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Subject/Grade: PE10/20 Topic: Technique Date: Dec 6, 2023 Teacher: M. Larocque

# of Students: 38 Unit: Weight Training Period: 1 Lesson: 1/6
School: Crescent Heights Other: NA Class Length: 90 Mins Location: Weight Room
Equipment: Pencils (40), Student Workbooks, Dumbbells.


Activities Benefits Health Cooperation Do It Daily…For Life

Goal Setting/ Active Living

Specific Basic Skills Application of Functional Body Well- Communi- Personal In the
Outcomes Basic Skills Fitness Image being cation Fair Play Leadership Teamwork Effort Safety Challenge Community
A10-1 A10-13 C10-3 C10-5 D10-1 D10-3
A10-3 C10-6

Lesson Focus: Resistance Training Introduction; Safety, Expectations, Etiquette. Peer Assessment of Proper
Technique in Fundamental Movement Skills

Lesson Objectives (SWBAT):

1. Students will be able to demonstrate proper etiquette and safe behaviour at all times in the fitness
center by following the expectations outlined in class. (Affective/Cognitive).
2. Students will be able to demonstrate respect towards their peers in groups of 2-3 by performing peer
assessment of fundamental movement technique on worksheets. (Affective).
3. Students will be able to understand proper technique for performing fundamental movements and
work towards performing the squat, hinge, lunge, push, and pull according to this technique.

Plan for Differentiation:

Task Presentation:
- Students who are ELL will be encouraged to bring their phone to use google translate or be provided translated worksheets.
- Students who are ELL can be placed in groups with other students who share the same first language and can help with tasks.
- Exercise instruction posters will include pictures in addition to text. Exercise instruction posters will include visual, auditory,
and kinesthetic cues to help students who are having difficulty learning the movements.
Ability to Perform Tasks:
- Each task will have several options of varied difficulty so that students’ strength does not impact their ability to perform an
exercise with proper technique.
- Squats and lunges can be completed with TRX or partner-assistance. Hinges will likely not need modifications as there is not
a significant strength requirement but could also be assisted if necessary.
- Push-ups and TRX rows can be manipulated by altering the angle of the body. More vertical body positions (incline push-up
and upright TRX rows) will make the exercise easier to complete. Band-assisted push-ups can also be used if a student is
either struggling with incline push-ups or would prefer to try that option.
- If any of those modifications is not sufficient, the student can focus on the eccentric-only component of the exercise for the
assessment, as they will be stronger in that phase of the exercise.
Injury or Physical Disability:
- Students with lower body injuries or physical disabilities who are unable to withstand running/impact can perform the initial
part of the warm-up on an exercise bike. If they cannot tolerate an exercise bike, they can perform an upper body band warm-
up to raise their heart rate and activate the upper body.
- Students with lower body injuries or physical disabilities impacting the lower body can perform 2 additional upper body
assessments (vertical push and vertical pull) and a core assessment (plank) during the main learning activity. If the student is
in a wheelchair, they can perform a single arm cable row, single arm cable pulldown, and single arm cable horizontal press.
- Students with upper body injuries or physical disabilities impacting the upper body can either perform single arm variations of
the upper body movements (single arm cable push, single arm cable pull) if only one limb is affected, or else perform 2 core
assessments (plank and bird dog) during the main learning activity.
Time Teaching Activities – Movement Tasks Teaching Cues/
Assessment for
0-10 Students get changed, meet in weight room, and grab workbooks. NA

10-15 Discuss Benefits of Resistance Training: NA

- Benefits: Sport Performance, Injury Prevention, Activities of Daily Living, Build

Muscle, Strong Bones, Confidence, and Fitness for Life.

- Misconceptions: Safety & Effectiveness

Explain the module:

- Lesson 1: Fundamental movement technique.
- Lesson 2: Acute variables of training and response to exercise.
- Lesson 3: Lower body & core anatomy and workout.
- Lesson 4: Goal setting & fundamentals of program design.
- Lesson 5: Upper body & core anatomy and workout.

- Lesson 6: Follow your own training program.

15-20 Review Weight Room Safety & Etiquette Expectations: NA

- Proper technique: object of today’s lesson
- How to choose the right weight: Reps, tempo, form, RPE/RIR
- Workout partners: count reps/tempo, encourage, hold accountable, watch form
- Spotting: proper technique
- Collars on bars
- Injuries / pain / DOMS
- Put your weights away after every exercise / set

Discuss Assessment for the Module

- Participation/Effort (PE): Performing workouts, cleaning up equipment, goal setting
task, writing your own workout task.

- Cooperation, Leadership, Attitude, Sportsmanship (CLAS): Encouraging others,

spotting, sharing equipment, counting reps/tempo and coaching partner/group.

- Acquisition of Skill (ASK): Acquiring and maintaining proper technique throughout

the module.

20-25 Warm-Up Activity: Spot Warm-Up Effort

3 x (10 Jumping Jacks + 5 Squats + 5 Push-Ups) Correct Technique
2 x (10 Seal Jacks + 5 Split Squats / Side)

25-30 Introduce Learning Activity: Exercise Technique Peer Assessment NA

- Explain the activity: Learning proper technique and how to coach each other in the
weight room. Ratings from 0-4, fill out the sheets in the workbook throughout the
lesson. One point for each successful technique cue.
- Teacher will demonstrate proper technique in the activity and each technique cue and
then students will assess each other’s technique.
- If students receive a 3-4, they can show the teacher their technique. If the score is
accurate, the student can attempt the exercise with weights. Proper technique must be
maintained when using weights.
- If students receive a 0-2, the workbook contains cues for the student’s partner/group
to use to help them improve their rating.
- Get students into groups of 2-3.
- The teacher will go around to each group and help out with the peer assessments if
o 30-80 Exercise Technique Peer Assessment Squat
- There will be 10-minutes for each of the fundamental movement skills covered in this - Proper Range of Motion
d lesson. - Knees & Toes in Line
y - Feet Flat
- Squat (10 minutes) - Straight Back
- Hinge (10 minutes)
- Split Squat (10 minutes) Hinge
- Upper Body Horizonal Push [Push-Up] (10 minutes) - Proper Range of Motion
- Upper Body Horizontal Pull [Dumbbell 1-Arm Row] (10 minutes) - Vertical Shin
- Feet Flat
- Straight Back

Split Squat
- Proper Range of Motion
- Knees & Toes in Line
- Front Foot Flat
- Straight Back

- Proper Range of Motion
- Elbows Tucked
- Squeeze Shoulder Blades
- Straight Back

Dumbbell 1-Arm Row

- Proper Range of Motion
- Elbow Tucked
- Squeeze Shoulder Blades
- Straight Back

80-85 Debrief with the students. NA


- Do students remember the cues for each movement?

- Were there any movements or specific techniques that students found difficult to

85-90 Students leave to get changed. NA

- Participation/Effort (PE):
- Performing workouts, cleaning up equipment, goal setting task, writing your own workout task.
- Cooperation, Leadership, Attitude, Sportsmanship (CLAS):
- Encouraging others, spotting, sharing equipment, counting reps/tempo and coaching partner/group.
- Acquisition of Skill (ASK):
- Acquiring and maintaining proper technique throughout the module.

General Safety Considerations (please refer to Safety Guidelines):

Bodyweight Exercises:
Grades 7 – 12: More advanced body weight exercises should focus on strength and proper technique.

- On-site supervision is recommended following initial skill instruction and after all safety concerns have been emphasized.
- Students must be instructed in the proper lifting techniques, safety procedures, and program progressions that are reflective of the
student’s weight, skill, and age.
- A general strengthening program should address all major muscle groups and exercise through the complete range of motion.
- Student workouts should be with a partner.
- A spotter system should be used when performing handstands.
- All equipment should be cleaned after use.
- Floor should provide sufficient traction when needed.
- Accessory equipment not in use should be stored appropriate and in such a way that they do not present a safety hazard.
- Suitable clothing and footwear should be worn (e.g., workout clothing and runners).

Free Weights
Grades 10 – 12: Students should be well supervised to ensure that proper technique is followed.

Instructional Considerations:
 When dealing with free weights, students must be instructed in the proper lifting techniques, safety procedures, and program
progressions that are reflective of the student’s weight, skill and age.
 A general strengthening program should address all major muscle groups and exercise through the complete range of motion.
 Specific strength training exercises should be learned initially with no load (resistance). Once the exercise skill has been
mastered, incremental loads can be added.
 Student workouts should be with a partner.
 A buddy system must be used when lifting free weights over the body.

 All equipment should be cleaned after use.
 Weight room should be locked when unsupervised.
 Floor below free weight activities should provide sufficient traction, so weights do not slide or roll.
 Weights and equipment not in use should be stored on appropriate racks and in such a way that they do not present a safety
 Suitable clothing and footwear should be worn, e.g., workout clothing and runners.

(SPHEReS, 2023)

 Were students safe?
 Did students maintain proper technique?
 Did students select the proper weight for exercises?
 Are students enjoying the lesson?
 Are any students having difficulty with specific exercises?
Squat Full Range of Motion Cues:

Muscles trained: Full Point: Top of knee Open up the hips.

Quadriceps, glutes, core. below hip crease Push out the knees.
Elevate heels.
1 Point Per Technique Half Point: Top of thigh
Achieved parallel to ground

Score: ______ / 4 All other technique cues must

be achieved for depth to
Knee & Toe in Line Cues:
Open up the hips.
Push out the knees.
Knee over middle toe.
Feet Flat Cues:
Widen up stance.
Sit back onto heels.
Back Straight Cue 4
Chest up.
Flat back.
Use video/mirror feedback.

Hinge Full Range of Motion Cues:

Muscles trained: Full Point: Torso parallel to Push hips back.

Hamstrings, glutes, core. ground Chest to the floor.

1 Point Per Technique Half Point: Torso 45 degrees

Achieved or lower

Score: ______ / 4 All other technique cues must

be achieved for depth to
Vertical Shin Cues:
Soft bend in knees.
Constraint in front of knees
(i.e., hand, dowel,
Feet Flat Cues:
Even pressure through the
entire foot.
Back Straight Cues:
Chest up.
Flat back.
Use video/mirror feedback.
Split Squat Full Range of Motion Cues:
Back knee to the floor.
Muscles trained: Quadriceps
& gluteus maximus. Knee & Toe in Line Cues:
Knee over middle toe.
1 Point Per Technique
Achieved Front Foot Flat Cues:
Even pressure through the
Score: ______ / 4 entire foot.

Back Straight Cues:

Chest up.
Flat back.
Physical constraint – hand in
front of chest.

Push-Up Full Range of Motion Cues:

Chest to the floor
Muscles trained: Chest,
shoulders, triceps. Elbows Tucked Cues:
Elbows at 45 degrees.
1 Point Per Technique Look like an arrow, not a T.
Squeeze Shoulder Blades Cues:
Score: ______ / 4 Squeeze shoulder blades
together at the bottom.
Reach at the top.

Back Straight Cues:

Hips & shoulders lower/rise
Don’t arch your back.
Brace your core.
Single Arm Dumbbell Row Full Range of Motion Cues:
Arm parallel to the body.
1 Point Per Technique
Achieved Elbows Tucked Cues:
Elbows at 0-45 degrees.
Muscles trained: Upper back
(rhomboids, mid traps, lats) Squeeze Shoulder Blades Cues:
and biceps. Squeeze shoulder blades
together at the top.
Score: _______ / 4 Elbow & shoulder move
Stretch at the bottom.

Back Straight Cues:

Chest up.
Flat back.
Use mirror/video feedback.

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