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Do’s for Login (What I need on the website)-

User Registration:
 As a new user, I want to be able to create an account with my email and password.
 As a new user, I want to receive a confirmation email after registration to verify my email

 As a Registered user, I want to be able to log in using my email ID and password.
 As a Registered user, I want to see an error message if I enter the wrong email ID or
 As a Registered user, I want the option to reset my Password If I forget it.

 As a user, I want my password to be securely stored and transmitted.
 As a user, I want to see a CAPTCHA or other measures to prevent unauthorized access.
 As a user, I want to receive email notifications for any suspicious login attempts on my

User Profile:
 As a logged-in user, I want to be able to update my profile information (e.g., name, profile
picture, etc.).
 As a logged-in user, I want the option to log out of my account.

Don’t’ s for Login (What I don’t need on the website)-

1. Don't Allow Unverified Users to Log In:
As a user, I don't want to be able to log in until I have verified my email address.

2. Don't Show Passwords in Plain Text:

As a user, I don't want my password to be visible as plain text while I'm typing it.

3. Don't Allow Unlimited Login Attempts:

As a user, I don't want someone to be able to repeatedly attempt to log in with incorrect
credentials without any restrictions.

4. Don't Store Passwords in Plain Text:

As a user, I don't want my password to be stored in the database as plain text. It should be
securely hashed.

5. Don't Share My Login Information:

As a user, I don't want the system to share my login information with third parties without
my consent.

6. Don't Allow Easy Passwords:

As a user, I don't want to be able to set a weak or easily guessable password.

7. Don't Keep Me Logged in on Public Computers:

As a user, I don't want the system to keep me logged in on public or shared computers after
I've logged out.

8. Don't Allow Unauthorized Access:

As a user, I don't want anyone else to be able to access my account without my permission.

9. Don't Log Me Out Too Quickly:

As a user, I don't want to be logged out automatically too quickly due to inactivity, as it can
be frustrating.

10. Don't Display Sensitive Information on Failed Login:

As a user, I don't want the system to display sensitive information, such as whether the email
exists, on a failed login attempt.

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