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BSBLDR523 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships




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BSBLDR523 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships

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BSBLDR523 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships


Section 1: Establish effective workplace relationship processes................................................................5

Section 2: Manage effective workplace relationships.................................................................................8
Section 3: Monitor and review management of workplace relationships..................................................13

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BSBLDR523 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships

Student name: Anshu Puja

Assessor: Rakhin Fahad

Date: 06.11.23

Business this assessment is Case Study : Boutique Build Australia Pty Ltd
based on:

Team/work unit within the HR Team


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Section 1: Establish effective workplace relationship


1. Describe the organisation you are basing this assessment on.

a. Provide an overview of the organisation and product/services/programs.

Boutique Build Australia Pty Ltd is a boutique building company based in Sydney that
specialises in the design and build of high-quality designer homes for the Sydney metropolitan
and surrounding areas. The company has been operational for four years.

b. What are the values and goals of the organisation?

Values are : quality, innovation, leadership, respect, honesty and reliability.
Goals: All staff of Boutique Building Australian are expected to perform the duties associated
with their position skillfully, impartially and diligently in order to contribute to the efficient and
economic achievement of the organisation.To develop best staff.

c. Describe your job role.

Provide leadership roles in policies and projects and define designing and implementing general
HR strategies, policies and solutions to achieve agreed outcomes relating to organizational
design, organizational changes, performance, management workforce and strategy planning.
Provide high level professional advice to senior managers and staff.
Provide support in HR planning, industrial planning, retention of staff. Performs management
work, health and safety. Delivering a high level of proactive and reactive support. Look after
equal employment opportunity diversity and conflict management. Leading, developing and
motivating small teams.
d.Explain how your job role takes responsibility for formulating, organising and implementing
plans, processes and strategies.
HR leads the professional life of employees from the period of hiring during the employment
relationship and the end of the employment relationship. Much of this work is related to
formulating, organizing,and implementing plans, processes, and strategies in conjunction with
the company’s board, since there needs to be an alignment between all leaders within the HR
sector to work cooperatively with employees.

d. Explain how your job role applies the values and goals of your organisation.
To achieve the values and goals. HR needs to have a deeper understanding of the
organization’s culture,values and goals. To be able to communicate effectively with employees
at all levels, from entry-level staff to senior executive. To be able to identify and address issues
related to employee relations, performance management, and workplace safety. To be able to
manage conflict and negotiate effectively to resolve disputes.

Note: Your job role should be a leadership or management position that plays a prominent role in
establishing and managing processes and procedures to support workplace relationships. As part
of your role, you should use complex and diverse methods and procedures, a range of problem
solving and decision-making strategies and exercise a considerable amount of judgement.

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If you are using the case study, assume the role of HR Manager.

2. Summarise the legislative requirements relevant to managing and leading workplace relationships.

a. Summarise any legislation relevant to workplace relationships in your organisation.

The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 establishes rules and standards for creating a healthy
and safe workplace. It explains what you must do to ensure the health, safety and well-being of
workers and others in the workplace. It also imposes legal responsibilities on you and the

b. Summarise any regulations relevant to workplace relationships in your organisation.

The Fair Work Act 2009 provides a safety net of minimum entitlements, enables flexible working
arrangements, provides fairness at work, and prevents discrimination against employees.

c. Summarise any codes relevant to workplace relationships in your organisation.

Ethical principle - the fundamental ethical principle on which this code of conduct is based are:
Respect for others - all staff are expected to treat others, including other staff and customers
with fairness and respect.
Integrity- all Boutique Building Australia staff have an obligation as a citizen and as an employee
to observe the laws of the State and Commonwealth. Staff are required to be familiar with and
comply with, all relevant Boutique Build Australia’s policies, procedures and codes of practises
of the organisation.
Conflicts of interest - staff should be honest in performing their role and avoid conflicts. Conflict
of interest may arise when a staff member is in a situation where personal circumstances are
affected by the decisions or duties carried out in their role. All staff must act responsibly and
report any actual or perceived conflicts of interest that arise as part of their role.
Diligence- Staff are expected to carry out their duties in a professional, ethical and diligent
manner at all times.
Economy and Efficiency - Staff should maintain sufficient security and protection of Boutique
Build Australia property, facilities, resources and intellectual property.
Breach of code - is designed to promote and enhance the ethical practice of staff.

Summarise any standards relevant to workplace relationships in your organisation.

ISO 44001:2017 is an International Standard that specifies the requirements for the effective
identification, development, and management of collaborative business relationships within or
between organizations. It provides a framework for establishing and managing collaborative
relationships with suppliers, customers, partners, and inter-departmental or functional teams to
generate benefits for all parties involved. The standard is applicable to private and public
organizations of all sizes, from large multinational corporations and government organizations to

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non-profit organizations and micro/small businesses. ISO 44001:2017 is a roadmap for

establishing and managing collaborative relationships with suppliers, customers, partners, and
inter-departmental or functional teams to generate benefits for all parties involved . The
standard is reviewed every 5 years.

3. Identify organisational requirements relevant to managing and leading workplace relationships.

As a minimum, your organisation must have policies and procedures that address diversity,
ethical conduct, conflict management and workplace collaboration.

a. Summarise policies and procedures that address diversity.

Diversity management benefits individuals, teams, companies as a whole and the customers.
Boutique Build Australia recognises that each employee brings their own unique capabilities,
experiences and characteristics to their work. The company values such diversity at all levels.
The company strives to create and foster a supportive and understanding environment in which
all individuals realise their maximum potential within the company, regardless of their
differences. The company recognises the importance of reflecting the diversity of the customers
and markets in the workforce. Boutique Build Australia’s diversity encompasses differences in
ethnicity, gender, language,age, sexual orientation, religion, socio-economic status, physical
and mental ability, thinking styles, experience and education. Managing diversity makes us
more creative, flexible, productive and competitive.

b. Summarise the policies and procedures that address ethical conduct.

The organisation’s commitment to ethical conduct and assured the staff that steps would be
taken to prevent ethical misconduct in the future. The staff members were referred to the
organisation’s conflict management policy and procedures for steps they may take in future
should they wish to take any complaints any further. The HR manager created a poster to
visually display the staff code of conduct principles. He also decided to provide guidance and
counselling on appropriate culture respect and body language awareness. The fundamental
ethical principles on which this code of conduct is based are: respect for others, integrity,
diligence, economy and efficiency.

c. Summarise the policies and procedures that address conflict management.

All staff must act responsibly and report any actual or perceived conflicts of interest that arise as
part of their role. If there is any question as to whether a conflict exists, staff must discuss the
circumstances to management to determine whether a conflict exists. Appropriate strategies will
be developed to manage any reported or perceived conflict of interest

d. Identify and describe the required processes for workplace collaboration from relevant policies
and procedures.
Communication - Effective communication is essential for successful collaboration. Employees
should be encouraged to communicate openly and honestly. This can be done through regular
meetings, emails, put notice on the notice board etc.
Accountability - Staff should be held accountable for their actions. This can be achieved through
Teamwork - Staff should be encouraged to work together to achieve common goals. This can be
achieved through training.

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BSBLDR523 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships

e. Summarise any other relevant workplace documentation and resources available for workplace
relationships (e.g. communications policy and procedure, performance review policy and
Efficiency and Economy - Boutique Build Australia’s resources, facilities and intellectual property
shall only be used for lawful purposes connected to their employment with the company.
Employees should avoid waste whenever possible and minimise it when this is not practicable.
Staff shall ensure that Boutique build Australia property, facilities, resources, and intellectual
property are secure and protected

f. Attach the policies and procedures to this section of your portfolio as proof.

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4. Use the legislative and organisational requirements you’ve identified to develop processes that
support workplace relationships.

Note: Each document must be written in clear and concise English, be professionally presented,
grammatically correct and error free. Include appropriate vocabulary.


a. consultation processes for employees to contribute to issues that relate to their work role.

Note: Describe the type, frequency and process required for at least four mechanisms where staff
can provide input into a range of workplace related matters.
Examples of mechanisms include:

● face-to-face discussions (formal and informal) - Is where workers can discuss their concerns
with their supervisors or managers. Formal discussions may be scheduled at regular
intervals, while informal discussions may occur spontaneously.

● social media groups - Such as viber, Whatsapp, facebook messenger and linkedIn can be
used to create groups where workers can share their ideas and concerns. This can be an
effective way to engage with remote workers and those who work outside of regular business

● dedicated email address for workplace feedback - dedicated email address can be set up to
receive feedback from workers. This is an effective way to encourage workers to provide
feedback anonymously and without fear of getting punished.

● surveys - Can be used to gather feedback from workers on a range of workplace related
matters. Surveys can be done online or in person, and can be anonymous to encourage
honest feedback

● suggestion box.

Make sure you:

● provide specific details (e.g. for a suggestion box, indicate the location of the box and how
suggestions will be recorded and actioned).
support, engage and motivate staff through your processes. (1) - How to consult with
workers | Safe Work Australia.
(2) Consultation and cooperation in the workplace - Fair Work Ombudsman.
(3) - WHS duties – Consultation | Safe Work Australia.

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b. conflict management processes.

Note: Describe the processes that should be followed by employees to manage conflict. In your
processes, consider:

● cultural and social sensitivities.

Employees should be respectful of each other’s cultures and backgrounds and work together
to find a solution that is acceptable to all parties involved. Example; The HR Support Officer
complained that the Learning and Development Officer often made remarks about her
clothing (burka) and would use negative facial features when referring to her working from
home arrangement. The HR Manager sent an email to address the ethical misconduct of the
Learning and Development Officer towards the HR Support Officer. The HR Manager
created a poster to visually display the staff code of conduct principles. He also provided
guidance and counselling to the Learning and Development Officer on appropriate cultural
respect and body language awareness.

● differences in interpersonal, communication styles and leadership styles.

Employees should be aware of the differences and try to find a solution that takes these
differences into account. Example: The staff of Boutique Build Australia experienced
communication difficulty due to the HR Support Officer’s accent and fast walking habit, the
HR Manager decided to email HR Support Officer explaining the feedback he had received.
As part of the email he would provide a few of the you-tube video links on effective
communication. He would also follow up with a coaching session on communication.

● communication mechanisms

Are the channels or methods used to convey information between individuals or groups. It
can be in many ways. One of them is In - person conversation.Example: After meeting with
the HR Support officer, the HR Manager met with the Learning and Development Officer. He
explained the feedback he had from the HR Support Officer about the Learning and
Development Officer’s improved ethical conduct but emphasised that the body language had
not improved. The HR Manager also asked for the Learning and Development officer’s
feedback on his management and leadership skills regarding workplace management. The
Learning and Development Officer expressed his disappointment that he had never been
asked for his side of the story that had led to the unethical conduct and continued raised
eyebrows. He requested that in future, all stakeholders’ opinions, experiences and points of
view be considered and documented before corrective actions or support planned.

c. processes for escalated issues (e.g. a hierarchy of responsibility to refer to relevant personnel).

Note: Describe processes that include:

● responsibilities of managers in disputes

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● responsibilities of employees in disputes

● the process by which a dispute will be escalated.

● relevant legislative considerations.

1. Discussion with supervisor

The employees should bring their concerns or complaints to their immediate supervisor.
They both should discuss the matter and work together to achieve a desired outcome.
The immediate supervisor should respond in writing to the complaint within five days of
the meeting held.
2. Written complaint and decision
Written complaints by the employee can be submitted to the senior manager if the
immediate supervisor does not resolve the problem within five working days.
3. Appeal of decision
Written concern or complaint can be submitted to the HR department within five working
days if the employee is not satisfied with the decision made by the senior.
4. Further action
If it cannot be resolved at senior management level, it may need to be referred to an
independent body such as the Fair Work Commission.

d. Attach the processes to this section of your portfolio.

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Attach: Proof of policies and procedures relevant to workplace


Workplace relationship processes (consultation, conflict

management, escalation)

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Section 2: Manage effective workplace


If you are basing this assessment on your own business, make sure you have enough information
available to:

● delegate and support the work of two staff members (at least one staff member should have a
diverse background, such as culture, gender or disability).

● address two separate conflict situations (at least one conflict should involve ethical conduct).

If you are basing this assessment on the case study, refer to the Simulation pack for additional

1. Identify the workplace relationships you will manage and lead by completing the table below.

Note: You may use the same staff members for different workplace interactions, if necessary.

Identify… Staff members Additional information

…staff members to whom you At least one staff member has HR Officer didn’t work for nine yearsF
will delegate work tasks to (at a diverse background.
least two):
- HR Support Officer
- Learning and Development

participate in consultations HR RESOURCE OFFICER DISCUSSION
regarding work relationship
issues (at least two):


participate in conflict OFFICER
management relating to
workplace relationships (at
least two):

2. Delegate and confirm responsibility for fulfilling work tasks to at least two staff members (identified in
the previous question).

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a. Complete the table to plan work delegation.

b. Unless already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your two delegations and
confirmations to this section of your portfolio (e.g. video recording of face-to-face meeting with
follow up email, completed workplan and screen shot of folder system showing cloud-based
location where it is stored etc.).

Start End Action Required Done?

01.08.23 14.08.23 Advertise Position Yes

15.08.23 15.10.23 Recruitment Process Yes

01.08.23 21.08.23 Research Best Yes


22.08.23 29.09.23 Develop and Approve Yes


To: [email protected]
From:[email protected]
Subject: Confirmation of Responsibilities

Dear HR Officer,
Please find the attached work plan delegated to you. The tasks are to be completed before the
deadline given for each task as per attached plan.
If anything is not clear as per work plan please do not hesitate to ask.

Kind Regards,
HR Manager.

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Note: You must delegate the work tasks and confirm the responsibilities to the two staff members
on separate occasions. You may delegate the work tasks and confirm the responsibilities in
any appropriate manner as long as it adheres to the organisation’s policies, procedures and
protocols. For example:

● meet face-to-face with the staff member to discuss allocated work and follow up with an

● create a project schedule and share the link with relevant employees.

● complete a work plan for the staff member and sharing the plan via the organisation’s cloud-
based document sharing platform.
As you delegate tasks and confirm responsibilities, adapt your communication style to build trust
and ensure positive working relationships (e.g. use a friendly and professional style etc.).
You will be assessed on this.

Occasion 1 Occasion 2

To who will you delegate HR OFFICER. LEARNING AND


What work/responsibilities -Advertise position -Induct applicants

will you delegate and
-Recruitment process -Develop and approve program
confirm for each identified
staff member? -Research best practice -Survey staff on their learning
-Develop and approve program

How will you delegate the Email and Calendar Add personal note.Asking how
work tasks and confirm the the Learning and Development
responsibilities (twice, on Coordinator resettled in a new
separate occasions)? role.

How will you adapt your Use less formal language that Use less formal language that
communication style to demonstrates greater demonstrates greater
build trust and ensure
positive working

Email to HR Officer
From:[email protected]
To:[email protected]

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Subject: Improvement of Communication Skills

Dear HR Officer
I hope this email finds you well. Thankyou for taking the initiative to go through the training program I
suggested. Please let me know if I can assist you in any other way.
HR Manager.

Email to Learning and development officer

From:[email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Warning

Dear Learning and Development Officer

I hope this email finds you well. Recently I have got information about you making remarks about the HR
Officers working flexible hours. I would like to remind you this is between the Fair 2009 guidelines. I
would say, you should stop making remarks about the HR Officer’s flexible working hours. Miss conduct
will not be tolerated. Please abide by the code of conduct by this organisation.

HR Manager

3.Support the two staff members to achieve their work responsibilities (delegated in the previous

a. Complete the table to plan your support.

b. Unless already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your two separate support
efforts to this section of your portfolio (e.g. video recording of informal discussion, checklist of
duties, photo of project schedule on notice board etc.).

Note: You must support the two staff members on separate occasions. You may provide
support as long as it adheres to the organisation’s policies, procedures and protocols. For

● coaching/mentoring/training.

● providing a checklist of tasks and responsibilities.

● place a team project schedule on the office notice board.

● having regular informal discussions on the employee’s progress or performance.

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● using a larger font for visually impaired employees.

Make sure you follow the relevant diversity organisation’s policies and procedures as you support
diverse staff members. You will be assessed on this.

Occasion 1 Occasion 2

How will you support each Training and coaching sessions Training and coaching session
team member?

How does your support It seeks to grow and value not It seeks to grow and value not
follow the policies and only the professional side, as it only the professional side, as it
procedures related to seeks to further develop their seeks to further develop their
diversity? qualities and talents to perform qualities and talents to perform
their activities their activities

What information should be Information about the execution Information about the execution
conveyed as you support of the work in agile and correct of the work in agile and correct
the team member? way must be transmitted, way must be transmitted,
reinforce the company’s work reinforce the company’s work
standard, guide employees to standard, guide employees to
use their skills to achieve good use their skills to achieve good
results and develop new actions results and develop new actions
that benefit the company and that benefit the company and
the team members the team members

Email to HR Support Officer

From:[email protected]
To:[email protected]
Subject: Request approved

Dear HR officer

Your request for flexible working hours has been approved. The unfinished work of the day is to be
completed from home.I hope that this way I am contributing to your good performance and giving
you necessary support for this.

HR Manager

Email to Learning and Development Officer

From:[email protected]

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To:[email protected]

Dear Learning and development Officer

The HR Officer has printed off the teamwork task on the office notice board. Please update as the
team progresses on the task given by the HR officer. This will help the Hr officer to understand the
team's work position as she is not always in the office.
Hope this will contribute and generate improvement.

HR Manager

3.Seek employee input to identify work relationship issues.

Note: You must seek employee input on two separate occasions, following the collaboration
and consultation processes established in Section 1.
At least one workplace issue should involve the ethical conduct of a staff member.

a. Complete the table to plan your consultation/collaboration.

b. Unless already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your two separate
collaboration/consultations to this section of your portfolio (e.g. video recording of informal
discussion, photo of suggestion box and completed suggestion slips etc.).

Occasion 1 Occasion 2

How will you facilitate meet the individual staff meet the individual staff
consultation and collaboration member for coffee and chat member for coffee and chat
on two separate occasions since it is a good opportunity to since it is a good opportunity to
(e.g. host a team get closer to the staff and get closer to the staff and
brainstorming session, set up stimulate better result stimulate better results
a suggestion box, meet with
individual staff member for
coffee and chat)?

How does your facilitation Training and coaching Training and coaching
follow the collaboration and sessions were previously held sessions were previously held
consultation processes to develop the professional and to develop the professional
established in Section 1? personal side of the team and personal side of the team
members, now we seek to members, now we seek to
improve the relationship of the improve the relationship of the
team members to strengthen team members to strengthen
the team and avoid conflict. the team and avoid conflict.

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Proof of Collaboration and consultation

3. Complete the table to summarise the outcomes of your collaboration/consultation:

Occasion 1 Occasion 2

What workplace relationship Difficulties in understanding Difficulty in accepting her

issues were identified (at her because of her fast talk dressing
least two)? and accent

How does the issue involve Because it’s related to the way Because it is her culture way of
ethical conduct? (at least one she is used to speak dressing
issue should include ethical

The comment was of her talking speed and her accent. That was considered difficult to understand.


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The comment was of her cultural dressing.

4. Address the identified workplace relationship issues.

a. Complete the table to plan your conflict/dispute resolution to provide feedback on the
consultation processes and address the relationship issues.

b. Unless already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of feedback on two separate
occasions to this section of your portfolio (e.g. video recording of team meeting, email etc.).

c. Unless already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your efforts to address the
issues to this section of your portfolio (e.g. video recording of mediation, email to remind staff of
ethical conduct requirements etc.).

d. Unless already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of how you provided guidance,
counselling and support on two separate occasions.

Note: You must address the workplace relationship issues on two separate occasions, following
the conflict management and escalation processes established in Section 1. This may, for
example include:

● mediation

● email to remind staff of appropriate conduct

● poster showing ethical responsibilities

● escalation to higher management levels.

Occasion 1 Survey Occasion 2 informal

discussion with hr

How will you provide feedback to Email Email

the relevant staff members
on the outcomes of the
consultation (e.g. staff
newsletter, email, as part of a
team meeting etc.)?

How will you address the Through coaching session to Through coaching session to
workplace relationship issue? speak about the importance of speak about the importance of
(e.g. act as a mediator between diversity in workplace diversity in workplace
two individuals, provide training
on appropriate language at work

How will you provide guidance, Monitor the results after the Monitor results after the
counselling and support to assist coaching session to make sure coaching session to make sure
the staff members overcome their the employees are following the employees are following

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Occasion 1 Survey Occasion 2 informal

discussion with hr

relationship difficulties? the purposed ideas and are in the purposed ideas and are in
a good relationship good relationship
(Make sure you demonstrate your
ability to motivate and engage

How does your conflict It is in compliance with the It is in compliance with the
management follow the conflict company's standard. It uses company’s standard. It uses
management and escalation the same methods and seeks the same methods and seeks
processes established in Section for escalating the issues to be for escalating the issues to be
1? solved solved

Attach: Proof of work task delegation and responsibility

confirmation (x2)

Proof of staff support efforts (x2) ☐

Proof of collaboration/consultations (x2) ☐

Proof of feedback regarding consultation outcomes (x2) ☐

Proof of conflict management efforts (x2) ☐

Proof of guidance, counselling and support (x2) ☐

Proof of conflict management efforts

Email ocassin1

From: [email protected]
To: staff

Dear Staff
I thank you all for the feedback given earlier.Hope the information passed on about ethical policy has
been well evaluated. To avoid problems among team members due to lack of respect to diversities.

Hr Manager

Occasion 2

In response to the feedback from the HR officer, the HR Manager (Anshu) sent an email thanking the HR
support officer for their honesty. The HR Manager (Anshu) affirmed the organisation's commitment to
ethical conduct and assured the staff that steps would be taken to prevent ethical misconduct in the
future. The HR Manager (Anshu) also referred the staff members to the organisation’s conflict

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management policy and procedures for steps they may take in future should they wish to take any
complaints any further.

From:[email protected]
To:[email protected]
Subject: Feedback

Dear HR Support Officer

I would like to thank you for your feedback and reaffirm my commitment to the
organization and ethical conduct and ensure that steps are taken to prevent ethical misconduct in the
future.I suggest consulting the organization's conflict management policy and procedures for actions they
can take in the future if they wish to take a grievance forward. In this way,the processes will be more
standardized and safe, and can generate more efficient effects.

HR Manager

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BSBLDR523 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships

Section 3: Monitor and review management of

workplace relationships

If you are basing this assessment on your own business, make sure you have enough information
available to monitor the outcomes of your efforts to address the workplace relationships.
If you are basing this assessment on the case study, refer to the Simulation pack for additional

Before you begin, read through Section 3. You may perform each step separately and submit separate
proof for each step, or you may combine the steps into one event (e.g. a single meeting) and
submit one single proof for all the steps in this section.

1. Monitor the outcomes of your efforts to resolve workplace relationship issues in Section 2.

a. Complete the table to plan and summarise the outcomes of your monitoring efforts.

b. Unless viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of how you monitored the outcomes of
the conflict management to this section of your portfolio.

Occasion 1 HR Office talking Occasion 2 Ethical

too fast/heavy accent misconduct by Learning
and Development Officer
towards HR Officer

How will you monitor the Follow up survey Meeting with Learning and
outcomes for each occasion Development Officer
(e.g. follow-up discussion,
survey, observation etc.)?

Summarise the outcomes of Relationship within the Relationship within the

monitoring efforts. workplace got better and the workplace got better and the
communication skill got communication skills got
improved improved

Proof of how you monitored the outcomes of the conflict management

Occasion 1

Follow-up survey was done after a few weeks passed, the HR Manager sent out another survey to all
employees regarding their HR experience in order to keep track of the issues that had been addressed
previously. The HR Support Officer's communication (pronunciation and speed) had improved
in general, according to feedback.

Australian Pacific International College I ABN: 11642992881 I CRICOS Provider: 03971B I National Provider: 45784 I Page 24
Project Portfolio I Version 1.1 Oct 2023
BSBLDR523 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships

Occasion 2

Meeting with Learning and Development

2. Communicate the outcomes of the conflict management for both identified workplace relationship
issues to the relevant staff members (e.g. email, informal discussion etc.).

a. Complete the table to plan your communication.

b. Unless viewed in person by your assessor or it forms part of a previous step, attach proof of
your communication of outcomes to this section of your portfolio.

Occasion 1 HR Office talking Occasion 2 Ethical

too fast/heavy accent misconduct by Learning
and Development Officer
towards HR Officer

How will you communicate Meeting with HR Officer Meeting with Learning and
the outcomes? Development Officer

3. Seek feedback from relevant staff members (at least two) on how you have managed the workplace

a. Complete the table to plan and summarise feedback.

b. Unless viewed in person by your assessor or it forms part of a previous step, attach proof of
how you sought feedback to this section of your portfolio.

Occasion 1 HR Officer Occasion 2 ethical

talking fast/heavy accent misconduct by L&D
Officer towards HR

How will you seek feedback? ask during meeting with HR ask during meeting with
Officer Learning and development

Evaluate the feedback: I asked for her feedback on his asked for his feedback at
management and leadership the Learning and Development
● What did you do well? skills regarding workplace office.
I can improve it by hearing both
● How can you improve I can improve it by sides of the story before taking
your leadership style? resolving questions (staff attitudes
conflict) faster

Australian Pacific International College I ABN: 11642992881 I CRICOS Provider: 03971B I National Provider: 45784 I Page 25
Project Portfolio I Version 1.1 Oct 2023
BSBLDR523 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships

Identify at least one area for Communication Recruitment

improving future workplace
relations leadership in your

Attach: Proof of how you monitored the outcomes of the conflict

management (x2)

Australian Pacific International College I ABN: 11642992881 I CRICOS Provider: 03971B I National Provider: 45784 I Page 26
Project Portfolio I Version 1.1 Oct 2023

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