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Mörk Manual

The Classic Fantasy Hack For Mörk Borg

Shadows without light

reach for the tower of bone
where HE will one day
sit enthroned.

By Rodney Rickrode
I never expected to do a book like this. I was
Writer & Interior Art thinking I’d be doing a small supplement, a few
Rodney Rickrode classes, a couple of tweaks to the rules, and drop it
and let it go. Once I got started though, things just
Editor started picking up steam. Then the ideas came
Wayne Canepa pouring out. A re-imagined world using the same
foundation from MÖRK BORG, but tweaked with a
Cover Art few hopefully original-ish takes on some not so
Scott Cherry original ideas. What started at six pages, and was going to finish at eight, went to ten, twenty, then
30, and kept going. At a certain point I needed to
Special thanks to my wife and kids. stop, so I set a deadline for myself. Finish, edit, and
You are the fuel that keeps me going.
put it out there. I am happy with where this landed
Thank you Ross, Jason, and the Kickstarter backers and I hope you like it too.
that made the book possible. You all rock!
This is the hack I wanted, and when I couldn’t find
Copyright © 2023 Rodney Rickrode. it, I made it. If you want something that isn’t out
All Rights Reserved. there yet, you should go for it too! It’s a wonderful
time to be a gamer. Take a couple of minutes and
ISBN: 979-8-88861-005-3 reflect on how lucky we are to live in this golden
age of gaming. Any idea has a game or two already,
Mörk Manual is an independent production by
and for those that don’t, the tools to make one are
Rodney Rickrode and is not affiliated with Ockult easily accessible and easy to use. It’s the best it has
Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is ever been and keeps getting better every day.
published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.
Thank you for checking this out!
MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games
and Stockholm Kartell. Booger Goblin
Fear not, Pea
sa nts! The Dark Lord Is Coming 7
The Dark Lord’s Prophecy 10
Chapter 1: Characters 12
Abilities 13
Classes 14
Weapons 36
Armor 39
Chapter 2: The Rules 40
Reactions 42
Combat 44
Carrying Stuff 53
Getting Better 54
Chapter 3: Equipment 59
Chapter 4: Hirelings And Henchmen 64
Chapter 5: Powers 72
Corruption 74
Wizard Scrolls 76
Priest Scrolls 80

o r t - of Druid Scrolls 82

The s
Chapter 6: Things To Encounter 84
Creatures A-Z 86
Stat Blocks 86

Creatures By Threat 128
Chapter 7: Artifacts 131
Special Treasure Table 132

D10 More Consumables 134
Intelligent Weapons 136
Chapter 8: The Journey Begins 138

a r ri v ed ! Encounters
Vagabond Skills
Universal Skills
Reference 156
Millennia ago the GALGEN family dwarven kings, council of elves,
laid roots at a confluence of and halfling mayors to build a
mountain streams. Those roots league of free nations.
grew deep and the harvest
bountiful. The beck and it’s Then the STRANGER came to
surrounding land grew from a GALGEN'S BECK. He accepted the
handful of homes into the most trials of the wizard’s school
prosperous city in the VALE. and surpassed all others in the
strength of his POWER. He would
Centuries later, the BORDER WARS go on to became counselor to
ended in a treaty and the VALE the GALGEN KING and his trusted
knew peace. Orcs, goblins, and friend.
more fearsome creatures were
routed beyond the mountains, Then came the days of orcs and
and vigilance kept the people free goblins once more. Their armies
to prosper. poured through the mountain
passes and overran the border
It was a time of growth and fortresses. Nowhere in the VALE
learning. Wizards discovered was out of their reach. Fell
many secrets and built schools beasts came with the goblins
in every kingdom. The people and were their cavalry, while
harnessed magic; halflings for wyverns and dragons guarded
farming, dwarves to craft items them from above. The free
of POWER, and elves to nurture people were free no more.
nature. Over time, all people
could touch some amount of The STRANGER went with the line
POWER, albeit most only able to of GALGEN and the other rulers of
do minor things: sharpening a the VALE to assail the goblin
scythe, mending a torn shirt, or army on the field of battle.
repairing a cracked wagon The conflict to come is what
wheel. The most powerful we now call the TRAITOR'S WAR.
magics, those able to control
life itself, were still exceedingly When the armies met, the
rare. clamor was heard in every
corner of the VALE. As the
In those early days the line of moment of victory was at
GALGEN was strong. Its eldest son hand, the STRANGER betrayed the
led the kingdom which grew GALGEN KING, slaying him with foul
outward from the city. The magic. He joined the side of the
GALGEN KING worked with the invaders and made it known
that he was their leader and
architect of the invasion.

The stranger undid the spells he

had crafted for the Galgen KING.
The tower he helped craft, the
The free people had all bent
their will, from the most minor
of ability to the most powerful,
and the Power was burned out of
all. The vale survived, but its
chief kingdom had lost its ruling
Galgenspire, trembled. 100 stories line, and magic had faltered and
tall and sitting in the heart of failed.
Galgen’s beck, the people fled in
terror. The wizards who had The power came again, but the
not gone to war gathered many schools of magic and champions
to them, and when the tower of its knowledge were unable to
began to fall, they unleashed
their power to soften its
guide those individuals who felt
the gift. No longer able to pull
Kergüs, frozen tundra to the north and
landing. Few citizens were hurt, the power from inside themselves, realm of the savage Queen of Frost.
but the tower lay toppled across these new wizards carried theirs
written in spellbooks and scrolls.
arkash, to
the city - the city we now
Forest of S nd home
know as Galgenwreck. The hope of raising a new Bergen Chr
pinnacle in Galgenwreck was dead. mountains ypt, the
With the Galgen King dead, his
west and f in the far the east a es.
to the elv
children rallied the surviving A thousand years or more have
warriors and wizards. They gone by. Long ago, the days of the dwarveortress of
gathered the most powerful and enlightenment passed. The leaders s.
skilled for a final assault to slay of the free people quarrel again GRAVEN-TOSK
the stranger. Using their power, and have forgotten the stories of
Wäs tla nd, western Sarkash. He , inside
fallen heroe re, the
the wizards called out for aid. their fathers’ fathers.
All the free peoples heard the kingdom and the s o
call. The citizens of the vale adversaries of long ago now walk
lands surrounding Traitor's Wa f the
entombed. r lie
stopped their work and bent the vale and rumors of the Dark
their minds to snuffing out the Lord's second coming are
spreading. His heralds have
Lake Onda.
traitor's heart-fire.
crossed the mountains to sing his
In the end, the free people
prevailed, but at great cost.
praise and prepare the way for
the dark Lord to ascend his throne. Palace of the Dark Lord, Galgenwreck, capitol
Galgen's line was shattered, his They build it now in the heart hidden somewhere in the of the Kingdom of
children dying in the explosion
of Power channeled to vaporize
of his lair, where shadows
without light reach for the
Vale, the place where Tveland and larg
the stranger. While his physical tower of bone where he will one lightless shadows crawl city in the Vale.
form was destroyed, the day sit enthroned. and birds soundlessly sin
stranger's soul had been placed g.
elsewhere. His final words were
heard in the minds of all free Valley of Unfo
people. He would some day return. Undead, site of tunate
GRIFT, free city in th
battle of the Tra e final
the south and home Here the dead stilitlor's War.
of the pirate kings. and Scrolls have a mwalk
ind of
their own.
8 9
Chapter 1 2. ABILITIES
Characters ROLL D4 - D4 (-3 TO +3)
Hand-to-hand combat,
defense, ranged
lifting, and wrestling attacks, balancing
Strength +5 = +1 Damage

1. Some in the Vale belie

DARK LORD is coming. They ththe perception, influence,
HP, endurance,
resisting afflictions
he’s gaining strength an ink
forth his minions. Others d calling †Abilities cannot go above +6 or below -3.
call oblivious, walking you may
worry of the approaching dowith no 3. BACKPACK
kings and rulers of this landom. The †Your backpack holds 7 regular-sized items.
on rumors but petty gr act not See equipment (pg. 59) for details on the items below.
However, their feuds are ievances. Roll D12 and take this Roll D12 for one more
Before setting forth, you ganot yours. 1. crowbar 1. rope of garlic
waterskin and D4 days ther your 2. bedroll 2. 50’ of silk rope
and put them in your back of rations
3. caltrops 3. flask of oil
4. grappling hook 4. a lantern (8 hours fuel)
pack. 5. torches (6) 5. witch's candle
6. 10’ pole 6. snake oil
7. spikes (12) and hammer 7. poison
8. a mirror 8. lockpicks
9. bag of sand 9. silver holy symbol
10. flint and tinder 10. vials of holy water (D3)
11. a shield 11. health draught
12. a dog (trained) 12. a random Lesser Scroll

12 13
You should have rolled D4

minus D4 (D4 - D4) four
times in Step 2. You should
, have 4 different numbers,
defenders each ranging from -3 up to
doomsayer people andof the 0 and as high as +3. Once
use priests and , of attentio center you pick a class, assign
strong in the t prophets w false n. your results to each Ability
of scrolls b . stole Powe o
h as you see fit and modify
them based on the class’
weak in body from a GO r , description.
shepherds of ABILITY OPTION 2
FALLEN, wielders the wild and For less explosive character
of the sword and OUTCASefTen, ders wielders of
Abilities, use the classic bell
curve method instead.
the power. stalwart d
and sworn enemies
of Power. Roll 3D6 four times, and
giants and goblins. tally the results. For each
result, review the chart
below to determine your
RUNT, agile and Ability score. Record them.
small, they use SAVAGE, Then you can discard the
relentless w STARTING HP 3D6 roll tallies. When you
their size as an
and master arriors
Each class has its own pick a class, assign your
starting HP dice. Roll scores to each Ability as
wilderness. of the your starting HP dice
and add your
you see fit and modify
them based on the class’
Toughness modifier, description.
warriors who can thieves and 3 or under -3
use any weapon b ur glars, nimble HP OPTION 2 4-5 -2
or armor. Instead of rolling your 6-8 -1
fingered and HP dice, just take the 9-11
resourceful. max possible result and
add your Toughness.
15-16 +2
17 or more +3
14 15
ts False
vestem e n
ar light
You may w rmor
or medium a Scrolls.
and still use
Once per day, you
may Expend a
D6+Toughness Omens D2
Power and gain an
Omen. Test
Toughness DR12
POWERS D4+Presence
or take D4 You found a god-
damage when
you do.
maybe not the ‘True’
god, but certainly
Unyielding, +1 Toughness.
better than some gods. Unbending tenets, -1
Your devotion has been Agility. Pass the offering
rewarded with a sliver plate: Roll D4 on the
of Power and you've weapon table and D2+1
used it to serve your on the armor table. You
own selfish ends. start with one random
You've embellished your Lesser Priest Scroll and
god's exploits and 3D6x10 silver. You can
added a few false use one-handed weapons,
testimonies to find some light and medium armor,
shields, and Priest Scrolls.
followers for them. But
you were driven out by
rival conmen and now
carry the good Word
Expend a Power: You may
on the road, trying to put your hand on someone
refill those coffers. while praising yourself,
healing them for
Expend a Power: You may repel or destroy
undead within a 30’ radius. Test Presence.
Any undead of DR equal to or less than your
roll will flee from combat. If you exceed their
DR by 4, they are destroyed instead of
18 19
D4 Weapon Qualities,
Only Works for You

Sinewy, +1 Strength. ____ of Stars: this
weapon is made of sky
Stoic -1 Presence. metal. It’s unbreakable.
D10+Toughness D2 Illiterate: you are
Hp incapable of reading
Scrolls. Reroll any Scrolls 2
____ of Light: this
weapon glows like a
POWERS D2+Presence go I’m t
you start with. Suit Up:
Roll D8+4 on the
torch if you will it to.
____ of Omens: this
You have two dependable
pals who are always by your
side, itching for a
YA y!
hi- d gu e
weapon table and D3+1
on the armor table. You
3 weapon grants +1 omen
and points true north if
you will it.
fight, and two old H! begin with 2D6x10 silver.
Vorpal ____: 19 & 20
buddies who help You can use shields and count as critical hits
you flee to safety all weapons and armor. with this weapon.
when your pals get
you into trouble.
Coup de grace
Anytime you hit and deal
more damage than the
You're target has HP, you may
skilled apply the excess damage
at physical to a target of your choice
combat and,
while you may within reach.

Low blow
not be the best,
you’re still alive.
For now.
Expend a Power: if your
We’re next attack is successful,
Doomed. the target is stunned for
D3 rounds.

throw sand
Expend a Power: you can
attack 3 times this round
but with a -4 penalty.
28 29
VAGABOND Expend a Power: If making your
next attack against an unaware
enemy, add D6 to the damage.
Hp D6+Toughness Omens D2
SYoliucecan & D ic e
POWERS D2+Presence fight with
any D6 damage
Once upon a time, there was a knight in weapon and a
shining armor. He spit on you as he rode by dagger. Your
your hovel. Now, you use your wits and your attack has a
-2 penalty.
skills to spit back. You take what you need Roll D6 for
through cunning, bluffing, and sleight of damage
hand. No one has caught you. Yet. twice.
Keep the
Abilities Self-Made
You recieve a +3 bonus
Scrawny, -1 Strength.
Fast thinker, +1 to Tests to Climb Sheer
Surfaces, Find/Disarm
Presence and Agility. Traps, Hide in Shadows,
Loot the coat room: Pick Locks, Pick
Roll D6 on the Pockets, Listen at
weapon table and D2 Doors, and Move
on the armor table. Silently. See Vagabond
Vagabonds may use Skills, (pg. 144).
light armor and one-
handed weapons, but
not shields. You begin
Knife Work
You always have
with 2D6x10 silver
something sharp
and lock picks. You handy. Test Agility
can use Lesser Wizard DR13 as a free action E
Scrolls only. to produce a dagger your next attack
or improvised shiv. ignores armor.
30 31
Expend a Power: You
commune with worms in
a 300’ radius for 2D10
minutes. While you
commune, the worms
Hp D6+Toughness Omens D2
can tell you about the
location of surface POWERS D3+Presence
activity, subterranean
You stepped out of a tree to
activity, dead bodies,
and nearby disturbances. Abilities
which you spent eternity
bound and cut the cord. Now Lithe, -2 Strength. Tenacious
you inhabit a discarded meat Will, +1 Presence and
suit left behind by a clumsy Toughness. Scavenger: Roll
human. You’re alien and D3 on the weapon table and
despair frightening in demeanor,
often blunt, and frequently
D2 on the armor table. You
Expend a Power: Creatures start with a Scroll of Knots
within 10’ of you Test brutal. However, the longer in the Bark. You can use
you stay in human guise, the Druid Scrolls, light armor,
Morale or are stunned more empathy and emotion
for D3 rounds. Taking shields, and one-handed
you feel. Wurmspeakers have weapons. You begin with
damage ends this effect. one goal, to save Sarkash and 2D6x10 silver.
other wilderness areas from
any more ravages. Your love
Mind grub of plants has led you to pathfinder
Expend a Power and choose consume only meat and You never get lost while
a target. They Test Presence consort with only carnivores. traveling in the wilderness
DR14 or are charmed into Dry-Hads are what the elves and recieve a +3 bonus to
helping you for 2D10 rounds. called you before this body. Hunting Tests.
They will not fight for you.
Undead are immune to this
effect. Specialities Apex Dry-had
1 Hunter: food for D6 people Expend a Power: You
after hunting for D2 hours embrace your wild spirit and
Bloodhound: can track the
Best friends 2
smell of blood anywhere
Loyal: never needs to test
shift into tree form. Your
stats change as follows:
You recruit wolves and Morale +D4
mountain lions as 4 Killer: critical hits on 19-20 D4 Barkskin
henchmen. Follow the 5 Sensitive: wins initiative on 3-6 D8+1
same rules, but with the 6 Keen senses: able to find traps
Specialities listed opposite. Rough tongue: slobbery lick
Both bite for D6 damage. 7 cures infection D6+Presence Rounds
8 Pathfinder: always finds the way

34 35

Roll As Directed In
Your Class Abilities
1) ,
(-D4 DAMAGE, TIER 2) †

. ( )
(- , ) ††
You can choose to break yo k.
shield to ignore one att
† Medium armor, -2 penalty to Agility Tests
excluding Defense. Defense Tests are DR14.
†† , -4 penalty to Agility Tests
excluding Defense. Defense Tests are DR14.
‡ SCROLLS never work when wielding a
zweihänder or wearing medium or heavy
armor, unless another ability says otherwise.
38 39
CRITICALS CRITICAL hitn (N atural 20)st
an Attack Te and deal

AND Roll a 2 0 o
a g e . R e d u ce th e target’s
double da m
or b y 1 T ie r. R o ll a 20 on a

FUMBLES T e st a n d g e t a free attack.

Defen se

Roll a 1 on an Attack Test

and your weapon breaks,
you drop it, or it gets lodged
in something. Roll a 1 on a
Defense Test and you take
double damage and reduce
your Armor Tier by 1. This
does not change the penalty SCROLLS
See Powers
to Agility or the DR to Test (pg. 73)
for Critical
Defense. Armor reduced Hits and
below Tier 1 is destroyed. Fumbles.
48 49

The best way to survive is to tip the
scales of fate in your favor. Making a
plan and being prepared will help. The
chart below can be used as a guide
when attempting to find equipment.

In smaller communities, you may need

to locate individuals that own items and
convince them to part with them
instead of buying them at a store.
Test Presence to find what you need.

Location Common Uncommon Rare Unobtainable

Large City DR- DR- DR14 DR16
City DR- DR- DR16 DR18
Town DR- DR12 DR18 DR20
Village DR12 DR16 DR20 DR22
Hamlet DR16 DR20 DR22 DR24


Item Silver Rarity Item Silver Rarity
Backpack 6s C Mirror 15s U
Barrel 18s C Oil, flask 8s C
Bedroll 4s C Parchment, 1 pg 3s U
Bell 11s C Pickaxe 6s C
Block & tackle 40s C Pole, 10’ 3s C
Candle 1s C Cook set 12s C
Chalk 1s C Ram, portable 16s R
Chest 30s C Rations, 1 day 1s C
Crowbar 8s C Rope, hemp 25’ 4s C
Fishing hook 2s U Rope, silk 50’ 20s U
Fishing net 7s C Sack 3s C
Flint & steel 7s C Sewing kit 7s C
Grappling hook 12s U Spikes, climbing 8s U
Hammer 8s C Sledgehammer 16s C
Ink 20s U Tent 12s C
Ladder 7s C Tools 20s C
Lamp, oil 10s C Torch, 1 hour 2s C
Lantern 12s U Waterskin 4s C
Lock 27s U Whistle 13s U
Manacles 10s U Whetstone 6s C
You aren’t special and A little coin and elbow
they aren’t flocking to Time to talk money. Any
grease will speed up the deviation from 1/2 a share
you. Test Presence once process of hiring. Consult of loot and D4 silver a day
Hire·ling: a person per day to attempt to
locate prospects using the
the table below and changes the odds. You can
assume each action, unless look ahead to Step 4 to
employed to undertake chart below: listed otherwise, takes 3 determine their specialty.
menial work. Paid a days to work, and on When ready, Test Presence
peasant’s pittance, the 3rd day you get the DR12 to try to recruit.
daily. Recruiting Location DR bonus.
Large City DR12 Recruiting Tools Bonus Recruitment Modifiers Bonus
Recent local failure (major) -4
City DR14 Hiring a well-connected Henchmen recently died in
+4 -3
fixer to help (150 silver)
Hench·man: a Town DR16
Consulting with local
your service
Bad local reputation -2
follower prepared r
Village DR18 leaders (guild, watchmen, +3 Public nuisance -1
Hamlet DR20 mayors) (105 silver) Current henchman is from
engage in crime o . Tests equal to the DR bring in 1
Hiring town criers (17 +2 the same town +1

dishonest practices
silver a day for 3 days) Good local reputation +2
prospect. For each point over, an
Visiting social gatherings Offering 100s bonus +3
Paid a stipend and
additional prospect shows up. +1
and asking around (1 day) Recent major accomplishment +4
1/2 a share of loo

64 65
Morale Modifiers Bonus
No share of loot -4
Your Presence score Another henchman died
determines how many on current adventure 1 substance 16 a good cup of
No rations today -2 abuse coffee
henchmen you can have Treated poorly -1 an audience being alone
and what morale bonus ¼ share of loot -1
2 for repetitive
17 to pray at
you confer to them. ½ share of loot +0 snores, but chewing on
Consult the table below. Full share of loot +1 3 will not
admit it
18 chalk
Treated respectfully +1
to steal small hurtful
Small gifts given +2 4
petty objects
Presence Number of Conferred
Score Henchmen Morale Bonus Gifted a magic item +3 recognition
Has been on 2 or more instigating He got a job
≤0 1 0 +4 5 for good 20 conflicts
+1 1 +1 previous adventures work henchin’ for
+2 2 +1 6 to talk in dem murder
3rd person hobos!
+3 2 +2 watching the
+4 3 +2 7
+5 3 +3
Roll a D12 and consult 8 singing while
+6 4 +3 marching
the following list: 9 killing
a fine cooking
Henchmen have HP, 10 pot, worn as
a helmet
Morale, and come with a
1 4 Fingers: able to disarm traps
few quirks, but don’t the player characters find 11 ghosts stories
2 Brute:
have a class like a player able to lift very heavy
objects and carry twice as much complaining
character. That is, unless +2 to sneak if player 12 about their
a party members dies. 3 Burglar: stomach ulcer
characters follow their guidance
Con Man: very convincing, +2 wearing wool
4 on reaction roles when they’re socks
present taking credit
Roll D4-D4 for all four Latchkey Cook: recover an 14 for other
abilities. There is no 5 additional +1 HP when
allocating stats on a 6 Pathfinder: able to find the way
15 you to their
henchman, they are 7 Safe Cracker: +2 to pick locks last employer
applied as rolled.
8 Second-Story Man: able to
scale sheer surfaces
Snatcher: +2 bonus to steal
Roll a D6 + Toughness to 9 a coin purse-sized object off
determine HP.
10 Tainted: knows and can cast
one Lesser Scroll once per day
Tinkerer: able to repair
11 mundane items and armor
Base Morale is 5 + any by 1 Tier
Conferred Morale Bonus. 12 Torchbearer: able to cobble
together a torch and keep it lit
66 67
abrasive 6 curious 11 greedy 16 know-it-all
1 17 lazy
2 anxious 7 disobedient 12 grim
8 emotionless 13 grumpy 18 reckless
3 argumentative 19 scary
4 bad hygiene 9 enthusiastic 14 joker
10 fawning 15 jovial 20 sullen
5 calm
5. Chews shirts 6. Treasure hunter

Roll a D12 and smear on

a face.
7. Very thirsty

a nt y
W ll m
sme ger?
2. Bites

8. Plays with toys 9. Always stares

e n c h m a n c o mes with a
Each h io
ns, water, a pon
sac k , D 4 r a t a
4 on the we
a weapon (Dspecific equipment
10. Petty theft

chart). Any eir specialty is

related to th.
also included 4. Frequent breaks
11. Avid reader 12. Idiot

68 69
You’re responsible for
covering the cost of food,
providing lodgings, and
If a player character
would die and a
henchman is within
Bums that get paid
furnishing equipment. touching distance, they
Money given to may substitute the for menial work.
Consult the union D2,
henchmen for their henchman for their own HP 5, Leather
rules before hiring 7,
service is gone. Expect death. Any henchmen
them. DR12, Morale
them to spend it that see this must Test ling D4
Spear D6 and S
frivolously and recklessly Morale. If they fail, and
as quick as they get it. they will flee. UNION RULES Guards caravan
camp, defensive
1. Hirelings will combat only.
never fight for you
or follow you into
battle, unless you hire HP 3, DR12,
en are in extreme a Soldier.
Extreme Danger - If henchm ect, or if the lights go Morale 5.
danger, subject to a fear eff . They flee if they 2. They don’t go Always runs.
out in a dungeon, Test Morale into dungeons.
fail. Porter, torchbearer
en is killed using the 3. They normally
Sacrifice - If another henchm hmen who witness it have one job, usually excavator, guide.
Sacrifice special rule, any henc
ey will flee. unskilled labor.
Test Morale. If they fail, th
n an adventure is HP 4, DR12,
Adventure Conclusion - Whe ey fail, they leave.
concluded, Test Morale. If th Morale 6.
Always runs.
Armorer, miller,
Don’t forget to give them a name. Also, a blacksmith, doctor,
slightly irritating catchphrase has never hurt Consult the e
anyone. This would be a good time for the
blocks on tices, carpenter, fletcher,
game master to pick a voice for the henchman. right for p ities, miner.
Probably something annoying. Yeah, that one b il
special a tats. The more risk, the
sounds good. Henchman are great opportunities and their s higher the fee. All fees
for roleplaying and fun. paid daily.

70 71
70 71
e r 5 CRITICAL hit (Natural 20)
R S Roll a 20 on a scroll Test and it do
consume a Power use. Any damage or not

healing effects are doubled.

med by
Powers are consu
r scrolls.
items, abilities, o
and items
Finding scrolls
of Power isn’t ea
gs that
They’re not thin
change hands ov
silver. Expect to
favors, services,
we r
other items of Po
in return. Scroll Failure
(Result of 2-11)
Each day, roll for Powers Test Presence DR12 Take D2 damage and
suffer SPELL BURN for Fumble (Natural 1)
as directed in your class. an hour. Roll a 1 on a scroll
Every time you use a Test and the cosmos
scroll or an ability with SPELL BURN: scroll vibrates. Consult the
Test Presence Corruption table, (pg.
a Power cost, you expend As Indicated Tests are +2DR
during this time. 74) to determine the
a Power.
Additional failures ripple effect.
Powers Per Day are Succeed, and the Scroll
while Spell Burned
always MINIMUM 1. works as intended.
count as Fumbles. YOU WILL KNOW FEAR
72 73
tear a person into pieces and a Any quiet woodland, plains, or
body of corded muscle encased hilly region.
Large Magical Monster in armor-thick skin. Not the Small Humanoid Fae
brightest creatures, they can Wary and watchful. Blood, pint 50 silver,
“Always know where there’s a sought by alchemists to make potions.
large tree to climb." often be out-climbed, but rarely
–Travelers Proverb be outrun. If you can get to it 7
safely, the underbelly is less 9
21 protected and only D2 Armor. Dagger or Sling D4
Armored Hide D6 Otherwise, the eyes have no Fae Agility
10 armor but are DR16 to hit. , Tests made to hear or
Bite D12+3, or Two see a hidden brownie are DR18. Large Goblin
Front Hooves D4+2 Any above-ground area, l, they can step into a Yellow broken-tooth smile. They’re
although they prefer warmer shadow in one spot and walk out the bump you hear in the night.
1, a solitary climates with lots of large of a shadow elsewhere within 50’.
creature. mammals to feed on. 1, a solitary creature. 8
Hide Armor D2
Bloodshot eyes and drooling Hide 250 silver, can be Brownies are small, elusive fae and 9
yellow ichor, this 6-ton used in making armor. mostly benevolent. They’re master Shortsword or Spear D6
nightmare has a mouth able to craftsmen and superb woodsmen. , they win initiative on 1-4.
They can repair most mundane D4 or more. If more
objects and serve as woodland than 12, a Bigbear (HP 17, Bastard
guides. They can be convinced to Sword D8+1) will be present.
lend aid to well-meaning folk with
a successful DR14 Presence Test. If Large hairy goblins with
they are threatened, they’ll use disproportionately long arms, they
traps and tricks to kill instead of walk hunched forward with a
direct attacks. loping gait. They are often
encountered grinning, with an
almost mad look in their eyes.
They’re used to pushing around
smaller goblins, so the chance to
hit someone new is exciting and
fun. But not for you.

They come prepared with D3 spears

which they throw at enemies from
up to 40’ away. Once they soften
you up, they will come in for the
swift killing strike.

They live in caves, dungeons,

or similarly sheltered areas. If
forced to build above ground, they
favor concealed huts in densely
forested areas.
Corpse 12 silver each;
if a Bigbear is present roll on the
Special Treasure Table (pg. 132).

90 91
Large Magical Monster
When the Offal Dragon passed over
Galgenwreck, the peasantry froze for
hours and the streets ran with piss. 37
Rotten Scales D6
44 10
Rusted Scales D6 Two Claws D8 and Bite
10 D12, or Breath Attack 3D6, or
Two Claws D8 and Bite Power
D12+2, or Breath Attack 3D6 , D3 times per day, the
, D3+1 times per day offal dragon can spew poison in a
the dragon can Breathe Fire or 50’ line 10’ wide. There’s a 1-in-2
poison in a 50’ line 10’ wide. chance it attacks this way.
There’s a 1-in-2 chance it attacks , the offal dragon has access
this way. to Foul Psychompomp, Whispers
, if the player characters Pass The Gate, and Unmet Fate.
win initiative, there’s a 2-in-6 Each is usable once per day.
chance the dragon is asleep. , if the player characters
1, a solitary creature. win initiative, there’s a 2-in-6
chance the dragon is asleep.
Dragons are ancient, and the coming 1, a solitary creature.
end has not been kind. Most show
some sign of disease or blight, their This beast lives somewhere outside
former powers diminished but still of Galgenwreck and passed over
ferocious. They cling to their treasure the city in its hunt for a hoard-
hoards and hope they can find a way home. No one knows what drove it
to survive, but they quickly forget from its previous den and no one
when the sleep takes them. wants to find out. Rumors persist
Dragons spend most of their time that this beast can be reasoned
dreaming of days long passed, of with and it has power over the
devouring and wanton destruction. dead. Follow the nightmares to
Any humans asleep nearby experience find the way.
that dream but as a victim, gaining
no HP during rest. When they can Bring three cows, seven sheep, and
drag themselves awake, dragons take a chest of silver, and you may be
out their anger on lesser species. able to find your doom.

Each dragon is a unique magical Dragons dwell in caves and

beast. Roll below for a name to help other deep places. They will claim
craft your creature. a dungeon, sewer, or an abandoned
fortress. Where they dwell, all
of ———
other life avoids.
The ——— ————
Gristle 1 Crawler 1 Ruin
1 2 Despair Dragon hide 200 silver.
2 Tumor 2 Serpent
Feces 3 Fly 3 Desire Roll twice on the Special Treasure
3 4 Memory Table (pg. 132) and gather 3D100
4 Bone 4 Wurm
Tendon 5 Tongue 5 Prophecy silver for the effort of ending its
5 6 Rot suffering. You are likely going to
6 Viscera 6 Lizard
suffer a curse of some kind. Roll a
You should feel free to mash up other D6; on a result of 4+ roll D12+4
monsters and abilities and make every on the Corruption Table (pg. 74).
dragon unique.

Medium Humanoid Fae Medium Humanoid
In Sarkash, it isn’t just man and beast Their mad kings welcomes the coming
that walk the forest. Ragnarok.

9 4
Thorn Fingers D4, or Power Chainmail and Shield D4+1
Shimmer 8
, by Expending a Power the Battleaxe or Crossbow D8
dry-had may possess a nearby tree. , immune to poison and DR14
See below for their stats when doing to hit with Scrolls and magic.
so. They cannot use Powers while in , dwarves are DR15 in the
this form. dark.
, the dry-hads may use Call Of D6 to 4D100. If more
The Wild, Dry-Had's Reaching than 20 appear, a Sergeant will be
Grasp, Metzhuotl’s Blind Prying present.
Eyes, and Shroud Of Springtime
Fog, and can cast D3+2 powers per
, 3 rounds after they take 14
damage the dry-had begins to heal Chainmail and Shield D4+1
D3 HP per round, even regrowing 9
lost limbs. They stop regenerating Battleaxe or Crossbow D8
when at or below 0 HP. , dwarves are DR15 in the
1, or a Glade D3. dark.
Dry-hads are the guardians of the forest , they add +1
and the true form of the spirit inside a Morale to any dwarves in their line
Wurmspeaker. They hate most humanoids of sight. This effect does not stack.
and view them as enemies of the wild and , immune to poison and DR14
destroyers of the green. They may be more
favorable toward Fallen. Dry-hads can step to to hit with Scrolls and magic.
into trees, although they still take damage if
the tree is hurt. These squat and dirty creatures are
ill-mannered and melancholy and
Inside trees and forest glens in wild given to consume in excess. They
areas, usually near a stream or water source. are long-lived and remember the
halls of their fathers. Ask a dwarf
The hair of a dry-had is for help and they may flick a
woven through fabric and rope to enhance booger at you, but introduce them
strength and make enchantment easier. Scalp to a goblin and watch them fill
80 silver.
with blood lust. They attack orcs,
goblins, and hobgoblins on sight,
and Test DR10 to hit them.
Current + D6 (young tree) or
+2D6 (ancient tree) They build their fortresses
Gnarled Bark D4 inside mountains and occasionally
9 small surface communities grow
Two Club Arms D8, or around the entrances.
Cumbersome Corpse 15 silver and, if
the dryad can step out of the a Sergeant is present, roll once on
tree to its true form at any time. the Special Treasure Table (pg. 132).
98 99
11 Bat 11 Ankapede
12 Bear (Black) 12 Bear (Grizzly)
13 Beastman 13 Chimera
14 Brownie 14 Chryptwurm
15 Bugbear 15 Cockatrice
16 Crocodile (Swamp) 16 Crocodile (River)
21 Dwarf 21 Cyclops
22 Elf 22 Devourer
23 Ghoul 23 Dry-Had
24 Gnoll 24 Ettin
25 Gnome 25 Ghost
26 Goblin 26 Giant (Hill)
31 Griffon 31 Hellhound (Greater)
32 Halfling 32 Hydra
A Note On Encounters 33 Harpy 33 Lammasu
34 Hellhound (Lesser) 34 Lich
Each of the creatures presented in 35 Hobgoblin 35 Manticore
Mörk Manual has a No. Appearing in
36 Horse 36 Medusa
41 Human (Commoner) 41 Mimic Maw
their stat block. This is a guideline 42 Human (Priest) 42 Naga
only, and each encounter should 43 Human (Thug) 43 Ogre
be weighed against the player 44 Human (Soldier) 44 Ooze (Dungeon Gel)
character’s abilities, equipment, and 45 Human (Zealot) 45 Owler
any advantages they have access to. 46 Kobold 46 Raüper
51 Lizard Person 51 Rust Roach
The most enjoyable encounters are 52 Mimer 52 Scorpion, Giant
those that challenge the players, 53 Ooze 53 Shambling Rotter
not the characters. Include as 54 Orc 54 Shark
much forewarning as possible when D6 Reasons 55 Rat, Giant 55 Snake, Giant
the players encounter something 56 Serpent Folk 56 Spider, Giant
that is significantly more powerful To Not Fight 61 Skeleton 61 Trawlfish
than their characters are. Build Creatures and Animals 62 Spôrshreek 62 Troll
63 Stira 63 D6- Wereboar(1-3) Werewolf(4-6)
opportunities for escape and 1 Just fed
potential environmental advantages 64 Wererat 64 Whirring Man
2 Injured or sick 65 Wolf 65 Wight
into each encounter, such as tables 3 Just curious 66 Zombie 66 Zornth
to flip over for cover, columns to 4 Fleeing bigger predator
topple onto enemies, etc. 5 Has young with them
6 Carrying food
Make sure to use the reaction
table, as not all encounters are Intelligent Beings
On a mission 1 Basilisk 7 Giant (Fire)
going to be fights. It’s possible that 1 2 Beamer Beast 8 Giant (Frost)
band of goblins is sick, not feeling 2 Carrying supplies 3 Bear (Cave) 9 Mandible Mole
well, and just wants to be left 3 Injured or sick 4 Böllshirk 10 Tyrannosaur
alone. Or that the dragon just 4 Party of noncombatants 5 Dragon 11 Vampire
devoured a wandering horse and is 5 Just curious 6 Elemental 12 Wyvern, Vale
now ready to fall asleep. 6 Fleeing a threat
128 129
The Vale
IndexThe Rules Equipment
Creature Index
Ankapede 87 Lammasu 111
The Vale 7 Abilities 13 Armor 39, 62
Basilisk 87 Lich 112
10 Afflictions 51 Artifacts 131 Bat 88 Lizard Person 113
Specter of Malice 152 Armor 39 General Gear 59 Beamer Beast 88 Lycanthrope 113
Carrying Capacity 53 Intelligent Weapons 136 Bear 89 Manticore 114
Beastman 89 Mandible Mole 114
Classes Combat 44 Potions 60 Böllshirk 90 Medusa 114
Charlatan 16 Combat Actions 45 Potions, More 134 Brownie 91 Mimer 115
Doomsayer 18 Critical Hits 49 Services 63 Bugbear 91 Mimic Maw 116
Fallen 20 Darkness 150 Special Treasure 132 Chimera 92 Naga 116
Table Chryptwurm 92 Ogre 117
Outcast 22 Dying 43 Cockatrice 92 Ooze and Dungeon Gel 117
Runt 24 Falling 52 Starting Gear 13 Crocodile 94 Orc 118
Savage 26 Fumbles 48 Weapons 36, 62 Cyclops 94 Owler 118
Scoundrel 28 Getting Better 54 Devourer 95 Rat, Giant 118
Dragon 96 Raüper 119
Vagabond 30 Morale 50 Powers Dry-had 99 Rust Roach 119
Vagabond Skills 144 Movement 53 Corruption 74 Dwarf 99 Scorpion, Giant 120
Warden of Galgen 32 Omens 55 Critical/Fumble 73 Elemental 100 Serpent Folk 120
Wurmspeaker 34 Optional Rules 56 Powers 72 Elf 100 Shambling Rotter 121
Overland Travel 138 Scrolls, Druid 82 Ettin 101 Shark 121
Ghost 103 Skeleton 121
Hired Help Reactions 42 Scrolls, Priest 80 Ghoul 103 Snake, Giant 122
Henchmen 64 Resting 51 Scrolls, Wizard 76 Giant 104 Spider, Giant 122
Hirelings 71 Skills, Vagabond 144 Gnoll 105 Spôrshreek 122
Gnome 105 Stira 123
Morale 70 Skills, Universal 146
Encounters Goblin 106 Trawlfish 123
Tests 40 Creatures by Threat 128 Griffon 106 Troll 124
Traps 145 Rural Encounters 140 Halfling 107 Tyrannosaur 124
Weapons 36 Urban Encounters 142 Harpy 108 Vampire 124
Hellhound 108 Whirring Man 125
Hobgoblin 108 Wight 126
Horse 109 Wolf 126
Human 110 Wyvern, Vale 126
Hydra 110 Zombie 127
Kobold 111 Zornth 127

154 155
hand-to-hand combat, lifting,
STRENGTH 1-3 Enemies go first
and wrestling
defense, ranged attacks,
AGILITY 4-6 Players go first
Individuals can roll D6+Agility to
TOUGHNESS HP, endurance, resisting disease determine order, if needed.
PRESENCE perception, influence, Scrolls KILLING


DR6 Simple, holding a ball. Strength +5= +1 Damage

DR8 Easy, rolling a ball. RANGED TEST AGILITY DR12

Roll a D20 Attacks at more than 1x range to 2x
DR10 Easy with practice. Catching a
+ ability, range are -1, More than 2x to 3x
ball. range are -3.
equal or Normal, throwing a ball SCROLL TEST PRESENCE DR12
above the DR12 through a hoop. GREATER SCROLL DR
DR is a DR14 Difficult, juggling 2 balls.
Fail, take D2 damage and Scroll
success. Tests are DR+2 for 1 hour.
DR16 Hard, juggling 3 balls. DEFENSE TEST AGILITY DR12
In medium or heavy armor?
DR18 Impossible, juggling 5 balls. TEST AGILITY DR14.

Roll 2D6 and compare to Morale score. Attack, 2× damage & reduce Armor 1
Test when leader is killed, 1/2 group dead, Defense, players gain a free attack.
or for individual at 1/3 HP
Scroll, double damage/healing.
If the roll exceeds Doesn’t Expend a Power use.
The Enemies...
the Morale score, 1-3 flee, 4-6 surrender.
roll a D6 at right. FUMBLE (ROLL A 1)
Attack, weapon either breaks or is
REST dropped/stuck.
Defense, 2× damage & reduce Armor
Short Rest Gain D4 HP 1 Tier.
Long Rest Gain D6 HP Scroll, oopsies. (See Powers, pg. 73)

Sleep On Bed Gain D8+1 HP ARMOR

Infected, Gain no HP. -1 to all abilities daily and D3 Leather (light, Tier 1) -D2
damage per day.
Chainmail (medium, Tier 2) -D4,
Starving, Gain no HP and -D3 HP daily after 3 days. Defense DR14, Agility -2
Platemail (heavy, Tier 3) -D6,
REACTION OMENS Defense DR14, Agility -4
2-3 We’ll kill you Attack deals max damage, or DYING
scvm! reduce damage taken by D6.
4-5 We’re angry Re-roll any dice roll.
0HP or less, Broken. Hit again,
with you! Dead. Roll D6 Broken below.
6-8 Meh. We’re 1-2, Battered, unconscious D4 rounds,
Negate a critical or fumble.
neutral. then recover with D4 HP.
9-10 We’re 3-4, Maimed, as above & roll D6.
Add +4 to any Test roll. 1 lost eye, 2 lost ear, 3 disfigured, 4-
friendly. 6 broken or severed limb. -1 ability.
11-12 We want to Stabilize a Broken-severe trauma 5, Trauma, as above & you will die
result (5). in D2 hours unless stabilized.
help you! Stabilize-Test Toughness DR16/DR18.

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