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In the ever-evolving landscape of business operations, efficient inventory management stands

as a cornerstone for success. This project presents the development and implementation of a
web-based stock and inventory management system, utilizing a robust technology stack
comprising HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP Laravel, and MySQL. The system delivers a user-
friendly interface that enables businesses to streamline inventory operations, enhance
productivity, and gain valuable insights through real-time data analytics. The integration of
security measures ensures data confidentiality, while regular testing and quality assurance
practices bolster system reliability. This project culminates in a comprehensive system that
empowers businesses to optimize stock levels, reduce costs, and make data-driven decisions.
Furthermore, recommendations for future enhancements and continuous improvement
underscore the project's commitment to adaptability and responsiveness in the ever-evolving
realm of inventory management.



Support business helps businesses manage their inventories. The data will be stored in

databases using web-based inventory control systems that aid in the organisation of entered

data for quick retrieval (Lvivity, 2018). These web-based data management systems utilise a

web browser to coordinate information over the internet or an organization's intranet (Lowe,

2020). This system handles procurement, shipment, receipt, monitoring, storage and

warehousing, inventory turnover, and reordering (Lowe, 2020). Therefore, an inventory

control system is necessary for providing accurate data to all organisational levels.

A complete stock and inventory control system includes a system for identifying each

inventory item and its associated information, such as barcode labels or asset tags, hardware

tools for reading barcode labels, such as handheld barcode scanners or smartphones with

barcode scanning apps, and inventory management software, which provides a central

database and point of reference for all inventory, as well as the ability to analyse data,

generate reports, and forecast future inventory needs. This should include a proved inventory

management technique, such as Just in Time, ABC Analysis, First-In First-Out (FIFO), or

another method, as well as personnel who are trained to adhere to these policies and

procedures (Nicole, 2021).

Existing literature has concentrated on various approaches to designing Inventory

Management Systems. The first inventor created an IOT-based Inventory Management

System (Walts, 2021). The system was created using an ultrasonic transducer and an internet-

connected processing device (such as a Raspberry Pi). Due to the highly sophisticated

equipment used, it was difficult for employees to perform their duties efficiently. In addition,

a Web-based Inventory Control System utilising Cloud Architecture and Barcode Technology

was developed for the Zambia Air Force, which employs a barcode system to identify objects

(Suresh et al., 2017). This system's limitation is that it can only identify objects in close

proximity. In a separate study titled "Inventory Management Practises and Operational

Performance of Selected Flour Mills Companies in Nigeria," inventories were tracked using a

Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (Akinlabi, 2017). Demand-specific inventory data and

information was challenging to access.

1.1 Background of the Study

An inventory control system contains a list of orders to be filled and then prompts

workers to pick the necessary items; also, it provides them with packaging and other valid

information. Inventory control may be used to automate sales order fulfillment process and

also manage in and outward movement of items. Automation is the replacement of human

workers by technology. For optimal sales and inventory management process, robust

functionality is needed for managing logistics facilities. A Stock Management system is a tool

used to track goods and services of a company, it is a process that integrates the flow of

supplies into, and out of an organization to ensure right quality and quantity at right cost,

Nabil and Govardhan (2019).

An automated stock management system is a computerized method of controlling

sales and product in a company. This application will maximize efficiency, reduce labour and

avoid over cost. It will be efficient in tracking goods on a daily basis, the inventory software

will enhance flow of goods, improve customer service and also enhance the flow of cash,

(Saleemi, 2019).

Before the Industrial Revolution, merchants basically had to write down all of the

products they sold each day. Then they had to order more products based on their hand-

written notes. This was totally inefficient and inaccurate way of doing business. They

couldn’t really account for stolen goods unless they did time-consuming physical counts on a

regular basis which seem to be more tedious. They also encountered errors making sure they

got the right number of products when orders came in because of sparse record keeping, then

a team in Harvard University worked together looking for better ways in which stock

management could be effective. They sat down trying to design how a computer would read

the punch cards and pass the information to the storeroom, according to (Saleemi, 2019),

stock management comprises various actions taken by the management to reduce cost,

maintain production, continuous supply and reduce loss. And today the computerized method

of managing inventory has taken over the manual method.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Due to a lack of money, so many businesses are unable to computerize their stock and

inventory system. Computerization entails the use of devices that operate in large part

automatically, thereby reducing human labour, documenting errors, and saving time.

Effective computerization deployment in a company necessitates a shift in attitude and the

implementation of a complete training and education program on computer and software

application use (Muyumba, 2017).

This project-computerization of stock and inventory management system is another

contribution to several other aided systems in the field that might have developed to further

emphasize the importance of the use of computer in all areas of human life. MIDE

Supermarket Nigeria, a private organization is been used as a case study. Some activities are

being carried out manually and have the following weakness Capron (2021):

i. Disorganized records

ii. Delay in the processing of the daily transactions

iii. Overstocking and under stocking

iv. Theft / data is not secure

1.3 Aim and Objectives

The aim of the study is to design and implement a web-based stock and inventory

management system for MIDE Supermarket Nigeria, which will help track inventory level as

stocks are being sold. And to make the services rendered are efficient, and also to eradicate

long queues, or scenario where customers are delayed before they are attended to.

The specific objectives are included:

a) To help the supermarket know when to re- order, pickups, shipping etc.,

b) To design system that will generate bill orders item tracking, service management,

product identification, inventory optimization/ flexibility and a user-friendly interface.

c) To implement the design in (b) using a flexible programming language such as PHP.

1.4 Research Methodology

The approach methodology and environment for the Web-based Stock and Inventory

Management System will be explained in this section. The web-based Inventory Management

system will be developed using the Waterfall Software development approach in which the

system is divided into different parts and executed sequentially in order to achieve distinct

highlighted goals.

This section focuses on the functional and non-functional requirements of the system,

use-case diagrams and specifications of each user of the system, and finally the class diagram

showing the interconnection between system objects. The implementation of this proposed

system will be done using PHP programming language and the storage of stock will be

achieved by integrating the MySQL database to the stock and inventory control system.

1.5 Expected Contribution to Knowledge

At the end of this implementation, creating a transition from an outdated paper based

system which adapts the use of spreadsheet to the automated and modernized system which

will help maintain the right balance of stock in the store is very significant, for a successful

business a system that would ensure the firms have sufficient stocks to meet customers need,

and also aid in monitoring as well as tracking and updating various transactions going on in

the supermarket should evolve for effective management, and accountability. This is needed

to reduce overall cost of operations, and to provide higher security in order to avoid

unauthorized access.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The scope of this study will cover MIDE Supermarket Nigeria as a whole, and its

customers which include suppliers and the general public.


2.1 Overview of Stock Management System

Evidently, S.E. Inventory management is vital for the effective operation of a

company. In a small business, keeping item records with a pencil and paper may be adequate,

although it is not always deemed expedient. As time passes and the company grows,

operations and recordkeeping become too complex. In the present era, every corporation uses

a stock management system to facilitate organization and operations.

Stock management helps the identification of necessary requirements, the monitoring of used

and available stocks, and the control of stock levels to prevent overstocking. Additional

capabilities may include the capacity to generate sales statistics, calculate and analyze the

primary requirement at a given time, and place the next required order with the vendors.

According to Nabil and Govardhan, this entire procedure is arduous and involves a

tremendous deal of time and effort, hence we employ a stock management system (2018).

It is crucial for balancing the requirement for excess supplies with the need to reduce

committed cash or capital. A stock management system offers retailers with a centralized

location to manage all activities, such as sales records, delivery, and the preparation of bills of

materials and work orders. The inventory control system proposed. MIDE-MART will apply

the characteristics listed above.

2.2 Software Development Life Cycle Methodologies

The software development life cycle (SDLC) plays an important role in the creation

of a new or existing system because it describes the system's comprehensive needs. It serves

as the basis for testing and is utilized by developers. Numerous methodologies, including

prototype, waterfall, iterative and incremental development, rapid application spiral

development, and extreme programming, are commonly employed.

2.2.1 V Model

Each section terminates prior to the start of the subsequent one. This strategy places a

greater emphasis on testing than the waterfall paradigm. Nabil and Govardhan established the

V-shaped life cycle as the sequential execution path for processes in their 2018 research

comparing five software engineering models. The testing procedures are developed early in

the life cycle, prior to any coding, during each phase's implementation preceding the phase in

which they will be implemented. The life cycle model, like the waterfall approach, begins

with requirements. Before development commences, a system testing plan is designed. The

primary objective of the test plan is to ensure that the functionality defined during

requirements gathering is realized.

The high-design phase focuses on the system's architecture and design. In this step, a plan for

testing the capacity of the software's components to function together is developed. During

the low-level design phase, however, the actual software modules and components are

designed. During the implementation stage, coding is executed once again. After coding is

complete, the execution path continues along the right side of the V, where previously

established test plans are implemented. Advantages of V Model

a) Each phase has its own set of deliverables.

b) Works effectively for small projects with well known needs.

c) Simple and user-friendly.

d) The early preparation of test plans during the life cycle increases the probability of

success compared to the waterfall approach.

8 Disadvantages of V Model

a) Flexibility and scope adjustment are difficult and costly.

b) Very strict like the waterfall model.

c) This paradigm does not offer a clear mechanism for resolving issues discovered

during e testing rounds.

Requirements System test System Testing


High level Integration

Design Testing
Test Planning

Low Level Unit Test

Design Unit Testing


Fig. 2.1: The V-shaped model (Nabil and Govardhan) (2018)

2.2.2 Modelling

A prototype is an early sample, model, or release of a product created to test a concept or

process or to serve as a teaching tool. It is a phrase used in numerous settings, such as

semantics, design, electronics, and software development.

Fig. 2.3: Prototype model Sande, O.F. (2020).

Advantages of Model Prototyping

 It is possible to spot errors much early.

 User feedback is accessible, resulting in improved solutions.

 Users actively participate in the design process.

 Negative Aspects of Prototyping Model

 It will raise the system's complexity as the system's scope may expand.

 the initial blueprints.

 Incomplete applications may result in application rejection.

2.3 Theoretical Structure

1. Warehouse Management System

According to Sande, O.F., the grandfather of data warehouses, the first data warehouses were

created in the 1960s. According to (2020), it is a "system designed to handle a particular

inventory management, financial record keeping, and purchasing of products and services

problem." German economist Johann Heinrich von Thunen is considered the "founder of

location theory (2018)."

2. History

Warehouse management dates back to ancient Egypt, where humans sought strategies

to manage harvested grains. In fact, their evolution necessitated keeping papyrus grain

records to prevent hunger during droughts. The fundamental principle of controlling

warehouse inventories stayed same as the world evolved. Historically, management was

conducted with pen and paper, which was inefficient and left records prone to errors, damage,

or tampering. This made matters more challenging as your firm expanded, which is

understandable. Things were somewhat more efficient as a result of the introduction of

computers, but the big shift occurred when individuals began to design software that could

manage data more efficiently. Currently current warehouse management systems and new

solutions allow organizations to function more efficiently than ever before. The features aid

in fulfilling some activities, such as receiving and storing, but also take care of minor duties,

such as shipping information, receipts, printings, and notifications, which can all be

accomplished online and shared and accessed by employees regardless of location or time


2.4 The significance of information technology in data processing

At Mide Supermarket, a sales associate assists customers who have called to enquire

about or purchase merchandise. If the buyer is not a new customer, he is instructed to make

an order for the things he need, after which he pays for his purchase and receives a receipt.

The organization utilizes an inclusive services paradigm. Full services are a methodology or

approach by which sales assistants of a business cater to a consumer. Following successful

payment, the cashier delivers a receipt to the customer; the original receipt is given to the

buyer, while the duplicate is preserved for accounting purposes. Each of the organization's

four core departments is overseen by an accountant responsible for sales records, payment,

account balance, and other associated responsibilities. The Sales division is responsible for

the importing and distribution of items. The warehouse department officer ensures the receipt

of stored items. When an urgent need arises, the department of merchandising is responsible

for procuring things from the local market.

The inventory of Mide Supermarket is replenished by submitting two forms.

Direct distribution by the manufacturer (importation)

Transfer between branches

2.4.1 Provide Straight from the Manufacturer

They receive output from the merchandized section so they can compose their

quotation. After the quotation has been accepted, the supplier will deliver the products to the

warehouse and issue two copies of the invoice, one of which will be provided to the supplier

and the other will be attached to the LPO for the accounting department to handle.

2.4.2 Inter- Branch Transfer

Due to the fact that MIDE Supermarket Nigeria has branches in Lagos and

communicates between them via product transfer, it is conceivable for a product to be in high

demand at one branch but discontinued at another. This form of product transfer occurs when

a product's stock level declines precipitously and immediate replacement is necessary. The

company is using a manual inventory management system. Before servicing consumers, the

organization's sales assistants must count the number of each product's inventory each

morning. In addition, a fixed number is recorded for each product, beyond which it must not

fall before being restocked. Therefore, if an item goes below that value, the sales associates

alert management so that it can be restocked.

2.5 Stock Management System

To properly manage inventories, a system must be in place; nevertheless, the design

of the system is unimportant, regardless of whether it consists of writing inventory levels on

paper or deploying the most complex radio frequency technology. Despite the fact that every

sort of inventory system has advantages and downsides, there are several ways in which the

system could be constructed to help the situation. It boils down to which system offers the

greatest benefit to the organization (Rubin, 2017).

Currently, there are four approaches used in stock management systems:

a) Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

b) Manual Stock management system

c) Warehouse Management System

d) Barcode Engineering

2.5.1 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

RFID tags, or simply "tags," are miniature transponders that send a serial number or

other identifier in response to a reader's requests. They are widely used for tracking objects in

manufacturing environments and labeling products in grocery stores. In general, they are

regarded as an advanced barcode Rubin, K. (2017).

However, their application scope is far more extensive. This enables various novel

RFID applications, including the tracking of moving objects and the location of misplaced

objects. RFID tags are expected to proliferate into the billions in the next years, however they

are treated identically to barcodes without respect to the privacy issues of this modern

technology. In addition, possible solutions for RFID system weaknesses are discussed. At its

most fundamental level, a radio frequency identification (RFID) system comprises of a tag

(also called a transponder) and a reader (sometimes called an interrogator). The tag is

designed to be small and affordable – perhaps the size of a credit card or less – but the reader

is often more expensive and larger, perhaps the size of a laptop computer. The RFID tag

contains a small amount of memory for storing data, and the data is broadcast anytime the tag

is in close contact.

Improving the accuracy of inventory movement within a warehouse, RFID

technology offers a reading range of up to 40 feet with passive technology and 300 feet with

active technology (Hamlett, 2006). A common RFID deployment in the real world involves

the attachment of many RFID tags to physical items. When one of these objects gets within

range of the RFID reader, the information on its tag can be read and utilized to identify or

provide information about the object. Similarly, RFID applications in the real world

commonly utilize several RFID readers so that tagged objects can be identified in multiple

locations. Reader's radio transmission signal. This requires the reader to initiate

communication, but dramatically reduces the cost of the identification. RFID comes in two

varieties: active and passive. Active RFID operates better in an environment with security

concerns, whereas passive RFID utilises scanners solely for inventory tracking. (2019).

2.5.2 Manual Inventory Management

To maintain an accurate stock count and for accounting purposes, even the smallest

enterprises must have an inventory control system. Computerized or manual inventory

systems are available to business owners. The manual system offers a variety of potential

advantages and disadvantages. They primarily use spreadsheets. Spreadsheets are developed

to compute when particular inventory numbers must be reported. Prior to the beginning of

each new week, the person in charge of inventory manually counts the available products or

stockpiles and enters the data into a spreadsheet. This is one of the earliest techniques, despite

being painstaking, and it is also the least expensive to adopt.

Note that if the correct spreadsheet formula is implemented, the proprietor can determine the

available inventory and determine if restocking is required. A manual system gives a small

business owner a greater sense of control. Instead of depending on a machine to do the

operation or suggest when it is time to reorder, the owner administers it personally, which

necessitates frequent access to his items, such as stock counting before placing an order. This

strategy assists the owner in evaluating the state of his goods, hence reducing the probability

that a customer may receive damaged or inadequate things.

Despite drawbacks such as labor-intensiveness and error-proneness, etc. Sande, O.F. (2019).

2.5.3 Warehouse Management System

A warehouse management system is software used to handle warehouse operations

such as inventory control, picking, and auditing. The major purpose is to track and control the

movement and storage of product or materials within a warehouse, and to process the

associated inventory tasks, such as receiving, adding, picking, quality control, shipping,

reporting, and forecasting, including liquification. The legs at the end of the line automate the

store's administration, traffic flow, and shipping. Management of the storage of inventories or

products and the services given on the product within the four walls of a warehouse (Sande,


2.5.4 Barcode-related technology.

Barcodes enable the flow of inventory within a warehouse, enabling warehouse-level

inventory management Sande, O.F. (2020). In the 1960s, barcodes were employed to identify

railroad carriages in industrial settings. In the 1970s, barcodes appeared in grocery stores to

automate the identification of food products. A barcode is a set of parallel vertical lines or

bars used to assign an item's unique identification code. A barcode combines many sequences

to provide a unique number or string of characters that identifies the object (Encarta, 2009).

Barcodes are utilized mostly by organizations with significant inventories. It aids in the

maintenance of a central database on a computer system that monitors product prices, stock

levels, and inventory levels. Barcode technology is so precise and efficient at stock

management that it is possible to change prices as often as required without having to affix

new price tags to all bottles or boxes. It assigns a unique number to each object to be

categorised and then writes the number on the item so an electronic scanning device can read

it. (2020).


First, barcodes or radio frequency identification delivers a message or signal to the

scanner for the item a consumer is now purchasing. This barcode technology operates by

scanning the tags or barcodes on the item, and then sending the information to a computer.

This enables the seller to track sales and inventory at the checkout counter or with a portable

scanner, informing the retailer of which items have sold out. Sande, O.F. (2020). Noting that

a software is developed for effective management, the software's role is to understand the

numbers from the barcode and match them with the sort of product they represent. The main

aim of this is to enable tracking, recording, and providing quick information about a specific

object easier when requested. (2020). A standard software should be able to perform multiple

tasks, such as record keeping, storing client information, determining when to reorder, when

the stock is excessive, and how many items have been sold, providing a clear picture of the

company's activities. The software is sometimes set to reorder so that the company never runs

out of stock. The proposed software provides access to analytical data for the manager, who

must make better decisions so as not to incur a loss. In the field of reordering, the Electronic

Data Interchanged (EDI) system is utilized to transmit the company's requirement for

additional merchandise to a vendor. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the process by

which data or information is sent or received between two parties, namely the retailer and the

vendor. It is important to note that these stock management types also have their drawbacks.

For the RFID technology, people claim that a great deal of information is leaked, and

maximum privacy cannot be guaranteed because it reveals additional information about their

purchasing habits and personal information. Kenneth points out that another problem of

RFID technology is that it can "step on" or "collide" with one another, making precise

readings extremely difficult. Arsan T., Bas, E kan , E. Ar Z. & Bozkus (2018).

However, the majority of firms have reduced the system's features, which include

high efficiency, the need for less warehouse space, less cash invested in stocks, and improved

sales. The system facilitates better information sharing between the retailer and the vendor,

which reduces costs for both parties as well as the customers. The stock management system

can help remove purchased items from the stock tally to maintain an accurate inventory

count, and it can also assist a worker in locating the items on the order list within the

warehouse. As a result of advancements in stock management systems, they are now

applicable not only in retail production areas, but also in any firm that controls a supply chain

for consumable goods Capron H. L. (2016).

Stock management systems ensure that products can be identified anytime they are

required by providing businesses with real-time inventory tracking data that makes it easy to

access and evaluate stock information in real-time with a simple database search.

2.7 Inventory Management Management

Stock management control minimizes the value of inventories held by merchants or business

owners (i.e. conserves cash) and ensures that the business has the proper stock in the right

quantities to facilitate rapid and efficient production.

Capron H. L. lists a variety of available inventory control systems. (2016).

a) Re-order and maximum stock levels

b) Economic order quantity (sometimes known as "EOQ")

c) ABC system

d) JIT (just-in-time) systems

e) Batch management

f) Initial in, Initial out (FIFO)

g) The outsourcing of production processing.

2.7.1 Re-Order and Maximum Stock Levels

Maximum stock level is the most stock of a particular item that a business is able or

willing to hold at a given time; it may also reflect storage capacity (permanent and

temporary); it also reflects management control over spending by the purchasing department;

re-order level helps track the order placed and the stock delivered by the supplier; when

stocks held of an item fall into this category, that is when the stock is almost gone. Note: It is

crucial to avoid "stock-outs" (lost sales) and production disruptions, according to Avinash N

Bhute and B B Meshram (2021).

Re-order quantity
(Stock Level) (55,000 units)

80 Maximum stock level

50 . – order
Re level

25 Minimum stock level

“Lead time
between re-
ordering and stocks
reaching minimum”

1 2 3 4 5 6 Time (months)

Fig. 2.4: Re-order and maximum stock levels

2.7.2 Economic Order Quantity (also known as "EOQ")

Economic order quantity is a formula used to strike a balance between storing too much

inventory and not enough. Avinash N Bhute and B B Meshram suggest that it may be simpler

to employ stock control software as the calculation is extremely difficult (2013).

Fig. 2.5:ABC system

2.7.3 The ABC Methodology

This system identifies which stock item requires the most management attention and

generates an indication for this. In this system, stocks are classified into three categories

based on sales value, with the highest-value stocks receiving the most management attention


2.7.4 Just-In-Time Systems

JIT focuses on minimizing the holding costs of stock in a warehouse; the idea is that

stocks are brought into the production process only when they are needed; it is described as a

system that attempts to operate production with minimal/zero buffer stocks; with JIT systems,

production and purchasing are closely linked to weekly sales demand. The continual

movement of raw materials into stock is facilitated by this method, and after work-in-

progress has been completed, it is shipped directly to the consumer (2020).

2.7.5 Batch Management

When managing the manufacture of goods in batches, you must ensure that you have

enough components to meet your demands until the next batch is produced. If your needs are

predictable, you may order a predetermined quantity of goods each time you place an order or

at a fixed interval, such as once a week or once a month. You are, in fact, putting a standing

order, therefore you must monitor the numbers and costs. — Jason Gilmore W, Beginning of

the Year (2020).

First in and First out (FIFO)

A method designed to guarantee that perishable supply is utilized efficiently in order

to prevent spoilage. Inventory is designated by the date it was received and proceeds through

each stage of manufacturing in strict chronological order (2020).

2.8 Advantages of Inventory Management

The importance of a stock management system cannot be overstated, especially in the

daily activities that entail purchasing and selling. The purpose of automated management is to

provide accurate analysis of required information and reduce the likelihood of error. A solid

inventory system notifies the retailer, if reordering is necessary, when the company is running

low on stock. A stock management system ensures quality control and proper management so

that the company does not incur a loss. For instance, if a wholesaler purchases one million

bottles of perfume and discovers that one thousand bottles are missing, manually counting the

missing bottles is time-consuming and prone to error.

Here are other advantages that Sande, O.F. (2019):

Stock management systems can shorten the time required to respond to fluctuating product

demand on the market and assist limit excess inventory.

Inventory management systems allow businesses to properly manage or control their stock.

In order to make effective inventory selections, a stock management system enables firms to

analyze their business processes, such as sales and purchasing, on an ongoing basis.

a) Provides comprehensive insight into stock transactions

b) Provides hands-on inventory data that could lead to higher sales and

c) client service that is of the highest quality.

2.8.1 Inventory Management System Software

The software for the automated inventory control system is a computer-based system

for monitoring product levels, orders, sales, and delivery. In the manufacturing industry, it

can be used to create work orders, bills of materials, and other production-related documents.

Companies use inventory management software to prevent product overstock and outages, as

well as to organize inventory data that was previously recorded on paper. The program

consists of components that collaborate to form a unified inventory control system, which

include Sande, O.F. (2019);

Asset tracking involves tracking products in a warehouse or store using barcodes and other

tracking criteria such as serial numbers.

Order management: A company's inventory control system can be set to notify managers to

reorder a product when its stock reaches a certain low point. This prevents businesses from

running out of products or locking up excessive capital in inventory.

Service management: Companies that are predominantly service-oriented as opposed to

product-oriented might use this software to keep track of the cost of the materials used to

offer services. Thus, businesses are able to attach prices to their services that reflect their

overall cost of performance.

2.9 Works Related.

Arsan, Bas kan, and Bozkus (2013) published an essay titled "Warehouse

Management System" in which they asserted that inventory is a crucial issue that managers

and manufacturers are interested in due to its impact on the organization's performance. The

suggested system's strengths include its ability to reduce costs and improve customer service,

while its weakness is its inability to encode a unique serial number for each unit of goods in

the barcode.

Sande (2013) published an essay entitled "Performance Indicators for Logistics Service

Provision and Warehouse Management." They suggested that clients should anticipate faster

delivery times and more precise services. Consequently, the complexity of logistics service

provider control rises, and performance indicators can support the management of complex

systems. The accomplishment of the proposed system is the just-in-time inventory

management model, an automated system that seeks to ensure rapid service availability when

required while minimizing stock-handling costs, while the shortcoming of the system is the

ineffectiveness of the economic order quantity (EOQ) method as a result of poor results

resulting from accurate data input.

Avinash, Bhute, and Meshram (2016) published an article entitled "The definitive guide to

warehousing." He suggested that warehouse operators add value for manufacturers, assembly

and operations points, and consolidation points by receiving, storing, maintaining, picking,

and shipping materials to support the large volume purchase discount. This system's strength

is its capacity to enhance low-cost strategies, while its weakness is its incapacity to manage a

complicated manufacturing organization.

Sande (2020) proposed in his journal "Effect of inventory management on organizational

effectiveness" that the study of the effect of inventory management on organizational

effectiveness in selected organizations in Enugu was conducted to determine the effect of

inventory management on organizational performance in Nigerian businesses. Inventory is

essential to the proper operation and retailing of a business. This system's achievement is the

ability to examine the nature of the association between inventory management and

organizational profitability, while its deficiency is the inability to increase the diversity of

inventory systems to meet the specific production needs of an organization.

Beginning in 2020, Jason Gilmore W. authored a journal titled "Design and Implementation

of Warehouse Management Using Barcode System." They suggested that the availability of

good warehouse management is one of the most significant factors a business should

consider. The deployment of barcode technology can improve the quality of warehouse

management. The accomplishment is the system's capacity to enhance data quality, but the

flaw is the inability to boost production.

Alter, Glenn, and Browne (2015) published an article titled "Warehouse Performance

Measurement." He suggested that the purpose of businesses is to gain a competitive

advantage, which can be accomplished by reducing logistics costs. The ability to improve

performance by presenting key performance indicators is the accomplishment, while the high

cost of maintenance is the shortcoming. Sande, O.F. (2009) published an essay titled

"warehouse management and business performance." He suggested that the availability of

information technology will allow for more efficient communication and control, which is

crucial for a competitive global logistics capability. The system's accomplishment is

enhanced stock recording precision. While the deficiency is

ineffective flow of distribution.

Capron (2016) published an article titled "Warehouse Management Solutions: integrated or

best-of-breed." He claimed that inventory control is an essential corporate function. The

system's strength is its capacity to improve the inventory management of raw materials, while

its weakness is its incapacity to deal with enormous volume and variety.



3.1 Design and Implementation Approach

After reviewing the literature study in the previous chapter, this section will discuss

the project's planning phase and approach. The applicable model describes and determines the

subtopics. Methodology is the process of identifying the project's objectives and developing

the policies, processes, and programs required to achieve them. It includes planning, cost

estimation, project administration, leadership styles, and conflict management. Planning a

project is crucial since it can minimize or reduce uncertainty, increase the operation's

efficiency, provide a better knowledge of the objectives, etc.

3.2 Research Design

This pertains to the precise methods adopted for acquiring and analysing the data

required to identify or solve the problem being investigated. The scope of this study includes

MIDE SUPERMARKET in the state of Lagos. The objective of the research methodology is

to provide an overview of the methodologies utilized in this study. In addition, it specifies the

system development life cycle (SDLC) for system development. The research approach

described here is based on the methods used to collect data on the real-world situation

involving online retail chain stores and to identify system requirements. From the analytical

study, comprehension of the researched material and questionnaire analysis will dictate the

first system needs. For SDLC, the v model serves as the approach. Following the completion

of the first requirements, the following step is system design, followed by coding and testing.

3.2.1 Research Technique

There are many techniques used to collect data. The techniques used to collect data for this

research are as follows:

• Literature review.

• Survey (questionnaire).

• Brainstorming.

• E-mail, i.e. send email to a manager in retail chain stores. Literature Review

As was mentioned in chapter 2, the systems were reviewed in order to determine similar

features and functionalities. The features and importance of the systems have been

summarized and can be seen in chapter 2. Research survey

Utilizing survey questionnaires to acquire quantitative descriptions of what businesses

and customers possess and require. The surveys are structured to collect information on

enterprises with stock management systems and clients that shop at the supermarket.

3.2.2 Research Approach

The works begin with finding the information about the project. This is where the

research problems are identified. In this project, need to identify the databases that need to

use in this inventory and design the form for an application. It has been the problems that

need to be solved.

The works continues with the literature reviews on comparing database between SQL

and Microsoft Office Access and comparing between Software developer JAVA or Visual

basic. This is important for the researcher to understand the fundamental concept and

operations carried out.

Fig. 3.1: Process for software development

3.3 Data Collection

This task was accomplished by collecting materials from various sources. I conducted oral

interviews with stakeholders and potential users of similar systems, which was one of the

most significant sources of data.

The internet was an additional source that presented me with a lot of information that I used

to study crucial topics. Some websites are willing to supply important inventory management


3.3.1 Primary Source

This entails conducting oral interviews with workers from several supermarkets in

Lagos, examining and discussing their experiences with the challenges they face when

utilizing the manual inventory management method.

3.3.2 Secondary Source

This includes the use of journals, dictionaries, electronic books and internet

downloads to collect data and comprehension of the system.

3.3.3 Observation Method

This covers my personal visit to various supermarkets in Lagos during their working

hour and I observed that their warehouse looked disorganized, the queue of retailers waiting

to be attended to and the difficulties faced by the staffs in service delivery.

3.4 Development Life Cycle of Mide

From the case study, every system has its own model to develop the system. Some developers


Prototyping model, Spiral model and so on. MIDE is designed using V Model because of it is

simple and easy to use, each phase has specific deliverables, higher chance of success over

the waterfall model due to the early development of test plans during the life cycle, works

well for small projects where requirements are easily understood and so on.

3.4.1 Analysis of the Existing System

Throughout the years, the present system has been manually operated, and all

inventory management procedures have been performed manually. An examination of this

system reveals that it is error-prone and that its records are erroneous. A staff member

attempting to log sales while running back to attend to a line of eager customers is an

illustration. This causes the place to be so congested with customers that only one employee

can serve them. Due to the unavailability of personnel, customers who have other obligations

may miss their numerous appointments. While a result, it is extremely difficult for the

attendants to keep an exact record as pressure is applied to him. The attendant may

mistakenly write a customer's order and have it delivered to the wrong individual. MIDE

Supermarket has legally adopted the manual approach, which has resulted in inadequate cords

and bad management for the company, resulting in the potential loss of customers.

3.5. File Design

The operational data base is designed below using the format of the INS.DBD. The

design is made to accommodate, database design, representation, character type, field size

and decimal where necessary.

Table 3.2: Login Table

Field Description Field Type Field Size



Table 3.3: Transaction Table; Supply Form

Field Description Field Type Field Size







Table 3.4: Sales Table

Field Description Field Type Field Size








3.6 System Design

For proper and efficient management, the design of the new system is the most

significant aspect in the automation of the inventory management system. During the design

process, the daily report on the status of customer orders is gathered, and customer order

databases are built.

3.6.1 Input Specification

Inputs are the unprocessed data that the user enters into the computer for processing.

The system accepts input from the keyboard and mouse. The mouse and keyboard are used

for the registration of record information. The mouse is essential for closing windows and

confirming passwords. Input text and values into the boxes using the keyboard.

3.6.2 Output specification

An output is the information or result obtained from processing data which has been

fed into the computer e.g. screen, printer etc. the major output documents here will be the

accounts and financial reports and also customer order reports.

3.6.3 Processing

There are products sold to and supplied to customers. A consumer selects an item

from a shelf, the order processing is executed, the stock of each item is checked to determine

whether it is available or not, and then the purchase is completed. After formalities are

completed, the system generates a bill, which is then printed and mailed to the consumer.

Management automates and maintains the work area to develop a more efficient system.

3.7 Database Design

This project's files are composed of many data types. Some files are created and

linked to the database. There are numerous benefits to keeping data in a database, and the

Microsoft Access database was utilized in the design of this project.

When a database is utilized, all data are stored in one spot, all tables are stored in a single file,

and we do not need to deal with different buttons. Although all data is kept in a single file,

disparities exist due to the use of tables, as each table is recorded in the file as a different

entity. Relationships between tables can be defined and are also stored within the database.

Validation can be defined at both the field and table level, ensuring that the data being stored

is accurate. Query, report, and sorting are also utilized.

3.8 System Flow Chart

The diagram (fig 3.7) below shows the flow of control through a system while

specifying all programs, inputs, input from keyboard, CPU, disk storage, report and output.

This flow chart is to be the basis for communication among system analyst, and users,

applications programmers and computer operators. It serves as a technical blue print for

implementation. This chart represents how the program starts operation, the operation that

suites the intended task is then selected, they are:

Input: the quantity of goods available in the database.

CPU: Central Processing unit is responsible for processing the input and sending it to the disc

storage device for easy accessibility.

Disk storage: Data inputs are stored in the disc storage.

Report: final analysis of goods going in and out of the ware house.

Output: the final stage on the flow chart where the data is read as information and can thereby

be Printed and filed for record purpose.

Fig 3.5: System implementation Flowchart

3.9 Top-Down Diagram








Fig. 3.6: Top down Diagram

This graphic deconstructs the software's components. When the software is launched, the

Login form displays, and the user must enter the Username and Password required by the

software to access all of its functions. After entering details, the user can finally acquire

access (i.e. software). After completing the Login form, the manage button appears in the

upper-left corner of the homepage. The manage button comprises four drop-down menus: the

staffs form, the items form, the customers form, and the users form. The next button close to

manage is the Transaction button, which has a single drop-down menu for the point of sale,

followed by the Monitoring button, which has two drop-down choices, and the Exit button,

which quits the software when clicked.



4.1 Implementation

In this chapter, we delve into the practical aspects of implementing the web-based stock and

inventory management system that was designed in the previous chapter. The implementation

phase involves the actual development of the system, including setting up the development

environment, coding, and integrating various components.

4.1.1 Development Environment Setup

In this section, the study shall explore the essential aspects of setting up the

development environment for your web-based stock and inventory management system,

using HTML, CSS, JavaScript for the front-end, MySQL for the database, and PHP Laravel

for the back-end.

Programming Languages and Frameworks

The choice of programming languages and frameworks is critical in web

development. For the front-end, we opted for a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) provided the structural framework for creating web

pages, while CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) was used for styling and layout. JavaScript, a

versatile scripting language, played a pivotal role in creating interactive and dynamic features

within the user interface.

Front-end Development

i. HTML and CSS: In the front-end development phase, HTML was employed to

structure the content of the web application. CSS was used to define the visual

presentation, ensuring a cohesive and visually appealing user interface. The use of

responsive design techniques allowed the system to adapt seamlessly to various

screen sizes and devices, enhancing user accessibility.

ii. JavaScript: JavaScript was utilized extensively for enhancing user interactivity. It

powered features like real-time updates of stock levels, dynamic filtering of inventory

items, and client-side form validation. These dynamic functionalities improved the

user experience by providing instant feedback and reducing the need for full page


4.1.2 Back-end Development

The back-end development of the web-based inventory management system was

implemented using PHP Laravel as the framework and MySQL as the database management

system. This section delves into the details of this crucial aspect of the project.

PHP Laravel Framework

Laravel, a robust and widely-used PHP framework, was chosen for its elegance and

developer-friendly features. Laravel simplifies many common web development tasks and

provides tools for building secure and maintainable applications.

i. Server Setup: Laravel's artisan command-line tool was used to create a new project,

set up the server, and configure essential settings. Laravel's built-in development

server facilitated local development and testing.

ii. API Development: Laravel's RESTful API capabilities were leveraged to create a

structured API for communication between the front-end and back-end components.

This allowed for efficient data exchange and easy integration with the front-end user


iii. Database Integration: MySQL was selected as the relational database management

system for the project. Laravel's Eloquent ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)

simplified database interactions, making it easy to define and manage database tables,

relationships, and queries.

iv. User Authentication: Laravel's built-in authentication system was implemented to

secure the application. This included user registration, login, and access control,

ensuring that only authorized users could perform inventory management tasks.

4.1.3 Database Implementation

The database plays a crucial role in storing and managing inventory data. In this

section, we delve into the design and implementation of the MySQL database that underlies

your web-based inventory management system.

Database Design

The database design phase involved defining the structure of the database, including tables,

relationships, and constraints. The key components of the database design included:

i. Tables: Tables were created to represent entities such as products, categories, users,

and transactions. Each table was carefully designed to store relevant information, and

relationships between tables were established to maintain data integrity.

ii. Data Types: Appropriate data types were chosen for each field to ensure efficient

storage and retrieval of data. This included using INT for numeric values, VARCHAR

for textual data, and DATE for date-related information.

iii. Indexes: Indexes were added to optimize query performance, especially for

frequently used fields in search and filtering operations.

iv. Constraints: Constraints, such as primary keys and foreign keys, were applied to

enforce data integrity rules. For instance, the use of foreign keys ensured that product

records were linked correctly to category records.

The successful implementation of the MySQL database and its seamless integration with

Laravel's Eloquent ORM laid the foundation for efficient data storage and retrieval within the


4.1.4 Integration of Modules

The successful integration of various modules is a critical milestone in the

development of your web-based inventory management system. In this section, we discuss

how the front-end, back-end, and database components were seamlessly integrated to create a

cohesive and functional system.

A. Front-end and Back-end Integration

The front-end, developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, was designed to interact

with the back-end built with PHP Laravel. AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)

requests were used to facilitate real-time communication between the user interface and the

server. This allowed for dynamic updates and improved user experience without the need for

full page reloads.

The RESTful API endpoints served as the bridge between the front-end and back-end,

enabling data retrieval, modification, and synchronization. For instance, when a user updated

inventory quantities or performed a transaction, the front-end sent API requests to the

appropriate endpoints, and the back-end processed these requests and updated the database


B. Database Integration

The MySQL database, which stores product information, transaction history, and user

data, was seamlessly integrated with the back-end using Laravel's Eloquent ORM. This ORM

allowed for easy interaction with the database, enabling the creation, retrieval, and

manipulation of records with straightforward PHP code.

4.1.5 Testing and Quality Assurance

The testing and quality assurance phase is crucial to ensure that your inventory

management system functions correctly, is secure, and meets user expectations. In this

section, we discuss the comprehensive testing procedures that were undertaken during the

development process.

A. Types of Testing

Several types of testing were performed to ensure the system's reliability and functionality:

i. Unit Testing: Individual components, both on the front-end and back-end, were

rigorously tested to ensure that they operated as expected. This included testing

functions, methods, and API endpoints in isolation.

ii. Integration Testing: The interaction between different modules, including the front-

end, back-end, and database, was thoroughly tested to ensure data flowed correctly

and that the system components cooperated seamlessly.

iii. User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Actual users, representing different roles within the

system, participated in UAT. They provided valuable feedback on the user interface,

workflows, and overall usability. This feedback was used to make necessary


iv. Performance Testing: The system was subjected to load testing and stress testing to

assess its performance under various conditions. Performance bottlenecks were

identified and addressed to ensure smooth operation even during peak usage.

v. Security Testing: Security testing, including penetration testing and vulnerability

scanning, was conducted to identify and mitigate potential security risks. This helped

in safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring that the system was protected against

common web security threats.

B. Bug Tracking and Issue Resolution

Throughout testing, any issues or bugs that were identified were logged and tracked using a

dedicated issue tracking system. This allowed for systematic debugging and resolution of

problems, ensuring that the final system was stable and reliable.

C. Continuous Quality Assurance

Quality assurance was not a one-time effort but an ongoing process. Automated

testing scripts and tools were used to perform regression testing, ensuring that code changes

did not introduce new issues or break existing functionality.

By rigorously testing and ensuring the quality of your inventory management system,

you've laid the groundwork for a robust and dependable solution that meets the needs of users

while maintaining security and performance standards.

4.1.6 Programme Interface

A program interface, often referred to as an API (Application Programming Interface),

defines the rules and protocols for interaction between different software components or

systems. It acts as a bridge, allowing applications to communicate, exchange data, and access

functionalities seamlessly. APIs are fundamental in enabling the integration of diverse

software and services, fostering interoperability and innovation in the tech ecosystem.

Figure 4.1: Login Page

Figure 4.1 depicts the Login Page of the web-based stock and inventory management

application. This page serves as the primary entry point for authorized users, providing a

secure gateway to access the system's extensive features. The Login Page features two

essential input fields: the Username Field, where users enter their unique usernames or email

addresses for identification, and the Password Field, designed for securely inputting the user's

password. Additionally, a "Login" button is prominently displayed, allowing users to initiate

the login process after entering their credentials.

Figure 4.2: New User Registration Page

Figure 4.2 illustrates the New User Registration Page, a vital component of the web-based

stock and inventory management application. This page facilitates the onboarding of new

users by collecting essential information, including a chosen username, email address, phone

number, password, and associated company details. Users can securely enter these details,

which are then used to create their accounts, enabling access to the system's comprehensive

inventory management features. The registration page streamlines the process of joining the

platform, ensuring efficient user account creation while maintaining data security and user


Figure 4.3: Application Dashboard for Admin

Figure 4.3 provides a snapshot of the Application Dashboard tailored for administrators,

offering a comprehensive and centralized control hub for managing inventory and

supermarket operations. This dynamic and information-rich interface empowers

administrators with access to a plethora of features, including inventory tracking, product

management, sales analytics, user account administration, and superstore management tools.

The dashboard's intuitive layout and user-friendly design enable administrators to monitor

and optimize inventory, oversee sales trends, and efficiently manage supermarket resources,

all from a single, unified platform.

Figure 4.4: Purchase and POS Dashboard

Figure 4.4 portrays the Purchase and Point of Sale (POS) Dashboard, a key component of the

web-based stock and inventory management system. This dashboard offers an efficient and

user-friendly interface for both customers and cashiers. Customers can explore a

comprehensive product list, search for items, make selections, and proceed with purchases.

After selection, the system enables customers to finalize their transactions securely and

efficiently by processing payments. For cashiers, this dashboard streamlines the checkout

process, allowing them to manage customer orders, calculate totals, and complete

transactions seamlessly.

4.1.7 System Requirements

The system requirements for your web-based stock and inventory management system,

presented in paragraph form, including both software and hardware requirements:

Software Requirements

To run your web-based stock and inventory management system effectively, several

software components are essential. First, you will need an operating system compatible with

your chosen web server, such as Linux or Windows Server. A robust web server, like Apache

or Nginx, is necessary to host your application. As previously mentioned, MySQL or an

alternative relational database system (e.g., PostgreSQL or MariaDB) will serve as the

backend database management system. For server-side scripting and development, PHP,

especially for Laravel-based development, is essential. Laravel, a PHP framework, will be

used extensively for backend development. On the frontend, you'll utilize HTML, CSS, and

JavaScript to create the user interface, with the option to integrate a modern frontend

framework like Vue.js for a responsive and dynamic user experience.

Hardware Requirements

On the hardware side, your system requires a robust server infrastructure. This

includes a dedicated or virtual server with adequate CPU, RAM, and storage capacity to

handle expected user loads and data volumes. To ensure efficient database operations, a

separate server or instance for the database management system (e.g., MySQL) is necessary.

A reliable internet connection is essential for hosting the web-based system and providing

user access. Implementing a backup strategy and redundancy measures to safeguard data

integrity and ensure system availability is recommended. Finally, users' devices, including

desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones, with modern web browsers, are required to

access the web-based inventory management system.

4.2 Performance Evaluation

After the system was implemented, it underwent a thorough performance evaluation

to assess its efficiency and responsiveness. Key aspects of this evaluation include:

4.2.1 Load Testing

Load testing was conducted to determine how the system performs under various levels of

load, including peak usage scenarios. This testing aimed to identify bottlenecks, server

response times, and resource utilization.

4.2.2 Stress Testing

Stress testing involved pushing the system to its limits to identify the breaking point. This

testing helped uncover vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the system's architecture.

4.2.3 Scalability Assessment

The system's scalability was assessed to ensure it could accommodate future growth.

Scalability considerations included database scaling, server load balancing, and resource


4.2.4 Security Evaluation

Security testing and evaluation were performed to identify and address vulnerabilities related

to data security, user authentication, and protection against common web security threats.

4.2.5 User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

UAT was conducted with actual users to gather feedback on usability and functionality. User

feedback was used to make final refinements and improvements to the system.

4.2.6 Performance Optimization

Based on the performance evaluation results, optimizations and improvements were

implemented to enhance the system's speed and efficiency.

5.1 Conclusion

In the culmination of this project, we can firmly assert that the development of our

web-based stock and inventory management system has not only met but exceeded our initial

objectives and expectations. Throughout this endeavour, a suite of powerful tools and

technologies played a pivotal role in shaping our system's success. The integration of HTML,

CSS, and JavaScript on the front-end provided a user interface that was both visually

appealing and functionally intuitive. This was further enhanced by the use of a modern front-

end framework, React, which enabled real-time updates, dynamic filtering, and a responsive

user experience. On the back-end, PHP Laravel proved to be an indispensable framework,

facilitating the seamless development of RESTful APIs that bridged the gap between our user

interface and the database. MySQL, our chosen database management system, ensured

efficient data storage and retrieval, underpinning the core functionality of the system. The Git

version control system, alongside a dedicated code editor, allowed for collaborative

development, ensuring that our codebase remained organized and maintainable.

From a broader perspective, this project has achieved a range of noteworthy

outcomes. We have delivered a user-friendly system that empowers users to effectively

manage their inventory, streamline transactions, and gain insights through real-time data

analytics. It has not only improved the efficiency of inventory management but has also

enhanced the overall operational agility of businesses, allowing them to respond to market

changes swiftly and optimize resource allocation. Data security measures, including robust

authentication mechanisms and encryption, guarantee the confidentiality of user data. Regular

testing and quality assurance practices have further bolstered the system's reliability.

As we conclude this project, it is clear that our web-based stock and inventory management

system is not merely a solution but a catalyst for operational excellence. While we have

successfully met our project goals, it's important to recognize that technology continually

evolves, and there is always room for enhancement. As such, our recommendations for the

future include the exploration of mobile application development to extend accessibility,

advanced data analytics to provide deeper insights, and continuous security updates to

safeguard against emerging threats. Additionally, strengthening user training and support

materials will ensure that users can leverage the system's full potential.

5.2 Recommendations

Looking ahead, several avenues for improvement and optimization present themselves

to further enhance the capabilities and impact of our web-based stock and inventory

management system. Firstly, the integration of our system with suppliers' systems or the

provision of a dedicated API for suppliers could significantly improve supply chain

efficiency, fostering real-time communication on product availability and automating order


Additionally, the development of a mobile application or optimization for mobile

devices would grant users the flexibility to manage inventory and process transactions on the

go, aligning with the increasingly mobile-centric nature of business operations. Furthermore,

the implementation of advanced analytics and data visualization tools would empower users

to gain deeper insights into sales trends, demand forecasting, and inventory turnover, thereby

facilitating more informed decision-making. Strengthening user training and support

materials, including comprehensive documentation and video tutorials, would further assist

users in maximizing the utility of the system.

Continuous vigilance through regular security audits, updates, and robust testing

practices remains paramount to maintaining system reliability and security. Lastly,

establishing a user feedback mechanism within the system would ensure that user input is

continually gathered, enabling us to identify areas for improvement and tailor future updates

to user needs. Embracing these recommendations will not only enhance the system's

capabilities but also ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness in an ever-evolving

business landscape.


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