DLP in Science

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Grade: Three

Subject: SCIENCE

K to 12 Date: DECEMBER 14, 2023



A. Content Standards Identify the meaning of living things and non-living things.

B. Performance Standard The learner is able to classify things as living and non-living

C. Learning Competencies/ Compare living things and non-living things.

Objectives S3ES-lve-f-3




A. References MELC Science 3

1. Teacher’s Guide K to 12 Curriculum Guide in Science 3, p97-99

2. Learner’s Material p91-93

3. Textbook pages Science Links 3, p180-184

4. Instructional Materials Visual aids, Pictures, Laptop, Chart, Envelops, Box

B. Other Learning Resources Internet/Google

IV. PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Reviewing previous Prayer
lesson or presenting Okay class before we begin, may I request (Praying)
the new Lesson everyone to stand up and Jayson please lead the

Good Afternoon Class! Good afternoon ma’am.

Before you take your seats kindly please arrange (Arranging their chairs)
your chairs properly and pick up the pieces of
papers under your chairs.

Okay class you may now all be seated.

Thank you, Ma’am
How are you today class?
We’re good maam
Checking of Attendance
Is there any absent today?
None maam
Before we start, let us read first our classroom
rules that everyone must observe and follow.

Classroom Rules
A-always listen to the teacher
G-give your best (Students reading)
H- help each other
A-active participation
M-must raise your hand if you want to answer

Let’s begin by reviewing our previous lesson.
Can you recall the lesson we discussed on our It’s all about the things
last meeting? around us.

Very Good!

See outside the classroom, what are the things People

that you can see? Tree/plants

That’s right! Very Good!

Plants give us food to eat for
How can plants help us? us to survive.

Vehicles help us to go
How can vehicles help us? wherever we want to go.

Very good children!

B. Establishing a Motivation
purpose for the lesson Before we proceed to our lesson this afternoon,
let’s have an activity first, I have here a 4
envelops inside it there are pieces of puzzles, all
you have to do is to fix it and pastes it on the
board. The first group who finish first will be
given a reward after our lessons. Is it clear class?
Yes teacher!
(The teacher groups the students into three
groups and distribute the envelops)
(The students will do the
Are you done?

Group 1, what is it in the picture? A book maam.

Is the book has a life? No maam

Can a book move? No maam

How about the Group 2, what is it in the picture? A tree maam

Can a tree move? No maam

Can a tree grow? Yes maam

Yes! Group 3, what is the picture you’ve form? A picture of a bird maam.

Is a bird has a life? Yes maam.

Very good! Listen to the teacher so that you can

learn about these things okay? Now do you have
any idea what is our lesson for today? No maam

C. Presenting Pre-Activity
examples/instances of As you have seen in the pictures presented
the new lesson earlier, there are living and nonliving things
being presented.

I have here another picture

What is in the picture? A kitten

Are kittens a living thing? Yes maam!

Very good! Kittens are living things.

How about this picture? A building.

Are buildings a living or nonliving thing?

It is nonliving things maam.

Our lesson for today is all about the
characteristics of living and nonliving things.

Living things- any organism or a life form that

possesses or shows the characteristics of life or
being alive.
Examples: animals, plants, bacteria, humans and

8 characteristics of living things are;

 Cellular structure- the first and the most
important characteristics in every living
thing is that living things are made up of
cells. Cells enable living things to
perform all of life’s functions and
 Nutrition or Food- all living things take
their needs from their environment to get
energy in order to grow and stay healthy.
 Movement- living things exhibit some
form of movement. Humans and animals
can move around.
 Respiration- it is the process in which air
is drawn into the body and gas wastes are
 Excretion- all living things produce
substances that may be harmful if
allowed to stay in the body.
 Growth- it is the process wherein living
things increase in size.
 Sensitivity- living things react to changes
around them. They may react when
touched or when exposed to light, heat,
cold or sound.
 Reproduction- it is the process by which
living things produce new organisms of
their own kind.

Nonliving things- are things that do not have the

ability to carry out the life functions. They do
not have life.
Examples; metal, air, water, and soil.

5 characteristics of non-living things are;

 The most important characteristics of

nonliving things is the absence of
cellular functions.
 Nonliving things cannot move by
themselves. They do not have methods
of movement. They remain immobile or
 Since no activities can be possibly done
by nonliving things, they do not need a
supply of energy from their environment
to sustain themselves.
 Nonliving things cannot grow so they do
not need food, water, air and shelter to
stay alive.
 Nonliving things cannot multiply. They
cannot reproduce, and they do not live or

What do you know about the living things and

When we say living things it
nonliving things?
has a life while nonliving
things has no life.

Very Good! Another, what are the

 Cellular structure
characteristics of of living things?
 Nutrition or Food
 Movement
 Respiration
 Excretion
 Growth
 Sensitivity
 Reproduction

Nonliving things cannot

How about the nonliving things? grow, reproduce and move.

Don’t you know that some nonliving things can No maam

also move?

Some nonliving things can move through

machines and through technologies nowadays.
Understood class? Yes maam

D. Discussing new Now that you know about living things and
concepts and nonliving things, let’s have an activity.
practicing new skills
#1 Do you see a box in front?

Inside it there are different kind of pictures of

living things and nonliving things. For you to Yes maam
open the box, you have to transform as a fairy
and say the magic word “kahon, kahon buksan
mo o bubuksan mo” after that pick one picture
and identify if it is living or nonliving things.
Then put it in the corresponding chart. Is it clear

I want that everyone participates and cooperate

in our activity.

Now who among you wants to be a fairy? (The students will raise their
Who wants to go first? Yes, zyra.
(Zyra do the activity)
“kahon, kahon buksan mo o
bubuksan mo”

What did you get zyra? Car maam

Yes, that’s a car. Is the car a living things or

nonliving things? Car is a nonliving thing.
Very good! will you put the picture to the pocket
chart, zy? (Zy put the object to the
pocket chart)
Next, yes angela?
(Angela do the activity)

What did you get angela? A flower maam

Is a flower living things or nonliving things?

A flower is a living things
Excellent! Will you put the picture to the pocket
chart, gela? (Gela put the object to the
pocket chart)

Now, its teacher turns “kahon kahon buksan mo

o bubuksan mo”

Pictures inside the box:


Excellent! Do you know now the living things Yes maam

and nonliving things?

Good job!

E. Discussing new Now, I will group you class into 2, we will play
concepts and a “Pinoy Henyo”, do you want to play children?
practicing new skills
#2 The first group would guess the word and the
second group would say (yes, no and maybe)
after guessing the word say if its living things or
nonliving things. Is it clear class?

2.TEACHER G1- pencil (nonliving)
3.PAPER teacher(living)
4.PLANTS paper(nonliving)
5.DOG plants(living)

Excellent class! Give yourselves 5 claps.

F. Developing Mastery Moving on to the next activity, please read the

(leads to formative direction.
assessment 3)
Direction: Tell if it is right or wrong.

1. People are
example of
living things.
2. Living things
has the ability
to breathe.
3. All living 1. right
things has life 2. right
can move by 3. right
themselves. 4. right
4. All the 5. right
of living things
are not the
same with the
of non-living
5. All living
beings are
made of one or
more cells.

Very good, children! Give yourselves a ang

galing galing clap!
G. Finding practical Direction: Read the sentence. Identify if the
applications and skills underlined word is living things or nonliving
in daily living things.

1. The ball roll quikly. 1. nonliving

2. The benches are neat and clean. 2. nonliving
3. The dogs are fat and neat. 3. living
4. Plants give flowers and fruits. 4. living
5. My mother promise me a brand-new 5. living
cellphone. 6. nonliving
6. The flood covers the whole town. 7. nonliving
7. The strong wind blew even the strong roof of 8. nonliving
several houses. 9. living
8. I love the bread in the bakery. 10. living
9. I use to climb santol tree when I was a kid.
10. Mother kangaroos keep their young in their

H. Making Generalization
generalization and What have you learned about our lesson today? We have learned about
abstraction of the living things and nonliving
lesson things.
Very Good! What are the examples of living

(The students will give an

Very Good! How about the nonliving things example)
kindly please cite an example?

Great job class! You are all excellent learners!

I. Evaluating Learning Evaluation
For our last activity, kindly please read the
direction out loud

Identify the following if it is living and
nonliving things. Draw if it is living thing
and if it is nonliving things.


Great job everyone! You are all excellent

students! Give yourselves around of applause!

J. Additional Activities Assignment

for application or Direction:
Remediation In a long bond paper, paste at least 5 pictures of
living and nonliving things.


Checked by Instructor



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