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Approved by OMB (Office of Management and Budget) 3060-0027

September 2014

(REFERENCE COPY - Not for submission)

New Low Power FM Station Construction Permit Application
File Number: 0000232861 Submit Date: 12/14/2023 Lead Call Sign: NEW Facility ID: 784733

FRN: 0034492496
Service: Low Power FM Purpose: Construction Permit Status: Pending Status Date: 12/14/2023 Filing Status:

General Section Question Response

Attachments Are attachments (other than associated schedules) being Yes
filed with this application?

Fees, Waivers, Section Question Response

and Exemptions
Waivers Does this filing request a waiver of the Commission's rule Yes

Total number of rule sections involved in this waiver request: 1

Applicant Applicant Name, Type, and Contact Information

Applicant Address Phone Email Applicant Type

Action Jackson Kenneth Stokes +1 (601) 352-3362 [email protected] NFP

820 Cooper Road
Suite 6512
Jackson, MS 39212
United States

Contact Contact Name Address Phone Email Contact Type

Information (3)
Charles A Hecht Charles A Hecht +1 (732) 577- [email protected] Technical
Engineering Consultant 19 Mackenzie Ct 0711 Representative
Charles A Hecht & Freehold, NJ 07728
Associates, Inc. United States

Allan G Moskowitz , Esq. ALLAN G MOSKOWITZ +1 (301) 908- amoskowitz@amoskowitzlaw. Legal

. PO Box 10845 4165 com Representative
Allan G. Moskowitz, Esq. MD 20878
United States

Frederick Sanders Frederick Sanders +1 (601) 316- [email protected] Technical

Technical Consultant 126 East Sowell Rd. 9785 Representative
Sanders Engineering Canton, MS 39046
United States

Parties to the Party Name Address Phone Email Positional Interest

Application (4)
Keisha Stokes - 1327Central Ave +1 (601) 352- Positional Interest:
Hough Jackson, MS 39204 3362 com Officer
Sec/Treas United States Citizenship:
United States
Percentage of Votes:
Percentage of Total

Keith Stokes 160 Alta Woods +1 (601) 352- Positional Interest:
Vice-President Boulevard 3362 com Officer
Action Jackson Jackson, MS 29204 Citizenship:
United States United States
Percentage of Votes:
Percentage of Total

Kenneth Stokes 2338 Morton Ave. +1 (601) 352- Positional Interest:
President Jackson, MS 39213 3362 com Officer
Action Jackson United States Citizenship:
United States
Percentage of Votes:
Percentage of Total

John Williams 1117 Cooper Road Apt +1 (601) 352- Positional Interest:
Vice-President 101 3362 com Officer
Action Jackson Jackson, MS 39212 Citizenship:
United States United States
Percentage of Votes:
Percentage of Total

Attributable Section Question Response

Equity and Financial Applicant certifies that equity and financial interests not Yes
Interests listed in the Parties to the Application section are non-
attributable pursuant to the notes to 47 C.F.R. Section

Alien Ownership Question Response

1) Is the applicant a foreign government or the representative of any foreign government as specified in No
Section 310(a) of the Communications Act?

2) Is the applicant an alien or the representative of an alien? (Section 310(b)(1)) No

3) Is the applicant a corporation, or non-corporate entity, that is organized under the laws of any foreign No
government? (Section 310(b)(2))

4) Is the applicant an entity of which more than one-fifth of the capital stock, or other equity or voting interest, No
is owned of record or voted by aliens or their representatives or by a foreign government or representative
thereof or by any entity organized under the laws of a foreign country? (Section 310(b)(3))
5) Is the applicant directly or indirectly controlled by any other entity of which more than one-fourth of the No
capital stock, or other equity or voting interest, is owned of record or voted by aliens, their representatives,
or by a foreign government or representative thereof, or by any entity organized under the laws of a foreign
country? (Section 310(b)(4))

6) Has the applicant received a declaratory ruling(s) under Section 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act? No

6a) Enter the citation of the applicable declaratory ruling by DA/FCC number or the FCC Record citation,
release date, or any other identifying information.

7) Has there been any change in the applicant's foreign ownership since issuance of the declaratory ruling(s)
cited in response to Question 6?

7a) Enter the File or Docket Number of the Petition for Declaratory Ruling that the applicant has filed for its
foreign ownership in connection with this application pursuant to Section 310(b)(4) of the Communications

8) Does the applicant certify that it is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the foreign ownership
declaratory ruling(s) cited in response to Question 6?

9) In connection with this application, is the applicant filing a foreign ownership Petition for Declaratory Ruling No
pursuant to Section 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act?

Legal Section Question Response

Eligibility Certifications The applicant certifies that it is a: Nonprofit educational

If the answer is "Yes" and the applicant is submitting

multiple applications, is this application the "priority"
application? See Creation of a Low Power Radio Service,
Memorandum Opinion and Order on Reconsideration, 15
FCC Rcd 19208, 19239-40, 79-80, paras. 79-80 (2000).

Community-Based Criteria Applicants must certify that they are local to be eligible for LPFM authorizations. An
applicant must select "yes" to at least one of the certifications below to be eligible for an
LPFM license. The applicant certifies that:

It is a nonprofit educational institution or organization that is Yes

physically headquartered or has a campus within 16.1
kilometers (10 miles), if applicant is in the top 50 urban
markets, or 32.1 kilometers (20 miles) if applicant is outside
the top 50 urban markets, of the proposed transmitting
antenna site set forth in this application

It is a nonprofit educational institution or organization that Yes

has 75 percent of its board members residing within 16.1
kilometers (10 miles), if applicant is in the top 50 urban
markets, or 32.1 kilometers (20 miles) if applicant is outside
the top 50 urban markets, of the proposed transmitting
antenna site set forth in this application

It is a Tribe and its Tribal Lands, as that term is defined in No

Section 73.7000 of the Commission's rules, are within the
service area of the proposed LPFM station; or it is a Tribal
organization owned or controlled by a Tribe (or Tribes) and
such Tribe's (or Tribes') Tribal Lands, as that term is defined
in Section 73.7000 of the Commission's rules, are within the
service area of the proposed LPFM station. See 47 C.F.R.
Sections 73.853(c) and 73.7000.

It proposes a public safety radio service and has jurisdiction No

within the service area of the proposed LPFM station.

Ownership The applicant certifies that:

no party to this application has an attributable interest in any Yes

low power FM broadcast station
No party to this application has an attributable interest in Yes
any non-LPFM broadcast station, including any full power
AM or FM station, FM translator station, full or low power
television station, or any other media subject to the
Commission's broadcast ownership restrictions

No party to this application has pending an application for a Yes

low power FM, full power AM or FM station, FM translator
station, or full or low power television station;

The applicant is in compliance with the Commission's Yes

policies relating to media interests of immediate family
members; and

The applicant is in compliance with the Commission's Yes

policies relating to investor insulation and the non-
participation of non-party investors and creditors.

Character Issues Applicant certifies that neither the applicant nor any party to Yes
the application has or had any interest in, or connection

(a) any broadcast application in any proceeding where

character issues were left unresolved or were
resolved adversely against the applicant or party to
the application; or

(b) any pending broadcast application in which

character issues have been raised.

Adverse Findings Applicant certifies that, with respect to the applicant and any Yes
party to the application, no adverse finding has been made,
nor has an adverse final action been taken by any court or
administrative body in a civil or criminal proceeding brought
under the provisions of any laws related to any of the
following: any felony; mass media-related antitrust or unfair
competition; fraudulent statements to another governmental
unit; or discrimination.

Unlicensed Operation The applicant certifies, under penalty of perjury, that neither Yes
the applicant nor any party to the application has engaged
in any manner, individually or with other persons, groups,
organizations, or other entities, in the unlicensed operation
of any station in violation of Section 301 of the
Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.
Section 301.

Point System New station and major change LPFM applicants must complete the following questions. Point system factors are used only for
Factors selection among mutually exclusive applications for new LPFM stations and major modifications of authorized LPFM stations.
Mutually exclusive applicants will be awarded one point for each of the following:

Section Question Response

Established Community The applicant certifies that it is a: N/A


Local Program Origination The applicant pledges to originate locally at least eight Yes
hours of programming per day.

Main Studio The applicant pledges to maintain a publicly accessible Yes

main studio that has local program origination capability, is
reachable by telephone, is staffed at least 20 hours per
week between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m., and is located within
16.1 kilometers (10 miles) of the proposed site for the
transmitting antenna for applicants in the top 50 urban
markets and 32.1 kilometers (20 miles) for applicants
outside the top 50 urban markets.
An applicant claiming a point under the main studio criterion 2505 Martin Luther King
must provide the proposed address and telephone number Jr. Drive
for the main studio.

Address Line 1:

Address Line 1:

City: Jackson

State: MS

Zip Code: 39203

Phone: 6017155965

Local Program Origination The applicant certifies that it qualifies for a point under both Yes
and Main Studio the local program origination and the main studio criteria.

Diversity of Ownership The applicant certifies that neither it nor any party to the Yes
application holds an attributable interest in any other
broadcast station.

Tribes or Tribal The applicant certifies it is a Tribe proposing to locate its No

Organizations transmitting antenna site on its Tribal Lands, or a Tribal
organization proposing to locate its transmitting antenna site
on the Tribal Lands of the Tribe or Tribes that own or control
more than 51 percent of the organization.

Involuntary Time-Share Information

New station and major change applicants must complete the following questions.

This information will be used only for selection among mutually exclusive applications for the new LPFM stations and major
modification of authorized LPFM stations and only in the event that two or more applications are tied after the point system
analysis. See 47 C.F.R. Section 73.872

Section Question Response

Established Community Provide the date on which the applicant qualified as local. 06/17/2022
Presence See 47 C.F.R. Section 73.853(b).

Applicant certifies that it has remained local at all times Yes

since this date.

Channel and Section Question Response

Information Proposed Community of State Mississippi
City Jackson

Channel 219

Frequency 91.7

Antenna Section Question Response

Location Data
Antenna Structure Do you have an FCC Antenna Structure Registration (ASR) No
Registration Number?

ASR Number

Coordinates (NAD83) Latitude 32° 17' 55.0" N+

Longitude 090° 11' 06.0" W-

Structure Type BPOLE-Building with POLE

/ANTENNA on top
Overall Structure Height 32.0 meters

Support Structure Height 24.4 meters

Ground Elevation (AMSL) 83.8 meters

Antenna Data Height of Radiation Center Above Ground Level Horizontal:30.4 meters
Vertical:30.4 meters

Height of Radiation Center Above Mean Sea Level Horizontal:114.200005

meters Vertical:
114.200005 meters

Minimum Effective Radiated Power Horizontal: 50.0 W

Vertical: 50.0 W

Maximum Effective Radiated Power Horizontal: 100.0 W

Vertical: 100.0 W

Antenna Section Question Response

Technical Data
Antenna Type Antenna Type Non-Directional

Directional Antenna Relative Field Value

Degree Value Degree Value Degree Value Degree Value

Additional Azimuths

Degree Value

Technical Section Question Response

Environmental Effect Would a Commission grant of Authorization for this location No
be an action which may have a significant environmental
effect? (See 47 C.F.R. Section 1.1306)

Interference Does the applicant certify that the proposed facility complies Yes
with the engineering requirements of 47 CFR Section 73.807
(a) through (g), and 73.825?

Reasonable Site Assurance Applicant certifies that it has reasonable assurance in good Yes
faith that the site or proposed structure at the location of its
transmitting antenna will be available to the applicant for the
applicant’s intended purpose.

If reasonable assurance is not based on applicant’s Yes

ownership of the proposed site or structure, applicant
certifies that it has obtained such reasonable assurance by
contacting the owner or person possessing control of the
site or structure.

Name of the person contacted Larry Stamps

Phone number of the person contacted 6013544747

Person contacted is Authorized Representative

Certification Section Question Response

General Certification The Applicant waives any claim to the use of any particular
Statements frequency or of the electromagnetic spectrum as against the
regulatory power of the United States because of the
previous use of the same, whether by authorization or
otherwise, and requests an Authorization in accordance
with this application (See Section 304 of the
Communications Act of 1934, as amended.).

The Applicant certifies that neither the Applicant nor any

other party to the application is subject to a denial of
Federal benefits pursuant to §5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse
Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 862, because of a conviction for
possession or distribution of a controlled substance. This
certification does not apply to applications filed in services
exempted under §1.2002(c) of the rules, 47 CFR . See §1.
2002(b) of the rules, 47 CFR § 1.2002(b), for the definition
of "party to the application" as used in this certification §
1.2002(c). The Applicant certifies that all statements made
in this application and in the exhibits, attachments, or
documents incorporated by reference are material, are part
of this application, and are true, complete, correct, and
made in good faith.


Upon grant of this application, the Authorization Holder may
be subject to certain construction or coverage requirements.
Failure to meet the construction or coverage requirements
will result in automatic cancellation of the Authorization.
Consult appropriate FCC regulations to determine the
construction or coverage requirements that apply to the type
of Authorization requested in this application.
AND/OR IMPRISONMENT (U.S. Code, Title 18, §1001)
AUTHORIZATION (U.S. Code, Title 47, §312(a)(1)), AND
/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Title 47, §503).

I declare, under penalty of perjury, that I am an authorized Kenneth Stokes

representative of the above-named applicant for the President
Authorization(s) specified above.

Attachments File Name Uploaded By Attachment Type Description Upload Status

Action Jackson - Educational Applicant Legal Action Jackson Done with Virus Scan
Objectives.pdf Certifications Educational Objective and/or Conversion

Action Jackson Waiver Applicant Fees, Waivers Waiver Request Done with Virus Scan
Request.pdf and Exemptions and/or Conversion

JACKSON LP100 INT.pdf Applicant Technical INTERFERENCE Done with Virus Scan
Certifications CALCULATIONS and/or Conversion

JACKSON LP100 INT TXT.docx Applicant Technical SECTION 73.1204(D) Done with Virus Scan
Certifications WAIVER REQUEST and/or Conversion

Mississippi Secretary of State - Applicant Legal Mississippi Sec. of State Done with Virus Scan
Action Jackson.pdf Certifications Exhibit and/or Conversion

NICOM BKG 77 SINGLE.pdf Applicant Technical MANUFACTURER'S Done with Virus Scan
Certifications ANTENNA DATA and/or Conversion

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