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"The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be ignited."

-- Plutarch
Dear Parents
Warm greetings!!
The JKPS community is passionately committed to maintaining a culture of learning that
transcends all barriers, both tangible and intangible. Our primary objective is to stimulate the
minds of our young learners and keep them engaged in constructive and thought-provoking
The Summer Break Take Away (2023-24) Program is designed to propel our students forward by
encouraging critical thinking and anchoring them to their academic goals. It will foster
intellectual curiosity and equip students with a thorough understanding of the themes at hand.
You can download the Holidays’ Homework from the Entab portal for your convenience. In case
of any clarification, you may contact the concerned teacher as it shall be a part of the internal
We look forward to children returning to school after rejuvenating holidays, with smiling faces
and joy in their hearts.

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Any topic relevant to the class XI or XII syllabus can be selected for the project work.
Each student should prepare and submit his/her project report. The following essentials are
required to be fulfilled for its preparation and submission.
1. The entire project should be in a file format with spiral binding.
2. The project should be handwritten.
3. The project should be presentable without elaborate decoration.
4. The project report should be developed in the following sequence:
• Cover page should project- the title, student information,
school and year.
• Acknowledgement
• Certificate
• Index
• Introduction
• Chapters (number of chapters depends on the topic selected)
• Conclusion
• Bibliography
1. What are viable and non-viable pollen?
2. What is cryopreservation? Give one of its applications.
3. Pollen grains are used as food supplements. Justify giving examples.
4. Name the ovule part which contributes MMC for embryo sac production.
5. What is filiform apparatus? What is its function?
6. State one advantage and one disadvantage of cleistogamy.
7. Give the characteristic feature of pollen grains when they are pollinated with:
a. air b. water
8. What is the role of tassels in wind-pollinated flowers?
9. How do pollen grains of Vallisneria protect themselves?
10. What are the features of wind-pollinated flowers and pollen grains?
11. Moth and plant Yucca cannot complete their life cycles without each other. Justify.
12. What are germ pores? What is their function?
13. What is the end product of syngamy and triple fusion?
14. Why endosperm development precedes embryo development?
15. Explain the free nuclear type of endosperm development.

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1. Preparing a Questionnaire
 Think of an innovative product or service that you would
like to introduce in the market.
 First, discuss with the teacher and after finalizing the
product or service, you would go ahead with the project.
 Prepare a questionnaire on the same and share the draft
of the same for approval.
2. Market Survey
 Students will have to administer the survey to at least 25
 A market survey is conducted to see the customer’s response to their chosen product or
 You can conduct the survey through Google Forms, mailers, telephone or get them filled
out physically in person.
3. Questionnaire Analysis
 After conducting the Market Survey, every question of the questionnaire has to be
 A tally mark analysis has to be done, based on which a bar graph is made.
 Followed by an Analysis and Interpretation of each question.
 For example:

Options Tally Marks Total No of Respondents Percentage

Price IIII IIII II 12 12/25 *100 = 48 %

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4. Format for Presentation of Market Survey Report
1. The project should be done individually.
2. The project should be handwritten on white one-side-ruled-sheets or single-coloured
sheets only and submitted in a ring binder file.
3. Page limit – 25 to 25.
4. The survey report should be original and a proper analysis for all questions in the
questionnaire should be
5.The format for the presentation of the report should be arranged in the following
a) External cover page
b) Acknowledgement
c) Executive summary
d) Index
e) Introduction to the topic (Introduction, objectives)
f) Profile of the organization
g) 4 Ps’ of the Company
h) Data analysis and interpretation
i) Conclusion and recommendation
j) Bibliography

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1. Specific Project based on financial statement analysis of a company covering any two aspects from
the following:
(a) Comparative and Common Size Financial Statements (b) Accounting Ratios
(c) Segment Reports (d) Cash Flow Statements
The following essentials are required to be fulfilled for the above project.
1) The project should be handwritten.
2) The project should be presented in a RING BINDER FILE.
3) The project should be developed in the following sequence-
● Cover page should include the title of the Project, student
information, school and year.
● Acknowledgement
● Certificate
● Index
● Meaning and utility of the project
● Specific Project-
(a) Information about the company chosen
(b) Project Plan
(c) Source (newspaper/internet)
(d) Analysis and interpretation of ratios with diagrams.
(e) Analysis of cash flow statement with diagrams.


Q 1. State giving reasons whether Trade Receivables are classified as Current Assets or Non-
Current Assets in the Balance Sheet of a Company as per schedule III of the Companies
Act, 2013 in the following cases:
Case Operating cycle Expected Realisation
period(Months) period(Months)
1 10 11
2 10 12
3 10 13
4 14 13
5 15 16
Q2. Calculate the cost of materials consumed from the following:
Opening inventory of materials ₹5,00,000; Purchases of materials ₹25,00,000 and closing
inventory of materials ₹4,00,000.
Q3. State any two limitations and two objectives of ‘Analysis of Financial Statements.

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Q4 Explain briefly the importance of financial analysis for (i) Financial Manager (ii) Top
Q5 A, B & C are partners in a firm. Their capital Accounts stood at ₹8,00,000; ₹6,00,000 and
₹4,00,000 respectively on 1 April 2021. They agreed to share profits and losses in the ratio of
3: 2: 1 respectively. Partners are entitled to interest on capital @ of 6% p.a and salary to B &
C @ ₹4,000 per month and ₹6,000 per quarter respectively as per the provisions of the
Partnership Deed. B’s share of profits including interest on capital but excluding salary is
guaranteed at a minimum of ₹ 82,000 p.a. Any deficiency arising on that account shall be met
by C. Profit for the year ended 31 March 2022 amounted to ₹3,12,000.
Prepare Profit & Loss Appropriation Account for the year ended 31 March 2022.
Q6. X, Y and Z are equal partners, the balances in their capital accounts being ₹30,000, ₹25,000
and ₹20,000 respectively. In arriving at these figures, the profits for the year ended 31 March
2022, ₹24,000 had already been credited to partners in the proportion in which they share
profits. Their drawings were X- ₹5,000; Y- ₹4,000 and Z – ₹3,000 during 2021-22.
Subsequently following omissions were noticed and it was decided to bring them into
(i) Interest on capital @10% per annum.
(ii) Interest on Drawings at 10 %per annum.
Pass necessary adjustment Journal entry.
Q7. The partners of the firm distributed the profits for the year ended 31 March 2022 ₹1,50,000
in the ratio of 2: 2: 1 without providing the following adjustments:
(i) A & B were entitled to the salary of ₹ 2,O00 per quarter.
(ii) C was entitled to the commission of ₹8,000.
(iii) A and C guaranteed a minimum profit of ₹50,000 p.a to B.
(iv) Profits were to be shared in the ratio of 3 : 3: 2.
Pass necessary journal entries for the above adjustments in the books of the firm.
Q8 A, B, C & D are partners having capitals of ₹2,00,000; ₹1,00,000; ₹60,000 and ₹40,000
respectively. They share profits & losses in the ratio of 3:2 :1. They have agreed upon the
following terms:
(i) Partners are entitled to interest on capital @7%.
(ii) A will get a salary of @₹1,000 per month.
(iii) B’s share of profits (excluding interest on capital) has been guaranteed to be not less
than ₹2,00,000.
(iv) D’s share of profits (excluding interest on capital) has been guaranteed by A to be not
less than ₹95,000.

Net profit for the year ended 31 March 2022 was ₹6,70,000. Prepare Profit & Loss
Appropriation A/c for the year ended 31 March 2022 and also pass necessary journal
entries regarding deficiencies by partners.

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Q9 “Analysis of financial statements is affected by window dressing and personal ability and
bias analyst.” Comment.
Q10. Calculate the amount of Opening Trade Receivable and Closing Trade Receivable from the
following figures:
Trade Receivables Turnover ratio 4 times
Cost of revenue from operations ₹6,40,000.
Gross Profit Ratio 20%
Closing Trade Receivables were ₹20,000 more than in the beginning.
Cash revenue from operations is 33 1/3% of Credit revenue from operations.
Q11. From the following information, prepare Comparative Income Statement for the year
ending 31 March 2022 and 2023:

Particulars 31.3.2023(₹) 31.3.2022(₹)

Revenue from Operations 9,00,000 6,00,000
Other Incomes 1,08,000 1.20,000
Cost of Materials Consumed 5,40,000 3,00,000
Other Expenses (Direct) 90,000 60,000
Tax Rate 40% 40%

Q12. From the following information, prepare a Comparative Statement of Profit & Loss for
the year ending 31 March 2022 & 2023-
Particulars 31.3.2023(₹)) 31.3.2022(₹))
Revenue from Operations 36,00,000 24,00,000
Other Incomes (%of revenue from 12% 20%
Expenses (% of revenue from operations) 70% 60%
Tax Rate 30% 30%
Q13. From the following statement of Profit and Loss of Half Circle Ltd. for the years ended
31 March 2022 and 2023, prepare a common size statement of Profit and Loss-
Particulars 2023(₹)) 2022(₹))
Revenue from operations 9,60,000 8,00,000
Employees’ Benefit Expenses 5,80,000 5,00,000
Other Expenses 2,60,000 2,30,000
Tax Rate 50%

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Q 14. Complete the following Common Size Statement of Profit & Loss:
Common Size Statement of Profit & Loss
Particulars Note 2021- 2022-23(₹)) % of revenue % of revenue from
No. 22(₹) from operations operations
2021-22 2022-23
I Revenue 15,00,000 18,00,000 100 100
I Other Income 45,000 72,000 -------- --------
III Total Revenue(I+II) 15,45,000 18,72,000 ----------- -------
IV Less Expenses:
Cost of materials 6,60,000 8,64,000 ---------- --------
Employee Benefit ---------- ----------- 12 10
Other Expenses ---------- ---------- 7 3
Total Expenses 9,45,000 10,98,000 --------- ---------
Profit before tax --------- --------- ------- ----------

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A. Political Science Project-Prepare a project file according to CBSE guidelines.

Project overview:
Specification for Project File to be prepared for board exams
● ∙ The Project work will be implemented for 20 Marks.
● ∙ Out of 20 marks, 10 marks are to be allotted to viva voce and 10 marks for project work.
● The project can be individual/pair/group of 4-5 each. The Project can be made on any of
the topics given in the syllabus of a particular class or any contemporary issues.
● The project work can be culminated in the form of films, albums, songs, storytelling,
debate, Role Play, Skits, Presentations, Models, Field Survey, Mock Drills/Mock Events etc.
● Students can use primary sources available in city archives, Primary sources can also
include newspaper cuttings, photographs, film footage and recorded written/speeches.
Secondary sources may also be used after proper authentication.
● Viva-Voce
● At the end of the stipulated term, each learner will present the research work in the
Project File to the examiner.
● The questions will be asked from the Research Work/ Project File of the learner.
● The project should be handwritten and summed up in 15-20 pages.
The student should prepare the project under the following headings-
❖ Title/Cover page
❖ Index/Table of Content
❖ Acknowledgement
❖ Certificate
❖ Analysis with headings and subheadings
❖ Conclusion
❖ Bibliography

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Some suggested topics for project work are-
1. NAM- 1961 to present times.
2. Division of Germany with a special focus on the construction and dismantling of the
Berlin Wall.
3. CIS-Central Asian Republics
4. The disintegration of the USSR with a special focus on Gorbachev.
5. Arab Spring
6. Cover the negative as well as positive aspects of the relationship between India and the
following countries. Focus on any one of the following (current updates should be
highlighted): a) Relationship between India and Russia b) Relationship between India and
China c) Relationship between India and Pakistan d) Relationship between India and
8. European Union and BREXIT
11. India’s Nuclear Policy
12. United Nations with a focus on India’s candidature in Security Council.
13. UN Agencies – UNICEF, UNESCO, WHO
14. Pandemics: Covid-19- Its global impact (focus on worldwide cooperation and
preparedness along with controversies (please collect newspaper clippings for the same)
15. Partition of India-Theory behind it and its legacy
16. Comparison between NITI AAYOG and Planning Commission and their contribution to
India’s Development.
17. Election 2019- Rise of BJP and Downfall of Congress (1989-2019).
18. Emergency – A Blot on Indian Democracy
19. NDA III and NDA IV – Social and Economic welfare programmes
B. Written Assignment – All questions must be attempted in the assignment notebook.
1- Who was the founder of ‘The Bolshevik Communist Party’?
(A) Lenin (B) Stalin (C) Vladimir Putin (D) Gorbachev
2- ‘Socialist Bloc’ Countries were called?
(A) Second World (B) First World (C) Third World (D) Fourth World
3-Who started the policy of Perestroika (Restructuring) and Glasnost (Openness)?
(A) Boris Yeltsin (B) Nikita Khrushchev (C) Joseph Stalin (D) Gorbachev

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4- Which sector received more attention in the Second five-year plan?
(A) Agricultural (B) Industry (C) Milk (D) None of the above.
5-Who gave the Model of Shock Therapy?
(A) World Bank and Asian Development Bank (B) IMF and ADB
(C) World Bank and IMF (D) World Bank and IAEA
6-Give the names of the two republics where violent secessionist movements occurred?
(A) Tajikistan and Dagestan (B) Dagestan and Nagorno Karabakh
(C) Chechnya and Tajikistan (D) Chechnya and Dagestan
Q.7- In India, planning was conceived as the main instrument of:
(A) Political development (B) Cultural development
(C) Social development (D) Socio-economic development
Q.8- Arrange the following in chronological order-
(i) Unification of Germany. (ii) Disintegration of the Soviet Union. (iii) Berlin
Wall Built. (iv) Marshall Plan.
(A) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i) (B) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(C) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii) (D) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
Q.9- Arrange the following in chronological order-
(i) Declaration of its independence from the Soviet Union by the Russian Parliament. (ii)
Formation of Commonwealth of Independent States. (iii) Beginning of the movement for
independence in Lithuania. (iv) Gorbachev became the General Secretary of the Communist
Party of the Soviet Union.
(A) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii) (B) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)
(C) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii) (D) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)
Q.10. In the question below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and
Reason (R). Read the statements and choose the correct option.
Assertion: - Russia got the seat of the Soviet Union in the Security Council.
Reason: - Russia was accepted as the successor state of the Soviet Union.
Assertion: - The Nizam of Hyderabad never negotiated with Sardar Patel.
Reason: - The Nizam wanted an independent status for Hyderabad.
Assertion: – The principle of religious majorities for the partition was decided.
Reason: – The process of partition was smooth and none of the violence took place.
(A) If both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) If both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) If (A) is true but (R) is false.
(D) If (A) is false but (R) is true.

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Q.1-What do you understand by Second World and Maastricht treaty?
Q.2-Which was the ‘Largest Garage Sale in History’ of the Soviet Union?
Q.3- What was the major thrust of the First Five-year Plan? In which ways did the second plan
differ from the first one?
Q.4- Mention the agreements signed between India and ASEAN.
Q.1-Explain the four consequences of Shock Therapy?
Q.2-Who was Mikhail Gorbachev? Was he responsible for the disintegration of the Soviet
Q.3-Describe positive and negative features of the Soviet System in the Soviet Union.
Q.4- What are the limitations of the European Union?
Q.1-How did the Soviet Union suddenly disintegrate? Explain any six reasons.
Q.2-How can we say that ASEAN is walking along the lines of the European Union?
Q3- Explain any six consequences of the partition of India in 1947.
Q4- How did the reorganization of states take place in India after its independence? Explain.
Q.1-Read the passage below and answer the following questions:
The partition was not merely a division of properties. Liabilities and assets or a political
division of the country and the administrative apparatus. What also got divided were the
financial assets. And things like tables, chairs, thwarters, paper clips books and also musical
instruments of the notice band. It was a violent separation of communities who had hitherto
lived together as neighbours. Partition forced about 80 lakh people to migrate across the
new border.
(I) What was the number of people who had to forcefully migrate across new borders?
(A) 83 lakhs (B) 81 lakhs (C) 80.5 lakh (D) 80 lakhs
(II) Who did not believe in the ‘two-nation theory?
(A) People of Pakistan
(B) Muslim League
(C) The leaders of the Indian national struggle
(D) None of the above
(III) What was the percentage of the Muslim population in India in 1951?
(A) 13 percent (B) 12 per cent (C) 20 per cent (D) 14 per cent
(IV) The partition was based on
(A) Religious (B) Linguistic (C) Only a (D) Only b

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Q.2-Read the passage below and answer the following questions:
The value of the rubel declined dramatically. The rate of inflation was so high that people lost
all their savings. The collective farm system disintegrated leaving people without food
security and the government started to import food. The old trading structure broke down
with no alternative in its place. The old system of social welfare was systematically destroyed.
The withdrawal of government subsidies pushed large sections of the people into poverty.
(I) How did the disintegration of the collective farms’ system lead to the loss of food security?
(A)Farming privatised
(B)Good grains come to be purchased from the open market.
(C) The government had no control over the prices.
(D) All of above
(II) Why did the government start importing food?
(A)Due to farming becoming privatised.
(B)Providing food grains to people became difficult.
(C)Both (A) and (B)
(D)None of these
(III) What is meant by subsidy?
(A)The low price of a product as compared to the open market price.
(B)People have to give only 25% price of the product.
(C) People get free products from the government.
(D)All of these
(IV) This passage is associated with which country?
(A)China (B)India (C) France (D) Russia

Q.3-Read the passage below and answer the following questions:

The Soviet economy used much of its resources in maintaining a nuclear and military arsenal
and the development of its satellite states in Eastern Europe and within the Soviet System.
This led to a huge economic burden that the system could not cope with. At the same time,
ordinary citizens became more knowledgeable about the economic advance of the West.
They could see the disparities between their systems and the systems of the West.
(I) How did citizens of the Soviet Union identify their own backwardness?
(A)Seeing their government system and Asian Countries. (B)The prosperity of citizens. (C)
Difference between their government system and the West. (D)All of these.
(II) What were the Soviet Citizens being told?

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(A)High corruption. (B)The openness of the administration. (C)The system is better than
Western Capitalism. (D)None of these.
(III) What does this passage state about the Soviet Union?
(A)Reasons for the disintegration of the Soviet Union. (B)About the foreign relations of the
Soviet Union. (C) About the capitalist system of America. (D)None of these.
(IV) On which field Soviet Union spent most of its resources?
(A)Culture of Soviet Union. (B)Military hardware and nuclear weapons. (C) On their citizens.
(D) On Asian countries.
Q.4. On a political outline map of India locate and label the following and symbolise them as
a. The state is prone to food crises during independence days.
b. The state adopted Decentralisation.
c. The state where people protested against POSCO plants.
d. The state where White Revolution took place

Q5. Study the picture given below and answer the questions that follow:

a. What message does the cartoon convey?

b. Name the person who is making efforts to balance both sectors.
c. How were both these sectors balanced?
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Q6. Observe the picture given below carefully and answer the following questions –

i. What does this picture depict?

a. A train full of refugees b. Transfer of population
c. Enjoy the journey d. Both a and b
ii. What were the consequences of the partition?
a. Communal riots b. Massacres
c. Division of communities d. All of these
iii. Which year is being denoted in the picture?
a. 1948 b. 1947
c. 1957 d. 1945
iv. Which cities were divided into communal zones?
a. Lahore, Amritsar, Kolkata b. Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh
c. Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh d. None of the above

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Note: Only one project is to be prepared by each student
on any one topic
The following essentials are required to be fulfilled for its
preparation and submission.
1. The number of pages of the project should be 30 to 40.
2. The project should be handwritten.
3. The project should be presented in a neat folder.

The project report should be developed in the following sequence:

• Cover page should include the title of the Project, student’s information, school and year.
• Certificate
• Acknowledgements and preface (acknowledging the institution, the places visited and the
persons who have helped).
• Content
• Topic with a suitable heading.
• Planning and activities done during the project, if any.
• Observations and findings of the visit.
• Conclusions (summarized suggestions or findings, the future scope of the study).
• Photographs (if any).
• Teacher’s observation.
• Signatures of the teachers
ASSESSMENT Allocation of Marks = 20 Marks
The marks will be allocated under the following heads:
1 Initiative, cooperativeness and participation
2 Creativity in presentation
3 Content, observation and research work
The students are required to visit any one of the following:
1. A departmental store.
2. An Industrial unit.
3. A fast food outlet.
4. Any other organisation approved by the teacher.

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They are required to observe the application of the following general Principles of
management advocated by Fayol in that organisation.

1. Division of work.
2. Unity of command.
3. Unity of direction.
4. Scalar chain
5. Espirit de corps
6. Remuneration
7. Order.
8. Equity.
9. Discipline
10. Subordination of individual interest to the general interest.
11. Initiative.
12. Centralisation and Decentralisation
13. Stability of Tenure
14. Authority and Responsibility
The student can choose any one of the following products:
A. 1. Adhesives 2. Air conditioners 3. Baby diapers 4. Bathing Soap 5. Bathroom cleaner 6. Bike
7. Blanket 8. Body Spray 9. Bread 10. Breakfast cereal 11. Butter 12. Camera 13. Car 14. Cheese
spreads 15. Chocolate 16. Coffee 17. Cosmetology product 18. Crayons 19. Crockery 20. Cutlery
21. Cycle 22. DTH 23. Eraser 24. e-wash 25. Fairness cream 26. Fans 27. Fruit candy 28. Furniture
29. Hair Dye 30. Hair Oil 31. Infant dress 32. Inverter 33. Jams 34. Jeans 35. Jewellery 36. Kurti
37. Ladies bag 38. Ladies’ footwear 39. Learning Toys 40. Lipstick 41. Microwave oven 42. Mixers
43. Mobile 44. Moisturizer 45. Music player 46. Nail polish 47. Newspaper 48. Noodles 49. Pen
50. Pen drive 51. Pencil 52. Pickles 53. Razor 54. Ready Soups 55. Refrigerator 56. RO system 57.
Roasted snacks 58. Salt 59. Sarees 60. Sauces/ Ketchup 61. Shampoo 62. Shaving cream 63. Shoe
polish 64. Shoes 65. Squashes 66. Suitcase/ airbag 67. Sunglasses 68. Tea 69. Tiffin Wallah 70.
Toothpaste 71. Wallet 72. Washing detergent 73. Washing machine 74. Washing powder 75.
Water bottle 76. Water storage tank 77. Wipes
B. The student must ensure that the identified product should not be items whose
consumption/use is discouraged by the society and government like alcohol products/pan
masala and tobacco products, etc.
C. Identify one product/service from the above that the students may like to
manufacture/provide [pre-assumption].
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Now the students are required to make a project on the identified product/service keeping
in mind the following:
1. Why have they selected this product/service?
2. Find out the ‘5’ competitive brands that exist in the market.
3. What permission and licences would be required to make the product?
4. What are your competitors’ Unique Selling Propositions [U.S.P.]?
5. Does your product have any range? Give details.
6. What is the name of your product?
7. Enlist its features.
8. What is going to be your U.S.P?
9. Draw the ‘Label’ of your product.
10. Draw a logo for your product.
11. Draft a tagline.
12. How will your product be packaged?
13. What is the selling price of your competitor’s product?
(i) Selling price to consumer (ii) Selling price to retailer (iii) Selling price to wholesaler
14. What is the profit margin in percentage of the following:
a. Manufacturer. b. Wholesaler. c. Retailer.
15. What is going to be your selling price? (i) For consumer (ii) For retailer (iii) For wholesaler
16. Which channel of distribution are you going to use? Give reasons for selection.
17. Decisions related to warehousing, state reasons.
18. What means of transport you will use and why?
19. List 5 ways of promoting your product.
20. Any schemes for (i) The wholesaler (ii) The retailer
21. Draft a social message for your label.
22. What cost-effective techniques will you follow for your product?
23. What cost-effective techniques will you follow for your promotion plan?
At this stage, the students will realise the importance of the concept of the marketing mix and
the necessary decision regarding the four P’s of marketing
• Product
• Place
• Price
• Promotion
On the basis of the work done by the students, the project report should include the
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1. Type of product /service identified and the (consumer/industries) process involved therein.
2. Brand name and product.
3. Range of the product.
4. Identification mark or logo.
5. Tagline.
6. Labelling and packaging.
7. Price of the product and basis of price fixation.
8. Selected channels of distribution and reasons thereof.
9. Decisions related to transportation and warehousing. State reasons.
10. Promotional techniques used and starting reasons for deciding the particular technique.
11. Grading and standardization.
Note: Questions to be done in The Notebook
Q1. ‘Shikshit Vidyalaya' believes in the holistic development of students and encourages team
building through a mix of curricular, co-curricular and sports activities. On its founder’s day, a
stage performance had to be put up. A committee of ten prefects was constituted to plan
different aspects of the function. They all decided to use recycled paper for decoration. There
was a spirit of unity and harmony and all members supported each other. With mutual trust and
belongingness, the programme was systematically planned and executed. Kartik, one of the
prefects realized that unknowingly the group had applied one of the principles of management
while planning and executing the programme. He was so inspired by the success of the function
that he asked his father to apply the same principle in his business. His father replied that he
was already using this principle.
State any four features of management highlighted in the above para.
Q2. Aman and Anand both did their MBA from a top B-school in India. They both joined different
MNCs in managerial positions. Aman discusses all proposals with his subordinates, listens to
their suggestions and then takes the decisions. Whereas Anand orders his subordinates and
expects them to follow them. Both are committed and are able to achieve their targets through
their way of functioning are different.
Identify and explain the nature of management highlighted above.
Q3. Vikas has completed his C.A by clearing a specified examination by the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India. Nobody can become a C.A without this step. He is working as a finance
manager at Kajaria Ltd. which is involved in the manufacturing of tiles. There are other
Chartered Accountants, too in the company but Vikas has a reputation for the creative
application of existing theoretical knowledge which he has gained during his education. He
Page 19 of 48
integrates the activities of the finance department with the production and sales department
due to which the performance of the company is getting better day by day.
a. Mention the characteristics of the profession discussed above.
b. At what level of management Vikas is working in the company?
c. Which nature of management is mentioned above?
d. Name the concept of management which Vikas is performing by integrating the activities of
his department with other departments. Give one importance of this concept.
Q4. G Ltd. is a highly reputed company. Different functions are performed by different individuals
in this company, who are bound together in a hierarchy of relationships. Every individual in
the hierarchy is responsible for the successful completion of a particular task. Mr Gauranga is
responsible for the welfare and survival of the organization. He formulates overall
organizational goals and strategies for their achievement. Mr. Nityanand ensures that the
quality of output is maintained, wastage of materials is minimized and safety standards are
maintained. Mr Sanatan assigns necessary duties and responsibilities to the personnel and
motivates them to achieve desired goals.
a. Identify the levels of management at which Mr Gauranga, Mr Nityanand and Mr Sanatan will
be working in G Ltd.
b. State any other function performed by them at their respective level.
Q5. Mohan, the manager of a business undertaking, is very lax with his fellow employees and
subordinates. He does not give them parameters or rules for reporting to work and completion
of assignments. Identify and explain the principle of management being overlooked above.
Q6. Sudha, a young entrepreneur, started her career in Biotechnology, extracting enzymes from
fruits for the treatment of various diseases. Being the sole proprietor, she used to take all the
decisions. But when her organisation grew, she continued with the old practice which led to
delays in all important decisions. Identify and explain which principle of management is
Q7. Ashok, a marketing manager, was able to identify a bulk buyer for the inputs. He was
authorised by the management to give a discount of 10 per cent for a credit period of 30 days
and beyond it only 5 per cent while the buyer was insisting on a discount of 10 per cent for a
credit period of 45 days and hence the deal could not be finalised.
Identify and explain which principle of management followed.
Q8. ‘XYZ Limited’ was engaged in the business of food processing and selling its products under
a popular brand. Lately, its business was expanding due to good quality and reasonable prices.
New players also started entering the market to cash on the latest trend. In order to keep its
market share, in the short run, the company directed its existing workforce to work overtime.
But this resulted in many problems. Due to the increased pressure of work, the efficiency of
Page 20 of 48
workers declined. Sometimes workers had to work for more than one superior. The division that
was previously working on one product was also made to produce two or more products. This
resulted in a lot of overlapping and wastage. The workers were becoming indisciplined. The
spirit of the team, which had characterised the company, previously was beginning to wane.
Workers were feeling cheated and their initiative was declining. The quality of products was
beginning to decline and market: share was on the verge of decreasing. The company had
implemented changes without creating the required infrastructure. In the given situation:
Identify the Principles of Management given by Fayol that are being violated by the company.
Explain these principles in brief.

Page 21 of 48
Each student should prepare and submit his/her project
report. The following essentials are required to be fulfilled
for its preparation and submission.
(Use A4 size white sheets).
1. The total project should be in a file format with spiral
2. The project should be handwritten in blue/black pen
(Use of other colours is also allowed).
3. The project should be presented in a neat folder, no
elaborate decorations required.
The project report should be developed in the following sequence-
• Cover page should project- the title, student information, school and year.
• Acknowledgement
• Certificate
• Index
• Introduction
• Theory
• Experiments and observations
• Conclusion
• Bibliography
Note: Any appropriate topic of senior secondary level can be selected. For the list of
different investigatory projects CBSE website or NCERT lab manual can be referred to.
(Complete the assignment questions in your notebook)
Q1- Among all the isomers of molecular formula C4H9Br, identify
(a) the one isomer which is optically active.
(b) the one isomer which is highly reactive towards SN2.
(c) the two isomers which give same product on dehydrohalogenation with
alcoholic KOH.
Q2- Why racemic mixture is optically active?
Q3- Wurtz reaction fails in case of tert- alkyl halides. Why?
Q4- Distinguish between:
(a) Chloroform and carbon tetrachloride
(b) Benzyl chloride and chlorobenzene
Q5- Haloarenes show nucleophilic substitution reactions with great difficulty. Explain.

Page 22 of 48
Q6- Bring out the following conversions:
(a) Ethanol to but-1-yne
(b) Benzyl alcohol to 2-phenylethanoic acid
(c) Aniline to phenylisocyanide
Q7- Why phenols are more acidic than alcohols?
Q8- Explain the acid catalysed hydration of alkenes.
Q9- Write down the mechanism for Dow’s process.
Q10- Explain the mechanism in reaction of ethers with HI.

Page 23 of 48
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
― Nelson Mandela


● The project consists of 10 MARKS.
● Out of which, 5 MARKS will be allotted for the PROJECT FILE.
● And the remaining 5 MARKS for the VIVA are based on the file.
● The viva will be conducted after the summer break.
● Cover page, with the title of the project, school details, and details of the student.
● Acknowledgements (Attached in this document for reference)
● Certificate of Completion under the guidance of the teacher (attached)
● Objectives of the topic.
● Action Plan for the completion of assigned tasks (steps involved in doing the project).
● Research Material
● The 800-1000 words essay/report.
● Student reflections (what new learning experience/outcome you have achieved after
completing the project)
● If possible, photographs that capture the positive learning experience of the students
(collages/ pics from various online sources).
● List of Resources/Bibliography (Last page of the project file)
● Do thorough research on the topic assigned
● Prepare a report/essay in about 800-1000 words describing the topic/issue/giving your own
opinion/suggestions/measures/viewpoints/its impact on people/your learning experience.

Page 24 of 48
● The project should be neat, and legible, with an emphasis on the quality of content, the
accuracy of the information, creative expression, and proper sequencing, and should be
relevant to your assigned topic.
● Use a coloured Scrap file and cover it with a handmade sheet. THE ENTIRE PROJECT SHOULD
● No repetition or copying of project work would be accepted.
● Please don’t share your work with anyone.
● No marks will be awarded for a casual approach to completing the project
● Choose any one topic out of the following as your ALS PROJECT & VIVA
● Choose the topic carefully after reading the Driving Question and the Modus Operandi (i.e
how will you carry out the project) (You may choose any one or a maximum of two of the
Modus Operandi (MOs) If you are comfortable doing all suggested you may but no extra
marks will be awarded).
● Cover your Project with a RED florescent sheet.
An EXAMPLE has been given for reference. Kindly change the aim and objectives with
reference to the topic.
This study explored the extent of the use of the internet and social media, the forms and
frequency of cyberbullying, and their effects on emotional well-being and academic
performance of grades 8-10 students in a rural secondary school in Ganganagar,
|The objectives of the study were to investigate:
⮚The student’s access and use of cyber technology
⮚Choice of social media sites
⮚Forms and Frequency of Cyberbullying
⮚Effect of Bullying on Emotional Well-being and academic performance
⮚Students’ views on how to deal with the problems of cyberbullying
(Descriptive - research methods, tools, techniques, statistical data, shortcomings /setbacks
Page 25 of 48
1. The Kindness Project
Driving Question: Why do many hesitate to be kind? (Is it fear of not belonging to a larger
group, which happens to be unconcerned maybe? Do they think it is a portrayal of weakness?
Is it due to peer pressure?
● Each student has to do three kind gestures in return for one kind gesture.
● Share at least three anecdotes.
Modus operandi: BLOG
2. The importance of being resilient:
Driving question: Which circumstances require resilience? Is it an important attitude to
possess? How does it help one? Is it important for mental health? Have you ever been resilient
in your life in school? When? How are resilience and determination connected? Is success an
inevitable outcome of resilience?
Modus operandi: PODCAST
3. Vanishing Voices - Watch documentaries on the extinction of languages -
Driving question - How can my group members and I make our community aware of the need
to speak our mother tongue more often?
Modus operandi: RADIO JOKEY AND A REPORT ( Remember you may choose any one or
4. Survey /Interview on why the E-commerce platform is popular
Driving question -How can my friends and I recreate that shopping does not mean stepping out
to buy, can do it conveniently from home.
Modus Operandi - conduct a survey in the form of an interview asking if they have switched to
e-commerce. Is it because of the pandemic? The offers they come up with? Fear they have while
doing so. Are they happy with the products delivered?
● If given a choice will they still continue e-commerce?
● Compare and contrast brands that are available at the fingertips (at least ten)
● What products do they prefer shopping for online?
● The age group of people using this.
● Present the same in the form of a ppt.
5. Disability and Mobility:

Page 26 of 48
What would it be like to navigate around your city or neighbourhood with a disability? Students
think about how it would feel to live like someone with mobility challenges. (including the old,
the blind, and those with injuries)
Driving Question: How can my friends and I design a city/school/neighbourhood / personal
dwelling that is inclusive, barrier-free and fully accessible to those that face challenges of
mobility, vision or hearing?
Modus Operandi: (suggested)
Take on the role of a disabled for a day (tie your hand in a sling or maybe you may have
experienced such a handicap, in case you have got a leg/foot/arm plastered) Try navigating
around your home/neighbourhood.
Write a journal detailing the challenges you faced.

6. Inclusion or seclusion
Driving Question: Group to explore --How does it feel to join a new section after changing a
stream in class XI or joining a new school?
Modus Operandi:
Maintain a record of your feelings, note how you were welcomed, whether there was someone
to help or not, did you eat food alone. Or did someone ask you to join them? Many such things
are to be noted.
Survey via google forms ask all your classmates to fill it out (questions will include both
perspectives on what would they do if they were the new student in the class and the other way
7. Mental health isn’t some mythological idea. It is a serious issue that needs to be handled
with sensitivity by students, teachers and parents alike.
Driving Question: I would like to find out what mental health issues plague the teenagers in my
school/neighbourhood and help in recognizing the symptoms/need for therapy.
How can I make my peers in school recognize symptoms related to mental health?
Modus Operandi: Survey/interview/questionnaire to be filled in by the students from classes IX
to XII. The overall number of respondents-20.
Presentation: An essay/report on the findings

Page 27 of 48
A Project Report on




Name of the Student


SESSION - 2023-2024

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Jaspal Kaur Public School


A project is a golden opportunity for learning and self-development. We consider

ourselves fortunate and privileged to have such wonderful mentors to guide us
through the journey to the completion of the project.

I would like to extend my sincere obligation to all those who have helped me in
making this project. Without their active guidance, help, cooperation, and
encouragement, I would not have been able to present the project on time. I am
extremely thankful and pay my sincere gratitude to my teacher
____________________________ for her valuable guidance and support for the
completion of this project. I also acknowledge with a deep sense of reverence, my
gratitude towards my parents, other faculty members of the school, and friends for
their valuable suggestions given to me in completing the project.


Page 29 of 48
The class project aims to create something tangible and useful
using Python / Python and SQL connectivity. This should be
done by one student or in groups of two to three students. The
aim here is to find a real-world problem that is worth solving.
Students can visit local businesses and ask them about the
problems that they are facing. For example, if a business is
finding it hard to create invoices for filing GST claims, then
students can work on a project that takes the raw data (list of
transactions), groups the transactions by category, accounts for
the GST tax rates, and creates invoices in the appropriate
format. Students can be extremely creative here. They can use
a wide variety of Python libraries to create user-friendly
applications such as:
1. School Monitoring Software
2. Banking Management
3. Railway Reservation System
4. LIC Policy Management
5. Automobile Service Station
6. Fee Accounting Software
7. Payroll or Salary Management
8. Employee Management
9. Pharmacy Management System
10. Movie Ticket Management
11. Airlines Reservation System
12. Gas Management System
13. Library Management
14. Marriage Bureau System
Some more computer science project ideas can be browsed at:
Each student must prepare and submit the following:
1. Menus and Submenus based on the topic selected by him/her and get it approved by
sharing it as an MS Word document.
2. Project has to be made using File handling – Binary File Handling, CSV File Handling, Mysql
and Python Connectivity( Python -Front end, MySQL- Backend)

Page 30 of 48
3. Basic CRUD operations must be incorporated in each project- CRUD is an acronym that
comes from the world of computer programming and refers to the four functions that are
considered necessary to implement a persistent storage application: create, read, update
and delete.
4. Each project has to be designed using Python Programming Language.
5. Initially share Menus, submenus and algorithm for each option.
6. You will start coding in Python only after approval of the Topic and its options.
❖All Questions are to be attempted in the order specified.
Q. Following questions are to be done in IP register/A4 sheets.
a) Write in brief along with stating the names of all popular RDBMS software.
b) Expand and explain SQL and all categories of SQL stating examples of each.
c) Solve SQL assignment in MYSQL on a computer and copy it in notepad with outputs.
d) All examples are to be tried on the system as well and saved properly.
Q. Following questions are to be done in IP register/A4 sheets.
a) Write about all the following Python Sequences and their functionality by stating one
example of each.
1. Strings, 2. Tuples, 3. Lists, 4. Dictionaries
b) All examples are to be tried on the system as well and saved properly.
Q. Create a calculator using Python. Prepare proper documentation of all the codes and a soft
copy of the same needs to be submitted.
Q. Create a video assignment on Societal Impacts and Data Protection using PowerPoint
Prepare project report on the same in MSWORD.

Page 31 of 48


The class project aims to create something tangible and useful using Python / Python and SQL
connectivity. This should be done by one student or in groups of two to three students. The aim
here is to find a real-world problem that is worth solving. Students can visit local businesses and
ask them about the problems that they are facing. For example, if a business is finding it hard to
create invoices for filing GST claims, then students can work on a project that takes the raw data
(list of transactions), groups the transactions by category, accounts for the GST tax rates, and
creates invoices in the appropriate format. Students can be extremely creative here. They can
use a wide variety of Python libraries to create user-friendly applications such as:
1. School Monitoring Software
2. Banking Management
3. Railway Reservation System
4. LIC Policy Management
5. Automobile Service Station
6. Fee Accounting Software
7. Payroll or Salary Management
8. Employee Management
9. Pharmacy Management System
10.Movie Ticket Management
11.Airlines Reservation System
12.Gas Management System
13. Library Management
14.Marriage Bureau System

Some more computer science project ideas can be browsed at:

Each student must prepare and submit the following

Page 32 of 48
1. Menus and Submenus based on the topic selected by him/her and get it approved by
sharing it as an MS Word document.
2. Project has to be made using File handling – Binary File Handling, CSV File Handling, Mysql
and Python Connectivity( Python -Front end, MySQL- Backend)
3. Basic CRUD operations must be incorporated in each project- CRUD is an acronym that
comes from the world of computer programming and refers to the four functions that are
considered necessary to implement a persistent storage application: create, read, update
and delete.
4. Each project has to be designed using Python Programming Language.
5. Initially share Menus, submenus and algorithm for each option.
6. You will start coding in Python only after approval of the Topic and its options.


❖ All Questions are to be attempted in the order specified.

PRACTICAL ASSIGNMENT #1 -Revision Tour of Python
1. Write a Python program to calculate the length of a string.
2. Write a Python program to count the number of characters (character frequency) in a
Sample String: ‘'
Expected Result: {'g': 2, 'o': 3, 'l': 1, 'e': 1,'.': 1, 'c': 1, 'm': 1}
3. Write a Python program to get a string from a given string where all occurrences of its first
char have been changed to '$', except the first char itself.
Sample String: 'restart'
Expected Result: 'resta$t'
4. Write a Python program to remove the nth index character from a nonempty string.
5. Write a Python program that accepts a comma-separated sequence of words as input and
prints the unique words in sorted form (alphanumerically).
Sample Words: red, white, black, red, green, black
Expected Result: black, green, red, white, red
Page 33 of 48
6. Write a Python function to get a string made of its first three characters of a specified string.
If the length of the string is less than 3, then return the original string.
Sample function and result:
first_three('ipy') -> ipy
first_three('python') -> pyt
7. Write a Python program to check whether a string starts with specified characters.
In cryptography, a Caesar cipher, also known as Caesar's cipher, the shift cipher, Caesar's
code or Caesar shift, is one of the simplest and most widely known encryption techniques. It
is a type of substitution cipher in which each letter in the plaintext is replaced by a letter
some fixed number of positions down the alphabet. For example, with a left shift of 3, D
would be replaced by A, E would become B, and so on. The method is named after Julius
Caesar, who used it in his private correspondence.
8. Write a Python program to print the following floating numbers with no decimal places.
9. Write a Python program to print the index of the character in a string.
Sample string: Python Program
Expected output:
Current character P position at 0
Current character y position at 1
Current character t position at 2
10. Write a Python program to count and display the vowels of a given text.
11. Write a Python program to sum all the items in a list.
12. Write a Python program to get the largest number from a list.
13. Write a Python program to remove duplicates from a list. a =
14. Write a Python function that takes two lists and returns True if they have at least one
common member.
15. Write a Python program to shuffle and print a specified list.
16. Write a Python program to count the number of elements in a list within a specified range.
17. Write a Python program to generate groups of five consecutive numbers in a list.
18. Write a Python program to replace the last element in a list with another list.
Sample data: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10], [2, 4, 6, 8]
Expected Output: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 2, 4, 6, 8]

Page 34 of 48
19. Write a Python program to create a dictionary from two lists without losing duplicate values.
Sample data: ['Class-V', 'Class-VI', 'Class-VII', 'Class-VIII'], [1, 2, 2, 3]
Expected Output:
defaultdict(<class 'set'>, {'Class-V':{1}, 'Class-VI':{2}, 'Class-VII':{2}, 'ClassVIII':{3}})
20. Write a Python program to iterate over dictionaries using for loops.
21. Write a Python function to find the maximum of three numbers.
22. Write a Python function to sum all the numbers in a list.
Sample List: (4, 6, 3, 5, 6)
Expected Output: 24

23. Write a Python function to reverse a string.

Sample String: "python123"
Expected Output: "321nohtyp"
24. Write a Python function that accepts a string and calculates the number of uppercase letters
and lowercase letters.
Sample String: PythonProgramminG
Expected Output: Original String: Python Programming
No. of Uppercase characters: 3
No. of Lowercase characters: 14
25. Write a Python program to print the even numbers from a given list.
Sample List: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
Expected Result: [2, 4, 6, 8]
All the above programs are to be programmed using Python language. Paste Question,
its python code followed by its output in an MS Word document and email your homework
at [email protected]

Page 35 of 48
Q1. Answer the following questions based on your understanding of the following unit:
1. Value of aggregate supply equals:
(a) National Income (b) Domestic Income
(c) Private Income (d) Personal Income
2. Its value can be negative:
(a) APS (b) MPS (c) APC (d) MPC
3. APC is obtained by:
C C Y S
(a) Y–S (b) Y (c) Y (d) 
4. At the Break-even point:
(a) C>Y (b) C = Y (c) C < Y (d) None
5. According to the Keynesian Theory, in the short period:
(a) AS is assumed to be given (b) AD is assumed to be given
(c) Both are assumed to be given (d) Nothing is assumed to be given
6. There is an inverse relationship between the multiplier and:
(a) MPS (b) MPC (c) APC (d) None
7. When the value of MPC is 0.7, the value of MPS will be:
(a) 0.3 (b) 1.0 (c) Zero (d) 0.8
8. Full employment implies the absence of:
(a) Voluntary Unemployment (b) Involuntary Unemployment
(c) Unemployment (d) None
9. At the Break – Even point, Savings in the economy are:
(a) Positive (b) Zero (c) Negative (d) Maximum
10.Value of the Deposit Multiplier is equal to:
1 1 1 1
(a) CRR (b) SLR (c) LRR(d) VRR
Q2 Answer the following long answer questions:
a. Explain the determination of equilibrium income and output using S and I Approach.
b. Explain the equilibrium level of income with the help of the C+I curve. If planned, savings
is greater than planned investment, what adjustments will bring about equality between
the two?
c. Why must aggregate demand be equal to aggregate supply at the equilibrium level of
income and output? Explain with the help of a diagram.
d. Explain the equilibrium level output through the C+I approach.
Q3. PROJECT WORK (Based on CBSE Guidelines)
Page 36 of 48
Each student should prepare and submit his/her project report. The following essentials are
required to be fulfilled for its preparation and submission. (Use A4 size sheets). Any one topic
to be selected-
1. The total project should be in a file format.
2. The project should be handwritten in blue/black pen.
3. The project should be presented in a ring binder file, no elaborated decorations required.
4. The project report should be developed in the following sequence-
● Cover page should project- the title, student information and year.
● List of contents/Index.
● Acknowledgements and Certificate
● Introduction of topic/title
● Identifying the causes, consequences and/or remedies
● Advantages and disadvantages of situations or issues identified
● Short-term and long-term implications of economic strategies
● Validity, reliability, appropriateness and relevance of data used for research work and for
presentation in the project file.
● Citation of the materials referred to, in the file in footnotes, resources section,
bibliography etc.
The following topics can be taken up for project work:
● Micro and Small-Scale Industries
● Food Supply Channel in India
● Contemporary Employment situation in India
● Goods and Services Tax Act and its Impact on GDP
● Human Development Index
● Self-help group
● Government Budget & its Components
● Sarwa Siksha Abhiyan – Cost Ratio Benefits
● Digital India- Step towards the future
● Rain Water Harvesting – a solution to water crises
● Vertical Farming – an alternate way
● Make in India

Page 37 of 48
PHYSICS (2023-2024)
Each student must prepare and submit his/her project report in a folder. The following
essentials are required to be fulfilled for its preparation and submission. (Use A4 size sheets)
Suggested Investigatory Projects
1. To study various factors on which the internal resistance/EMF of a cell depends.
2. To study the variations in current flowing in a circuit containing an LDR because of a variation
in (a) the power of the incandescent lamp, used to 'illuminate' the LDR (keeping all the lamps at
a fixed distance). (b) the distance of an incandescent lamp (of fixed power) used to 'illuminate'
the LDR.
3. To find the refractive indices of (a) water and (b) oil (transparent) using a plane mirror, an
equiconvex lens (made from a glass of known refractive index) and an adjustable object needle.
4. To design an appropriate logic gate combination for a given truth table.
5. To investigate the relation between the ratio of (i) output and input voltage and (ii) the number
of turns in the secondary coil and primary coil of a self-designed transformer.
6. To investigate the dependence of the angle of deviation on the angle of incidence using a hollow
prism filled one by one, with different transparent fluids.
7. To estimate the charge induced on each one of the two identical Styrofoam (or pith) balls
suspended in a vertical plane by making use of Coulomb's law.
8. To study the factor on which the self-inductance of a coil
depends on observing the effect of this coil, when put in
series with a resistor/(bulb) in a circuit fed up by an A.C.
source of adjustable frequency.
9. To study the earth's magnetic field using a tangent galvanometer.
10. Any other of your choice.
Any one topic to be selected-
1. The total project should be in a file format.
2. The project should be handwritten in blue/black pen.
3. The project should be presented in a neat folder, no
elaborated decorations required.
4. The project report should be developed in the
following sequence-
• Cover page of the project should have the - Topic,
Student Information, name of the school and session.
• List of contents.
• Acknowledgements and preface
• Introduction.

Page 38 of 48
Assignment (Complete the assignment questions in your notebook)
1. Draw schematically an equipotential surface of a uniform electrostatic field along the x-axis.
2. Sketch field lines due to (i) two equal positive charges near each other and (ii) a dipole.
3. Name the physical quantity whose SI unit is volt/meter. Is it a scalar or a vector quantity?
4. Two point charges repel each other with a force F when placed in water of dielectric
constant 81. What will be the force between them when placed at the same distance in the

5. Electric dipole moment of the CuSO4 molecule is 3.2 × 10–32 Cm. Find the separation
between copper and sulphate ions. (Valencies of copper and sulphate are +2 & -2 respectively)
6. Net capacitance of three identical capacitors connected in parallel is 12 microfarad. What
will be the net capacitance when two of them are connected in (i) parallel (ii) series?
7. A charge q is placed at the centre of an imaginary spherical surface. What will be the electric
flux due to this charge through any half of the sphere?
8. Draw the electric field vs distance (from the centre) graph for
(i) a long-charged rod having linear charge density ʎ< 0
(ii) spherical shell of radius R and charge Q > 0.
9. Diagrammatically represent the
position of a dipole in (i) stable (ii)
unstable equilibrium when placed in a
uniform electric field.
10. A charge Q is distributed over a
metal sphere of radius R. What is the
electric field and electric potential at
the centre?
11. If a body contains n1 electrons and n2 protons then what is the total charge on the body?
12. What is the total positive or negative charge present in 1 molecule of water
13. How does the energy of a dipole change when it is rotated from unstable equilibrium to
stable equilibrium in a uniform electric field?

Page 39 of 48
14. Write the ratio of electric field intensity due to a dipole at a point on the equatorial line to
the field at a point on the axial line, when the points are at the same distance from the centre
of the dipole.
15. Draw the equipotential surface for a dipole.

16. An uncharged conductor A placed on an insulating stand is brought near a charged insulated conductor B.
What happens to the charge and potential of B?
17. A point charge Q is placed at point O shown in Fig. Is the potential difference VA – VB positive, negative
or zero if Q is (i) positive (ii) negative charge?

Page 40 of 48
❖ Index
❖ Historical background of psychological testing
❖ Important concepts
❖ Standard Progressive Matrices
❖ Adjustment Inventory for School Students
❖ Maudsley Personality Inventory
❖ Global Adjustment Scale
❖ Self-Concept Questionnaire
i. Preliminary Information
ii. Testing Material
iii. Description of the Test-name author, psychometric properties
iv. Procedure
a. Rapport formation
b. Instructions
c. Precautions
d. Test Administration
e. Verbal Report
f. Behavioural observation
g. Scoring
Assignment (Complete the assignment questions in your notebook)

Page 41 of 48
1. Diya is a hard-working girl who shows dedication, perseverance and perseverance. All your
actions are intentional. Such qualities focus on the ____ aspect of integrative intelligence.
a) social skills
b) cognitive ability
c) Entrepreneurship
d) Emotional abilities

2. The statistical technique of ________ determines the degree of correlation between

performances on various tasks to determine the extent to which they reflect particular
underlying characteristics
3. Sheya has to interview a famous politician on a live T.V. show. Which is the most
appropriate type of interview she can use?
4. Describe key features of the case study method.
5. Explain the competencies of the Indian notion of intelligence
6. Case study: Jerry’s naturalist interests were immediately apparent in the first week of school.
He chose a classroom book on insects as an independent reading choice and excitedly shared
the contents with classmates and Mrs J. As the teacher pre-assessed Jerry by questioning him,
the depth of his knowledge was evident. Jerry had extensive knowledge about butterflies, in
particular, knowing their structures, species, and survival needs. Whenever a “bug” arrived
at school, Jerry either knew the name or looked it up to inform the class. He would find the
other animals of the food web that interacted with the animal. On formal assessment, it was
concluded that Jerry is gifted.
Q1 On the basis of this information, Jerry's IQ score
(a) cannot be predicted (b) is a common score
(c) is probably 120+ (d) is probably 130+

Q2. Which of these can be used on their own to conclude that Jerry is gifted?
(a) His IQ scores (b) His grades and portfolios
(c) His teacher’s observations and ratings d) None of the above

Q3. According to teachers, giftedness is a combination of high:

(a) Commitment, confidence, control (b) Ability, control, creativity (c)Commitment,
creativity, ability (d) Control, commitment, creativity

7. State Gardner’s eight types of intelligence. Describe anyone with the help of examples
8. Angad has been the topper in the class. He went to the topmost college, where he was
neither sensitive to himself nor to others. This led to problems in interpersonal relationships
with reference to his condition. Explain the importance of emotional intelligence in his life.
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9. Why is emotional intelligence receiving increasing attention from educators?
10. Give a detailed account of the signs and characteristics of gifted children.
11. Arjun has an interest in machines but lacks aptitude. He wants to become a mechanical
engineer. Do you think he will be successful? State reasons for your answers.
12. Distinguish between the following (2x6)
(a) formal and informal assessment
(b) intelligence and aptitude
(c) interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence
(d)simultaneous processing and successive processing
(e) culture fair and culture bias tests
(f) giftedness and talent
13. Why do we need to be cautious about using intelligence tests?
1. If a psychologist is evaluating you by asking your response to ink blots, which form of
assessment is the psychologist using? List any two features of this form of assessment.
2. A student who can manage his time well, organize and monitor his behaviour is said to have
a) self-regulation b) self-efficacy c) self-esteem d) self-confidence
3. You just found a wallet in a dark theatre. Which part of his personality according to Freud
would urge you to return the wallet?
4. How does self-efficacy influence behaviour?
5. Compare Indian and Western perspectives of self.
6. Discuss the role of the pleasure principle, the reality principle, and internalizing in relation
to Freud‘s three personality structures.
7. What are projective techniques? What are the advantages and limitations of projective
8. Rita is learning music. Many times, she has to miss her favourite series as she has to go to
music classes. Also, she wakes up early to practice despite her love for her sleep. Which
concept from the chapter Self and Personality can you link to this situation?
9. Explain the Humanistic approach to personality.
10.Is there a difference between self-actualization and a fully functioning individual? Support
your answer with the help of examples.

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Q11. Two schools A and B decided to award prizes to their students for three games hockey (x), cricket
(y) and tennis (z). School A decided to award a total of ₹ 11,000 for the three games to 5,4 and 3 students

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respectively, while school B decided to award ₹10,700 for the three games to 4,3 and 5 students respectively. Also,
the three prizes together amount to ₹ 2,700.

Using the information given above, answer the following:

(a) Represent the above situation using matrix equation.

(b) Find out the prize amount for hockey, cricket & tennis.

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1. Draw Fixture and its procedures knock-out and league (Knock-Out for 19 Teams and League 7 for
2. Write about Common Postural Deformities (Knock-knee, Flat foot, Round shoulders, Bow legs,
Kyphosis, Lordosis and Scoliosis and their Corrective Measures).
3. Make a video of Surya Namaskar.
4. Perform 1000 Rope Skippings every day.
5. Write down the lifestyle diseases and their preventive asanas.

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● Visit the National Gallery of Modern Art and National Museum and explore your subject-
related paintings. Write a report about your visit in the file/ sheet/scrap file along with
the photos.
● Draw and paint any one Indian folk Art (painting) on half imperial sheet.
● Nature and Object Study.
Draw two Still life drawings - Two or three objects with two draperies (in different colours)
for background and foreground.

● Painting Composition
Draw and colour two painting compositions based on life and nature subjects in water
/poster colours with colour values.
● Maintain one practice art file for enhancing drawing and painting skills by covering the
various topics Abstraction and stylization, Foreshortening, perspective, eye level, fixed
point of view, Vanishing point, ratio-proportion, sketching, drawing light and shade, still-
life, landscape, anatomy.

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Hindustani Music Vocal
"संगीत वो भाषा हैं जो परू ी दनु िया समझती हैं।"

● Attend SPIC MACAY Program and Visit TRIVENI Kala Sangam and listen to the live Classical
program to enhance your knowledge about Hindustani Classical Music. Write the report
about your visit in the file/ sheet/scrap file along with the photos.
● Make one chart on "TIME THEORY OF RAGA"
● Write an article on Music Therapy along with a chart.
* Name of the diseases and name of the Ragas that need to be listened to.
*Use an A4 size pastel sheet
*Use colorful sketch pen
*Decorate the file

● Maintain one Google Drive folder for the audio recording of daily voice practices.

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