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Training Management System

Functional Requirements

Sr. Requirement Features / Functionality

Users Role
1. Department Employees 1. Trainee
2. Stakeholders (Students, 2. Trainer / Faculty (Internal / external
Farmers, NI customers, 3. Co-Ordinator / Training Manager
Vendors/Contractors 4. Assistant coordinator
etc.) 5. Approvers
3. Training Institutes 6. HoD
4. Guest Faculty 7. Library
8. Hostel admin
9. Store
10. Accountant
11. Admin
12. Super-admin

Integration 1. SSO such as e-Pramaan, e-Parichay etc. as

finalized during RGT
2. Other Learning Management Applications like
Coursera / Udemy / LinkedIn etc.
3. Online audio + Video + presentation tool like Google
meet / Zoom / MS teams etc.
4. SMS and email gateway
5. Deptt. portals
6. Integration of Faculty payment / payment for Paid
Sr. Requirement Features / Functionality
courses through offline voucher upload

Services / Modules 1. Registration / Bookings (Course, Faculty / Trainer /

Guest Faculty, Co-ordinator, Classroom, Exam,
2. Annual Training Plan preparation / D-90 Format
3. Timetable / Calendar (Notifications / SMS)
4. Online / Offline courses
5. Invitations (Course / Faculty)
6. Nominations (Course / Faculty)
7. Courses list (All, Department / Institute wise,
Subject-wise, Post-wise)
8. Online Courses
9. Lecturers / Faculty list
10. Trainee list (Nominated, Selected, Attended)
11. Classrooms / Rooms
12. Hostel / room (Booking, Check in-out)
13. Attendance
14. Examination
15. Certificates
16. Billing / Payment
17. Publication’s list / Courses materials (PPT, PDF,
Videos – link with YouTube channel, Word, Excel
18. Support / service request
19. Feedback / Evaluation
20. Location (Google map – How to reach)
21. Reports / Dashboards

Master Database 1. Courses (Dept., Subject, Post, Online / offline)

2. Courses type – (Residential, non-residential,
classroom, off campus and or combination)
3. Departments / Institute
4. Branch / Wing
5. HOD
6. Co-ordinator / TM
7. Courses coordinator and assistant coordinator / TM
8. Trainer / Faculty
9. Trainee
10. Classrooms
11. Hostel / Room
12. ATP
13. Batch
14. Exam
15. Billing / Payment
16. Books
17. Couse materials (Word, PDF, Excel, PPT, Videos,
GIS data)
18. Location

General Requirements 1. Web app with responsive Web Design – (front-end

should be accessible over
Sr. Requirement Features / Functionality
laptop/Desktop/Tablets/Mobile Browsers)
2. Bilingual (Marathi and English)
3. Regular training and Direct recruit trainings
4. OTP based login.
5. test and production link separate
6. Cloud based.
7. Open sources solution / standards
8. CMS based.
9. Upload (Image, PDF, Videos, Word, Excel, GIS
10. Security (QC, Network, system, user authorization)
11. Audit trails / logs
12. IPR

User Level Requirements

Sr. Requirement Features / Functionality
A. Trainee 1. Log in.
2. List of associated training as per post / wing (Online / Offline)
4. Mail / SMS of training calendar / program as per post / wing
5. Registration (Message to approval authority of 3 % training
completed / not, registration / acceptance list, Registration /
Cancellation Mail / SMS)
6. Fees (If any – Course, Materials, Hostel, Meals etc.)
7. Location
8. Hostel Booking (Option - Yes / No)
9. Tea, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner (Option - Yes / No)
10. Books / other Materials
11. Course Attendance
12. Exam (Participation, assignment submission, fees,
attendance, result)
13. Evaluation of course, session, hostel etc.
14. Certification (attendance, course completed / incomplete,
15. Support / service request
16. Daily Report (Attend/Activity)
17. Report / Dashboard
18. Compatible with all latest available browsers

B. Trainer / Faculty 1. Log in.

2. List of associated courses as per post / wing (Online / Offline)
3. Mail / SMS of training calendar / program as per post / wing
4. Registration against training / courses
5. Nomination (Nomination list, Nomination mail / SMS,
6. Selection
7. Hostel Booking (Option - Yes / No)
8. Tea, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner (Option - Yes / No)
Sr. Requirement Features / Functionality
9. Course materials upload (PPT, PDF, Data, Word, Excel,
Video-Linked with YouTube Channel)
10. Instructions if any (Laptop / Mobile / software requirement)
11. Exam (Questions, Assignment design, marking – questions
should MCQ / Subjective type, for MCQ – Choice to faculty /
Trainer to fix no. of option, varying or same for different
questions. Facility to Yes / No, True False.)
12. Training / Course delivered (Online / Offline) Attendance
13. Certification (e-book updation)
14. Evaluation of hostel etc.
15. Bill raising / Payment.
16. Support / service request
17. Report / Dashboard

C. Course coordinator / 1. Log in.

Training Manager 2. Registration against Institute
(For individual 3. Prepare / Change / Edit / Delete Master forms
institute) 4. Annual Training Program preparation (for Online / Offline
5. Facility to reschedule ATP and copy previous year’s schedule
6. Selection of Online program from online learning
application i.e. Coursera, Udemy, LinkedIn etc.
7. Online courses auto link generation and link sharing
8. D-90 program / Course timetable
9. List of activity alerts
10. SMS/Mail issuing to Trainee as per post / wing
11. Nomination (Trainee, Trainer / Faculty, Guest Faculty)
12. Selection letter / Mail / SMS
13. Batch preparation
14. Classroom / room allocation
15. Hostel allocation (Post, Gender, Single / Double occupancy
16. Books, Stationary, other learning materials allocation
17. Vehicle allocation
18. Refreshment, Meal planning
19. Attendance Approval (Trainee/Trainer)
20. Examination (Questions, Assignment design, Marking)
21. Certificates issue (Designing/Formatting and editing
22. TA Bills (Trainee / Trainer / Guest Faculty)
23. Penalty action on absence
24. Support / service request
25. Report / Dashboard
26. Training Recording

D. Course-Assistant 1. Assist Training Manager

Sr. Requirement Features / Functionality
E. Approval authority 1. Approval to Trainee
for Trainee 2. Nomination to Trainee
(Controlling authority 3. Cancellation (as per emergency, cancellation of the approved
of the Employee / Trainee)
F. HoD 1. Approval to Course coordinator / Assistant coordinator
2. Approval to Courses
3. Approval to Faculty
4. Approval to ATP
5. Approval to Hostel / Classrooms
6. Approval to attendance, Certificates
7. Approval to Vehicle
8. Approval to Bills / Payments
9. Reports and Dashboard

G. Library Admin 1. Books Management

2. Manuals
3. Videos

H. Hostel admin 1. Hostel management

2. Refreshment / Meal management

I. Store Admin 1. Store / Stationary Management

J. Accountant 1. Bills Check

2. Approval from treasury
3. Bill payment

K. Admin 1. Login
2. CMS
3. User and privileges
4. Database management

L. Super-admin 1. All reports / dashboards

2. Mail / SMS to Institute / TM / Faculty / Trainee

Recommended Modules
Sr. Requirement Features / Functionality
A. Log-in 1. Log in
2. Change password
3. Change profile

B. Dashboard / Reports 1. Courses (Online / Offline)

2. Faculty
3. Trainee
4. Registrations
5. Nominations
Sr. Requirement Features / Functionality
6. Selection
7. Attendance
8. Certificates
9. Budget / Payment / Bills
10. Institute, Deptt. offices, Wings, Year wise report and

C. Courses 1. Online / Offline courses list (Institute / Wings / post wise)

2. D-90 format added
3. Last year same course visible to add / change in current
4. Rescheduling the courses
5. Selection / Nomination (after list finalization, the nomination
should lock)
6. Finalization of Courses by HOD / TM
7. Faculty against Courses

D. Institute 1. List of institutes

2. Courses associated with Institute
3. Course Co-ordinator and assistant Co-ordinator associated
with Institute
4. Faculty associated with Institute
5. HoD associated with institute
6. Classrooms associated with Institute
7. Hostel associated with Institute
8. Vehicle associated with Institute
9. Reports and Dashboards

E. Registration / 1. Registration List

Nomination / 2. Nomination list
Selection / 3. Selection list
Cancellation 4. Rejection (Superior Officer / TM / HoD)
5. Cancellation

F. User Manual 1. Trainee

2. Trainer / Faculty
3. Course coordinator
4. Librarian
5. Hostel-in-charge
6. Accountant
7. Admin
8. Super-Admin

G. Study Materials 1. Study Materials (Video, PPT, Doc, PDF, Data etc.)
(Related to training 2. Study Manual (Video, PPT, Doc, PDF, Data etc.)
H. ATP 1. Course master
2. ATP
3. Final ATP
4. Import from Excel
5. List arranged / select by Date / Institute / Wing / Post etc.
Sr. Requirement Features / Functionality
I. Calendar / Timetable 1. Yearly course
2. Selected courses
3. Notification for attendance (week / day / 1 hour )
4. Notifications for Registration for training (Week/Day/1 hour)

J. Classrooms / Rooms 1. Institute wise availability

2. Room capacity
3. Used / Occupied
4. Available / remaining
5. Classroom table (date, session, course, faculty, attendees)

K. Hostel 1. Institute wise room list

2. Room status (Ready to occupy, Un-cleaned, Occupied,
Under repair also Post/Gender/Single/Double
3. No. of bed
4. Check in / Out
5. Charges
6. SMS / Mail

L. Batches 1. Batch Name, Institute, Course, Max capacity, Faculty

2. Year / Date
3. Co-ordinator
4. Criteria for assigning Batch (Department, Post, Office
location / District, Region)
5. Scheduling
6. SMS / Mail

M. Payment / Bills 1. Faculty payment

2. Report and Dashboard – (Course / faculty / date etc.)
3. SMS / Mail

Other functional requirements

Sr. Tab /
No Location
Dashboard Should display list of activities/ Tasks to be performed by
course coordinator as per D-90 Format, after completing there should
1 Home
be option to check “Completed”. The same should be updated in relative
Course D-90 Format
Course D-90 Format should be added. Reference D-90 Format is given in
Planning Annexure 17
3 ATP All Courses should be arranged by Date
Faculty Payment Module Should be added. Following reports should be
4 generated – Course wise Bill, Faculty wise bill for given duration, Total
bill for courses for given duration & Faculty (Individual & All)
Nomination -
5 Draft “Select All” Check box is required on each page
Selection list
Sr. Tab /
No Location
Nomination -
Add column of “Circle Office Name” in draft selection list in all 3 tabs –
TM Nominations, Rejected by TM, Action not taken
Selection list
6 General All Drop Down should be arranged Alphabetically
Progress Bar (Dotted Circle) should be added to all pages where there
7 General
is a Back-end activity is progress
8 Planning - Last used timetable should be displayed for the repetitive course
Time Table
For the same course repeating in a year, each time the user has to
create new course, sessions and other related things. This causes the
9 Planning -
time table for repeated course should be same as previous course and
Time Table
user should be able to edit it to make minor changes, if needed.
A list of all officers should be displayed on dashboard who have self-
nominated for various courses under that TM. At present TM has to
select each course and then only he/she is able to see the self-
TM Login - nominations. Instead of that, following table should be displayed
Dashboard Sr. Name of Office Mobile Nominated Period Action
no. Officer Name No. for Course (From- (Approve/
Name To) Reject)

Nomination not received as per the criteria for any training, the on-the-
Course –
spot nomination facility should available. For on-the-spot Registration,
10 Confirmation
User has to enter all the details for candidates. These Details should be
– Spot
fetched from Aadhar or Mobile No. of the Trainee.
The system should not take new nominations once the list is finalized
by the Course Co-Ordinator. After approval received from the authority,
Trainee list of nomination will be confirmed, and that final list will display in
11 another tab “List of trainees”.
System should take nominations other than TIA Department

Course Mode
12 System should support Offline as well as Online Courses
After registration each user should be given an unique ID end with “-
13 Registration
tms” suffix
After Registration of list of all scheduled training should be display to
14 Registration
User interface and details should be login specific
15 Registration

16 Nomination Nomination of same employee should not possible for same duration
Notification through Email and SMS should be made available in case
of following events:
1. Registration
18 Notification 2. Forgot Password (OTP to registered mobile number)
3. Reset password.
4. Notification for nomination to Controlling authority
5. Nomination Confirmation
Sr. Tab /
No Location
6. Confirmation of selection
Comprehensive list of notification events should be captured during
Requirement Gathering Phase

General requirements
To develop Training Management Systemin cloud agnostic architecture
(subject to further discussion during RGT)
1 The portal must support bilingual i.e. English & Marathi

2 The portal must comply with the latest DIT GR’s GAD-IT-060/3/2017
To develop CMS based Application
The CMS must have a role privilege facility for super admin and admin users for each
5 Super admin will have full control on all content and files of the application
Admin user will have full control on all users, content and files in each linked
Institutes application
7 Admin users can create multiple admin users of their respective linked Institutes only
CMS user session will not interfere with normal browsing or session with the public
part of the application.
The aim will allow a CMS user to use different tabs in the same browser to use CMS
and view the application simultaneously.
The CMS must be responsible for creating multiple pages, tabs, menus, marque, and
page dependent elements.
The CMS must be user friendly in nature for creation of multiple web pages,
uploading of multiple images, videos, and documents
The application(front-end) must be responsive in nature and should be accessible
over Tablets/iPad/Mobile Browsers
CMS and application will work in any modern browser on any operating system
without requiring additional Installation of software besides the browser itself.
Web application will be cross browser and cross platform compatible. Compatible
with all the mobile OS brewers.
Audit trail report has to be maintained for each and every CMS user to track the
changes made in the application
Maintaining of the audit trail report of each and every Content as well to track which
user was involved in the changes of that particular content is required.
17 Every content page must be created from CMS and must support bilingual.
Every content page must support uploading of multiple images, Videos & documents
Viz spreadsheets document set.
19 Application must support Latest News section as per requirement of DEPARTMENT.

20 Facility to insert meta data for each page or globally, in bilingual.

The Bidder must extend their full support in data and content migration whenever
needed from any applications of DEPARTMENT
22 The Bidder must support the department in content entry within the application.
The application must support Image and Video gallery within the application with
appropriate title and description beneath the Images and videos.
To develop Training Management Systemin cloud agnostic architecture
(subject to further discussion during RGT)
Every text field in the CMS and application must not take special characters and
24 numbers if any user does so alert must be placed side by the text field to restrict the
Every numeric field in the CMS must not take any special character and text if any
user does so alert must be placed side by the numeric field to restrict the user.
Custom validation must be used for each and every mandatory fields across the
27 Tool-tip is must for input fields for example for text field, numeric field etc. in the CMS
Hover text is must for all input fields for example for text field, numeric field etc. in the
Document upload progress bar must be there whenever a file is uploaded in the CMS
29 and after the upload is done there must be success message pop-up that the file
name has been uploaded successfully.
30 Font Style must be same across the format
The application must have a total visitor count, sitemap, today’s visitor count, Last
viewed etc. in the footer of the application
Report generation
32 • Audit trail report
More details regarding the report creation will be disclosed during RGT preparation.
33 • Keyword search, Typo search
• Advance search
Mechanism for updating offline payments to faculty or other external parties through
Voucher upload

Common features:
• The system should be able to generate or upload the office documents as required and
• The system should generate or upload all the document in the
word/excel/pdf/design/drawing format.
• The system should allow role-based user creation and access
• The system should generate the trail and Audit log of entry done by user.
• The system should not delete any entry if any kind of approval is given, or such entry is
used in system.
• The system should have provision of super administrator and a local office level
administration to manage the software module as per the hierarchy and delegation of
authority in DEPARTMENT from both frontend and backend.
• Application should be capable of integrating with existing systems at the time of
development. Details shall be provided during the requirement gathering stage
• The system must support a configurable session timeout which forces a user to log back
in after a period to ensure security. This shall be accomplished without losing user’s
• Captcha authentication is required during the login to prevent bots from automatically
submitting forms with SPAM or other unwanted content.
• The system should be able to send Email and SMS based on pre-defined events and
• The system should also support offline payment integration i.e., uploading of expense /
payment vouchers.
Management Information System
• System should include Dashboards for Data Analysis. The system should have a
DASHBOARD where the status of progress would be displayed in infographics as well
in its details.
• The system should be able to generate reports in MS excel or .csv formats or
PDF format in accordance with operational requirement of DEPARTMENT.
• The system should be able to search and view the details.
• System shall maintain report and data archives as per the requirements of DEPARTMENT
• System shall be capable of query-based reports

Manpower Deployment
The responsibilities, minimum qualification requirements and deployment for project manager
are specified below and must be met by the agency. The agency shall facilitate remote
deployment/ support of dedicated manpower for operation & maintenance, post go live.

# Personnel Minimum Qualifications

1 Project Manager Prince 2 / PMP certified professional/Experience in similar project
with domain knowledge: with 8 + years of experience in IT
software’s implementation. Must be exceptional at documenting,
taking lead on requirement gathering, communicating with
respective stake holders – preferable in Marathi, Hindi & English

Project Timeline & Deliverables

Phase / Project Deliverable Timeline

T1 = T + 20 days
a. Requirement gathering Document
b. Initial draft Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) *Where T is the
1 c. Detailed Project Plan Date of Issuance of
Work Oder.
a. Clickable Wireframes
b. UI/UX Design Document
2 Design T2 = T1+ 10 days*
c. Software Design Document (SDD)
d. Updated draft Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM)
a. System Requirement Specification Document (SRS)
Development b. Updated draft Requirement Traceability Matrix
3 (RTM) T3 = T2+60 days*
a. Test Plan
b. Test Cases
c. Bug Report based on approved test plan and test
QA Testing cases
d. Bug resolution report
e. Updated draft Requirement Traceability
4 T4 = T3+20 days*
a. Release Note
b. Initial draft of user Manual of CMS and application
UAT deployment and
c. Updated draft Requirement Traceability
5 d. Updated Detailed Project Plan T5 = T4 + 20 days*
Production a. Release Notes
deployment, Security
b. Security Audit Certificate for Training Management T6 = T5 + 25 days*
Audit and
6 System for DEPARTMENT
Pilot project and Mock a. GIGW , Regulatory Compliance confirmation
Go-Live b. Updated Test Cases
c. Updated Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM)
T7 = T6 + 10 days*
d. Usability Testing Report
Go-live a) Release Notes of applications
T9 = T8 + 5 days*
b) Updated UI/UX Design Document
c) Updated Software Design Document (SDD)
d) Updated System Requirement Specification
Document (SRS)
8 e) Updated user Manual of CMS and application
f) Updated Project Plan

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