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Carbon Nanotubes:

Properties and
Presented by

Historical background

Types of carbon nanotubes

Properties of carbon nanotubes

Mechanical properties

Outline Electrical properties

Thermal properties

Applications of carbon nanotube

Challenges and future prospects


Carbon Nanotubes: Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are
cylindrical large molecules consisting
of a hexagonal arrangement of
hybridized carbon atoms

They have a diameter in the nanometer

scale and can be several micrometers

They can be single-walled (SWCNTs) or

multi-walled (MWCNTs) with different
CNTs can be either semiconductors or
Carbon Nanotubes:
CNTs were first observed in 1991 by Sumio Iijima
at NEC Corporation in Japan.

He used a transmission electron microscope

(TEM) to observe carbon clusters.

Iijima discovered the nanotubes in the carbon

soot created during the arc-discharge method of
synthesizing fullerenes.
Types of Carbon Nanotubes:
Single-walled carbon nanotubes Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs)
(SWCNTs) have a single cylindrical layer have several concentric layers of carbon
of carbon atoms. atoms.
SWCNTs have a higher aspect ratio, Double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWCNTs)
which makes them stronger and more have two concentric layers of carbon atoms.
flexible. MWCNTs have better thermal conductivity
SWCNTs also have higher electrical and are more resistant to damage.
conductivity and can be either metallic MWCNTs also have a larger surface area,
or semiconducting depending on their making them useful for gas storage and
chirality. catalysis.
Chirality and diameter of CNTs affect
their properties and applications.
Properties of carbon nanotubes
A. Mechanical properties
1. Strength and stiffness
2. Elasticity and flexibility
B. Electrical properties
1. Conductivity
2. Semiconductivity
C. Thermal properties
1. High thermal conductivity
2. Low thermal expansion coefficient
Property Description Value

Mechanical Properties

Strength Tensile strength Up to 63 GPa

Stiffness Young's modulus Up to 1 TPa

Electrical Properties

Conductivity Electrical conductivity 6 x 10^7 S/m

Semiconductivity Band gap energy 0.5 - 2.0 eV

Thermal Properties

Thermal Conductivity Thermal conductivity 3000 - 6000 W/mK

Coefficient of thermal
Thermal Expansion Coefficient 0.5 - 1.0 x 10^-6 K^-1
Mechanical Properties:
CNTs are known for their exceptional mechanical

Their elasticity and flexibility allow them to bend and

twist without breaking.

They have a high strength-to-weight ratio and can

withstand large deformation without breaking.

CNTs are also highly stiff, with a Young's modulus that is

several times greater than that of steel.
Strength and Stiffness:
CNTs have a tensile strength of up to 100 times greater
than steel.

They can withstand large deformation without breaking,

making them highly durable.

Their stiffness is due to the strong covalent bonds

between the carbon atoms, which create a rigid structure.
Elasticity and Flexibility:
CNTs can bend and twist without breaking due to their
high elasticity and flexibility.

Their resilience allows them to recover their original

shape after deformation.

This property makes them useful in applications that

require flexibility, such as in composites and biomedical
Electrical Properties:
CNTs have excellent electrical properties due to their
unique structure.

They can conduct electricity either as a metallic or

semiconducting material, depending on their chirality.

Metallic CNTs have a high electrical conductivity, while

semiconducting CNTs can be used in electronic devices
such as transistors.
Metallic CNTs have a high electrical conductivity due to
their delocalized pi-electron system.

They can conduct electricity better than copper, making

them ideal for use in electrical and electronic

Metallic CNTs have a high electrical conductivity, while

semiconducting CNTs can be used in electronic devices
such as transistors.
Semiconducting CNTs can be used in electronic devices,
such as transistors, due to their semiconducting

They have a bandgap that can be tuned by their diameter

and chirality, allowing for customization of their
electronic properties.
Thermal Properties:
CNTs have exceptional thermal properties, making them
useful in applications that require high thermal
conductivity and low thermal expansion.

They have a high thermal conductivity, which can exceed

that of diamond, and a low thermal expansion coefficient.
High Thermal Conductivity:
CNTs have a high thermal conductivity due to the strong
covalent bonds between the carbon atoms.

They can conduct heat better than most materials, making

them useful in thermal management applications.
Low Thermal Expansion
CNTs have a low thermal expansion coefficient due to
their high stiffness and low mass.

They can maintain their shape and size even when

exposed to extreme temperatures, making them ideal for
use in high-temperature environments.
Other properties

CNT's exhibit a super hydrophobic nature as the contact

angle is around 160 whereas in graphite it is around 90
By applying as low as 1.3V, it can be switched to super

Field Emission

Under strong electric field, transmission of electron from

metal tip to vacuum results in field emission phenomenon.
Field emission results from high aspect ratio and small
diameter of CNC's.
Applications of carbon Carbon nanotubes have unique
properties that make them useful in a
nanotube : wide range of applications.

The high strength, electrical

conductivity, and thermal conductivity
of CNTs make them particularly
attractive for use in
energy storage
materials science
Waste water treatment :
CNT's has a very large surface area(500m2 per gram) which is has capacity to
retain water polluting drugs.
A study found that the tube removed 13 tested Aromatic polycyclic
hydrocarbons from water.
Solar cells
Due to high UV/Visible IR absorption characteristics,SWCNT's are a potential
candidate for Solar panel applications.
Hydrogen Storage
Due to capillary effects of small CNT's, it is possible to condense gases in
high density inside single walled nanotubes.
CNFET Technology
Due to their high channel mobility and improved gate capacitance versus
voltage characteristics, CNT is gaining more and more importance.
CNFET stands for Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor.
CNFET is the FET which uses CNT as the channel.

Why CNFET -> As size become smaller, Scaling silicon MOSFET becomes harder.

Advantages of CNFET
High current density
Low power consumption compared
to silicon versions
Faster operation speed
Carbon nanotubes can be used to create transistors and integrated
circuits that are smaller and faster than those made with traditional
CNTs can also be used in sensors and detectors, including gas sensors,
biosensors, and radiation detectors.
CNTs have high electrical conductivity, making them ideal for use in
electronic devices.
CNTs can be fabricated into thin films, making them useful for flexible
electronics and displays.
CNTs are highly resistant to radiation damage, making them useful in
space applications.
Carbon nanotubes can be used in energy storage devices such as batteries
and capacitors, where their high surface area and conductivity improve
CNTs can also be used in solar cells and fuel cells, where their high efficiency
and stability make them attractive materials for renewable energy
CNTs have a high surface area, allowing for greater charge storage in energy
storage devices.
CNTs have high thermal conductivity, which can improve the performance
and efficiency of energy conversion devices.
CNTs are stable in harsh environments, making them ideal for use in high-
temperature fuel cells.
Carbon nanotubes can be used in drug delivery systems to improve the
targeting and delivery of drugs to specific tissues or cells.
CNTs can also be used in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine,
where their high strength and biocompatibility make them useful for
creating scaffolds for tissue growth.
CNTs have high surface area, allowing for improved drug delivery and
CNTs are biocompatible, making them ideal for use in implantable medical
CNTs have high mechanical strength, making them useful for creating strong
and durable tissue scaffolds.
Composites and Materials:
Carbon nanotubes can be used as reinforcement in composites and
materials, where their high strength and stiffness improve performance.
CNTs can also be used in lightweight and high-performance materials, where
their unique properties offer advantages over traditional materials.
CNTs have high strength and stiffness, making them ideal for use as
reinforcement in composites and materials.
CNTs have high thermal conductivity, which can improve the performance
and efficiency of materials in high-temperature environments.
CNTs are lightweight, making them useful in creating high-performance and
lightweight materials for aerospace and automotive applications.
Challenges and future prospects
While carbon nanotubes have shown promise in laboratory
settings, scaling up production and achieving commercial
viability remains a challenge.
Improvements in production methods and cost reduction will be
necessary for widespread adoption of carbon nanotubes in
various industries.
Ongoing research is focused on developing new synthesis
methods, improving the properties of carbon nanotubes, and
exploring new applications.
Advances in related fields such as nanoelectronics and
materials science are also likely to lead to new breakthroughs in
carbon nanotube research.
Carbon nanotubes are a unique material with exceptional properties that
make them attractive for a wide range of applications in electronics,
energy, medicine, and materials science.
Future research will focus on addressing challenges related to toxicity,
scalability, and commercialization.
Advancements in technology and related fields such as nanoelectronics
and materials science are likely to lead to new breakthroughs in carbon
nanotube research.
Future developments could lead to the creation of new devices,
materials, and therapies based on carbon nanotubes.
Carbon nanotubes have the potential to make significant impacts in a
wide range of fields, and their importance for science and technology is
likely to continue to grow in the future.
Chirality refers to the way a graphene sheet is rolled up to form a carbon nanotube, which
determines its diameter and helicity. It can have armchair, zigzag, or chiral configurations,
each with unique electronic and optical properties.
Graphene is a two-dimensional material made of a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a
hexagonal lattice structure. It's very strong, lightweight, and has excellent electrical and
thermal conductivity.
Fullerene is a carbon-based material that consists of spherical or ellipsoidal molecules made
entirely of carbon atoms. It was discovered in 1985 and is named after Buckminster Fuller,
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