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::Speech Marks::

Circle the persons name

Box the saying verb
Underline what was said
Insert speech marks “ ”

1. Would you like some cake? Meredith asked

2. Pass me the ball please, Christina said

3. Derick yelled, My turn!

4. Richard asked, Where is Mark?

5. Stop! Shouted Miranda That is out of bounds.

6. George! Where are you going questioned Izzie

7. Have you finished your homework? Asked Alex

8. Where are you going? Asked Callie

Write 3 sentences of your own using speech marks.

Don’t forget to circle, box, underline and insert.

::Speech Marks::
Circle the persons name
Box the saying verb
Underline what was said
Insert speech marks “ ”

1. Do you like ice-cream? Inquired Ella.

2. Bailey stated, I don’t know what to do!

3. What is your favourite animal? Asked Mia

4. Could you please pass me the ball? Said Phoebe

5. Are you awake? Yawned Tara

6. We are the best class! Shouted Michaela

7. Alexander yelled, Great goal!

8. I quit! Screamed Ethan

Write 3 sentences of your own using speech marks.

Don’t forget to circle, box, underline and insert.

::Speech Marks::
Circle the persons name
Box the saying verb
Underline what was said
Insert speech marks “ ”
1. Peter asked can I go to Mark’s house please

2. Everybody listen! Demanded the coach

3. I love ice-cream shouted Sarah

4. Hey! said George, that’s my truck.

5. STOP! Yelled the police officer.

6. What are you doing this weekend? Johnathan asked.

7. I wonder what is for dinner, James pondered.

8. Eeeeep! Jessica yelped, Spider!

Write 3 sentences of your own using speech marks.

Don’t forget to circle, box, underline and insert.


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