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Request For Proposal: RFP 16-01

Yield Strength Values Up To Maximum Temperature Design

Solicitation Date: October 27, 2015

Proposal Due Date: November 23, 2015

1. Introduction

ASME Standards Technology, LLC (“ASME ST-LLC”) is soliciting a proposal from

interested respondents to determine yield strength (Sy) values up to maximum
temperature design.

This project results from a request by the ASME Pressure Technology Codes and
Standards (“PTCS”) Standards Committee to identify, prioritize, and address technology
gaps in PTCS Codes, Standards, and Guidelines, so as to maintain the technical
relevance of ASME codes and standards products.

This request-for-proposal (“RFP”) and other open ASME ST-LLC RFPs are posted at the
following ASME ST-LLC website:

2. Background

Table Y-1 of ASME Section II Part D currently provides yield strength values up to
1000°F maximum, with some yield strength values at lower temperatures. The
maximum design temperature in Tables 1A and 1B may be higher, therefore yield
strength values need to be provided to ultimately complete Table Y-1 up to the
maximum temperature design of Tables 1A-1B-5A and 5B for construction per ASME
Section VIII Divisions 1 and 2.

3. Scope of Work

a. Summary:

In Division 1 the yield strength (Sy) is used directly, or indirectly through the allowable
primary and secondary stress limit (SPS = max [3S, 2Sy]), in many of the design rules,
such as:

1) UG-28 and UG-33 – External pressure: Calculation of allowable external pressure

on cylinders and heads – Sy [see UG-28(c)(2) Step 3]

2) Part UHX – Shell-and-tube heat exchangers: Secondary stress limit in tube

sheets, channels, shells, and expansion joints – SPS

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ASME ST-LLC RFP 16-01, Yield Strength Values

3) Part UHX – Fixed tube sheet heat exchangers: Allowable tube buckling stress at
design temperature – Sy

4) Appendix 1-4 – Design of Head: Yield strength at design temperature – Sy

5) Appendix 1-5 and 1-8 – Conical Reducers: Discontinuity stress limit and operating
metal temperature – SPS

6) Appendix 5 – Flanged-and-Flued and Flanged-Only Expansion Joints: Thermally

induced stress limit at operating metal temperature – SPS

7) Appendix 13 – Noncircular Vessels: Plate buckling stress at design temperature

8) Appendix 26 – Bellows Expansion Joints: Calculation of instability due to internal

pressure at design temperature – Sy

9) Nonmandatory Appendix A – Tube-to-Tube sheet Joint Loads: Calculation of tube

joint interface pressure at the operating metal temperature – Sy

Because Table Y-1 provides yield strength values up to 1000°F maximum, yield
strength values up to the maximum temperature design are needed.

Due to the large amount of missing values, the materials investigated will be restricted
to the list below, which correspond to the most commonly used materials for heat

Materials to be considered
(Temperatures are given for information only)


Table 1A/1B Table Y-1
Material Material EP Chart
Max Design Temp Maximum
(UNS) Max Temp
VIII-1 Yield Temp
S20910 XM-19 1200 1000 1200*
S30400 SS-304 1500 1000 1500*
S30403 SS-304L 1200 1000 800
S30908 SS-309S 1500 1000 1500*
S31008 SS-310S 1500 1000 1500*
S31600 SS-316 1500 1000 1500*
S31603 SS-316L 850 1000 800
S31635 SS-316Ti 1500 1000 1500*
S31700 SS-317 1500 1000 1500*
S31703 SS-317L 850 1000 800
S32100 SS-321 1500 1000 1500*
S34700 SS-347 1500 1000 1500*
S34800 SS-348 1500 1000 1500*

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ASME ST-LLC RFP 16-01, Yield Strength Values


Table 1A/1B Table Y-1
Material Material EP Chart
Max Design Temp Maximum
(UNS) Max Temp
VIII-1 Yield Temp
C23000 CU 230 450 None 150*
C28000 CU 280 400 None 600*
C36500 CU 365 400 None 350*
C44300 CU 443 400 None 350*
C44400 CU 444 400 None 350*
C44500 CU 445 400 None 350*
C46400 CU 464 400 None 350*
C46500 CU-465 400 None 350*
C64200 CU 642 500 100 450*
C68700 CU 687 450 None 350*
C70400 CU 704 150 None 350*
C71000 CU 710 700 None 600*
N02201 NI 201 1200 1000 1000
N06002 NI X 1650 1000 1000
N06022 NI C22 1250 1000 1000
N06600 NI 600 1200 900 1200*
N06625 NI 625 SA 1600 1000 1500*
N06625 NI 625 Ann 1200 1000 1200*
N08330 NI 330 1650 1000 1200*
N08800 NI 800 1500 1000 1100*
N08810 NI 800H 1650 1000 1650*
N08811 NI 800HT 1650 None 1650*
N10003 NI N 1300 1000 1300*
N10276 NI C276 1250 1000 1000

b. Deliverables:

The Consultant shall provide the key project deliverables as follows:

1. Summary of data for evaluation gathered from literature and other sources
2. Draft evaluation for ferrous materials
3. Draft evaluation for non-ferrous materials
4. Draft Report
5. Final Report

The Consultant shall provide all written deliverables in the form of a Microsoft Word file
that is formatted in accordance with the ASME ST-LLC Style Guide. One (1) peer review
cycle of the Draft Report is anticipated, and the Consultant shall provide modifications to
the Draft Report as a result of the aforementioned review cycle.

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ASME ST-LLC RFP 16-01, Yield Strength Values

c. Schedule:

The Consultant shall submit a schedule with its proposal that provides major milestones,
deliverables, and a reporting schedule. The Consultant shall complete the final
deliverable no later than December 31, 2016.

d. Status Reporting:

The Consultant shall provide a brief status report on a monthly basis, via email, to the
ASME ST-LLC project manager. The Consultant shall present progress reports at ASME
BPV II and VIII committee meetings as requested.

4. Applicant Eligibility Requirements

ASME ST-LLC is seeking proposals from all qualified organizations including, but not
limited to, engineering firms, independent consultants, academic institutions, and
federally-funded research and development centers. In addition to relevant technical
qualifications and experience, respondents must possess an understanding of relevant
ASME codes and standards.

5. Basis for Selection and Award

ASME ST-LLC will select the winning Consultant by evaluating and comparing the merits
of each respondent’s complete proposal, based on the proposal’s potential to achieve
program objectives rather than solely on evaluated technical merit or cost. Evaluation
criteria will include, but not be limited to, the following:

 Respondent’s technical capabilities;

 Respondent’s experience;
 Proposal Price;
 Project Schedule; and
 Respondent’s Agreement with Terms and Conditions.

ASME ST-LLC reserves the right to award, in whole or in part, any, all, or none of the
proposals submitted in response to this solicitation.

6. Contract Terms and Conditions

The Project contract shall be fixed-price, including labor and expenses. ASME’s
standard terms and conditions are located at the following URL: The final contractual terms and conditions will be
negotiated between ASME ST-LLC and the Consultant.

ASME ST-LLC will provide access to the required codes, standards, and other technical
references applicable to the scope of work and the Project.

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ASME ST-LLC RFP 16-01, Yield Strength Values

7. Submission Requirements

a. Proposal Due Date:

Proposals must be submitted by November 23, 2015. Respondents are encouraged to

transmit proposals well before this deadline. Requests for an extension to this deadline
must be sent by November 9, 2015 to the contact listed in Section 8 herein; ASME ST-
LLC reserves the right to deny any and all such requests.

b. Anticipated Selection and Award Date:

ASME ST-LLC intends to select the winning proposal within three weeks of the Proposal
Due Date identified herein.

c. Proposal Preparation Costs:

Proposal costs shall be borne by the respondent. This solicitation does not obligate
ASME ST-LLC to pay any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of the
respondent’s proposal, in making necessary studies or designs for the preparation of the
respondent’s proposal, or to acquire or contract for any services.

d. Proposal Clarification:

ASME ST-LLC reserves the right to request clarification of a proposal or to request

supplemental information or both. An award for the scope of work may be made after
few or no exchanges, discussions, or negotiations; therefore, all respondents are advised
to submit its most favorable proposal to ASME ST-LLC initially. ASME ST-LLC reserves
the right, without qualification, to reject any or all proposals received in response to this
solicitation and to select any proposal, in whole or in part, as a basis for negotiation, or
award, or both. ASME ST-LLC reserves the right to modify or cancel this solicitation at
any time. All questions relating to this solicitation must be submitted to the contact listed
in Section 8 herein. Any amendments to this solicitation will be posted on the ASME ST-
LLC website (

e. Treatment of Proprietary Information:

A proposal may include technical or other data, including trade secrets or privileged and
confidential commercial or financial information, which the respondent does not want
disclosed to the public or used by ASME ST-LLC for any purpose other than proposal
evaluation. To protect such data, the respondent should specifically identify such data or
information to be protected.

f. Proposal Preparation and Submittal Instructions:

ASME ST-LLC may form a committee of subject matter experts to evaluate the technical
qualifications of respondents. To help facilitate this evaluation, responses should be
separated into two separate documents: a Technical Proposal; and a Financial Proposal.

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ASME ST-LLC RFP 16-01, Yield Strength Values

 Technical Proposal shall include:

1. Organization name and contact information.
2. Evidence of technical capabilities, including credentials, qualifications, capabilities,
and experience of individuals and the organization.
3. Description of the approach to accomplish the Scope of Work.
4. Demonstration of the agreement with the Scope of Work.
 Financial Proposal shall include:
1. A fixed-price for the entire scope of work, including applicable hourly billing rates.
2. An agreement with ASME’s standard Terms and Conditions, or state any
requested exceptions.
The respondent must submit its Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal electronically
via e-mail to the ASME ST-LLC contact below. Responses must be received on or
before the Proposal Due Date identified herein.

8. Contact Information

Mr. Dan Andrei

Project Manager
ASME Standards Technology, LLC
Two Park Avenue
New York, NY 10016
Telephone: 212-591-7146
E-mail: [email protected]

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