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THE TITLE OF MY NEW ADVENTURE This is the short description of my new adventure.

This is the short description of my new adventure. It should set the scene in an evocative manner and then lead into a simple hook to begin with…

A. The first area, scene or block of information B. The second area, scene or block of information C. The third area, scene or block of information
As players approach their destination, draw attention to the unnatural chill which grows The players should be encouraged to pack for a difficult hike before setting off. If you After a further hour’s travel you crest a small ridge and see something which sends a
rapidly. Every few feet of climbing the air grows noticeably colder and the ground prefer a more ‘gritty’ game you can introduce rules for extreme cold. shiver down your already cold spine. The peak of the mountain is visible, but ahead of
hardens. Close to the village, all water carried immediately freezes, and players act with The mountain is eerily quiet as you trek slowly through the packed ice, feeling the you is a ravine crossed only by a narrow wooden rope bridge, swaying in the wind.
disadvantage unless using appropriate equipment, fire or magic. crunch of your boots on hard ground. The air stings your lungs but the journey passes
peacefully. After an hour, the path splits, with a choice to head left or continue right The bridge spans 40ft and must be passed with skill or ingenuity. Failure results in a 40ft
You reach the outskirts of Winter’s Peak late in the afternoon. The smell of wood smoke and upwards…_ fall to snow and ice below, taking 2d10 damage. Climbing out requires a DC16 athletics
and delicious food fills the air. A hundred twinkling lights come into view as you round or strength check, or the players can backtrack to the path. Backtracking means making a
the last corner of the path, and music drifts on the gentle but icy-cold breeze With a DC13 perception check, the players can identify a DC15 Con save against frostbite or losing attack proficiency until leaving the mountain.
frozen signpost which may be heated or scraped off to reveal
The village is currently celebrating the Festival of Changes, a local week-long tradition of Here’s a more fun directions left and right; Reaching the far side of the ravine you breathe a collective sigh of relief and after a short
eating, drinking, dancing and fire occurring at the end of each season. table layout including final climb find yourselves on a flat plateau. To the west, you can look out over an
boxes for images and  Olde Peak Village Mountaintop Shrine
 incredible vista, the horizon far in the distance and the sun now setting. To the east of you
This is clearly a celebration, fire lanterns hang between residences, and a huge bonfire text. a steep rock wall rises to the absolute peak, and cut into it, an open stone doorway.
fills the centre of the village. Three musicians play to a dancing crowd, laden stalls are It should be clear to the players that this is not the same
set out, and a group of older looking villagers watch on smiling. village as they have just come from, there is another that they The players should not be able to see into the doorway until getting much closer, it is dark
were not aware of. If they ignore this intriguing plot with only a dim flickering light issuing from within.
Bonfire Several stakes reaching nearly 10ft tall jut from the middle of the bonfire, they are
wrapped with layered meats and are tended to by a villager Donna (F Dwa) who also development they may continue on to Area C
Through the doorway you can see a small blue fire which gives off an unnatural glow, it
runs the local free house, presently closed for the festival.
It is clear this settlement has long been appears to cast strange shadows which move more slowly than the flickering flames. A
Stalls Magical trinkets Equipment Provisions
Ariadne (F Hum) trades Bobwin (M Dwa) offers Tomas (M Hum) is abandoned, with mostly only foundations huge engraved coffin fills the far end. Skeletons litter the room, and the floor appears
trinkets made from local leatherworking, basic serving hot dark Emberale remaining. One building is left standing marked with strange runes.
Feymaple wood; hand wooden weapons and (warm for 24h), potions, however, and it is not empty at all.
warmers and tokens with goods including thick charred yams, spicebread When enough players enter the shrine, the doorway behind them should begin to quickly
lv1 spell charges. cold-weather clothing. with salted butter and
Largefoot is trying to claw packed snow close and three risen adventures initiate combat. Players can jump in or out of the room
berries with DC15 Dex save. The stone door can be forced open with a DC16 strength check.
and ice away from the side of the building.
Elders Three older figures stand out amongst the milling crowd, watching the proceedings
with a warm smile. Largest amongst them is a huge man with ancient, friendly eyes Two Frost Wolves lurk nearby (DC 15
Whilst in this room, the players can examine the floor to notice that there is a particular
and a big white beard. As you approach he chuckles, “Ho ho, welcome friends!” Perception to notice and not be surprised).
circle of runes around the fire. These spell out three names; Niklas, Ceres and Hafni.
Band A trio of human musicians play music to an enthusiastic crowd. Men, women and All creatures will attack on sight.
children are dancing wildly in a loose circle. The pace rises and falls, and people End 1 - Every hit taken by players spills blood on the floor, the flame grows brighter and
cycle in and out of the dance, swapping partners, laughing or returning to feast. The players may investigate ruins to find the coffin lid melts. After 30hp total is spilled, the coffin opens and the spirit is hostile.
an empty shallow grave. If the players
The locals have no use for gold, but will barter happily. They are all incredibly friendly
search behind the building they will find a End 2 - If the ritual is disrupted (e.g. spoiling the runes, blessing the fire) then the bodies
and welcoming, and direct the players to speak to the village leader Niklas, who they
half-buried chest containing preserved fall to the floor, the coffin cracks open and the spirit is neutral and will communicate.
refer to as the Winterfather. He sets out the task required of the players, as detailed meat, gems worth 50gp and an incomplete
below ritual scroll describing 3 components Olde Peak Village
Here are the stat blocks you’ll need for this area or scene! An info box! More stat blocks! Stat blocks plus a box for an image or more info!
Niklas Ceres Hafni With a DC12 arcana or Largefoot Frost Wolf Risen Adventurer Cursed Spirit
(Med NE Humanoid) (Med NE Humanoid) (Med NE Humanoid) history check, decipher: (Med LE Undead) (Med CN Monstrosity)
(Large CE Monstrosity) (Large Beast)
A tall, broad old man with a A thin old woman with wispy A short but broad man with Skeletal remains of a human, A ghostly spirit radiates from the
A huge white-furred monster, A powerful and lithe wolf
huge belly and beard. brown hair and kind eyes curly dark grey hair either with a sword or staff floating body of a child
An alchemical fire. between a human and ape. with silver and white fur
AC 15 HP 33 SPD 30’ AC 14 HP 28 SPD 30’ AC 17 HP 40 SPD 30’ AC 13 HP 18 SPD 30’ AC 14 HP 52 SPD 30’
Cursed, and defiled. AC 12 HP 46 SPD 40’ AC 14 HP 27 SPD 50’ S+0 D+2 C+2 I-2 W-1 Ch-3 S+2 D+0 C+2 I+1 W+1 Ch+2
S+2 D+0 C+2 I+1 W+1 Ch+2 S-1 D-1 C+0 I+1 W+3 Ch+0 S+2 D+1 C+3 I+0 W+0 Ch+0 S+4 D+1 C+3 In-1 W+1 Ch-2 S+3 D+2 C+2 In-4 W+1 Ch-2
Regenerate 10HP after 1 Attack: 2x any of below
Adv when ally in 5ft of target Vulnerable to fire Resistance to fire The protected souls. Vulnerable to fire Adv when ally in 5ft of target
Aura enemies in combat take Attack: 1x harvest or heal Adv when ally in 5ft of target round dead if ritual remains Raise dead: Add 1 risen (Re 5-6)
Written, circle whole. Attack: 2x claw + breath Adv to hide in snow
1d4 cold / round within 5ft Attack: 2x flame hammer Staff: D Bolt / Sword: Lunge Possess: DC13 Cha or Controlled
Harvest: M +4, 1d6+2 pierce Claw: M +6, 1d6+4 bludgeon Bite: M +5, 2d6+3 pierce by DM. Save start of each round.
Quarterstaff: M+5, 1d6+4 to all enemies within 5ft, Flame Hammer: M+6, Fuel for the charm. +1d6 cold Lunge: M+5, 1d10 bludgeon
Lunge: M+4, 1d10+3 pierce
Blood, drawn by harm. Death Bolt: R+5, 1d4+4 Soul slash: M +6, 1d12+4
bludgeon +1d4 cold DC12 Con or bleed 1d4 / r 1d6+4 bludgeon + 1d4 fire. Breath: R 10’, 3d6 cold, DC13 Str or prone psychic, DC12 Wis or frightened
Freeze: 1d10 cold dmg in 20” Heal: R 30”, heal 1d4+3 DC 12 Dex or burn for 1d4 necrotic, reducing max HP
DC13 Con or 1r paralyzed.
radius. DC12 Con to halve. fire for 1 additional round Mountaintop Shrine

Here’s an important piece of information! Resolution

There is old magic in these mountains. Something up there Killing the cursed spirit or disrupting the ritual ends the
causes this frost, and it’s only through our prayers that we curse upon the region of Winter’s Peak
can keep it at bay. We’re losing though, the frost is
spreading. Go, find what is causing this frost and end it.
Well golly you can use this space for whatever you like. The cursed spirit can be placated by returning their bones to
their grave in Olde Peak Village or killing the elders
Niklas gives general direction and aid, he will not elaborate Need more information? A cool puzzle that needs a visual reference? A nice image that sets the scene? I bet it could go here.
The elders expect the players to die, and will confront them
on what is causing the frost, nor mention Olde Peak Village.
Or go wild, fill the whole page with text and memes. Whatever I’m not your boss I’m just a template. on the mountain if they return. They may fight if you wish,
He and the other elders have a secret. They sacrificed a or else get out of the situation through negotiation.
child years ago to secure protection and long life. The spell
The overall ending can be as bittersweet as you like. The
requires regular blood, a drop or two at first, but now they
players might be heroes to the village and a new spring has
need whole groups to die to sustain the magic.
sprung, or the spell may in fact have been helping everyone.

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