Vocabulary Test Part 1 (18nov2023)

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1. The Marketing Department is currently ______ 6. The ______ from the latest analysis prove that the
applications for the position of senior director of country has more oil reserves than was previously
marketing. thought.
(A) advising (A) results
(B) renovating (B) stages
(C) accepting (C) deductions
(D) running (D) products

2. It is ______ that the negotiations with the Green 7. The lack of interest by the public ______ for the
Corporation go as smoothly as possible. low ratings being received by the new television
(A) prone drama.
(B) vital (A) accounts
(C) poised (B) explains
(D) real (C) states
(D) adapts

3. Any company with a _____ working 8. AGT Steward, Inc. has offered _______ services to
environment will see morale amongst its employees all of its clients for the past twenty-seven years.
improve. (A) impending
(A) pleasant (B) comprehensive
(B) tender (C) unaccustomed
(C) competent (D) elapsed
(D) fragile

4. Mr. Haruto is used to dealing almost ______ with 9. Thanks to the password _______ to you, you should
contractual law. be able to access virtually any room in the entire
(A) impulsively building.
(B) exclusively (A) provided
(C) mutually (B) required
(D) generously (C) equipped
(D) requested

5. Once the electricians have ______ the lighting on 10. The government has ______ not released the
the third floor, then the repairs to the rest of the budget figures from the past year.
building may proceed. (A) once
(A) installed (B) soon
(B) entered (C) almost
(C) hired (D) still
(D) called
11. Nanotechnology has enormous ______ to alter 16. The police have _______ the results to the
the fields of both manufacturing and medicine. prosecutor, who will decide whether or not to press
(A) mark charges.
(B) proposal (A) exchanged
(C) potential (B) forwarded
(D) indication (C) eliminated
(D) proceeded

12. Stanley asked for a meeting with the individual 17. Currency exchange is _______ at the front desk
who has the most _______ to agree to contract twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
terms. (A) probable
(A) permission (B) eligible
(B) conclusion (C) considerable
(C) allowance (D) available
(D) authority

13. Foreign tourists often have a strong ______ for 18. Upper management _______ staff members from
the day-long tours of the city as opposed to the two- surfing the Internet while they are working at their
hour tours. desks.
(A) choice (A) implies
(B) preference (B) detects
(C) placement (C) pretends
(D) decision (D) discourages

14. Lewis Turner _______ became the head of 19. According to the program, the opening remarks
security at EP Marketing when the previous director are _______ to take place in just a few minutes.
suddenly resigned. (A) delivered
(A) currently (B) increased
(B) consistently (C) scheduled
(C) recently (D) established
(D) availably

15. Ms. Fisher feels that Mr. Bowman is highly 20. Our employees take every ______ to ensure that
_______ for the position, so she is going to make customers receive the items they ordered as quickly
him an offer of employment. as possible.
(A) engaged (A) precaution
(B) qualified (B) plan
(C) reserved (C) rule
(D) successful (D) idea
21. Fly Fast Airlines is _______ offering 26. This unique course will be _______ only if there
discounted rates to travelers who purchase their are enough students who sign up for it and pay their
tickets more than seven days in advance. registration fee on time.
(A) partially (A) exhibited
(B) rarely (B) donated
(C) currently (C) offered
(D) desirably (D) passed

22. If John is not in the office, then all ______ 27. Be sure to purchase the next _______ of the
should be made to Peter, who will be able to assist magazine since it will include several articles on the
you. upcoming presidential race.
(A) problems (A) condition
(B) concepts (B) issue
(C) inquiries (C) price
(D) positions (D) promise

23. ______ grain is being stored in the event of a 28. Once you submit your résumé with a completed
natural disaster. _______, we can look over your information packet
(A) Surplus and consider you for some of the jobs currently
(B) Lengthy available.
(C) Opportune (A) appointment
(D) Brief (B) application
(C) commission
(D) process

24. Mr. Anderson's secretary _______ special 29. Ms. Nelson asked me to _______ her of any
conference rates, which resulted in savings of changes to the schedule.
several hundred dollars. (A) speak
(A) obtained (B) notify
(B) hosted (C) report
(C) participated (D) attend
(D) descended

25. The _______ laboratory safety inspections 30. We are terribly sorry, but the item you ordered is
detected several violations, which resulted in the _______ out of stock and will not be available until
levying of a hefty fine by a government agency. next Tuesday.
(A) absent (A) temporarily
(B) eventual (B) rapidly
(C) routine (C) extremely
(D) probable (D) promptly
31. The theater reserves the _______ to eject any 36. Employees are permitted to use company
individuals who are disturbing the performers. _______ such as the health club whenever they are
(A) will not on duty.
(B) sale (A) facilities
(C) right (B) guidelines
(D) trial (C) limits
(D) management

32. We cannot _______ same-day delivery of our 37. Please complete the evaluation _______ and
products if a purchase is made after two in the submit it to Ms. Charles prior to departing.
afternoon. (A) bill
(A) notice (B) receipt
(B) expand (C) form
(C) afford (D) claim
(D) guarantee

33. There will be a major announcement by the 38. Our store's policy dictates that any defective
president at _______ 9 AM tomorrow. clothing items will be _______ at no cost to the
(A) generally customer who made the purchase.
(B) generously (A) prepared
(C) approximately (B) replaced
(D) slightly (C) consumed
(D) revised

34. Kauffman, Inc. recently changed its _______ on 39. For a small fee, buyers may extend the one-year
allowing its employees to use company cars on _______ on any electronic appliances that they
personal business. purchase.
(A) accommodation (A) warranty
(B) policy (B) subscription
(C) handling (C) expiration
(D) measure (D) supply

35. Keeping a two-month supply of money is 40. The technology seminar was especially _______
_______ for everyone in case of unfortunate events for those individuals working in their firms’ R&D
such as a medical emergency or the loss of one's job. departments.
(A) committed (A) useful
(B) recommended (B) cooperative
(C) contented (C) exact
(D) behaved (D) capable

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