Case Study

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Read the following case study, and prepare a structure or plan for counselling sessions with

the client. Mention the number of sessions, agenda, duration, assessment and interventions
used as per the stages of counselling.

Pooja is a an unmarried 34yr old woman. Currently she lives alone in a rented apartment. She
spent her childhood living with her biological parents and older sister. Her parents separated
when she was 10, after her mother discovered her father’s extra marital affair. When she was 15,
her mother got remarried. Pooja did not get along with her step – father. Eventually she moved
out of her parent’s house after her education, but continues to get support and help from her
mother and sister. Pooja has a job in a Marketing firm and recently got a promotion. Pooja is
seeking counselling to deal with feelings of loneliness in her personal life. Although she is doing
well in her career and professional relationships, Pooja thinks that her personal life is not
satisfactory and it is too late to make changes.

Plan of Counselling

Based on this case, several conclusions can be drawn about Pooja's situation:
Initially, it was established that Pooja's parents separated when she was 10 years old and here is
what happened due to his father's extramarital affair. Considering she saw it at age 10, this
situation may have triggered negative emotions in her. She
may have experienced upheavals in his life over several periods of time.
When her mother remarried, Pooja was 15 years old and remained so ever since
When she witnessed her parents' separation at the age of 10, it must have been difficult for her to
accept it with her stepfather, as it is also mentioned that she didn't get along with him.
These events may have caused her to develop attachment problems.

As mentioned earlier, she may have had some formative difficulties because she left after
completing her education. Because of her successful trusting relationships with others and her
failure to solve her own problems. She must have also harbored some doubts
and doubts regarding her attachment to her family which can also be the reason of
vulnerability in the emotional aspects of relationships. She may be rewarded for her promotion
and success at work where there must be unresolved issues and channel those emotions into
productive results an as escape from reality. Therefore, a counseling plan can
be established as follows.
Counseling Plan for Pooja: Dealing with Loneliness

Number of Sessions:

Begin with an initial commitment of six sessions, allowing for flexibility based on progress.
After the initial sessions, reassess and discuss further needs.

Session 1: Assessment and Rapport Building (Duration: 45 minutes)

• Establish a safe and trusting environment.

• Explore Pooja's current emotional state and identify specific concerns related to
• Gather information on her childhood, family dynamics, and past relationships.
• Introduce the counseling process, ensuring Pooja understands the confidential nature of
the sessions.

Session 2-3: Exploring Childhood and Family Dynamics (Duration: 90 minutes, two sessions of
45 minutes each)

• Delve deeper into Pooja's childhood experiences, focusing on the impact of her parents'
separation and her mother's remarriage.
• Identify any unresolved emotions, conflicts, or traumas from the past that may contribute
to her feelings of loneliness.
• Implement narrative therapy techniques to help Pooja externalize and reframe her past

Session 4-5: Personal Reflection and Career-Life Balance (Duration: 90 minutes, two sessions of
45 minutes each)

• Explore Pooja's perspective on her personal and professional life.

• Assess the impact of her career success on her personal relationships.
• Introduce mindfulness and self-reflection exercises to enhance self-awareness and
identify areas for personal growth.
Session 6: Goal Setting and Action Plan (Duration: 45 minutes)

• Collaboratively establish short-term and long-term goals for addressing loneliness.

• Develop a concrete action plan with manageable steps to implement changes in Pooja's
personal life.
• Discuss potential challenges and coping strategies.

Session 7-10: Implementing Strategies and Monitoring Progress (Duration: 180 minutes, four
sessions of 45 minutes each)

• Support Pooja in implementing the action plan.

• Introduce cognitive-behavioral techniques to challenge negative thought patterns related
to loneliness.
• Monitor and evaluate progress, making necessary adjustments to the action plan.
• Encourage Pooja to journal her experiences and emotions between sessions.

Session 11-12: Closure and Future Maintenance (Duration: 90 minutes, two sessions of 45
minutes each)

• Reflect on the counseling journey and achievements.

• Discuss strategies for maintaining positive changes and coping with future challenges.
• Provide resources for ongoing self-help and support.

Therapeutic Alliance:

Narrative Therapy: To explore and reframe Pooja's past experiences, allowing her to separate
herself from the narrative and gain a fresh perspective.

Mindfulness and Self-Reflection: Enhancing self-awareness and promoting a deeper

understanding of personal needs and values.

Cognitive-Behavioral Techniques: Addressing negative thought patterns associated with

loneliness and implementing positive cognitive restructuring.

Goal Setting: Collaboratively establishing achievable goals to provide direction and purpose.
Journaling: Encouraging self-reflection and providing an outlet for emotional expression.


● Loneliness Scale: Evaluate changes in Pooja's self-reported loneliness levels during


● Coping Style Assessment: Identify adaptive and maladaptive coping techniques, allowing
therapies to be tailored accordingly.

● Anxiety and Depression Scales: Changes in Pooja's emotional well-being should be

monitored, and areas that may require further care should be identified.

● Goal attainment scaling: Provide a systematic method for assessing the achievement of
specified, client-defined goals.

This structured plan aims to address Pooja's feelings of loneliness by exploring the root causes,
implementing targeted interventions, and empowering her to make positive changes in her
personal life. Regular assessments will guide the counseling process, ensuring the approach
remains tailored to Pooja's evolving needs.

Here’s the detailed of description of the sessions that can be executed in the counselling setting:

Stage 1: Taking case history & rapport formation

The initial stage of the counseling process is dedicated to establishing rapport, a trusting and
respectful connection between the counselor and client. This foundation fosters a positive
psychological climate, conducive to therapeutic progress. Empathy, genuineness, and warmth are
three crucial elements in cultivating rapport. The counselor employs these skills to create a safe
and supportive environment for Pooja, enabling her to feel comfortable and develop trust.
Typically, this stage encompasses the first one to two sessions, each lasting 45 minutes. Potential
hindrances to rapport building include the counselor's tendency to rush the process or the client's
discomfort with sharing personal information. The counselor carefully navigates these challenges
through effective verbal and nonverbal communication.
Stage 2: Identifying the problem and addressing the issues

The second stage centers on conducting an in-depth exploration of Pooja's presenting concerns.
The counselor gathers detailed information, utilizing various assessment techniques to gain a
comprehensive understanding of Pooja's problems. A thorough case history is compiled,
encompassing Pooja's personal and family background, including the impact of her parents'
divorce and mother's remarriage. The counselor carefully examines Pooja's presenting
complaints, delving into the nature of her loneliness and dissatisfaction, its impact on daily life,
and her past coping strategies. Particular attention is paid to Pooja's childhood and early life
experiences, particularly events leading up to the family's disruption, to identify potential
repressed emotions and thoughts. The counselor's expertise is employed to elicit honest and
pertinent responses, ensuring an accurate assessment of Pooja's situation.

Stage 3: Setting SMART goals as a therapeutic approach

In this stage, Pooja, guided by the counselor, establishes specific and attainable goals to address
her loneliness and feelings of hopelessness. These goals should be relevant, achievable, and
realistic, aligning with Pooja's current circumstances and potential for growth. The counselor
actively participates in the goal-setting process, providing support and guidance as Pooja
navigates any difficulties. For instance, Pooja sets a goal of expanding her social circle by
making new friends and actively participating in community events. The counselor encourages
Pooja to take ownership of her goals and initiate steps towards achieving them. This stage
typically spans two to three sessions, with the fourth stage commencing towards the end of these

Stage 4: Counseling Intervention

The fourth stage is characterized by the implementation of counseling interventions tailored to

Pooja's specific needs and the counselor's expertise. Person-centered therapy emerges as a
suitable approach for Pooja, fostering self-understanding and overcoming loneliness. The
counselor employs techniques such as validating Pooja's emotions, active listening, and
mindfulness meditation. Self-reflective tasks, such as values clarification, are assigned to
enhance Pooja's self-awareness and decision-making abilities. Social skills training,
incorporating roleplaying exercises, equips Pooja with practical strategies for building social
connections, empowering her to overcome social barriers and anxieties. Throughout this stage,
the counselor monitors Pooja's progress towards her established goals, making adjustments as
needed. This stage typically encompasses four to six sessions, with the termination stage
commencing once Pooja exhibits increased self-confidence and a congruence between her real
and ideal selves.

Stage 5: Evaluation and Termination

The final stage involves a comprehensive evaluation of Pooja's current state, assessing the
effectiveness of the counseling process. The counselor determines Pooja's ability to
independently manage her concerns, utilizing the skills and values acquired during counseling.
Termination is carefully planned to ensure a positive conclusion, minimizing the potential for
negative emotions such as anger, sadness, or anxiety. This stage typically concludes within one
session, marking the formal end of the client-counselor relationship.


● Feedback and Evaluation Forms: These forms provide information on Pooja's perception of the
counselling experience, identifying areas for improvement or change.

● Questionnaires on Outcomes: Provides measurable data about Pooja's assessed progress and
areas that may require more attention.

● Goal Progress Monitoring: Enables a structured review of goal attainment, assisting in the
direction of future sessions and interventions.

● Coping Skills Assessment: Determines the frequency and perceived usefulness of Pooja's
coping techniques.

● Goals Review: Return to the goals established in previous sessions and analyze how far they
have progressed.

● Provide positive reinforcement and acknowledge Pooja's efforts and improvement through
feedback and validation.

● Develop a crisis plan that contains measures to do in the event of an emotional emergency as
well as emergency contact information. Provide referral as well because it’s the important step in
counselling setup.

Submitted by: Payal Chhangani

PRN: 1172220259

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