejected by publishers. Since then, his
books have been translated into 18 languages, while Big Fish was
made into a film by Tim Burton. In a 2011 article for Pure Movies,
he wrote about how absurd he found it that Big Fish was the book
that was adapted into a film when all his others have clearer
narrative structures. His other books include Ray in Reverse, The
Watermelon King, and Mr. Sebastian and the Negro Magician.
While his short stories have been published in a number of
anthologies and magazines, including The Year's Best Fantasy and
Horror. Wallace says he tries to write everything he can, but
mainly focuses on novels and screenplays. Wallace believes that
"art is a distillation of experience." He believes that "writing
requires only a pen and paper, and not paint, brushes, canvases, nor expensive film or
photographic equipment, so it’s seen as something ‘anyone can do.’ But is it?

About the Book: A young man (William Bloom), at the deathbed of

his father (Edward Bloom), tries to reconcile his memories of his dad
with the person he really is. Whereas he always saw his father as
an irresponsible liar, he comes to understand his dad's exaggerations
and their roots in reality.

Oh, to say more would give away too much…

MLA Citation Reference:

Wallace, Daniel. Big Fish. Algonquin Books, 1998.

MLA in-text Citation:


MLA Parenthetical Citation (w/page number):

(Wallace 9) A note about grading:
The attached essay is worth 100 points.
The reader’s journal is designed to help you
capture the analysis required to create a
solid literary analysis essay.

This Reader’s Journal will be collected and

scored periodically throughout this novel
study, so keep current!

Literary Elements/Devices Intended Purpose
(How is this book written?) (Why was the book written that way?)

Literary Elements/Devices Intended Purpose
(How was this book written?) (Why was it written this way?)

Literary Elements/Devices Intended Purpose
(How is the book written?) (Why was it written this way?)

Identify possible themes of the book. Collect direct quotes, which support these possible themes;
don’t forget to cite the page numbers for your quotes. Brainstorm possible themes below:

Selected Theme:

(Select the theme you feel has the strongest textual evidence)

What chapters include evidence to support your selected theme?

Chapter Title: Direct Quotes Supporting Theme: Explanation of Evidence:

(How does this support your selected theme?)

Film Versus Print. So, we will watch the film version of Big Fish so that you can evaluate the effects
of the changes on plot, characterization, and theme.

Plot. Chart the plot of the story; feel free to use a plot diagram! Include evidence from the plot
structure that supports your theme; do not include plot elements that are unrelated to your

Write Your Selected Theme Above

Style Analysis. Think about the style in which this novel was written. Analyze specific excerpts
from the novel that demonstrate how the style supports the theme(s) of the novel through the
specific style of this novel.

Written Literary Analysis: You will need to respond to one of the following two prompts in an
MLA formatted literary analysis essay.

Analyze how the author’s writing style (vignette narrative) impacted the overall
theme of the novel, Big Fish.


Using Big Fish, analyze how a fictional novel can deepen a reader’s understanding
of the human experience.
You must author an original literary analysis, typed, which adheres to MLA formatting
standards. Print the literary analysis essay and attach it to the back of this Reader’s Journal.

Checklist of things to include:

• An introduction, which provides a limited summation of the plot in order to provide the
reader with enough information to understand your analysis
o A literary analysis thesis statement within the introduction
• An analysis of the key literary element(s) included in the novel, as means to explore the
deeper meanings of the text
• Properly cited (MLA formatting) textual evidence, both direct quotes and paraphrasing
• Proper Grammar and Syntax

Things to NOT include:

• Personal pronouns
• Misspellings
• Grammatical errors
• Opinions
• Claims without evidence
• Rhetorical questions
• Clichés (especially as a “hook”)
• Quotes without citations
• Apathy

RUBRIC is included on the next page, for your enjoyment!

Literary Analysis Essay Rubric
Beginning (D) Partially Proficient (C) Proficient (B) Advanced (A)
Introduction The introduction is difficult to follow The introduction provides an abridged The introduction provides a limited The introduction provides limited, yet
and includes unnecessary summation summary of the plot, much of which summation of the plot in order for adequate summation of the plot, in
of the plot, which interferes with the could have been omitted without the reader to understand the intended order for the reader to fully grasp the
reader’s ability to understand the impacting the reader’s understanding analysis of the text; however some intended analysis of the text.
intended analysis. of the intended analysis. plot details could have been omitted
without impacting the understanding
of the reader.
Thesis Statement The thesis statement is confusing and The thesis statement is identifiable, The thesis statement is easily The thesis statement is easily
poorly written, yet identifiable. The yet slightly awkward. The placement identified and logically placed in the identified and logically placed in the
thesis statement does not flow with of the thesis is logical within the introduction of the essay. The thesis introduction of the essay. The thesis
the balance of the introduction. The introduction of the essay. The thesis statement focuses on the literary statement focuses on the literary
thesis is focused on the literary work, statement focuses on the literary work and key literary element(s) to work and key literary elements to
yet does not include a key literary work and a key literary element to form a literary claim, which is form a literary claim and is easily
element. Very limited textual evidence form a literary claim. There is an supported with textual evidence. and logically supported with textual
is included as support. attempt to support the claim with evidence and/or examples.
textual evidence, yet evidence is
Analysis The analysis paragraph shows an The analysis paragraphs demonstrate The analysis paragraphs demonstrate The analysis paragraphs demonstrate
attempt to demonstrate an a strong understanding of a deeper a strong understanding of the deeper a strong understanding of the deeper
understanding of the deeper meaning meaning of the literary work. The meanings of the literary work. The meanings of the literary work. The
of the literary work, yet is not fully essay includes analysis of a key essay includes analysis of key literary essay includes analysis of key literary
developed. The essay includes an literary element included in the text element(s) included in the text to elements included in the text to
analysis of a literary element, yet not to demonstrate thoughtful analysis. demonstrate a thoughtful and demonstrate a thoughtful and
a key element. The textual support is The textual support is lacking. purposeful analysis. The analysis purposeful analysis. The analysis
woefully lacking. suggests original thinking. The suggests independent, creative, and
textual support is adequate. original thinking. The textual support
includes parallels to similar concepts
in other works, when logical.
Style & MLA The essay attempts to adhere to The essay adheres to MLA (8th The essay demonstrates a burgeoning The essay demonstrates an artful
formatting MLA (8th edition) formatting, yet edition) formatting, in general. There of personal style, yet a strong balance of personal style and
there are numerous formatting are sporadic formatting errors. adherence to proper MLA (8th adherence to proper MLA (8th
errors. These errors are a distraction edition) formatting. There are a few, edition) formatting. There are few, if
to the reader. minor formatting errors, but these any errors in regards to MLA
errors are consistent and do not formatting.
impede the reader’s understanding.
Grammar & The essay demonstrates a limited The essay demonstrates a command The essay demonstrates a strong The essay demonstrates a well-
Syntax command of standard grammar and of standard grammar and syntax command of standard Grammar and developed command of standard
syntax rules. The vocabulary is largely rules. The vocabulary is grade-level. Syntax rules. While the vocabulary is Grammar and Syntax rules. High-level
grade-level or below. Many Few minor grammatical errors are mainly grade-level, there are a few vocabulary is correctly and
grammatical errors are included, included, yet these do not impede the instances of high-level vocabulary effectively used throughout the essay.
which provides a distraction to the reader’s understanding. correctly and effectively used in the No grammatical errors are found.
reader. essay. No grammatical errors are


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