Kmoncla-Seb-2023 12 18

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Mr. Kevin M.

824 Lake Grove Drive
Little Elm, TX 75068
Email: [email protected]

December 18, 2023

Georgia State Election Board Dr. Jan Johnston

2 MLK Jr. Drive [email protected]
West Tower, Suite 802
Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Mrs. Sara Tindall Ghazal
(please distribute) [email protected]

Ex officio: Mr. Matt Mashburn

Mr. Brad Raffensperger [email protected]
Secretary of State
214 State Capitol Mr. Edward Lindsey
Atlanta, Georgia 30334 [email protected]

Re: Disposition of Official Complaints

Dear Board Members:

The Georgia State Election Board (“SEB” or the “Board”) is the only government entity
with the authority to promulgate rules governing Georgia elections, enforce those rules, investigate
election irregularities/problems, and take the actions necessary to prevent reoccurrence.

An enormous amount of time and treasure has been invested by many based upon the expectation
that the State Election Board would investigate and address the litany of faults and failures we
have meticulously documented, evidenced and submitted to you in the form of official complaints.
Now, after more than two years and eleven filings (not one resolved), Chairman Mashburn informs
us that the SEB has decided it will no longer be investigating complaints pertaining to the 2020
General Election. 1 But we have seen no genuine investigation of the 2020 General Election by the
State Election Board.

The citizens of Georgia have no reason to believe their votes were counted accurately, only once,
or counted at all. We have filed eleven very serious complaints over the past two years that include
material violations of Georgia law, but we can’t even get the Board to provide us with the status
of those complaints, with the exception of the following.

A few weeks ago, the Board sent us notice that our complaint, SEB-2023-025 was on the agenda

1Unfortunately, the Chairman has forgotten that he alone has no authority to make decisions or speak on behalf of the Board
without consent of the Board. The matter of investigating those issues pertaining to the 2020 election has not been raised nor has a
vote been taken by the Board.
Kevin Moncla letter to the Georgia State Election Board
December 18, 2023
Page 2
“You can’t change what you refuse to confront.” Unknown

for the December 19, 2023, meeting. 2 For context, SEB2023-025 was filed on July 08, 2022, and
details how the November 03, 2020, Fulton County election results included 20,718 ballots for
which there are no records- that is- no provenance for the ballots or tabulators on which the ballots
were purportedly scanned. The same complaint specifically identifies 3,125 ballots which were
scanned and counted twice. Additionally, 17,852 ballot images are missing from the official record
of the Recount which no one can explain, perhaps because there are no acceptable explanations.

A year and a half after we submitted the complaint and the Georgia Governor’s office referred the
same to the SEB, we thought that this matter would finally be addressed. But then at 3:30 pm on
the Friday afternoon before the meeting we received an email from the paralegal for the SEB (who
is always considerate and helpful):

“Good afternoon,

Please accept this email as notice that the case SEB2023-025 has been continued
from the agenda, and will not be heard at the December 19 SEB meeting.

Best regards,”

The cryptic message is all that was received. I replied asking why the case was continued, to which
she responded,

“The investigations division asked this afternoon that the case be continued from
the meeting.”. 3

SEB2023-025 has been at the SEB since July 08, 2022. Chairman Mashburn, the SOS investigator
and the Secretary of State’s General Counsel have had more than sufficient time to perform their
due diligence but instead- have refused. The SEB has shown it is unwilling to exercise the
authority and oversight with which it has been vested by the Georgia state Legislature. We have
been professional, respectful and patient, but the SEB has failed in its mission. Make no mistake-
we will not fail in ours.

Therefore, if the SEB is unwilling to genuinely acknowledge and address the material
faults of Georgia’s election systems and processes, then we are left with no choice but to also seek
remedy through the court and public forum.

The matters currently at issue are:

A copy of the SEB’s notice is attached hereto as “Exhibit A-1”.
Important to note that I also sent an email to the members of the Board and Ms. McGowan seeking an explanation,
but never received a response.
Kevin Moncla letter to the Georgia State Election Board
December 18, 2023
Page 3
“You can’t change what you refuse to confront.” Unknown

1. Complaint rejected by the SEB’s Chairman – without review.

2. SEB-BI-2023-001 The SEB’s authority to investigate the Secretary of State.
See Mr. Moncla’s Amicus letter separately attached.
3. Complaint “administratively dismissed" by the Secretary of State last year.
4. Complaints on the December 19, 2023 SEB meeting agenda.



I filed a complaint on October 20, 2023, probably after or before midnight. 4 I received an
email rejecting the complaint at 2:15am on a Saturday morning from Chairman Mashburn, less
than two hours after the complaint was filed. 5 I know you are dedicated public servants, but I did
not see any meeting of the State Election Board called on an emergency basis to justify the
immediate rejection. Let me remind you – that complaint was to explain how the most perfect
election in Georgia history counted several Dekalb County ballots in Futon County races- (three
separate times for three separate counts). It is a small but representative example as to how the
failures of the 2020 General Election were realized- as detailed in the many complaints we’ve
submitted for your review.

Following Mr. Mashburn’s edict rejecting the complaint and blanket directive that the
Board would no longer be investigating any complaints regarding the 2020 election, a competent
member of the Board reviewed the complaint and based on the responding email, justifiably
seemed to be in disbelief- or confused. In an email only to the other members of the Board, Mr.
Mashburn falsely assured them that the ballots in question had not been counted, and that the
complainant (this author) was making assumptions that were false. 6 Had Mr. Mashburn actually
read the complaint, he would have learned that the ballots were in fact counted- not just once, but
three times (Let the record show that the assertions made in the complaint were not assumptions
but true and correct statements of fact -and that the Chairman was confused).

After receiving confirmation that the ballots were counted and other questions were answered, the
member requested that an investigation be opened into the matter; however, we have received no
further communication regarding the complaint. That is- except for an email from Mr. Mashburn
reminding members of the SEB’s policy not to publicly discuss open investigations – referencing
the very complaint for which he stated an investigation would not be opened. It seems Mr.
Mashburn values the ability to unjustly criticize complainants and mislead members of the Board
behind closed doors- almost as if he is aware that his statements are untrue, but perhaps I am

A true and correct copy of the complaint filed on October 20, 2023, is identified as “Exhibit A-1” and can be found here:
20231020 Fulton-Dekalb MONCLA-11-FINAL With Exhibits | PDF | Election Recount | Absentee Ballot (”
A true and correct copy of Mr. Mashburn’s email is identified as “Exhibit B-1”.
A true and correct copy of the email thread is attached hereto as “Exhibit C-1”.
Kevin Moncla letter to the Georgia State Election Board
December 18, 2023
Page 4
“You can’t change what you refuse to confront.” Unknown

Based on the Chairman’s late-night missive it appears that I am apparently also confused
about the language of the statute establishing the State Election Board and its duties. The repeated
requests for investigation into the matters I and others have raised over the past two years may
seem to be annoying, but as I read the statute (and I have discussed this with my attorneys), the
State Election Board has a duty to investigate complaints. O.C.G.A. § 21-2-31 (2022) provides as

“It shall be the duty of the State Election Board:

(5) To investigate, or authorize the Secretary of State to investigate, when
necessary or advisable the administration of primary and election laws and
frauds and irregularities in primaries and elections and to report violations
of the primary and election laws either to the Attorney General or the
appropriate district attorney who shall be responsible for further
investigation and prosecution.”

I hasten to remind the Chairman that those things that he cannot explain, such as ballots from
another county being counted in Fulton County, demand investigation. Especially when the same
evidences failure of nearly every stage of the election process. An investigation is required to
determine- not only how the ballots of another county were counted in three (3) separate counts,
but how they escaped the many safeguards that are purported to exist, such as reconciliation,
adjudication and a hand-count/audit. Failure to investigate would be grossly negligent.

Please let me know if you or your attorneys disagree with this analysis of the statute. I would be
happy to have attorneys representing me or others discuss this with competent counsel representing
the State Election Board. Board members, please confirm that this complaint is being investigated
and provide a case number for the same.


The duty of the SEB seems to be at issue in another complaint. More specifically, whether
the SEB possesses the authority to investigate the Secretary of State in the matter of SEB-BI-
2023-001. As some of you know, this inquiry was borne from Mr. Joe Rossi’s complaint detailing
the 36 errors of the 2020 General Election hand-count audit (SEB 2021-181). Those errors were
independently verified by the Governor’s office who then formally referred the matter to the SEB
for investigation. 7

The Governor’s report details the 36 errors which falsely added 6,695 votes to the hand-count that
do not exist (1,038 to President Trump; 5,618 to Joe Biden). 8 In response, the SEB opened
investigation SEB 2021-181, but Mr. Mashburn, sua sponte, removed the Secretary of State as a

A true and correct copy of the Governor’s letter referring the matter to the SEB is attached hereto as “Exhibit D-1”.
A true and correct copy of the Governor’s report detailing the 36 errors raised by Mr. Rossi is attached hereto as
“Exhibit E-1”.
Kevin Moncla letter to the Georgia State Election Board
December 18, 2023
Page 5
“You can’t change what you refuse to confront.” Unknown

Respondent. Ultimately the SEB referred the case to the Attorney General who also verified the

The Attorney General quietly resolved the complaint by privately negotiating a consent agreement
in which Fulton County acknowledged the errors but attributed the same to unintentional
clerical/data entry mistakes. Absent from the agreement was the fact that 35 of the 36 “errors”
benefited Joe Biden, yielding not a random or equivalent distribution, but 35:1 (Biden to Trump)
odds more analogous to those of Roulette.

The same agreement failed to disclose the scope, size, or details of the errors and merely described
a non-determinative amount. The agreement did not even facilitate the correction of the erroneous
results posted on the Secretary of State’s website and did absolutely nothing to prevent the same
from happening again in the future. Absolutely nothing.

What’s more, a matter as serious as the fact that the hand-count/audit did not verify the
November 3rd results-but did include 6,695 bogus votes that do not exist, the SEB voted to adopt
the consent agreement- sight unseen. 9 The three (3) members of the Board who voted to ratify
the document are attorneys of law, presumably educated in complex principles of legal theory,
which I suspect also includes the basics of ethics and the importance of reading a document before
ratifying it. Allow me to suggest that the attorneys reference the Rules of Professional Conduct
before acting on behalf of Georgia citizens with such gross negligence and reckless disregard.

Based on the same facts of SEB 2021-181, Mr. Rossi filed a separate complaint specifically
naming the Secretary of State as a Respondent. In response, former SEB Chairman, Retired
Federal Judge William Duffey, officially opened an investigation but it was immediately thwarted
by the Secretary of State’s General Counsel, Charlene McGowan. In an email to Judge Duffey
Ms. McGowan declared that no such investigation would be opened by “this office”. 10

Soon thereafter, Judge Duffey resigned, and Mr. Mashburn became the acting Chairman.
In response to insistence that the complaint be investigated, Mr. Mashburn has “invited” Mr. Rossi
to file a brief showing why the SEB has the “…specific, explicit authority under which you contend
the Board has jurisdiction to hear Complaints against the Secretary of State.”. 11

Altruistic in the belief that Chairman Mashburn is not attempting to further delay, deflect and deny
that which has been factually established and presented to the Board multiple times, and that he is
now, at the end of his term, sincerely inviting clarification as to the responsibilities and authority
of the Georgia State Election Board, like Charlie Brown attempting to kick the football- I submit
the separately attached Amicus letter.

See the email correspondence between the members of the Board discussing the consent agreement- attached
hereto as “Exhibit F-1”.
Email from the SOS’s General Counsel to Judge Duffey is attached hereto as “Exhibit G-1”.
A true and correct copy of Mr. Mashburn’s invitation to Mr. Rossi for a Brief is attached hereto as “Exhibit H-1”.
Kevin Moncla letter to the Georgia State Election Board
December 18, 2023
Page 6
“You can’t change what you refuse to confront.” Unknown


Just a few weeks ago I sent each one of the Board members an email specifically requesting
the status of ten (10) complaints we have filed over the past two (2) years, and I have yet to receive
a response. I did, however, receive from a concerned citizen the response he received for an Open
Records Request which included information on one of the very serious complaints regarding the
2020 General Election we filed in March of 2022. 12

Shown below, a memo received shows the complaint was opened and assigned a case number
(SEB-2022-024) on April 04 of 2022 and closed “administratively” by the Secretary of State May
09, 2022, for what the investigator describes in the footnote as a “technical issue”.

This complaint has been closed for over a year and a half, has not been presented to the
board to determine the disposition of the case. These facts alone reveal nothing short of gross
negligence- but regrettably there’s more.

The evidence we presented in the complaint (Fulton County’s records certified by the Fulton
County Custodian of Records) showed prima facie material violations of Rule 183-1-14.02. Not
one or two hearsay tales of “technical violations” but we evidenced over 175 material violations
of nearly every section of the rule. Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 183-1-14-.02 states in part:

“The memory cards shall remain in the ballot scanner at all times during the
A copy of the complaint (SEB2022-024) can be found here: Fulton County Early Voting Complaint | PDF
Kevin Moncla letter to the Georgia State Election Board
December 18, 2023
Page 7
“You can’t change what you refuse to confront.” Unknown

advance voting period until the polls close on the day of the primary, election, or

The security seals were broken, and the Advance Voting tabulator memory cards were swapped
out during a live election- and NOT because of capacity (10,000 ballot images)- and NOT because
there weren’t enough tabulators. Thirty-five tabulator memory cards were replaced with memory
cards of unknown provenance.

In addition, at the end of early voting on October 30, 2020, the tabulator seals were broken (again)
and the memory cards were removed from ALL tabulators with the cards still “open” (the memory
cards are not encrypted until the card is closed and the results are aggregated). Ga. Comp. R. &
Regs. 183-1-14-.02 requires the tabulator to be sealed and transported to the place of tabulation
until the polls close on Election Day.

Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 183-1-14-.02 (13):

“At the end of the advance voting period, the registrars shall record the election
counter number from each ballot scanner on the daily recap sheet. The ballot
scanners shall be shut down and sealed.”

Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 183-1-14-.02 (14):

“By the close of the polls on the day of the primary, election, or runoff, the
registrars shall deliver all of the ballot scanners used for advance voting and all
other absentee ballots received to the election superintendent or the tabulating

Four (4) days later- the memory cards were inserted into different, surrogate tabulators and the
results (poll tapes) were printed. The mandatory tabulator verification and reconciliation process
required by the same rule was entirely circumvented.

Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 183-1-14-.02 (15):

“After verifying the seal number and the integrity of the seal on each ballot scanner,
the election superintendent or tabulating center personnel shall open each ballot
scanner and turn on the power. The election superintendent or tabulating center
personnel shall then compare the numbers shown on the election counters of the
ballot scanners with the numbered list of absentee electors and the absentee ballot
recap form to verify that there are no discrepancies. If there is a discrepancy, no
further action shall be taken until the reason for the discrepancy has been
determined to the satisfaction of the election superintendent.”

What’s more, the tabulators print their own serial numbers and protective counters (tabulator
odometer)- NOT the one that scanned the ballots- thereby masking the identity and counting
Kevin Moncla letter to the Georgia State Election Board
December 18, 2023
Page 8
“You can’t change what you refuse to confront.” Unknown

record of the scanning tabulator. The result is fraudulent poll tapes bearing the serial number
and protective counter number of different machines. The following are all from Advance Voting
tabulators from the 2020 General Election:

Notice all five have the same serial number (fifteen poll close tapes bear serial number
“AAFAJIV0104”) and the protective counter number is also the same, rendering the poll tapes,
which are the hard-copy legal representation of the tabulation, not only fraudulent, but effectively

To add just another “technicality”, ALL 138 Advance Voting poll tapes representing some
295,000 ballots (facilitated by a former Dominion employee and foreign national), are
unsigned, unwitnessed, and uncertified, in violation of:

Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 183-1-14-.02:

“The election superintendent or tabulating center personnel shall cause each ballot
scanner to print a minimum of three tapes showing the vote totals as cast on that
ballot scanner. Three witnesses shall sign each of the tapes or shall write on the
tapes the reason why they will not sign the tapes. One copy of the results tape for
each ballot scanner shall be made available for the information of the public. One
tape shall be placed into an envelope (or reusable document storage container
suitable for the same purpose), provided by the election superintendent along with
"poll worker" memory cards from the ballot scanner.”
Kevin Moncla letter to the Georgia State Election Board
December 18, 2023
Page 9
“You can’t change what you refuse to confront.” Unknown

The same encompasses approximately sixty percent of all ballots cast for Fulton County’s 2020
General Election - and thus forms the fraudulent and hollow basis for certification of the official

This is a very serious matter that requires immediate investigation. The rules cited herein were
promulgated and codified by this body- the Georgia State Election Board. The records are Fulton
County’s and certified by the Fulton County Custodian of Records. The violations are material
and incontrovertible. Failure to properly investigate this complaint is an act of gross

The investigators are undeniably also confused as they are acting against prima facie violations of
the Board’s own rules. Your inaction, Mr. Mashburn, is allowing it.

As is the case here, you are permitting the Secretary of State’s office to dismiss complaints
administratively without the Board’s review. It is not under the Secretary of State’s jurisdiction to
dismiss complaints as the legislature has vested the State Election Board with the duty to
investigate (O.C.G.A. § 21-2-31 (2022)).

I hereby officially resubmit the same complaint to the SEB and due to the Board’s failure to
investigate this very serious matter and have concealed the disposition of the case for more than a
year and a half, I am seeking emergency expedited review. Please provide written confirmation
that SEB2022-024 will be investigated and do so by December 19, 2023.


Further reasons for my confusion lie in correspondence from the SEB which provided
notice that two of our complaints are on the agenda for the December 19, 2023, meeting. One is
SEB 2023-025 (the “Moncla-Rossi Complaint” of July 8, 2022) which the Governor’s staff
thankfully reviewed and referred to the SEB, for which the letter states a violation was found,13
and the other is SEB 2022-348, for which no violation was found.14

First, it is not the job of the SOS’s investigator to make such a determination (again), and
the State Election Board has not delegated its authority to investigators to “find” a violation or
resolve a complaint. The job of the investigator is to investigate and report to the Board. The
Board can then consider the evidence generated, weigh the written submissions, and give the
parties an opportunity to be heard. The Board can then deliver a finding which the parties are
satisfied with or can appeal. Due process considerations protect the accused; the right of the
citizens to petition their government for redress of grievances protect the accusing party- the

Attached hereto as “Exhibit I-1”.
Attached hereto as “Exhibit J-1”.
Kevin Moncla letter to the Georgia State Election Board
December 18, 2023
Page 10
“You can’t change what you refuse to confront.” Unknown

In addition to the inherit importance of a credible complaint detailing a determinative

quantity of illegitimate votes, there are specific incidents at issue in the Moncla-Rossi complaint
that are of interest and may be relevant to the cases of those recently indicted under criminal RICO
charges. This is an important issue, and I would encourage you and the Board to take this matter
more seriously, not only because of the conflict of interest in the Secretary of State investigating
itself, but also because the Secretary of State’s investigators have repeatedly shown themselves
unwilling or incapable of even understanding the complaints.

Finally, I’d like to address the directive included in the letters, which states:

“Only the respondent, as the party who is accused of a violation, is entitled to be

heard on the allegations. The respondent, as the party accused and any witnesses
that the respondent might call, but no other party or parties, will be afforded the
opportunity to offer input for the Board to consider in determining whether a
violation was committed and the disposition of the matter.”

For the Board to prohibit an opportunity for the complainants to respond is antithetical to the
principles of transparency, accountability, the adversarial process, and the rule of law. The Board
must adopt a policy and procedure that strikes a balance between efficiency and equity, because
silencing the people just won’t do.

For these reasons and that the disposition of these matters by this Board may very well influence
the weight attributed to the evidence by the trial court, and because the very liberties of those
charged could be at stake, I hereby formally request a special exception to the unacceptable policy
defined above and ask that complainants be afforded time (at least one hour with additional time
to answer questions from the Board) for the next scheduled SEB meeting to present information
and evidence in response to the report of the investigators for SEB-2023-025, SEB-2022-348, and
SEB-2022-042. I ask that SEB-2022-348 be continued accordingly. As we have stated -- and as
the Board has experienced -- we confidently stand behind the complaints we have submitted and
welcome the challenges posed by the adversarial process.

Lastly, we understand that the Board has not had a budget (until recently) and was “reliant”
upon the Secretary of State’s investigators, but this is why we have performed the investigations,
spent the resources, invested the time and delivered to you meticulously documented evidence and
sourced, cited complaints that need little more than verification.

You have asked for facts, Mr. Mashburn, well, we have given you the facts. We’ve given you the
facts, records, evidence and explanation, all of which you have continuously ignored, avoided and
thwarted- or allowed the SOS’s office to dismiss. Allow me to be charitable- given your propensity
to deny that which we have put before you, reject the credible complaints we have submitted
without investigation, and to portray that the 2020 General Election was somehow acceptable, is
nothing short of willful misconduct.
Kevin Moncla letter to the Georgia State Election Board
December 18, 2023
Page 11
“You can’t change what you refuse to confront.” Unknown

Allow us to stand before the Board and present the facts. Then, Mr. Mashburn, you can enlighten
us in a public forum, and help relieve the state of confusion from which so many of us seem to

Very truly yours,

Kevin Moncla

cc: Kurt Olsen, Esq.

Georgia State Legislature

General Media – For Immediate Release

Mr. Kevin M. Moncla
824 Lake Grove Drive
Little Elm, TX 75068
Email: [email protected]

October 20, 2023

Georgia State Election Board Dr. Jan Johnston

2 MLK Jr. Drive [email protected]
Suite 802 Floyd West Tower
Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Mrs. Sara Tindall Ghazal
(please distribute ) [email protected]

Mr. Matt Mashburn Mr. Edward Lindsey

[email protected] [email protected]

Ex officio:
Mr. Brad Raffensperger
Secretary of State
214 State Capitol
Atlanta, Georgia 30334

Re: Official Complaint Detailing Faults of the 2020 Fulton County Recount

Dear Board Members:

As you know, I have submitted ten complaints to the State Election Board (the
“Board” or “SEB”) over the past two years, some with Joe Rossi, some with David Cross, and
some alone.1 I hope you appreciate the complaints have been rigorously researched, detailed,
and supported by documentation. Each one shows – at the very least – probable cause to show
multiple and repeated violations of Georgia law. These complaints at least deserve a detailed
investigation and explanation of why I and my fellow complainants are wrong. We are happy
to be corrected. So far, not a single complaint has been seriously investigated by the Board.
Mr. Mashburn, is this what you were referring to when you stated that “…every complaint is
treated with the same respect.”? I hasten to correct you, but the proper term in this context is

I understand that the Board cannot properly investigate because it does not have the
necessary funding. I understand that the Board relies on investigators from the Secretary of
State. That, of course, is obviously a severely deficient process – many of these complaints

The previous complaints may be found at the addresses listed on Annex A to this letter (links to my uploads on Only one of these complaints was assigned a “case number” for investigation. While Chairman
William Duffey expressed interest in these complaints, we had to send him the complaint five (5) times before he
responded, and then he responded with a specious explanation from an unidentified “technician” from Dominion
Voting Systems. We provided declarations from three election machine experts to refute that specious explanation
but have heard nothing further. See expert declarations included in reference to Complaint Number 9 on Annex A.
Letter to State Election Board
October 20, 2023
Page 2

show wrongdoing, gross negligence, or incompetence by the Secretary of State, its officers,
and the counties that it is charged with supervising. It is not a shock to understand that the
Secretary of State is not going to investigate itself. Further, we understand that when the
Board “refers” a matter to the Attorney General for “investigation” (as was done, for example
with Case No. 2021-181 on March 16, 2022), the Attorney General’s office has no
investigators to investigate, and simply is used to delay action on the referral. (In the case of
2021-181, which showed 4,583 non-existent Biden votes had been falsely added to the total
vote count in Fulton County, the Attorney General reverted with a meaningless consent decree
after 15 months – a consent decree which was not even read by the Board before it was
approved. How is that consistent with your duties to the citizens of Georgia, much less to a
person seeking that the law be followed?

In the instant Complaint (our Complaint Number 11), we provide a small ballot-level
analysis (with pictures) which demonstrates, once again, that Americans have no reason to
trust – and every reason to question – Georgia’s disgraceful election system. The ballots
referenced in this complaint should never have been counted, and while the number is small
(only 5), the fact that even one exists shows a massive breakdown in processes in the 2020
election that allowed ballots from one county to be processed and counted in another county.
This is another serious complaint, and we hope that you take your duties to investigate
seriously. See O.C.G.A. 21-2-31.


By comparing ballot images and data from the original November 3, 2020, machine
count of the votes in that election (hereinafter “Original Count”) and those of the machine
recount which commenced on November 24, 2020 (the “Recount”), we identified significant
and obvious irregularities.

For purposes of this Complaint, please note that we identified five (5) Dekalb County
ballots which were included and counted in Fulton County’s Original Count2, Hand
Count/Audit, which began on November 13, 2020 (the “Hand Count Audit”), and the
Recount.3 An impossible succession of multiple failures would have to precipitate a ballot
from one Georgia county to be counted in a different county, much less five ballots -- for five
different precincts and three separate counts.

A true and correct copy of each of the Dekalb County ballot images counted and included in the Fulton County
2020 General Election results is attached hereto as “Exhibit A”. Each ballot can also be viewed at the
corresponding links below:
A true and correct copy of each of the ballot images of the same ballots described above as scanned, imaged, and
counted again for the Recount is attached hereto as “Exhibit B”.
Letter to State Election Board
October 20, 2023
Page 3

We can identify at least the following failures by Fulton County and, for its failure to
provide oversight to the obvious errors, the Secretary of State:

1. Ballot envelope barcode scan for voter credit. Upon receipt of absentee ballots,
Fulton County scans the envelope barcode which is unique to the voter who
requested the ballot and marks the voter as having voted. Please investigate how an
absentee ballot from Dekalb County could be processed by barcode without anyone
spotting these obvious errors.

2. Voter Signature Verification – Signature verification is performed using a

comparison of the signatures on file with the county verifying the signature, based
on the ballot application or the original registration. How could Fulton County
have properly verified signatures from voters not resident in Fulton County?4

3. Scanning Ballot Definition – The Dominion Voting Machine tabulators only read
ballot styles for which they are programmed - and Fulton County’s tabulators are
only programmed to read Fulton County ballots. The Dekalb ballots were each of a
different ballot style and for different precincts, of a different county. How were
these ballots read by multiple Fulton County tabulators? (All five ballots were
scanned independently on different tabulators.)

4. Adjudication – Three (3) of the five (5) Dekalb ballots survived the adjudication
process, and each was processed by a different adjudication panel. How could
these ballots have survived the adjudication process? Could the persons who
adjudicated these ballots be investigated? It seems appropriate to at least ask the
question, even if, as we stated above, the Board has no real investigatory powers.

5. Hand Count Audit - The Dekalb County ballots also survived the Hand-
Count/Audit and were undetected. These same ballots appear again in the Recount
after not being flagged in the Hand-Count Audit. Who conducted the Hand Count?
What explanation exists for not spotting a Dekalb County ballot in a Fulton County
Hand Count?

6. Machine Recount- The Recount marks the third count and opportunity to catch and
correct the included foreign ballots, and marks yet another failure. How were the
Dekalb County ballots scanned and counted once again? Again, all the scanning
was done on different tabulators.

This may be an easy investigation. We know from the affidavit of Mr. Mark Wingate, a member of the Fulton
County Board of Elections (attached), that County officials told him that they had not conducted any signature
verification, in violation of O.C.G.A. 21-2-386. Of course, while this has been apparent for some time, the Board
still approved a slap-on-the-wrist settlement agreement with Fulton County in June without any public disclosure of
the erroneous hand count results or correction of the public record.
Letter to State Election Board
October 20, 2023
Page 4

The implications of the five ballots at issue in this complaint are indicative of a much
larger problem that is of grave concern. This is not one incompetent volunteer asleep at the
switch, but the systems and processes in place to protect the integrity of the election seem to
have failed at every step and through three different counts.

Furthermore, there is no way that the tabulators should have been able to read these
ballots (for either machine count) and there is no way they could have been read accurately.
There is no way the signatures of voters from another county were verified, nor could those
voters have received credit for voting.

This begs the question – and requires an investigation -- what voters were these ballots
attributed to and how? Is a corresponding voter even necessary?

Based on my understanding of what Georgia purports to claims as its “secure” election

systems, there is no suitable, theoretical, or even remotely plausible explanation for all
systems, protocols, and procedures to have failed for each of these ballots, over three separate
“counts” – which the Secretary of State claimed showed no errors. There is no excuse, but
unless you can answer these questions in an investigation, there is one conclusion -- Georgia’s
election system has completely and astoundingly failed. This is not an isolated “anomaly”, but
rather widespread, multiple-layered, successive failure only possible through intentional
system manipulation and/or malfeasance.

Please report the results of your investigation, hopefully before the next election. It
seems that the citizens of Georgia and the United States have waited long enough to have a
real investigation into the 2020 election and all the anomalous activity we have identified in
our complaints. If you choose not to investigate, as you have in the past, this will simply be
further evidence of a gross dereliction of duty; we reserve all rights to use any legal means
necessary to prevent continued failure of enforcement and oversight.

Please call me with any questions or comments, as I stand behind our work, but I
would prefer communication in writing. It is important to document yet another failure by the
State Election Board, which will supplement the extensive record for the inevitable next steps.
Thank you.

Very truly yours,

Kevin Moncla
cc: Kurt Olsen, Esq.
Annex A
Previous Complaints Filed with State Election Board

Complaint/Reference Date Filed Status/Disposition

1. Uncertified Early Voting Poll Tapes Complaint March 10, 2022 No response after initial filing
No reply to requests for an
Georgia law requires tabulator poll tapes from update submitted to the
every tabulator to be signed by the poll manager Board and each board
and witnessed by two others certifying that the member,
results are true and correct. All early voting No Case No. assigned to
tabulator tapes, representing some 315,000 ballots, date (19 months)
are unsigned and uncertified.

Unsigned Tabulator Tapes Complaint Final 2 |

2. Early Voting Tabulator Protocols Complaint March 28, 2022 No response after initial filing
No reply to requests for an
At the end of early voting, tabulator security seals update sub
were cut and the memory cards were removed in mitted to each board
violation of Georgia law. On Election Day, those member,
memory cards were inserted into surrogate No Case No. assigned to
tabulators, the polls were closed and poll tapes date (19 months)
printed. This produced fraudulent poll tapes with
the serial number and protective counter of a
different tabulator and effectively masked the serial
and protective counter from the machine which
scanned the ballots.

Tabulator memory cards were removed and

replaced during the course of early voting- and
for reasons other than capacity. The
replacement memory cards were not tested for
Logic & Accuracy, nor were they
checked/verified to start with a “zero” count.
Fulton County essentially violated nearly all
Rules and Regulations in this section governing
Advance Voting, reconciliation, tabulation,
closing the polls, etc.

Fulton County Early Voting Complaint | PDF


Complaint/Reference Date Filed Status/Disposition
3. Uncertified Election Day Poll Tapes April 3, 2022 No response after initial filing
Complaint No reply to requests for an
update submitted to the
Georgia law requires tabulator poll tapes to be Board and each board
signed by the poll manager and witnessed by two member,
others certifying that the results are true and No Case No. assigned to
correct. Fifty-nine (59) Fulton County Election Day date (18 months)
tabulator tapes, representing 6,429 ballots are
unsigned and uncertified. Net 4,583 votes for
Biden in the presidential election that should not
have been counted (the “Biden Shift”).

Uncertified Election Day Poll Tapes Complaint |

PDF | Image Scanner | Government (

4. Supplemental Addendum to Ballot Scanner April 15, 2022 No response after initial filing
Protocol Complaint No reply to requests for an
update submitted to each
Supplement to the complaint above added to refute board member,
public comments of Georgia officials who claimed No Case No. assigned to date
that they were forced to redistribute early voting (18 months)
tabulators for Election Day due to insufficient
tabulator inventory. This shows that Fulton County
did in fact have the number of tabulators necessary
for both early voting and election day voting.

5. 2022 Primary Election Recertification No response after initial filing

Complaint; June 6, 2022 No reply to requests for an
update submitted to each
Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections board member,
held a meeting in which they recertified the 2022 No Case No. assigned to
Primary Election results – without the exact results. date (16 months)

6. Complaint regarding Irregularities

Discovered in Hand Recount: July 8, 2022 Assigned Case No. 2023-025
 17,852 votes counted with no ballot after 8-month delay.
images/ballots (net 9,071 Biden Shift) Investigator continues to put
 3,125 duplicate ballots counted (net 182 forward specious
Biden Shift)5 explanations; no official
 20,713 votes recorded on unknown investigation; no review of
tabulators ballots; no explanation of
Moncla and Rossi Complaint | PDF | Elections (No explanation after 15
| Science (

We note that Complaints numbered 4 and 6 above show a “Biden Shift” of 13,836 votes – that is, a net positive of
votes more than the net positive for Trump of 13,836 – the “margin of error” in Fulton County alone exceeds the
“margin of victory” for Biden in the State of Georgia, contrary to the statements of Secretary of State Raffensperger
to President Donald J. Trump on January 3, 2021. Secretary Raffensperger was in possession of all of this
information on that date.

Complaint/Reference Date Filed Status/Disposition
7. EAC / Pro V&V Expired Accreditation September 12, 2022 No response after initial filing
Complaint No reply to requests for an
update submitted to each
Pro V&V’s accreditation from the EAC as a board member,
Voting System Testing Lab (VSTL) was expired No Case No. assigned to
date (13 months)
since 2017, and was not renewed nor remedied
for two (2) two-year cycles. Moreover, Pro V&V
tested Georgia’s Democracy Suite 5.5A for EAC
certification and were not accredited at the time.

Kevin M. Moncla David Cross | PDF (

8. Verified Notice & Demand for Emergency October 11, 2022 No response after initial filing
Review No reply to requests for an
update submitted to each
Anomalies discovered in nearly all (~64 of 66) board member,
counties for which we were able to acquire the No Case No. assigned to
date (13 months)
necessary tabulator system log files.

Moncla Cross Demand Emergency Review 10-11-

2022 SM | PDF | Democracy | Political Ideologies
9. Complaint Regarding Fatal Flaws in November 4, 2022 No reply to requests for an
Georgia's Voting System update submitted to each
board member,
Complainant’s reply and resubmission in No Case No. assigned to
response to Chairman Duffey’s nonsensical date (12 months_
response to the complaint above. This includes
the Declaration of three (3) systems experts.

SEB Complaint - Cross - and - Moncla - 20221104

FINAL | PDF | Qr Code | Image Scanner

10. Official Complaint Regarding Disabled Ballot November 7, 2022 No response after initial filing
Authentication No reply to requests for an
update submitted to each
The Infra-Red (“IR”) ballot paper authentication board member,
system was disabled across the state of Georgia No Case No. assigned to
for the 2020 General Election and again for the date (12 months)
2022 Primary election. Counties continued to
order/purchase the premium Vote Secure paper.

SEB Complaint - Cross and Moncla - 20221107 -

IR - Final | PDF | Bankruptcy | Bankruptcy In The
United States (

Fulton County Superior Court
Date: 7/27/2023 5:58 PM
Che Alexander, Clerk





Case No. 2023CV382174



COMES NOW Attorney David Oles, Attorney for Plaintiff, and hereby gives

notice that he is filing the following:



Respectfully submitted this 27th day of July, 2023.

/s/ David E. Oles, Sr.

David Edward Oles, Sr., Esq.
Georgia Bar No. 551544
5755 North Point Parkway
Suite 25
Alpharetta, GA 30022
(770) 753-9995
(877) 207-3883 (fax)
[email protected]

Notice of Filing
Page | 1



Case No. 2023CV382174



I hereby certify that I have this day electronically filed and served NOTICE OF

FILING using the Odyssey e-File GA system, which automatically sends email

notification of such filing to all attorneys of record, and which constitutes effective

service upon all attorneys of record, including:

Kaye Woodard Burwell

[email protected]
Office of the Fulton County Attorney
141 Pryor Street, S.W.
Suite 4038
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

THIS 27th day of July, 2023.

/s/ David E. Oles, Sr.

David Edward Oles, Sr., Esq.
Georgia Bar No. 551544
Notice of Filing
Page | 2
5755 North Point Parkway
Suite 25
Alpharetta, Georgia 30022
(770) 753-9995

Notice of Filing
Page | 3

ATLANTA 30334-0900



November 17, 2021


The following inconsistencies were initially discovered by Joe Rossi through comparisons
of the Fulton County vote counts included in the document titled “Detailed Audit Report
with Results from all Batch Sheets (Excel)” (“Detailed Audit Report”) and the ballot
images obtained by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution Open Records Request (“Ballot
Images”). Mr. Rossi’s analysis (“Rossi Count”) and the review conducted by the Office of
the Governor (“Internal Count”) were performed by manually counting the Ballot Images
for Fulton County. The Ballot Images only include absentee ballots.

Ballot Images obtained by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution Open Records Request are
available at the link below:

The Detailed Audit Report (audit-report-November-3-2020-General-Election-2020-11-

19) is available at the link below:

Within the Detailed Audit Report and Mr. Rossi’s analysis, ballot scanners were referred
to as Scanners 1 through 5. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution referred to the same
scanners as Tabulator 5150 (Scanner 1), Tabulator 5160 (Scanner 2), Tabulator 5162
(Scanner 3), Tabulator 5164 (Scanner 4), and Tabulator 0729 (Scanner 5).

References to “Row XXXXX” refer to the row number listed on the Detailed Audit Report.

As used in the batch entries in the Detailed Audit Report, “I W/I” means “Invalid Write-
In Vote”, “V W/U” means “Valid Write-In Vote”, and “B/U” means “Blank Vote or

The batch entries on Row 19492 and Row 19493 are each identified as “AbsenteeScanner3Batch111” yet
report different vote counts. One of these entries appears to be misidentified.

Additionally, Row 18786, identified as “AbsenteeScanner1Batch111,” reports an identical vote count as

Row 19493. One of these entries appears to be duplicated.

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19492: AbsenteeScanner3Batch111
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
8 90 0 0 0 0 0
Row 19493: AbsenteeScanner3Batch111
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
4 95 1 0 0 0 0
Row 18786: AbsenteeScanner1Batch111
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
8 90 0 0 0 0 0
Rossi Count:
Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 111
• Count not provided by Mr. Rossi.
Absentee Scanner 1 (Tabulator 05150), Batch 111
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
9 90 0 2
Internal Count:
Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 111
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
5 94 1 0
Absentee Scanner 1 (Tabulator 05150), Batch 111
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
9 90 0 2

Page 2 of 40

The batch entry on Row 18840, identified as “AbsenteeScanner1Batch18,” reports an identical vote count
as the batch entry on Row 20288, identified as “Scanner 1/18.” One of these entries appears to be

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 18840: AbsenteeScanner1Batch18
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
26 72 1 0 0 0 0
Row 20288: Scanner 1/18
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
26 72 1 0 0 0 0
Rossi Count: Absentee Scanner 1 (Tabulator 05150), Batch 18
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
26 72 0 0
Internal Count: Absentee Scanner 1 (Tabulator 05150), Batch 18
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
26 72 1 0

Page 3 of 40

The batch entry on Row 18911, identified as “AbsenteeScanner1Batch 25,” nearly matches the same vote
count reported by the batch entry on Row 20296, identified as “Scanner 1 /25.” The lone exception being
that Row 20296 reports an additional valid write-in vote. One of these entries appears to be duplicated.

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 18911: AbsenteeScanner1Batch 25
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
21 77 0 0 0 1 0
Row 20296: Scanner 1 /25
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
21 77 0 0 1 1 0
Rossi Count: Absentee Scanner 1 (Tabulator 05150), Batch 25
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
21 77 0 2
Internal Count: Absentee Scanner 1 (Tabulator 05150), Batch 25
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
21 77 0 2

Page 4 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19120, identified as “AbsenteeScanner2Batch19,” reports all 100 votes for Biden.
The batch entry on Row 19131, identified as “AbsenteeScanner2Batch20,” reports all 100 votes for Biden.
The batch entry on Row 19142, identified as “AbsenteeScanner2Batch21,” reports all 150 votes for Biden.

The Ballot Images corresponding to Batches 19, 20, and 21, of Absentee Scanner 2 (Tabulator 05160)
do not reflect unanimous vote counts for one candidate.

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19120: AbsenteeScanner2Batch19
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
0 100 0 0 0 0 0
Row 19131: AbsenteeScanner2Batch20
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
0 100 0 0 0 0 0
Row 19142: AbsenteeScanner2Batch21
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
0 150 0 0 0 0 0
Rossi Count:
Absentee Scanner 2 (Tabulator 05160), Batch 19
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
10 87 1 1
Absentee Scanner 2 (Tabulator 05160), Batch 20
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
25 74 1 0
Absentee Scanner 2 (Tabulator 05160), Batch 21
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
8 97 1 0

Internal Count provided on next page.

Page 5 of 40
Internal Count:
Absentee Scanner 2 (Tabulator 05160), Batch 19
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
10 87 2 0
Absentee Scanner 2 (Tabulator 05160), Batch 20
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
25 74 1 0
Absentee Scanner 2 (Tabulator 05160), Batch 21
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
8 97 1 0

Page 6 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19153, identified as “AbsenteeScanner2Batch22,” reports all 200 votes for Biden.

The Ballot Images corresponding to Batch 22 of Absentee Scanner 2 (Tabulator 05160) do not reflect a
unanimous vote count for one candidate.

Detailed Audit Report: Row 19153: AbsenteeScanner2Batch22

Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
0 200 0 0 0 0 0
Rossi Count: Absentee Scanner 2 (Tabulator 05160), Batch 22
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
12 85 3 0
Internal Count: Absentee Scanner 2 (Tabulator 05160), Batch 22
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
12 85 2 1

Page 7 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19165 is identified as “AbsenteeScanner2Batch237.” The batch entry on Row
20308 is identified as “scanner2/237.” Each of these entries report different vote counts. One of these
entries appears to be misidentified.

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19165: AbsenteeScanner2Batch237
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
25 74 0 0 0 0 0
Row 20308: scanner2/237
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
3 95 0 0 1 1 2
Rossi Count: Absentee Scanner 2 (Tabulator 05160), Batch 237
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
4 93 2 0
Internal Count: Absentee Scanner 2 (Tabulator 05160), Batch 237
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
4 93 2 0

Page 8 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19166, identified as “AbsenteeScanner2Batch238,” reports an identical vote
count as the batch entry on Row 19587, identified as “AbsenteeScanner3Batch238.” One of these entries
appears to be duplicated.

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19166: AbsenteeScanner2Batch238
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
22 59 0 0 0 0 0
Row 19587: AbsenteeScanner3Batch238
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
22 59 0 0 0 0 0
Rossi Count:
Absentee Scanner 2 (Tabulator 05160), Batch 238
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
25 74 0 0
Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 238
• No count was provided by Mr. Rossi.
Internal Count:
Absentee Scanner 2 (Tabulator 05160), Batch 238

Trump Biden Jorgensen Other

25 74 0 0
Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 238
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
23 57 1 0

Page 9 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19167 is identified as “AbsenteeScanner2Batch240.” The batch entry on Row
19168 is identified as “AbsenteeScanner2Batch 240.” Each of these entries report different vote counts.
One of these entries appears to be misidentified.

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19167: AbsenteeScanner2Batch240
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
10 90 0 0 0 0 0
Row 19168: AbsenteeScanner2Batch 240
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
31 62 1 0 0 0 0
Rossi Count: Absentee Scanner 2 (Tabulator 05160), Batch 240
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
31 62 1 2
Internal Count: Absentee Scanner 2 (Tabulator 05160), Batch 240
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
31 62 1 2

Page 10 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19169 is identified as “AbsenteeScanner2Batch241.” The batch entry on Row
19170 is identified as “AbsenteeScanner2Batch 241.” Each of these entries report different vote counts.
One of these entries appears to be misidentified.

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19169: AbsenteeScanner2Batch241
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
34 63 0 0 0 1 0
Row 19170: AbsenteeScanner2Batch 241
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
11 88 1 0 0 0 0
Rossi Count: Absentee Scanner 2 (Tabulator 05160), Batch 241
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
11 88 1 2
Internal Count: Absentee Scanner 2 (Tabulator 05160), Batch 241
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
11 88 1 2

Page 11 of 40

The vote count reported by the batch entry on Row 19172, identified as “AbsenteeScanner2Batch243,”
does not match the vote count of the corresponding Ballot Images. The vote count reported by the batch
entry on Row 19174, identified as “AbsenteeScanner2Batch244-249” (which appears to report the vote
counts of six separate batches), also does not match the vote count of the corresponding Ballot Images.

However, when the corresponding Ballot Images of Row 19172 are considered in addition to the
corresponding Ballot Images of Row 19174, the aggregate vote count of the Ballot Images matches the
vote count reported by Row 19174 in the Detailed Audit Report. Accordingly, Row 19172 appears to be

Additionally, Row 19173, identified as “AbsenteeScanner2batch244-249,” nearly matches the same vote
count reported by the batch entry on Row 19174. The entry appears to be duplicated. Of note, Row 19173
reports “Election Day” ballots, as opposed to “Absentee By Mail” ballots.

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19172: AbsenteeScanner2Batch243
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
7 90 1 0 0 1 0
Row 19173: AbsenteeScanner2batch244-249
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
110 556 7 0 0 2 1
Row 19174: AbsenteeScanner2Batch244-249
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
110 556 7 0 3 2 1
Rossi Count: Absentee Scanner 2 (Tabulator 05160), Batches 244-249
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
110 564 7 8
Internal Count: Absentee Scanner 2 (Tabulator 05160), Batches 243 and 244-249
Batch Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
243 21 73 2 2
244 9 88 1 1
245 21 79 0 0
246 4 93 1 0
247 9 93 0 1
248 34 60 1 2
249 12 80 2 0
Totals 110 566 7 6

Page 12 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19219 is identified as “AbsenteeScanner2Batch297.” The batch entry on Row
19220 is identified as “AbsenteeScanner2Batch 297.” Each of these entries report different vote counts.
One of these entries appears to be misidentified.

Additionally, Row 18951, identified as “AbsenteeScanner1Batch297,” reflects an identical vote count as

Row 19219. One of these entries appears to be duplicated.

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19219: AbsenteeScanner2Batch297
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
42 56 1 0 0 0 0
Row 19220: AbsenteeScanner2Batch 297
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
27 71 0 0 0 0 0
Row 18951: AbsenteeScanner1Batch297
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
42 56 1 0 0 0 0
Rossi Count:
Absentee Scanner 2 (Tabulator 05160), Batch 297
• Count not provided by Mr. Rossi.

Absentee Scanner 1 (Tabulator 05150), Batch 297

Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
42 56 1 0
Internal Count:
Absentee Scanner 2 (Tabulator 05160), Batch 297
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
27 71 1 0
Absentee Scanner 1 (Tabulator 05150), Batch 297
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
42 56 1 1

Page 13 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19323 is identified as “AbsenteeScanner2Batch400.” The batch entry on 20252 is
identified as “sc 2- 400.” Each of these entries report different vote counts. One of these entries appears
to be misidentified.

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19323: AbsenteeScanner2Batch400
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
6 92 0 0 0 0 0
Row 20252: sc 2- 400
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
36 60 1 0 0 3 0
Rossi Count: Absentee Scanner 2 (Tabulator 05160), Batch 400

Trump Biden Jorgensen Other

36 60 0 0
Internal Count: Absentee Scanner 2 (Tabulator 05160), Batch 400

Trump Biden Jorgensen Other

36 60 1 3

Page 14 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19482, identified as “AbsenteeScanner3Batch1,” reports an identical vote count
as the batch entry on Row 20317, identified as “Scanner 3/1.” One of these entries appears to be

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19482: AbsenteeScanner3Batch1
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
42 55 2 0 0 0 1
Row 20317: Scanner 3/1
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
42 55 2 0 0 0 1
Rossi Count: Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 1
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
44 55 2 0
Internal Count provided on the next page.
Internal Count: Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 1
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
44 55 2 0

Page 15 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19524 is identified as “Absentee Scanner 3 Batch 158.” The batch entry on Row
20332 is identified as “scanner 3 /158.” Each of these entries report different vote counts. One of these
entries appears to be misidentified.

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19524: Absentee Scanner 3 Batch 158
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
30 68 1 0 0 1 0
Row 20332: scanner 3 /158
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
3 99 0 0 0 0 0
Rossi Count: Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 158
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
30 68 2 0
Internal Count: Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 158
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
30 68 1 1

Page 16 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19535, identified as “AbsenteeScanner3Batch174- 178,” reports an identical vote
count as the batch entry on Row 19537, identified as “AbsenteeScanner3BatchBatch 177.” The batch
entry on Row 19356, identified as “AbsenteeScanner3Batch175-176,” nearly matches the vote counts
reported in Row 19535 and Row 19537 with the lone exception being that Row 19536 reports two
additional blank/undervotes. One or more of these entries appears to be duplicated.

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19535: AbsenteeScanner3Batch174- 178
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
96 392 0 0 0 0 0
Row 19536: AbsenteeScanner3Batch175-176
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
96 392 0 0 0 2 0
Row 19537: AbsenteeScanner3Batch177
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
96 392 0 0 0 0 0
Rossi Count:
Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162) Batches 174-178

Trump Biden Jorgensen Other

96 392 6 1
Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batches 175-176

Trump Biden Jorgensen Other

57 137 1 0
Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 177
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
9 89 1 0
Internal Count: Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batches 174-178
Batch Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
174 22 75 1 1
175 26 67 0 1
176 31 70 0 0
177 9 89 0 1
178 8 91 2 1
Totals 96 392 3 4

Page 17 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19538, identified as “AbsenteeScanner3Batch18,” reports an identical vote count
as the batch entry on Row 20336, identified as “scanner 3/18.” One of these entries appears to be

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19538: AbsenteeScanner3Batch18
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
1 79 0 0 0 0 0
Row 20336: scanner 3/18
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
1 79 0 0 0 0 0
Rossi Count: Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 18
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
2 78 0 0
Internal Count: Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 18
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
2 77 0 1

Page 18 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19560, identified as “AbsenteeScanner3Batch21,” reports an identical vote count
as the batch entry on Row 20344, identified as “scanner 3/21.” One of these entries appears to be

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19560: AbsenteeScanner3Batch21
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
24 74 0 0 0 0 0
Row 20344: scanner 3/21
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
24 74 0 0 0 0 0
Rossi Count: Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 21
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
25 75 0 2
Internal Count: Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 21
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
25 73 0 2

Page 19 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19563, identified as “AbsenteeScanner3Batch212,” reports an identical vote
count as the batch entry on Row 20345, identified as “SCANNER- 3/212.” One of these entries appears to
be duplicated.

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19563: AbsenteeScanner3Batch212
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
11 86 1 0 0 0 0
Row 20345: SCANNER- 3/212
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
11 86 1 0 0 0 0
Rossi Count: Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 212
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
11 86 1 1
Internal Count: Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 212
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
11 86 1 1

Page 20 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19589, identified as “AbsenteeScanner3Batch24,” reports an identical vote count
as the batch entry on Row 20349, identified as “scanner 3/24.” One of these entries appears to be

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19589: AbsenteeScanner3Batch24
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
5 92 0 0 0 0 0
Row 20349: scanner 3/24

Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O

5 92 0 0 0 0 0
Rossi Count: Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 24
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
5 92 0 0
Internal Count: Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 24
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
5 92 0 0

Page 21 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19625 is identified as “AbsenteeScanner3Batch3.” The batch entry on Row 19626
is identified as “AbsenteeScanner3 Batch3.” Each of these entries report different vote counts. One of
these entries appears to be misidentified.

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19625: AbsenteeScanner3Batch3
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
2 85 2 0 0 0 0
Row 19626: AbsenteeScanner3 Batch3
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
24 56 1 0 0 1 0
Rossi Count: Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 3
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
4 84 2 0
Internal Count: Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 3
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
3 84 2 1

Page 22 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19647 is identified as “AbsenteeScanner3Batch 320.” The batch entry on Row
20353 is identified as “scanner 3/320.” Though the entries report different vote counts, the difference is
slight with Row 19647 reporting five additional votes for Trump and five less votes for Biden. One of these
entries appears to be misidentified or duplicated.

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19647: AbsenteeScanner3Batch 320
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
35 64 0 0 0 0 0
Row 20353: scanner 3/320
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
30 69 0 0 0 0 0
Rossi Count: Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 320
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
30 70 0 0
Internal Count: Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 320
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
30 70 0 0

Page 23 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19659, identified as “AbsenteeScanner3Batch339-346,” appears to report the
vote counts of eight separate batches. The batch entry on Row 20264 is identified as “sc 3 (339),” a batch
that would appear to be included in the vote count of Row 19659. The batch entry on Row 20265 is
identified as “sc 3 (340),” a batch that would appear to be included in the vote count of Row 19659.

When considering the corresponding Ballot Images, Row 20264 and Row 20265 appear to be

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19659: AbsenteeScanner3Batch339-346
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
143 625 10 0 0 3 0
Row 20264: sc 3 (339)
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
76 214 6 0 0 1 0
Row 20265: sc 3 (340)
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
6 72 1 0 0 2 0
Rossi Count:
Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batches 339-346
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
146 619 10 0
Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 339
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
34 64 1 0
Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 340
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
4 95 0 0

Internal Count provided on next page.

Page 24 of 40
Internal Count: Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batches 339-346
Batch Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
339 34 64 1 1
340 4 96 0 0
341 5 94 1 0
342 19 82 0 0
343 6 69 2 2
344 45 54 1 2
345 16 79 4 1
346 16 83 1 0
Totals 145 621 10 6

Page 25 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19676, identified as “AbsenteeScanner3Batch 368,” nearly matches the same
vote count reported by the batch entry on Row 19677, identified as “Absentee Scanner 3 Batch 368.” The
lone exception being that Row 19677 reports an additional vote for Jorgensen. One of these entries
appears to be duplicated.

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19676: AbsenteeScanner3Batch 368
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
4 93 0 0 1 0 0
Row 19677: Absentee Scanner 3 Batch 368
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
4 93 1 0 1 0 0
Rossi Count: Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 368
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
4 93 0 1
Internal Count: Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 368
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
3 92 0 3

Page 26 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19678 is identified as “AbsenteeScanner3Batch369.” The batch entry on Row
19679 is identified as “Absentee Scanner 3 Batch 369.” Though the entries report different vote counts,
the difference is slight with Row 19678 reporting four additional votes for Trump and Row 19679 reporting
one additional vote for Jorgensen. One of these entries appears to be misidentified or duplicated.

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19678: AbsenteeScanner3Batch369
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
12 88 0 0 0 0 0
Row 19679: Absentee Scanner 3 Batch 369
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
8 88 1 0 0 0 0
Rossi Count: Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 369
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
8 88 1 0
Internal Count: Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 369
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
8 88 0 2

Page 27 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19744 is identified as “AbsenteeScanner3Batch89.” The batch entry on Row
19745 is identified as “Absentee Scanner 3 Batch 89.” Each of these entries report different vote counts.
One of these entries appears to be misidentified.

Additionally, the batch entry on Row 19745 reports 76 votes for Trump, 22 votes for Biden, 1 vote for
Jorgensen, and 2 overvotes. The Ballot Images corresponding to Batch 89 of Absentee Scanner 3
(Tabulator 05162) show 22 votes for Trump, 76 votes for Biden, 1 vote for Jorgensen, and 2 other votes.
It appears that the votes for Trump and Biden were misallocated.

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19744: AbsenteeScanner3Batch89
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
27 71 2 0 0 0 0
Row 19745: Absentee Scanner 3 Batch 89
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
76 22 1 0 0 0 2
Rossi Count: Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 89
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
22 76 1 2
Internal Count: Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 89
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
22 76 1 2

Page 28 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19748, identified as “Absentee Scanner 3 Batch 91-97,” appears to report the
vote counts of seven separate batches. The batch entry on Row 19747 is identified as
“AbsenteeScanner3Batch91,” a batch that would appear to be included in the vote count of Row 19748.

When considering the corresponding Ballot Images, Row 19747 appears to be misidentified.

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19748: Absentee Scanner 3 Batch 91-97
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
128 558 6 0 0 1 0
Row 19747: AbsenteeScanner3Batch91

Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O

2 98 1 0 0 1 0
Rossi Count: Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 01562), Batches 91-97
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
128 561 6 1
Internal Count: Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 01562), Batches 91-97
Batch Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
91 28 70 2 0
92 2 97 2 0
93 5 90 2 0
94 36 64 0 0
95 3 96 0 0
96 24 77 0 1
97 30 66 2 3
Totals 128 560 6 4

Page 29 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19810, identified as “AbsenteeScanner4Batch36,” reports all 100 votes for Biden.
The batch entry on Row 19811, identified as “AbsenteeScanner4Batch37,” reports all 100 votes for Biden.

The Ballot Images corresponding to Batches 36 and 37 of Absentee Scanner 4 (Tabulator 05164) do not
reflect unanimous vote counts for one candidate.

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19810: AbsenteeScanner4Batch36
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
0 100 0 0 0 0 0
Row 19811: AbsenteeScanner4Batch37
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
0 100 0 0 0 0 0
Rossi Count:
Absentee Scanner 4 (Tabulator 05164), Batch 36

Trump Biden Jorgensen Other

23 78 4 0
Absentee Scanner 4 (Tabulator 05164), Batch 37

Trump Biden Jorgensen Other

40 60 0 0
Internal Count:
Absentee Scanner 4 (Tabulator 05164), Batch 36
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
23 78 2 2
Absentee Scanner 4 (Tabulator 05164), Batch 37
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
40 60 0 0

Page 30 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19814, identified as “AbsenteeScanner4Batch40,” reports an identical vote count
as the batch entry on Row 19815, identified as “AbsenteeScanner 4Batch40.” One of these entries
appears to be duplicated.

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19814: AbsenteeScanner4Batch40
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
2 95 0 0 0 0 0
Row 19815: AbsenteeScanner 4Batch40
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
2 95 0 0 0 0 0
Rossi Count:
• No count was provided by Mr. Rossi.
Internal Count: Absentee Scanner (Tabulator 05164), Batch 40
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
2 97 0 0

Page 31 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19862, identified as “AbsenteeScanner4Batch99-108,” appears to report the vote
counts of ten separate batches. The batch entry on Row 19753 is identified as “AbsenteeScanner4Batch
107,” a batch that would appear to be included in the vote count of Row 19862.

When considering the corresponding Ballot Images, Row 19747 appears to be misidentified.

Additionally, the batch entry on Row 19862 reports an identical vote count as the batch entry on Row
20006, identified as “Etris Community Ctr.” Despite the distinct identifications, one of the entries
appears to be duplicated.

Of note, the batch type of Row 20006 is also identified as “Advance” ballots as opposed to “Absentee By
Mail” ballots. These ballots could not be reviewed as only Absentee By Mail ballot images were provided
in the related open records request.

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19862: AbsenteeScanner4Batch99-108

Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O

166 745 12 0 0 15 0
Row 19753: AbsenteeScanner4Batch107
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
8 90 1 0 0 0 0

Row 20006: Etris Community Ctr.

Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
166 745 12 0 0 15 0
Rossi Count: Absentee Scanner 4 (Tabulator 05164), Batches 99-108
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
166 747 22 7

Internal Count provided on next page.

Page 32 of 40
Internal Count: Absentee Scanner 4 (Tabulator 05164), Batches 99-108
Batch Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
99 16 74 3 4
100 9 84 2 2
101 43 51 3 0
102 17 75 3 2
103 43 52 1 0
104 12 83 2 2
105 8 87 2 1
106 7 67 2 0
107 3 93 3 0
108 8 81 1 2
Totals 166 747 22 13

Page 33 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19873, identified as “AbsenteeScanner5Batch15-20,21,24.25,” appears to report

the vote counts of nine separate batches. The batch entry on Row 19874 is identified as
“AbsenteeScanner5Batch17 -Military.” Row 19874 appears to be misidentified or a duplicated report of
the vote count reported in Row 19873.

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19873: AbsenteeScanner5Batch15-20,21,24.25
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
149 752 14 0 4 2 1
Row 19874: AbsenteeScanner5Batch17-Military
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
7 17 0 0 0 0 0
Rossi Count:
• No count was provided by Mr. Rossi.

Internal Count: Absentee Scanner 5 (Tabulator 00729), Batches 15-20, 21, 24, 25

Batch Trump Biden Jorgensen Other

15 27 72 2 0
16 5 93 0 1
17 11 85 3 0
18 23 73 2 1
19 28 64 4 3
20 28 71 0 1
21 5 105 0 0
24 21 76 0 1
25 23 92 4 0
Totals 171 731 15 7

Page 34 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19875, identified as “AbsenteeScanner5Batch1 – Military,” reports all 950 votes
for Biden. The batch entry on Row 19879, identified as “AbsenteeScanner5Batch2-Military,” reports all
130 votes for Trump.

The Ballot Images corresponding to Batches 1 and 2 of Absentee Scanner 5 (Tabulator 00729) do not
reflect unanimous vote counts for one candidate.

Row 19875: AbsenteeScanner5Batch1 – Military

Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
0 950 0 0 0 0 0
Row 19876: AbsenteeScanner5Batch2-Military
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
130 0 0 0 0 0 0

Rossi Count:
Absentee Scanner 5 (Tabulator 00729), Batch 1
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
6 92 2 0
Absentee Scanner 5 (Tabulator 00729), Batch 2
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
5 94 0 1
Internal Count:
Absentee Scanner 5 (Tabulator 00729), Batch 1
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
6 92 1 1
Absentee Scanner 5 (Tabulator 00729), Batch 2
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
5 94 0 1

Page 35 of 40

The batch entry on Row 20385, identified as “scanner 5/55-67-71-75,” appears to report the vote counts
of 4 separate batches. The batch entry on Row 19895 is identified as “AbsenteeScanner5Batch55,” a batch
that would appear to be included in the vote count of Row 20385. The batch entry on Row 19902 is
identified as “AbsenteeScanner5Batch67,” a batch that would appear to be included in the vote count of
Row 20385.

When considering the corresponding Ballot Images, Row 19895 appears to be duplicated (as its vote
count was included in the vote count of Row 20385) and Row 19902 appears to be misidentified.

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 20385: scanner 5/55-67-71-75
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
74 217 2 3 0 2 0
Row 19895: AbsenteeScanner5Batch55
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
10 72 2 0 0 0 0
Row 19902: AbsenteeScanner5Batch67
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
2 94 1 0 0 0 0
Rossi Count:
Absentee Scanner 5 (Tabulator 00729), Batches 55, 67, 71, 55
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
97 277 5 6
Absentee Scanner 5 (Tabulator 00729), Batch 55
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
10 73 2 1
Absentee Scanner 5 (Tabulator 00729), Batch 67

Trump Biden Jorgensen Other

18 77 1 3
Internal Count: Absentee Scanner 5 (Tabulator 00729), Batches 55, 67, 71, 75
Batch Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
55 10 73 2 1
67 18 77 1 3
71 28 70 1 1
75 41 57 1 1
Totals 71 277 5 6

Page 36 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19909 is identified as “AbsenteeScanner5Batch92.” The batch entry on Row
19910 is identified as “AbsenteeScanner5Batch92Military.” Each of these entries reports different vote
counts. One of these entries appears to be misidentified.

Additionally, the Ballot Images corresponding to Batch 92 of Absentee Scanner 5 (Tabulator 00729) do
not correlate to the vote counts reported by Row 19909 or Row 19910.

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19909: AbsenteeScanner5Batch92

Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O

45 46 1 0 0 0 0
Row 19910: AbsenteeScanner5Batch92Military
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
37 178 2 0 0 0 0
Rossi Count: Absentee Scanner 5 (Tabulator 00729), Batch 92
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
23 92 2 0
Internal Count: Absentee Scanner 5 (Tabulator 00729), Batch 92
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
23 92 2 0

Page 37 of 40

The batch entry on Row 19911, identified as “AbsenteeScanner5Batch95,” reports an identical vote count
as the batch entry on Row 20397, identified as “scanner 5/94.” Despite the distinct identifications, one
of the entries appears to be duplicated.

Additionally, the Ballot Images corresponding to Batches 94 and 95 of Absentee Scanner 5 (Tabulator
00729) do not correlate to the vote counts reported by Row 19911 and 20397. These entries also appear
to be misidentified.

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 19911: AbsenteeScanner5Batch95
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
19 102 1 0 0 1 0
Row 20397: scanner 5/94
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
19 102 1 0 0 1 0
Rossi Count:
Absentee Scanner 5 (Tabulator 00729), Batch 95
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
27 42 3 1
Absentee Scanner 5 (Tabulator 00729), Batch 94

Trump Biden Jorgensen Other

16 60 0 0
Internal Count:
Absentee Scanner 5 (Tabulator 00729), Batch 95
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
27 42 3 1
Absentee Scanner 5 (Tabulator 00729), Batch 94
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
16 60 1 1

Page 38 of 40

The batch entry on Row 20277 is identified as “SCAN 1-97.” The batch entry on Row 20303 is identified as
“scanner 1/97.” Each of these entries report different vote counts. Additionally, the Ballot Images
corresponding to Batch 97 of Absentee Scanner 1 do not correlate to either Row 20277 or Row 20303.
These entries appear to be misidentified.

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 20277: SCAN 1-97
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
31 74 3 0 0 0 0
Row 20303: scanner 1/97

Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O

43 45 1 0 0 0 0
Rossi Count: Absentee Scanner 1 (Tabulator 05150), Batch 97
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
41 55 1 0
Internal Count: Absentee Scanner 1 (Tabulator 05150), Batch 97
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
41 55 1 0

Page 39 of 40

The batch entry on Row 20361, identified as “scanner 3/66,” reports zero votes for Trump, 77 votes for
Biden, 23 votes for Jorgensen, and zero other votes. The Ballot Images corresponding to Batch 66 of
Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162) show 23 votes for Trump, 77 votes for Biden, and zero other votes.
It appears that 23 votes in Row 20361 were misallocated from Trump to Jorgensen.

Detailed Audit Report:

Row 20361: scanner 3/66
Trump Biden Jorgensen I W/I V W/I B/U O
0 77 23 0 0 0 0
Rossi Count: Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator 05162), Batch 66
Trump Biden Jorgensen Other
23 77 0 0
Internal Count: Absentee Scanner 3 (Tabulator (05162), Batch 66

Trump Biden Jorgensen Other

23 77 0 0

Page 40 of 40

Dear: Kevin M. Moncla

RE: SEB2023-025

As a courtesy, you are hereby informed that a matter regarding which you provided information
to the State Election Board is on the agenda for the Board’s meeting to be held on December 19, 2023, at
8:30 A.M. The meeting will take place at the Georgia State Capitol, Room 341. You are not required to
attend but are welcome to attend if you wish.

Only the respondent, as the party who is accused of a violation, is entitled to be heard on the
allegations. The respondent, as the party accused, but no other party or parties will be afforded the
opportunity to offer input for the Board to consider in determining whether a violation was committed and
the disposition of the matter.

The matter involves allegations that were investigated by experienced investigators. During the
investigation, the investigators considered facts initially supplied when the matter was opened and any
other relevant information obtained and developed regarding the allegations. The investigators have
prepared for the Board’s exclusive use a written report which is provided to each of the Board Members
to review and study prior to the meeting. The report contains, where appropriate, an evaluation whether
the respondent(s) violated either state election law or State Election Board rules. At the Board meeting,
investigators will present to the Board the findings of their investigation. The Board will make its own
independent determination whether there was or was not a violation.

The Board has separated complaints that will be heard at the meeting into two groups: those in
which investigators found a violation and those in which they did not. This matter is in the violation
found category. The Board has sole discretion to determine if a violation occurred and, if so, how a matter
will be resolved. If the Board finds that there has been no violation, the complaint will be dismissed. If
the Board determines that there has been a violation, the Board has several options including but not
limited to referring the matter to the Attorney General and/or a District Attorney or issuing a Letter of

The Board thanks you for your participation in our electoral process and in its ongoing quest for
open, accessible, fair, transparent and trustworthy elections.


The Georgia State Election Board

2 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, SE Suite 802 West Tower Atlanta, GA 30334 470-312-2715

Dear: Kevin M. Moncla

RE: SEB2022-348

As a courtesy, you are hereby informed that a matter regarding which you provided information
to the State Election Board is on the agenda for the Board’s meeting to be held on December 19, 2023, at
8:30 A.M. The meeting will take place at the Georgia State Capitol, Room 341. You are not required to
attend but are welcome to attend if you wish.

Only the respondent, as the party who is accused of a violation, is entitled to be heard on the
allegations. The respondent, as the party accused and any witnesses that the respondent might call, but no
other party or parties, will be afforded the opportunity to offer input for the Board to consider in
determining whether a violation was committed and the disposition of the matter.

The matter involves allegations that were investigated by experienced investigators. During the
investigation, the investigators considered facts initially supplied when the matter was opened and any
other relevant information obtained and developed regarding the allegations. The investigators have
prepared for the Board’s exclusive use a written report which is provided to each of the Board Members
to review and study prior to the meeting. The report contains, where appropriate, an evaluation whether
the respondent(s) violated either state election law or State Election Board rules. At the Board meeting,
investigators will present to the Board the findings of their investigation. The Board will make its own
independent determination whether there was or was not a violation.

The Board has separated matters to be heard at the meeting into two groups: those in which
investigators found a violation and those in which they did not. This matter is in the no violation category.
The Board has sole discretion to determine if a violation occurred and, if so, how a matter will be
resolved. If the Board finds that there has been no violation, the complaint will be dismissed.

The Board thanks you for your participation in our electoral process and in its ongoing quest for
open, accessible, fair, transparent and trustworthy elections.


The Georgia State Election Board

2 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, SE Suite 802 West Tower Atlanta, GA 30334 470-312-2715

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