Jaboneta - Ped8 - Eac Literacy

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Name: Joana Belen C.



Module 7
Lesson 2: The Seven Environmental Principles
Complete the table below. From the principles discussed in the previous
part, identify a word/term/ phrase which you find very interesting, give your own
definition, and write down the social and educational implications of understanding
these terms or the principles in general.
Term Phrases Definition Social Implication Educational Implication
Everything is Recognizing the "Everything is Students helps to be educate
Connected to interdependence of all Connected to to become environmentally
Everything Else elements in nature can lead Everything Else" go conscious individuals who
to more educated and beyond individual comprehend the consequenc
conscientious decision- behavior to impact of their actions on the world
making with the objective of communal views, It gives students the
protecting and improving national policy, and information and skills they
the overall health of the global collaboration. It need to deal with complex
ecosystem. promotes a holistic environmental issues and
approach to tackling contribute to a more
environmental and sustainable and resilient
social concerns for the future.
planet's and its people'

All Forms of It promotes a paradigm shift The ethical implications "All Forms of Life are
Life are toward a more inclusive and of the principle "All Important" has enormous
Important comprehensive approach to Forms of Life Are pedagogical implications in
environmental management. Important" revolve eco-literacy. Integrating this
This notion is fundamental around conservation notion into school can help t
to eco-literacy and guides efforts, cultural raise a more ecologically
attempts to promote viewpoints, and the conscious and responsible
sustainability and promotion of generation.
environmental preservation. sustainable practices.
Adopting this approach
can help to create a
more environmentally
conscious and
responsible society.
Everything "Everything Must Go The idea underlines the "everything must go
Must Go Somewhere" acts as a significance of good someplace" into eco-literacy
Somewhere reminder of the linked waste management instruction allows students t
nature of ecological systems techniques. To reduce get a thorough understandin
and the importance of the environmental of ecological concepts while
responsible and sustainable impact of garbage also instilling a sense of
material and resource accumulation, responsibility for the
management in order to communities must environment, equipping them
prevent negative establish and implement to be informed and engaged
environmental effects. programs for citizens in a world facing
responsible waste environmental difficulties.
disposal and recycling.

Ours is a finite "Ours is a finite Earth" Recognizing a finite Incorporating this notion int
Earth underlines the Earth's Earth has far-reaching education can aid in the
resource constraints and the social repercussions, development of persons who
significance of responsible impacting how societies are environmentally
and sustainable management organize themselves, conscious, socially
to safeguard the planet's and allocate resources, responsible, and capable of
its inhabitants' long-term interact with the solving the complex
health and well-being. environment, and difficulties related with
address issues of justice resource scarcity.
and injustice on a global
Nature knows Practices like bio mimicry, "nature knows best" in "nature knows best"
best which aims to mimic and literacy refers to a wide highlights the necessity of a
learn from nature's designs range of viewpoints, revolutionary approach to
and techniques to address actions, and regulations teaching that gives people th
human problems in a that work to promote a values, information, and
sustainable way, are more peaceful and abilities needed to interact
examples of how "nature sustainable coexistence with the environment in a
knows best" in illiteracy is of human society with responsible manner.
used. the natural environment.
Nature is Earth view promotes a The implications have Educational programs that
Beautiful and healthy coexistence with the to do with how people incorporate ethical
We are environment by highlighting and cultures view, considerations, spiritual
Stewards of the connections between engage with, and viewpoints, and aesthetic
God’s Creation ethical, aesthetic, and manage the appreciation can help shape
ecological factors. It environment in light of responsible and
frequently acts as a their appreciation of its environmentally conscious
cornerstone for beauty and sense of persons who see the
environmental ethics, duty as stewards. interdependence of human
assisting people and groups values and the natural world
in making decisions that
promote the sustainability
and well-being of the planet.
Everything "Everything Changes" Realizing that Educational institutions may
Changes highlights how dynamic and ecosystems are dynamic equip students to navigate a
linked the natural world is and that environmental actively contribute to a worl
and stresses the value of changes are interrelated, of ongoing environmental
resilience, flexibility, and society can endeavor to change by cultivating an
sustainable practices in the enhance resilience, awareness of dynamic
face of continuous encourage sustainable ecosystems, boosting
environmental change. activities, resilience, and supporting
proactive involvement.

Module 7
Problem Solving. You are part of the quest to make your school a dark green school.
To carry out your part, you need to identify at least 3 problems that your school is
facing and look for solutions to solve the problems. Write each problem inside the
box, and enumerate your proposed solutions inside the arrow.
Module 7

Activity 2. Project Design. Use the template below to design a project that will solve
problem/s in your school or community while incorporating environmental education.

Title of Project Waste-Free School

Project Proponent The proponent of this project those who mentioned:

 Students
 School Administrators
 Non- Teaching Staffs
 Green Team
Project Rationale A statement outlining the justifications and objectives for
starting a particular project is known as the project rationale. It
provides a clear and cogent explanation of the project's
importance, the issues or difficulties it aims to address, and the
expected benefits or outcomes. Moreover ,which lays the
foundation for the project, helps stakeholders understand its
significance and goal.

Project Objectives  Put in place a waste management system that yields a 30%
reduction in total waste generation.
 Teach employees and students how to properly sort and
dispose of waste.

Project The project involves putting in place a thorough waste

Description management system in all areas of the school, including the
offices, common areas, and classrooms. Waste audits, recycling
program introductions, educational campaigns, and the creation
of a Green Team to oversee and enhance waste management
procedures are all included.

Project Duration Action Plan Duration

Action 1 :Months 1-2 (Waste Audit and Planning).
Action 2: Months 3–4 (Recycling Bin Implementation)
Action 3Months 5–6 (Workshops and Educational Sessions).
Action 4: Months 7-9 (School-Wide Campaign)
Action 5: Months 10–12 (Green Team Establishment)

Target Beneficiary Students, faculty members, support workers, and the larger
school community.
Proposed Budget Action Plan Budget
Action 1: Months 1-2 - 50,000
Action 2: Months 3-4 - 50,000
Action 3: Months 5-6 - 60,000
Action 4: Months 7-9- 75,000
Action 5: Months 10-12 - 75,000

Total : 310,000

Monitoring and The Waste-Free School Project's Monitoring and Evaluation

Evaluation (M&E) plan attempts to methodically evaluate and track the
project's advancement, efficacy, and impact. This plan describes
the key performance indicators, procedures, and schedules for
tracking activities. It also describes the evaluation standards for
determining the project's overall success.
1. Conduct a waste assessment to understand the types
and volumes of trash produced.
Problem 1: Producing
2. Establish a comprehensive recycling program with
Waste and Inefficient
separate bins for paper, plastic, and biological garbage.
3. To teach workers and students about proper garbage
disposal and sorting techniques, provide workshops and
educational posters.

1. To improve indoor air quality, upgrade ventilation
Problem 2: Poor Quality systems and make sure they receive regular maintenance.
of Indoor Air 2. Include green building techniques, like encouraging
natural ventilation and the use of eco-friendly materials.
3. Add indoor plants to classrooms and common areas to
aid in air purification.

1. Put water-saving measures into practice by installing
Problem 3: Water fixtures and appliances that use less water.
Wastage and 2. Encourage staff and students to use water responsibly
Ineffectiveness by organizing awareness programs.
3. Regularly check the amount of water being used, and
take quick action to fix any leaks or inefficiencies.

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