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warheads. Current Kinetic interseptors systems are insufficient
RAFAEL Advanced Defense Systems has provided pioneering for comprehensive defense against some of these threats.
innovations for the global defense industry for more than Therefore, new solutions are being designed and developed
seven decades, and has accumulated over 20 years of extensive to meet the needs of evolving battlespaces. Whether fixed or
experience and in-depth knowledge regarding Directed Energy mobile, they will require a modular configuration, and should
(DE) and, in particular, High Energy Lasers (HEL). In the last be operable either as stand-alone systems or as part of an
few years, RAFAEL has achieved significant technological integrated air defense system.
breakthroughs which have allowed the development of a
complete HEL weapon system. RAFAEL serves as the National
Laser Warfare Center of Excellence, and the National HEL
Lethality Infrastructure. Working closely with the Israeli Ministry The Advantages of HEL Interception
of Defense, the company was selected as the Prime Contractor Technology
for the development of IRON BEAM.
High Energy Laser interception systems provide unique benefits
that can meet these evolving needs. HEL interceptors can
quickly and effectively engage and neutralize a variety of types
The Need for a New Type of Defense System
of threats – including small and short-range ballistic threats
Rapidly multiplying and increasingly sophisticated threats have such as small-caliber mortars, rockets, artillery, and UAVs of
resulted in the critical need to successfully, and in near-real- various sizes. These interceptors engage the various types of
time, engage airborne threats with C-RAM (Counter Rockets, threats with pinpoint accuracy using an unlimited magazine
Artillery, and Mortars) as well as C-UAV (Counter Unmanned – while causing limited collateral damage, and at almost zero
Aerial Vehicles including C-mUAV) capabilities. Mini-UAVs have cost per intercept. They are expected to play a critical role in
become a substantial emerging threat for both military and future warfare – protecting deployed and maneuvering forces
civilian installations, with swarms of mini-UAVs increasingly and strategic assets, as well as populated and urban areas,
being used for surveillance and attacks, often with explosive from multiple threats.
RAFAEL’s HEL History Channels Optical Director Beam

Tested infrastructure for field tests & risks mitigation

Capabilities Proven
• 2009 - ATGM interception
• 2010 - Mortars interception
• 2012 - Production of BD 500mm
• 2014 - Fast maneuver tracking and interception
• 2015 - UAVs interception
• 2018 - Drones interception by LITE BEAM
• 2020 - Initial integration to Iron Dome
• 2021 - Initiation of IRON BEAM FSD project HEL transmitter Laser
Multichannel Illuminator

Visible Zoom
Wide/Narrow FOV Thermal CTU



2004-2011 2012-2020
• IRON BEAM is a 100kW class HEL interceptor for C-RAM
and C-UAVs
• It is expected to become the first operational system
RAFAEL’s Advanced HEL Systems in its class
• It can be used as a complementary HEL interceptor
RAFAEL’s development strategy includes the use of
for any multilayer air defense array
a unique, multi-disciplinary team that develops all
• The system neutralizes targets from a distance of a
systems from all aspects. The company has its own state-
few 100 meters up to several kilometers
of-the-art Beam Directors that demonstrate exceptional
capabilities, especially in the areas of target recognition,
tracking, and atmospheric effect mitigation. Utilizing
the same system architecture enables system size and LITE BEAM
power to be easily adjusted for the required purpose.
RAFAEL’s systems can be integrated on a variety of • LITE BEAM is a 7.5kW HEL interceptor for C-mUAVs
platforms as well as on stationary systems. They are and ground targets, e.g., IEDs and UXOs
designed to operate in diverse dynamic scenarios – from • The first proven prototype is already available
protecting a strategic asset to defending maneuvering • It can be integrated with any detection or C-UAV system
forces. Two of RAFAEL’s HEL systems – IRON BEAM and • It neutralizes targets from a distance of a few 100
LITE BEAM – are described below. meters up to 2000 meters

Tel: +(972)73-335-2002 HQ Tel: +(972)73-335-4714

Fax: +(972)73-335-4093 Fax: +(972)73-335-4657
LAND & NAVAL SYSTEMS DIVISION Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

IRON BEAM is trademark of RAFAEL Advanced Defense Systems Ltd.

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