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UI v. BONIFACIO ADM. CASE NO. 3319 JUNE 08, 2000

Before us is an administrative complaint for disbarment against Atty. Iris Bonifacio for
allegedly carrying on an immoral relationship with Carlos L. Ui, husband of complainant,
Leslie Ui.

On January 24, 1971 complainant Leslie Ui married Carlos L. Ui and as a result of their
marital union, they had four (4) children, namely, Leilani, Lianni, Lindsay and Carl
Cavin, all surnamed Ui.

Sometime in December 1987, however, complainant found out that her husband. Carlos
Ui, was carrying on an illicit relationship with respondent Atty. Iris Bonifacio who is a
graduate of the College of Law of the University of the Philippines, and was admitted to
the Philippine Bar in 1982.

They begot a daughter sometime in 1986, and that they had been living together at No.
527 San Carlos Street, Ayala Alabang Village in Muntinlupa City.

Complainant then visited respondent at her office in the later part of June 1988 and
introduced herself as the legal wife of Carlos Ui. Whereupon, respondent admitted to
her that she has a child with Carlos Ui and alleged, however; that everything was over
between her and Carlos Ui.

However, complainant again discovered that the illicit relationship between her husband
and respondent continued, and that sometime in December 1988, respondent and her
husband, Carlos Ui, had a second child.

In her Answer, respondent averred that she met Carlos Ui sometime in 1983 and had
known him all along to be a bachelor, with the knowledge, however, that Carlos Ui had
children by a Chinese woman in Amoy, China, from whom he had long been estranged.

Carlos Ui formalized his intention to marry her and they in fact got married in Hawaii,
USA in 1985.

It is respondent's contention that her relationship with Carlos Ui is not illicit because they
were married abroad and that after June 1988, when respondent discovered Carlos Ui's
true civil status, she cut off all her ties with him.

It is also important to note that the attached marriage certificate was dated Oct. 22,1985
but the actual marriage was Oct. 22, 1987. According to complainant, the reason for
that false allegation was because respondent wanted to impress upon the said IBP that
the birth of her first child by Carlos Ui was within the wedlock.


Whether Atty. Iris Bonifacio conducted an immoral relationship with the complainant’s

And, whether did the respondent disrespect the Commission for submitting a photocopy
of a document containing an intercalated date.


NO. For immorality connotes conduct that shows indifference to the moral norms of
society and the opinion of good and respectable members of the community. However,
the fact remains that her relationship with Carlos Ui, clothed as it was with what
respondent believed was a valid marriage, cannot be considered immoral.

For such conduct to warrant disciplinary action, the same must be "grossly immoral,"
that is, it must be so corrupt and false as to constitute a criminal act or so unprincipled
as to be reprehensible to a high degree.

WHEREFORE, the complaint for disbarment against respondent Atty. Iris L. Bonifacio,
for alleged immorality, is hereby DISMISSED.

YES. Lawyers are called upon to safeguard the integrity of the Bar, free from misdeeds
and acts constitutive of malpractice. Their exalted positions as officers of the court
demand no less than the highest degree of morality.

Any prudent lawyer would verify the information contained in an attachment to her
pleading, especially so when she has personal knowledge of the facts and
circumstances contained therein.

However, respondent is hereby REPRIMANDED for attaching to her Answer a

photocopy of her Marriage Certificate, with an altered or intercalated date thereof, with a
STERN WARNING that a more severe sanction will be imposed on her for any
repetition of the same or similar offense in the future.

Immoral conduct has been defined as "that conduct which is willful, flagrant, or
shameless, and which shows a moral indifference to the opinion of the good and
respectable members of the community."

For such conduct to warrant disciplinary action, the same must be "grossly
immoral," that is, it must be so corrupt and false as to constitute a criminal act or
so unprincipled as to be reprehensible to a high degree.

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