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Deployment Guide

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Deployment Guide

Table of Contents

Document History 5
About this Guide 6
Hybrid Projects 6
Chapter Contents 6
The Temenos UXP Deployment Process 6
Create a Deployment Setting File 6
Configure Your Deployment 6
Configure a Portlet 6
Deploy the Project 6
Licensing and Technical Support 7
Online Help 7
What is the Temenos UXP Deployer? 8
Types of Deployment 8
Online 8
Offline 8
Hybrid 8
Web Service 9
Portlet 9
The Temenos UXP Deployment Process 10
Deployer 10
Deployment Steps 10
Verify and Complete Project 11
Create Deployment Setting File 11
Configure Deployment 11
Configure Web Service 11
Configure Portlet 11
Create Hybrid Profiles 11
Deploy Online, Offline or Mobile 11
Contents of a Deployed Temenos UXP project 12
Create a Deployment Setting File 13
Before Starting the Deployment Process 13
Create a Deployment Setting File 13

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To Create a .dsf file 14

Add EVA notes to a Deployment 16
Notes in Integration Editor 17
To Configure Note Display 17
To Add a Note 18
Note Operations 19
Notes Filter 19
Configure Your Deployment 20
Setting Your Deployment Parameters 20
Integration Editor 20
Log Integration 21
To Change a Connection 21
Variables Editor 23
To Change Project Variables 23
Runtime Variables 24
Global Variables 25
To Define a Global Variable 25
Directory Structure Editor 25
To change the directory structure 25
Deploy Temenos UXP Rules as a Web Service 27
Web Services 27
Web Services Editor 27
Add a Web Service 27
Define what the web service does 29
To define an operation 29
Describe the Web Service 30
To Generate a WSDL Document 30
Configure a Portlet 31
Portlets 31
Portlet Editor 31
To add a portlet 31
Deploy the Project 34
Offline vs Online Deployment 34

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Deploy Online 34
To Deploy your Project Online 34
Deploy Offline 38
To Deploy your Project Offline 38
Updating a Deployed Project 40
Deploying to a new environment 40
Deploying an updated project 40
Command Line Interface 41
Command Line Interface Commands 41
Appendix 45
Ant Script Examples 45
Creating deployments for multiple projects 45
Creating SmartHybrid apps 46

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Document History
Author Version Date

Product 5.3 02/07/2014

5.4 01/07/2015

1306566 - EVA notes in D S f 06/07/2015

1416167 - command line interface 22/07/2015

1404617 - update licencing email 05/10/2015

1891628 - text corrections 14/11/2016

2954258 - cmd line parameter update 28/01/2019

3367550 & 3548666- cmd line parameter update 06/02/2020

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Deployment Guide

About this Guide

This guide is designed for Temenos UXP users who are familiar with the Temenos UXP IDE, and who have exper-
ience of producing solutions with the tool, who wish to deploy an Temenos UXP project to a web application
server. Familiarity with the structure of an Temenos UXP project, how to use the Temenos UXP Developer IDE
and any 3rd party software required for the project is desirable.
Knowledge of the destination web application server and any dependant technologies is essential in order to
install the deployed solution.

Hybrid Projects
Information on how to deploy a hybrid project to a mobile device is included in the Hybrid Guide and is not
detailed in this document.

Chapter Contents
The following list provides a short description of each of the remaining chapters in this guide.
The Temenos UXP Deployment Process
This chapter gives an overview of the deployment process and describes the elements which make up a
deployed solution.
Create a Deployment Setting File
This chapter explains how to start the deployment process.
Configure Your Deployment
This chapter explains how to use the Integration, Directory Structure and Variables Editors provided with the
Temenos UXP Deployer to set the configuration parameters of the project for the various deployment
Define what the web service does
This chapter explains how to deploy your project as a Web Service.
Configure a Portlet
This chapter explains how to deploy your project as a Portlet.
Deploy the Project
This chapter explains how to use the Deployment Wizard provided by the Temenos UXP Deployment
Manager to deploy your project.

Note: Information on how to deploy a hybrid project to a mobile device is included

in the Hybrid Guide and is not detailed in this document.

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Licensing and Technical Support

Prior to starting any development work described in this guide, it is assumed that the Temenos UXP
development tool has been set up correctly for your environment. Product installation, setup and registration
are described in the Installation Guide.
For technical support, please contact Temenos Product Support Portal at:
For more information about Temenos Customer support, please see:

Online Help
The online help provides a full reference guide for all the features of the tool and can be used in conjunction
with this guide. It is accessed via the Help item on the standard IDE toolbar or by clicking on the standard
button bar. The contents provide a list of all the major sections within the help. The index provides an
alphabetical list of all the topics in the help, which is searchable. The search facility can be used to search for all
topics related to a keyword you have entered.

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What is the Temenos UXP Deployer?

The Temenos UXP Deployer enables you to package a project for deployment to an application server making
the solution available to desktop or mobile users. The Deployer consists of several editors which allow you to
configure the project for the target environment and wizards which guide you through creation of a
deployment package.
The Temenos UXP Deployer is supplied with both Temenos UXP Standard IDE and Enterprise and allows you to:

l Configure integration parameters so they are appropriate for the destination deployment e.g.
database source names and logons.

l Configure project parameters that alter the characteristics of the deployed solution e.g. session
timeout, debug level.

l Where appropriate, configure web service or portal parameters, or hybrid profiles required by the
deployed solution.

l Gather together all files required by the deployed solution, including the Temenos UXP Run Time
Environment, Javascript, HTML and image files.

l Build a deployment package which can be installed on a web application server or mobile device.

Types of Deployment
The Temenos UXP Deployer supports various types of deployment to suit the usage and access method
required for a project:

With an online deployment, your project is installed on a web application server or servlet container, making it
available to any user with network connections to that server. Example servers are Weblogic, Websphere, JBoss
or the servlet container Apache Tomcat. Once installed, users access the application by entering the appro-
priate URL in their browser.

Offline deployment allows your project to be run standalone, without the need for network connections, and is
particularly effective for users who need to maintain information whilst “on the road”. Offline deployment gen-
erates a self-contained application within a directory structure that can then be distributed to each individual
user’s machine. Offline applications require a browser and are currently supported by Microsoft’s
Internet Explorer version 6.0 or above.

Hybrid deployment packages the Temenos UXP project with native resources to allow the solution to be
installed on a mobile device and to take advantage of native features. A hybrid licence is required to produce a
hybrid deployment. To obtain a hybrid license, contact [email protected].

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Web Service
Temenos UXP allows you to publish an existing Phase as a Web Service, enabling 3rd party applications to
easily re-use business logic already defined within Temenos UXP . The Web Service interface is implemented
automatically by the Temenos UXP Deployer and uses XML messaging that conforms to the WSDL 1.0 spe-
Deploying Web Services is similar to standard online deployments, although additional Web Service parameters
must be configured beforehand, as described in the chapter “How to configure a Temenos UXP Web Service”.

Portlet deployment allows your project to run within a Portal Server, enabling it to function alongside other
portlets. The Temenos UXP portlet implementation comforms to industry standard JSR168 and supports mul-
tiple Temenos UXP Portlets within the same Portal and data sharing across Portlets.
Deploying an Temenos UXP project as a portal requires additional Portlet specific parameters to be configured
before deployment, as described in the chapter “How to configure a Temenos UXP Portlet”.

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The Temenos UXP Deployment Process

Once a project is complete, a deployment package must be generated for the project which can then be
installed on a:

l Web application server

l Target machine (offline)

l Mobile device (hybrid)

The Deployer application provided as part of both the Temenos UXP Standard IDE and Enterprise, allows you to
generate a deployment package for a selected project.
A project consists of a number of different elements e.g. images, html which together form the completed solu-
tion. The deployment process collates these files, along with the RTE libraries, to form a complete package. The
package can be generated as a single Web Archive (WAR) file or as a structured directory. You can then take the
deployed project, in the appropriate format, and install it on an application server.

The Temenos UXP Deployer consists of a number of editors which allow you to configure the parameters of a
project for deployment to a specific environment. For example, you may wish to use a different database in the
test environment to the live environment. The Deployer allows you to configure this parameter easily without
any change to the project itself.
If your project includes a Portlet presentation, the Deployer also allows you to configure this presentation for
the target Portal installation. Similarly, if you have designed a phase in your project to be called as a web ser-
vice, the Deployer allows you to configure the web service for your phase, including URL, service name and oper-
ations available. If you have a hybrid licence and have set up the appropriate hybrid phases, the Deployer will
also allow you to configure a hybrid profile and deploy the project for installation on a mobile device. When a
project is deployed, the files appropriate to these individual deployment types will automatically be produced.
If your project includes an offline presentation, the Deployer also allows you to deploy this presentation as a
self-contained directory structure which is then easily copied to destination machines. In this case, it is essential
that during execution of the solution there are no online dependencies and this must be considered carefully
before deployment.

Deployment Steps
The diagram below shows the steps taken in order to deploy a solution using the Temenos UXP Deployer. Each
of these steps is described in more detail below. Note that configuring a web service, portlet or hybrid profiles
are optional steps in the deployment process depending on where you wish to deploy your project.
If a web service or portlet have been configured, they will be created once the project is deployed. Deploying a
hybrid project is a different deployment process.

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Verify and Complete Project

It is recommended that the project is cleaned and verified once testing is complete to check it is correctly struc-
tured and no elements are missing. Once this is performed and any errors corrected, the project must be
retested and, after any corrections, it will be ready for deployment.
Create Deployment Setting File
The Deployment Settings File (dsf) contains information about the deployment configuration settings for a pro-
ject. As a first step, a dsf must be created for each deployment environment a project is deployed in.
Configure Deployment
Configuring the deployment allows various parameters and variables to be changed so they are appropriate to
the deployment environment e.g. database sources, email addresses. The settings are stored within the Deploy-
ment Settings file (dsf). The dsf allows deployment settings to be altered without making changes to the project
Configure Web Service
If you wish to make the business logic within a phase of the project available as a Web Service, this must be con-
figured as an additional step to the basic deployment. When the project is deployed, the files necessary to cre-
ate a Web Service will also be generated.
Configure Portlet
If your project includes a Portlet presentation, you need to configure this presentation for the target Portal
installation. This must be performed as an additional step to the basic deployment. When the project is
deployed, the files necessary to create a Portlet will also be generated.
Create Hybrid Profiles
If you want to deploy your project on a mobile, you need to create a platform specific profile for the project.
Deploy Online, Offline or Mobile
The final step is to deploy the project. This can either be online, offline or mobile. Online deployment will create
a deployment package suitable for installation on a web application server. This will make the project available
to any user with a connection to that server. Offline deployment will prepare the project for standalone access
by users who do not have access to a network. Mobile deployment will create a platform specific package for
deployment on the appropriate mobile device.
How to deploy a project online or offline is described in this guide. How to deploy a project for mobile devices is
described in the Hybrid Guide. This guide also gives details of additional development requirements for hybrid

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Contents of a Deployed Temenos UXP project

A deployed Temenos UXP project contains all the elements needed for the complete solution in a format which
is ready for installation.
For an online solution, the deployment can be distributed as a structured directory or as a Web Archive file. For
an offline solution, the deployment is generated as a structured directory which can then be copied to the tar-
get machine(s).
A Web Archive file is known as a WAR file. A WAR file provides a single container for distribution and deployment
of a J2EE web application. They can be deployed on any J2EE compliant application server or web container. A
WAR file is primarily an application deployment unit and a web application must follow certain guidelines in
order to be archived into a WAR file. A WAR file provides a simple single container for a web application and
provides an easy way to distribute a solution for installation on a number of different types of web application
The table below shows how the main elements of a typical Temenos UXP project are packaged into a WAR file.

The files placed by in the WEB-INF folder cannot be accessed directly by web clients, the WEB-INF directory con-
tains a web archives private files and directories. Therefore from a default security perspective this makes them
unavailable to end users in the browser.
It is also recommended that the log files are moved to another directory once testing is complete as they can be
accessed from the browser in their default location. Although this is useful during testing, it poses a security risk
in the live environment.

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Create a Deployment Setting File

Before Starting the Deployment Process
It is recommended that the project is verified and cleaned up before deployment to ensure the project is struc-
tured correctly. The Cleanup wizard allows you to identify and remove, if necessary, any unused elements
within your solution. This improves the quality and maintainability of your solution. It also allows you to rectify
any errors which may exist in your solution, for example, referencing data items that do not exist or phases that
cannot be reached.
To clean up the project, open the project in the Developer IDE, click Project on the menu bar and click
Cleanup from the drop down menu. Alternatively, click the cleanup icon on the icon bar.

Figure: Project » Cleanup.

If you are using the Enterprise, you need to check the project ifp file out to your project directory first.
The cleanup option verifies the project as a first step. If you only wish to verify the project and clean up errors at
a later date, you can select the Verify option from the Project item on the menu bar.
You must also ensure that there is a valid licence for the target environment. Without an appropriate licence
you cannot deploy an Temenos UXP solution.
Licence files are obtained by contacting [email protected].

Create a Deployment Setting File

A deployment setting file (.dsf) must be created for each project you wish to deploy. Once created, this file can
be amended to accommodate any changes to the deployment which are required. A project can have multiple
dsf files, each one specific to a different deployment environment. Any changes made to the project file will not
be reflected in the dsf file until it is closed and reopened.

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To Create a .dsf file

1. Open the Deployer IDE.

2. Click File on the IDE standard toolbar.

3. Click New from the drop down menu The Add Deployment dialog is displayed.

Figure: Add Deployment screen.

4. Click Select.

The Choose Project dialog is displayed.

Figure: The Choose Project dialog.

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5. Select the project file you wish to deploy and click Select.

The project file will have the .ifp extension.

The Name field will be populated with the name of the .ifp file. The Name field can also be completed manually.

Figure: Add Deployment screen.

6. Enter a description in the Comment field if required

This field should be used to enter a meaningful description of the destination of the deployment for future

7. Allow Data Sets: check this box if you want the project to use data sets.

8. Click OK.

A new deployment file is created. The name of the deployment currently open is displayed along the top of the
Deployment Manager window.

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Figure: New deployment file.

Add EVA notes to a Deployment

Early Visualisation Approach (EVA) is the Temenos UXP methodology for incremental requirements gathering
and EVA Notes can be added to any element in the Temenos UXP IDE. These notes are also used as a way of
annotating Temenos UXP project files.
In the same way, EVA notes can be used in the Temenos UXP deployment file (DSF) to annotate Global
Variables, Hybrid profiles, data source overrides etc.
EVA notes are available in the following Deployer editors:

l Integration Editor: Data Sources and Logs.

l Variable Editor: Runtime and Global Variables.

l Web Service Editor: Operations.

l Hybrid Profiles Editor: Profiles.

They are not available in the following editors:

l Directory Structure Editor.

l Portlet Editor.

l Library Editor.

l Hybrid Messages Editor.

l Hybrid Languages Editor.

The Language Map Editor has its own separate notes mechanism.
EVA notes added in the Deployer IDE are not visible in the Developer IDE when you use the Run with Notes

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Notes in Integration Editor

In the Integration Editor, when the .dsf file is closed or reloaded, the EVA Notes added to the Data Sources and
Logs with the Override Settings unchecked will be lost, even if the file was saved. In this case, the settings and
notes will be loaded from the original .ifp file.
To Configure Note Display
This will control how the notes are displayed in the Editor window.

1. Open the Deployer IDE and open the required dsf file.

2. Click Tools on the IDE standard toolbar.

3. Select Options from the drop down menu.

4. Click Notes tab.

Figure: Tools » Options Properties.

You can configure:

l Font Name

l Font Size

l Bold

l Italic

5. Click OK to save the changes.

If you do not configure the note a default font and size will be used.

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To Add a Note

1. Open the Deployer IDE and open the required dsf file.

2. Open the required editor (this must be one which allows notes to be added)

3. Right click on the item, select Add Note.

Figure: Variable Editor » Add Note.

4. Select the note type and add the required text.

Figure: Note Properties.

The note types available will be the same as those in the Temenos UXP IDE, namely:

l To Do

l Specification

l Comment

For more information on notes, see the Temenos UXP Developer Help (F1 or Help > Help Topics in the Developer
IDE), chapter Notes.

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5. Click OK to save the note.

Figure: Variable Editor.

Note Operations
Right click on the note to perform the following operations:

l Insert Note

l Cut

l Copy

l Delete

l Properties

When there is more than one note, you can move the up or down.
Note that the drag and drop operation within an editor will move the note, whereas the drag and drop
operation to a different editor will copy the note.

Notes Filter
The notes filter allows you to choose which types of note are displayed by ticking a checkbox for the note type.
It is located on the Deployer toolbar.

Figure: Deployer Toolbar.

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Configure Your Deployment

Once a Deployment Settings File is created you are able to set various project parameters which may vary
depending on the environment the project is deployed to. This section of the Deployment Guide will explain
how to use the Deployment Manager to alter these settings.

Setting Your Deployment Parameters

The Deployment Manager consists of a number of editors which allow you to manage various parameters
defined within the project. These are:

l Integration Editor

l Variables Editor

l Directory Structure Editor

l Web Services Editor

l Portlet Editor

l Library Editor

l Various Hybrid Editors

These editors allow parameters to be changed according to the requirements of the deployment environment
without making any changes to the project file itself. Once the appropriate parameter changes have been made
for the deployment environment, the project can be deployed using one of two deployment wizards depending
on whether the project is to be deployed on-line, off-line or to a mobile device.

Integration Editor
The Integration editor allows you to define the connections to external sources which the project requires e.g.
databases, 3rd party software, web services. For each integration source defined for the project, the Integration
Editor allows you to define how to communicate with that source for the target deployment.
For example, the project may store captured data in a database, but this database may be different in a testing
environment as opposed to the live environment. This allows you to create deployments for different envir-
onments e.g. Test, User Acceptance Test, Live.
The Integration Editor will only allow you to alter existing sources which have already been defined in the
Developer IDE. New sources cannot be added or existing ones deleted or their name or connection type
amended. This is because new sources would not be referenced by any rules and changing the name of existing
sources would break their connection with existing rules referencing them. For more information about adding
different types of source within the Developer please see the Temenos UXP Help.

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Log Integration
The log integration files are created by default when a new Temenos UXP project is created. There are four log

l Debug log

l Syserr log

l Sysout log

l Security log

The Debug log is the destination for all debug messages generated when the solution is executed. The level of
debug is a Runtime Variable which is specified within the Variable Editor. See the Variables Editor section within
this guide for more details. The Syserr log is the destination for all error messages generated when the solution
is executed. The Security log is the destination for all error messages generated when there has been a security
Note that within Temenos UXP the log files are defined as external sources allowing their location to be altered
for different deployments. A Debug and Syserr log are created by default for each project and will therefore
always appear in the Integration Editor even if no other external connections have been defined for the project.
When the project is deployed they are located in the /log directory. It is recommended that they are moved to
another location when the project is deployed to the live environment to prevent access to them from them
from the browser, as this could pose a security risk.
To Change a Connection

1. Click Window on the IDE Deployer toolbar.

Figure: Integration Editor.

2. Click Integration Editor from the dropdown menu

The Integration Editor is displayed.

Note that only sources added in the Developer IDE will be shown. New sources cannot be added and existing
ones cannot be deleted.

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3. Right click the required source and select Properties.

Double clicking the source will also display the properties.

4. Check the Override Settings checkbox.

Figure: Database Source Properties screen.

5. Select the Connection tab.

The Connection description is displayed. The Connection tab will be specific to the type of source which you
have selected. The one shown below defines a connection to a database.

Figure: Data Source Properties.

5. Edit the connection details for the deployment environment.

6. Click OK.

A green tick will appear beside the database to indicate that it has been amended in the Deployment Editor.

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Figure: Integration Editor.

Variables Editor
The Variables Editor allows you to amend runtime and global variables for the deployment environment.
Runtime variables are pre-defined and allow you to influence specific Temenos UXP behaviour. Global variables
are user-defined and allow you to define static values which can be referenced across an entire project.
It is a consideration when developing your project to use variables where they might alter between deploy-
ments as it is much easier to change these values in the deployment rather than in the project itself.
To Change Project Variables

1. Click Window on the Deployer toolbar.

2. Click Variables Editor from the drop down menu.

The Variable Editor is displayed.

3. Right click the required variable and select Properties.

Figure: Variable Editor

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4. Amend the variable to the appropriate value.

5. Click OK.

Runtime Variables
The table below gives a summary of the runtime variables which can be edited.

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Global Variables
Global variables are used project wide and are defined by the user. They are useful when a value will change
depending on the environment the project is deployed to. For example, you may require test results to be sent
to a different email address than live results. Setting this value as a global variable will enable it to be changed
easily between deployments, rather than changing the project file for each deployment which would not be
good practice.
To Define a Global Variable

1. Click Window on the Deployer toolbar.

2. Click Variables Editor from the drop down menu.

3. Right click Global Variables and select Add Global Variable.

4. Enter the Variable Name and Variable Value.

5. Click OK.

Directory Structure Editor

The Directory Structure Editor allows you to define where the associated project files are obtained from at
runtime. You may wish to alter the default project structure if, for example, you wish to maintain an existing pro-
ject’s directory structure which is different from the default.
The table below shows the folders for which the location can be changed. Their location can be defined as a rel-
ative path to the deployment root folder or as an absolute path.
To change the directory structure

1. Click Window on the Deployer toolbar.

Figure: Directory Structure Editor.

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2. Click Directory Structure Editor from the dropdown menu The Directory Structure Editor is displayed.

3. Right click the directory you wish to amend and select Properties.

4. If the directory has not been changed previously, uncheck Use Default.

Figure: Directory Properties » Details tab.

5. Click Select.

6. Choose the required directory and click Select.

7. Click OK.

Note any path references which you have defined outside Temenos UXP, e.g. within any html that you have cre-
ated, may need to be updated to reflect the change in the directory structure. Also, if you have entered any
absolute paths within the Temenos UXP project, these may also require updating for the deployment. All other
references within the project will automatically use the above directory settings. If the directory is outside of the
deployment i.e. not relative, then the contents will not be packaged in the WAR file.

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Deploy Temenos UXP Rules as a Web Service

Web Services
The Temenos UXP Deployer allows you to create a web service from a set of rules contained in a phase within
the Temenos UXP project you are deploying. The rules will provide the web service “business logic” which will be
executed when the service is called.

Note: Configuring a web service should not be confused with calling an existing
web service, which can be achieved by defining the web service as an integration
source within your Temenos UXP project.

Web Services Editor

A Web Service is configured using the Web Services Editor within the Deployer. It is an optional stage in the
deployment of a project and it is assumed that you have already created a Deployment Setting File and con-
figured the project parameters as described in the previous two chapters.
The Web Services Editor allows you to deploy the post phase rules for a particular phase as a web service and to
generate a WSDL document if required.
There are three steps to configuring a web service:

l Adding a web service

l Defining what logic a web service will perform

l Creating a description of the web service for its users

These steps equate to the following within the Web Services Editor

l Adding a web service

l Adding an operation to a web service

l Generating a WSDL document

Each of these steps will be described below.

Add a Web Service

To Add a Web Service:

1. Click Window on the Deployer toolbar.

2. Click Web Services Editor from the drop down menu.

The Web Services Editor is displayed.

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3. Right click on the Root icon.

4. Select Add Web Service.

Figure: Web Service Editor.

The Add Web Service dialog is displayed.

Figure: Add Web Service dialog.

5. Complete the Service Name and Service Description fields.

The service name should be unique within the dsf file. The description is optional and for informational pur-
poses only.

6. Enter the Project URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)

The Project URI is the location where the service will be deployed to and from where the callee will invoke your
web service.

7. Click OK.

The web service you have created is now displayed in the Web Service Editor.

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Define what the web service does

Having created a web service you now need to define what operations the web service will support. This is
achieved by adding one or more operations. The operation defines what business logic will be performed by the
web service and what data is required to be passed in and what data will be passed out as the result. The busi-
ness logic is defined within the post phase rules of the phase which is specified in the operation. Data is passed
in and out of the web service by specifying which data groups will be used. The data groups are defined within
the Data Editor of the Developer IDE.
You can create as many web service operations as are required.

To define an operation

1. Open the Web Services Editor.

2. Right click the required Web Service Name.

3. Click Add Operation.

The Add Operation dialog is displayed.

Figure: Add Web Service Operation dialog

4. Enter the Operation Name.

5. Enter the Phase Name or click Select to use the Phase Chooser.

6. Enter the Request Data Group and the Response Data Group by typing the full name of the data group or by
clicking Select and using the Phase Chooser.

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Note that only data groups can be defined as the Request and Response Data Group and therefore the data
structure within the project must have been set up correctly to support the web service.

7. Click OK.

Describe the Web Service

Now that the operation is defined, we need to generate an XML description of the web service. This will describe
the web service as a collection of communication endpoints, or ports, capable of exchanging messages. A Web
Services Definition Language (WSDL) document provides this abstract definition of a service. The WSDL doc-
ument provides all the information necessary for a client to access the Temenos UXP web service.

To Generate a WSDL Document

1. Open the Web Services Editor.

2. Right click the required Web Service Name.

3. Click Generate WSDL.

Figure: Web Services Editor » Generate WSDL.

4. Click Save.

The WSDL document is saved to a wsdl directory under the WEB-INF directory of the project. The default save
location can be changed if required.

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Configure a Portlet
A Portlet deployment allows your project to run as a window within a Portal. A portal aggregates content and
applications to provide services from a number of different sources, accessible from a single location.
To deploy your project as a portlet, you firstly need to create a Portlet presentation within your project during
development. The Temenos UXP Deployer then allows you to deploy this presentation to the target portal.

Portlet Editor
A Portlet is configured using the Portlet Editor within the Deployer. It is an optional stage in the deployment of a
project and it is assumed that you have already created a Deployment Setting File.
The Portlet Editor allows you to choose which process and presentation you wish to deploy as a portlet. When
the deployment is completed, the appropriate files required for the portlet will have been created.
It is important to note that prior to creating a portlet you must have defined a portlet presentation type in the
Developer IDE for the process you wish to deploy as a portlet.
To add a portlet

1. Click Window on the Deployer toolbar.

2. Click Portlet Editor from the dropdown menu.

The Portlet Editor is displayed.

3. Right click on the Root icon.

4. Select Add Portlet.

Figure: Portlet Editor.

The Add Portlet dialog is displayed.

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Figure: Add Portlet » Name tab.

5. Enter the Portlet Name, Portlet Display Name and Portlet Description.

This information is used by the portal server configuration to allow the user to easily identify the portlet when
deciding which portlets to add to a portal. A valid portlet name is alphanumeric, without spaces. It can contain

6. Select the Process tab.

Figure: Add Portlet » Process tab.

7. Enter the Process and the Presentation which the portlet uses.

Note that the Presentation that you specify must be a portlet type presentation, therefore you must have
already defined a portlet type presentation in the project.

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8. Select the Options tab.

The checkboxes on the Options tab will only be available if Help or Customization phases have been specified
within your project for the chosen process. Help and Customization phases are defined within the Process
Editor in the Developer IDE when the process is created. See the User Guide or Online Help for more information
on creating a process using the Temenos UXP Developer IDE.

9. Check the appropriate checkbox to allow the Help and/or Customization phase(s) to be displayed
as options on the portlet when the portlet is installed on a portal server.

Figure: Add Portlet » Options tab.

Checking the Supports customization checkbox will cause the customization phase you have specified for your
process to be displayed when the user clicks the customize action button. This phase could display the para-
meters which the user is able to change in order to customize the portlet. For example, you may allow the user
to alter limits or logon settings which affect how the portlet behaves.
Checking the Supports help checkbox will cause the help phase you have specified for your process to be dis-
played when the user clicks the help button. The help phase could contain general help information relating to
the portlet.

10. Click OK.

A portlet.xml file, describing the portlet, is generated and saved in the WEB-INF directory of the project.

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Deploy the Project

Once you have configured your project’s integration sources, parameters, directory structure and any portlets
or web services, you are ready to deploy your project. Before you deploy your project, make sure that you
have a valid current license (forms.lic) which is installed in the <Connect Install Location>\RTE directory. The
license will be included during the deployment process and therefore it must be valid at this stage.
A Deployment wizard is provided by the Temenos UXP Deployer and is used to deploy your project either on- or
off-line. If you have a hybrid project, the wizard can also be used to deploy to a mobile device. This is described
in the Hybrid Guide as it is specific to a hybrid project.

Offline vs Online Deployment

When you deploy a project offline, you must create an offline presentation type. This is required so that any fea-
tures which require a connection to the network are hidden, for example, a real-time credit check. In addition,
you must check that your solution will actually work offline. Are you dependent on connectivity to the network
to obtain certain information. In these cases you must specify an alternative way of capturing this information
for the offline solution.

Deploy Online
Deploying your project online assumes your end-user is connected to the delivery network whilst using the
To Deploy your Project Online

1. Click Deployment on the Deployer toolbar.

2. Select Deploy Project from the drop down menu The Deployment Wizard is displayed.

Figure: Deployment Wizard.

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The first page summarizes the steps taken to deploy the project.

3. Click Next to continue.

4. The second page summarizes the items the project is dependent on and their locations. Review
these items and use the editors to correct any errors before re-starting the project deployment.

Figure: Deployment Wizard » Dependencies tab.

5. Click Next to continue.

6. Check the Application Name.

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Figure: Deployment Wizard » Web App Build tab.

The Application Name is the context name of the application and will default to the name of the ifp. You may
change this name to another value if required.

7. Click Select.

8. Choose the location where the project will be deployed.

When choosing the destination, do not :

l Deploy to your project folder.

l Deploy one level up from your project folder.

If you deploy to this location, the deployment file will continue to include project folders recursively and the
deployment process will not come to an end.
It is recommended that you create a single deployment folder which you use for all project deployments.

9. Click Open.

10. Check Build WAR if you wish to create a WAR file.

Check Allow Data Sets if you wish the deployed application to use data sets rather than the true integration
sources. This option should only be used when deploying a project during an EVA development phase for
review or feedback.
Other options which are available are shown in the table below.

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11. Click Finish.

A wait screen is displayed while the project is deployed. Click OK when the deployment has finished.
When the deployment is complete, the project will be available at the location specified in the deployment wiz-
ard. This is now ready for installation on your chosen application server.
If you cancel the deployment before it has finished and any field values have changed, you will have the oppor-
tunity to save the changes via a yes/no confirmation prompt.

Figure: Warning Deployment message.

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Deploy Offline
Offline deployment allows your project to be used while the end-user is not connected to the delivery network.
The deployed project must then be distributed to your users in order for them to use it offline.
To Deploy your Project Offline
Before deploying your project offline, make sure that your project contains an offline presentation. This is
required to hide those features of a project which will not be available when offline.

1. Click Deployment on the IDE standard toolbar.

2. Select Deploy Project Offline from the dropdown menu The Offline Deployment Wizard is dis-

Figure: Offline Generation - Welcome screen.

The first page summarizes the steps taken to deploy the project offline.

3. Click Next to continue.

4. Specify the Application Name which will set the root folder name for the deployed application.

It will default to the name of the ifp with “_Offline” appended.

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Figure: Offline Deployment Wizard » Input screen.

5. Specify the Start Phase and the Offline Presentation Name.

The Start Phase must be specified as you may not wish to deploy the whole of the process offline. Only the
phases which can be navigated to from the Start Phase specified will be generated as part of the offline deploy-
The Offline Presentation Name must be specified at this stage as the HTML which makes up the solution for off-
line deployment is generated at deployment time. This is not required in the online deployment process since
the presentation used will be determined at run time when the HTML for the online process is generated.

6. Click Next to continue.

7. Click Select to choose the destination folder for the project deployment.

8. Click Finish to start the project deployment.

The project deployment will translate the application to pages of HTML.

9. Click OK to complete the deployment.

When the deployment is complete, the project will be available at the location specified in the deployment wiz-
ard. This is now ready for distribution to your users.

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Updating a Deployed Project

When a project you have already deployed requires updating, it is recommended that you redeploy the project
using the Deployer, making any changes which are required.

Deploying to a new environment

If the project is deployed to a new environment e.g. deploying to a User Acceptance Test environment when
the System Test is completed, a new Deployment Settings file should be created with the parameters set appro-
priately for the new deployment environment.

Deploying an updated project

If the target environment remains the same as for the original deployment, the existing Deployment Setting file
can be used as is to generate the new deployment. Note that, if new integration sources have been added in
the Developer IDE, these sources may require configuration in the Deployer beforehand.
If the deployment environment has changed, the original Deployment Settings may need to be amended
before generating the new deployment, or a new Deployment Settings file must be created.

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Command Line Interface

Temenos UXP provides a command line utility class to allow you to create your web applications or your
SmartHybrid apps. This is key for teams using continuous integration techniques.
With it you can create your WARs as part of an overnight build and then automate a deployment to your test
app server. You can then run any automated tests you have to ensure that the daily work has not caused any
The Java class to run is - com.acquire.intelligentforms.util.cmdline.DeploymentCmdLineUtility. This class is
part of the iforms.jar archive.

Command Line Interface Commands

The commands are run with parameters as follows:
Below is a list of the action commands supported with the required and optional command parameters
explained. The following conventions are used when describing the command line syntax.

This command deploys the named DSF file using the specified arguments or those saved in the DSF
DEPLOY_SOLUTION_AND_LIBRARIES_FROM_DSF <ide_location> <library_location> <dsf_file_name>
[<destination>] [<application_name>] [<include_std_jars>] [<exclude_xml_jars>] [<include_live_cms>]
If one of the optional [<arguments>] is not specified then the value used will be read from the DSF file

l ide_location – this is install location of the Temenos UXP IDE and is used to find Temenos UXP specific files

l library_location – is the location to find any component library projects

l dsf_file_name – is the name of the DSF file to read to create this deployment · destination – the location to
create the WAR or application files in.

l application_name – the name of your WAR or folder to create.

l include_std_jars – is a yes/no to indicate whether to package the standard Temenos UXP JARs as part of
the deployment.

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l exclude_xml_jars – is a yes/no to indicate whether to exclude the XML JARs from your deployment. This is
sometimes necessary if the Temenos UXP versions conflict with your application server.

l include_live_cms – is a yes/no to indicate whether to include CMS servlets in the resulting web.xml

l build_war – is a yes/no to indicate whether to package the deployment in a WAR file

l domain_name – domain name used to create a sitemap.xml

l refresh_libraries – is a yes/no to indicate whether the system refreshes the solution's dependent com-
ponent in the dsf.

l project_extension – the path to the .xdf file for extended solutions.

Deploys the DSFs named in the input file using the specified arguments or those saved in the DSF
BULK_DEPLOY_SOLUTION_AND_LIBRARIES_FROM_DSF <ide_location> <library_location> <input_file> <base_
directory> [<destination>] [<include_ std_ jars>] [<exclude_ xml_ jars>] [<include_ live_ cms>] [<build_ war>]
[<domain_name>] [<refresh_libraries>][<project_extension>]
If one of the optional [<arguments>] is not specified then the value used will be read from the DSF file

l ide_location – this is install location of the Temenos UXP IDE and is used to find Temenos UXP specific files

l library_location – is the location to find any component library projects

l input_file – contains name and location of the DSF to create deployments for

l base_directory – is the base directory

l destination – the location to create the WAR or application files in.

l include_std_jars – is a yes/no to indicate whether to package the standard Temenos UXP JARs as part of
the deployment.

l exclude_xml_jars – is a yes/no to indicate whether to exclude the XML JARs from your deployment. This is
sometimes necessary if the Temenos UXP versions conflict with your application server.

l include_live_cms – is a yes/no to indicate whether to include CMS servlets in the resulting web.xml

l build_war – is a yes/no to indicate whether to package the deployment in a WAR file

l domain_name – domain name used to create a sitemap.xml

l refresh_libraries – is a yes/no to indicate whether the system refreshes the solution's dependent com-
ponent in the dsf.

l project_extension – the path to the .xdf file for extended solutions.

The input file is a comma separated file with each line:

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l 1st value: relative (or fixed) path to the DSF file

l 2nd value: optionally the name of the WAR file to create

If a relative path specified is added to the base directory specified in the overall command Note that comments
can be added to the file using // at the start of the line.
Deploys the hybrid apps from the DSF file using the specified arguments or those saved in the DSF
DEPLOY_HYBRID_APP <ide_location> <deploy_root_location> <dsf_file_name> <build_server_address>
<build_server_port> <build_server_timeout> [<ios_profile>] [<android_profile>] [<windows_profile>]
[<app_destination_folder>] [<app_title>] [<app_version>] [<application_url>] [<update_servlet_url>]
[<deploy_app_version>] [<repository_location>]
If one of the optional [<arguments>] is not specified then the value used will be read from the DSF file

l ide_location – this is install location of the Temenos UXP IDE and is used to find Temenos UXP specific files

l deploy_root_location – the location for where deployments are created, in-case $$DEPLOY_HOME$ is used
for relative paths in the DSF

l dsf_file_name – the name of the DSF file to read

l build_server_address – the address of the Temenos UXP Jenkins build server

l build_server_port – the port of the Temenos UXP Jenkins build server

l build_server_timeout – the timeout in seconds to wait for a response from the Temenos UXP Jenkins build

l ios_profile – the name of the iOS profile to create an app for

l android_profile – the name of the Android profile to create an app for

l windows_profile – the name of the Windows profile to create an app for

l app_destination_folder – the folder to deploy the SmartHybrid apps to

l app_title – the name of the SmartHybrid apps to create

l app_version – the version for the apps; displayed by the app

l application_url – the URL for the Temenos UXP web application, including the context part (the default con-
text is ‘/servletcontroller’). Format: http(s)://<ip>:<port>/<context>/<servlet controller name> (e.g.

l update_servlet_url – the URL for the Update Servlet. Format: http (s)://<ip>:<port>/<context>/<mobile
update link> (e.g.

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l deploy_app_version – the deployment version used to work out the file difference between this and the
previous version

l repository_location – the location to store the file difference; this is used to create a private GIT based

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Ant Script Examples
Creating deployments for multiple projects
<!-- ============================================= -->

<!-- Invokes the Temenos UXP deployment scripts-->

<!-- ============================================= -->

<target name="CreateTemenosUXPWAR" if="createReleaseBuild">

<echo message="Creating Temenos UXP WAR file to ${DeploymentsDirName}"/>

<java classname=" com.acquire.intelligentforms.util.cmdline.DeploymentCmdLineUtility">


<arg value="${ECDirectory}/IDE"/> <!-- ide_location -->

<arg value="${ReleaseDirName}/${ProjectName}/Components"/> <!-- library_location -->

<arg value="${DeploymentList}"/> <!-- input_file -->

<arg value="${ReleaseDirName}"/> <!-- base_directory -->

<arg value="${DeploymentsDirName}"/> <!-- destination -->

<arg value="Y"/> <!-- include_std_jars -->

<arg value="N"/> <!-- exclude_xml_jars -->

<arg value="Y"/> <!-- build_war -->


<pathelement path="${ecRunLib}"/>




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Creating SmartHybrid apps

<!-- ============================================= -->

<!-- Builds a SmartHybrid app file-->

<!-- ============================================= -->

<target name="DoCreateHybrid" if="createReleaseBuild" depends="getHybridProperties">

<echo>Creating ${HybridType} hybrid ...</echo>

<java classname=" com.acquire.intelligentforms.util.cmdline.DeploymentCmdLineUtility">

<arg value="DEPLOY_HYBRID_APP"/>

<arg value="${ECDirectory}/IDE"/>

<arg value="${DeploymentsDirName}"/>

<arg value="${DsfFileName}"/>

<arg value="${JenkinsAddress}"/>

<arg value="${JenkinsPort}"/>

<arg value="${JenkinsTimeout}"/>

<arg value="${IOSProfile}"/>

<arg value="${AndroidProfile}"/>

<arg value="${WindowsProfile}"/>

<arg value="${HybridRepository}"/>

<arg value="${AppName}"/>

<arg value="${BuildInfo}"/>

<arg value="${ApplicationURL}"/>

<arg value="${UpdateServerURL}"/>

<arg value="${DeployAppVersion}"/>

<arg value="${DeploymentRepository}"/>


<pathelement path="${ecRunLib}"/>




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