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Chapter 6 History of Pakistan -II

1. On 20th December, 1971 took the oath of president of Pakistan and Chief
Martial Law Administrator:Zulfiqar Bhutto.
2. Yom e Takbeer is celebrated on: 28th May
3. In South Asia, through an act, the Viceroy Lord Rippon implemented the
system of local government in: 1884
4. Zakat is deducted from the Muslim account holders at the percentage of. 2½
5. 33% of the total seats of the district council is reserved for: Women.
6. The total members of the National Assembly are: 342.
7. Pakistan did atomic blast in:1998.
8. In 1993 government of the Benazir Bhutto started five year plan: eighth
9. Mian M. Nawaz Sharif himself inaugurated motorway on its completion Ceremony in:1998

Additional MCQs
10. Who was the first civilian Chief Martial Law Administrator? Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

11. In 1971 how many families owned 60% of industrial assets and 80% of insurance business in
Pakistan: 22

12. How many directors were dismissed under industrial reforms? 20

13. Pakistan scheduled banks were nationalized on: 1st January, 1974

14.Bhutto government announced 'Labour Reforms' in: 1972

15. According to the labour policy of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto representatives of the labourers included in
managing committees of the factories should be: 20%

16. According to Bhutto's Labour Reforms the working time of the labourers was rescheduled from 54
working hours within a week to: 48 Hours

17. Which commission was set up under the labour policy of Bhutto for the settlement of the disputes
among the labourers? Industrial Relation Commission

18. According to Zulifqar Ali Bhutto's agricultural reform, the limit of land ownership, irrigated by
canals was fixed up to: 150 Acres

19. According to Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's agricultural reform, the limit of land ownership, irrigated by
natural rains was fixed upto: 300 Acres

20.During whose government Allama Iqbal Open University was set up? Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

21. How many 'articles' are there in 1973 constitution? 280

22. According to 1973 constitution, National Language of Pakistan will be: Urdu

23.According to 1973 constitution selection of President is made by: National Assembly, Senate and
all Provincial Assemblies

24.According to 1973 constitution the parliament will consist of: Two Houses

25.According to constitution of 1973 the members of senate are elected for: 6 Years

26. According to 1973 constitution, Senate is a permanent house and its members are: 104

27. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto government held elections in: 1977

28. Pakistan National Alliance' was headed by: Maulana Mufti Mahmood

29. When did General Zia-ul-Haq declare Martial law in the country? 5 July, 1977

30. For how long did General Zia rule over the country? 11 years

31. General Zia-ul-Haq was killed in an air crash: 17 August 1988

32. When did the Zia government issue Shariat Ordinance: 1979

33. Rate of Ushr on annual agricultural. 10 %

34. The study of the Arabic language was made compulsory in schools for the grades: six to eight

35. International Islamic University Islamabad was started in: 1981

36. When were the 'non-party' elections held in the Era of Zia-ul-Haq? 1985

37. Muhammad Khan Junejo became the Prime Minister of the country in:d 1985

38. For how many years did General Zia-ul-Haq impose Martial Law in the country? Approximately
8 years.

39. The martial law of Zia-ul-Haq was ended on: 30th December 1985

40. The incident of Ojri Camp occurred in . 1982

41. President Zia-ul-Haq dismissed the Junejo Government in .1988

42. Muhammad Khan Junejo remained Prime Minister for:3 years

43. RUSSIAN armed forces entered in Afghanistan in .1979

44. Geneva accord was agreed upon between America and RUSSIA in . April 1988

45. Russia accepted defeat and withdrew its forces from Afghanistan in .1989

46. How many Afghan refugees came to Pakistan? 30 lac

47. When was Benazir Bhutto first time elected as prime minister? December 1988

48. Who was the first Woman Prime Minister of the Islamic World. Benazir Bhutto
49. Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali became Chief Minister of Baluchistan in: 1988

50. Who became the president in December, 1988? Ghulam Ishaq Khan

51. Pakistan rejoined 'commonwealth' in: 1989

52. Indian prime minister participated in the fourth SAARC conference: Rajiv Gandhi

53. Who dismissed first Government of Benazir Bhutto ? Ghulam Ishaq Khan

54. Who dismissed the second Government of Benazir Bhutto? Farooq Ahmad Laghari

55.When did Nawaz government announce an Agricultural Policy during his first tenure?1991

56.Nawaz government constituted privatization commission in: 1991

57. "Bait-ul-Maal" was set up in Pakistan in: 1992

58. Babri Masjid was demolished in:1992

59. Overseas Pakistanis got the right to cast vote in Pakistan in: 1997

60. The act of Changing loyalty from party is said: Floor Crossing

61. By which constitutional amendment floor crossing was restricted: Fourteenth

62. What was the population of the country in the census of 1998? 13 crores

63. Which Prime Minister ended 58-2-B through 'Thirteenth Amendment'? Nawaz Sharif

64. Pakistan is atomic power of the World: 7th

65. Indian Prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee visited Pakistan in: 1999

66. Which communiqué was signed Nawaz Sharif and Vajpayee? Lahore Declaration

67. When was first atomic power house set up in Karachi? 1971

68. India did its first atomic blast in the Rajasthan Desert in: 1974

69. An agreement to obtain an atomic re-processing plant was signed with France in. 1976

70. Pakistan has obtained the uranium enrichment in: 1984

71. After conducting atomic blasts in Chaghi in 1998 Pakistan became atomic power of Islamic World:

72. When did General Pervaiz Musharraf took over the control of country? 1999

73. Who introduced the "Local Government" system in Pakistan for the first time? General Ayub Khan

74. President Ayub Khan issued an order for basic democracies system in: 27th October 1959

75. In which election was graduation made conditional for the candidates? 2002
76. Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani became the Prime Minister of Pakistan in: 2008

77. For how long did General Pervez Musharraf rule over the country? 9 years

78. Who tried to introduce the concept of enlightenment? General Parvez Musharraf

79. Who was the ideal of Pervez Musharraf? Mustafa Kamal Pasha

80. Who was the first lady Governor of the State Bank of Pakistan? Dr. Shamshad Akhtar

81. When were Habib Bank and UBL privatized? December 2004

82. In the era of Musharraf, Pak-Arab fertilizer of Mirpur Mathelo was sold for:a 8 billion

83. In the era of Musharraf, Pak-Arab fertilizer of Multan was sold for: 13 billion

84. How much increase in G.D.P was recorded in General Pervez Musharraf Government? 7 %

85. How much increase in the investment was recorded in Musharraf Government? 22 %

Chapter 6 History of Pakistan -II

(Short Questions)
Q.1. Write two duties of the Union
Ans. Duties of the Union Council:
The duties of a Union Council include the security arrangements within its boundary ,
making the annual development programme for the area, imposing taxes at the local level
and solving the criminal and civil cases of small nature, and land and family disputes.
Q.2. Why was Washington declaration made? (Board 2016)
Ans. Washington Declaration
On the advice of the American President, Bill Clinton, Prime Minister Mian Muhammad
Nawaz Sharif went to America in 1999 to solve the Kargil issue. There he signed ceasefire
agreement called Washington Declaration.
Q.3. Why did President Ghulam Ishaq Khan dismiss the Benazir Bhutto
government?(Board 2016,17)
Ans. Dismissal of the Benazir Bhutto Government:
President Ghulam Ishaq Khan using the powers under Section 58-2-B of the constitution
dismissed the Benazir Bhutto government on the charges of corruption and dissolved the
National Assembly on August 1990. Her first government lasted for about 20 months.
Q.4. Write two measures taken for women in Musharraf government. (Board 2015,16)
Ans. Measures taken for Women:
Two measures taken for women in Musharraf government are as under:
1. Women were given small loans on easy instalments without any reference.
2. Women were appointed, for the first time, fighter pilots in the Air Force by the
3. Women were appointed traffic wardens in main cities of Punjab.
4. A direct commission was made possible for the women in the army.
Q.5. Under which law did America discontinue the supply of defence armaments to
(Board 2017)
Ans. Supply of Defence Armaments
In January 1992, under Pressler Amendment, aid of all kinds to Pakistan was stopped.
Q.6. What is meant by Lahore Declaration? (Board 2015,18)
Ans. Lahore Declaration:
In 1999, the Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee came to Lahore with the message of
goodwill. He and Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif announced many plans to normalize
mutual relations. They signed an agreement, called Lahore Declaration.
Q.7.Why is the 1973 constitution called the federal constitution?(Board 2015,16,19)
Ans. Federal Constitution:
Like the previous previous constitutions, Pakistan has been declared a federal state in
the 1973 constitution. The federation of Pakistan consists of four provinces, Federal capital
and adjoining tribal areas which are called FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas) and
PATA (Provincially Administered Tribal Areas).
Q.8. What was the limit of the agricultural land which Prime Minister Bhutto Zulfiqar Ali
fixed for the individual holding?(Board 2015,16,19)
Ans. Limit of the Agricultural Land:
The limit of land ownership irrigated by canals, was fixed up to 150 acres and land irrigated
by natural rains was up to 300 acres.
Q.9. Under which amounts were Habib Bank and UBL privatized? (Board 2016,18)
Ans: Habib Bank and UBL:
Ans: Habib Bank and UBL:
Habib Bank was sold only for Rs 22 billion and UBL was sold only for Rs 13 billion.

Q.10. In which election was graduation made conditional for the candidates?
Ans. Condition of B.A. (Graduation):
Elections were held in October 2002. General Pervez Musharraf took the oath as the President
of the country for the next five years in November 2002. For the first time in Pakistan, it was
declared mandatory for a candidate to be a graduate in this election.

(Additional Short Questions)

Q.11. Who was the first Civilian Chief Martial Law Administrator in the history of Pakistan?
Ans. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto took charge as the President of Pakistan and Chief Martial Law
Administrator on 20th December, 1971.Bhutto was the first Civilian Chief Martial Law
Q.12. What did Zulifqar Ali Bhutto say in his first speech?
Ans. Zulifqar Ali Bhutto took over the office of President of Pakistan as well as Civilian Chief
Martial Law Administrator on 20th December 1971. In his first speech he said, "The country
is facing a serious crisis. I have taken over at a time when the history of Pakistan has reached
its turning point. I have to build a new and progressive Pakistan which the Quaid-e-Azam
dreamed. It is my belief that it will definitely be done.
Q.13. What does 'nationalization' mean?
Ans. If the state takes control of such private institutions that are purely private property of
the citizen, this process is called nationalization. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto nationalized industries
and insurance companies during his reign.
Q.14. Write down the benefits of nationalization of banks and insurance companies.
On 19th March 1972, all insurance companies of Pakistan and on 1st January, 1974 all
scheduled banks of Pakistan were taken in the custody of state. These were the positive
impacts of that step:
1. Condition of Bank employees was
2. Government's economic condition was improved.
3. The money had been spent on the welfare of people.
Q.15. Write four points of labour reforms.
Ans. The important points of labour reforms are:
1. It was announced that the labourer will be given a bonus of one month's salary every year.
In case of increased production, additional bonus was promised.
2. It was made compulsory to reduce working hours of labourers from 54 to 48 hours per
3. Additional wages for over-time were announced.
4. Pension, insurance, gratuity, medical facilities under social security scheme were provided.
Q.16. What does 'Industrial relation commission' mean?
Ans. Industrial Relation Commission:
An Industrial Relations Commission was set up for the settlement of the disputes among the
labourers through trade unions. Junior courts were set up in this respect so that labourers
could have the right to take their cases to the labour courts.
Q.17. Write down four points from Bhutto's agricultural reforms.
1. The limit of land ownership was set as 150 acres for irrigated and 300 acres for non-irrigated
land. Extra land distributed among farmers and peasants.
2. All land and water tax would be paid by was the landlords and the peasants would be
exempted from it.
3. No one except for educational institutions was allowed to cross the limit of land ownership.
4. The landlords were not allowed to evict the peasants one-sidedly.
Q.18. Write down any two positive impacts of nationalization of industry.
1. The mill owners showed better attitude with the labourers. Strikes gradually decreased.
2. The control over the industrial units helped the government to maintain the prices of the
industrial goods.
Q.19. Write down any two negative impacts of nationalization of industry.
1. The salaried staff did not shoulder their responsibilities seriously which promoted
corruption in the country.
2. Due to government control, many low-production units were also running which
increased the burden on the national
Q.20. Why 1973 constitution called a semi-rigid constitution?
constitution called a semi-rigid constitution because, the method of amendment is neither
too difficult nor too easy. A two-thirds majority of the Parliament (National Assembly and
Senate) is required to make an amendment in the constitution.
Q.21. Why is the 1973 constitution called the parliamentary constitution?
Ans. According to the Constitution of 1973, the National Assembly will have a tenure of five
years. The parliamentary form of government was implemented in the country. The head of
the country is the President, and the Prime Minister is the head of the government. The
President is elected by the Parliament and the Provincial Assemblies, whereas the Prime
Minister is elected by a majority in the National Assembly.
Q.22. What is meant by bicameral legislature?
Ans. The parliament will consist of two houses according to 1973 constitution. The Upper
House is called the Senate and the Lower House is the National Assembly. The provinces have
been representation in Senate and it is a permanent House. Its tenure is of six years. It consists
of 104 members. The National Assembly comprises of 342 members. The total number
of the members of Parliament (Majlis-e-Shoora) is 446.
Q.23. What measures were taken to the abolition of interest?
For abolition of interest, accounts were opened on the basis of profit and loss on 1st Jan, 1981
and all saving accounts were converted to PLS account from 1st July 1984.
Q.24. What measures were taken in Ehtrame-e-Ramazan?
Ehtaram-e-Ramzan Ordinance was passed. The people not observing the sanctity of the
month of Ramazan could be jailed for three months and fined 500 rupees.
Q.25. Write about Muhammad Khan Junejo's development programmes.
1. 7 marla housing scheme was issued.
2. 5 point development programme was commenced.
3. Plan to raise the literacy rate was prepared.
Q.26. Write down the incident of Ojhari camp.
Ans. Ojhari Camp:
Ojhari camp was an arms depot located between Rawalpindi and Islamabad. In 1988 a fire
broke out in this depot and explosions occurred at Rawalpindi, Islamabad and adjacent areas.
This caused great loss of lives and money. After a week, this fire was controlled.
Q.27. What was Geneva Accord?
America and Russia signed an accord in April 1988 in Geneva. The Prime Minister of Pakistan
Muhammad Khan Junejo also participated and signed it. Russia accepted its defeat and
withdrew its forces from Afghanistan on 15th February, 1989. This was the end of Afghan
Q.28. How was Benazir Bhutto's second government dismissed?
Differences on different matters were developed between President Mr. Farooq Ahmed
Leghari and Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. He dismissed the government on charges of
corruption by using the powers under 58-2-B of the constitution. Benazir Bhutto ruled over
the country for about 3 years this time.
Q.29. What is meant by "Retire debt, adorn the country" scheme?
Economic condition of the country was not improving and the government had to take loans
from the IMF for its budget. Nawaz Sharif started a scheme called 'Retire debt, adorn the
country' and appealed to the nation to pay off the foreign loans. The nation welcomed this
scheme and about 17 billion rupees were collected till June 1999 in this head.
Q.30. When was the restriction on floor crossing imposed?
The government imposed restriction on party floor crossing by the members of the Assembly
under 14th amendment of the 1973 constitution. Through this amendment the elected
member of the Assembly was bound to give the vote of confidence only to their own party
leader. Violator was to be expelled from the party.
Q.31. What is meant by 58-2B?
A clause of the constitution which gave president the power to dissolve the National Assembly
and dismiss the government. Through 13th amendment this power of president was
Q.32. When and where did Pakistan demonstrate atomic blasts and why Pakistan
celebrated Youm-e-Takbeer?

In spite of international pressure the government demonstrated courage on the demand of
the public and conducted 7 blasts in the Chaghi Hills of Balochistan in reply to the five blasts
of India on 28th May 1998. This day is celebrated as Youm-e-Takbeer.
Q.33. What were the reasons behind Musharraf take over?
On 12 October 1999, the Chief of Army Staff General Pervez Musharraf suspended the
constitution, overthrew the government of Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif
and dissolved the national and provincial assemblies. The Prime Minister Mian Muhammad
Nawaz Sharif's decision of appointing General Zia-ud-Din, Chief of Army Staff was also
declared unconstitutional. Later on, Supreme Court, in a decision, gave General Pervez
Musharaf's government a period of three years so that he could bring constitutional and social
reforms in the country.
Q.34. When was basic Democracies system of Ayub Khan enforced and what was its
President Ayub Khan issued an order for Basic Democracies on 27th October, 1959
which introduced a system of local government in Pakistan. It was called 'Basic Democracy'
system. Its main aim was to transfer the power at the lower level through their own
representatives. This system could not bring any substantial changes and came to an end. The
system of local governments was not even successful in the Bhutto regime.
Q35. Mention the duties of Tehsil Municipal Officer (T.M.O).
T.M.O supervises affairs related to various departments. These departments include finance,
budget and account record of land revenue planning, rural and urban planning, municipal
coordination categorization etc.
Q.36. What does 'enlightenment' mean?
Enlightenment means to harmonize actions, civilization, one's thoughts, education and
behaviours to the modern world's demands. In Pakistan General Musharraf introduced the
term of 'enlightenment' like Mustafa Kamal Ataturk of Turkey, however, Islamic parties and
people with religious tendencies rejected it strongly.
Q.37. Write about Benazir Bhutto Social Welfare Programme.
Ans. The government had launched the peoples works programme for development social
welfare of the country. For providing employment to the public, a department placement
Bureau was set up. Thousands of people got employment through it.

Chapter 6 History of Pakistan -II

(Long Questions)
Q.1. Narrate the formation of a District Government and its duties. (Board 2015)
Ans. Local Government:
A government by the local people who formulate and implement domestic policies at the
local level is called the local self-government.
Viceroy Lord Rippon's System of Local Government:
Viceroy Lord Rippon enforced the Local Government system through an act in 1884 in South
Asia. It’s responsibility was to solve the problems of local people.
Ayub Khan's Basic Democracies System:
President Ayub Khan introduced the 'Basic Democracy system’ on 27th October, 1959.

Local Government Plan 2000:

General Pervez Musharraf divided local government into following three parts
1. Union Government
2. Tehsil Government
3. District Government
District Government:
The detail of district government is as under:
1. Head of District Council:
District Nazim is the head of District Council. He is the head of district administration. He is
supported by District Naib Nazim.
2. Formation of District Council
District Council comprises District Nazim, Naib Nazim, General Councillors, Lady Councillors,
Labour Councillors and Councillors of Minorities.
3. District Assembly:
District Nazim and Naib Nazim, District Councillors, all the Nazims of all the Union Councils
in that district are the members of District Assembly. They form a house of District Assembly.
Including budget all the matters of district are approved by the District Assembly.
4. Reserved Seats:
In District Assembly, 33% seats are reserved for women, 5% seats are reserved for farmers
and labourers, and 5% seats are reserved for minorities.
5. Elections of District Council Members:
All the Nazims, Naib Nazims, and all the councillors of every Union Council in that district
Vote for the election of district Nazim and Naib Nazim.
6. Elections of District Nazim and Naib Nazim:
District Nazim and Naib Nazim are elected through majority of votes. These members include
all the Nazims, Naib Nazims, and all the councillors of every Union Council in that district.
7. Powers of District Nazim:
The District Nazim is the head of all the administrative powers. The district police and
administration are answerable to the District Nazim.
8. Duties of District Nazim:The District Nazim provides political leadership. He is responsible
for the development and prosperity of his district. He gives the final approval of every
development programme and budget.
9. Duties and Powers of District Council: The District Council makes development
programmes in the district. It looks after the security
arrangements in the district. All the plans and programmes, and budget are discussed and
in District Council. It then sends it to District Nazim for final approval. It can also impose,
increase and decrease taxes.
10. District Administration: The district administration comprises different departments. The
head of every department is called the Executive District Officer. District Coordination Officer
runs the district administration. He helps the District Nazim in administration works.
Conclusion: The District Government is the part of the local government. The system
established at the low level was made to lessen the problems of the local people but it is not
being benefited in Pakistan. It does not mean that this system should be abolished. Any
system established is for the betterment of community. This system can be successful if the
authorities feel responsibility to critically monitor it.

Q 2. Explain the efforts made for Islamization between 1977 and 1988.
Ans. The efforts made for Islamization by Zia government between 1977 and 1988 are as
1) The Setting up of Shariah courts: - Federal Shariat Courts were set up in 1980. Shariat
Benches in all the High Courts and Supreme court were set up on 10th of Feb. 1979 to interpret
Islamic law.
2) Implementing Shariat Ordinance: - Shariat Ordinance was passed in 1979. All the matters of
stealing, drinking alcohol, rape and other crimes would be dealt with under Shariat Law.
3) Zakat and Ushr Ordinance: - According to this ordinance 2.5% zakat is deducted annually from
Muslims. And 10% ushr is deducted from annual agricultural income from Muslims.
4) Abolition of Interest: - For abolition of interest, accounts were opened on the basis of profit
and loss on 1st Jan. 1981 and all saving accounts were converted to PLS account from 1 st July
5) Islamyat and Pakistan Studies as Compulsory Subjects: - The study of Islamyat and Pakistan
Studies were made compulsory up to BA in all the educational institutions. This step was taken
to harmonize the educational system with Islam.
6) Prayer Arrangements: - Arrangements were made in all the educational institutions and
government offices for offering of Zuhr prayers. Prayer committees were formed to attract
the people to prayers.
7) Ehtram-e-Ramazan Ordinance: - Ehteram-e-Ramzan Ordinance was passed. The people not
observing the sanctity of the month of Ramazan could be jailed for three months and fined
500 rupees.
8) Religious Schools: - In Zia’s regime, many religious schools were looked after by the
government and they were given annual grants. Their degrees were considered equal to M.A.
9) Compulsory Study of Arabic: - The study of the Arabic language was made compulsory from
Grade 6 to Grade 8.
10) The International Islamic University: -The International Islamic University in Islamabad was
started in 1981 for Islamic learning and law research.
11) The setting up of a Shariat Faculty: - A shariat faculty was set up in the Quaid-e-Azam
University in Islamabad which would provide teaching of Hadith, Fiqh and Islamic Law.

Q. 3 Explain the nuclear program of Pakistan.

When Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto took over powers in 1971, he declared that atomic energy is
necessary for our progress and defence but we want atomic energy not for war or destruction
but for our prosperity and development. The first atomic plant of Pakistan was set up in
Karachi in 1971 but it was not fulfilling the country's needs. For the development of the
growing industries in Pakistan, it was very essential to obtain more atomic energy.
1. India's First Atomic Blast
When India did its first atomic blast in the Rajasthan Desert in 1974, it became an atomic
power. With this blast, the balance of power in South Asia was disturbed; therefore, Pakistan
to make its efforts to become an atomic power.
2. Pakistan France Plant Agreement
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto wished to obtain an atomic re-processing plant from France. An agreement
was signed between the two countries for a plant in 1976. Out of the total cost of 40 crore
dollars for the plant, the first instalment of 10 crore dollars was paid but India, Russia, America
and other atomic powers did not appreciate this. They pressurized France, due to which
France refused to provide the plant to Pakistan.
3. General Zia-ul-Haq Efforts
General Zia-ul-Haq's government continued this programme under the supervision of Dr.
Abdul Qadeer Khan. He announced that Pakistan had obtained the technique of uranium
enrichment in 1984.
4. Indian Propaganda
On this announcement the enemies of Pakistan started their propaganda movement against
Pakistan's nuclear programme. It was blamed that Pakistan could use the atomic weapons
through American F-16 and French Aircraft Mirage which had access to big cities of India.
5. Announcement of Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan
Dr. Qadeer Khan claimed in 1989 that Pakistan had gained the capability to build an atomic
bomb or device.
6. Pressler Amendment
India and Pakistan had kept their programmes secret from each other, but with its atomic
blast in 1974, it was exposed to the world that India was an atomic power. America was
completely silent but when Pakistan proceeded in this field, the Pressler Amendment was
enforced rapidly.
7. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
When the Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) came to power in India in 1998, it conducted five
atomic blasts in Pokhran (Rajasthan) on 11th May, 1998 to establish its atomic supremacy in
the region.
8. Bill Clinton’s Pressure
President Bill Clinton forced Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif not to reply the Indian aggression
and threatened to curtail economic aid to Pakistan if it conducted blasts in return but Mian
Muhammad Nawaz Sharif refused to accept Bill Clinton's threat.
9. Pakistan Atomic Blast
In spite of international pressure, the government demonstrated courage on the demand of
the public and conducted 7 blasts in the Chaghi Hills of Balochistan in reply to the five blasts
of India. Pakistan became the world's seventh and the Islamic world's first atomic power.
10. Youm-e-Takbeer
As soon as 'Allah-o-Akbar' sounded over the Chaghi Hills, the Pakistani nation was excited
with pride and the enemy's arrogance dashed to ground. 28th may was declared Youm-e-
11. Conclusion
Atomic blast of Pakistan had made the balance of power stable in the South Asia. The
Pakistani nation was excited with pride and the enemy's arrogance dashed to the ground.
Q.4. Write a comprehensive note on the following:
a. Tehsil Council
b. Tehsil Administration
c. Tehsil Nazim and Naib Nazim
Ans. Local Government Plan 2000
General Pervez Musharraf divided local government into following three parts.
1. Union Government
2. Tehsil Government
3. District Government
Tehsil Government:
It comprises of Tehsil Council, Tehsil Administration , and Tehsil Nazim and Naib Nazim
a. Tehsil Council
1. Formation of Tehsil Council:
The Tehsil Council comprises Tehsil Nazim, and Naib Nazims of all the Union Councils of
that tehsil. The Tehsil Nazim is the administrative head of the Tehsil government.
2. Reserved Seats:
In Tehsil Council, 33% seats are reserved for women. 5% seats are reserved for farmers and
bourers and 5% seats are reserved for the minorities.
3. Administration of Tehsil Council:
Tehsil Nazim is the administrative head of the Tehsil government. A Tehsil Municipal Officer
TMO) works under the Tehsil Nazim. Four Tehsil Officers (TOs) work under Tehsil Municipal
Officer. They supervise the affairs of the different departments.
4. Departments of Tehsil Council:
Different departments of Tehsil Council include finance, budget and accounts, record of land
revenue, planning, rural and urban development, municipal coordination and its stages etc.
5. Functions and Powers of Tehsil Council:
▪ to approve taxes proposed by Tehsil Municipal Administration
▪ to approve by-laws for delivery of municipal services
▪ to approve annual budget of Tehsil
▪ to monitor the working of the Tehsil Municipal Administration
▪ to enforce all municipal laws
▪ to prepare budget
As a conclusion we may say that Tehsil Council is an important tier of Local Government
System. It looks after all the matters of Tehsil and makes development plans
b. Tehsil Administration
1. Introduction
Tehsil administration plays a key role in Local Government System. Tehsil Nazim is the
administrative head of Tehsil Administration. Then there is administrative machinery that
works under tehsil nazim. Here we will discuss different aspects of tehsil administration.
2. Tehsil Administration
Tehsil Nazim is the administrative head of the tehsil government. A Tehsil Municipal Officer
(TMO) works under the Tehsil Nazim. Four Tehsil Officers (TOs) work under Tehsil Municipal
Officer. They supervise the affairs of the different departments.
3. Tehsil Nazim
The Tehsil Nazim shall head the Tehsil Municipal Administration. He shall be assisted by a
Tehsil Municipal Officer. The Tehsil Nazim shall be responsible to ensure that the Tehsil
Municipal Administration is working properly. He will give them directions and watch its
services. His main function is to represent Tehsil Municipal Administration on public
4. Tehsil Municipal Officer (TMO)
The Provincial Government shall appoint the Tehsil Municipal Officer. He shall work under
the Tehsil Nazim. The Tehsil Municipal Officer ensures that tehsil administration works
according to rules. He also co-ordinates the activities of Tehsil Municipal Administration.
5. Tehsil Officers (TOs)
Four Tehsil Officers work under the Tehsil Minicipal Officer. They supervise the affairs of the
different departments.
6. Departments of Tehsil Administration
Different departments of Tehsil Council include finance, budget and account, record of land
revenue, planning, rural and urban development, municipal coordination and its stages etc.
7. Conclusion
As a conclusion we may say that tehsil administration plays a key role in Local Government
System. Tehsil Nazim is the administrative head of Tehsil Administration.
c. Tehsil Nazim and Naib Nazim
1. Introduction
Tehsil Nazim is the administrative head of Tehsil Administration. He is assisted by Tehsil Naib
Nazim. Then there is administrative machinery that works under Tehsil Nazim.
2. Election of Tehsil Nazim and Naib Nazim
Nazim and Naib Nazim of Tehsil Council are elected by majority of votes. All the Counsellors
of all the Union Councils of that Tehsil vote for the elections of Nazim and Naib Nazim of
3. Educational Qualification
According to the rules of local government, the basic qualification of Tehsil Nazim and Naib
Nazim should be matric at least.
4. Responsibilities of Tehsil Nazim
The Tehsil Nazim shall head the Tehsil Municipal Administration. He shall be assisted by a
Tehsil Municipal Officer. The Tehsil Nazim shall be responsible to ensure that the Tehsil
Municipal Administration is working properly. He will give them directions and watch its
services. His main function is to represent Tehsil Municipal Administration on public
5. Conclusion
As a conclusion we can say that Nazim and Naib Nazim of a Tehsil play a key role in
administrative work of Tehsil. Tehsil Nazim is the real head of Tehsil administration. Naib
Nazim assists him in this matter. They have an administrative machinery to look after and run
the affairs of the Tehsil.
Q.5. Narrate the important events of the government of Mian Nawaz Sharif. (Board 2017)
Ans. Introduction
He took oath as Prime Minister of Pakistan in November 1990. The important events of his
first term are as under:
1. Announcement of Agricultural Policy:
Agricultural Policy for the betterment of the farmers was announced in 1991. Ten crore
rupees were allocated for this policy.
2. Privatization CommissionThe government constituted Privatization Commission in 1991.
Banks in private sector were encouraged. Government institutions were sold out through this
Privatization Commission which created a positive impact on the national economy.
3. Agreement on Water Distribution
An agreement was signed among the provinces and the dispute of water was resolved
4. Baitul Maal
Baitul Maal in 1992 provided financial help and aid for the poor.
5. Foreign Policy
▪ The government brought many positive changes in its foreign policy.
▪ Peace was brought in Afghanistan through negotiation with different Afghan leaders.
▪ India was officially invited to resolve Kashmir issue, but these negotiations were not
▪ National Assembly passed a condemnation resolution in 1992 when Babri Mosque was
▪ Pakistan adopted a defensive policy at the American invasion of Iraq.
6. National Schemes
The government started following national schemes
▪ National Construction Programme,
▪ Self-Employment Scheme,
▪ Motorway Project and
▪ Yellow Cab Scheme
7. The Dismissal of Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif Government
President Ghulam Ishaq Khan dismissed Nawaz Sharif's government under section 58-2-B of
the constitution in April 1993. The Supreme Court cancelled the presidential decision and
restored Nawaz Sharif's government. At last Nawaz Sharif and Ghulam Ishaq Khan both
resigned from the posts in July 1993.
Second Term of Government of Mr. Nawaz Sharif
New elections were conducted and Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif was again elected as PM
in February 1997. Here are some important events of the government.
1. The Resignations of Justice Sajjad Ali Shah and Farooq Ahmed Khan Leghari:
After one month, differences developed between Chief Justice of Pakistan, Sajjad Ali Shah and
Nawaz Govt. Chief Justice had to resign from his office. President of Pakistan, Farooq Ahmed
Khan Leghari, also resigned from the presidency later on.
2. Justice (Retd.) Rafiq Tarar Elected as President of Pakistan:
Justice (Retd.) Rafiq Tarar was elected as President in Dec. 1997 and became the President of
3. "Retire Debt, Adorn the Country Scheme
Nawaz Sharif started a scheme called 'Retire debt, adorn the country' and appealed to the
nation to pay off the foreign loans. The nation welcomed this scheme and about 17 billion
rupees were collected in this head.
4. Rights of Vote to Pakistanis Abroad
The government gave the right to vote to Pakistanis living abroad which developed their
interest towards Pakistan.
5. Restriction on Floor Crossing
The government imposed restriction on party floor crossing by the members of the Assembly
under 14th amendment the constitution of 1973.
6. Census of 1998
The census of the people was conducted in 1998. The population of the country reached over
13 crores according to this census.
7. The Announcement of an Education Policy
New educational policy was announced in 1998, which was aimed at opening many new
academic institutions.
8. Lahore-Islamabad Motorway
Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif inaugurated the Lahore-Islamabad Motorway in 1998.
9. The Repeal of Clause 58-2-B from the 1973 Constitution
Clause 58-2-B of the constitution which gave president the power to dissolve the National
Assembly at any time, was removed from the 1973 constitution by Nawaz government .
10. Atomic Blasts
The Nawaz government did atomic blasts on 28th May 1998. This made Pakistan the 7th
atomic power of the world.
11. Lahore Declaration
In 1999 the Indian Prime Minister, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, visited Lahore by bus .A joint
communiqué was signed which was called 'Lahore Declaration'.
12. The Entry of the Army into WAPDA
WAPDA was handed over to army to root out its corruption and to reduce load-shedding in
13. Kargil Invasion
In 1999, a war broke out between India and Pakistan on Kargil. Later, on intervention of the
American President, Bill Clinton, both countries declared ceasefire.
14. The Removal of Nawaz Sharif Government
General Parvez Musharraf imposed martial law on 12th October 1999. The 'Plane Hijack Case'
was filed against Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif. He was sentenced to imprisonment and was
declared unfit for any public post by a special court. On the intervention of Saudi Government,
he was sent in exile to Saudi Arabia.
15. Conclusion
Nawaz Sharif, on many reasons could not complete his constitutional duration. Throwing out
the governments in this way is considered to be a big hurdle in the national development.
Q.6. State the important events of Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto Government.
Ans. Benazir Bhutto's First Government Era
General elections were held in 1988 in Pakistan. People's Party's leader Benazir Bhutto was
elected as Prime Minister of Pakistan. The following are the important events of Benazir
Bhutto'sfirst term.
1. The Dissolution of the Balochistan Assembly
The Chief Minister of Balochistan, Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, had just not gained the vote of
confidence from the Balochistan Assembly in 1988 that the Benazir Bhutto government
dismissed it. The Balochistan High Court took up the case, declared it as unconstitutional and
restored the house.
2. Presidential Elections
Ghulam Ishaq Khan won the presidential elections against Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan in Dec.
1988 and took the oath for the office.
3. Pakistan Rejoins Commonwealth
After separation from the Commonwealth in 1972, Pakistan rejoined it in 1989.
4. Foreign Policy
The Govt. of Benazir Bhutto adopted a 'no-confrontation policy' with India. When Rajiv
Gandhi visited Pakistan to participate in the fourth SAARC Conference, Benazir Bhutto joined
hands to establish good relations with him.
5. Social Welfare
The government had launched the Peoples Works Programme for development and social
welfare of the country. To provide employment to the public, a department, Placement
Bureau, was set up.
6. The Dismissal of the Benazir Bhutto Government
President Ghulam Ishaq Khan using the powers under Section 58-2-B of the constitution
dismissed the Benazir Bhutto government on the charges of corruption and dissolved the
National Assembly on 6 August, 1990. Her first government lasted for about 1 year and 8
months (20 months).
Benazir Bhutto's Second Government Era
Benazir Bhutto was elected Prime Minister of Pakistan for the second time in October 1993.
The following are the important events of the second term.
1. Development Programmes
During Benazir Bhutto's second term, construction of Karachi Flyover Bridge and Lahore
Bypass was started.
2. Plans for Farmers and Women
Benazir Bhutto set up Kissan Bank to provide loans to farmers and launched the National
Tractor Scheme. Social and health policies were framed for women. Women police stations
and courts were set up to provide legal facilities to this class.
3. 8th 5 - Year Plan
The government launched the Eighth 5 - Year Plan which resulted in rapid development and
prosperity of the country.
4. Foreign Visits and the Kashmir Issue
Mrs. Bhutto made successful visits to Iran and Turkey. She gained moral support of these
countries on the Kashmir issue.
5. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Government
The government of the Chief Minister, Pir Sabir Shah of the Muslim League and the Assembly
were dissolved in 1994 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Aftab Ahmad Sherpao of the People's
Party was elected as Chief Minister.
6. The Dismissal of the Government of Benazir Bhutto
President Mr. Farooq Ahmed Leghari dismissed the government on charges of corruption by
using the powers under 58-2-B of the constitution. Benazir Bhutto ruled over the country for
about three years this time
The government of Benazir Bhutto, on many reasons could not complete its constitutional
duration. Throwing out the governments in this way is considered to be a big hurdle in the
national development.
Q.7. Describe the important aspects of the 1973 Constitution.
Ans. Background
The constitution of 1973 was made during the government of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.
Following are the main aspects of constitution of 1973.
1. Preamble
Like the constitution of 1956 and 1962, the Objectives Resolution has been included in the
preamble of the constituent of 1973 to make the constitution Islamic.
It was made a regular part of the 1973 constitution through an amendment in 1985.
2. Written Constitution
Like previous constitutions it is also a written document which comprises 280 articles, 12
sections and 6 judicial records.
3. Federal Constitution
Like the previous constitutions, Pakistan has been declared a federal state in the 1973
constitution. The federation of Pakistan consists of four provinces, Federal capital and
adjoining tribal areas which are called FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas) and PATA
(Provincially Administered Tribal Areas).
4. Semi-Rigid Constitution
It is a semi-rigid constitution. The method of amendment is neither too difficult nor too easy.
A two-third majority of the Parliament (National Assembly and Senate) is required to make
an amendment in the constitution.
5. National Language
Urdu has been declared the national language. In a period of 15 years arrangements will be
made to implement the status of Urdu as the official language. During this period English will
be used as the official language. This has not been possible so far.
6. Islamic Constitution
Islam has been declared as the state religion in the constitution of Pakistan. It has been
declared essential for the president and the Prime Minister to be Muslims. The official name
of the state is the "Islamic Republic of Pakistan'. It encourages the practice of the Islamic mode
of life among the citizens. Steps will be taken to abolish interest. Zakat, Auqaf and Ushr will
be enforced.
7. Independent Judiciary
A guarantee has been provided for an independent judiciary. The judges will perform their
duties without any fear or pressure.
8. Parliamentary Constitution
According to the Constitution of 1973, the parliamentary form of government was
implemented in the country. The head of the country is the President, and the Prime Minister
is the head of the government. The President is elected by the Parliament and the Provincial
Assemblies, whereas the Prime Minister is elected by a majority in the National Assembly.
9. Supremacy of Constitution
If any person abrogates the constitution or tries to abrogate it, he will be charged with high
treason and prosecuted accordingly.
10. Constitutional Institutions:
The constitution of 1973 has set up several institutions like the Council for common Interest,
National Economic Council, National Finance Commission, Election Commission of Pakistan
and Federal Ombudsman, etc. These institutions work within their limits and prefer national
11. Bicameral Legislature
The parliament will consist of two houses according to 1973 constitution. The Upper House is
called the Senate and the Lower House is the National Assembly. The provinces have been
given equal representation in Senate and it is a permanent House. Its tenure is of six years. It
consists of 104 members. The National Assembly comprises of 342 members. The total
number of the members of the Parliament (Majlis-e-Shoora) is 446.
12. Fundamental Rights
The citizens have all the fundamental rights. The Parliament and Provincial Assemblies cannot
make any law that negates any fundamental right.
13.Conclusion The Constitution of 1973 is more comprehensive than the previous
constitutions. It is necessary that the institutions should follow the constitution in its true
spirit for the progress and prosperity.
Q.8. Explain the following
(a) Jihad-e-Afghanistan
(b) The nationalization of industries in Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's period.
(a) Jihad-e-Afghanistan

1. Background
1. Attack of Russia and Policy of Pakistan:
The invasion by Russian forces into Afghanistan in 1979 created a new challenge for Pakistan.
General Zia-ul-Haq adopted a firm policy with great confidence and courage, and stood
against the the Russian forces.
2. The Beginning of Jihad
Afghan nation bravely, stood against the Russian attack, and started jihad. The moral support
of the Government of Pakistan raised the morale of Afghan Mujahideen. The Mujahideen
inflicted heavy defeats on Russian forces in every field. Russia was completely demoralized
and became helpless in 1986, but the jihad continued.
3. Geneva Accord
The continuous defeats disappointed the Russians tremendously. America and Russia signed
an accord in April 1988 in Geneva. According to the agreement, Russia accepted its defeat.
4. End of Afghan Jihad
Russia according to Geneva Accord withdrew its forces from Afghanistan on 15 February,
1989. This was the end of Afghan Jihad.
5. The Role of Pakistan in Afghan Jihad
The moral support of the Government of Pakistan raised the morale of Afghan Mujahideen.
The Mujahideen inflicted heavy defeats on Russian forces in every field.
6. The Impact on Pakistani Society
The migration of Afghan refugees to Pakistan during Russian attack had far-reaching effects
on Pakistani society. More than 30 lakh Afghan refugees migrated to Pakistan. Pakistan gave
shelter to the refugees and looked after them properly out of Islamic brotherhood and human
sympathy. The services of General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq are praiseworthy in Afghan jihad.
Pakistan was appreciated internationally for the successful Afghan policy.
7. Conclusion
The favour of Pakistan's sister-concern country against Russia crowned Pakistan not only in
the Islamic countries but among the rest of the powers of the world. The slogan came true
that Pakistan is the citadel of Islam.

(b) The Nationalization of Industries in Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali

Bhutto's period.
1. Introduction
Pakistan is an agricultural state but it has been trying to make progress in industrial field.
Different governments have been taking measures for the development of industry. Zulfiqar
Ali Bhutto also took effective steps to improve the industrial sector. Here we will discuss some
of his industrial reforms.
2. Condition of Economy
In Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's time, there was Capitalist Economy in the country. Industrial sector
was revolving in a few hands. In 1971 only 22 families owned 60% of industrial assets and 80%
of insurance business. They were richer and richer but common industrial worker was not
3. Main Objective of Bhutto
Bhutto considered industrial development and stability very important for the economy of
the country. He did not like capitalist economy in which wealth concentrates in few hands.
He wanted the betterment of common public.
4. Steps of Government
On 22nd December, 1971 the government confiscated the passports of all 22 families. The
industrial licences of worth 100 million issued to 19 companies were also cancelled.
5. Nationalization of Industries
January, 1972 Bhutto government issued an ordinance. Under that ordinance ten heavy
industries of Pakistan were nationalized by the government. These were taken in government
6. Names of Few Industries
Assembling plants for motor car industry, Heavy and fundamental chemical industry, steel
making and iron industry, Petrochemical industry, Cement industry, heavy electrical
equipment industry etc.
6. Termination of Directors
The government terminated the services of the directors of 20 industrial units and closed their
managing agencies. Government itself appointed managing directors of every industrial unit.
7. Nationalization of More Industries
On 16th January, 1972 eleven more industrial units were nationalized by the government. So
nationalization of maximum heavy units was achieved.
8. Industrial and Economic stability
The step of nationalization of industries was taken for industrial development and stability.
This goal was successfully achieved and economic stability appeared in Pakistan.
9. Conclusion
As a conclusion we can say that only a few families were taking the advantage of the Capitalist
Economy. Z.A. Bhutto nationalized the industries just after he came in power. He also brought
many other reforms in industrial sector. This brought industrial development and economic
stability in country.

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