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Q1. Make the Hour hand and minute hand in the below clocks based on the given time.

12 a.m. 3p.m.

Q2. Mention the time drawn on the clock.

Q3. Sheena starts reading at 5:15 p.m. She finishes reading 25 minutes later. Draw the time on
the clock that shows the time when Sarah finishes reading?

Q4. Liana bought the following things: 2 flower bouquets each for Rs. 15.25, a doll for Rs. 22.50,
a book for Rs. 23.00 and a notebook for Rs. 20.00.
a) Find her total expenditure.

Statement Rs. P

Ans: ____________ ___________

b) If she gave a Rs. 100 note to the shopkeeper, what amount was returned to her?

Statement Rs. P

Ans: ____________ ___________

Q5. Meena and Reena went to market to buy some vegetables. Meena bought vegetables worth
Rs. 85 and Reena bought vegetables worth Rs. 73. How much they spent all together.

Statement Rs. P
Ans: ____________ ___________



1) Three friends wanted to buy a cricket bat and ball. Bina had Rs 48.50, Raman had Rs 55.50 and
Venu had Rs 38.00. How much money did they have in all?

2) The cost of a biscuit packet is Rs 25 and ghee is Rs 102 costlier than biscuit. Calculate how
much you need to pay for 1 kg ghee?

3) It is 2:00 p.m. now. What will be the time after 3 hours?

4) Fill in the blanks: -

a) The hour hand takes _____ to complete one hour.
b) The minutes hand moves _____ times round the clock in one day.
c) _____hand moves fastest in a clock.

5) Letter H has __________________lines of symmetry.

6) Write down the number of faces, edges and vertices of the following:
a. cuboid
b. cylinder
c. sphere

7) A square has __________________ lines of symmetry.

8) Write ‘true’ or ‘false’ for each statement:

a. A square has 4 sides and 4 vertices.
b. All the edges of a cuboid are equal.
c. All the edges of a cube are not equal.
d. A circle has a centre and a circumference
e. Only one line can pass through a point.
f. The diameter of a circle is double the length of its radius.

9) What number should be subtracted from 139 such that it divisible by 17?

10) 54 students are standing in 6 rows. How many students are there in each row?
11) Find the sum of the two differences, 3230 – 2390 and 4172 – 3152.

12) A bookseller sells 875 books per day in the month of July. How many books will he be able to
sell in 25 days of July?

13) Find the area and perimeter of the following rectangles whose dimensions are:

(a) length = 17 m breadth = 13 m

14) The sum of two numbers is 9456. One of the numbers is 4905. Find the other number.

15) Draw the line of symmetry in the given shape.

16) The total cost of 5 chocolates is Rs 60. Find the cost of 12 chocolates ?

17) A car travels 900 km in 6 hours. How far does it travel in 4 hours ?

18) If 5 notebooks cost Rs 400. How much will half a dozen similar notebooks cost ?

19) Karan bought a book for Rs 135.65. He gave Rs 200 to the shopkeeper. How much money
did he get back from the shopkeeper ?

20) A diameter divides a circle into two _______________.

21) A dice is an example of a __________________ .

22) A cuboid has _________ edges, 8 vertices and 6 faces.

23) The radius of a circle is 5 cm, what is its diameter _____________ .

24) 252 + ______________ = 479 + 252

25) The sum of three numbers is 9300. If two of them are 2500 and 2300, find the third number.

26) Add 4 hrs 50 min. and 3 hrs 25 min.

27)125 seconds is equal to ___________ minutes and __________ seconds.

28) Write the difference between the place value and the face value of 2 in 6293 ___________

29) Jia is 7 years old and Sia, her sister is 3 years old. Jia’s cousin brother Sam is twice the age
of Jia and Sia. How old is Sam ?

30) How much is 10 times 5 less than 6 times 9 ?

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