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P.O. Box 90 ‘Quinhagak, Alaska 99655, City of Quinhagak eee RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF QUINHAGAK Resolution no. 23-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF QUINHAGAK DECLARING A DISASTER AND REQUESTING STATE ASSISTANCE FOLLOWING THE POWER OUTAGE STARTING DECEMBER 8, 2023 WHEREAS: the city of Quinhagak is a second class in an unorganized borough within the Bethel Census Area and located on the Kanektok River, and is only accessible by plane or seasonally by boat and snowmachine; and WHEREAS: on Friday, December 8, 2023, the community's AVEC electric plant went down, leaving the entire community without power; and WHEREAS: the loss of electrical power has led to the disabling of water and sewer services, including the freezing of the water transmission line between the city’s water plant and utility building on the evening of December 10, 2023; and WHEREAS: a heat trace failure resulting in the freezing of a half mile long raw water intake line from the city’s main infiltration gallery on the evening of December 11, 2023, exacerbating the water supply crisis; and WHEREAS: lack of electric power has resulted in the freezing of the city’s south main water distribution loop; and WHEREAS: numerous expensive electric lft station pumps which service individual homes are now frozen and inoperable; and WHEREAS: the extreme cold weather has caused freezing of pipes, resulting in burst pipes in homes and rendering residential water plumbing inoperable; and ‘WHEREAS: current fiscal year budgets to purchase parts and pay for labor necessary to thaw and repair these critical infrastructures are not sufficient to address the ongoing crisis; and WHEREAS: the freezing conditions have caused homes to become uninhabitable, leading to temporary displacement of residents who are forced to seek shelter at the school and/or relatives due to the lack of heat; NOW THEREFORE, |, Jerilyn Kelly of the City of Quinhagak, do hereby declare a state of disaster ‘emergency per AS 26.23.140 to exist in the City of Quinhagak. FURTHERMORE, it is requested that the governor of the State of Alaska declare a disaster ‘emergency to exist as described in AS 26.23 and provide disaster assistance to the City of Quinhagak in its response for recovery from this event. The city specifically requests disaster relief to cover labor, parts, and equipment needed to make temporary and permanent repairs to the city’s water and sewer infrastructure due to damages incurred from the multi-day electric outage combined with current freezing temperatures. The City of Quinhagak also requests funding to perform needed repairs to restore home plumbing systems damaged due to these circumstances. Adopted this 13th day of December 2023. uinhragak City Council Jefliyn Kelly, Mayor

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