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Online Resources

Access landmark case laws as part of the online resources. These

case studies will give you an in-depth understanding of the laws.
The case studies included are:

1. Marbury vs Madison

2. Gibbons vs Ogden

3. Corwin v. KKR Fin. Holdings LLC

4. Boilermakers Local 154 Ret. Fund v. Chevron Corp.

5. Lieberman v. Ltd. Liab. Co.

6. GreenHunter Energy, Inc. v. W. Ecosystems Tech., Inc.

7. Boechler, P.C. v. Comm’r,

8. Liebeck v. McDonald’s Restaurants 1995

9. United States v. Carroll Towing Co.

10. Encino Motorcars, LLC v. Navarro

11. Genesis Healthcare v. Symczyk

12. TransUnion LLC v. Ramirez

13. Salzberg v. Sciabacucchi

14. Walters v Morgan (1861) 3 De Gex, Fisher & Jones 718; 45

ER 1056.

15. Bartenwerfer v. Buckley

16. Marrama v. Citizens Bank

17. State St. Bank & Tr. Co. v. Signature Fin. Grp.

18. Quanta Comput., Inc. v. LG Elecs., Inc.

To access the case studies, follow the steps below:

1. Go to

2. Click on the ‘Online Resources’ option on the Home Page

3. Login by entering your account details (or create an

account if you don’t have one)

4. Go to the Self-Learning Management series section and

click on the ‘Business Law Essentials You Always Wanted
To Know’ link and access the templates.

Happy self-learning!



A simple, comprehensive, and useful guide about the laws that impact
businesses in the US

Business Law Essentials
You Always Wanted To Know
First Edition

© 2023, By Vibrant Publishers, USA. All rights reserved. No part of this publication
may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database
or retrieval system, without the prior permission of the publisher.

Paperback ISBN 10: 1-63651-170-8

Paperback ISBN 13: 978-1-63651-170-2

Ebook ISBN 10: 1-63651-171-6

Ebook ISBN 13: 978-1-63651-171-9

Hardback ISBN 10: 1-63651-172-4

Hardback ISBN 13: 978-1-63651-172-6

Library of Congress Control Number: 2023935585

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*Also available in Hardback & Ebook formats
About the Author
Komal Shah has worked for over 20 years
in the domains of corporate law and
corporate governance in various in-house
roles. After qualifying her law and company
secretaryship in India, Komal led the initial
public offering of India Infoline Limited as
its company secretary and compliance
officer. Later, she moved to Dublin, Ireland,
where she worked in various roles in the corporate governance
function with a carbon credits trader called EcoSecurities (where
she was managing the compliance for subsidiary entities located
in 19 countries of the globe, including the United States) and BFSI
entities such as DEPFA Bank, Citibank, and Northern Trust. After
moving back to India, she headed and scaled the content function
at LawSikho, a legal ed-tech company providing high-quality
legal learning courses. She curated and created courses in
international law and particularly US law based courses in this
function. She was elevated to the position of a Co-founder for her
contribution. Currently, she leads the business legal clinic for
LawSikho where she helps early-stage startups with their
contracts and compliance, while at the same time enabling
students of LawSikho to work and develop hands-on expertise in
international contract drafting and compliance-related work. She
has helped numerous startups located in India, US, UAE,
Singapore, Australia and other countries with respect to their
contracts, entity formation in the US, flipping, acquisitions,
corporate structuring and investment transactions.
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Table of Contents
1 Legal System in the United States 1
1.1 Different Types of Legal Systems and the Legal System
Prevalent in the United States 2
1.2 The US Constitution and How It Impacts the
Legal System 3
1.3 Federal and State Laws 5
1.4 The Hierarchy of Courts in the United States 6
1.5 Commercial Laws: Uniform Commercial Code and other
Uniform Codes 10
1.6 Are There Any Laws Relating to Ethics and Social
Responsibility in the United States? 14
Quiz 18
Chapter Summary 22

2 Forms of Business Organizations and How to Choose

the Right Form 23
2.1 Unregistered Forms of Business: Sole Proprietorships and
Partnerships 24
2.2 Registered or Incorporated Forms of Businesses 27
2.3 Professions and the Forms of Business Used By
Professionals 33
2.4 Factors Affecting the Choice of An Appropriate Business
Form 35
Quiz 39
Chapter Summary 43

3 How to Form Business Entities and Leading States for

Formation 45
3.1 States Which Are Preferred For Registration or
Incorporation of Entities 46
3.2 What is the Role of the Secretary of State in the Formation
of Companies? 49
3.3 How Are Limited Liability Companies Formed? 50
3.4 How to Incorporate Business Corporations? 51
3.5 How Are Limited Partnerships Formed? 53
Quiz 54
Chapter Summary 58

4 Basic Taxation Regime and Tax Registrations Required 59

4.1 Difference Between Direct and Indirect Taxes 60
4.2 Direct Taxes Prevalent in the United States 60
4.3 Indirect Taxes Prevalent in the United States 66
4.4 Which Types of Taxes Are Imposed at a Federal
Level? 68
4.5 Which Types of Taxes Are Imposed at a State Level? 68
4.6 What Are the Important Registrations Required for
Businesses Under the Tax Laws in the United States? 70
Quiz 73
Chapter Summary 77

5 Employment Law, Social Security, and Other Benefits

Systems 79
5.1 An Overview of the Employment Laws in the United
States 80
5.2 Discrimination and the Role of the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission 85
5.3 Laws Relating to Hiring Foreign Workers 86
5.4 Laws Relating to Social Security 88
5.5 Employee Incentive Schemes and How These Are
Used By Companies 89
Quiz 94
Chapter Summary 98

6 Contract Law and Enforcement of Contracts 99

6.1 Essential Elements of a Valid Contract 100
6.2 Contracts Provided for in the Uniform Commercial
Code 104
6.3 Contracts Provided for Under Common Law in the
United States 107
6.4 E-contracts 108
6.5 Contract Law Provisions Related to Payments 110
6.6 Impact of Laws Relating to Banking Systems and
Electronic Financial Transactions on Contracts 112
6.7 Breach and Enforcement of Contracts 113
Quiz 115
Chapter Summary 119

7 Intellectual Property Law and Intellectual Property

Registrations 121
7.1 Intellectual Properties Recognized by US Laws 123
7.2 What Can Be Registered as a Trademark and What Are
the Benefits of Registering Trademarks? 127
7.3 What Are the Things You Can Get a Patent for in the US
and What Are the Rights Associated With a Patent? 129
7.4 What Rights Are Included Within a Copyright According
to US Laws? 130
7.5 What Does the Digital Millennium Copyright Act
Provide For? 131
7.6 What is the Role of the United States Patents and
Trademarks Office in Ensuring Intellectual Property
Protection? 132
7.7 Registration of Intellectual Properties 133
Quiz 136
Chapter Summary 140

8 Data Protection and Privacy Laws 143

8.1 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of
1996 (HIPAA) 146
8.2 Fair Credit Reporting Act 149
8.3 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA) 152
8.4 Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) 153
8.5 Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act or Financial Services
Modernization Act 155
8.6 Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) 157
8.7 Video Privacy Protection Act (VPPA) 159
8.8 State Laws Relating to Data Protection and Privacy 160
Quiz 165
Chapter Summary 169

9 Real Estate Laws 171

9.1 Federal Laws Relating to Real Estate 172
9.2 Fair Housing Act 173
9.3 State Laws Relating to Real Estate 174
Quiz 182
Chapter Summary 186

10 Tort Laws 189

10.1 What Are Tort Laws and What Kind of Remedies
Do Tort Laws Provide? 190
10.2 What Are the Tort Laws Prevalent in the
United States? 191
10.3 What Is the Difference Between Negligence and
Intentional Torts? 192
10.4 Torts Giving Rise to Strict Liability 196
10.5 Product Liability and Laws Applicable to Product
Liability 196
10.6 Consumer Protection Laws 199
Quiz 206
Chapter Summary 210

11 Basics of Securities Laws and Regulation of Capital

Markets 211
11.1 What Are Securities? 212
11.2 Major Federal Securities Laws Prevalent in the
United States 214
11.3 Corporate Governance and Corporate
Responsibility 218
11.4 Intermediaries in the Capital Market 220
Quiz 222
Chapter Summary 226
12 Bankruptcy Laws 227
12.1Laws Relating to Bankruptcy in the United States 228
12.2When Can An Individual Be Declared Bankrupt? 230
12.3When Can An Entity Be Declared Bankrupt? 232
12.4Procedure To Be Followed For Resolution 233
12.5Consequences - What Happens in the Aftermath of
Bankruptcy? 238
Quiz 239
Chapter Summary 243
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Often founders wonder why they should know about the laws
impacting their business. Wouldn’t it be better to simply hire a
lawyer to take care of the legal requirements? But here’s the thing:
availing specialized legal services is expensive and finding reliable
legal services is difficult. Even when you hire a lawyer, you need
to be aware of what it is that you need them to do for you. If you
don’t even know that, then you may be billed significantly high
since you are expecting the lawyer to think and strategize for you.

This is why, it is essential to gain at least an overview of the laws

that impact your business, and the laws that you may need to
resort to while dealing with other persons or companies. It is not
necessary that you become a lawyer or a legal expert, but it is
necessary to gain a basic understanding of the laws you need to
comply with, which actions you can become liable for, and what
rights you have against a counterparty as a business owner.

Business Law Essentials You Always Wanted To Know (Business

Law Essentials) gives you a comprehensive overview of all laws
that you may become subject to, in the course of carrying on and
running a business. It starts by explaining what a legal system
is and the type of legal system that is followed in the US, the
different forms of business organizations available as well as
laws that would be applicable to an ongoing business, even in
very early stages such as taxation, employment laws, intellectual
property laws and so on. It even includes a basic understanding of
bankruptcy laws, just in case a founder discovers down the road
that a business is not viable.

The language used in the book has intentionally been kept free
from legalese and at times, conversational, to ensure a simple
explanation of the purpose behind a specific law and how it
impacts day-to-day transactions. It does not get into complicated
details and interpretations like a legal book but explains the
impact of laws like a business book. I hope that it will be an
effortless read.
Introduction to the book
The gamut of laws that can become applicable to a business can
overwhelm a business owner. A prime principle of compliance
with the law is that ignorance of the law is not an excuse and
therefore, non-compliance can land a business heavy penalties.

Business Law Essentials moves along the stages which a business

may pass through and deals with different laws which are
relevant at different stages. It provides a basic idea about how
businesses can be formed, and laws surrounding essential
ingredients for the operation of businesses such as taxation,
intellectual property, employment law, contracts, etc. As most
businesses in today’s world are either technology-based or have
a tech front, an introduction to data protection and privacy laws
has also been included. As businesses grow, factors such as the
purchase of real estate, the possibility of actions by customers, and
issues of securities to investors become relevant and therefore, this
book covers those factors as well. Last, but not least, it also covers
bankruptcy laws which can help determine what needs to be done
in the event a business does not succeed.

After reading this book, you should be able to answer the below
questions for yourself:

● What are the available forms of business in the US and what

is the form your business should take?

● Which taxes are applicable to your business and which tax

registrations do you require?

● How can you protect your brand - how can it be registered

as intellectual property?
● What makes a contract valid and which laws are applicable
to different types of contracts?

● What types of employment laws are you required to comply


● What kind of laws are you required to comply with when

you want to issue securities?
How to use this book?
This book can be used to gain an initial understanding of the
laws applicable to a business. The chapters in this book are deep
enough to merit an independent book in itself. However, this book
attempts to introduce you to the laws that affect businesses in the

1. Use this book to gain a general idea about business laws in

the US. At times in the book, you will also discover the logic
behind why a specific law was enacted and the purpose it

2. Use this book as an applicability guide - it can help you

know which laws apply to you and when.

3. Use this book not as a “be all and end all” for laws in a
specific area, but as an introduction and a mechanism to
know where to find more information, in case you need to
go deeper within a specific area of law or if you need to find
the laws applicable to multiple states.

4. Lastly, you can also use this book to correlate and gain an
idea of the areas in which your business can be regulated,
in case you wish to search for applicable laws in different
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Who can benefit from this book?
1. Existing or potential founders can benefit from this book
by knowing the legal environment surrounding their
business. They can determine certain things in advance such
as a possible form or applicable taxation and determine
accordingly when and how they should proceed with the

2. Employees working with business organizations can be

aware of the laws impacting the business and help in
complying with such laws or at the very least, informing the
management of the applicability.

3. Lawyers in other countries can be aware of the basics of

US law and be able to guide businesses in those countries
which are looking to expand to the US.

4. This book can also help to be a good book for law students
and legal enthusiasts in different countries to read and
understand the laws of the US.
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Chapter 1

Legal System in the

United States

Y ou must have come across the names of different

laws in the US at some point in time somewhere,
maybe in some blogs or tweets or news. For example, the
Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act or the Sarbanes
- Oxley (SOX) Act. Did you know that all these laws work
under a legal system? Or that there is a hierarchy of courts
that you need to approach, in that order, if you need to file a
suit? This chapter will introduce you to the basics of the legal
system prevalent in the US, inform you about the role of the
Constitution in the US legal system, as well as introduce you
to the hierarchy of courts. The purpose of this chapter is to
familiarize you with how any law in the US is interpreted and
enforced. Read on!
2 Business Law Essentials You Always Wanted To Know

Key learning objectives of this chapter include the reader’s

understanding of the following:

● What are the different types of legal systems and which

legal system does the US follow?

● What role does the US Constitution play in the legal


● What is the difference between federal and state laws?

● Where can you find the business laws of a state?

● What are the different types of courts which you can

find in the US and when to approach which court?

● Are there any laws in the US governing ethics and social


1.1 Different Types of Legal Systems and the

Legal System Prevalent in the United States

Let’s first examine what a legal system is. A legal system is a

set of basic principles that are used in order to interpret the written laws.
Laws may be written in a specific language, but when it comes to
applying the written laws to an actual situation, a nation’s courts
will consider the legal system being followed in that country.

The two main legal systems prevalent in the world are civil
law and common law. To put it simply, a legal system based
on civil law follows the letter of the written law. Therefore, the
interpretation by the courts is more static and is not evolving.
On the other hand, common law jurisdictions give significant
Legal System in the United States 3

consideration to judicial precedents i.e. how a previous case

was decided while interpreting a particular law. Common law
interpretations can therefore evolve because each subsequent
decision becomes a reference point for future cases.

There can be legal systems based on religious law and

customary practices also. However, these are not as prevalent as
the above two systems.

Common law has its origins in England, and since historically,

America was comprised of British colonies,1 the US largely follows
a common law legal system. The only exception is the state of
Louisiana,2 which was historically a French colony and thus, has a
civil-law-based legal system.

1.2 The US Constitution and How It Impacts the

Legal System

The US Constitution is the world’s longest-surviving written

charter of government.3 It is divided into seven articles, which
are further divided into different sections. It sets out which parts
of the government exercise the legislative, the executive, and
the judiciary functions in the US, what constitutes treason in the

1. Country Summary, United States, The World Factbook, CIA,

2. John C. Henegan, Brian C. Kimball and Caroline Smith, Butler Snow LLP, Legal
Systems in the United States: Overview, Thomson Reuters Practical Law https://
3. Constitution of the United States, United States Senate
4 Business Law Essentials You Always Wanted To Know

US, how can the Constitution be amended, how a new state can
be added, and other powers and limitations on the US federal

Did you know?

Before 2022, the last amendment to the US

Constitution was the twenty-seventh amendment,
made in 1992. It prohibited the implementation of
laws varying the compensation for the services of
Senators and Representatives until an election of
Representatives intervened.

Some interesting sections of the US Constitution can be noted as


● The Congress, consisting of the Senate and the House of

Representatives has all the legislative powers in the US.
In the Senate, every state gets two Senators, regardless of
population. No state gets a fixed number of representatives
in the House of Representatives, because these are
recalculated every ten years, based on the population of the

● Legislation, or “Bills”, are passed through the Senate and

the House of Representatives and thereafter signed by the
President, in order to have the effect of law in the US.

● Though the executive power is vested in the President,

the Congress has a lot of powers. These powers include
levying and collecting taxes, borrowing money, regulating
commerce with foreign nations, coining money, declaring
war, etc.
Legal System in the United States 5

● While the Constitution provides for the establishment of

one Supreme Court, the Congress also has the power to
establish inferior courts.

● The US follows the jury system for criminal trials, as against

a trial by a judge. A trial by a judge is generally prevalent in
countries that follow the civil law system.

● The fact that the legal system in the US is based on

common law can be known from Article IV, Section 1 of
the Constitution of the US, which states that “Full Faith
and Credit shall be given in each state to the public Acts,
Records and judicial proceedings of every other state.”

1.3 Federal and State Laws

Federal laws apply to the whole of the US and are enacted, as

stated above, when a bill is passed by both houses of the Congress
and signed by the President.

Since the US follows a federal system, each of the states has

its own constitution, governor, and bicameral legislatures (except
Nebraska, which has a single house or unicameral legislature).
State laws have the force of law only within the relevant state,
and are enacted when a legislative bill is passed by the State
Senate and State Legislative Assembly and signed into law by the
governor of that state.

For example, you can read about the constitution,
legislature, executive, and judicial functions of the
state of California here:
6 Business Law Essentials You Always Wanted To Know

Did you know?

After the original nine states signed to give effect to

the US Constitution, Delaware was the first state to
ratify the US Constitution on December 7, 1787.

1.4 The Hierarchy of Courts in the United States

Let’s assume that you own a business in California and you

entered into a contract with someone to provide certain services.
You completed the work for them and now, you are not getting
paid for the work despite having tried everything to arrive at a
resolution for a long time. Can you sue them? In which court will
you file a suit? A breach of contract (someone not doing what
they promised to do in a contract) can be one of the most common
reasons why a small business owner would need to approach the
judicial system. It is important to have an idea of the court system
in the US for this purpose.
Legal System in the United States 7

Figure 1.1

Supreme Court of the

United States

Court of
12 Circuit Court Supreme Court
Appeals of the
of Appals of the State
Federal Circuit

US Court of US Court of Intermediate

94 District
International Federal Appellate
Trade Claims Court

County Trial

1.4.1 State Courts

In most cases, the first level of courts that you would approach
is the State Courts.4 If you are suing someone from a different
state or suing over a federal law, you would start in Federal Court.
The types of Courts found in different states are not the same and
you can find different types of courts in each state. However, the
system is substantially similar and the two main types of courts
that you would find are Trial Courts and Appellate Courts. Each
state also has its own Supreme Court.

4. State Court Websites, National Center for State Courts

8 Business Law Essentials You Always Wanted To Know

1.4.2 Trial Courts

As the name suggests, these are the courts where a suit is
originally filed and the trial is conducted. These can be further
categorized as District Courts or Superior Courts and courts
created for dealing with specific matters such as Small Claims,
Probates, Bankruptcy, Juvenile matters, Family, Water, etc.
Further, in some states such as California, there are County, Town,
and Village Courts as well, which are trial courts.

In our above example of non-payment on a contract, you could

file an action in a Small Claims court in California,5 where you can
sue and represent yourself for a contract value of up to $10,000.

1.4.3 Intermediate Appellate Courts

Where there are trial courts smaller than the District Court or
Superior Court, such as a County Court, some states also have
intermediate appellate courts. Appeals from the decisions of the
smaller trial courts can be instituted in the intermediate appellate
courts and appeals from the decisions of the intermediate
appellate courts can be instituted in the Supreme Court for the

In other words, the District or Superior Courts are the highest

trial courts and the Supreme Court is the highest appellate court
in a state.

5. Small Claims in California, California Courts Self-help Guide, Judicial Branch of


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