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Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation


Technical Specifications
Laying of underground cable network
with terminations

Technical Specification for TENDER NOTICE No:-

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Place: Signature of Tenderer Date:
Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation



Technical Specification for TENDER NOTICE No:-

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Place: Signature of Tenderer Date:
Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation



1. Scope:

5.1 This Section of the Specification covers design, manufacturing, testing, packing, supply
& commissioning of heat shrinkable type indoor and outdoor termination kit suitable for
11 kV XLPE cable.
5.2 The equipment offered shall be complete with all parts necessary for their effective
and trouble-free operation. Such parts will be deemed to be within the scope of the
supply irrespective of whether they are specifically indicated in the commercial order
or not.
5.3 It is not the intent to specify herein complete details of design and construction. The
equipment offered shall conform to the relevant standards and be of high quality,
sturdy, robust and of good design and workmanship complete in all respects and
capable to perform continuous and satisfactory operations in the actual service
conditions at site and shall have sufficiently long life in service as per statutory
5.4 In these specifications, the design and constructional aspects, including materials and
dimensions, will be subject to good engineering practice in conformity with the
required quality of the product, and to such tolerances, allowances and requirements
for clearances etc. as are necessary by virtue of various stipulations in that respect in
the relevant IEC, IS standards and other statutory provisions.
5.5 Tolerances on all the dimensions shall be in accordance with provisions made in the
relevant standards. Otherwise the same will be governed by good engineering practice
in conformity with required quality of the product.

2. Service Conditions:

Equipment to be supplied against this specification shall be suitable for satisfactory

continuous operation under the following tropical conditions.

a) Maximum ambient temperature of air: 50˚C

b) Maximum temperature of air in shade: 4˚C
c) Maximum daily average ambient temperature: 40˚C
d) Maximum yearly average ambient temperature: 30˚C
e) Relative Humidity: up to 95%
f) Average number of thunder storm days per annum: 15
g) Maximum annual Rainfall: 150cm
h) Maximum Altitude above mean sea level: 1000Meter
i) Maximum Wind Pressure: 150 Kg/cm2 (As per IS 802 latest code)
j) Maximum soil temperature at cable depth: 30˚C
k) Maximum soil thermal resistively: 150˚C cm/watt

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Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation


3. Technical Parameters:

System details:

S.No Description 11kV

i Voltage grade (kV) of Cable 6.35 / 11 kV
ii Core (Nos.) 3
iii System Voltage 11kV
iv Highest Voltage 12kV
v Earthing system Effectively earthed
vi Frequency 50Hz
vii Variation in supply voltage "+6% to -9%
viii Variation in supply frequency ± 3%
A.C. Withstand Voltage (ph/ground)
ix 35kV, 1min
with time duration
x Partial discharge at 2Vo < 5pc
xi Impulse Withstand, 1.2/50/Us 75kV
Thermal Withstand Short Circuit
xii As per IS 13573
current 1Sec
xiii Dynamic short circuit withstand 2.55 x As per IS 13573
xiv DC Voltage 48kV for 30mins.
Materials of the tubing / molded
xv Polyolefin
xvi Method of Stress Control High permittivity material

4. Application Standards: -

Title IS Standard IEC Standard

Applicable IS Standard IS 13573

Power cables with extruded insulation and their IS 7098 (Part-II) IEC 60502
accessories for rated voltages from 1 kV (Um = 1,2 IS 13573,1992
kV) up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) - ALL PARTS

Heat shrinkable moulded shapes - Part 1: Definitions - IEC 62329-1

and general requirements

Heat-shrinkable moulded shapes - Part 2: Methods - IEC 62329-2

of test

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Place: Signature of Tenderer Date:
Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation


5. General Technical Parameters:

The purpose of this specification is to specify the performance requirements of

termination kits for the use on 50C/S phase system with earthed neutral for working
voltage of 11kV. Earthing arrangement shall be as per relevant standard and details of
earthing arrangement offered shall be submitted along with the tender.
5.1 The cable termination kit shall be suitable for termination of the cable on indoor
switchgear or outdoor installation as per requirement. The type of cable will be XLPE
insulated. The cable termination jointing kits shall be as per defined as per IS 13573-
1992 with latest amendment no. 2 1998, IEEE 48-1990 and shall be Class-1, ESI-09-13
performance specification for high voltage cable accessories.
5.2 Proper stress control, stress grading and non-tracking arrangement in the termination
shall be offered by means of proven methods, details of which shall be elaborated in the
offer. Detailed sectional views of the assemblies shall be submitted along with the offer.
In case of heat shrinkable cable accessories, stress control tubing, shall have volume
resistively of minimum 1, 00, 00,000 Ohms- meter for termination. Also relative
permittivity shall be minimum 15.
5.3 Impedance of stress control tubing shall not change over a range of temperature from 0
C to 125C. The impedance also remains constant in spite of the difference in stress,
which will exist within the sleeve due to hearting effect within the conductors and the
temperature of the environment. Bidder must submit graph-showing effect on the
impedance value of stress control humbling due to temperature variations and thermal
ageing with his offer.
5.4 In all type of kits offered, the external leakage insulation between high voltage
conductor and ground as specified in I.E.E.E. –48, 1975 amended up to date, shall be of
non-tracking erosion resistant and weather resistant flexible sleeve.
5.5 The kit offered shall provide for total environmental sealing of the cable crutch and at
the lug end.
5.6 Termination system shall be suitable for use with standard aluminum conductor fittings
[cable lugs and ferrules] of compressed crimping type.
5.7 The termination kit of heat shrinkable type kit, the joint shall include heat shrinkable
duel wall tubing, which shall be insulating from inside and semiconductor from outside.
5.8 Material used for construction of a joint/termination shall perfectly match with the
dielectric, chemical and physical characteristics of the associated cable. The material
and design concepts shall incorporate a high degree of operating compatibility between
the cable and the joints.
5.9 The tenderer shall indicate the required net dimensions of the indoor cable, joints for
various cable sizes, in the form of Length X Breadth X Depth in mm.

6. Test & Inspection:

6.1 The termination kits offered shall be fully type tested as per the relevant standards and
the test certificates are to be provided.
6.2 The supplier shall carry out all routine tests as stipulated in the relevant standards.
6.3 The termination kits offered shall be fully type tested at CPRI as per the relevant
standards. The vendor shall furnish four sets of the type test reports along with the MQP
for getting approval on material before placing purchase order to the manufacturer.

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Place: Signature of Tenderer Date:
Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation


6.4 Type tests shall be carried out as per the test sequence given in IS:13573-1992 with
latest amendment thereof at C.P.R.I. Laboratory as amended from time to time. The
test report will have to be submitted for the test carried out.

6.5 Test details for Termination Kit should be as follow:

Indoor / Outdoor Kit as per IS 13573 and its latest amendments

1. Conductor Resistance Test
2. AC High Voltage Test ( Dry )
3. AC High Voltage Test ( Wet )
4. Partial Discharge Test
5. Impulse with stand test
6. Heating Cycle in Air
7. Partial Discharge Test (After) (Elevated / Ambient Temp)
8. Impulse with stand test (After)
9. A C Voltage Test (After)
10. Examinations (For cracking, Moisture Path, Corrosion, Erosion, Leakage)

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Place: Signature of Tenderer Date:
Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation


7. GTP
Sr. No Particulars Unit Guaranteed values.
For the nominal (phase to phase)
3.1 System voltages
Maximum system voltage

A.C. withstand voltage Dry 35KV

3.2 (ph./ground)
Time duration 1Min
A.C. withstand voltage 28KV
Time duration 1Min
3.3 PartialDischargeat2Vo pC <5pC
3.4 Impulsewithstand,1.2/50/Us kV 75KV

Load cycle Test

a) Each Cycle-Heating Duration Hrs. 5

Temperature 0C 100
Cooling Duration Hrs. 3
Number of Cycles 117
b) Continuous phase to ground Voltage kV 2.5Uo

3.6 Leak Tightness 9 Cycles.

3.7 Thermal Withstand Short circuit current ka As per IS:13573
3.8 Dynamic short circuit Withstand Ka peak 2.55 x Is As per IS:13573
3.9 DC Voltage kV 48kV for 30Mins.
4.1 Material of the tubing/molded parts Polyolefin
4.2 Method of stress control High permittivity Material.
4.3 Method of environmental seal H.S. Anti-tracking Tubes.
4.4 Allowable Kit storage Temperature 0C Normal Ambient Temperature.
4.5 Shelf life of H.S components Years More than 5 Years.

Cable Termination Instruction

5 Yes/No Yes
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Place: Signature of Tenderer Date:
Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation



1. Scope:

1.1 This Section of the Specification covers design, manufacturing, testing, packing, supply
& commissioning of heat shrinkable type straight through joint kit suitable for 11 kV
XLPE cable.
1.2 The equipment offered shall be complete with all parts necessary for their effective
and trouble-free operation. Such parts will be deemed to be within the scope of the
supply irrespective of whether they are specifically indicated in the commercial order
or not.
1.3 It is not the intent to specify herein complete details of design and construction. The
equipment offered shall conform to the relevant standards and be of high quality,
sturdy, robust and of good design and workmanship complete in all respects and
capable to perform continuous and satisfactory operations in the actual service
conditions at site and shall have sufficiently long life in service as per statutory
1.4 In these specifications, the design and constructional aspects, including materials and
dimensions, will be subject to good engineering practice in conformity with the
required quality of the product, and to such tolerances, allowances and requirements
for clearances etc. as are necessary by virtue of various stipulations in that respect in
the relevant IEC, IS standards and other statutory provisions.
1.5 Tolerances on all the dimensions shall be in accordance with provisions made in the
relevant standards. Otherwise the same will be governed by good engineering practice
in conformity with required quality of the product.

2. Service Conditions:

Equipment to be supplied against this specification shall be suitable for satisfactory

continuous operation under the following tropical conditions.
a) Maximum ambient temperature of air: 50˚C
b) Maximum temperature of air in shade: 4˚C
c) Maximum daily average ambient temperature: 40˚C
d) Maximum yearly average ambient temperature: 30˚C
e) Relative Humidity: up to 95%
f) Average number of thunder storm days per annum: 15
g) Maximum annual Rainfall: 150cm
h) Maximum Altitude above mean sea level: 1000Meter
i) Maximum Wind Pressure: 150 Kg/cm2 (As per IS 802 latest code)
j) Maximum soil temperature at cable depth: 30˚C
k) Maximum soil thermal resistively: 150˚C cm/watt

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Place: Signature of Tenderer Date:
Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation


3. Technical Parameters:

System details:

S.No Description 11kV

i Voltage grade (kV) of Cable 6.35 / 11 kV
ii Core (Nos.) 3
iii System Voltage 11kV
iv Highest Voltage 12kV
v Earthing system Effectively earthed
vi Frequency 50Hz
vii Variation in supply voltage "+6% to -9%
viii Variation in supply frequency ± 3%
A.C. Withstand Voltage (ph/ground)
ix 35kV, 1min
with time duration
x Partial discharge at 2Vo < 5pc
xi Impulse Withstand, 1.2/50/Us 75kV
Thermal Withstand Short Circuit
xii As per IS 13573
current 1Sec
xiii Dynamic short circuit withstand 2.55 x As per IS 13573
xiv DC Voltage 48kV for 30mins.
Materials of the tubing / molded
xv Polyolefin
xvi Method of Stress Control High permittivity materials

Application Standards: -

Title IS Standard IEC Standard

Applicable IS Standard IS 13573

Power cables with extruded insulation and their IS 7098 (Part-II) IEC 60502
accessories for rated voltages from 1 kV (Um = 1,2 IS 13573,1992
kV) up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) - ALL PARTS

Heat shrinkable moulded shapes - Part 1: Definitions - IEC 62329-1

and general requirements

Heat-shrinkable moulded shapes - Part 2: Methods - IEC 62329-2

of test

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Place: Signature of Tenderer Date:
Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation


4. General Technical Parameters:

The purpose of this specification is to specify the performance requirements of cable

jointing kits for the use on 50C/S phase system with earthed neutral for working voltage
of 11kV. Earthing arrangement shall be as per relevant standard and details of earthing
arrangement offered shall be submitted along with the tender.

4.1 The straight jointing kits shall be as per defined as per IS 13573-1992 with latest
amendment no. 2 1998, IEEE 48-1990 and shall be Class-1, ESI-09-13 performance
specification for high voltage cable accessories.
4.2 Proper stress control, stress grading and non-tracking arrangement in the joint shall be
offered by means of proven methods, details of which shall be elaborated in the offer.
Detailed sectional views of the assemblies shall be submitted along with the offer. In
case of heat shrinkable cable accessories, stress control tubing, shall have volume
resistively of minimum 1, 00, 00,000 Ohms- meter for straight through joints. Also
relative permittivity shall be minimum 15.
4.3 Impedance of stress control tubing shall not change over a range of temperature from
0 C to 125C. The impedance also remains constant in spite of the difference in stress,
which will exist within the sleeve due to hearting effect within the conductors and the
temperature of the environment. Bidder must submit graph-showing effect on the
impedance value of stress control humbling due to temperature variations and thermal
ageing with his offer.
4.4 The jointing kit shall be with aluminum crimping type ferrules, semi-conductor self-
bonding tape, the self-amalgamating tape [or EPR or equivalent] stress grading pad
etc. The straight through joints should be absolutely impervious to the entry or water.
The manufacturer shall use the proven technologies and design to ensure a
construction, which will prevent entry of water or any other liquid inside the straight
through joint and cable. Proven technologies such as resin injection, hydrophobic
sealants etc. shall be deployed in the critical areas.
4.5 In all type of jointing kits offered, the external leakage insulation between high
voltage conductor and ground as specified in I.E.E.E. –48, 1975 amended up to date,
shall be of non-tracking erosion resistant and weather resistant flexible sleeve.
4.6 The kit offered shall provide for total environmental sealing of the cable crutch and at
the lug end.
4.7 Jointing system shall be suitable for use with standard aluminum conductor fittings
[cable lugs and ferrules] of compressed crimping type.
4.8 For straight through joint the kit shall also include tubular sleeve in line connectors for
solder less crimping of cable connector. The connector shall be of aluminum alloy A 6
drop forged type or other equivalent or better material.
4.9 Material used for construction of a joint shall perfectly match with the dielectric,
chemical and physical characteristics of the associated cable. The material and design
concepts shall incorporate a high degree of operating compatibility between the cable
and the joints. The tenderer shall indicate the required net dimensions of the indoor
cable, joints for various cable sizes, in the form of Length X Breadth X Depth in mm.
4.10 The kit which requires lesser skill for the cable jointing which can be done in shorter
time and guarantee a reliable and long operating life and reduced or no waiting time
for erection shall be given preference.

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Place: Signature of Tenderer Date:
Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation



5.1 The jointing kits offered, shall be fully type tested as per the relevant standards and
the test certificates are to be provided.
5.2 The supplier shall carry out all routine tests as stipulated in the relevant standards.
5.3 The jointing kits offered, shall be fully type tested at CPRI as per the relevant
standards. The vendor shall furnish four sets of the type test reports along with the
MQP for getting approval on material before placing purchase order to the
5.4 Type tests shall be carried out as per the test sequence given in I.S.:13573 or VDE-0278
at C.P.R.I. Laboratory as amended from time to time. The test report will have to be
submitted for the test carried out.
5.5 Test details for Termination Kit should be as follow:

Joint Kit as per IS 13573

1. Conductor Resistance Test
2. AC Withstand Voltage
3. Partial Discharge Test
4. Impulse with stand test
5. Heating Cycle in Air
6. Partial Discharge Test (After) (Elevated / Ambient Temp)
7. Impulse with stand test (After)
8. A C Voltage Test (After)
9. Examinations (For cracking, Moisture Path, Corrosion, Erosion, Leakage)

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Place: Signature of Tenderer Date:
Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation


6. GTP
Particulars Unit Guaranteed values.

For the nominal (phase to phase) System KV 11KV
Maximum system voltage 12KV

A.C. withstand voltage Dry (ph./ground) KV 35KV
Time duration Mins 1Min.
A.C. withstand voltage Wet(ph./ground) 28KV
Time duration 1Min.
3.2 PartialDischargeat2Uo pC <5pC
3.3 Impulsewithstand,1.2/50/Us kV 75KV

Load cycle Test 5

a) Each Cycle-Heating Duration Hrs 100
Temperature 0C 3
Cooling Duration Hrs. 63
a) Number of Cycles
c)Continuous phase to ground Voltage Withstand kV 2.5Uo 2.5 Uo. as per above

Water tightness test KV
3.5 Thermal Withstand Short circuit current 1Sec. ka As per IS:13573
3.6 Dynamic short circuit Withstand Ka peak 2.55 x Is As per IS:13573
3.7 DC Voltage kV 48kV for 30Mins
4.1 Material of the tubing/molded parts Polyolefin.
4.2 Method of stress control High permittivity Material.
4.3 Method of environmental seal H.S. Black Insulating Tubes.
List of items included in the Kit
a) For Terminations Yes/No Yes
b) Allowable kit storage temperature 0C Normal Ambient Temperature
c)Kit shelf life Years More than 5 Years
5 Cable Termination Instruction Manuals Yes/No Yes

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Place: Signature of Tenderer Date:
Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation



1. Termination:
The 22 kV cable termination/joints shall be done by skilled and experienced
jointers duly approved by the Engineer in charge. Termination including supply of
jointing kit is included in the contractor’s scope unless specified otherwise.

Termination kits shall be suitable for termination of the cables to indoor

switchgear or to weather proof cable end box of an outdoor mounted transformer
an outdoor type for termination at poles. The terminating kits shall preferably be
as of the following types.

Heat shrink type of approved make of DGVCL as mentioned in approved make list
in section 5.0(Technical specification) using factory molded silicone rubber
insulators. For outdoor installations weather shields, shielding ends and any other
accessories required should form part of the kit.

Straight through jointing kits shall be suitable for underground installation with
uncontrolled backfill and possibility of flooding by water. The jointing kit shall be
preferably of PUSH ON/Heat shrink type as per technical specifications mentioned
in tender and as per IS-13753-1992 and its latest amendments.

2. Fixing of end termination & straight through joints.

I) Contractor should clarify the make of cable end termination and straight through
joint. The heat & shrink type end termination & straight through joints shall be
utilized for the job.
II) Dual wall molded type should be available in straight through joint.
III) After completing work of cable laying end termination straight through joints,
following test shall be carried out jointly by engineer in charge of DGVCL and
IV) Insulation resistance test before & after with 5 KV insulation tester. (A) Hypo test
V) Contractor has to furnish Guaranteed Technical Parameters (GTP) type test
certificate of various tests conducted at any Govt./ NABL approved laboratory for
the joints they intend to supply for this job. The test certificate should not be
prior to 7 years from the date of tender. The contractor shall have to submit the
same with technical bid and failure in which technical bid will be disqualified &
the price bid of that party will not be opened.
VI) One competent skilled supervisor shall have to co-ordinate the site authority and
he has to do all communication with engineer in charge of DGVCL.
VII) It is essential to have suppliers certificate of training for cable jointing of cable
VIII) Jointer has to ensure safety while making joints so that other nearby cables will
not damage.
IX) Before using Termination Kit & Jointing Kit should be got verified at Corporate
office level. The bidder has to get verification certificate from A.C.E. (S.D.&P.),
Corporate office, DGVCL, Surat.

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Place: Signature of Tenderer Date:
Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation


X) Bidder shall offer guarantee for all part of Termination Kit & Jointing Kit for a
period of 2 Years from the date of charging the Termination Kit. In the event of
failure of Kit due to manufacturing defect or workmanship defect during guarantee
period, bidder shall have to replace it at no extra cost within 24 hrs on intimation.
XI) The bidder shall get each end termination kits & straight through joint kit verified
before utilization of the same from the concern D.E. of s/dn office matching with
original invoice submitted & sample approved and M.O.M. of verification to that
effect shall be submitted while submitting the bills.

The Bidder shall have to supply cable end joint / straight joint kit as per IS 13573-
1992 with latest amendment No. 2- 1998, IEEE 48-1990 and shall be Class -1, ESI-
09-13 performance specification for high voltage cable accessories.


The XLPE 11/22 KV Link Line shall be class 1 termination as per appropriate ISI code
nos. i.e. IEEE-48-1990.

IS 13573-1992 with latest amendment – Latest amendment No.2- 1998, IEEE 48-
1990. The termination shall be Class 1. ESI-09-13 performance specification for
high voltage cable accessories. The cable accessories being supplied in the form
of kit which has different components to be assembled at site.

The termination of 22 kV XLPE Cable refers to extruded or Molded Polymeric.
Polymeric material which are cross linked by gamma radiation to develop elastic
memory and supplied in an expanded or otherwise deformed size and shape.
Bidders should submit the proof that the tubes are cross linked by gamma
radiations. However chemically cross linked, crotch seal and lug seals are

For straight joints, the insulation over the ferrules should be reinsulated by dual
wall tubing. This should have an inner insulating layer vulcanized to an outer
semi-conducting layer. This is required to ensure reconnection of cable insulation
screen of the core from one end of the joint to the other. The dual wall tubing
ensures that there is no entrapment of air pockets between the insulating and
semi-conducting layers.

22 kV XLPE underground flexible polymeric tubing, preferably black colored pre
coated with adhesive shall be provided for sealing the exposed metallic sheaths
and sheath/earth connections.


Single piece, 22 KV XLPE underground cable, weather sheds having non-tracking,
erosion and weather resistant properties shall be supplied with the kits for
application over non-tracking tubing. The quantity of sheds to be supplied shall
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Place: Signature of Tenderer Date:
Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation


depend on voltage grade and indoor/outdoor application and shall be indicated
along with offer. Each shed shall give an additional creep age length of at least
The reinstatement of insulation shall be by means of heat shrinkable, flexible,
polymeric tubing made from a discharge resistant polymer, preferably colored
red. The tubing after complete recovery shall have a minimum wall thickness to
ensure provisions of adequate insulation in step.
Screen continuity by using tinned copper mesh and earth continuity by using
tinned copper braids of appropriate size shall be provided for transfer of
screen/earth in straight through joints. In termination, tinned copper braids of
appropriate size or equivalent current carrying capacity of cable conductor along
with copper lugs of appropriate size shall be provided for continuity of screen to
armor to the earth.


The requisite number and type of aluminum/ copper lugs/ferrules shall be
provided for termination/joints. The Lugs and ferrules for XLPE cables shall be
crimping type suitable for compacted circular conductor having two nos. of

10. Tests:
Before energizing the insulation resistance of every circuit shall be measured
from phase to phase and from phase to ground with 5 KV Megger both before
and after backfilling.
a) Type tests are to be carried out at manufacturer’s works for quality approval of
termination/jointing kits. Following tests confirming to the latest IS 13573 and or
IEC 502.2, 466 and VDE 0278 and C 81 specifications. The report of last seven years
type tests result shall be submitted for approval of the Kits. Terminations shall be
kept open so that switchgears, transformers etc are not subjected to test voltage.

Tests for termination/jointing kits:

Indoor & Joint IS 13573

1) Conductor Resistance Test
2) Impact Test
3) AC High Voltage Test ( Dry )
4) Partial Discharge Test
5) Impulse with stand test
6) AC Voltage life test with cyclic current loading
7) Partial Discharge Test
8) AC Voltage life test with cyclic current loading
9) Thermal Short circuit test
10) AC Voltage life test with cyclic current loading
11) Conductor Resistance Test
12) Impulse with stand test
13) D.C. High Voltage test
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Place: Signature of Tenderer Date:
Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation


Out Door IS 13573

1) Conductor Resistance Test

2) AC High Voltage Test ( Dry )
3) Wet Power frequency test
4) Partial Discharge Test
5) Impulse with stand test
6) AC Voltage life test with cyclic current loading
7) Partial Discharge Test
8) AC Voltage life test with cyclic current loading
9) Thermal Short circuit test
10) AC Voltage life test with cyclic current loading
11) Water Tightness Test for Out door
12) Conductor Resistance Test
13) Impulse with stand test
14) D.C. High Voltage test

Indoor as per VDE 0278

1) Partial Discharge Test

2) Conductor Resistance Test
3) AC High Voltage Test ( Dry )
4) Tan Delta as a Function of Voltage & Capacitance.
5) Tan Delta as a Function of temperature
6) Impulse with stand test
7) AC Voltage life test with cyclic current loading
9) Tan Delta as a Function of Voltage & Capacitance.
10) AC Voltage life test with cyclic current loading
11) Thermal Short circuit test
12) AC Voltage life test with cyclic current loading
13) Partial Discharge Test
14) Conductor Resistance Test
15) Impulse with stand test
16) D.C. High Voltage test

Outdoor Termination VDE 0278

1) Partial Discharge Test

2) Conductor Resistance Test
3) Impact Test
4) Wet power frequency AC High Voltage Test
5) Partial Discharge Test
6) Tan Delta as a Function of Voltage & Capacitance.
8) Tan Delta as a Function of temperature
9) Impulse with stand test
10) AC Voltage life test with cyclic current loading
11) Tan Delta as a Function of Voltage & Capacitance.
12) AC Voltage life test with cyclic current loading
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Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation


13) Short circuit test
14) AC Voltage life test with cyclic current loading
15) Conductor Resistance Test
16) Impulse with stand test
17) D.C. High Voltage test
18) Dynamic short circuit
19) Impulse with stand test
20) D.C. High Voltage test

As per C - 81
1) Impact Test
2) Insulation Resistance Test
3) A.C High Voltage Test
4) Insulation Resistance Test
5) Heat shock Test
6) Insulation Resistance Test
6) A.C High Voltage Test
7) Insulation Resistance Test
8) Electric Heat cycle Test
9) Evaluation after Electrical heat cycle Test
10) Insulation Resistance Test
11) A.C High Voltage Test
12) Insulation Resistance Test
13) After Sheath Damage Test
14) Electric Heat cycle Test
15) Evaluation after Electrical heat cycle Test & sheath damage
14) Insulation Resistance Test
15) A.C High Voltage Test
16) Insulation Resistance Test
17) Examination Of Joint


The bidder shall furnish all Guaranteed Technical Particulars, as called for, in
Appendix - A of this Specification. Particulars, which are subject to guarantee,
shall be clearly identified. Offer not containing these in formations will not be
considered for acceptance.


Bidders shall also submit performance reports for the specified size of cables
supplied to other State Electricity Boards / reputed firms, with the clear
indication of the period since when the cables performed satisfactory service.


Only required relevant, legible documents shall be submitted to avoid delay
due to back reference.

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Sr. No Particulars Unit Guaranteed values.




3.1 For the nominal(phase to KV 22 KV

phase) System voltages

Maximum system voltage 24 KV

3.2 A.C. withstand voltage Dry KV 55 KV


(ph/ground) Min
1 Min

A.C. withstand voltage KV 50 KV

Wet conditiom
Time duration 1 Min

3.3 Partial Discharge at 2 Uo pC <20 pC

3.4 Impulse withstand,1.2/50/Us kV 125KV

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3.5 Load cycle Test

a) Each Cycle-Heating
Hrs 5

Temperature 0C. 100

Cooling Duration Hrs

b) Number of Cycles 3

c)Continuous phase to
Ground Voltage Withstand

3.6 Load cycle Test

a) Each Cycle-Heating
Hrs 5

Temperature 0C. 100

Cooling Duration Hrs

b) Number of Cycles 60

c)Continuous phase to
Ground Voltage Withstand

3.6 Leak Tightness test as per IS- 9 Cycles.


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3.7 Thermal Withstand Short kA As per IS:13573 & Amendment
circuit current 1Sec.

3.8 Dynamic short circuit Withstand KA peak 2.55 x Is As per IS:13573

3.9 DC Voltage kV 96 KV for 30Mins.


4.1 Material of the Polyolefin

tubing/molded parts

4.2 Method of stress control High permittivity Material.

4.3 Method of environmental seal H.S. Anti-tracking Tubes.

4.4 Allowable Kit storage 0C Normal Ambient Temperature.


4.5 Shelf life of H.S components Years More than 5 Years.

5.0 Cable Termination Instruction Yes/No Yes


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Sr.No Particulars Unit Guaranteed values.




For the nominal(phase to

phase) System voltages KV 22 KV

Maximum system voltage

3.1 A.C. withstand voltage Dry KV 55 KV

1 Min.

A.C. withstand voltage KV 50 KV

1 Min.
d) Time

3.2 Partial Discharge at 2 Uo pC <20 pC

3.3 Impulse withstand,1.2/50/Us kV 125KV

3.4 Load cycle Test

a)Each Cycle-Heating
Hrs 5
0C 100

Cooling 3
b)Number of Cycles
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c)Continuous phase to kV


Voltage Withstand

3.5 Load cycle Test

a)Each Cycle-Heating
Hrs 5
0C 100

Cooling 3
b)Number of Cycles -

c)Continuous phase to kV


Voltage Withstand

3.6 Water tightness test KV 60 cycles at 2.5 Uo. as per IS-

3.7 Thermal Withstand Short kA As per IS:13573
circuit current 1Sec.

3.8 Dynamic short circuit Withstand KA peak 2.55 x Is As per IS:13573

3.9 DC Voltage kV 96Kv for 30Mins


4.1 Material of the tubing/molded Polyolefin.

4.2 Method of stress control High permittivity Material.

4.3 Method of environmental seal H.S. Black Insulating Tubes.

4.4 List of items included in the Yes/No

Kit a)For Terminations

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b)Allowable kit storage

temperature c)Kit shelf life 0C Normal Ambient Temperature

5.0 Cable Termination Instruction Yes/No Yes


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S.No. Particulars Unit Guaranteed Value

3.1 For the nominal (phase to phase) KV
System voltages
Maximum system voltage KV

3.2 A.C. withstand voltage (ph/ground) KV

Time duration Mins

3.4 Partial Discharge at 2 Vo pC
3.5 Impulse withstand,1.2/50/Us
3.6 Load cycle Test
a) Each Cycle-Heating Duration Hrs

Temperature 0C
Cooling Duration Hrs.

b) . Number of Cycles
c). Continuous phase to ground Voltage Withstand
3.7 Leak Tightness
3.8 Thermal Withstand Short circuit current 1Sec. ka
3.9 Dynamic short circuit Withstand Ka peak
3.10 DC Voltage kV
4.1 Material of the tubing/molded parts
4.2 Method of stress control
4.3 Method of environmental seal
4.4 Allowable Kit storage Temperature 0C
4.5 Shelf life of H.S components Years
5. Cable Termination Instruction Manuals Yes/No

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S.No. Particulars Unit Guaranteed Value

3.1 For the nominal (phase to phase) KV

System voltages
Maximum system voltage KV
3.2 A.C. withstand voltage Dry (ph/ground) KV
Time duration Mins
3.3 A.C. withstand voltage Wet(ph/ground) KV
Time duration Mins
3.4 Partial Discharge at 2 Uo pC
3.5 Impulse withstand,1.2/50/Us kV
3.6 Load cycle Test
a) Each Cycle-Heating Duration Hrs

Temperature 0C
Cooling Duration Hrs.

b) Number of Cycles
c)Continuous phase to ground Voltage Withstand kV

3.7 Water tightness test KV

3.8 Thermal Withstand Short circuit current 1Sec. ka
3.9 Dynamic short circuit Withstand Ka peak
3.10 DC Voltage kV
4.1 Material of the tubing/molded parts
4.2 Method of stress control
4.3 Method of environmental seal
4.4 List of items included in the Kit Yes/No

a) For Terminations
b) Allowable kit storage temperature 0C
c) Kit shelf life Years

5 Cable Termination Instruction Manuals Yes/No

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1 Scope
This Specification covers design, manufacturing, testing, packing, supply of DWC HDPE

2 Service Conditions:
Equipment to be supplied against this specification shall be suitable for satisfactory
continuous operation under the following tropical conditions.
a) Maximum ambient temperature of air: 50˚C
b) Maximum temperature of air in shade: 4˚C
c) Maximum daily average ambient temperature: 40˚C
d) Maximum yearly average ambient temperature: 30˚C
e) Relative Humidity: up to 95%
f) Average number of thunder storm days per annum: 15
g) Maximum annual Rainfall: 150cm
h) Maximum Altitude above mean sea level: 1000Meter
i) Maximum Wind Pressure: 150 Kg/cm2 (As per IS 802 latest code)
j) Maximum soil temperature at cable depth: 30˚C
k) Maximum soil thermal resistively: 150˚C cm/watt

3 Technical Parameters:
(a) DWC high density Polyethylene pipe shall have corrugation on outer wall but inner
wall shall be plain conforming to IS – 14930 Part I and II amended from time to time.
(b) Terminology as defined in IS: 14930shallbefollowed
(c) DWC HDPE pipe to be supplied shall be ‘ISI’ marked.
(d) Accessories like HDPE snap fit coupler with neoprene ‘O’ ring shall be part of supply
to make the joints water / damp proof.

4 Code & Standards:

All standards, specifications and codes of practice referred to herein shall be the latest
editions including all applicable official amendments and revisions as on date of opening of
bid. In case of conflict between this specification and those (IS: Codes, standards, etc.)
referred to herein, the former shall prevail.
a) IS:14930Pt.-I:General requirements of Conduit System for Electrical and
Communication installation
b) IS:14930Pt.-II: Particular requirements of Conduit system for Electrical and
Communication installation
c) IS: 2530: Method for test for Polyethylene moulding material Sand polyethylene
d) IS:7328: HDPE materials for moulding and extrusion
e) IS:12063 : Classification of degrees of protection provided by Enclosures of
electrical equipment
f) ASTMD 1693: Test method for environmental stress–Cracking of ethylene plastics
g) ASTMD638:Standard test method for tensile properties of plastic
h) ASTMD790: Test method for flexural properties of Un-reinforced and Reinforced
Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials.
i) ASTMD 2240: Standard Test method for Rubber property.
j) ASTMD648: Standard Test method for deflection temperature of Plastic under
flexure load in the Edge Wise Position.

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k) IS:11000(Pt-2):Glow-wire Test and guidance test methods for fire /Sec-1) Hazard

5 General Requirement:
i. The DWC HDPE pipe shall consist of two layers, the outer layer will be corrugated and
the inner layer shall be plain and smooth.
ii. DWC HDPE pipe shall be so designed and constructed that in normal use their
performance is reliable and without danger to the user or surroundings.
iii. When assembled in accordance with manufacturer’s instruction as part of a conduit
system, they shall provide mechanical protection to Signaling Cables’ on tainted
iv. Within the conduit system there shall be nos hardedge, burrs or surface projections
which are likely to damage insulated conductors or cables or inflict impure it to the
installer or user.
v. The protective properties of the joint between conduit and conduit fittings shall be
not less than that declared for the conduit system.
vi. The DWC HDPE pipe and fittings hall withstand and the stresses likely to occur during
transport, storage, recommended installed on practice and application.
vii. The DWC HDPE pipe shall be supplied in continuous length in coil for more straight
length, suitable for shipping and handling purpose.
viii. For conduit systems that areas assembled by means other than threads, the
manufacturer shall indicate whether the system can be disassembled and if, so, how
this can be achieved.


i. The base HDPE resin used for the outer and inner layer of the DWCHDPE Pipe shall
conform to any designation of IS: 7328or to any equivalent standard meeting the
requirements given inTableNo.1, when tested as per the standards given their in.
However, the manufacturers shall furnish the designation for the HDPE resin as per
IS: 7328 as applicable.
ii. The anti-oxidants used shall be physiologically harmless.
iii. None of the additives shall be used separately or together in quantities as to impair
long term physical and chemical properties of the duct.
iv. Single pass rework material of the same composition produced from the
manufacturer’s own production may be used and it shall not exceed 10% in any case.
v. The raw material used for extrusion shall be dried to bring the moisture content to
less than 0.1%.
vi. Suitable UV stabilizers shall be used only for manufacture of the nonblack colored
HDPE duct to protect against UV degradation, when stored in open for minimum 8
months’ period. The purchaser may ask for UV content test. The test result for UV
Content test by FTIR method from any recognized laboratory shall be accepted and
the Hindered Amine Light Stabilizer shall be minimum 0.15 %. UV Content test need
not to be conducted in case of UV Stabilized raw material is used.
i. Visual Requirement: The Pipe shall be checked visually for ensuring good
workmanship that the ducts shall be free from holes, breaks and other defects. The
ends shall be cleanly cut and shall be square with axis of the ducts.
ii. Colour: The colour of the pipe viz. Green, Orange, Blue, Yellow, Brown, Violet, Grey
and Red. The purchaser shall specify the colour of the duct at the time of ordering.

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iii. Dimensions: The dimensions of the DWC HDPE pipe shall be as per requirement /
iv. Standards Length: Duct up to 50 mm OD nominal size shall be supplied in standard
length of 100 mtr. ± 1% or 6 mtr ± 1 % and all other sizes will be supplied in standard
length of 6 mtr. ± 1%
v. Compression Strength: The conduit system shall have adequate mechanical strength.
Conduits when bent or compressed either during, or after, installation according to
manufacturer’s instructions, shall not crack and shall not be deformed to such an
extent that introduction of the insulated conductors or cables becomes difficult or
that the installed insulated conductors, or cables are likely to be damaged while
being drawn in. Compliance may be checked with the application of force which shall
be at least 450 N, when reaching the deflection of 5%.
vi. Impact Strength: The conduit system shall have adequate mechanical strength.
vii. Conduits when exposed to impact either during, or after, installation according to
manufacturer’s instructions, shall not crack and shall not be deformed to such an
extent that introduction of the insulated conductors or cables becomes difficult or
that the installed insulated conductors, or cables are likely to be damaged while
being drawn in. Compliance may be checked by ensuring there shall be no crack
allowing the ingress of light or water between the inside and outside after the test.
viii. Bending Strength: The conduit system shall have adequate mechanical strength.
Conduits when bend either during, or after, installation according to manufacturer’s
instructions, shall not crack and shall not be deformed to such an extent that
introduction of the insulated conductors or cables becomes difficult or that the
installed insulated conductors, or cables are likely to be damaged while being drawn
in. During the test sample shall not flatten Compliance shall be checked by passing a
ball having a diameter equal to 95% minimum inner diameter of the sample declared
by the manufacturer, through the sample whilst it is bent around the test apparatus.
ix. Oxidation Induction Test (OIT): The OIT in a qualitative assessment of the level (or
degree) of stabilization of material.
x. Resistance to Flame Propagation: Non flame propagating ducts shall have adequate
resistance to flame propagation. Samples of DWC HDPE Ducts shall be checked by
applying a 1KW flame.
xi. Anti-Rodent Properties: Safety of ducts from the direct attack of subterranean
organism anti rodent material is of utmost importance. These ducts shall be
evaluated for their safety against rodents before laying them in the fields.
xii. Resistance to External Influences on DWC HDPE Duct Accessories: The accessories in
Clause 11.5.4 shall be tested for external influences as per IS-12063 for ingress of
dust & ingress of water. DWC Duct systems when assembled in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions shall have adequate resistance to external influences
according to the classification declared by the manufacturer with a requirement of IP
xiii. Marking Identification: The conduit shall be prominently marked at regular intervals
along their length of preferably 1m but not longer than 3m using indelible ink with
Manufacturers name
Specification No.
Name of the duct with size
Lot No. of the Product
Date of manufacture
Product Length
Purchaser’s Name/symbol
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i. The following accessories are required for jointing the ducts and shall be supplied
along with the ducts against specific orders. The manufacturers shall provide
complete procedure and method for installation of the accessories. The required
quantities of accessories are to be mentioned by the purchasing authority in the
purchase order.
a. Plastic Coupler:
The coupler shall be of Push-fit type with O-ring. It is used for jointing woor more
ducts. The design of this shall be simple easy to install and shall provide air tight and
water tight joint between the two ducts. The coupler shall insure that the two ducts
are butted smoothly without any step formation in the inner surface. The coupler
may be straight, bands, T-joints type as per requirements of purchaser.
b. End Cap:
This cap made of suitable plastic material shall be fitted on the both ends of duct,
coil after manufacturing the duct. This shall avoid entry of dust, mudandra in water
in to the duct during the transit &storage.
Selection of pipe for different sizes Cables
Following guide of the pipe fill shall be used for sizing the pipe Size:
a. 1 cable in pipe - 53% full
b. 2 cable in pipe - 31% full
c. 3 or more cables - 43% full
d. 4 Multiple cables - 40% full
6 Tests
The following tests shall be carried out in accordance with IS or the latest version
i) Visual.
ii) Requirement of Colour.
iii) Dimension
iv) Standard Length
v) Compression Strength
vi) Impact Strength
vii) Bending Strength
viii) Oxidation Induction Test
ix) Resistance to Flame Propagation
x) Anti-Rodent
xi) Resistance to External influence on DWC HDPE Pipe
The following tests be carried out by the manufacturer after 240 hrs of manufacture: -
i) Visual Requirement
ii) Requirement of Colour.
iii) Dimension
iv) Standard Length
v) Compression Strength
vi) Impact Strength
vii) Bending Strength
viii) Resistance to Flame Propagation

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The following tests be carried out by the manufacturer after 240 hrs of manufacture: -
i) Visual Requirement
ii) Requirement of Colour.
iii) Dimension
iv) Standard Length
v) Compression Strength
vi) Impact Strength
vii) Bending Strength
viii) Resistance to Flame Propagation

7 Tests Procedure
i. Conduits are subjected to a compression test as per IS: 14930 (Pt-II). The tests for
conduits shall not best rated until 240 hrs after manufacture.
ii. Samples shall be200 ±5mm long.
iii. Before the test the outside and inside diameters of the samples shall be measures
described in clause above.
iv. The samples shall be compressed between two flat steel plates having minimum
dimensions (100x200x15mm), the length 200mm being along the length of the sample.
The sample shall be compressed data rate of 15±0.5mm/min and the load recorded at
the vertical deflection equivalent to 5%of the average value of the original inside
diameter of the sample.
v. When reaching the deflection of 5 %, the applied force shall be at least 450N
vi. After the test there shall be no crack allowing the ingress of light or water between
the inside and the outside.
vii. The deflection is calculated with the inner dia meter but the measurement of the
outside diameter may be sufficient. In case of doubt, itwill be necessary to measure
the inner diameter.
i. Twelve samples of the duct each 200±5mm in length or fittings are subjected to an
impact test as per IS: 14930(Pt-II) by means of the apparatus shown Figure-1.
ii. The test apparatus shall be placed on a firm flat surface. The samples shall be
conditioned in a cold chamber at a temperature of–5±1°C for 2h. The samples shall be
removed from the cold chamber and placed on the vee block holder of the impact
tester as shown in figure 1.
iii. The striker shall fall once on each sample. The time between removal of the sample
from the cold chamber and completion of impact shall not exceed 10seconds.The
impact height and mass shall be as follows.
Nominal Size of Mass of Striker Fall Height Energy Joules
Conduit (+1%/-0%)kg (+0%/-1%)(mm)
Upto60 mm 5 300 15
61to90 mm 5 400 20
91to140 mm 5 570 28
Above140mm 5 800 40

iv. The test sample shall be made on the weakest part of the Duct fittings except that it
shall not be applied within 5mm of any sample entry. Samples of ducts are tested on

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the center of their length.
v. After the test, at least in nine of the samples, there shall be no crack allowing the in
gress of light or water between the inside and the outside.
i. This test shall be carried out on pliable conduits.
ii. The test is made on six samples having an appropriate length as per IS: 14930 (Pt II).
Three samples shall be tested at room temperature; the other three shall be tested
at- 5±1°C.For the test at -5°C, the sample shall be conditioned in a cold chamber for 2
hours. The test apparatus as shown in Figure-2 shall allow being the duct with a
bending radius equal to the minimum bending radius values specified by the
manufacturer. One of the ends soft he samples shall be fixed. The sample is then bent
to approximately 90 degrees (right angle) and hold.
iii. During the test, the sample shall not flatten. Compliance shall be checked by passing a
ball having diameter equal to 95%minimum inner diameter of the sample declared by
the manufacturer, through the sample whilst it is bent around the test apparatus.
i. A short length of completed duct (approximately 30cm) shall be sealed at the end
sand placed in an oven at temperature of 68±1°C for 8 hours. The sample shall then be
allowed to cool at room temperature for at least16hrs.The samples shall be clean and
dry. The sample shall then be tested by means of a Differential Canning Calorimeter
(DSC) or by Differential Thermal Analyzer (DTA).
ii. Instrument Test Procedure:
 Cell Cleaning: The cell shall be held at approximately 400°C for 10minutes in
Nitrogen. The cell shall be cleaned after standing over night and between testing of
different formulations.
 Temperature Calibration: This has to be done according to the instrument manual.
The temperature scale should be adjusted until the determined melting point of pure
Indiummetalis 156.6°C at a heat rate of 5°Cper minute or any other heat rate as
indicated in the manual of the equipment is permitted.
 Aluminum Pan Preparation: Standard aluminum DSC pans as per ASTMD 4565 are
required to hold specimens during testing. A fresh pan shall be used for each test.
 Sample preparation: Take the sample weighing about 5mg from the duct conditioned
as indicated above. Position the sample in the center of the pan.
 Nitrogen Purge: Place the sample pan and reference pan in instrument cell. Flush for
5 minutes with cylinder of nitrogen (99.6%extradrygrade) at 60±10 cc per minute.
 Oxidation Test: Rapidly increase the temperature of the sample (20°C/minor
greater) from 100°C or lower initial temperature
to 199±1°C. After thermal equilibrium is obtained (steady recorder signal) switch to
80±20cc per minute oxygen flow and simultaneously start time-base recording. The
oxygen used for the test should be equivalent to or betterthan99.6% extra dry grade.
 Induction Period: The oxygen induction point shall be recorded as time zero, and the
chart speed shall be sufficient to provide a clearly discernible lop eat the start of the
exothermic reaction. The test in the pure dry oxygen atmosphere shall continue until
the exothermic peak is produced. The inter section of the tangent of the exothermic
sloped line with the extended base line will be drawn. The time from time zero to is
inter section point is read from the base line and recorded as the oxidative induction

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i. Samples of DWC HDPE Ducts shall be checked by applying 1KW flame.
ii. As ample of length 675+10 mm is mounted vertically in a rectangular metal enclosure
with one open face, as shown in Figure-3-2 in an area substantially free from draughts.
The general arrangements is shown in Figure-3 Mounting is by means of two metal
clamps approximately 25mm wide spaced 550 +10mm apart and approximately equal
distance from the ends of the sample. A steel rod of 16+ 0.1 mm is passed through the
sample. It is rigidly and independently mounted and clamped at upper end to maintain
the sample in a straight and vertical position. The means of mounting is such as not to
obstruct drops from falling on to the tissue paper. A suitable piece of white pine wood
board, approximately 10 mm thick, covered with single layer of white is sue paper is
positioned on the lower surface of the enclosure.
iii. The assembly of sample, rod and clamping apparatus is mounted vertically in the
center of the enclosure, the upper extremity of the lower
clampbeing500+10mmabovetheintern allowed surface of the enclosure.
iv. The burner is supported so that its axis is 45+20to the vertical. The flame is applied to
the samples that the distance from the top of the burner tube to the sample measured
along the axis of the flame is 100+10mm and the axis of the flame intersects with the
surface of the samples at a point 100+5 mm from the upper extremity of the lower
clamp, and so that the axis of the flame intersects with the axis of the sample.
v. The test is carried out on three samples. During the application of the flame, it shall
not be moved except to remove it at the conclusion of the period of the test. After
the conclusion of the test and after any burning of the sample has ceased, the surface
of the sample is wiped clean by rubbing with a piece of cloth soaked with water.
vi. All three samples shall pass the test. If the sample is not ignited by the flame, it shall
be deemed to have passed the test.
If the sample burns, or is consumed without burning, the sample shall be deemed to
have passed the test if after burning has ceased, and after the sample has been wiped
in accordance with1.3 there is no evidence of burning of charring within 50mm of the
lower extremity of the upper and also with in50mm of the upper extremity of the
lower clamp.
If the sample burns, it shall be deemed to have failed the test if combustion is still in
progress 30seconds after removal of the flame.
If the tissue paper ignites, the sample shall be deemed to have failed the test. For the
parts of the same below the burner, the presence of molten material on the internal
or external surfaces shall not entail failure if the sample itself is not burned or
vii. Compliance of DWC HDPE Duct fittings is checked by using the glow wire test IS: 11000
(Part2/Sec1). The glow wire shall be applied once to each sample in the most
unfavorable position of its intended use, with the surface tested in vertical position,
at a temperature of 750oC. The sample is deemed to have passed this test if there is
no visible flame or sustained glowing or inflames or glowing extinguishes within 30 soft
here moval of the glow wire.
The test against rodent may be conducted as per following procedures:
The ducts are to be laid underground in fields and also near urban or rural
settlements. Therefore, they should be exposed to 3-4 most predominant rodent
species in habiting these locations. The test rodent species may include the lesser
bandi cootrat, Bandi cotabengalensis, The Indian gerbils, tatera indica, the soft
furred field rats, Millar diamelt ada and the house rats, Rattusrattus.
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The test ducts should be exposed to the serodent species housed individually in iron
mesh cages under laboratory conditions. Only freshly capture rodent are to be
utilized for the study. The rodent sare first acclimatized in laboratory cages for7-10
days and then the tests be initiated. For each trial, 3-4 rodents of uniform body
weight are to be used for the trial. Two different types of testes may be under taken
for all the ducts.
Choice Tests: In this trial the ducts of 15-30 cm length (ones ample each of treated
and untreated/ control sample) are exposed to the test rodents along with food, thus
the roden thada choice between the food and the test duct. This test may be run for
longer periods (30-45days). Tap water should be provided adlibitum to the rodents.
NO Choice Test: The rodents are exposed to the test ducts only and no food is given
to the rodents during the period of trial. The test ducts (one sample each of treated
and untreated/control sample) are to the exposed to the test rodents. This trail may
be run for 5-7 days depending upon the health status of starved test rodents. Tap
water should be providing dad labium other rodents.
Observation on tooth marks, rodent behavior toward exposed ducts, and relative
extent of damage in treated and untreated samples should be computed for both
types of ducts. Health status of test animals in choice and no choice test must also be
monitored for their cordanyill effect of exposure of treated/ control ducts on these
animals. Number of cases and the extent of rodent bites/scratch marks in control and
anti-rodent treated ducts may indicate the relative deterrent/repellent properties of
the test ducts.

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1 Make
2 Applicable Standard
3 Grade
4 Pressure rating (Kg/Sqcm.)
5 Outside Diameter (mm)
6 Inside Diameter (mm)
Recommended For (Mention Maximum
Armoured cable Type and Size)

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1 Scope:

This Specification provides for the manufacture, inspection and testing, forwarding and
delivery at site/stores of R.C.C. Half Round Hume Pipe for covering HT & LT. cables as
specified hereunder:

2 Tests Procedure

The R.C.C. Half Round Hume Pipe shall have the following Parameters

Inner Diameter 150.00 mm
Thickness 30.00 mm
Length 1 Meter (+/- 10 mm)

M.S. Welded Wire mesh Max. Spacing 40 mm X 40 mm

for mesh
Wire Thickness 2.65 mm

3 General Requirement:

3.1 The inner & outer surface shall not have any sharp edge, which can damage the cable.
No additional cost shall be provided to smooth the surface.
3.2 The welded wire mesh shall not be exposed to surface. Also, the wire mesh shall be
properly welded type.
3.3 Grade of concrete shall be M25. The raw material shall be of standard quality. The
cement shall be 53 Grade OPC of any reputed make available in market only.
3.4 The R.C.C. Half Round Hume Pipe shall be cured in water pond for minimum 14 days.
Also, the R.C.C. Half Round Hume Pipe shall be completely dried before dispatch.
3.5 In concrete mixing, the ratio shall be maintained. The Grit shall be used instead of
Gravel with size of 12mm.
3.6 Process of manufacturing shall be rolling machine made or Table vibrator type.

4 Marking:

6.1 The R.C.C. Half Round Hume Pipe shall be indelibly marked with the following
6.2 “Purchasers name or Logo” & “Manufacturer's name or Trade mark shall be embossed
or printed on outer surface.
6.3 Voltage Rating “Up to 11000 V “ OR as directed by Engineer In charge shall be
embossed / printed on outer surface.
6.4 Printing shall be with RED color in readable size & format.

Technical Specification for TENDER NOTICE No:-

Signature of Tenderer Company’s Round Seal Page 38 of 39
Place: Signature of Tenderer Date:
Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation


5 Inspection

6.1 The Purchaser shall have access at all reasonable times to the works and all other
places of manufacture, where the R.C.C. Half Round Hume Pipe are being
manufactured and the supplier shall provide all facilities for unrestricted inspection of
the supplier's works raw materials, manufacture of the equipment, all the accessories
and for conducting necessary tests.
6.2 The supplier shall keep the Purchaser informed in advance of the time of starting and
of the progress of manufacture of equipment in its various stages so that arrangements
could be made for inspection.

6 Test

Fractural test at Government approved Laboratory on sample basis as per UGVCL

requirement will be carried out by supplier in presence of UGVCL representative. The
charges of test shall be borne by supplier. The maximum deviation in test result value
shall be within +/- 5%.

7 Packing and Handling:

7.1 Vendor shall be responsible for any damage to the material during transit.
7.2 Vendor is liable for free replacements of damaged items due to defective or
insufficient packing and / or protection.

8 Warranty:

The material found defective to be replaced by supplier free of cost within 7 days of

Note: Bidder shall fill up the values clearly wherever applicable

Signature of the Bidder:

Stamp / seal of the bidder:

Technical Specification for TENDER NOTICE No:-

Signature of Tenderer Company’s Round Seal Page 39 of 39
Place: Signature of Tenderer Date:

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