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Searchlight Catalog No. XY3EDE-24ARF3

Power Supply Catalog No. 3PS115 or 3PS230
Control Assembly Box C13053X
Control Station Catalog No’s C4-1M-1, C4E1M & C4E1M-1-1

BOOK NUMBER M3X486A/10/12-2

List of Pages in Order of Appearance:

P486-1 i
P486-1 1 thru 12
PN C13053X
PN C4-1M-1
PN C4E1M-1-1
DWG 11849
DWG 11897A-24
DWG 12734X
PL 12817
DWG 12817
PL 7693-24
DWG 7693-24
DWG 7843
DWG WD13576
DWG WD7987-1


(Tel) 513-681-6080 (Fax) 513-681-6226
Oct 27th, 2008 website:
Page No.
1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ...........................................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Major Components ..................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Power Requirements ...............................................................................................................................1
1.4 Safety Warnings ......................................................................................................................................1

2. DETAILED DESCRIPTION ..........................................................................................................................2

2.1 Drum & Door Assembly .........................................................................................................................2
2.2 Lamp Igniter Module ..............................................................................................................................2
2.3 Optical System ........................................................................................................................................2
2.3.1 Lamp ............................................................................................................................................2
2.3.2 Reflector ......................................................................................................................................3
2.3.3 Focus Assembly ...........................................................................................................................3
2.4 Base and Yoke Assembly........................................................................................................................3
2.5 Power Supply ..........................................................................................................................................3
2.6 Control Station ........................................................................................................................................3
2.7 Control Assembly ...................................................................................................................................4
2.8 Azimuth Indicator ...................................................................................................................................4
2.9 Infrared Filter Assembly .........................................................................................................................4

3. INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................................................4
3.1 Unpacking ...............................................................................................................................................4
3.2 Installing Searchlight ..............................................................................................................................4
3.3 Installing Power Supply ..........................................................................................................................5
3.4 Installing Control Station ........................................................................................................................5
3.5 Wiring .....................................................................................................................................................5
3.6 Checking Polarity ....................................................................................................................................5
3.7 Installing Lamp .......................................................................................................................................5
3.8 Adjusting Lamp Current .........................................................................................................................5

4. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ....................................................................................................................6

4.1 Lighting Beam.........................................................................................................................................6
4.2 Aiming Beam ..........................................................................................................................................6
4.3 Changing Beam Size ...............................................................................................................................6
4.4 Changing Beam-Spread ..........................................................................................................................6

5. MAINTENANCE............................................................................................................................................6
5.1 Relamping ...............................................................................................................................................6
5.2 Cleaning ..................................................................................................................................................6
5.3 Focusing ..................................................................................................................................................7
5.4 Replacing Fan .........................................................................................................................................7
5.5 Replacing Reflector.................................................................................................................................8
5.6 Replacing Igniter Module .......................................................................................................................8
5.7 Ordering Repair Parts..............................................................................................................................9

6. TROUBLE SHOOTING .................................................................................................................................9

6.1 System Operation ..................................................................................................................................10
6.2 Lamp Flashes Internally Without Starting ............................................................................................10
6.3 Lamp Fails to Start With No Internal Flashing .....................................................................................10
6.4 Searchlight Fan not Functioning ...........................................................................................................11
6.5 Remote Electric Beam-Size Focus Not Functioning.............................................................................11
6.6 No Horizontal or Vertical Motion .........................................................................................................11

7. Figures 1, 2, 3 and 4 (Pictures which help trouble-shooting) ........................................................................12

8. DRAWINGS and PARTS LISTS (Title Page lists drawings in same order, in back of book)
October 8, 2002 i

1.1 Purpose. This 350 watt xenon arc searchlight is intended for use on marine vessels, or
mounted permanently in a fixed location for long range security lighting applications. It
produces an intensely bright beam which is aimed manually or by electric joystick. The beam
can be widened or narrowed manually by twisting a knob located on the searchlight housing, or
with an electric switch, if optional remote electric beam-size focus is ordered. The searchlight
can be directed through more than 385° of horizontal travel with a sliding stop to prevent cable
damage due to excessive rotation.

1.2 Major Components.

1 Drum and Door Assembly
1 Igniter Module
1 Optical System includes:
1 Lamp
1 Reflector
1 Focus Assembly
1 Base & Yoke Assembly
1 Power Supply
1 or more Control Stations
1 Control Assembly (optional… used for Hand-held controls or
Customer-supplied controls)
1 Digital Azimuth Indicator (Optional)
1 Infrared Filter Assembly (Optional)

1.3 Power Requirements. The xenon lamp consumes approximately 350 watts at 20 volts
DC. A considerably higher open circuit DC line voltage is required to start the lamp. Electrical
requirements for the searchlight are met by the power supply and its related electrical equipment.
The power supply operates from single-phase, 50/60 hertz input, on a nominal 110/120 volt or
220/230 volt system (the power supply AC voltage must be specified ahead of time).

1.4 Safety Warnings.

a) Use extreme care when performing maintenance work, making adjustments, etc., because
dangerous high voltage (over 30,000 Volts) radio frequency power is used in the lamp starting

b) High pressures exist inside lamp, especially when hot, and under certain conditions it
could burst. Handle lamp only in its protective cover, and use safety glasses.

c) Remove protective cover from lamp before energizing circuit. Protect eyes when
removing cover from lamp. Safety glasses are recommended for eye and face protection.

d) Avoid direct exposure from the powerful direct and reflected radiations given off by the
lamp. The front cover glass provides protection from these radiations.

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e) Operation of lamp with finger marks or grease on the surface will cause deterioration of the
quartz arc tube. If arc tube should become soiled, wash it off with alcohol or other grease-free
solvent, then dry it carefully with a clean cloth or cotton, observing precautions in paragraph (c).

f) Keep the protective cover for use when lamp is removed from searchlight.

g) If lamp is operated beyond it’s useful life, crystallization of the quartz and severe
blackening of the inside of the tube occur. Because this condition may result in violent lamp
failure, it is recommended that lamp be removed before this occurs to prevent injury to personnel
or searchlight.

h) A lamp that reaches the end of its useful life is potentially dangerous due to internal
pressure. Remove lamp from searchlight according to instructions in par. 5.1. Place lamp (with
its protective cover in place) inside heavy burlap or canvas bag and break bulb with a hammer.

i) Do not stand close in front of searchlight front cover glass when lamp is lighted. In the
event of lamp explosion, the front cover glass could break.

j) Make certain that searchlight, power supply, electrical power, and control equipment are
properly grounded.

k) Do not operate lamp starter circuit without lamp installed.


2.1 Drum and Door Assembly. The drum and door assembly is fabricated entirely of
corrosion resistant materials and contains the lamp igniter module, optical system, and cooling
fan. The front door, containing a heat tempered cover glass, is hinged and clamped to the drum
by stainless steel toggle clamps. The front door is electrically interlocked with the power supply
so that power can not be applied when door is open. The interlock is intended as a safety device
only, and should not be relied upon to turn off lamp for servicing. Electrical cables extend from
watertight stuffing tubes in the drum and protrude through watertight stuffing tubes in the base.
The cables are terminated at a junction box so that the searchlight can be rotated through its
complete horizontal and vertical travel without mechanical stress on the cables.

2.2 Lamp Igniter Module. Located inside the head, an igniter module produces high
voltage pulses across the lamp electrodes, which ionizes the gas, allowing the DC current to
flow. The high voltage pulses cease automatically, when the lamp ignites.

2.3 Optical System.

2.3.1 Lamp. This searchlight is designed to use a high intensity xenon short arc lamp
operating on direct current. The lamp has long life and produces a color of light closely
resembling natural daylight. Order lamp by the part number on the drum assembly drawing.

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2.3.2 Reflector. A precision, electro-formed parabolic reflector made of virtually
indestructible nickel is used. It is provided with an opening in the center for the horizontally
mounted lamp to project through, and has a durable and anti-corrosive polished rhodium finish.

2.3.3 Focus Assembly. The lamp is horizontally mounted on an adjustable focus assembly. It
may be focused forward and backward along the axis of the reflector by means of a knob on the
outside of the drum, without the use of tools. This knob is used as a Safety Back-up, if focus
motor fails. This adjustment changes the beam from a narrow spot to flood. Adjustment of
focus sideways and Up and Down can be accomplished by use of simple tools. This adjustment
is rarely required, and is pre-set at the factory. Should the beam get out of alignment, see
“Focusing”, described in section 5.3. If specified, a motor is provided on the focus assembly so
the beam-size can be remotely controlled by an electric switch.

2.4 Base and Yoke Assembly.

2.4.1 The base is made of heavy gauge marine grade aluminum or brass as specified (a “-B”
will be at end of model number if Brass, and a “-A” for Aluminum) . The base contains the drive
assembly and terminal block for making the electrical connections required for aiming the light.
A heater on the drive unit helps prevent condensation. The heater is shown on the drive
assembly drawing and the wiring diagram in this book, and should be continuously energized.

2.4.2 The drive assembly contains two reversible motors. A sliding stop allows in excess of
385 degrees horizontal motion but limits the travel to prevent accidental wind-up of the electrical
cables between the drum and base.

2.4.3 Slip clutches in both vertical and horizontal drive trains prevent damage to the gearing
and also allow the drum to be moved manually to facilitate lamp changing, maintenance
functions, or emergency use of light.

2.4.4 The yoke is connected to the horizontal drive train by setscrews and a key. The yoke is
positioned on the drive shaft such that the stop position of the horizontal motion is just beyond
dead astern when rotated in either direction. The stop prevents excessive wind-up of the
electrical cable between drum and base.

2.5 Power Supply. The power supply is provided to rectify the AC input power to DC for
the lamp and to limit the lamp current. The main portion of the power supply is an advanced
solid state printed circuit board with 115 volts AC and 230 volts AC compatibility, however, the
voltage must be specified ahead of time. The electronic board regulates the current, to remain at
a nominally constant value, despite voltage fluctuation. Additional components in the power
supply are a control relay, fan, fuses, and a small transformer (internal transformer required for
220/230 volts power input only).

2.6 Control Station(s). A minimum of one Master control station is required for each
searchlight, and any number of slaves. Stations include a Beam-ON Switch, Beam-Size Focus
Switch, Beam OFF-Switch, and Beam-ON Indicator light(Indoor Versions only). Stations can
be flush-mounted in console, mounted in a weatherproof box, and also provided in portable
hand-held versions.

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2.7 Control Assembly. This is optional, and used when only hand-held control stations are
used, or when Slave-only stations are used, or if a customer desires to fabricate their own

2.8 Infrared Filter Assembly. This is optional and consists of an infrared filter and
tempered glass to protect filter, all mounted in a metal frame. Entire assembly is readily
detachable without use of tools, and is used for Covert surveillance.

2.9. Azimuth Indicator. This is optional and indicates the direction beam is pointing.


3.1 Unpacking. The complete searchlight system consists of a searchlight, a lamp, lamp-
wrench, (a special cylindrical hollow tool used to install lamp), a power supply, one or more
control stations, a relay box (optional, usually only used with Hand-held control stations or
Slave-only configurations) and instruction book. Ensure that all of these pieces have been
accounted for, prior to installation.

3.2 Installing Searchlight. Warning: If your searchlight was specified “Base-Up”, “BU”
will be part of model number. This product can only be installed “Base-Up” (i.e. Upside Down).

3.2.1 Line up searchlight base so that the drain hole in between the two stuffing tubes, is
pointed to the rear. This positioning will allow the searchlight to travel just beyond 360
Degrees, equidistantly right and left, utilizing the sliding stop. See Drawing in back of book,
showing entire searchlight.

3.2.2 Carefully and gently lay searchlight over on its front surface so as to expose terminal
block inside lower part of base assembly. Connect wires from Searchlight Base to the Joystick
Control Station (or optional relay box if specified), taking care to match the numbers as
presented on the wiring diagram in back of book. The two cable assemblies originating from the
searchlight drum which protrude through the stuffing tubes in the head and the base, are
connected to the power supply. A junction box may be required. For all connections in this
paragraph, refer to the system connection wiring diagram, in the back of this book.

3.2.3 After completing wiring outlined in paragraph 3.2.2, position searchlight in place, so that
the drain hole in between the base stuffing tubes is pointed toward the rear, providing just
beyond 360 Degrees rotation, with the mechanical stop facing rear. Reference drawing showing
entire searchlight in back of book. Fasten searchlight to surface making certain that the base
gasket is in place and that there is a good watertight joint between base and surface. The base
material may be made of Brass or Aluminum, so take care to select anti-corrosive mounting
hardware which will not cause galvanic corrosion. Stainless Steel fasteners are recommended.
Chrome lights always have Brass Bases. If light has Powder Coat Finish, model number
XY3EDE-24BRF3 is Brass, and Model XY3EDE-24ARF3 is Marine Grade Aluminum.

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3.3 Installing Power Supply. The power supply is intended to be mounted indoors, out of the
weather, and as close as possible (approx. 25 feet or less) to the searchlight, to minimize the
length of heavy duty DC leads leading to the searchlight, and insure proper operation. The
supply has forced air cooling and therefore the intake and outtake air vents should not be
restricted or obstructed in any manner. The supply should be accessible to replace the printed
circuit board, switches, fan, relay, or fuses, in case of a component failure.



3.4 Installing Control Equipment. Install control stations anywhere desired, but make sure
you have ordered a special weatherproof control station, if you intend to mount the station out in
the weather. Refer to connection wiring diagram in back of book. A relay box, supplied by the
factory, must be ordered if a Master Station is not included (this is usually specified if controls
are hand-held or the customer will be fabricating their own controls).

3.5 Wiring. Refer to the connection wiring diagram at the rear of this book which provides
pertinent information necessary to interconnect searchlight, power supply, control station(s) and
optional control assembly box, as one electrical system. Make sure enough slack in cable is
available before connecting searchlight cables to power supply or junction box. Sliding stop will
allow Searchlight to travel approximately 385°, without cable interference.

3.6 Checking Polarity. CAUTION: Lamp will be destroyed if polarity is reversed!

Make certain POS wire from searchlight head is connected to POS location in power supply and
NEG wire from head is connected to NEG location in power supply.

3.7 Installing Lamp. Install lamp according to the instructions on drawing 7843.

3.8 Adjusting Lamp Current. The lamp current can be adjusted throughout a continuous
spectrum by using a screwdriver to turn a current dimming knob on the printed circuit board.
Since the board is current-regulated, and the amperage is pre-set at the Factory, adjusting the
current should rarely ever occur. The lamp current should be approximately 16 to 17 amperes.

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4.1 Lighting Beam. The power ON/OFF switch on power supply must be turned ON.
Activate BEAM START Switch on Control Station, and release.

4.2 Aiming Beam. Aim searchlight by moving Joystick UP, DOWN, RIGHT and LEFT.

4.3 Changing Beam-Size. Activate BEAM FOCUS switch in either direction, to narrow and
widen the beam. There is also a small knob on top of searchlight head which will widen and
narrow the beam-size manually. The manual knob should be used as an emergency back-up, if
the focus motor fails, or if the light did not specify electric beam-size focus.



4.4 Changing Beam-Speed. The first joystick position in any direction is the SLOW Speed.
By moving the joystick to the second position, the beam will speed up into the FAST mode,
thereby requiring only one hand of operation, for direction and speed control.


5.1 Relamping. The bulbous portion of the lamp arc tube will gradually blacken with use
and stresses will develop in the quartz. Eventually, if used indefinitely, lamp could burst causing

Replace the lamp after approximately 500 hours with a new one. The replaced lamp can be
saved and used as a future emergency spare.


Follow instructions on drawing 7843.

5.2 Cleaning. Lock power supply in off position. Protect eyes.

Clean reflector at least every 3 months (or more if required), with a water-dampened clean soft
cloth. Do not use any coarse scratchy material because the reflective surface could be scratched.
If the reflector becomes exceptionally tarnished, it can be carefully and very gently cleaned with
silver polish. Salt and/or dirt on reflector, will eventually cause corrosion and damage to

Use any good commercial glass cleaner for cleaning the front cover glass.

At least every 3 months (or more if required), remove dust, salt, etc, in searchlight head, base
and power supply. Dust, dirt, salt, etc, can cause short circuits and contribute to early
component failure, especially on printed circuit board in power supply.

P486-1 6
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5.3 Focusing. The optical system is accurately focused during manufacture. Refocusing is
not required each time a lamp is replaced. The only time refocusing is required (other than to
adjust the beam width) is when the optical system has been changed or taken apart for some

Basically for a concentrated light beam with little spread, the arc inside the lamp must be
centered with respect to the axis of reflector and also spaced the correct distance from reflector
(i.e. at the focal point).

Refer to drawing:
12817 sheet 1
Pc 8 Focus knob
Pc 164 Horizontal alignment wheel
Pc 182 Vertical alignment wheel
Pc 184 Clamping screws

Alignment Procedure:

(1) Turn on light and shine beam on a flat surface approximately 20-50 ft from
(2) Rotate focus knob so that the beam is as sharp and concentrated as possible.
(3) Use a 1/2 inch hex socket wrench to loosen clamping screws sufficiently so that
horizontal and vertical alignment wheels are free to turn. Do not loosen them so
much that lamp support sags.
(4) Rotate horizontal alignment wheel until bright spot is centered horizontally in beam.
(5) Rotate vertical alignment wheel until bright spot is centered vertically in beam.
(6) Tighten clamping screws to hold alignment.
(7) Rotate focus knob to check appearance of beam at various focus settings. Circular
areas seen in beam should always be concentric.

5.4 Replacing Fan.

Refer to drawing:
12817 sheet 1
Pc 26 Fan, axial
Pc 27 Plug & cord assy
Pc 21 & 22 Screws & lock washers
Pc 19 Toggle latch, rear cover
Pc 43 Cover, Safety

(1) Lock power supply in off position & protect eyes with safety goggles.

(2) Remove rear cover by releasing (3) toggle latches.

(3) Remove (4) screws & lock washers to release Fan & Safety Cover.

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(4) Unplug cord assy from Fan.

(5) Reverse above procedure to install new fan.

5.5 Replacing Reflector.

Refer to drawing:
12817 sheet 1
Pc 21 & 22 Screws & Lockwashers
Pc 3 Reflector Assy
Pc 26 Fan, axial
Pc 19 Toggle latch, front & rear covers
12817 sheet 2
Pc 132 RHMS, 1/4-20 x 1½
Pc 43 Cover, Safety
(1) Lock power supply in off position and protect eyes with safety goggles.

(2) Remove rear cover by releasing (3) toggle latches.

(3) Open front cover by releasing (3) toggle latches and swinging cover back on hinges.

(4) Remove (4) screws and lockwashers (pc 21 & 22) to release Fan & Safety Cover.

(5) Remove (3) screws (pc 132) from rear of drum to release reflector assy.

(6) Pull reflector assy out of front of searchlight.

(7) Put new reflector assy into front of searchlight and attach with (3) screws (pc 132).

(8) Reattach Fan & Safety Cover reversing above removal procedure.

5.6 Replacing Igniter Module.

Refer to drawing:
12817 sheet 1
Pc 43 Cover, Safety
Pc 21 #6-32x2-inch Machine Screw

12817 sheet 2
Pc 138 #8-32x.312 rhms
Pc 135 Igniter Module
Pc 125 Heat Sink
Pc 139 Lockwasher
Pc 140 Sealing Washer

(1) Lock power supply in OFF Position and Protect Eyes with Safety Goggles.

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(2) Remove rear cover by releasing (3) Toggle Latches.

(3) Release Safety Cover, Pc 43, by loosening (2) screws Pc 21. Remove cover by
shifting to Left and Out.

(4) Remove (2) screws Pc 138, 140 to release Igniter Module(Pc 135) and Heat Sink(Pc
125). Note: Heat Sink is coated on both sides with Heat Sink Compound. Do not
remove compound as it is needed to give good thermal contact between Igniter and
(5) Disconnect NEG, POS, and HV Cables from Igniter.

(6) Remove Igniter Module from Heat Sink by removing (2) screws & washers(Pc 138,

(7) Reverse the above procedure to install new Igniter Module.

5.7 Ordering Repair Parts. Always give searchlight serial no. (found on nameplate) for
searchlight parts or power supply serial no. for power supply parts. Give quantity desired, state
part description, and part number as given in the parts lists on the drawings or parts lists.


Before doing any type of trouble shooting, check the obvious first, such as… Main Power
Supply Switch On? Searchlight Power Supply Switch On? Fuses in Power Supply Blown? Start
Switch has been Activated? Searchlight Door shut tightly? Caution: If Searchlight Door is
not tightly shut, interlock switch will not be activated, and system will not Start!

If the Beam will not ignite, nearly all problems of a Xenon Searchlight can be traced to the
following three main components of a xenon system:

1.) The Power Supply… the Printed Circuit Board which supplies DC power to the Lamp (located
in Power Supply Sheet Metal Enclosure).
2.) The Igniter Module… provides a momentary High Voltage Arc in order to Start the Lamp
(located in the Searchlight Head).
3.) The Xenon Lamp….. provides the Source of Light for the searchlight (located in the
Searchlight Head).

Before beginning to trouble shoot, please read the following section so you understand how a xenon
system works.

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6.1 System Operation: Please refer to the elementary wiring diagram in the back of the
book which will provide the electrical details of how the system works. When the Control
Station START Switch is activated, a contactor is energized, thereby closing a pair of relay
contacts, which provide 115 VAC or 230 VAC to the input of the Power Supply (i.e. Printed
Circuit Board in Power Supply Sheet Metal Enclosure). Depending upon the model of supply,
this input voltage is either 115 VAC or 230 VAC. The Power Supply Output then supplies a
temporary “No Load” DC Output Voltage across the lamp electrodes, of approximately 175
Volts or greater. The same time the Power Supply is supplying this DC “No Load” Voltage, the
Igniter fires and supplies approximately 28,000 Volts across the lamp electrodes, causing the
xenon gas to ionize.

When the Igniter fires, causing the Lamp to arc, the DC Current begins to flow, and the DC
Voltage immediately drops to the “Run Voltage” (approximately 20 Volts DC) when the lamp
comes On. The igniter automatically shuts off, when the lamp comes On. The lamp will remain
On and powered at 20 Volts DC, until the Off Switch on the control station is activated, which
de-energizes the contactor, thereby shutting off Power to the lamp.

The following symptoms are evidence of a system malfunction. Recognize your symptom
below, and take the following courses of action:

6.2 Lamp Flashes Internally Without Starting: Shut off power supply. Disconnect the
NEG and POS wires in the power supply which lead up to searchlight lamp. Re-energize power
supply. Turn on Control Station START Switch. Measure the No Load DC output voltage
between “DC+” and “DC-” terminals on printed circuit board (See Figure 4, Page 12). DC
voltage should measure approximately 175 Volts DC or greater. If voltage output is in this
range, replace lamp. If output voltage is much below this value, replace printed circuit board.



6.3 Lamp Fails to Start with No Internal Flashing. This symptom is telling you that either
the Igniter Module has failed, and requires replacement, or it is not receiving the proper Input
Voltage from the Power Supply Printed Circuit Board.

Turn off the Power Supply OFF/ON Switch, and remove the rear door of Searchlight, by
unfastening toggle latches. Remove the metal shield by loosening two screws which exposes the
Fan and Black Igniter Module (Pc 135, Drawing 12817 sheet 2). Disconnect the Negative
Terminal from the Igniter Module (See Figure 1, Page 12). Re-activate the Power Supply
OFF/ON Switch, and also Activate START Switch on Control Station Panel. Measure the DC
Voltage between the recently disconnected Negative Terminal on Igniter Module, and the
Positive Lug nearby, marked POS (See Figures 2, page 12).

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This Voltage should measure approx. 175 DC Volts or greater. If Voltage is in this range,
replace the Igniter (i.e. small Black Module with NEG, POS and HV markings which is PC 135
on DWG 12817). If no voltage appears, do the following:

Check Switches, Fuses and Relay in Power Supply by making sure that AC Line Input Voltage is
being supplied to the Input of the Printed Circuit Board. This is accomplished by measuring the
AC Line Input Voltage to the Board, at the input of the fuses (See Figure 3, Page 12).

Also make sure fuses are good by verifying that AC Voltage is also coming out of the other side
of fuses also. If Voltage is measured here (115VAC or 230VAC depending on Power Supply
Model), then Switches, Fuses and Relay are good.

Now check to make sure the Printed Circuit Board is supplying DC Output Power to the lamp.
Shut off Power Supply and disconnect the POS and NEG output wires in the power supply,
which go up to the lamp. Re-activate Power, and Turn on Control Station START Switch.
Measure the DC Output Voltage of the Power Supply between the “DC+” and “DC-” terminals
on the terminal block (See Figure 4 on Page 12).

If no Output Voltage can be measured, or it is well below 175 Volts DC, then the power supply
printed circuit board must be replaced. If correct voltage is measured, check continuity of wires
going up to Head.

6.4 Searchlight Fan Not Functioning. Shut Off Searchlight. Remove rear cover by
releasing toggle latches. Re-start searchlight and check to see there is approx. 115 VAC between
terminal no’s 5 and 6 after Beam OFF/START switch has been activated, then released. If no
voltage appears, check switch, fuses, control relay and wiring continuity. If 115 VAC volts
appears, replace Fan per instructions in section 5.4.

6.5 Remote Electric Beam-Size Focus Not Functioning. Visually check to see if motor is
turning. If clutch is slipping and lamp is not at end of its travel, then mechanical binding may be
occurring. If motor does not function, check to see if there is approx. 115 VAC between
terminal no’s 1 and 5 or 4 and 5(depending which direction the switch is thrown) when BEAM
Focus switch is activated. If no voltage appears, check switch, fuses, control relay and wiring
continuity. If voltage appears, replace motor (PC 291, DWG 12734X).

NOTE: Remote Electric Focus is optional. Your system may not include this feature.

6.6 No Horizontal and/or Vertical Motion. Visually check to see if motor is running and
the clutch is slipping, when the Joystick is activated. If the motor is running, check for
mechanical binding. If the motor is not running, make sure approx. 115 VAC is being supplied
to motor inputs. Measure Voltage between base terminals 5 and 6(Vertical Motor), and 3 and
4(Horizontal Motor), when Joystick is held in Up, Down, Right and Left positions. If Voltage
does appear, and either motor does not function, replace one or both motors.

P486-1 11
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350 Watt Xenon Trouble-Shooting

Figure 1: “Disconnect Negative terminal Figure 2: “Measure Voltage between the

from Igniter Module” disconnected Negative Wire
and Positive Lug”

Figure 3: “Measure the AC Input to the Figure 4: “Measure DC Output to Lamp”

the Printed Circuit Board”

P486-1(October 8th, 2002)


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