08 Experience Map Esthetic

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I want to test and improve EXPERIENCE MAP

by creating an overview of how I engage with my stakeholders


How did this person hear about you? (E.G. PR, social media, word of mouth) What points of contact happened between you and this person? What was the feedback from this person? (e.g. via social media or word of mouth)
What relevant previous experience did he or she have? What were the critical moments, such as especially good or bad experiences? Was there any follow up from your side?

- Promotions
- Retailers Majority of the users/stakeholders
Most users were encountered
- Online platforms showed interest in using the product. They also
personally, while a small portion of the
subjected stakeholders were contacted online. said that the product is very helpful in maintaining
Stakeholders such as manufacturers, healthy lifestyle.
retailers, and health professionals usually adopt a
comprehensive approach to promote the health In addition, the users also showed problems about
watch product. Manufacturers focus on One critical moment observed on each the price and the availability of the product.
highlighting the unique features, advanced of the participants was during the attempt
technology, and quality of the product through showing hot to use it publicly. Most of them

engaging advertisements, showcasing its ability to ask if In case he/she encounters any issues or Some recommended it to their neighbors
enhance wellness and improve health outcomes. has questions after purchasing the health watch, and even to the people who didn’t trust about the
where should they address the question, who product.
Retailers leverage various marketing would provide assistance in troubleshooting.
channels to raise awareness, including in-store Some tried it and did not show any hesitation to More people are trying to buy the
displays, online promotions, and collaborations buy it while some are doing the opposite. All in product, and is convincing others to buy it.
with any influence r or fitness experts to endorse all many showed interest in buying the product.
the health watch's benefits. Health professionals
play a vital role by recommending the health
watch to their patients or clients, emphasizing its Some users complained that the health
potential to assist in tracking and managing health watch is way expensive than they thought.
parameters. By collaborating and leveraging their
respective expertise, stakeholders aim to build a
strong foundation of awareness that effectively
reaches and resonates with the target audience.

 It could be concluded that the product can help

promote healthy lifestyle.
 Most stakeholders are finding way to improve 
and upgrade the product (health watch) Most
The stakeholders found the watch to be useful  We must lower or make the product more
and helpful.

questions directly concern the assurance and the affordable for the buyers.
 Need more convincing so that people will use  Recommendations from the users to other users
cost of the product. the new product (health watch)
 We should improve our introduction and the are helpful in convincing people
spread of information

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