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Cluster University of Srinagar

Syllabus for Integrated Five-Year

Subject: Political Science Semester-V
Course Title: International Relations (Core)
Course Code: POSC-312 Credits: 06

Aim of the Course: To assure basic know-how of student community about international politics; to
acquaint them with the structural changes and processes at international level; to help them build
perspectives vis-à-vis international issues and institutions; to develop among them the understanding
about contemporary politics among nations.
1.5 International Relations: Meaning and Nature
1.6 Growth of International Relations as a Discipline
1.7 Scope and Significance of International Relations as a Discipline
1.8 Approaches to Study International Relations:
(a) Realism
(b) Liberalism
(c) Neo-Realism and Neo-Liberalism
2.1 Nation-State System:
(a) Emergence and Features of Modern Nation-State System
(b) National Power: Meaning and Elements
(c) National Interest: Meaning and Components
2.2 Conceptual Understanding about Arms Race, Disarmament and Balance of Power
2.3 Critical Evaluation of Institutionalism in International Relations with reference to UNO
2.4 Environment as a Global Concern: Issues and Challenges
3.1 Cold War: Meaning, Ideological Basis and Nature
3.2 Phases of Cold War
3.3 Perestroika and Glasnost: Meaning and Impact
3.4 End of Cold War and Collapse of Soviet Union
4.1 Nature of Post-Cold War Era
4.2 Unilateralism, US-Dominance and Scope for Multilateral World Order
4.3 Regionalism: Emergence, Scope and Critical Evaluation
4.4 Globalization: Meaning, Dimensions and Effects on Nation-State System

Suggested Readings:
01. N.D. Palmer and H.C. Perkins, International Relations: The World Community in
Transition, Scientific Books Agency, Calcutta, 1965
02. J.C. Johri, International Relations and Politics: Theoretical Perspective, Sterling Publishers,
New Delhi, 1989
03. Hans J. Morgenthau, Politics Among Nations: Struggle for Power and Peace, Scientific Book
Agency, Calcutta, 1966
04. J.W. Burton, International Relations: A General Theory, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 1967
05. Karl Deutsch, The Analysis of International Relations, Prentice Hall, New Jersy, 1968
06. J.N. Rosenau, The Scientific Study of Foreign Policy, Free Press, New york, 1971

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