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DigiSign Verified - 47bb7e24-a472-4a11-8bcb-076d8a583332

Authentisign ID: 0EE8ECF2-0B99-EE11-8925-6045BDD68161

Agreement to Lease
Form 400
for use in the Province of Ontario

This Agreement to Lease (Agreement) dated this .............................. December
day of......................................................................................., 23
Amanda Shakes & Shane Johnson
TENANT: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................
(Full legal names of all Tenants)
Vanessa Schlitter
LANDLORD: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................
(Full legal name of Landlord)
ADDRESS OF LANDLORD: ..............................................................................................................................................................................
(Legal address for the purpose of receiving notices)

The Tenant hereby offers to lease from the Landlord the premises as described herein on the terms and subject to the conditions as set out in this Agreement.
For the purposes of this Agreement “Tenant” includes lessee and “Landlord” includes lessor.

1. PREMISES: Having inspected the premises and provided the present tenant vacates, I/we, the Tenant hereby offer to lease, premises known as:
214 Everett Street Markham, ON L6E 1H3

2. 1 year
TERM OF LEASE: The lease shall be for a term of ............................................................. January 1 2024
commencing ........................................................

3. RENT: The Tenant will pay to the said Landlord monthly and every month during the said term of the lease the sum of ...........................................
Three Thousand Six Hundred
..................................................................................................................................................... 3,600.00
Dollars (CDN$)...................................,
payable in advance on the ............................................ day of each and every month during the currency of the said term. First and last months’

rent to be paid in advance upon completion or date of occupancy, whichever comes first.

4. upon acceptance
DEPOSIT AND PREPAID RENT: The Tenant delivers....................................................................................................................................
(Herewith/Upon acceptance/as otherwise described in this Agreement)


by negotiable cheque payable to.......................................................................................................................................... ”Deposit Holder”
Seven Thousand Two Hundred
in the amount of....................................................................................................................................Dollars 7,200.00
as a deposit to be held in trust as security for the faithful performance by the Tenant of all terms, covenants and conditions of the Agreement and to
be applied by the Landlord against the ...................................... last
and ........................................ month’s rent. If the Agreement is not accepted,
the deposit is to be returned to the Tenant without interest or deduction.

For the purposes of this Agreement, “Upon Acceptance” shall mean that the Tenant is required to deliver the deposit to the Deposit Holder within 24
hours of the acceptance of this Agreement. The parties to this Agreement hereby acknowledge that, unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement,
the Deposit Holder shall place the deposit in trust in the Deposit Holder’s non-interest bearing Real Estate Trust Account and no interest shall be earned,
received or paid on the deposit.

5. USE: The Tenant and Landlord agree that unless otherwise agreed to herein, only the Tenant named above and any person named in a Rental
Application completed prior to this Agreement will occupy the premises.

Premises to be used only for:.........................................................................................................................................................................




6. SERVICES AND COSTS: The cost of the following services applicable to the premises shall be paid as follows:
Gas ✘ Cable TV ✘
Oil Condominium/Cooperative fees
Electricity ✘ Garbage Removal ✘
Hot water heater rental ✘ Other: ...........................................
Water and Sewerage Charges ✘ Other: ...........................................
The Landlord will pay the property taxes, but if the Tenant is assessed as a Separate School Supporter, Tenant will pay to the Landlord a sum sufficient
to cover the excess of the Separate School Tax over the Public School Tax, if any, for a full calendar year, said sum to be estimated on the tax rate for
the current year, and to be payable in equal monthly installments in addition to the above mentioned rental, provided however, that the full amount
shall become due and be payable on demand on the Tenant.
The trademarks REALTOR®, REALTORS®, MLS®, Multiple Listing Services® and associated logos are owned or controlled by
The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify the real estate professionals who are members of CREA and the
quality of services they provide. Used under license.
© 2024, Ontario Real Estate Association (“OREA”). All rights reserved. This form was developed by OREA for the use and reproduction
by its members and licensees only. Any other use or reproduction is prohibited except with prior written consent of OREA. Do not alter
when printing or reproducing the standard pre-set portion. OREA bears no liability for your use of this form. Form 400 Revised 2024 Page 1 of 5
DigiSign Verified - 47bb7e24-a472-4a11-8bcb-076d8a583332
Authentisign ID: 0EE8ECF2-0B99-EE11-8925-6045BDD68161

7. PARKING: .............................................................................................................................................................................................


8. ADDITIONAL TERMS: ............................................................................................................................................................................



9. SCHEDULES: The schedules attached hereto shall form an integral part of this Agreement to Lease and consist of: Schedule(s) A ...........................

10. IRREVOCABILITY: This offer shall be irrevocable by ................................................................. 11:59
until .......................... on the ......................
(Landlord/Tenant) (a.m./p.m.)
December 23
day of.................................................................................,20........................after

which time if not accepted, this Agreement shall be null and
void and all monies paid thereon shall be returned to the Tenant without interest or deduction.
11. NOTICES: The Landlord hereby appoints the Listing Brokerage as agent for the Landlord for the purpose of giving and receiving notices pursuant to
this Agreement. Where a Brokerage (Tenant’s Brokerage) has entered into a representation agreement with the Tenant, the Tenant hereby appoints
the Tenant’s Brokerage as agent for the purpose of giving and receiving notices pursuant to this Agreement. The Brokerage shall not be appointed or
authorized to be agent for either the Tenant or the Landlord for the purpose of giving and receiving notices where the Brokerage represents both the
Landlord and the Tenant (multiple representation) or where the Tenant or the Landlord is a self-represented party. Any notice relating hereto or provided
for herein shall be in writing. In addition to any provision contained herein and in any Schedule hereto, this offer, any counter-offer, notice of acceptance
thereof or any notice to be given or received pursuant to this Agreement or any Schedule hereto (any of them, “Document”) shall be deemed given
and received when delivered personally or hand delivered to the Address for Service provided in the Acknowledgement below, or where a facsimile
number or email address is provided herein, when transmitted electronically to that facsimile number or email address, respectively, in which case, the
signature(s) of the party (parties) shall be deemed to be original.
FAX No.: .......................................................................................... 416-289-2156
FAX No.: ..........................................................................................
(For delivery of Documents to Landlord) (For delivery of Documents to Tenant)
[email protected]
Email Address: .................................................................................. [email protected]
Email Address: ..................................................................................
(For delivery of Documents to Landlord) (For delivery of Documents to Tenant)
12. EXECUTION OF LEASE: The Lease shall be drawn by the Landlord on the standard form of lease as prescribed by the Residential Tenancies Act,
2006, as amended from time to time, and shall include the provisions as contained herein and in any attached schedule, and shall be executed by both
parties before possession of the premises is given.The Landlord shall provide the Tenant with information relating to the rights and responsibilities of the
Tenant and information on the role of the Landlord and Tenant Board and how to contact the Board. (Information For New Tenants as made available
by the Landlord and Tenant Board and available at
13. LANDLORD AND TENANT ACKNOWLEDGMENT: The Landlord and Tenant acknowledge and agree that a standard form of lease as prescribed
by the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006, as amended from time to time is required.
14. ACCESS: The Landlord shall have the right, at reasonable times to enter and show the demised premises to prospective tenants, purchasers or others.
The Landlord or anyone on the Landlord’s behalf shall also have the right, at reasonable times, to enter and inspect the demised premises.
15. INSURANCE: The Tenant agrees to obtain and keep in full force and effect during the entire period of the tenancy and any renewal thereof, at the
Tenant’s sole cost and expense, fire and property damage and public liability insurance in an amount equal to that which a reasonably prudent Tenant
would consider adequate. The Tenant agrees to provide the Landlord, upon demand at any time, proof that said insurance is in full force and effect
and to notify the Landlord in writing in the event that such insurance is cancelled or otherwise terminated.
16. RESIDENCY: The Landlord shall forthwith notify the Tenant in writing in the event the Landlord is, at the time of entering into this Agreement, or,
becomes during the term of the tenancy, a non-resident of Canada as defined under the Income Tax Act, RSC 1985, c.1 (ITA) as amended from time
to time, and in such event the Landlord and Tenant agree to comply with the tax withholding provisions of the ITA.
17. USE AND DISTRIBUTION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION: The Tenant consents to the collection, use and disclosure of the Tenant’s personal
information by the Landlord and/or agent of the Landlord, from time to time, for the purpose of determining the creditworthiness of the Tenant for the
leasing, selling or financing of the premises or the real property, or making such other use of the personal information as the Landlord and/or agent
of the Landlord deems appropriate.
18. CONFLICT OR DISCREPANCY: If there is any conflict or discrepancy between any provision added to this Agreement (including any Schedule
attached hereto) and any provision in the standard pre-set portion hereof, the added provision shall supersede the standard pre-set provision to the
extent of such conflict or discrepancy. This Agreement, including any Schedule attached hereto, shall constitute the entire Agreement between Landlord
and Tenant. There is no representation, warranty, collateral agreement or condition, which affects this Agreement other than as expressed herein. This
Agreement shall be read with all changes of gender or number required by the context.
19. TIME LIMITS: Time shall in all respects be of the essence hereof provided that the time for doing or completing of any matter provided for herein may be extended
or abridged by an agreement in writing signed by Landlord and Tenant or by their respective lawyers who may be specifically authorized in that regard.
20. FAMILY LAW ACT: Landlord warrants that spousal consent is not necessary to this transaction under the provisions of the Family Law Act, R.S.O.1990
unless the spouse of the Landlord has executed the consent hereinafter provided.
21. CONSUMER REPORTS: The Tenant is hereby notified that a consumer report containing credit and/
or personal information may be referred to in connection with this transaction.
22. ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES: The parties hereto consent and agree to the use of electronic signatures pursuant to the Electronic Commerce Act,
2000, S.O. 2000, c17 as amended from time to time with respect to this Agreement and any other documents respecting this transaction.
23. TIME AND DATE: Any reference to a time and date in this Agreement shall mean the time and date where the property is located.


The trademarks REALTOR®, REALTORS®, MLS®, Multiple Listing Services® and associated logos are owned or controlled by
The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify the real estate professionals who are members of CREA and the
quality of services they provide. Used under license.
© 2024, Ontario Real Estate Association (“OREA”). All rights reserved. This form was developed by OREA for the use and reproduction
by its members and licensees only. Any other use or reproduction is prohibited except with prior written consent of OREA. Do not alter
when printing or reproducing the standard pre-set portion. OREA bears no liability for your use of this form. Form 400 Revised 2024 Page 2 of 5
DigiSign Verified - 47bb7e24-a472-4a11-8bcb-076d8a583332
Authentisign ID: 0EE8ECF2-0B99-EE11-8925-6045BDD68161

24. BINDING AGREEMENT: This Agreement and acceptance thereof shall constitute a binding agreement by the parties to enter into the Lease of the
Premises and to abide by the terms and conditions herein contained.
SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED in the presence of: IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal:

................................................................................ .......................................................................... ...........................................

(Witness) (Tenant or Authorized Representative)Amanda Shakes (Seal) (Date)

................................................................................ .......................................................................... ...........................................

(Witness) (Tenant or Authorized Representative)Shane Johnson (Seal) (Date)

................................................................................ .......................................................................... ...........................................

(Witness) (Guarantor) (Seal) (Date)

We/I the Landlord hereby accept the above offer, and agree that the commission together with applicable HST (and any other tax as may hereafter be
applicable) may be deducted from the deposit and further agree to pay any remaining balance of commission forthwith.
SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED in the presence of: IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal:

(Witness) (Landlord or Authorized Representative)Vanessa Schlitter (Seal) (Date)

................................................................................ .......................................................................... ...........................................

(Witness) (Landlord or Authorized Representative) (Seal) (Date)

SPOUSAL CONSENT: The undersigned spouse of the Landlord hereby consents to the disposition evidenced herein pursuant to the provisions of the Family Law
Act, R.S.O.1990, and hereby agrees to execute all necessary or incidental documents to give full force and effect to the sale evidenced herein.

................................................................................ .......................................................................... ...........................................

(Witness) (Spouse) (Seal) (Date)

CONFIRMATION OF ACCEPTANCE: Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, I confirm this Agreement with all changes both typed

and written was finally acceptance by all parties at .......................................... this ................. day of....................................................., 20...........
(Signature of Landlord or Tenant)

Listing Brokerage ....................................................................................................................... 416-264-1111
AZIM RIZVEE, Broker of Record
(Salesperson/Broker/Broker of Record Name)
Co-op/Tenant Brokerage ............................................................................................................. (416) 289-2155
Jeris Legall, Salesperson
(Salesperson/Broker/Broker of Record Name)

I acknowledge receipt of my signed copy of this accepted Agreement to I acknowledge receipt of my signed copy of this accepted Agreement to
Lease and I authorize the Brokerage to forward a copy to my lawyer. Lease and I authorize the Brokerage to forward a copy to my lawyer.

.......................................................................... 12/12/2023
............................ ........................................................................ ................................
(Landlord) Vanessa Schlitter (Date) (Tenant) Amanda Shakes (Date)
.......................................................................... ............................ ........................................................................ ...............................
(Landlord) (Date) (Tenant) Shane Johnson (Date)
Address for Service ............................................................................ Address for Service ............................................................................

........................................................ ............................................. ........................................................ .............................................

(Tel. No.) (Tel. No.)
Landlord’s Lawyer .............................................................................. Tenant’s Lawyer ..................................................................................

Address ............................................................................................ Address .............................................................................................

Email ................................................................................................ Email ................................................................................................

....................................................... .............................................. ....................................................... ........... ...................................

(Tel. No.) (Fax. No.) (Tel. No.) (Fax. No.)


To: Co-operating Brokerage shown on the foregoing Agreement to Lease:

In consideration for the Co-operating Brokerage procuring the foregoing Agreement to Lease, I hereby declare that all moneys received or receivable by me in connection
with the Transaction as contemplated in the MLS® Rules and Regulations of my Real Estate Board shall be receivable and held in trust. This agreement shall constitute a
Commission Trust Agreement as defined in the MLS® Rules and shall be subject to and governed by the MLS® Rules pertaining to Commission Trust.

DATED as of the date and time of the acceptance of the foregoing Agreement to Lease. Acknowledged by:

................................................................................................ ...........................................................................
(Authorized to bind the Listing Brokerage) (Authorized to bind the Co-operating Brokerage)

The trademarks REALTOR®, REALTORS®, MLS®, Multiple Listing Services® and associated logos are owned or controlled by
The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify the real estate professionals who are members of CREA and the
quality of services they provide. Used under license.
© 2024, Ontario Real Estate Association (“OREA”). All rights reserved. This form was developed by OREA for the use and reproduction
by its members and licensees only. Any other use or reproduction is prohibited except with prior written consent of OREA. Do not alter
when printing or reproducing the standard pre-set portion. OREA bears no liability for your use of this form. Form 400 Revised 2024 Page 3 of 5
DigiSign Verified - 47bb7e24-a472-4a11-8bcb-076d8a583332
Authentisign ID: 0EE8ECF2-0B99-EE11-8925-6045BDD68161

Schedule A
Agreement to Lease - Residential
Form 400
for use in the Province of Ontario

This Schedule is attached to and forms part of the Agreement to Lease between:

Amanda Shakes Shane Johnson

TENANT: ................................................................................................................................................................................................, and

Vanessa Schlitter
LANDLORD: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

214 Everett Street Markham, ON

for the lease of ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

L6E 1H3
........................................................................... 12
dated the ................... December
day of ....................................................................., 23

Both parties hereby acknowledge and agree to the following terms:

The Landlord shall prepare, after acceptance of this Offer and at the Landlord’s expense, a formal
lease using the Residential Tenancy Agreement (Standard Form of Lease) as prescribed by the
Residential Tenancies Act, 2006, as amended from time to time. All the provisions as contained
herein and in any attached schedule shall be incorporated into the formal lease. The Schedule A of
this Offer shall form part of the formal lease as an attachment. A copy of the executed formal
lease shall be delivered to the Tenant before commencement of the lease.

The following appliances belonging to the Landlord are to remain on the premises for the Tenant's
use: Fridge, stove, washer & dryer, built-in dishwasher, garage door opener and remote control,
all existing light fixtures and window coverings.

Landlord represents and warrants that the appliances and chattels as listed in this Agreement to
Lease will be in good working order at the commencement of the lease term. Tenant agrees to
maintain said appliances in a state of ordinary cleanliness at the Tenant's cost.

Landlord agrees to leave the premises, including the basement and front and rear yard, in a clean
and debris free condition upon commencement of the Lease. Tenant agrees to leave the premises in
similar clean and debris free condition upon expiry or other termination of the Lease.

Tenant agrees not to make any alterations, additions or decorating changes to the premises without
the express written consent of the Landlord or his authorized agent.

Tenant agrees to mow and water the lawn and to keep the lawn, flower beds, shrubbery, hedges and
any other trees or plants in good order and condition, and to keep the sidewalk surrounding the
premises free and clear of all obstructions.

Tenant shall not assign or sublet all or any part of the leased premises during the lease term or
any extension thereof without the prior written consent of the Landlord.

Tenant, if not in default hereunder, shall have the option, by written notice, given to the
Landlord at least sixty (60) days before the end of the lease term, to renew the lease for a
further one year term on similar terms and conditions as this Agreement to Lease except rental.
Within sixty (60) days before expiry of the Lease term, if no renewal otherwise, the Tenant agrees
to allow the Landlord or its agent to show the property at all reasonable hours to prospective
buyers or tenants, after giving the Tenant at least twenty four (24) hours notice of such showing,
and to allow the Landlord to affix a For Sale or For Rent sign on the property.

Landlord shall maintain insurance on the leased premises. Tenant acknowledges the Landlord's
insurance on the premises provides no coverage on Tenant's personal property.

This form must be initialled by all parties to the Agreement to Lease.


The trademarks REALTOR®, REALTORS®, MLS®, Multiple Listing Services® and associated logos are owned or controlled by
The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify the real estate professionals who are members of CREA and the
quality of services they provide. Used under license.
© 2024, Ontario Real Estate Association (“OREA”). All rights reserved. This form was developed by OREA for the use and reproduction
by its members and licensees only. Any other use or reproduction is prohibited except with prior written consent of OREA. Do not alter
when printing or reproducing the standard pre-set portion. OREA bears no liability for your use of this form. Form 400 Revised 2024 Page 4 of 5
DigiSign Verified - 47bb7e24-a472-4a11-8bcb-076d8a583332
Authentisign ID: 0EE8ECF2-0B99-EE11-8925-6045BDD68161

Schedule A
Agreement to Lease - Residential
Form 400
for use in the Province of Ontario

This Schedule is attached to and forms part of the Agreement to Lease between:

Amanda Shakes Shane Johnson

TENANT: ................................................................................................................................................................................................, and

Vanessa Schlitter
LANDLORD: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

214 Everett Street Markham, ON

for the lease of ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

L6E 1H3
........................................................................... 12
dated the ................... December
day of ....................................................................., 23

Tenant covenants to provide a copy of his own liability insurance to Landlord upon commencement of
the Lease.

Tenant agrees to pay all utility charges as described herein during the lease term and any
extension thereof. Tenant further agrees to provide proof to the Landlord on or before the date of
possession that the service accounts have been transferred to the Tenant's name.

Tenant agrees to pay to the Landlord an administration fee of $20.00 for each NSF returned cheque
plus any NSF charges made by the Landlord’s bank.

Tenant covenants to comply with all applicable governmental by-laws, regulations and codes
governing the use of the leased premises.

Tenant agrees to keep the leased premises in good repair, cleanliness and comply with all health,
safety and maintenance standards, and shall be fully responsible for the repair of any damage
caused by his wilful or negligent conduct, or that of any other person permitted in the premises
by the Tenant. Tenant further agrees to pay the first $50.00 per event on all wear and tear
repairs. Any damage shall be reported to the Landlord as soon as possible.

The Tenant and any occupants of the premises and, including without limitation, any visitors,
guests and business invitees shall not sell, distribute, cultivate, propagate or harvest any
cannabis or cannabis plants within the meaning of the Cannabis Act, S.C. 2018 c. 16 and the
Cannabis Act, 2017, S.O. 2017, c. 26 as amended from time to time, anywhere in or upon the
premises rented by the Tenant. Contravention of this provision shall be deemed to be a material
breach of the lease and grounds for termination of the lease.

Tenant voluntarily agrees, for the convenience of both parties, to provide ten (10) post-dated
cheques payable to the Landlord upon commencement of the Lease to cover the rental of the lease

Tenant agrees to provide $200.00 as keys and garage door remote control(s) replacement deposit to
the Landlord, which shall be returned to the Tenant without interest or deduction upon termination
of the Lease and returning of all the keys and garage door remote control(s) to the Landlord.

Both parties acknowledge and agree that the leased premises will only be occupied by the Tenant
and the person(s) as listed in the Rental Application Form/Residential Tenancy Agreement during
the lease term and any extension thereof.

This form must be initialled by all parties to the Agreement to Lease.


The trademarks REALTOR®, REALTORS®, MLS®, Multiple Listing Services® and associated logos are owned or controlled by
The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify the real estate professionals who are members of CREA and the
quality of services they provide. Used under license.
© 2024, Ontario Real Estate Association (“OREA”). All rights reserved. This form was developed by OREA for the use and reproduction
by its members and licensees only. Any other use or reproduction is prohibited except with prior written consent of OREA. Do not alter
when printing or reproducing the standard pre-set portion. OREA bears no liability for your use of this form. Form 400 Revised 2024 Page 5 of 5
DigiSign Verified - 47bb7e24-a472-4a11-8bcb-076d8a583332
Authentisign ID: 0EE8ECF2-0B99-EE11-8925-6045BDD68161

Confirmation of Co-operation
and Representation
Form 324
for use in the Province of Ontario Tenant/Landlord
Amanda Shakes & Shane Johnson
TENANT: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................

Vanessa Schlitter
LANDLORD: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................

214 Everett Street Markham, ON L6E 1H3

For the lease of the premises known as: ...............................................................................................................................................................

DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS: For the purposes of this Confirmation of Co-operation and Representation:
“Landlord” includes a lessor, seller or vendor, or a prospective landlord or lessor, seller or vendor and “Tenant” includes a lessee, buyer or purchaser or
a prospective tenant, lessee, buyer or purchaser and “lease“ includes a sale, and “Agreement to Lease” includes an Agreement of Purchase and Sale.
Commission shall be deemed to include other remuneration.

The following information is confirmed by the undersigned salesperson/broker representatives of the Brokerage(s). If a Co-operating Brokerage is involved
in the transaction, the brokerages agree to co-operate, in consideration of, and on the terms and conditions as set out below.

DECLARATION OF INSURANCE: The undersigned salesperson/broker representative(s) of the Brokerage(s) hereby declare that he/she is insured as
required by the Trust in Real Estate Services Act, 2002 (TRESA).

a) ✘ The Listing Brokerage represents the interests of the Landlord in this transaction. It is further understood and agreed that:
1) ✘ The Listing Brokerage is not representing the Tenant and has not entered into an agreement with the Tenant to provide service.
(If the Tenant is working with a Co-operating Brokerage, Section 3 is to be completed by Co-operating Brokerage)
2) The Listing Brokerage is providing assistance to the Tenant and the Tenant is a self-represented party.

b) MULTIPLE REPRESENTATION: The Listing Brokerage has entered into a Tenant Representation Agreement with the Tenant and represents
the interests of the Landlord and the Tenant, with their consent, for this transaction. The Listing Brokerage must be impartial and equally
protect the interests of the Landlord and the Tenant in this transaction. The Listing Brokerage has a duty of full disclosure to both the Landlord
and the Tenant.
However, the Listing Brokerage shall not disclose:
• that the Landlord may or will accept less than the listed price, unless otherwise instructed in writing by the Landlord;
• that the tenant may or will pay more than the offered price, unless otherwise instructed in writing by the tenant;
• the motivation of or personal information about the Landlord or tenant, unless otherwise instructed in writing by the party to which
the information applies or unless failure to disclose would constitute fraudulent, unlawful or unethical practice;
• the price the tenant should offer or the price the Landlord should accept; and
• the Listing Brokerage shall not disclose to the tenant the terms of any other offer, unless otherwise directed in writing by the Landlord.
However, it is understood that factual market information about comparable properties and information known to the Listing Brokerage
concerning potential uses for the property will be disclosed to both Landlord and tenant to assist them to come to their own conclusions.

Landlord and the Tenant, where one or both the Landlord and Tenant are receiving limited services and representation the Listing Brokerage shall
have a duty of services and representation and disclosure to one or both the Landlord and the Tenant, as more particularly set out in the agreement
with the respective Landlord or Tenant.

d) MULTIPLE REPRESENTATION AND DESIGNATED REPRESENTATION: Where the Landlord and the Tenant are represented by a
designated representative of the Brokerage, multiple representation will not result unless that designated representative represents more
than one client in the same trade.
1) The Listing Brokerage designated representative(s) represents more than one client in the same trade resulting in multiple
representation and the duty of disclosure to both the Landlord and the Tenant client is as more particularly set out in the
agreement with the respective Landlord and Tenant.
2) The Landlord client and Tenant client are each separately represented by different designated representatives of the same
brokerage and there is no multiple representation.
3) The designated representative(s) is providing representation to the Landlord client and the Brokerage is providing services to the
Landlord client.
Additional comments and/or disclosures by Listing Brokerage: (e.g., The Listing Brokerage represents more than one Tenant offering on this property.)






The trademarks REALTOR®, REALTORS®, MLS®, Multiple Listing Services® and associated logos are owned or controlled by
The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify the real estate professionals who are members of CREA and the
quality of services they provide. Used under license.
© 2024, Ontario Real Estate Association (“OREA”). All rights reserved. This form was developed by OREA for the use and reproduction
by its members and licensees only. Any other use or reproduction is prohibited except with prior written consent of OREA. Do not alter
when printing or reproducing the standard pre-set portion. OREA bears no liability for your use of this form. Form 324 Revised 2024 Page 1 of 3
DigiSign Verified - 47bb7e24-a472-4a11-8bcb-076d8a583332
Authentisign ID: 0EE8ECF2-0B99-EE11-8925-6045BDD68161


a) The Brokerage represents the Tenant and the Brokerage will be paid;
1) by the Tenant directly
2) by the Landlord in accordance with a Landlord Limited Services Representation Agreement.

b) MULTIPLE REPRESENTATION: The Brokerage has entered into a Limited Client Agreement with the Landlord and represents the interests
of the Landlord and the Tenant, with their consent, for this transaction. The Brokerage must be impartial and equally protect the interests of
the Landlord and the Tenant in this transaction. The Brokerage has a duty of full disclosure to both the Tenant and the Landlord.
However, the Brokerage shall not disclose:
• that the Landlord may or will accept less than the listed price, unless otherwise instructed in writing by the Landlord;
• that the Tenant may or will pay more than the offered price, unless otherwise instructed in writing by the Tenant;
• the motivation of or personal information about the Landlord or Tenant, unless otherwise instructed in writing by the party to which
the information applies or unless failure to disclose would constitute fraudulent, unlawful or unethical practice;
• the price the Tenant should offer or the price the Landlord should accept; and
• the Brokerage shall not disclose to the Tenant the terms of any other offer, unless otherwise directed in writing by the Landlord.
However, it is understood that factual market information about comparable properties and information known to the Listing Brokerage
concerning potential uses for the property will be disclosed to both Landlord and Tenant to assist them to come to their own conclusions.
c) MULTIPLE REPRESENTATION AND LIMITED SERVICES REPRESENTATION: The Brokerage is representing both the Landlord and
the Tenant, where one or both the Landlord and Tenant are receiving limited services and representation the Brokerage shall have a duty of
services and representation and disclosure to one or both the Landlord and the Tenant, as more particularly set out in the agreement with
the respective Landlord or Tenant.

d) MULTIPLE REPRESENTATION AND DESIGNATED REPRESENTATION: Where the Tenant and the Landlord are represented by a
designated representative of the Brokerage, multiple representation will not result unless that designated representative represents more
than one client in the same trade.
1) The Tenant and Landlord understand and acknowledges that the Brokerage designated representative(s) represents more than
one client in the same trade resulting in multiple representation and the duty of disclosure to both Tenant and Landlord client is
as more particularly set out in the agreement with the respective Tenant and Landlord.
2) The Tenant client and Landlord client are each separately represented by different designated representatives of the same
brokerage and there is no multiple representation.
3) The designated representative(s) is providing representation to the Tenant client and the Brokerage is providing services to the
Tenant client.
Additional comments and/or disclosures by Tenant Brokerage: (e.g., The Tenant Brokerage represents more than one Tenant offering on this property.)




3. Co-operating Brokerage completes Section 3 and Listing Brokerage completes Section 1.

1) ✘ The Co-operating Brokerage represents the interests of the Tenant in this transaction.
2) The Co-operating Brokerage, who has a Landlord Limited Services Representation Agreement with Landlord client, is providing
assistance to the Tenant as a self-represented party in this transaction.


1) ✘ The Listing Brokerage will pay the Co-operating Brokerage the commission as indicated in the MLS® information for the property
1/2 month's rent + HST
……………………………………………............................. to be paid from the amount paid by the Landlord to the Listing Brokerage.
(Commission As Indicated In MLS® Information)

2) The Co-operating Brokerage will be paid as follows:

Additional comments and/or disclosures by Co-operating Brokerage: (e.g., The Co-operating Brokerage represents more than one Tenant offering on this property.)






The trademarks REALTOR®, REALTORS®, MLS®, Multiple Listing Services® and associated logos are owned or controlled by
The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify the real estate professionals who are members of CREA and the
quality of services they provide. Used under license.
© 2024, Ontario Real Estate Association (“OREA”). All rights reserved. This form was developed by OREA for the use and reproduction
by its members and licensees only. Any other use or reproduction is prohibited except with prior written consent of OREA. Do not alter
when printing or reproducing the standard pre-set portion. OREA bears no liability for your use of this form. Form 324 Revised 2024 Page 2 of 3
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Commission will be payable as described above, plus applicable taxes.

COMMISSION TRUST AGREEMENT: If the above Co-operating Brokerage is receiving payment of commission from the Listing Brokerage, then the
agreement between Listing Brokerage and Co-operating Brokerage further includes a Commission Trust Agreement, the consideration for which is the Co-
operating Brokerage procuring an offer for a trade of the property, acceptable to the Landlord. This Commission Trust Agreement shall be subject to and
governed by the MLS® rules and regulations pertaining to commission trusts of the Listing Brokerage’s local real estate board, if the local board’s MLS®
rules and regulations so provide. Otherwise, the provisions of the OREA recommended MLS® rules and regulations shall apply to this Commission Trust
Agreement. For the purpose of this Commission Trust Agreement, the Commission Trust Amount shall be the amount noted in Section 3 above. The Listing
Brokerage hereby declares that all monies received in connection with the trade shall constitute a Commission Trust and shall be held, in trust, for the Co-
operating Brokerage under the terms of the applicable MLS® rules and regulations.



........................................................................................................ MINMAXX REALTY INC.
(Name of Co-operating/Tenant Brokerage) (Name of Listing Brokerage)
........................................................................................................ 1220 Main Street East Milton ON L9T 8M7

(416) 289-2155
Tel.: ......................................... (416) 289-2156
Fax: ................................................ 416-264-1111
Tel.: ......................................... 905-814-1220
Fax: ................................................

..................................................................... ................................ AZIM RIZVEE 12/12/2023

..................................................................... ................................
(Authorized to bind the Co-operating/Tenant Brokerage) (Date) (Authorized to bind the Listing Brokerage) (Date)
Jeris Legall, Salesperson
........................................................................................................ AZIM RIZVEE, Broker of Record
(Print Name of Salesperson/Broker/Broker of Record) (Print Name of Salesperson/Broker/Broker of Record)

CONSENT FOR MULTIPLE REPRESENTATION (To be completed only if the Brokerage represents more than one client for the transaction)

The Tenant and Landlord consent with their initials to their Brokerage
representing more than one client for this transaction.


I have received, read, and understand the above information.

......................................................... ................................................ VANESSA SCHLITTER

................................................... 12/12/2023
(Signature of Tenant) Amanda Shakes (Date) (Signature of Landlord)Vanessa Schlitter (Date)

......................................................... ................................................ ................................................... .......................................

(Signature of Tenant) Shane Johnson (Date) (Signature of Landlord) (Date)

The trademarks REALTOR®, REALTORS®, MLS®, Multiple Listing Services® and associated logos are owned or controlled by
The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify the real estate professionals who are members of CREA and the
quality of services they provide. Used under license.
© 2024, Ontario Real Estate Association (“OREA”). All rights reserved. This form was developed by OREA for the use and reproduction
by its members and licensees only. Any other use or reproduction is prohibited except with prior written consent of OREA. Do not alter
when printing or reproducing the standard pre-set portion. OREA bears no liability for your use of this form. Form 324 Revised 2024 Page 3 of 3

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