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Causes and Effects of the Crusades Long-Term Effects

1. Byzantine Empire is
Contributing Factors Immediate Causes Crusades weakened
1. Feudalism 1. Conquest of the Seljuk 2. Papal power declines
Turks in the Holy Lands First 1095–1099 3. Decline of Feudal power
Second 1145–1149 4. Increase in the
2. Chivalry and threaten of Third /Kings1189–
Constantinople. 1192 monarchy/kings power
3. Religious Idealism 2. Byzantine Emperor’s call Fourth 1201–1204 5. Religious intolerance
Children's 1212 grows stronger
for help. Fifth 1217–1221
4. Weakening of the 3. Pope Urban II’s wish to Sixth 1228–1229 6. Muslims increasing
Byzantine Empire reclaim the Holy lands Seventh 1248–1254 distrust of Christians
Eighth 1270 7. Italian cities grow richer
and to reunite the Ninth 1271–1272
Church as trade expands
4. Pope’s appeal to Spanish Reconquista 8. Trade grows between
1400- 1492 Europe and the Middle
Christian Knights
5. Knights’ religious zeal East.
Immediate Effects 9. European technology
and earthly ambitions
1. Temporary land improves as the Crusades
(3 G’s) GOD, GLORY
gains in learn from the Muslims.
Palestine and
6. Italian Cities desire for
the Holy lands
commercial power.

2. 1204, Sack of

3. Temporary gain
of papal

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