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Agilent Microwave

Plasma Atomic

For models 4100, 4200,

and 4210

User’s Guide
Notices Warranty contract clause. Use, duplication or
disclosure of Software is subject to
The material contained in this Agilent Technologies’ standard
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2011, document is provided “as is,” and is commercial license terms, and non-
2013, 2016, 2018 subject to being changed, without DOD Departments and Agencies of the
No part of this guide may be notice, in future editions. Further, to U.S. Government will receive no
reproduced in any form or by any the maximum extent permitted by greater than Restricted Rights as
means (including electronic storage applicable law, Agilent disclaims all defined in FAR 52.227-19(c)(1-2) (June
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agreement and written consent from information contained herein, as defined in FAR 52.227-14 (June
Agilent Technologies, Inc. as governed including but not limited to the 1987) or DFAR 252.227-7015 (b)(2)
by United States and international implied warranties of merchantability (November 1995), as applicable in any
copyright laws. and fitness for a particular purpose. technical data.
Agilent shall not be liable for errors
Guide Part Number or for incidental or consequential Safety Notices
G8000-90002 damages in connection with the
furnishing, use, or performance of
Edition this document or of any information CAUTION
Fourth edition, July 2018 contained herein. Should Agilent and
A CAUTION notice denotes a hazard.
the user have a separate written
Agilent Technologies Australia [M] Pty It calls attention to an operating
agreement with warranty terms
Ltd procedure, practice, or the like that, if
covering the material in this
not correctly performed or adhered to,
679 Springvale Road, Mulgrave, document that conflict with these
could result in damage to the product
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or loss of important data. Do not
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Printed in Malaysia Technology Licenses understood and met.
Agilent products must only be used in The hardware and/or software
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product user guides. Any other use furnished under a license and may be WARNING
may result in damage to the product used or copied only in accordance
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responsible for any damages caused, A WARNING notice denotes a
in whole or in part, by improper use of Restricted Rights Legend hazard. It calls attention to an
the products, unauthorized alterations, operating procedure, practice, or the
adjustments or modifications to the If software is for use in the
like that, if not correctly performed
products, failure to comply with performance of a U.S. Government
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procedures in Agilent product user prime contract or subcontract,
personal injury or death. Do not
guides, or use of the products in Software is delivered and licensed as
proceed beyond a WARNING notice
violation of applicable laws, rules or “Commercial computer software” as
until the indicated conditions are
regulations. defined in DFAR 252.227-7014 (June
fully understood and met.
1995), or as a “commercial item” as
Agilent shall not be liable for errors or
defined in FAR 2.101(a) or as
damages on products or performance
“Restricted computer software” as
due to using non-Agilent genuine
defined in FAR 52.227-19 (June 1987)
or any equivalent agency regulation or

2 Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide


1. Safety Practices and Hazards 7
General 7
Verifying Safe State 8
Plasma 9
Heat, Vapors and Fumes 10
Compressed Gas Hazards 10
Dangerous Goods 11
Electrical Hazards 11
Other Precautions 12
Warning Symbols 12
Color Coding 14
CE Compliance 14
Electromagnetic Compatibility 15
EN55011/CISPR11 15
South Korean Class A EMC declaration 16
ICES/NMB-001 16

2. Introduction 17
Site Preparation Requirements 17
User Documentation 17
Conventions 18
Notes and tips 18

Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide 3


Specifications 18
Installation category 18
Pollution level 18
Environmental conditions 19
Electrical power supplies 19
Gas supplies 20
Exhaust system 21
MP-AES instrument cooling air supply 22
Drain vessel 22
Personal computer requirements 23
Weights and dimensions 23

3. Installation 25
Agilent MP-AES Instrument Overview 26
Installing the MP Expert Software 28
Hardware Components Replacement 29
Accessories 30
Organic solvents kit 30
External Gas Control Module (EGCM) 31
SPS 3 and SPS 4 Autosampler 31
Advanced Valve System (AVS) 4 31
SVS 1/1+ 32
SVS 2 32
Agilent 4107 Nitrogen Generator 32
Multimode sample introduction system (MSIS) 33
Monochromator air purge 34

4. Operation 35
Analysis Checklist 35

4 Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide


Turning On the MP-AES Instrument and Software 36

Preparing for Analysis 37
MP-AES Instrument Wavelength Calibration 38
Creating/Opening a Worksheet 39
Creating a new worksheet 39
Opening an existing worksheet 40
Creating a new worksheet from a template 40
Developing a Method 40
Running Samples 42
Printing a Report 43
Turning Off the MP-AES instrument 43

5. Maintenance, Spare Parts and Troubleshooting 47

Routine Maintenance 48
Cleaning the MP-AES Instrument 49
Cleaning the MP-AES Easy Fit Torch 49
Cleaning the Spray Chamber 50
Checking the Gas Supply Tubing for Leaks 51
Spare Parts 51
Technical Support 52
Troubleshooting 52

Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide 5


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6 Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide

Safety Practices and Hazards

1. Safety Practices and Hazards

General 7
Verifying Safe State 8
Plasma 9
Heat, Vapors and Fumes 10
Compressed Gas Hazards 10
Electrical Hazards 11
Other Precautions 12
Warning Symbols 12
Color Coding 14
CE Compliance 14
Electromagnetic Compatibility 15
ICES/NMB-001 16

Unless otherwise specified, statements in this manual apply to the
Agilent 4100, 4200, and 4210 MP-AES instruments.
Operation of an Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission
Spectrometer (MP-AES) involves the use of compressed gases, high
microwave energy and hazardous materials including corrosive fluids
and flammable liquids. Careless, improper or unskilled use of this
instrument can cause death or serious injury to personnel, and/or
severe damage to equipment and property. Only trained personnel
should use this equipment.

Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide 7

Safety Practices and Hazards

The MP-AES instrument incorporates interlocks and covers that are

designed to prevent inadvertent contact with any potential hazards.
If the MP-AES instrument is used in any manner not specified by
Agilent, this protection may be impaired. It is good practice to
develop safe working habits that do not depend upon the correct
operation of the interlocks for safe operation. It is essential that no
interlock or cover is bypassed, damaged or removed.
The safety practices described below are provided to help the user
operate the MP-AES instrument safely. Read each safety topic
thoroughly before attempting to operate the MP-AES instrument and
always operate the MP-AES instrument in accordance with these
safety practices.
If you are unsure of the effects of any liquid, gas or chemical on the
MP-AES instrument, consult your Agilent field service engineer or
approved representative before use.
If the MP-AES instrument is to be used in conjunction with other
non-Agilent equipment, the safety requirements of any system
incorporating the MP-AES instrument is the responsibility of the
assembler of the system.

Verifying Safe State

The following general safety precautions must be observed during all
phases of operation, maintenance and service of this instrument.
To ensure continued safety of the instrument after maintenance or
service procedures verify the instrument is returned to a safe state
before use. This includes running performance checks to verify the
instruments safety systems are functioning correctly. Check the
general condition of the instrument during operation for wear or
signs of corrosion that are likely to inhibit function or safety.
Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings
elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of design,
manufacture, and intended use of the instrument. Agilent
Technologies assumes no liability for the customer’s failure to
comply with these requirements.

8 Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide

Safety Practices and Hazards

The plasma is extremely hot (about 6,000 °C, 11,000 °F) and operates
using high levels of microwave energy. The plasma emits high
intensity light. Always wear appropriate eye protection if viewing the
plasma. Close contact with the operating plasma can result in severe
heat burns to the skin, and exposure to microwave radiation can
cause sub-surface skin burns.
Do not operate the plasma if:
 the microwave excitation assembly appears to be damaged
 foreign material is present in the viewing port (left end of the
microwave excitation assembly) or the torch aperture (vertical
space for the torch)
 the space above the chimney is not clear of objects
 the MP-AES instrument exhaust system is not connected or
turned on
The microwave excitation assembly is designed to reduce microwave
radiation to safe levels while still permitting easy installation of the
torch and viewing of the plasma. The MP-AES instrument has an
interlock system that is designed to extinguish the plasma if either
the pre-optics window holder is opened or the torch is unloaded
before the plasma has been extinguished. Do not attempt to bypass
the interlock system.
Before opening the pre-optics window holder or unloading the torch,
extinguish the plasma by:
 pressing SHIFT and F5 on the keyboard
 selecting the ‘Plasma off’ option from the ‘Plasma’ drop-down
arrow on the MP Expert software toolbar
 pressing the Plasma Enable switch on the front of the MP-AES
The torch remains hot for up to five minutes after the plasma is
extinguished. Touching the torch before it has cooled sufficiently may
result in burns. Allow the torch to cool before removing it from the

Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide 9

Safety Practices and Hazards

The plasma system has been carefully designed to operate safely and
effectively when using torches and related components that conform
to Agilent’s design criteria. Use of non-approved components in the
MP-AES instrument may render the system inoperative and/or
hazardous. It may also invalidate the warranty on the MP-AES
instrument. Use only torches and related components supplied or
authorized by Agilent.

Heat, Vapors and Fumes

Heat, ozone, vapors and fumes generated by the plasma can be
hazardous, and must be extracted from the MP-AES instrument by
means of an exhaust system. Ensure that an exhaust system of the
appropriate type is fitted (as specified in the site preparation guide).
The system must be vented to the outside in accordance with local
regulations and never within the building. Regularly check the
exhaust system by smoke test to ensure that the exhaust system is
functioning correctly. The exhaust fan must always be switched on
before igniting the plasma.

Compressed Gas Hazards

All compressed gases (other than air) can create a hazard if they leak
into the atmosphere. Even small leaks in gas supply systems can be
dangerous. Any leak (except that of air) can result in an oxygen-
deficient atmosphere which can cause asphyxiation. The storage area
must be adequately ventilated and must comply with the rules and
regulations imposed by the local authorities responsible for such use
in the workplace.
Gas cylinders must be stored and handled strictly in accordance with
local safety codes and regulations. Cylinders must be used and stored
only in a vertical position and secured to an immovable structure or
a properly constructed cylinder stand. Move cylinders only by
securing them to a properly constructed trolley.
If gases are to be plumbed from a remote storage area to the
instrument site, ensure that the local outlets are fitted with stop
valves, pressure gauges and suitable regulators that are easily
accessible to the instrument operator. The gas outlets must be
provided within 1.5 meters (5 feet) of the MP-AES instrument.

10 Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide

Safety Practices and Hazards

Use only approved regulator and hose connectors (refer to the gas
supplier’s instructions). Keep gas cylinders cool and properly
labeled. (All cylinders are fitted with a pressure relief device that will
rupture and empty the cylinder if the internal pressure is raised
above the safe limit by excessive temperatures.) Ensure that you have
the correct cylinder before connecting it to the MP-AES instrument.
If using cryogenic (liquid) gases (for example, liquid nitrogen or
argon) prevent severe burns by wearing suitable protective clothing
and gloves.

Dangerous Goods
The Onboard Argon Bottle is considered dangerous goods when
shipped and must comply with the rules and regulations imposed by
the local and recipient’s authorities.

Electrical Hazards
The MP-AES instrument and some accessories contain electrical
circuits, devices and components operating at dangerous voltages.
Contact with these circuits, devices and components can cause death,
serious injury or painful electric shock. Panels or covers that are
retained by screws on the MP-AES instrument and accessories may
be opened only by Agilent­trained, Agilent-qualified or
Agilent­approved field service engineers (unless specifically
instructed). Consult the documentation or product labels supplied
with your personal computer (PC), monitor and printer to determine
which parts are operator-accessible.
The power cord set shipped with the MP-AES instrument cannot be
used with other products.
If necessary, replace the power cord only with a cord equivalent to
the one specified in the site preparation guide.

Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide 11

Safety Practices and Hazards

Other Precautions
Use of the MP-AES instrument and accessories may involve
materials, solvents and solutions that are flammable, corrosive, toxic
or otherwise hazardous. Careless, improper or unskilled use of such
materials, solvents and solutions can create explosion hazards, fire
hazards, toxicity and other hazards that can result in death, serious
personal injury or damage to equipment.
Always ensure that laboratory safety practices governing the use,
handling and disposal of hazardous materials are strictly observed.
These safety practices should include wearing appropriate safety
clothing and safety glasses.
Air flow to the MP-AES instrument and accessories must be
unobstructed. Do not block the ventilation grill on the instrument.
Allow at least 50 mm (2 in.) of space on the sides, and 150 mm (6 in.)
at the rear of the system to permit free air circulation. Consult the
documentation supplied with your PC, monitor and printer for their
specific ventilation requirements.
Great care should be taken when working with glass or quartz parts
to prevent breakage and cuts. This is especially important when
attaching plastic tubing to glass barbs, or removing and replacing
pieces of broken torch.
The MP-AES instrument weighs approximately 73 kg (161 lb). To
avoid injury or damage to the MP-AES instrument or property,
always use a forklift or other suitable mechanical lifting device to
move the MP-AES instrument.
Use only Agilent-supplied spares with your MP-AES instrument.

Warning Symbols
The following is a list of symbols that appear in conjunction with
warnings in this guide and on the MP-AES instrument. The hazard
they describe is also shown. The beginning of the warning text is
noted by a warning icon:

12 Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide

Safety Practices and Hazards

A triangular symbol indicates a warning. The meanings of the

symbols that may appear alongside warnings in the documentation
or on the MP-AES instrument itself are as follows:

Corrosive liquids Electrical shock Extreme cold

Eye hazard Fire hazard Heavy weight

(danger to feet)

Heavy weight Hot surface Moving parts

(danger to hands)

Non-ionizing radiation Noxious gases Sharp object

The following symbol may be used on warning labels attached to the

MP-AES instrument. When you see this symbol, refer to the relevant
operation or service documentation for the correct procedure
referred to by that warning label.

Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide 13

Safety Practices and Hazards

The following symbols appear on the MP-AES instrument.

I Mains power on

0 Mains power off

Single phase alternating current

Socket for Agilent accessory USB cable

Color Coding
The various indicator lights appearing on Agilent instruments and
associated accessories represent the status of the instrument or
 A green light indicates the instrument is in normal/standby
 A flashing green light indicates that firmware is being uploaded
from the PC to the MP-AES instrument or that there is no USB
connection from the PC to the MP-AES instrument.
CE Compliance
Your MP-AES instrument has been designed to comply with the
requirements of the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive
and the Machinery Directive of the European Union. Agilent has
confirmed that each product complies with the relevant Directives by
testing a prototype against the prescribed EN (European Norm)
Proof that a product complies with these directives is indicated by:
 the CE Marking appearing on the rear of the product, and
 the documentation package that accompanies the product
containing a copy of the Declaration of Conformity. The
Declaration of Conformity is the legal declaration by Agilent that
the product complies with the directives listed above, and shows
the EN standards to which the product was tested to
demonstrate compliance.

14 Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide

Safety Practices and Hazards

Electromagnetic Compatibility

Group 1 ISM equipment: group 1 contains all ISM equipment in
which there is intentionally generated and/or used conductively
coupled radio- frequency energy which is necessary for the internal
functioning of the equipment itself.
Class A equipment is equipment suitable for use in all
establishments other than domestic and those directly connected to a
low voltage power supply network which supplies buildings used for
domestic purposes.
This device complies with the requirements of CISPR11, Group 1,
Class A as radiation professional equipment. Therefore, there may be
potential difficulties in ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in
other environments, due to conducted as well as radiated
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1 This device may not cause harmful interference.
2 This device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try one or more of
the following measures:
1 Relocate the radio or antenna.
2 Move the device away from the radio or television.
3 Plug the device into a different electrical outlet, so that the device
and the radio or television are on separate electrical circuits.
4 Make sure that all peripheral devices are also certified.
5 Make sure that appropriate cables are used to connect the device
to peripheral equipment.
6 Consult your equipment dealer, Agilent Technologies, or an
experienced technician for assistance.

Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide 15

Safety Practices and Hazards

Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Agilent

Technologies could void the user’s authority to operate the

South Korean Class A EMC declaration

This equipment is Class A suitable for professional use and is for use
in electromagnetic environments outside of the home.
A급 기기
(업무용 방송통신기자재)
이 기기는 업무용(A급) 전자파적합기기로서 판
매자 또는 사용자는 이 점을 주의하시기 바라
며, 가정외의 지역에서 사용하는 것을 목적으
로 합니다.

This ISM device complies with Canadian ICES- 001.
Cet appareil ISM est conforme à la norme NMB-001 du Canada.

16 Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide


2. Introduction
Site Preparation Requirements 17
User Documentation 17
Specifications 18

Site Preparation Requirements

Prior to receiving your Agilent MP-AES instrument, you will have
been provided with an Agilent MP-AES Site Preparation Guide,
which describes the environmental and operating requirements and
specifications of the MP-AES instrument. You must prepare your
laboratory according to these instructions and specifications before
the instrument can be installed. You should keep the site preparation
guide for future reference. If you have misplaced your copy, you can
obtain a replacement from your local Agilent office.

User Documentation
You have been provided with the following documentation to help
you set up and operate your MP-AES instrument:
 The Agilent MP-AES Site Preparation Guide, with information on
how to set up your laboratory in preparation for the MP-AES
 This User’s Guide, with safety practices and hazards information,
instructions for finding information about installing and
maintaining the components of the MP-AES instrument and a
brief operation overview.

Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide 17


 An extensive Help system containing context-sensitive Help, step-

by-step instructions for frequently performed operations and
instructions for using any accessories you ordered. Access the
Help by pressing F1 on your keyboard with the MP Expert
software open, by clicking the resources icon and then Help and
Documentation on the Start page, or by double-clicking the MP
Expert Help icon on the computer desktop.

The following conventions have been used throughout the
 Menu items, menu options and field names (for example, click
Copy on the Edit menu) have been typed in bold. Bold is also
used to signify the pushbuttons appearing throughout the
software (for example, click OK).
 ALL CAPITALS indicate keyboard and mouse commands (for
example, press the F2 key) and text you must type using the
keyboard (for example, type SETUP at the prompt).

Notes and tips

A Note is used to give advice or information.
A Tip is used to give practical hints to help you achieve the best
possible performance from your MP-AES instrument.

Installation category
The installation category is based on IEC61010:II. The installation
category implies the regulation for impulse withstand voltage. It is
also called the ‘Over voltage category’. ‘II’ applies to electrical

Pollution level
The pollution level is based on IEC61010:2. Pollution level describes
the degree to which a solid, liquid or gas that deteriorates dielectric
strength is adhering. ‘2’ applies to a normal indoor atmosphere.

18 Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide


Environmental conditions
See the Agilent MP-AES Site Preparation Guide for specifications.

Laboratory conditions
The area selected for the operation of an MP-AES instrument:
 must be free from drafts, corrosive atmospheres and vibration
 should have sample preparation areas and materials storage
facilities located in a separate room
 must be a dust-free, low humidity environment
 should have air conditioning for control of the environment

Temperature control
Most of the heat generated by the MP-AES instrument into the
laboratory is extracted from the laboratory by the exhaust system.
When the plasma is operating, approximately 200 W of heat from the
MP-AES instrument electronics flows into the laboratory.

Electrical power supplies

All power supplies should be single phase AC, 3 wire system (active,
neutral, ground or two active and ground) and should be terminated
at an appropriate connection receptacle that is within reach of the
system power cable. Use of power boards or extension cables is not

Electrical requirements
The installation of electrical power supplies must comply with the
rules and/or regulations imposed by the local authorities responsible
for the use of electrical energy in the workplace.
Avoid using power supplies from a source that may be subject to
electrical interference from other services (such as large electric
motors, elevators, welders and air conditioning units).

Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide 19


Other electrical connections


NOTE Basic insulation is provided for single fault protection on the USB connector.

Gas supplies
The primary gas used by the MP-AES instrument is nitrogen, which is
the supply gas for the plasma. A small quantity of argon is used in
the plasma ignition cycle. Oil-free compressed air is used for the
pre-optics protection gas. Other gases may be required for future
options and accessories. Use only ‘instrument-grade’ nitrogen with
your MP-AES instrument.
The installation of compressed or liquid gas supplies must comply
with the rules and/or regulations imposed by the local authorities
responsible for such use in the workplace.
See the Agilent MP-AES Site Preparation Guide for gas pressure
Liquid or gaseous argon and nitrogen may be used with the MP-AES
instrument. Agilent recommends the use of liquid gases, which are
more pure, more convenient and cheaper per unit volume.
The main gas supply requirements used with the MP-AES instrument
 Nitrogen — for the plasma and nebulizer gas supply
 Air — for the pre-optics protection gas
 Argon — only required during plasma ignition
Additional gas supply requirements used when the optional External
Gas Control Module (EGCM) or Monochromator Air Purge
accessories are installed are:
 Purge gas: nitrogen — for optics purging when analyzing elements
below 185 nm, or air — for optics purging in corrosive

20 Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide


 Air — for supply of air to the plasma when analyzing organic

The MP-AES instrument is fitted with PTFE gas supply hose
assemblies, 1.8 meters (6 feet) in length, and 1/4 inch Swagelok
The operator (or other authorized personnel) must carry out
appropriate leak tests necessary to ensure safety on the gas
connections that the operator is directed to assemble during
installation, normal use or maintenance.
To avoid an unacceptable pressure drop in the tubing, the nitrogen
and argon supplies from the regulator to the instrument should be
not less than 3 mm internal diameter and not more than 10 m length.
This will give a pressure drop of approximately 50 kPa in the tubing.

CAUTION Use only the tubing supplied with the instrument (or equivalent quality) to deliver
argon to the instrument. Inferior plastic or rubber tubing may cause ignition
problems due to contamination of the argon by atmospheric gases.

Exhaust system
The plasma operates at extremely high temperatures. The MP-AES
instrument exhaust fumes can be noxious or corrosive.
The MP-AES instrument exhaust must be directly connected to an
exhaust system. The exhaust system must include an exhaust fan, be
ducted to an external vent and provide a minimum flow of 3 m3/min
(106 ft3/min).
The exhaust system installation must comply with any rules and/or
regulations that may be imposed by the local authorities responsible
for control of facilities and fixtures in the workplace.
The exhaust fan should be located at least 2 meters (6 ft, 6 in) away
from the top of the MP-AES instrument chimney. The fan control
switch and running indicator lamp should be located in a position
where the instrument operator can view the indicator and access the
control switch.

Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide 21


WARNING Hot Surface

The external vent may become hot during MP-AES instrument operation and
remain hot for some time after the MP-AES instrument has been switched off.
Allow the external vent to cool for at least five minutes before attempting to
remove the exhaust hose. Use heat-resistant gloves.

MP-AES instrument cooling air supply

The MP-AES instrument requires clean, dry, non-corrosive air for
cooling purposes. This is supplied to the MP-AES instrument through
an air supply vent located at the top, rear of the instrument. The vent
has a dust filter, to filter out particulate matter.
The air supply is used to cool the internal mechanical and electronic
components of the MP-AES instrument. Several of these assemblies
contain parts prone to corrosion. The introduction of cooling air
contaminated with high levels of acid vapors or other corrosive
substances may cause damage to the MP-AES instrument.
Due to the corrosive nature of some analytical work, it is
recommended that in applications demanding high usage of corrosive
materials, an external cooling air supply system is provided. It is
required that the cooling air be supplied from an environmentally-
controlled area that is away from the MP-AES instrument exhaust
and any other area where corrosive materials are stored or used. Do
not duct humid, warm air into an MP-AES instrument in a cooled
laboratory environment.
The cooling air system with flue, fan, ducting and supply cowl, must
provide a minimum positive flow of 3 m3/min (106 ft3/min). The
ducting should be corrosion-resistant and fire-proof.

Drain vessel
The MP-AES instrument needs a drain vessel for disposal of excess
fluids and vapors from the spray chamber. Suitable tubing is
supplied with the MP-AES instrument for use with inorganic
solvents. When using organic solvents, different drain tubing that is
suitable for the solvent in use will be required.

22 Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide


A chemically-inert container, not glass, to hold a minimum of 2 liters

(4 pints) of waste must be provided by the user. It should be located
underneath the sample tray (or on the right side of the MP-AES
instrument), where it is protected by the bench and in full view of the
Disposal of all chemical waste must comply with any rules and/or
regulations that may be imposed by the local authorities.

Personal computer requirements

The recommended and minimum PC specifications can be found in
the Agilent MP-AES Site Preparation Guide.
Locate the PC keyboard and mouse for ergonomically correct access.

Weights and dimensions

For the weights and dimensions of your MP-AES instrument please
see the Agilent MP-AES Site Preparation Guide.

WARNING Heavy Weight

Danger to feet and hands. The Agilent MP-AES instrument weighs
approximately 73 kg (161 lb). To avoid injury to personnel or damage to
equipment, always use a fork lift or other suitable lifting device when moving
the MP-AES instrument.

Position the MP-AES instrument on the bench to allow easy access to

the power switch located on the right side of the instrument.

Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide 23


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24 Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide


3. Installation
Agilent MP-AES Instrument Overview 26
Installing the MP Expert Software 28
Hardware Components Replacement 29
Accessories 30

The Agilent MP-AES instrument must be installed by an Agilent-

trained, Agilent-qualified or Agilent-authorized field service engineer.
You should have completed and returned the form in the Agilent
MP-AES Site Preparation Guide stating that you have prepared the
laboratory in accordance with the requirements detailed in that
Details for unpacking the MP-AES instrument and what to do in case
it has been damaged in transit are also outlined in the site
preparation guide.

Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide 25


Agilent MP-AES Instrument Overview

1 7

3 9
4 11

5 12

Figure 1. Front of the MP-AES instrument

1. Power status LED 5. Peristaltic pump 9. Torch

2. Plasma Enable button/ 6. Pre-optics window 10. Torch clamp for spray
status LED access door chamber and torch

3. Optional AVS 4 Switching 7. Plasma viewing port 11. Spray chamber

Valve accessory

4. Nebulizer gas supply 8. Torch loader handle 12. Nebulizer

NOTE If the Plasma Enable button is used to extinguish the plasma, you will need to
reset the Plasma Enable button to the ‘Enable’ (pushed in) position before the
plasma can be re-ignited.

26 Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide


All connections of services to the MP-AES instrument are made on

the right side of the instrument. Remove the cover by hand to gain
access to the power, USB, accessory, and gas connections. The
onboard argon bottle and regulator (if used) are also accessed via
this side cover.


2 7

Figure 2. Input and output connections on the side of the MP-AES instrument

Item Description
1 Accessory port DA-15 receptacle
For connection of Agilent-specified accessories only
2 Sampler port DE-9 plug. RS-232 port for connection of the Agilent SPS 3
3 Power switch Combination power switch and main circuit breaker (12 A) for
the MP-AES instrument
4 Power inlet IEC-C14 mains power inlet receptacle
Accepts IEC-C13 mains lead
5 USB port USB type B receptacle. Supports USB 2.0 Full Speed
Length of USB cable to PC is to be a maximum of 3 m (10 ft)
6 Gas inlets Connect required gas supplies
7 Onboard argon Onboard argon bottle location
bottle receptacle

Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide 27


Installing the MP Expert Software

Although the Agilent-trained, Agilent-qualified or Agilent-authorized
field service engineer will install the MP Expert software for you
during the installation process, you may need to install the software
yourself at some later stage, for example if you change the PC.

NOTE Install the MP Expert Software first, and then plug the USB cable into the

To install the MP Expert software:

1 Log on to the instrument computer with Administrative rights.
2 Insert the MP Expert Software disk in your CD-ROM drive. The
software will automatically start1.
3 Follow the instructions on the screen.
4 Click Yes to restart the computer if prompted.
5 Plug the USB cable into the USB port on the MP-AES instrument
and then into a USB port on the computer.
6 Once installation is complete, you will need to register your
MP Expert Software. To start the MP Expert software, double-
click the MP Expert icon on your computer desktop. Complete
the Software Registration, if requested to do so, referring to the
Help if required.

TIP To familiarize yourself with the MP Expert software, after installation, double-
click the MP Expert icon on your computer desktop. When the MP Expert Help
appears, click the How to link to view step-by-step instructions on how to use
the MP-AES instrument.

1 If you have turned off the auto-start capability of your CD-ROM drive, you will need to run the MPExpertSetup.exe file on
the disk.

28 Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide


Hardware Components Replacement

Your MP-AES instrument should be ready to operate after the Agilent
field service engineer has installed it. However, during use you may
need to set up items such as the pre-optics window, torch, spray
chamber, nebulizer or peristaltic pump tubing.
To find instructions on how to replace these items, double-click the
MP Expert Help icon on your computer desktop (or, with the MP
Expert software open, press F1 on your keyboard). Expand the ‘How
To’ section and then select the appropriate topic.

NOTE Torches used with Agilent 4100 MP-AES instruments are different from the
torches used with the Agilent 4200 and 4210 MP-AES instruments and are not
interchangeable. Torches for the 4100 MP-AES have a grey base (Figure 3).
Torches for the 4200 and 4210 MP-AES have a blue base (Figure 4).

Figure 3. 4100 MP-AES EasyFit torch Figure 4. 4200 and 4210 MP-AES EasyFit

Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide 29


The following accessories may be available for use with your MP-AES
 Organic solvents kit
 External Gas Control Module (EGCM)
 SPS 3 and SPS 4 Autosamplers
 Advanced Valve System (AVS) 4
 SVS 1/1+ Switching Valve System
 SVS 2 Switching Valve System
 Agilent 4107 Nitrogen Generator
 Multimode sample introduction system (MSIS)
 Monochromator air purge
For installation information, please see the accessory documentation
provided with the accessory or the MP Expert Help.

NOTE You must turn off the MP-AES instrument when accessories are plugged into or
unplugged from the Accessory Port.

Organic solvents kit

For safety information and to install the kit on the MP-AES
instrument, please see the instructions that came with the
application kit.
If organic solvents are used, special organic resistant pump tubing is
highly recommended.

30 Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide


External Gas Control Module (EGCM)

For safety information and to install the EGCM on the MP-AES
instrument, please see the instructions that came with the accessory.
The EGCM is an accessory with two specific functions:
 Supply nitrogen gas to purge the optics system for analytical
measurements below 185 nm
 Introduce a small amount of air into the plasma for the analysis
of organics. The air facilitates the analysis of organics by MP-AES
instrument techniques by reducing carbon buildup and
background signal resulting in lower detection limits when
analyzing organic solutions.

SPS 3 and SPS 4 Autosampler

For safety information and to prepare the SPS 3 or SPS 4 for
installation, please see the instructions that came with the accessory.
The SPS 3 and SPS 4 are compatible with a wide range of
commercially available low-cost autoclavable sample racks.
Sample contamination from airborne particles is eliminated and
corrosive or toxic fumes are removed during sampling with the
optional environmental enclosure.

Advanced Valve System (AVS) 4

For safety information and to prepare the accessory for installation,
please see the instructions supplied with the accessory.
The integrated AVS 4 (4 port switching valve) rinses the sample
introduction system while the next sample is being readied for
analysis prior to measurement. Excess sample is diverted away from
the spray chamber and rinse is introduced immediately after
measurement. This will increase productivity, reduce sample carry-
over and required cleaning frequency of sample introduction

Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide 31


SVS 1/1+
For safety information and to prepare the SVS 1 or SVS 1+ for
installation, please see the instructions that came with the accessory.
The SVS 1/1+ is a 4-port switching valve positioned between the
spray chamber and the peristaltic pump of the spectrometer. During
the rinse time, when the instrument is usually idle, the autosampler
cleans the probe and presents the next sample for measurement,
increasing productivity. Excess sample is diverted away from the
spray chamber immediately after measurement, reducing sample

For safety information and to prepare the SVS 2 for installation,
please see the instructions that came with the accessory.
The SVS 2 increases sample throughput and decreases turnaround
time and operating costs. The SVS 2 features triple-stacked, 4-port
switching valve positioned between the spray chamber and the
peristaltic pump of the spectrometer. Samples are quickly loaded
into the SVS 2 sample loop, ready for immediate analysis by the
MP-AES, greatly reducing sample uptake delays. Pre-emptive rinsing
of the sample line means analysis times are reduced. The SVS 2 also
features an internal T-piece within the valve, reducing dead volume
and providing online addition of internal standard and ionization
buffer solutions. A bubble injector automatically injects bubbles after
the sample is loaded into the loop, isolating the sample from the rinse
solution. This reduces the volume of sample required for
measurement as tailing (or dilution) effects are minimized.

Agilent 4107 Nitrogen Generator

For safety information and to prepare the nitrogen generator for
installation, please see the User’s Guide that came with this

32 Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide


The Agilent 4107 Nitrogen Generator can be used to provide a

nitrogen supply for the MP-AES instrument and EGCM. This allows
the instrument to operate without the need for a cylinder or Dewar
nitrogen supply. A supply of clean, dry, oil-free compressed air is
required to supply the nitrogen generator and the MP-AES
instrument. This can be supplied from an in-house supply (if it meets
the flow and purity requirements) or a commercial air compressor.
For details on the required air flow and purity requirements for the
nitrogen generator, please see the Agilent MP-AES Site Preparation

NOTE Separate nitrogen generator units must be used to supply the nitrogen to the
MP-AES instrument and the ECGM.

Multimode sample introduction system (MSIS)

For safety information and to prepare the MSIS for installation,
please see the instructions that came with this accessory and the MP
Expert Help.
The MSIS is used with the MP-AES instrument to provide
simultaneous vapor generation of several hydride forming elements,
enabling determination with low ppb detection limits.
The MSIS consists of the OneNeb nebulizer and modified glass
cyclonic spray chamber that has two vertical conical tubes in the
center of the chamber. This allows for reductant and sample to mix
quickly and thoroughly in the chamber using thin film hydride
technology to form the hydrides.
The MSIS can be operated in three modes: hydride only,
simultaneous hydride and conventional nebulization or conventional
nebulization only.

Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide 33


Monochromator air purge

For safety information and to prepare the monochromator air purge
accessory for installation, please see the instructions that came with
this accessory and the MP Expert Help.
The monochromator air purge accessory provides clean air to the
MP-AES instrument monochromator to maintain it at a positive
pressure. This should be used to prevent the ingress of dust and
corrosive vapors from the laboratory environment.

34 Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide


4. Operation
Analysis Checklist 35
Turning On the MP-AES Instrument and Software 36
Preparing for Analysis 37
MP-AES Instrument Wavelength Calibration 38
Creating/Opening a Worksheet 39
Developing a Method 40
Running Samples 42
Printing a Report 43
Turning Off the MP-AES instrument 43
This chapter provides a quick guide to getting the Agilent MP-AES
instrument set up and running samples.
You will find step-by-step instructions for common operations in the
MP Expert Help. To access this information:
1 Double-click the MP Expert Help icon on the computer desktop.
2 When the MP Expert Help appears, click How to to view the
available step-by-step instructions.

Analysis Checklist
You need to complete the following steps in turn to measure a
solution. You will find information on each step in this chapter.
 Turn on the MP-AES instrument and open the software
 Prepare for analysis
 Perform a wavelength calibration of the MP-AES instrument
 Create/open a worksheet
 Develop a method

Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide 35


 Run samples
 Print a report

Turning On the MP-AES Instrument and Software

Before starting the system, carefully read the Safety Practices and
Hazards section at the front of this guide and ensure that the
laboratory is set up according to the details specified in the Agilent
MP-AES Site Preparation Guide.
To turn on the MP-AES instrument and start the software:
1 Check that the exhaust and intake lines are secured to the
MP-AES instrument.
2 Ensure the gas lines are connected to the MP-AES instrument
and that the gas supplies are turned on and set to the correct
3 Check that the USB and power cables are plugged in.
4 Check that the pre-optics window is clean and correctly installed
and that the interlock is engaged.
5 Check that the torch is clean and in good condition.
6 Insert the torch and completely close the torch handle. Fit the
spray chamber socket to the ball joint on the base of the torch
and secure using the torch clamp.
7 Check that all tubing on the spray chamber, nebulizer and
peristaltic pump are correctly connected.
8 Switch on the computer, monitor and printer.
9 Switch on the laboratory exhaust system.
10 Turn on the MP-AES instrument.
11 Ensure that the Plasma Enable Switch is in the Enable state
(pushed in).

36 Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide


WARNING Hot Surfaces – Noxious Fumes – Non-Ionizing Radiation

Burn danger, inhalation hazard. The plasma emits heat, ozone and fumes,
which can be hazardous. Always switch on the exhaust system before
lighting the plasma.

12 To start the MP Expert software, double-click the MP Expert

desktop icon. The ‘Main Index’ window will appear.

Preparing for Analysis

To prepare for analysis:
1 Click the Plasma button in the MP Expert software. Alternatively,
press F5 or choose Plasma on from the arrow under the Plasma
2 Ensure that the peristaltic pump is correctly set up (refer to the
Peristaltic Pump section of the Help). If you have not already
done so, adjust the pressure bars on the peristaltic pump for
even sample flow.
3 Place the sample tubing from the peristaltic pump into the rinse
solution and the drain tubing into the drainage vessel.
4 Click the Pump button in the MP Expert software and choose
Normal (15 rpm) from the arrow under the Pump button. The
pump will be initialized and the solution will begin aspirating.

Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide 37


NOTE See the MP Expert Help for instructions on how to adjust the peristaltic pump
pressure bars.

NOTE For optimum performance and stability, for the MP-AES instrument a warm up
time of 30 minutes is recommended, from standby.

NOTE When using the nitrogen generator, a purge time of up to 20 minutes is required
from power on, depending on the prior usage history, to allow the nitrogen
generator to achieve required nitrogen purity.

NOTE The plasma will take between 10–15 seconds to ignite. If it fails to ignite, refer to
the Troubleshooting section in the Help for further information. In addition, the
plasma can be run dry (no solution) without damaging the torch.

CAUTION The plasma cannot be run without the spray chamber and nebulizer gas supply
connected. Doing so will damage the torch.

MP-AES Instrument Wavelength Calibration

Refer to the Help for information about what a wavelength
calibration is, and how to prepare the wavelength calibration
To perform an MP-AES instrument wavelength calibration:
1 If you are using a 4100 MP-AES, ensure a standard glass
concentric nebulizer, a single pass spray chamber and 4100
EasyFit plasma torch are installed. If you are using a 4200 or
4210 MP-AES, ensure the OneNeb nebulizer, double pass spray
chamber and 4200 and 4210 EasyFit torch are installed. Use
manual sampling for both models.

38 Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide


NOTE You must install the correct peristaltic pump tubing for the wavelength

Pump Drain
4100 MP-AES White/white Blue/blue
4200 and 4210 MP-AES Orange/green Blue/blue

2 Click the Instrument button.

3 Click Calibration.
4 Place the solution inlet tubing into the wavelength calibration
solution and allow the sample to reach the plasma.
5 Click Calibrate Instrument. The torch will be aligned and then a
wavelength calibration and a calibration check will be performed
6 After a short while, an indication of the success or failure of the
calibration check will appear, as well as an indication of the
wavelength offsets.
7 If the calibration fails, check the sample introduction system. If
the system seems fine, prepare a new wavelength calibration
solution and try again, or consult the Troubleshooting section of
the MP Expert Help.

Creating/Opening a Worksheet

Creating a new worksheet

To create a new worksheet, click New from the Start page or the File
A list of recently used files will be presented when creating a new
worksheet from a template; otherwise you may Browse for more files.
The ‘New From Template’ dialog box will be displayed in this

Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide 39


Opening an existing worksheet

To open an existing worksheet:
1 Click Open from the Start page or from the File menu.
2 A list of recently used files will be displayed. Otherwise, you may
Browse for more files. The ‘Open’ dialog box will be displayed in
this instance.

NOTE If you attempt to open a worksheet that is setup for use with a model other than
the one currently connected, you will be prompted as to whether or not you
would like the worksheet to be converted or that it will be opened as a Read-
only file. Converting the worksheet will ensure that all settings are compatible
with the connected instrument. Any changes that have been made will be
visible in the Operation Log of the worksheet.

It is recommended that the conditions are re-optimized after a conversion has

taken place.

Creating a new worksheet from a template

To create a new worksheet from a template click New From on the
Start page or New From Template from the File menu.
A list of recently used files will be presented, otherwise you may
Browse for more files. The ‘New From Template’ dialog box will be
displayed in this instance.
The Worksheet window will appear with the new worksheet loaded.

Developing a Method
To develop a method:
1 Open a new worksheet or one from a template.
2 On the ‘Elements’ page, select the element(s) from the ‘Element’
drop-down box or type the element name or symbol and then
perform one of the following:
a Click to add the primary wavelength for the selected

40 Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide


b Highlight the wavelength you wish to use from the list of

available wavelengths displayed. Click Add.

NOTE Alternatively, press CTRL and the element from the periodic table to add the
primary wavelength for the selected element to your method.

The element will appear in the table with the selected wavelength
and default settings selected.
3 Check that there are no interferents or other analytical lines
close to the selected analytical line. Their relative intensity will
govern how close the lines can be to each other. For example, if
your matrix contains an element that is not of analytical interest,
but is a potential interferent and has a line close to one of your
analytical lines, the concentration of that element in your matrix
will determine whether you need to choose another analytical
4 Make any required adjustments to each element including
selecting a different wavelength, entering additional information
into the ‘Label’ column, selecting the type of sample (choose from
analyte, internal standard or interferent) and the type of
background correction is to be used.
5 Enable QC and/or IEC in the Configuration tab if these features
are going to be used. (Available only on the full version of the MP
Expert software.)
6 Click Conditions to modify both common settings for the run and
settings for each element. Nebulizer gas settings and viewing
positions can now be optimized.

NOTE The software can automatically determine and set the optimal operating
conditions for each element. For detailed information on how to select the
conditions, see the MP Expert Help > Software > Worksheet Page > Conditions.

7 Click QC (if enabled) to enter the method detection limits, select

the QC tests to be used and which error actions should be
performed if an error occurs.

Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide 41


8 Click Standards to enter the concentration of the elements in

your standards and select whether to use other options such as
Standard Additions or MultiCal.
9 Click IEC (if enabled) to enter the concentration of the elements
in your IEC standards.
10 Click Sequence to specify the end of run actions, number of
samples, select the solution type and edit the sample labels.
11 If you are using an autosampler, click the ‘Autosampler’ tab to
select the racks and probe depth (if needed). Depending on the
autosampler selected, options may vary.

NOTE See the MP Expert Help for a more detailed description of setting up a method.

Running Samples
To run samples:
1 Click the Analysis tab and do the following:
a Ensure your samples are selected. This will be indicated by a
check next to the Rack:Tube column. To select all solutions,
select the checkbox next to the Rack:Tube title.

b Click the Run icon in the toolbar (or press the SHIFT+F8
keys) to begin the analysis, and follow the subsequent

NOTE For further information about running an analysis, refer to the MP Expert Help.

42 Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide


Printing a Report
To print a report:
1 Click Report on the toolbar or File > Report.
2 Choose whether you want to print or preview the report or save
the report as a PDF file.

TIP Previewing the report allows you to ensure that you have included all of the
data you require.

3 Select the report template and then click Open.

4 Click the Print button to generate a report as specified. A
message will appear briefly indicating the progress status of the
report being generated.
5 The Print dialog box will then be opened. You can select to print
all of the report, or a range of pages. Reports are printed to your
default printer, unless you specify otherwise. You can specify
your printer options in the Print Setup dialog box, accessible
from the File menu.
As the Print dialog box is a standard Windows dialog box, you can
obtain ‘What’s this’ help on an item by clicking the question mark
icon in the top right corner and then clicking the item of interest.

Turning Off the MP-AES instrument

To turn off the MP-AES instrument:
1 Rinse the spray chamber by aspirating water (or the appropriate
solvent for your application) for a few minutes.

NOTE When running organic samples it is recommended that the spray chamber be
cleaned and dried thoroughly between analyses.

2 Remove solution tubing from the solution. Using the peristaltic

pump, pump all solution from the sample line, nebulizer and
spray chamber and then continue to run for another 30 seconds
to ensure that the sample introduction system is solution free.

Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide 43


3 Extinguish the plasma by choosing Plasma Off from the Plasma

button drop-down arrow or pressing SHIFT and F5 on the
keyboard. The peristaltic pump stops automatically when the
plasma is extinguished.

NOTE The green Plasma enable button, located on the front of the MP-AES
instrument, is intended to be used only in an emergency. It is not intended to be
used every time you want to extinguish the plasma. If it is used to extinguish
the plasma, you will need to reset the Plasma enable button to the ‘on’ position
before the plasma can be re-ignited.

4 The mains power switch can be left on.

5 To increase the pump tubing lifetime, loosen the pressure on the
peristaltic pump tubing by releasing the pressure bars and lifting
the tubing out of the grooves in the tube retainer. To do this:
a Push up the pressure bar tensioners. (1 in Figure 5). This
releases them from the pressure bar.
b Allow the pressure bar to swing backwards. (2 in Figure 5)
c Lift the tubing out of the grooves in the tube retainer. (3 in
Figure 5)


Figure 5. Peristaltic pump components

If you would like immediate operation next time the MP-AES
instrument is started, leave the PC and gas on. Close the worksheet
by choosing Close from the File menu but leave the MP Expert
software running. You may switch off the printer, monitor and any
It is recommended that the power save option on your PC is disabled.

44 Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide


WARNING Noxious Fumes

Asphyxiation danger. The exhaust system MUST remain on if the gas supplies
are on.

NOTE If the MP-AES instrument is not going to be in use for a period of time the torch
should be cleaned of any deposits, dirt or residue. For further information about
cleaning the torch see Page 49.

Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide 45


This page is intentionally left blank.

46 Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide

Maintenance, Spare Parts and Troubleshooting

5. Maintenance, Spare Parts and

Routine Maintenance 48
Cleaning the MP-AES Instrument 49
Cleaning the MP-AES Easy Fit Torch 49
Cleaning the Spray Chamber 50
Checking the Gas Supply Tubing for Leaks 51
Spare Parts 51
Technical Support 52
Troubleshooting 52
This chapter includes the Agilent MP-AES instrument maintenance
requirements that may be carried out by an operator. Any
maintenance procedures not specifically mentioned in this chapter
should be carried out only by Agilent-trained, Agilent-qualified or
Agilent-authorized field service engineers.

WARNING Shock Hazard

The MP-AES instrument contains electrical circuits, devices and
components operating at dangerous voltages. Contact with these circuits,
devices and components can result in death, cause serious injury, or painful
electrical shock.

NOTE This section refers to maintenance procedures for the MP-AES instrument. You
should refer to your PC and printer documentation for their maintenance
procedures, and to the MP Expert Help for the maintenance procedures for any
accessories you ordered.

Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide 47

Maintenance, Spare Parts and Troubleshooting

Routine Maintenance
The following parts of the MP-AES instrument require routine
 Check and, if necessary, empty the drain vessel.
 Inspect the torch condition and cleanliness. Clean as necessary.
See Page 49.
 Clean the surface of your MP-AES instrument (spills should be
cleaned up immediately).
 Inspect the pump tubing and replace if it has lost its elasticity.
Unclip the pump tubes when the pump is not in use.
 Inspect the spray chamber for cleanliness. Clean as necessary.
See Page 50.
 Clean the nebulizer.
 Inspect the pre-optics window for cleanliness. Clean or replace
as necessary.
 Clean the air inlet filter on top of your MP-AES instrument.
 Perform an MP-AES instrument calibration.
 Inspect the external gas supply system for leaks including the
tubing connected to the MP-AES instrument. Replace any
damaged, leaking or worn components.
To find instructions on how to perform maintenance procedures
double-click the MP Expert Help desktop icon or, with the MP Expert
software open, press F1 on your keyboard. Expand the ‘Maintenance’
section and then select the appropriate topic.

48 Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide

Maintenance, Spare Parts and Troubleshooting

Cleaning the MP-AES Instrument

Any spills in the sample compartment or on the MP-AES should be
wiped up immediately. The user (or other authorized personnel)
must perform the appropriate decontamination procedure if
hazardous material is spilled on or inside the MP-AES instrument.
The exterior surfaces of the MP-AES instrument should be kept clean.
All cleaning should be done with a soft cloth. If necessary, this cloth
can be dampened with water or a mild detergent. Do not use organic
solvents or abrasive cleaning agents.
Before using any cleaning agent, procedure or decontamination
method except those specified by Agilent, the user (or other
authorized personnel) should check with your local authorized
Agilent field service engineer or representative to confirm that the
proposed method will not damage the equipment.

Cleaning the MP-AES Easy Fit Torch

To help you achieve the maximum usable life from your MP-AES Easy
Fit torch, it is recommended that the following cleaning procedures
are followed as soon as any discoloration appears on the outer tube
of the torch. To maximize torch lifetime and prevent contamination,
you should inspect the condition and cleanliness of the torch on a
daily basis.

CAUTION The torch is fragile. To prevent damage to the torch, always take care when
handling or storing it.

For detailed torch cleaning instructions, see “Agilent MP-AES Easy

Fit Torch Maintenance” (part number G8000-90019) available online
at or the MP Expert Help. Click ‘Maintenance’ and
then select ‘Cleaning the torch’.
Store the torch in the original box or a plastic bag when not in use.

Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide 49

Maintenance, Spare Parts and Troubleshooting

Cleaning the Spray Chamber

The ‘wetting’ of a spray chamber is its ability to produce a uniform
coating of aerosol on the internal surfaces of the spray chamber. This
uniform coating is essential for the efficient transport of aerosol from
the spray chamber to the plasma torch.
The “wetting” of a spray chamber can be judged by observing the
internal surfaces of the spray chamber while an acidified aqueous
solution (typically 1-5%) is nebulized. A correctly ‘wetting’ spray
chamber shows a uniform internal surface without large droplet
formation (Figure 6).
A poor ‘wetting’ spray chamber is usually indicated by the
appearance of large droplets on the internal surfaces of the spray
chamber (Figure 7) and can be caused by the analysis of water
miscible organic samples, contamination of the spray chamber, or
improper handling or storage.

Figure 6. Correctly ‘wetting’ spray Figure 7. Incorrectly ‘wetting’ spray

chamber with a uniform coverage chamber showing droplets

A poor ‘wetting’ spray chamber can be fixed with thorough cleaning.

For detailed spray chamber cleaning instructions, see the MP Expert
Help. Click ‘Maintenance’ and then select ‘Cleaning the spray

50 Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide

Maintenance, Spare Parts and Troubleshooting

Checking the Gas Supply Tubing for Leaks

When any gas cylinder is changed, inspect all gas hoses. Replace any
hoses showing signs of damage or deterioration.
Test all connections for leaks using a commercial leak testing
solution, a mild detergent, or an electronic leak detector.
When changing gas cylinders:
 check all gas supply pipes and hoses for leaks
 test the operation of all regulators
 ensure that shutoff valves are functioning correctly

Spare Parts
For details on spare parts and consumables ordering information,
refer to the Agilent Technologies website:
To replace the items listed below, you must use Agilent-
manufactured parts, which can be ordered online from the Agilent
website or through your local sales representative.
The following is a list of recommended spares to keep on hand to
minimize downtime during maintenance and repairs:
 Torch
 Air inlet filter
 Pre-optics windows
 Spray chamber
 Nebulizer
 Peristaltic pump tubing
 Drain tubing

Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide 51

Maintenance, Spare Parts and Troubleshooting

Technical Support
For technical support contact information, refer to the Agilent
Technologies website for details:

For troubleshooting information, please see the Help provided with
the MP Expert software.
To access it, double-click the MP Expert Help on the computer
desktop and then click Troubleshooting.

52 Agilent Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers User’s Guide

In This Guide
The guide describes the following:
 Safety Practices and Hazards
 Introduction
 Installation
 Operation
 Maintenance, Spare Parts and

© Agilent Technologies 2011, 2013,

2016, 2018
Printed in Malaysia
Issue 4

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