BW30HR-440i - Membrana

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Product Information

DOW FILMTEC™ Membranes

DOW FILMTEC BW30HR-440i High Productivity, High Rejection Brackish Water RO
Element with iLEC™ Technology

Benefits The DOW FILMTEC™ BW30HR-440i element is a high-performing and productivity element
combining the highest active membrane area available in the industry today with maximum
rejection brackish water reverse osmosis (RO) membrane. It incorporates Dow’s innovative
and proprietary BW30HR membrane sheet technology, designed to deliver the highest
quality RO permeate. This is combined with the cleanability of a 28 mil feed spacer, to
minimize capital expenses in high-purity industrial water applications, without increasing
operating flux.

• Produces 20 percent more water compared to the BW30-400 element, and 10 percent
more water compared to the BW30-440i element, at the same operating pressure and
with higher rejection, enabling lower capital expense for new systems, or increased water
production in an existing system.
• The BW30HR membrane sheet sustains maximum rejection over the useful life of the
RO element of critical solutes, including silica, boron, ammonium and nitrate.
• Includes iLEC™ (interlocking endcaps) technology, which reduce system operating
costs and the risk of o-ring leaks that can cause decreased permeate water quality.
• Designed using an industry standard 1.125 inch ID permeate tube for interchangeability
with other brackish water elements.

Product Specifications
Active area Feed spacer Permeate flow Stabilized salt Minimum salt
Product Part number ft2 (m2) thickness (mil) rate gpd (m3/d) rejection (%) rejection (%)
BW30HR-440i 440 (41) 28 12,650 (48) 99.70 99.40
Solute NH4+ NO3- SiO2 Boron
Typical rejection (%) 99.0 98.5 99.9 83.0
1. Permeate flow and salt rejection based on the following test standard conditions: 2,000 ppm NaCl, 225 psi (15.5 bar), 77°F (25°C), pH 8 and 15% recovery.
2. Flow rates for individual elements may vary but will be no more than +/- 15%.
3. Sales specifications may vary as design revisions take place.
4. Active area guaranteed +/-3%. Active area as stated by Dow Water & Process Solutions is not comparable to nominal membrane area often stated by some
manufacturers. Measurement method described in Form No. 609-00434.
5. Typical solute stabilized rejections based on the following standard test conditions: 2,000 ppm NaCl, 225 psi (15.5 bar), 77°F (25°C), pH 7 and 15% recovery, 50 ppm
SiO2, 5 ppm B, 100 ppm NO3-, 100 ppm NH4+, or 100 ppm IPA.
Figure 1 A


Feed Fiberglass Outer Wrap

U-Cup Brine Seal End Cap Brine Permeate

Dimensions – inches (mm)

Product A B C D
BW30HR-440i 40.0 (1,016) 40.5 (1,029) 7.9 (201) 1.125 ID (29)
1. Refer to Dow Water & Process Solutions Design Guidelines for multiple-element applications and recommended element recovery rates for various feed sources.1 inch = 25.4 mm
2. Element to fit nominal 8.0-inch (203 mm) I.D. pressure vessel.
3. Individual elements with iLEC endcaps measure 40.5 inches (1,029 mm) in length (B). The net length (A) of the elements when connected is 40.0 inches (1,016 mm).

Page 1 of 2 ™® Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ("Dow") or an affiliated company of Dow Form No. 609-02171-0512
Operating Limits • Membrane Type Polyamide Thin-Film Composite
• Maximum Operating Temperaturea 113°F (45°C)
• Maximum Operating Pressure 600 psig (41 bar)
• Maximum Pressure Drop 15 psig (1.0 bar)
• pH Range, Continuous Operationa 2 - 11
• pH Range, Short-Term Cleaning (30 min.)b 1 - 13
• Maximum Feed Flow 85 gpm (19 m3/hr)
• Maximum Feed Silt Density Index SDI 5
• Free Chlorine Tolerancec <0.1 ppm
a Maximum temperature for continuous operation above pH 10 is 95°F (35°C).
b Refer to Cleaning Guidelines in specification sheet 609-23010.
c Under certain conditions, the presence of free chlorine and other oxidizing agents will cause premature membrane failure.
Since oxidation damage is not covered under warranty, Dow Water & Process Solutions recommends removing residual
free chlorine by pretreatment prior to membrane exposure. Please refer to technical bulletin 609-22010 for more

Important Proper start-up of reverse osmosis water treatment systems is essential to prepare the
Information membranes for operating service and to prevent membrane damage due to overfeeding or
hydraulic shock. Following the proper start-up sequence also helps ensure that system operating
parameters conform to design specifications so that system water quality and productivity goals
can be achieved.

Before initiating system start-up procedures, membrane pretreatment, loading of the membrane
elements, instrument calibration and other system checks should be completed.

Please refer to the application information literature entitled “Start-Up Sequence” (Form No. 609-
02077) for more information.
Operation Avoid any abrupt pressure or cross-flow variations on the spiral elements during start-up,
Guidelines shutdown, cleaning or other sequences to prevent possible membrane damage. During start-up,
a gradual change from a standstill to operating state is recommended as follows:
• Feed pressure should be increased gradually over a 30-60 second time frame.
• Cross-flow velocity at set operating point should be achieved gradually over 15-20 seconds.
• Permeate obtained from first hour of operation should be discarded.
General Information • Keep elements moist at all times after initial wetting.
• If operating limits and guidelines given in this bulletin are not strictly followed, the limited
warranty will be null and void.
• To prevent biological growth during prolonged system shutdowns, it is recommended that
membrane elements be immersed in a preservative solution.
• The Customer is fully responsible for the effects of incompatible chemicals and lubricants on
• Maximum pressure drop across an entire pressure vessel (housing) is 50 psi (3.4 bar).
• Avoid static permeate-side backpressure at all times.
Regulatory Note These membranes may be subject to drinking water application restrictions in some countries;
please check the application status before use and sale.
DOW FILMTEC™ Membranes Notice: The use of this product in and of itself does not necessarily guarantee the removal of cysts and pathogens from water.
For more information about DOW Effective cyst and pathogen reduction is dependent on the complete system design and on the operation and maintenance of
FILMTEC membranes, call the Dow the system.
Water & Process Solutions business:
North America: 1-800-447-4369 Notice: No freedom from any patent owned by Dow or others is to be inferred. Because use conditions and applicable laws
Latin America: (+55) 11-5188-9222 may differ from one location to another and may change with time, Customer is responsible for determining whether products
Europe: 800-3-694-6367 and the information in this document are appropriate for Customer's use and for ensuring that Customer's workplace and
Pacific: +800 7776 7776 disposal practices are in compliance with applicable laws and other government enactments. Dow assumes no obligation or
Italy: 800-783-825 liability for the information in this document. NO WARRANTIES ARE GIVEN; ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF
China: +400 889-0789

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