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Fig. 104.—Lounge Caps worn during removal of Wig.
Shoes at the beginning of this reign were set on very high spindle
heels; the toe-front became rounded, the instep-front a pointed
shape, and wide latchets were buckled till about 1785, but fashion
discarded them earlier; for about 1780 the shoes became very small
at the heel, and pointed again at the toe. When the latchets went
out, the pointed instep remained for a time, but a low round front
appeared, and the heel practically vanished just before 1800. These
later shoes were decorated on the front by needlework or incised
leather openwork underlaid with another colour. The soles at this
time were extremely quaint in shape, and the shoes were tied sandal
fashion up the ankle.

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Plate XXIV.

(a) Outdoor Silk Jacket. 1798-1808.

(b) Embroidered Muslin Bodice. 1816-30.
(c) Embroidered Muslin Bodice. 1824-25.
(d) Satin and Gauze Bodice. 1820-30.


The wigs, which were rather high in the front of the crown in the
earlier part, began to cast off the most eccentric forms, and became
just curled, rather full at the sides, and tied with a bow at the back:
dull pink powder became a favoured hue from about 1780; most
people began to return to their own hair, and one might see many
without long hair in the nineties. The last type of dressing the hair in
imitation of the wig form was a long, tightly braided pigtail at the
back, with one or even two side curls over the ear, and side whiskers
were allowed to fill up to them; thus when the short hair set the
fashion, side whiskers came in.
Hats were still worn of the three-cornered shape, but the favourites
became a front cockade hat and a hat with a rounded crown and
rather wide brim, sometimes turned up on one side; a short type of
top-hat was also often seen, and later became the fashion. The same
lawn and lace cravat developed into more of a plain white stock, with
a frilled shirt-front.
The coat was worn much tighter in the arms and was smartly cut,
with the fronts running away into a narrow tailed skirt. The pockets
often began to take a plain square form, with or without buttons; the
buttons on the front of the coat stopped at the waist—many cuffs are
seen without them; and the side pleats, set more to the back, were
pressed and narrower. Both the plain and turn-over collars were set
up high in the neck, large cut-steel buttons were introduced in the
early seventies, and many fancy china buttons, besides the gilt silver
and paste ones were in use. A new type of coat made its appearance
with a high turn-over collar and large lapels, and a sudden cut-in of
the coat-front high in the waist, giving a very long-tailed effect to the
skirt. A cuff shape with these was mostly made in one with the sleeve
and buttoned at the side towards the back, and when the cuff was
additional, it seldom had buttons, as formerly.
A greatcoat with one, two, or three capes was a picturesque
garment, and a leather-covered bottle was often carried when riding
a distance, of which I have an example in my collection.
Fig. 105.
Waistcoats, which had become much shorter, were now giving place
to a type with a straight-across front and turned-back lapels at the
neck; these large lapels were mostly worn outside over the coat
lapel. The waistcoats were often double-breasted with an
embroidered design down the front between the double row of
buttons, and the straight pockets of these had no flaps; they
shortened at the waist in character with the lapelled coat, but were
worn lower than the cut-in shape of the coat, showing about 3 inches
when the coat was fastened. Breeches became very tight, and
trousers begin to appear after 1790. Striped stockings and suits were
much in favour. Top-boots with rather long brown tops were worn, or
high boots with a curved top, with a gold tassel set in front, were
seen. The shoes with latchets and buckles had a low front on the
instep, and from about 1780 took a rather pointed oval toe shape;
the heels were mostly worn shorter. Swords were not so much in use
except on great occasions, but sword-sticks were carried, and heavy
club-sticks were fashionable before 1800. Patches were little used
after the seventies, but the snuff-box was still indispensable. The
double long purse with central rings and tassels at the ends was
carried, of knitted silk or of leather, the former with steel beads and
coloured silks worked together after 1780: small bag purses were
also in use, usually set in gilt mounts and made in the same methods
with a tassel below.
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Plate XXV.

(a) Silk Dress. 1800-10.

(b) Cotton Dress. 1800-10.
(c) Embroidered Muslin Dress. 1820-30
(Pattern, see p. 339).
(d) Silk Gauze Dress. 1824-30.
Fig. 106.



During the later part of the 18th century, a great deal of tinsel drawn
work was done on fine muslin, and became beautifully treated in
delicate design on the hem and down the front of many of the high-
waisted dresses as in Fig. A, Plate XXIII (see p. 218). Later on
towards the twenties we see a great deal of effective coarse work in
heavy gold tinsel, and at the same time to the forties a number of
dresses were ably enriched with fine gold thread.
The white embroidery in the earlier trimmings of this period, of which
I give examples in Plate XXIV (see p. 231), was remarkable for its
wealth of fancy; the chief beauty of these dresses was the delightful
treatment of gathered effects, and with the reign of George IV we
note the gradual return of the longer pointed bodice, with the growth
of very full sleeves, also the increase in the size and fuller set-out of
the skirts over the stiff flounced drill petticoats. The V-shaped Bertha
setting to neck and shoulders began to establish itself, and became a
great feature through the thirties and forties; the first signs of it
appear about 1814. Varieties of materials were used to great
advantage in designing, and drawn tulle trimmings were happily
introduced to soften hard shapes and colours. The shoulder fullness
also began to be neatly drawn in and held by straps, which gave a
charming character to many bodices.
From 1816 choice work in piped shapes, often of flower forms
decorated with pearls or beads, was set on fine net, as seen in Plates
XXIII and XXIX (see pp. 218, 263). The attraction to the thirties was
the happy effects gained by the bow and flower looping on the
flounces, and these ripened in fancy and variety through the forties.
Braiding was adopted in the thirties with a rather charming treatment
of tassels down the front of the dress; the polonaises of this time
were also effective and simple, caught here and there with posies of
flowers, and we find this fashion again revived in the sixties.
With the reign of George IV we notice an increasing choice of strong
coloured effects, which culminated in the mid-Victorian era in raw
colour and violent shot silks, velvets, and heavy fringes, but one may
see that many of these dresses of bright pure tone looked
exceedingly refined and were quite stately. A remarkable dress is Fig.
A, Plate XXXII (see p. 279), which is of very strong bright blue; its
only enrichment being a curved line of folded silk. All these dresses
from 1800 were delightfully embellished with embroidered fichus,
light scarves of frail gauze, crêpe, or Norwich silk, and in the
Victorian times capes and V-shaped shawls; fascinating lace ruffles
and tuck-in fronts to the bodice necks, of frills and bands of
embroidery, broke the severity or bareness of many dresses. An
endless variety of fascinating caps and lace head-lappets was pinned
or caught into the hair at the wearer's fancy; besides the bows,
flowers, and jewels (especially pearls) which have always played an
important part in the coiffure from early times, the chatelaines and
bags, fobs, fans, and lace or silk handkerchiefs all give the artist a
note of extra colour when desired. The cruel period of taste really
came with the seventies, though one can trace many quaint and
interesting cuts in the bodices and skirts of this time; but the "grand
dress" of complicated drapings, heavily fringed or braided, was a "set
piece" which, let us hope, will never appear again.
The long stocking-purse which began to appear in the late 17th
century was up to 1820 sometimes carried tucked through the belt; it
was set with a pair of metal rings and tassels of steel or gilt beads.
Small and large circular and bag-shaped purses were also in use; all
these were made in coloured silk threads enriched with steel, gilt, or
coloured beads, the latter shapes being set in chased metal mounts,
the circular ones generally having a fringe and the bag shape a small
tassel or heavy drop. These shapes can also be seen in coloured
leathers with a leather tassel, besides the plain money-bag with a


The hair up to 1808 was gathered into a knot of curls at the back of
the head, rather high up, with a small curl at the sides in front of the
ear. Later the knot was set more on the top, and the side curls were
made more of a feature, several being arranged at the sides.
Numerous varieties of large and small brimmed hats, bonnets, and
turbans are seen, and several masculine top-hats and cockade hats
may be noted late in this reign. The usual feather decorations and
large ribbons or flowers were in use, and a handkerchief was
sometimes bound over the top of the straw hat and tied under the
Fig. 107.—Costume notes, 1811-1812.
Fig. 108.—Costume notes, 1814-1816.
The classic high-waisted dress continued till 1808, and was often
beautifully decorated with white embroidery and gold or tinsel, as in
A, Plates XX and XXIII (see pp. 199, 218), and the frontispiece is a
lovely white example. There were several interesting drapings, one
being a cord hanging from the back of the shoulder to loop up the
train of the dress, as in A, Plate XXII (see p. 215). The simple tunic
shapes are better described by the illustrations: more originality was
essayed in design after the last-mentioned date. A high Vandyked
lace collar and fan setting to the shoulders appeared, and many
interesting dresses of a plain cut, mostly in velvet and silks, were
worn about 1810-12. A gathered sleeve drawn tight at intervals was
often seen up to 1816, when embroidered ruffles and frills decorated
most of the necks and skirts, and a braided type of character, rather
military in effect with beautifully piped edgings, came in from about
1817. Spencer bodices were an additional interest at this period, and
a short puff sleeve was generally banded or caught with bows; these
being often worn over a fairly loose long sleeve gathered by a
wristband. Dresses were worn shorter from about 1810. Charming
lace and embroidered fichus crossed the shoulders, and long scarf-
capes were thrown round the neck and were often tied round behind,
as in the 18th century; long capes with points and tassels in front fell
to the knees, and a simple pelisse with cape became a pleasing
feature. Bags were always carried, of which there is a variety of
shapes in the plates; long gloves or mittens were generally worn.
Parasols of a flat shape, or others with round or pagoda shaped tops
are seen, many being edged with a deep fringe. Long purses were
often tucked through the waistband.
Fig. 109.
The pointed shoe, tied sandal fashion up the leg, and with no heel,
remained through this reign, but a round-toed low shoe, tied on in
the same manner, began to supersede it about 1810.


Wigs had practically gone out, except for a few of the latter type of
the 18th century amongst elderly people. The hair was now worn
short, and left rather full on the front, with short side-whiskers. Plain
black or white stocks tied with a front bow, and a starched or
unstarched collar with a frilled or gathered shirt-front were in use. A
tie-pin or stud was also seen in the centre of the stock or frilling.
The same hats as in the latter part of the 18th century continued for
a time, but the top-hat had established its favour, and assumed
various shapes throughout this reign.

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Plate XXVI.
(a) Morning Coat of Chintz. 1825-45. Pattern, see p.
(b) Cloth Coat. 1808-20. Pattern, see p. 307.
(c) Cloth Overcoat. 1820-35. Pattern similar to p.
The coats were set with very high turn-over collars and a wide-
shaped lapel, and the lapel of the waistcoat was still brought outside.
As these lapels on the coats became smaller and changed into a roll
collar, they were cut into points at the breast, as seen in the
The front of the coat cut away in a short square, rather high in the
waist, which thus formed a long-tailed skirt; the fronts were made
double-breasted, and were often fastened high up the lapel. The hip-
pleats had gone round more to the back into a closely pressed fold,
about three inches from the back-opening. Sleeves were gathered
rather full in the shoulders, becoming very tight on the forearm, and
were finished in a cuff, or buttoned cuff-shape. We also see that a
short square coat without tails was worn over the longer one.
Overcoats (or long-skirted coats) with a cape or capes, up to four,
were worn all through this reign, both double and single breasted,
sometimes with turn-up cuffs; but this mode was not frequently
used, as a sewn-on cuff or cuff made in the sleeve was now worn,
and began to take a curved shape well over the hand, with three
buttons to fasten it on the outer sides.
Short double-breasted waistcoats continued much the same, but a
round-shaped lapel appeared on many.
Very tight-fitting breeches were worn of the same 18th-century cut,
and trousers began to gain favour; a fob of seals, &c., was always
worn, coming from under the waistcoat.
Soft high boots with turn-down tops, and boots with longish brown
tops set low on the leg. The top-boot with the pointed or oval-shaped
front and tassel still held sway, and an oval-toed low shoe with or
without small latchets was in use.

The hair at this period was worn in plaits or curls gathered on top,
and during the latter years was arranged into stiff loops set with a
high comb; a group of curls was drawn to the sides of the face, the
hair being mostly parted from the centre. Plumes were much used for
head-dresses, and caps with gathered puffs and pointed frills. A high-
crowned straw poke bonnet, tilted upwards, was still in form; but the
prevailing mode was a silk bonnet, with the brim curved in at the
front, the sides being drawn together under the chin with a bow. The
prevailing decoration was a group of feathers thrown forward or
ribbon loops, and after this a large round hat, with a full gathered
crown, arrived about 1827, or straw shapes, such as Fig. A, Plate
XXVIII (see p. 259).
Fig. 110.
Dresses gradually assumed a longer waist, and a short pointed bodice
made its appearance here and there from about 1822, when short
stays began to return, and pointed belt corselets were frequent,
though the waistband or sash was chiefly used. Short puffed sleeves
of charming character and workmanship were sometimes set in a
gauze sleeve, as in Fig. C, Plate XXIII (see p. 218). Spencers and
pelisses had long sleeves coming from these short ones; they were
rather full, and were caught at the wrist with a band. The upper
sleeve gradually disappeared as the full-topped sleeves began to
develop in size, about 1824; this fullness was often broken up into
gathered parts, a tight cuff-piece usually finished at the wrist. The
high set-up collars and neck-frills gave way to the flat capes about
1827, though the small ruffs were worn round the top of the high-
necked capes to 1830. The gathered shoulder began about 1823, and
soon became a marked feature; pointed or scalloped frills and
trimmings came into favour from 1825, Fig. B, Plate XXIII (see p.
218), and about 1827 the sloped appearance in the bodice began to
be noticed as the sleeves were set lower. The shoulders in ball
dresses were shown, and a gathered Bertha of silk or lace was
arranged round the neck of bodice, Fig. D, Plate XXIV (see p. 231), or
this form was made in the pattern as in Fig. C, Plate XXII (see p.
215). The V-shaped piece from the centre of waist or breast began to
spread over the shoulders, where it was opened, as in Fig. B, Plate
XXII (see p. 215). This V shape was often open down to the waist,
where it was filled in with a centre-piece of embroidery. Skirts were
gradually set out fuller, with stiff-flounced petticoats; they had various
simple or richly decorated borders and fronts, or several small
flounces, or one deep one often with the edges cut into divers
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Plate XXVII.—Outdoor Silk Dress.


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