T Magazine November 26 2023 N CriPa

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November 26, 2023

Over $30m
Page 1 Page 4 Page 8
West employs different standards for rights were provided to RSS and its affiliates by There's nothing more satisfying than hearing Hygiene is vital, but it unfortunately isn’t
violations by India — Dr Talat Wizarat Hindu charity groups based in the West a big crowd go silent — Pat Cummins maintained in our country — Gambhir

Hindutva terror
goes global

FATF remains silent as mounting evidence links a

complex network of transactions, in India and abroad,
with organised acts of terror by Hindutva groups

arlier this month, the Financial Action Task (VHPA) received over $150,000, along with an addi- The origin
Force (FATF), an international terrorism-fi- At home in India, these Hindutva tional $21,430. Since its establishment, the VHPA's Originating in the late 1920s, the Hindutva philosophy
nancing watchdog, visited India to conduct groups employ violent methods Indian counterpart, Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), centers on the perceived racial superiority of Hindus,
evaluations, assessing the country's imple- has been committed to establishing an ethnic Hin- with the ultimate goal of establishing India as a Hindu
mentation of the legal framework against to instill fear and terror. Similar du-majority state in India. VHPA alone runs more nation-state. At the forefront of this ideology is the
money laundering and terrorist financing. to other ethnic-racial terror than 20 chapters across the United States, with its Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, founded in 1925, which
While Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Hin- membership surging in the late 1980s following describes itself as "firmly rooted in genuine national-
du-first Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leadership may groups, they seek to marginalise, heightened efforts by right-wing Hindu groups in ism" and criticises what it sees as an erosion of the na-
find some relief, mounting evidence suggests that subjugate, exclude, and, if India to construct a temple dedicated to Lord Ram at tion's integrity in the name of secularism and excessive
Hindutva groups, operating with state patronage, the specific site where a Mughal-era mosque stood in appeasement of the Muslim population. Locally, the
are involved in systematic and organised acts of ter- necessary, eliminate minorities, the North Indian town of Ayodhya. RSS has expanded its influence by forming numerous
ror, particularly targeting religious minorities. particularly Indian Muslims The Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation (EVF) of the USA, affiliates representing students, trade unions, tribals,
A complex network of transactions, disguised as an organisation affiliated with the RSS, known and women, including prominent groups like Akhil
charitable endeavors, interwoven with a network for its network of schools primarily situated in In- Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), Bharatiya Mazdoor
of extremist organisations operating at home and Dal, also a declared militant religious organisation dia's tribal and rural regions, received more than Sangh (BMS), Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram (VKA), Vishwa
abroad, and the covert funneling of financial sup- by the World Factbook, the Sakal Hindu Samaj, and $71,000. The foundation stands accused of dissemi- Hindu Parishad (VHP), Seva Bharti, and Bajrang Dal.
port to Hindu supremacist and religious groups, the ruling party itself. The growth of these groups, nating the RSS agenda of Hindu supremacy and
now, collectively cast a dark shadow over India's and their involvement, the watchdog suggests, is fostering anti-minority sentiments among young
stance against terrorism before the global audience directly linked to their financial resources, which children. SBA data further reveals that the Infinity In 2021, five organisations with
it has been trying to charm for decades. plays a crucial role in scaling up their operations. Foundation, another Hindu nationalist organisa- documented connections to Hindu
Since the 2014 victory of the BJP, the political arm Details gathered by the Express Tribune reveal that tion with known connections to the RSS, secured
of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), an or- Hindutva groups in India have relied on various legal over $51,000 in US federal funds in the aftermath of supremacist groups were granted
ganisation committed to turning India into a Hindu and illegal methods, globally as well as domestical- the coronavirus pandemic. Founded by Rajiv Mal- COVID-19 relief funding totaling
nation, marginalisation of minority communities, ly, to raise funds for their activities against religious hotra, a right-wing author, the organisation has
particularly Muslims, has become more pronounced. minorities. faced accusations of targeting academics and schol- $833,000. These funds were then
In the last decade, the RSS and its Hindu nationalist According to data released by the United States ars critical of right-wing Hindu groups, along with used to sponsor various activities
ideology, known as Hindutva, have experienced a Small Business Administration (SBA), a federal issuing divisive statements. Malhotra's foundation
significant surge. Advocacy groups like Amnesty In- agency supporting small business owners and en- extends grants to researchers and universities with and campaigns at home in India
ternational and Human Rights Watch contend that trepreneurs, in 2021, five organisations with docu- the aim of promoting the Hindu nationalist ideol-
the escalation of Hindutva-related violence and dis- mented connections to Hindu supremacist groups ogy endorsed by the RSS within academic spaces.
crimination against religious minorities coincides were granted COVID-19 relief funding totaling Similarly, Sewa International, a longstanding af- In 1951, on the political front, the RSS established
with the rise of Modi's BJP and has exacerbated fur- $833,000. These funds were then used to sponsor filiate of the RSS, was allocated $150,621. The or- the Bharatiya Jana Sangh (BJS), renamed as Bharati-
ther with each successive electoral triumph for the various activities and campaigns at home in India. ganisation actively finances various projects under ya Janata Party roughly three decades later. While
right-wing party. As detailed in a report by Al Jazeera, the SBA dis- the RSS in India, and at one point, its publications these affiliated organisations maintain formal sep-
According to Hindutva Watch, an independent re- bursed funds through its Coronavirus Aid, Relief, showed that it was housed within the RSS head- arations on paper, they collectively advocate for a
search project that documents hate crimes and hate and Economic Security (CARES) Act's Economic In- quarters in New Delhi. Among the five organisa- Hindu nation and support each other in their shared
speeches against religious minorities in India, an jury Disaster Loan Advance (EIDLA), Disaster Assis- tions, the Hindu American Foundation secured the cause. Now, the RSS's influence extends beyond In-
overwhelming 205 (80%) of hate speech events in 2023 tance Loan (DAL), and Paycheck Protection Program largest portion, receiving over $380,000 from the dia, including in the United States, where equivalent
occurred in BJP-ruled states and union territories. (PPP). These initiatives were designed to offer eco- US government as part of the pandemic relief ini- sister organisations exist. For instance, the Vishwa
Furthermore, a majority of the events were orches- nomic relief to struggling businesses and maintain tiative. Co-founded by former VHPA activist Mihir Hindu Parishad of America (VHPA), although legally
trated by entities affiliated with the RSS, including their workforce during the COVID-19 crisis in the Meghani, the Washington-based advocacy group, as an independent, nonprofit, tax-exempt entity, is
the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) designated as a re- worst-hit nation in the world. reported by Al Jazeera, allocated substantial funds to functionally considered an offshoot of the VHP in In-
ligious militant organisation by the World Factbook Under several of these initiatives, the Massachu- advocate for BJP leader Narendra Modi and his brand dia, sharing the same values and ideals.
of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Bajrang setts-based Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America of politics at home and abroad. Continued on page 2

Continued from page 1 Bhutada Family

Hindu Swayamsevak
Foundation (BFF)
The Global Hindu Heritage Sangh (HSS)
Foundation, based in Frisco, Texas,
collaborates with Bajrang Dal and Aggarwal Family Global Hindu Heritage
the VHP, while the Bajrang Dal, Foundation (AFF) Foundation (GHHF)
known for its militant approach,
maintains VHP as its parent body.
At home in India, these Hindut- Foundation (UF) NAMES OF RSS
va groups employ violent methods
to instill fear and terror. Similar to
other ethnic-racial terror groups,
Vishwa Hindu Parishad COMPLIANT OUTFITS
they seek to marginalise, subju- America (VHPA) BASED ABROAD
gate, exclude, and, if necessary,
eliminate minorities, particularly
Indian Muslims. Employing tac- Sewa UK
tics such as hate speech, lynch-
International (SI) USA
ing, and inciting mob violence,
these outfits utilise a diverse Nepal
range of actors, from lone wolves
to local militias to faith-based
charities. All these affiliate or- Foundation (IF)
ganisations are known under a
common banner of “Sangh Pari- Liberia
var (the Sangh family). Kenya
Dual standards India Development and
While India maintains a diplo- Relief Fund (IDRF) Australia
matic charm offensive on the global
stage, positioning itself as a crucial
ally of the United States against its Hindu American Ekal Vidyalaya
arch-rival, China, a contrasting Foundation (HAF) Foundation (EVF)
scenario unfolds domestically. The

tions Special Rapporteur on Minor-

ity Issues conveyed to the USCIRF
that the situation in India can be
summarised in three words - "mas-
sive, systemic, and dangerous."
He cited a study noting a 786% in-
crease in hate crimes against mi-
norities between 2014 and 2018. He
emphasised, "India risks becom-
ing one of the world’s main gen-
erators of instability, atrocities,
and violence, due to the massive
scale and gravity of the violations
and abuses targeting mainly reli-
gious and other minorities such as
Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, and
others. It is not just individual or
local; it is systematic and a reflec-
tion of religious nationalism."
Many independent observers
believe that much of these acts
would not have been possible
without excessive foreign fund-
ing and a free hand from the
right-wing BJP government in
New Delhi. "The government in
India is an equal partner in pro-

government in New Delhi seem- the Financial Action Task Force the same timeframe, SEWA In- Fast forward to November, Activities Where IDRF
ingly grants a carte blanche to the (FATF) itself has recognised in ternational allocated $3.3 million India faces similar allegations, Supported Funds Went
RSS and several of its affiliates en- the past," the expert empha- to various activities of right-wing this time from Washington. by the IDRF 1994-2000
gaged in receiving foreign funding sised. In response to a question groups across India, while the In- While the US government has
through diverse channels. “The regarding FATF's lack of action finity Foundation provided $1.9 not raised the issue officially, the
West has consistently employed on the situation in India, Dr. million in grants to universities Modi government is facing ques-
different standards when it comes Wizarat remarked that the Paris- and researchers supporting the tions about whether it was in-
to dealing with violations of human based global body, established to Hindu supremacist agenda. volved in an assassination plot to
rights and other norms by India – combat terrorism financing and While media reports suggest kill Gurpatwant Singh Pannun,
primarily because the United States money laundering, is jeopardis- that Hindutva groups are ac- a vocal advocate of the cause of
has been positioning India as an ing its credibility by overlooking tively perpetrating acts of terror Sikh separatism and a dual US-
opposing force to China,” said Dr. India's persistent violations and through tactics such as threats Canadian citizen.
Talat Wizarat, former chairper- its failure to curb the funding of of genocide, mob lynching, and
Can these violations be 69%
overlooked? Education /
Hinduaization of 83%
DETAILS OF DONATIONS RECEIVED BY According to Wizarat, Hindutva
Tribal population RSS / VHP / Other
groups in India have resorted to
SANGH PARIVAR OUTFITS various legal and illegal methods
Sangh Orgs
to procure funds for their terror Religious 2%
and genocidal activities. "There Developmental 4%
is ample evidence suggesting that
Donors OUTFITS Hindutva groups are receiving sig- Welfare/Health 8%
nificant financial support globally
US Federal Funds $51,872 Infinity Foundation as well as domestically," she added. 8% Religious Orgs
(Hindu / Jain)
$171,430 Reports reveal that the VHP, op- Relief 15%
$1.9m Vishwa Hindu erating in 29 countries globally, 2% Secular Orgs
$3.9m Parishad America
US based charities channels a substantial amount of Unknown 2% 7% Unknown Ideology
$3.3m money back to the VHP in India,
Sewa International predominantly through tax-ex- of democracy now," she remarked
empt channels. Regulatory filings during the interview. pelling these actions. Above all,
21 $27 by VHP of America (VHP-A) indi- Interestingly, for the fourth it is very much responsible for
Fulshear (Houston $150,6 m Ekal Vidyalaya
$3 cate a transfer of over $7 million to consecutive year, the US Com- allowing the free flow of funds
based outfit) 88
,06 Foundation VHP India and its subsidiaries be- mission on International Re- from RSS affiliates all over the
4 tween 2001 and 2020. Details from ligious Freedom (USCIRF) has world to fund ethnically or racial-
Hindu American the Express Tribune also indicate recommended adding India to a ly motivated terrorism against
Uberoi Foundation $284,000 that VHP’s American affiliate, list of countries perpetuating sys- religious minorities at home,"
00 Foundation
$392,0 VHPA, has close ties with extrem- temic and egregious violations of stated Dr. Wizarat.
ist groups and leaders like Swami the right to freedom of religion, “Narendra Modi, India’s popu-
$561 Yati Narsinghanand, who openly stating that conditions for reli- list leader, and his right-wing
Bhutada Family $1m Vishwa Hindu Parishad issued genocidal threats to Mus- gious minorities in the country party are complicit in all such
America (VHPA) lims in India, documented by the "continued to worsen" through- activities. Failing to implement
$1.7m media and advocacy groups. Wiz- out 2022. "Religious freedom norms on terror financing, only
arat believes that these actions conditions in India have notably make the Financial Action Task
Aggarwal Family $272,000 Sangh Parivar outfits will adversely affect India’s global declined in recent years,” said Force a weaker and ineffective
Foundation (AFF) affiliated with RSS ambitions in the long run. "India USCIRF Chair Abraham Cooper. entity,” the Karachi-based expert
has become the greatest mockery Most recently, the United Na- emphasised.
hate crimes against minority
communities within the coun-
try, Wizarat believes that their Organization Structure of the
The activities of these Hindutva operations are expanding beyond
India’s borders. “Their activities
groups clearly fall under ethnically demonstrate a well-organised ap-

or racially motivated terrorism, a proach, backed by a coordinated

and sophisticated resource pool
The Sangh Parivaar {and the US equivalents}

growing threat that the Financial encompassing both financial

support and human resources.
Action Task Force (FATF) itself has While historically focused on RSS {HSS/FISI}
recognised in the past India, Hindutva groups have
expanded their operations glob-
The Source of Hindutva Ideology
ally, playing a significant role in
spreading hate speech and even
son, Department of International terrorist activities through RSS divisive politics in countries such
Affairs, University of Karachi. affiliates. “When you have one as the United States, United King- BJP {OFBJP} VHP {VHP-America} Seva Vibhag {IDRF}
Highlighting the anti-Muslim rule for Pakistan and another for dom, Australia, and Canada.” The Political Wing The Religious Wing The Social Service Wing
propaganda propagated by both India, it clearly makes the watch- In September this year, Wiz-
elected and unelected leaders in dog look very dubious and less arat pointed out that India’s
India, Dr. Wizarat said: "The BJP credible.” government was exposed by
and its RSS affiliates have con- According to a report on Hindu Canada’s Prime Minister, who
Bajrang Dal {Hindu Unity}
ducted killings and acts of violence non-profits in the US by South accused the Modi administration Sewa International
against minorities with impu- Asian Citizen Web (SACW), an of playing a pivotal role in the as- The Militant Wing
Sewa Bharati
nity. The unabashed Hindu-first online platform that promotes sassination of a Sikh community
messaging by BJP politicians has dialogue on South Asia, charity leader in British Columbia.
Vidya Bharati
emboldened Hindutva groups, groups in the US directed millions While New Delhi denies the al- Vanvasi Kalyan
leaving the country's Muslim and of dollars to RSS-affiliated or- legation, Prime Minister Justin Ashram
Christian minorities in a perpetu- ganisations between 2001-2014. Trudeau insists that his govern- FISI : Friends of Indian Society Ekal Vidyalay
al state of fear and alienation." In the period from 2001 to 2012, ment had sufficient evidence HSS : Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh
"The activities of these Hin- Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation and to suggest that “agents of the Foundation
OFBJP : Overseas Friends of BJP
dutva groups clearly fall under VHPA provided $27 million and government of India” had car-
VHP-America : Vishva Hindu Parishad America
Vikas Bharati
ethnically or racially motivated $3.9 million, respectively, to RSS ried out the shooting of the Sikh Sanskrit Bharati
IDR : India Development and Relief Fund
terrorism, a growing threat that and its affiliated groups. During leader, Hardeep Singh Nijjar.

2 November 26, 2023


A Pyrrhic
but victory
Israel’s brutal response to Hamas’s October
7 attack has placed the case of Palestine
back on the world map. The atrocities Israel
carried out in Gaza have also marked it with
a stain that cannot be wiped
By Nizamuddin Siddiqui Palestinian Islamic Jihad for all times practices. Prominent among such
to come. He also declared that his gov- scholars are Gideon Levy, Ilan Pappe
Is it prudent for a militia to put their ernment would not stop its military and Norman Finkelstein.
non-combatant compatriots in harm’s operations before removing Hamas Let’s turn now to the timing of the
way by challenging the might of one of from the scene completely and ex- unprecedented Hamas attack, which
the most efficient and well-equipped pressed the resolve to never hold nego- has been described by many commen-
armies in the world — one that has tiations with Hamas. tators as one of the most successful
the record of defeating all the stand- As it has turned out, however, not military operations ever conducted
ing armies of neighbouring countries only has his government been forced against the state of Israel. The Hamas
at one time or another? Isn’t it futile to agree to stop its military operations, termed the attack “Al-Aqsa Flood”.
to dream of a modern-day David get- albeit temporarily, but also has had Some Western and pro-Israel analysts,
ting rid of a Goliath in one fell swoop? to hold negotiations with Hamas, however, characterised the onslaught
Hasn’t Hamas committed a blunder although through mediators. This as “Israel’s 9/11”, thereby suggesting
for which the innocent and civilian can be described as a notable success that it merits a response as ferocious
Palestinians will pay too steep a price? achieved by Hamas. and swift as that given after the razing
Another coup pulled off by the Arab of the World Trade Centre in New York
Questions of strategy and resistance groups through the unequal more than two decades ago.
consequence battle started by them is the revival of
These were the questions that were the Palestinian question, which was Unity amidst deep divisions
bothering me on October 7 when in danger of being consigned to the Call it by whatever name you like,
news spread about how the Gaza backburner for all times to come after but the Hamas attack came at a time
Strip-based militant group had sent Israel’s agreements with all the Arab of widening schisms and divisions November 3 read: “Rocked by Hamas’ But then the Palestinians’ successes date System of the League of Nations,
hundreds of fighters and thousands countries of importance. This has in Israeli domestic politics. Prior horrific attack, Israel’s government came to an abrupt halt because they which authorised Great Britain to rule
of ‘home-made’ missiles into the been acknowledged by the BBC’s In- to the attack tens of thousands of and military have projected a united didn’t have the aircraft, tanks, or even over Palestine between 1922 and 1948,
neighbouring Israeli territories to ternational Editor Jeremy Bowen in his Israelis, including soldiers, were front in the weeks since the country steady supplies of reasonably efficient Palestinians were supposed to be
cause death and destruction there. article titled “Five new realities after taking part in weekly protests launched its offensive in the Gaza anti-aircraft and anti-tank weaponry involved in any process aimed at de-
One was worried then and one was four weeks of Israel-Gaza war”. against Netanyahu’s plans for Strip. But that front was built on deep with which they could stop the bomb- termining the future of lands where
perturbed until a few days ago. Bowen writes: “It is also clear that sweeping judicial changes aimed divisions within Israel, the fissures of ing of Israeli fighter jets and block at- they lived. However, nothing of the
After all, Israeli forces had by then the old status quo has been smashed. at weakening the Supreme Court. which are beginning to resurface.” tempts by Israeli troops to invade the sort was allowed to happen.
snuffed life out of more than 13,000 It was unpleasant and dangerous, but According to outspoken Israeli his- The same article quoted an Israeli occupied Strip. Also, under the notorious Balfour
innocent and civilian Palestinians it seemed to have a certain grimly- torian Ilan Pappe, who has written soldier called Yiftach Golov (who Declaration of 1917, which is rightly
in response to the 1,200 Israelis familiar stability. Since the end of the extensively against Zionists including works as a spokesperson for an organ- Palestine back on the global considered to be at the root of all evil,
killed by Hamas last month. last Palestinian uprising around 2005 a book titled“Ten myths about Israel”, isation of reservists belonging to vari- stage the British government had actually
Thousands of Palestinians had a pattern has emerged that Netanya- the Israeli society was until October 6 ous military units protesting against In the six weeks since the start of vowed to help the Zionist Organisa-
been rendered homeless as Israeli air hu believed could be sustained indefi- presenting the picture of a house di- the planned judicial changes) as say- the war they have had to brave one tion create a “home for the Jews” in
ing he was among 10,000 personnel atrocity after another as the world Palestine a full five years before as-
who had signed a declaration in July has looked on in silence. It’s obvi- suming control of the strife-torn
that they would not respond to a call ous that they are paying the price of region under the above Mandate
to duty in case the objectionable piece thrusting the seemingly intractable System. This allowed Great Britain
of legislation was adopted “because Palestinian question back into the to help the Jews make preparations
they didn’t want to serve a dictator.” spotlight, to the anger and annoy- for the creation of a country of their
After the start of the latest conflict, ance of Israel and its Western allies. own in Palestine. In view of the above
however, they have had to turn their Another issue that needs to be ad- facts, Palestinians are justified in con-
attention to the war in Gaza. It’s clear, dressed here is the manner in which tinuing to fight for self-rule and even
therefore, that before October 7 the the Hamas men carried out raids into independence. There are several UN
Israeli society was deeply divided; and Israeli houses, including those located that allow them to mount efforts to
it was presenting the image of weak- in kibbutzim, killed people there and resist illegal occupation of their lands.
ness. This in great part could have per- took hostages. Western and pro-Israel However, they should abide by the
suaded the Hamas leadership to give media have understandably raised a international laws while launching
the nod for an all-out attack on the hue and cry over this. But what they efforts in this regard.
first Saturday of last month. conveniently forget whenever such in-
cidents take place is discussed below. Palestine’s balancing act
Perfect timing Having said that, it’s absolutely
The talk of an impending peace Roots of conflict heart-wrenching to see Palestinians
agreement between Saudi Arabia Arab people have been living in continuing to render untold sacri-
fices more than seven decades after
their homeland was usurped by
Zionists in connivance with the
strikes had laid waste to thousands nitely. That was a dangerous illusion, British in 1948. What’s even more
of apartment blocks and buildings for all concerned — Palestinians as tragic, nobody can be sure how
in the occupied Strip. And the Israeli well as Israelis.” many more sacrifices they will have
ground troops had managed to encir- After the October 7 attack and sub- to render before they will achieve
cle the Gaza City, where they planned sequent Israeli military operations in their goal of self-rule.
to engage the Palestinian militants Gaza, the pro-Palestinian and anti-
in a ‘fight to the finish’. From afar it Israeli groups and individuals have A toll on lives
seemed to be a lost cause as Western also become more vocal in criticising Since the start of the latest Hamas-
media personnel, most of them em- Israel war alone they have lost up-
bedded with Israeli troops, were just wards of 14,000 people, most of
reporting death and destruction on them women and children. The
the Palestinian side. fatalities in full-fledged wars be-
tween two standing armies is often
Ceasefire negotiations and lower than that figure. Al Jazeera
fragile truce recently quoted the UN officials as
But then came the news of a deal saying that 10,000 civilians have
between the two sides under which been killed in Ukraine following the
they are to cease hostilities for four invasion of the country by Russia in
days to exchange about 200 pris- February last year. This only shows
oners, including 50 Israelis taken and Israel was surely the second Palestine since more than 2,000 how brutal the Israeli authorities
hostage on Oct 7 by Hamas fighters. compelling reason why the Sunni years but till date they have not have been during the ongoing con-
The truce is proposed to be extended militant orgnisation backed by been assigned any territory over flict in Gaza and how “efficient and
by one day for each additional batch Iran chose to launch the attack which they may exercise full sov- fast” in ending the lives of innocent
of ten hostages released. (Only on October 7. Any attack, no mat- ereignty. In 1947, the percentage of Palestinians.
women and children are to be re- ter how big, that came after the Arabs living in Palestine stood at 61
leased under the deal.) Jewish state had closed a deal with per cent and yet under a lopsided Hopes and challenges
Ominously, however, the Times of the most influential Arab country UN-supervised process they were of- What’s remarkable, however, is
Israel has said that once the prisoners on the planet would have seemed fered only 45 per cent of their land, that despite the immeasurable
have been swapped by the two sides “too little, too late”. Incidentally, which option they rightly rejected. atrocities they have had to face over
“Israel’s campaign to destroy Hamas the Hamas attack has put paid to On the other hand, the Jews, whose the decades the Palestinians have
in Gaza is to resume”. This means that the possibility of a quick Israeli- percentage of population was only managed to keep the standard of
the ceasefire is to be a temporary one. the brutal Zionist regime. The global vided. In the words of Mr Pappe, on Saudi pact. 30 per cent then, were offered 55 per resistance aloft for no less than a
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin opinion may even have turned in fa- one side of the divide was a govern- In view of the above facts one feels cent of the land! century. Let’s hope and pray that
Netanyahu’s stated objective of hav- vour of the Palestinians for good, at ment which was bent upon impos- that the timing of the Hamas attack What’s shameful about the way they achieve their goals sooner than
ing the Strip invaded by ground least at the level of the masses if not ing a “Messianic and religious type of was spot-on. As it turned out their Israel was created is that the Palestin- later.
troops, in addition to having his at the governmental and diplomatic rule” on the people of Israel and on the fighters proceeded to implement their ians were never asked to give their
fighter jets pound every inch of the level. other was a political movement that battle plans like clockwork on D-Day. opinion over the future of their land Nizamuddin Siddiqui is an author who
occupied territory, is to dismantle Due to a perceptible change in pub- wanted to preserve democracy as well As per their plans, they even man- or even if they were willing to give teaches journalism at the Hamdard Uni-
the infrastructure controlled by the lic opinion we are now witnessing as secularism. aged to take about 240 hostages with up a part of it so that about 500,000 versity, Karachi
Palestinian resistance movement some Jewish academics and writers as The opening sentences of an article them back to the Gaza Strip in the lim- Jewish immigrants could be settled All facts and information are the sole
there, thus silencing the Hamas and openly criticising Israeli policies and posted on the website of NBC News on ited time available to them. permanently there. Under the Man- responsibility of the writer

November 26, 2023 3


A cup
Story by : Nabil Tahir Design by : Ibrahim Yahya

The Express Tribune recaps the thrills, contentions and unforgettable

moments that marked world cricket’s pinnacle tournament
The International Cricket Council (ICC) Men's mistake, and the correct details were later displayed. crowd but emphasised the satisfac-
Cricket World Cup 2023 has etched its name in In the same match, another contentious decision occurred in the 46th over. tion of silencing a big crowd. “The
history, not just for the thrilling cricket matches Haris Rauf's delivery to Tabraiz Shamsi, initially given not out by the on-field crowd's obviously going to be
on display but also for becoming the most attended umpire, was referred to DRS by Pakistan. Despite the ball pitching outside off very one-sided but, in sport
ICC event ever. With an astounding 1,250,307 fans fill- and grazing the leg stump, the impact was in line with the stumps. The on- there's nothing more
ing the stadiums in India, the tournament has showcased field decision was upheld, allowing Shamsi to survive, contributing to South satisfying than
the unwavering passion and enthusiasm of cricket enthusiasts Africa's fifth win. In a separate match between South Africa and India, for- hearing a big
from around the globe. mer Pakistan cricketer Hasan Raza raised concerns about India manipulating crowd go silent,”
However, amidst the record-breaking attendance and the on-field he- DRS. Raza pointed to an instance where Ravindra Jadeja dismissed Rassie van said Cummins.
roics, a different narrative has emerged, sparking debates about whether Der Dussen, suggesting that the DRS decision was suspicious. Cummins
the tournament seemed more like a Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI)- Former Pakistani batter Haroon Rashid, who played 23 Tests and 12 ODIs emphasised the
led event than an ICC spectacle. The controversies, decisions, and statements from 1977 to 1983 weighed in on the DRS controversy, advocating for dropping need to embrace every
made by the ICC during the course of the tournament have fuelled discussions the rule of‘umpire's call.’“If the ball is hitting the wickets, it should be given aspect of a final, from the
about the influence of the Indian cricket board on the global cricketing stage. out,” he said. heightened noise levels to the in-
creased attendance and interest, urg-
Timed out Wide ball ing players to remain focused and not be
In a dramatic turn of events during Sri Lanka's World Cup group match Controversy surrounded a non-wide call by umpire Richard overwhelmed by the situation.
against Bangladesh in Delhi, Angelo Mathews made history by becoming Kettleborough in a match where Virat Kohli achieved several As the match shifted in favour of the Austra-
the first player ever to be timed out in international cricket due to a helmet records and became the leading run-scorer in ICC white- lian team, creating a moment of victory, the once
malfunction. The incident unfolded as Mathews, in his final preparations ball events. boisterous Indian crowd fell into a pin-drop silence.
before facing Shakib Al Hasan, experienced a broken helmet strap just as Critics suggested that the non-wide call was made Additionally, during the closing ceremony, on-field um-
he was tightening it around his chin. to favour Kohli's century, accusing the umpire pires Richard Kettleborough and Richard Illingworth were
Requesting a replacement helmet from teammate Chamika Karunaratne, of bias. However, it's noted that the decision booed by the crowd without apparent reason, adding to the list of
Mathews faced a race against time to be ready to face his first ball within the aligns with changes in the Laws of Cricket incidents that have caused outrage.
two minutes allowed by the ICC playing conditions. However, his delay led by the MCC in 2022. The amended law In contrast to the criticism, Haroon, the former cricketer with a wealth of
to an appeal initiated by Bangladesh's fielding captain, Shakib Al Hasan, for considers the batter's position and experience, offered a nuanced perspective. He pointed out that the composi-
a timed out dismissal. Despite Mathews' efforts to resolve the helmet issue movement, not just the initial tion of ODI crowds in today's era is predominantly youthful, and their pri-
and discussions with umpires Marais Erasmus and Richard Illingworth, guard position, when judging mary goal is to enjoy and support their team.
the decision to rule him timed out was upheld. The reserve umpire, Adrian a wide. "What do you expect from them? They are there to enjoy and watch their
Holdstock, explained during the innings break that no discretion is given for team win. If it is not winning, they won’t be celebrating the other team’s vic-
equipment malfunctions, emphasising the need for batters to be ready to Coin toss tory," he pointed out. "If you are referring to the crowd at county matches or
receive the ball within two minutes. Mathews, visibly frustrated, kicked his Following the con- troversy over the pitch similar events, there, most of the crowd is retired, and they are there to en-
helmet and threw his bat in annoyance as he left the field. His dismissal left conditions, so- cial media erupted with joy cricket, and that’s what they do. Here at the World Cup 2023, the Indian
Sri Lanka in a challenging position at 135 for 5. However, Charith Asalanka's claims that the coin toss in the crowd was there to see their team win."
century helped the team recover, finishing at 279. semi-final between India and New
Zealand was 'fixed' to favour the Indian Modi ‘snubs’ Pat Cummins
DRS side. Allegations cantered on Indian captain The most recent controversy emerged during the prise distribution ceremony
In the match between Pakistan and South Africa, the Decision Review Rohit Sharma's tossing technique, with netizens when Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi appeared to 'snub' Australian
System (DRS) sparked controversy, leading the ICC to issue a clarifica- suggesting he deliberately threw the coin too far, captain Pat Cummins. In video footage, a visibly dejected Modi is seen hand-
tion. The incident involved Proteas batter Rassie van der Dussen's preventing New Zealand skipper Kane Williamson from ing over the World Cup trophy to Cummins and leaving the presentation
lbw decision, where an erroneous display of graphics initially clearly seeing the outcome. stage without shaking hands.
showed impact as "umpire's call" and the wicket as "miss- Video footage from multiple matches, including the The act left Cummins looking lost on stage, and after the presentation, Modi walked
ing." The ICC clarified that the incomplete graphic was a semi-final, showed instances where Rohit Sharma tossed the away to shake hands with the remaining Australian players, leaving Cummins
coin away from the designated toss pad. In these cases, the oppos- standing alone on the podium. The perceived snub has sparked discussions and
ing captain appeared not to verify the outcome independently and debates, with some expressing disappointment in the lack of a handshake, while
relied on the umpire's declaration. Out of the 11 tosses in the tourna- others speculate on the potential reasons behind the act.
ment, India won five, including three of the last four matches lead-
ing up to the semi-final against New Zealand. However, India lost the
toss in the final against Australia. The repeated instances of coin toss
controversies fuelled speculation and discussions on social media re-
garding fair play and the integrity of crucial match rituals.

Ball change
Former Pakistani cricketer Hassan Raza, following India's dominant per-
formance against Sri Lanka, raised questions about the quality of balls
provided to the Indian bowlers in the ongoing World Cup.
“The ball used to be shiny on one side and rough on the other, allowing it
reverse, seam, and swing. But here I feel like the ball is getting changed mid-
innings the way it is behaving. Whether it is the ICC that is providing the
balls, or the umpires panel, or the BCCI, there should be an inspection on it. I
think the balls should be checked,” said Raza.

Pitch switch
Controversy arose ahead of the first semi-final between India and New
Zealand at the Wankhede Stadium when reports surfaced suggesting a
last-minute pitch change, allegedly aimed at giving an advantage to the
Indian team in the crucial knockout match.
The ICC responded to the reports, clarifying that the decision to change
the pitch was made in consultation with the independent pitch consultant,
Andy Atkinson. The ICC stated that adjustments to planned pitch rotations
are common towards the end of a lengthy event and emphasised that this
change was recommended by the venue curator in collaboration with the
host. Haroon, the cricket expert, pointed out that pitches are typically allot-
ted numbers before the event begins to ensure the best pitch for important
matches. He noted that the ICC curator was informed in advance that pitch
7 wouldn't be available for the semi-final. “The controversy could be around
why the pitch wasn't available despite being predetermined,” he said.

One-sided crowd
The behaviour of the Indian crowd, particularly in the final
of the World Cup, has drawn criticism from cricket fans
worldwide. With an estimated 130,000 people cheering
for India, the crowd was perceived as one-sided, and
there were concerns about a lack of sportsmanship.
Australian cricketer Pat Cummins acknowl-
edged the expected one-sided nature of the
4 November 26, 2023

plaint against Rizwan has been filed by Vineet Jindal, a lawyer from the Su-
preme Court of India, with both the ICC and the BCCI. Jindal contends that
Rizwan's act of offering prayers during the match "raises questions about the
spirit of the game." It's worth noting that Jindal previously filed a complaint
against Pakistan sports presenter Zainab Abbas over what he deemed "anti-
Hindu" tweets, a controversy that led to her abrupt departure from the tour-

Pakistani presenter sent back home

Zainab clarified that she was neither asked to leave nor deported,
but the overwhelming online reaction to her presence in India
led to her decision. While not an immediate threat to her
safety, the online backlash raised concerns among
her family and friends on both sides of the bor-
der, leaving her intimidated and scared.
Zainab acknowledged the hurt caused
by her old social media posts and em-
phasised that they did not re-
flect her current values or
identity. She offered
an apology to
anyone of-
by The ap-
pointment dates of
the directors coincide with
Inzamam's tenure as chief selector,
raising questions about the propriety of a na-
tional selector having a stake in a company linked to
a prominent player agent. Inzamam stepped down to allow
the PCB to conduct a transparent inquiry into the conflict of inter-
est allegations. He expressed willingness to resume his role if cleared
of the charges. Although PCB said that they will take the important
the posts decisions after the tournament, but the resignation of Inzamam was
and expressed accepted just a day before Pakistan team’s seventh World Cup outing
gratitude to those against Bangladesh.
who had been concerned According to Haroon Rashid, a former Chief Selector, the inquiry
and supportive. against Inzamam should have been conducted before his appoint-
ment. He blames the lack of research and background checks that the
Babar Azam Leaked Messages PCB does before appointing anyone to the PCB or the team manage-
Former Pakistan skipper and wicketkeeper-batsman ment.
Rashid Latif claimed that Babar, the current captain, was “They should have checked this before. They are capable of running
not receiving responses to his messages sent to Pakistan Cricket these checks beforehand. Doing this midway is not only embarrassing
Board (PCB) Chairman Zaka Ashraf, COO Salman Naseer, and Director for the person but also for the board," he said, adding that, in his expe-
Usman Wahla. In response, Ashraf asked the interviewer during a live rience, the PCB tends to make poor decisions under pressure. He cited
show to show the screenshot of the message from Babar where COO examples such as the removal of Sarfraz Ahmed, Younis Khan, Shahid
Salman was inquiring about this situation. Afridi, and Muhammad Hafeez from captaincy roles in the past.
The on-air sharing of the message during the live show received criticism He continued to criticise Babar's decision to step down as captain
from former cricketers and the public, with concerns raised about the display after returning from the World Cup. “England played worse than the
No handshakes of personal WhatsApp messages of the captain on national television. Pakistan team. Did they change their team?” he questioned, while
with BCCI officials highlighting that this instability has been ongoing since 1992.
Australia cricketers Adam PCB under pressure “Our management comes under pressure, and then they make de-
Zampa and Marcus Stoinis found Inzamam resigned from his position as Pakistan's chief selector amid con- cisions like these,” he said, adding that the appointment of the new
themselves in a controversy after ap- cerns about a potential conflict of interest. Reports revealed that Inzamam team management was also done without following the proper chan-
parently ignoring and refusing handshakes is a director in a UK-based company, Yazoo International Ltd, along with nels. “You advertise the position, interview the candidates who ap-
with BCCI officials following their victory in the individuals connected to player representation, including the agency man- plied, check their previous experience related to the position and the
ICC Cricket World Cup 2023. The incident unfolded aging Babar, Shaheen Shah Afridi, and Mohammad Rizwan. Inzamam's certifications they have received. But here, they just saw the name and
during the presentation ceremony, further adding to brother is the company secretary. brought them on board,” he said.
the disappointment of Indian cricket fans after their team's
During the ceremony, Stoinis walked past BCCI president Roger Bin-
ny, secretary Jay Shah, and cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar, opting to ac-
cept his medal from ICC Chairman Greg Barclay. Although Stoinis greeted
Tendulkar without shaking hands, the cricket icon appeared somewhat
bemused by the behaviour. Similarly, Zampa walked past Roger Binny and
Jay Shah after David Warner ensured to shake hands with all the officials on
stage. While Zampa did shake hands with Tendulkar, there was a perceived
lack of warmth in the gesture.
Indian fans expressed their discontent, describing Stoinis and Zampa as
'disrespectful' and 'pathetic.' However, some individuals defended the Aus-
tralian cricketers, suggesting that they might not have been aware of whom
they were supposed to shake hands with, attributing the situation to an
‘awkward’ and‘poorly-run’ presentation ceremony.

Mohammed Shami leaves ‘sajda’ midway

During India's successful World Cup 2023 match against Sri Lanka,
Mohammed Shami's apparent hesitation in completing a "sajda" (pros-
tration) caught the attention of many. The fast bowler, who is the only
Muslim player in the Indian squad, was seen going down in what seemed
like an attempt to prostrate in celebration of his five-wicket haul but
stopped midway.
Shami has been in excellent form during the World Cup, amassing 14
wickets in just three matches since joining the squad. His pivotal five-wicket
performance played a crucial role in India's resounding 302-run victory in the
match at Mumbai's Wankhede Stadium.
Social media users were quick to observe and offered varying opinions, with
some speculating that Shami might have refrained from the sajda due to an
awareness of representing a country with a history of Islamophobia events.

Legal case against Rizwan for offering Namaz

Amidst the excitement of the ODI World Cup 2023, a controversy surfaced
involving Pakistan's star opener, Mohammad Rizwan. Despite his com-
mendable performance with the bat, Rizwan has recently garnered
attention for reasons unrelated to cricket.
After dedicating a century to the 'brothers and sisters in
Gaza,' a gesture that stirred both praise and criticism
due to the Israel-Palestine conflict, Rizwan is now
at the centre of another debate. During a match
against the Netherlands in Hyderabad, Riz-
wan, after scoring a well-composed 68
runs, was captured offering prayers
on the cricket field. The video of
this moment quickly went
viral, eliciting diverse re-
Adding to the
a formal

November 26, 2023 5


Behind blue
Stunning visuals, gorgeous animation and graphic violence
may be the most eye-catching parts for Netflix’s latest
animated triumph. Beneath the aesthetic façade, Blue
Eye Samurai offers profound exploration of gender roles,
identity and the demon that is hate internalised

“How did this terrible creature come to

be? Hate alone was not enough. It took
one more ingredient. Love… poisoned
by betrayal, to bring so much blood-
shed and woe… to create the onryo.”
As I write this, Blue Eye Samurai, a
new animated series released by Net-
flix earlier this month, has gradu-
ated from sleeper hit to cult status.
Drawing rave reviews, in particular,
is the show’s stunning animation
and backdrops, and violence that is
equal parts style, gore and grit.
But there is more than meets the
eye to the story of Netflix’s demon
behind blue eyes. The quote above is
narrated by the end of the fifth epi-
sode, the highpoint of the series in
my opinion and that of many others.
It is that episode that reveals how deep takingly. Like the blue eyes she hides when a gang of children picks up a and solidarity with each other, should
the cut that spurs the protagonist to behind tinted spectacles, Mizu hides stone to throw at her. From flash- they allow it. But perhaps, that is the
single-minded vengeance runs. And her femininity under the guise of backs of her mother, we learn that hardest ask, when the hate society
it does this while dissecting questions masculinity and martial prowess. beyond discrimination, there is a sends one’s way is internalised.
pertaining to gender roles and identi- The eyes that lend the series its title bounty on her head since infancy. To For the ‘sin’ of being born, Mizu
ty with a delicate touch missing from become a metaphor for Mizu’s gen- ensure her survival, Mizu’s mother seeks revenge against her father,
most media today. der experience. instructs her to hide; first herself who she presumes is one of the four
The series' brilliance lies not just There is more to the eyes them- and then who she is, even her gen- European men present in Japan be-
in its stunning visuals or gripping selves, however. Far more than an der. When a tragedy leads Mizu to fore the emperor closed the country’s
action sequences, but in its ability aesthetic choice, set against the presume her mother dead, she is left borders to foreigners. One of them,
to carve a narrative that transcends white of Mizu’s skin the same way fending for herself; feeding off scraps we learn, she has killed already. One
the confines of a traditional revenge her blue-clad figure stands out ‘like a dog’, as one character from her more, the main antagonist of the disgraced samurai – another misfit. darkness. Then deepens. Energizes.
story. against the snow, they are central past put it; and scuffling against oth- first season (hopefully will there will Little by little, to her own surprise, And grows ever stronger. Swirling
to her quest for revenge. Text in the er children who bully her on sight. be a few more), still operates in Japan love seems to blossom. Until Mizu’s and raging until it is ready to strike!”
***SPOILERS AHEAD*** opening panels of the series’ first epi- Until she finds refuge with a as a smuggler plotting the overthrow truth – her skill as a ‘swordsman’ – A cornered Fowler even taunts
Like other tales from its genre, Blue sode hint as such: blind swordsmith. A misfit herself, of the country’s regime. banishes it. Mizu, asking her to look at the flames
Eye Samurai begins unassumingly “In 1633, Japan closed its borders to Mizu does collect other misfit allies Given his ruthlessness and aspira- Popular Western media, nowa- she incites. In Japanese traditional
enough. A ronin – a samurai with- the outside world. Completely. through her journey, even as she tions of political engineering, Irish- days, ends up being quite divisive. beliefs and literature, onryō were
out a master – traversing through Citizens would never see a white tries to resist it. man Abijah Fowler appears to be a While one segment of the audience a specific type of ghost, frequently
a snowy expanse, enters a quaint face, nor any face that was not Japa- "I am on the path of revenge. straightforward critique of Western clamours for ‘representation’, an- depicted as women who had been
little inn. An argument with a rau- nese. There's no place on it for love or colonialism and modern-day impe- other groans at ‘wokeness’. The im- wronged, left traumatised, embit-
cous patron ensues, revealing the A child born mixed race would be friendship.” rialism. His grand scheme rests on portance of representation notwith- tered, and filled with rage due to tor-
ronin’s purpose – revenge. considered less than human. As an allegory for those who find a technological military advantage standing, it does appear that a lot of ment in life. Bound by their eternal
But protagonist Mizu is no samu- Pitiable. Impure. Monstrous.” themselves ostracised by society at (à la the United States), as he raises modern media can be needlessly ‘ser- grudge, these spirits were thought
rai, in self-confessed words. Nor is We know Mizu is hated for her large for being ‘different’, it suggests a force armed with smuggled West- monising’ despite the best of inten- to wreak havoc in the realm of the
she a man, as she tries to pass pains- mixed-race origin from the get go, that those on the fringe can find solace ern firearms to enact his coup. “No tions. Blue Eye Samurai is masterful living, seeking vengeance for the in-
one makes a better blade than your in how it avoids that. justices they endured. Their actions
people. No one invents better ways Although Mizu cannot really be were believed to extend to causing
to kill people than mine,” he tells one labelled a trans character – it does calamities, even natural disasters, as
of his Japanese co-conspirators. “No appear she identifies as a woman they pursued redress for the wrongs
one murders so well as the British. deep down – the tale of her marriage inflicted upon them during their
It’s our number one export.” does appear to be a parable for trans lives.
Still, Fowler is far from one-dimen- anxieties, especially as they pertain Throughout the series, Mizu calls
sional as an antagonist. His origin, to romantic relationships. Through herself and is labelled by others as an
too, is the fruit of human suffering Mizu and through the character of onryō. Fitting, then, that her ven-
– he lived through one of the fam- Princess Akemi, the series also ex- geance leaves a city ablaze. Her jour-
ines inflicted upon the Irish by the plores the perception that there only ney, intertwined with the societal
English, while his family perished. a few paths in life for women – and constructs of gender and identity,
The cycle of hate and violence, leaves the defiance of it. unveils the harrowing tale of a love
myriad demons in its wake. Coming back to revenge, as Mizu poisoned by deceit and betrayal – not
As the quote from episode five sug- catches up with Fowler, her hate is just from her husband, but her moth-
gests, it wasn’t just hate that created portrayed as the trigger for the his- er as well. It's in this betrayal that the
Mizu’s vengeance. In an exquisite torical Great Fire of Meireki, which seed of vengeance takes root, birthing
flashback, we see her last chance destroyed much of the then Japanese the onryō, a vengeful spirit seeking
at life as a woman… and peace. Re- capital of Edo. retribution, her dual nature torn be-
united with her mother, she is re- “Hate is like a typhoon. It begins as tween the yearning for justice and the
luctantly convinced into marrying a a breeze at sea that is swallowed by weight of her own humanity.

T Magazine’s picks

Binge this week: Listen this week: Follow this week:

Olivia by Wolves of Watch this week:
Batman: The LEO @Mega64
TV Show Animated Series Glendale Movies YouTube

Don your cape to relive the timeless With vibes of Cher, Evanesence and This is a delightful and remarkably wise The story of three men, kidnapped by the
adventures of the Dark Knight in all his Coldplay, the debut single Olivia is a CGI animated feature charming kids and sinister scientist Dr Poque and forced to
animated glory in the 65 episodes of sea- masterpiece by Wolves of Glendale, a band their parents alike. Having delivered win- beta test the Mega64 system — a device
son one of the beloved Batman animated born from the minds and talents of Ethan ners in the past with Eight Crazy Nights to bring video games and the real world
series. Considered by many as the best Edenburg (vocals/guitar), Eric Jackowitz and the hit Hotel Transylvania franchise, together. The end result could be as em-
Batman show ever, the groundbreak- (vocals/drums) and Tom McGovern (vocals/ Sandler is no stranger to voiceovers for barrassing as it sounds. Entire sagas and
ing series, created by Warner Bros and keyboards). With a keen eye for life’s absur- animated features and voices the 74-year- stories are told in five or more minutes,
originally aired in 1992 has since become dities and a penchant for musical parody old Iguana, Leo. With musical ditties, the best part being that it is all home-
a benchmark for excellence in animated and hard rocking, the band has swiftly lots of offbeat comedy, eccentric charac- made, all in-camera and no computer ef-
storytelling. Starring the legendary Kevin carved out their own niche in the music ters, and a meaningful story, the film fects. Watch shorts, playlists and videos.
Conroy as the voice behind the enigmatic world. What sets them apart is their ability reserves its biggest lessons for its adult Mega64 Cyber Monday Rummage sale on
Batman, the late actor’s portrayal re- to infuse humour into their music without characters to communicate to audiences 27/11 opens up their vault live on stream
mains etched in the minds of fans as the compromising on musicality, as in the lyr- what level of accountability we should to see what wares from long ago they’re
voice of the Dark Knight. ics of Olivia. administer to kids’ and adults’ mistakes. willing to part with… or not!

6 November 26, 2023


Of femininity and resilience

Three distinct art exhibitions, each weaving narratives of resilience, feminine perspectives, and traditional
roots represent Karachi's thriving cultural tapestry. As the city faces economic and political challenges, its
artistic soul shines, proving it to be a true city of light
By Lulu Lokhandwala

Karachi is the most diverse city in

Pakistan, and that is reflected in
its art scene. In the last week, there
were three shows, with distinctive
themes, but all of which tie in with
the city and its inhabitants.
Curated by F.S. Karachiwala at
Kayal, the show “I Carry a Moun-
tain With Me,” had a fresh vibe,
as it was an outdoor pop-up, a
nice change from the white-
walled galleries in Karachi. Even
the collection of artists Faraz
brought together was mostly
new artists who work with digi-
tal mediums. Other than that,
there were some sculptures,
paintings, and printmaking
work. The show brought to-
gether 11 artists, Changez Khan,
Fathyma Khalid, F.S. Karachi-
wala, Hina Tabassum, Luluwa
Lokhandwala, Shanzay Sabz-
wari, S.M. Raza, Syeda Sheeza
Ali, Talha Shams, Inshal Tahir,
and Umaima Khan.
The theme of this exhibition
explored the ongoing conflict in
Palestine with a desire to ignite
hope through a conversation on
resilience and resistance. The cu-
rator's own work was a series of
digital collages and typography
posters featuring the infamous
line from Faiz Ahmed Faiz’s
poem, “Hum Dekhen Ge.” This
revolutionary poetry is from the
time of Pakistan’s struggle with
military occupation during the background, to depict the undy- V.M. Gallery, was curated by the artist’s mind, dealing with “reclaimed” in the name of de- the outskirts of the physical and
time of Zia-ul-Haq. This revo- ing hope of the Palestinian peo- Zahabia Khozema and featured both darkness but also feeling velopment. The once-open seas social landscape of this city.
lutionary poem carries a strong ple despite their heartbreaking the works of four women whose gratification from support sys- are now mostly private proper- The most outstanding work
message of hope and invokes plight. This hope is something work revolved around female tems, Higher-Self, and ancestral ties, and the Rule of Commons in this exhibition is a collective
the name of God, who is the Ul- we as Pakistanis try to keep alive experiences and public spaces. wisdom. is being constantly purged upon piece by this group. The work is
timate Authority and shall bring despite the injustices and unrest Layl Ali’s work speculates on the Menal Bano and Sabeen Ya- by the state. Menal Bano brings a collection of deconstructions of
down the thrones of tyrants. we see in our country. Another relationship between women, meen's works appear in juxta- abstractions to her own experi- geometric patterns used by the
This poem resonates well with artist, Shanzay Sabzwari, used patriarchy, and divinity, using position to one another but also ences in different places in the artists in their individual works.
the Palestinian struggle where the UK pound and the first Paki- themes from the Subcontinent’s complement each other. Both city, and each painting brings This comes out as a feature piece
their faith has taken a central stani note to illustrate the colo- rich Sufi cultures. Ayesha Sul- their works centre around Kara- out soft and jarring colours that as one enters the gallery and gives
position in the conflict. It cannot nial and post-colonial struggle tan’s work reimagines her own chi and their experiences of it. rightfully depict the polarity that a sneak peek into all artists' works
be denied that the apartheid in that has been going on in South emotions, traumas, experiences, Sabeen Yameen’s work delves is Karachi. as well as their skills. The artists
Lastly, the exhibition “Tasees,” featured in this group exhibition
curated by Arshad Faruqi at Koel are Alefiya Abbas Ali, Amna Fraz,
Gallery was a collection of works Dilshad Asif, Fatimah Agha,
by artists who practice tradi- Khalifa Shujauddin, Mehrin Has-
tional Islamic arts in Karachi. It eeb, Maryam Cheema, Saman
may come as a surprise to many Ansari, and Sana Habib. This
that traditional Islamic arts have exhibition boasts an impressive
anything to do with a modern combination of mediums such as
metropolitan like Karachi. The watercolour painting, egg tem-
word tasees means ‘foundation’ pera painting, gold gilding, min-
in English, and the exhibition iature painting, parquetry, wood
draws its inspiration from the carving, ceramics, naturally dyed
necropolis of Makli, only a few fabrics, drawings, installation,
kilometres away from Karachi. etc. All these works are created
The architecture of Makli fea- with techniques true to the prac-
tures an exquisite combination tices of local artisans in Pakistan.
of geometric designs with the Each of the artists’ works explores
technique of stone masonry. The its distinct derivation of the Makli
style of graves that are found in theme, but it emerges in a beauti-
Makli is, in fact, found in many ful symphony.
places in Karachi, such as at the Karachi’s cultural landscape
Shrine of Mango Pir, Malir, and grows brighter as the city drowns
Chawkandi. These structures further in darkness due to increas-
built hundreds of years ago, are ing political unrest, civil unrest,
even older than the Mughals, and economic recession. In this
and the technique is indigenous way, Karachi truly emerges as
Palestine is also a religious war Asia and the rest of the world. and thoughts into a fantastical into nostalgia for Karachi’s to this region. This foundation, the city of light where the light is
because Israel has been actively She used the techniques of min- landscape that emerges as an in- coastline, its hubbub and vi- or tasees, is the ancestral inheri- within the hearts of its dwellers.
bombing mosques, closed off Al iature painting and drawing to terconnected web of ecosystems. brancy. Sabeen’s signature glim- tance of this land that most of us
Aqsa, and Islamophobia is at its transform the currencies into a From the village of Sisterhood mer appears adorning the waves are oblivious to. This ignorance Lulu Lokhandwala is a visual artist
peak in the West. political statement about Brit- to the Sea of Shame, these are of Karachi’s beaches in her il- is not surprising because the ma- and researcher. You can follow her work
Another work that stood out ain’s colonial history and its re- emotions that all women experi- lustrations, but underneath the jority of the inhabitants of Ka- on Instagram at @luluwa.lokhandwala
were three illustrations by In- percussions in the present day. ence in their lives and can relate breathtaking beauty of the scene rachi today are fairly recent set-
shaal Tahir, who masterfully The second exhibition titled to. The landscaping of emotions is the sad reality of today where tlers, and the indigenous people All facts and information are the sole
used bright colours on a black “The Worlds We Create” at the gives an interesting insight into the beaches are rapidly being of the land have been pushed to responsibility of the writer

November 26, 2023 7


the ‘elixir
of health’
Hailed as a nutritional powerhouse for generations,
milk faces growing health skepticism as demand and
mass production of dairy products continue to grow.
While the debate rages on, the preference for packaged
versus unpackaged milk remains a personal choice
By Yusra Salim which decreases the chances of bac- es the flavour and mouthfeel of milk, sure that the environment is clean,” plants that are to be installed in every regulatory body that can be ques-
terial growth, is already in place.” hence affecting its quality. he says. “But when we supply milk farm, he said that the initial plan is tioned and standards can be exam-
It’s easy to assume that milk has al- Others, on the other hand, may to the middleman who supplies it to have 17-18 litres capacity chiller ined about the quality if it is not up to
ways been a staple of our diet. In our How safe is raw vs pasteurised not detect a noticeable change in the to the retailers and shopkeepers, the plants that cost 350,000-400,000 the mark, but with raw milk we have
culture which is largely influenced by milk? flavour of raw and pasteurised milk, check and balance chain may suffer.” rupees. The Board of Investment and seen cases where the milk has to be
the culture of the subcontinent, where One of the most important consid- and may even prefer the consistent, He further explained that the milk other organisations are helping us to filtered from flies and mosquitoes in
milk is not just a drink, but a gift from erations in the raw milk versus pas- clean taste of pasteurised milk. Final- has to be shifted to chiller plants provide chillers at the lowest possible them as the standards are not com-
gods. It is the first drink a child is given teurised milk argument is safety in ly, taste and texture preferences are a within two hours of the extraction rates. plied to at the majority of farms.
after mother’s milk. Most of us start terms of hygiene. Raw milk has a matter of personal preference. “Con- so that the bacterial growth is hin-
the day with a hot cup of milky tea, our higher risk of bacterial contamina- sumers who only had raw milk since dered as the main issue after hygiene Growth hormone concerns Who is more vulnerable to raw
desserts and flatbreads are made with tion that cause E. coli, Salmonella, their childhood find it difficult to is maintaining the temperature of In the dairy industry, hormone in- milk issues?
milk and its by-product desi ghee, and and Listeria and other serious and shift to tetra pack and find it stale and milk. jections like Bovine Somatotropin When opting between raw and pro-
for just about any excuse from wedding fatal infections. not fresh,” says Manthar Hussain The cold war between the farmers (BST) or recombinant bovine growth cessed milk, it is critical to consider
ceremonies to the relief or even cure for “No matter how much you boil who owns a farm near M-9 highway. and tetra-pack companies is nothing hormone (rBGH) are used to increase the needs of vulnerable groups.
the tiniest ailment or malfunction of the raw milk it can only make a dif- new and each side often drags the milk supply. Hameed Kalhoro, a Foodborne infections are more com-
our bodies, we drink milk. ference of 10-20 percent from the Regulations and law other to the court for accusations of dairy farm owner, shared insights mon in young children, the elderly,
A dairy portion or a glass of milk original form,” says a nutritionist at The sale of raw milk is subject to rig- damaging each other’s market. “We into their usage. He mentioned that pregnant women, and people with
will make our bones strong and that compromised immune systems so
milk has all the nutrients our bodies consuming raw milk can pose seri-
need is ingrained in our systems. But ous health concerns to these people.
with lactose intolerance becoming For the sake of their safety, health
more common, there is a growing experts and regulatory organisa-
debate on whether milk really is as tions highly advise vulnerable
good as we believe? And that leads to groups to consume packaged milk.
the argument about whether easily “Doctors may commonly ask the
consumable tetra-pack milk is better patients with kidney and other ab-
than the milk that the doodhwallah dominal issues to avoid milk and
brings or we get from the traditional sometimes suggest taking other sup-
Bismillah Milkshop that entails boil- plements which is a clear indication
ing. The debate over raw milk versus how raw milk can cause health haz-
tetra-pack milk has raged for years, ards, such as dust, and fat being the
with supporters on either side fight- main causes of having stones in kid-
ing for their favoured option. neys because everything you drink
Let’s get this straight. Raw milk goes through the kidneys at the same
is milk that has not been pasteur- time,” says the nutritionist.
ised, whereas tetra-packed milk,
also known as pasteurised milk, has Why do we need it?
been heat-treated to destroy hazard- The battle of raw milk versus tetra-
ous bacteria. Quite simply, stuff is pack milk is complex, and covers the
destroyed in ultra-heat- treated milk nutritional content, safety, taste,
and then synthetic versions are add- and shelf life. While proponents of
ed back. Packaged milk is not fresh raw milk argue for its possible nutri-
milk, it is processed milk. There tional benefits and greater flavour,
are numerous sides to this topic, it is critical to understand the safety
comparing the nutritional content, hazards connected with ingesting
safety, flavour, and shelf life of both unpasteurised milk, as well as the
types of milk to understand where legal limits in many places.
and what can cause health issues. a government facility. “While pack- orous regulations and outright pro- filed a petition on how the TV adver- these synthetic hormones, akin to “The understanding of the mat-
aged milk goes through certain pro- hibition in some locations, due to tisements targeted raw milk with what cows naturally produce, cost ter is similar to how we use bottled
How good is the goodness of cedures that makes it safe to drink.” safety concerns. These restrictions the narrative that tetra pack is bet- around 200 to 500 rupees per injec- water in cities and even in villages,”
milk? Pasteurisation is an effective vary greatly, with some places al- ter than raw milk which is not good tion. They're administered via sy- says Hafeezullah Gambhir, provincial
One of the most compelling argu- means for destroying hazardous bac- lowing the selling of raw milk under to for human consumption,” shares ringe twice daily, 15 minutes before manager for Nutrition International,
ments in favour of raw milk is its teria and pathogens, making tetra- certain conditions while others pro- Umar. “We won the case and the milking, to boost production. formerly the Micronutrient Initia-
alleged enhanced nutritious worth. packaged milk a safer alternative, hibiting it. Tetra packaged milk, on court banned those advertisements Kalhoro noted that despite wide- tive, an international not for profit
Raw milk, according to proponents, particularly for vulnerable groups the other hand, is widely available but the damage was already done.” spread adherence to these practices agency based in Canada that works
contains more vitamins, minerals, like as children, the elderly, preg- and produced in line with recog- Umar also shared that a proper sys- in Pakistan, they don't significantly to eliminate vitamin and mineral
and enzymes than pasteurised milk. nant women, and people with com- nised safety regulations. tem is being set up where the farms impact all cattle. Among their 40 deficiencies in developing countries.
While some heat-sensitive elements promised immune systems. Ingesting raw milk in countries will have chiller plants to maintain buffaloes, only 15-20 require injec- “Likewise, we are being brainwashed
may be partially damaged during pas- Raw milk is mostly considered where it is illegal may result in le- the temperature which will de- tions; the rest produce sufficient that raw milk is not healthy and only
teurisation, the nutritional content unsafe by health officials because it gal ramifications. “There are rules crease the possibility of bacteria and milk on their own. Even the injected packed milk are good for consump-
difference between raw and pasteur- could contain deadly germs. Several and regulations on paper but no one from there milk will be pasteurised, ones yield just 4-5 kilograms more tion, but it isn’t completely true.”
ised milk is sometimes overestimated. places have laws and regulations that has ever visited our facility to check packed, and supplied in the market. per milking session. Gambhir pointed out that companies
“There is no comparison between limit or prohibit the sale of raw milk. the cleanliness or safety hazards or “The cost of raw milk will increase However, there are concerns about that are running business worth bil-
the two types,” says Shakir Umar, “Raw milk is workable in developed to even check what we feed our ani- obviously but it will be lesser than the long-term effects of these injec- lions of rupees do have an impact on
head of the Dairy and Cattle Farmer countries where they have safety and mals,” says Hussain, who owns 25 what people are buying in tetra tions. Gambhir emphasized that the market if we try to understand
Association. “Since the last 10-15 cleanliness intact and they follow buffaloes and sells milk. pack,” he says, adding that the plan these artificial hormonal changes how milk that has less shelf life can
years, there has been a debate about rules or have a proper system to ex- Hussain explains that he has a few is in line with the Sindh and Pun- could lead to various diseases in the stay fresh for months. The reason is
which is better but the fact is that tract the milk from the animal and all workers specified for milk extraction jab Food Authority and a few farms animals and affect consumers using that chemicals used to sterilise the
packaged milk is a western idea and equipment used for extraction, trans- and they make sure the animals are in Bhains Colony, Karachi, already their milk daily. This debate over the milk and make it consumable claim-
Pakistanis love to adopt western ferring and storage is sterilised,” adds cleaned daily and all the containers have machines installed for packing use of hormone injections in dairy ing the bacteria are killed and it is
ideas, fashion and lifestyle.” the nutritionist.“But in a Third World used in storing milk are cleaned prop- milk and supplying through a proper production revolves around increased healthy, has its own health concerns.
Umar explains that packaged milk country such as ours the situation on erly each time the milk is taken.“We chain to consumers.” output versus potential health risks Since tetra-pack milk offers a safer
is also bought from farmers and pro- the ground is questionable.” extract milk twice a day and make Talking about the cost of chiller for both cows and humans. and more uniform product with a
cessed which eventually kills many Many countries have enacted laws longer shelf life due to sterilization,
nutrients in it. “Generations have On the shelf regulating hormone use in cattle due it is widely available and meets estab-
consumed raw milk extracted in the When comparing raw and packaged to ethical and health apprehensions. lished safety criteria, making it the
same environment but now sudden- milk, another element to consider Some have even prohibited or severe- preferred choice for many custom-
ly the idea of nutrition in raw milk is shelf life. Compared to raw milk, ly limited specific hormones in dairy ers, particularly those in vulnerable
has changed and it has dented the pasteurised milk has a longer shelf production. To ensure healthier op- groups. “In case of tetra-pack milk or
market immensely,” he says. life because the processing of milk tions, consumers can seek out milk powdered milk, both are substitute
Raw milk that does not go through which includes boiling milk to de- labeled as "hormone-free" or explic- options and but not the main prod-
the high-heat treatment may con- stroy germs, prolongs the product's itly stating no injections were used in uct because the main product is raw
tain higher levels of specific enzymes freshness and safety. “The milk that the milk's production, as suggested milk,” Gambhir explains.
and beneficial microbes. Proponents is extracted and provided door to by the provincial manager. Commenting on how the hygiene,
claim that these ingredients can help door is done within 12 hours,” says transportation, handling, and tem-
with digestion and support healthy Umar. “Which is the entire process How healthy is raw milk? perature controls are not kept in check
gut microbiota such as a wide vari- from extracting to delivering at the Raw milk supporters frequently at the farms, he said that rules are
ety of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and doorstep. Most of the shopkeepers claim potential health benefits as a present but hardly 20% of farms are
other microorganisms. Since the while selling the milk inform that reason to choose it over pasteurised following those. There are no visits by
human body, on the other hand, the customer should boil the milk as milk. Some of the health claims for health and safety inspectors to check
develops its digestive enzymes, and soon as they reach home. Some milk raw milk include improved diges- the quality and hygiene at farms and
the beneficial bacteria found in raw shops have chiller plants where they tion, higher nutritional absorption, are larger facilities which mostly pro-
milk may be received from other nu- maintain the temperature of the and a lower chance of allergies and vide milk to big companies.“Hygiene
tritional sources such as yoghurt and milk which resists bacterial growth.” lactose intolerance. is vital at three levels — animal, work-
fermented foods. Raw milk spoils quickly, necessitat- It is crucial to emphasise, how- ers, and extraction facility —all three
As pasteurised milk provides regu- ing refrigeration and consumption ever, that scientific research on sum up to how hygienic and safe raw
lar levels of nutrients, it is generally within a shorter time frame. This these claims is limited, and data milk is but unfortunately, the three-
regarded safer due to the eradication short shelf life may be an issue for supporting these health advantages level hygiene is not maintained in
of hazardous germs. It's worth men- people who prefer to buy larger quan- is inconclusive. Furthermore, the our country,” he concludes, adding
tioning that some milk is fortified tities of milk or use it less frequently. health benefits of raw milk must be that boiling the milk does make dif-
with vitamin D and calcium to boost “When fresh milk is shifted from the balanced against the well-known ference, but not 100%.
its nutritional value. point of extraction, it takes time but hazards of bacterial contamination. Finally, the choice between raw
“The idea of treating milk is work- a better handling mechanism can “In Pakistan, unfortunately, the and pasteurised milk is determined
able in a setting where there is dif- avoid any safety issues,” says Umar. advantages of having raw milk are by personal preferences and risk tol-
ficulty in providing fresh milk door The flavour and texture of milk less than consuming tetra pack be- erance. However, safety must be
to door and hygiene is an issue,” ex- is highly subjective, and personal cause it’s not just the temperature or prioritised, especially for vulnerable
plains Umar, a proponent of fresh choice plays a key role here. Some cleanliness, it is about the raw form groups. Consultation with healthcare
milk. “But in a country like ours the people enjoy the flavour of raw milk that causes health issues,” says the specialists and knowledge of local
system of delivering fresh milk door because it is creamier and richer. nutritionist. He explains that with rules can help people make informed
to door within 12 hours of extraction They feel that pasteurisation chang- pasteurised milk at least there is a decisions about their glass of milk.

8 November 26, 2023

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